Florida Engineers Management Corporation vs.
Lester M. Maples, P.E.
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, March 31, 2006.
Recommended Order on Friday, March 31, 2006.
15Petitioner, )
18vs. ) Case No. 05 - 4270PL
32Respondent. )
37This cause came on for formal hearing before Harry L.
47Hooper, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of
55Administr ative Hearings, on February 13 , 2006, in Panama City,
67For Petitioner: Bruce A. Campbell, Esquire
73Flo rida Engineers Management Corporation
782507 Callaway Road, Suite 200
83Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 5267
88For Respondent: Alvin L. Peters, Esquire
94Peters & Scoon
9725 East 8th Street
101Panama City, Florida 32401
110The issue s are whether Respondent violated Section
118471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2003), by negligence in the
126practice of engineering, and whether Respondent v iolated
134Sections 471.023 and 471.033(1)(a), Florida Statutes (200 3 ), by
144practicing engi neering through a business organization that d id
154not , nor does it currently have, a C ertificate of A uthorization.
168In an Administrative Complaint filed October 28, 2005,
176Respondent Lester M. Maples (Mr. Maples) , a professional
184enginee r , was charged by the Florida Engineers Management
193Corporation (FEMC) , before the Board of Professional Engineers
201(Board) , with violating certain sections of Chapter 471, Florida
210Statutes. Mr. Maples filed an Election of Rights with the Board
221on November 16, 2005, demanding a formal hearing. In a response
232filed with the Board on November 21, 2005, Mr. Maples denied all
244of the allegations .
248The matter was filed with the Division of Administrative
257Hearings on November 21, 2005. It was set for final hearing on
269February 13 and 14, 2006 . The hearing was completed by the end
282of the day on February 13, 2006.
289At the hearing, FEMC presented the testimony of the
298Mr. Maples and Edward J. Spahn, who is an expert in fire
310protection engineering . The FEMC offered Peti tioner's Exhibit
319Nos. 1 - 5 and 5a into evidence , and they were admitted.
331Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 was asserted to be a fire protection
342plan for the Treasure Island Condominiums dated January 27,
3512004. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5 is a fire protection plan for
362the Treasure Island Condominiums that was submitted to the Bay
372County Building Official on January 19, 2005. The plan has a
383typed date of January 16, 2004 , and a hand - written date of
396June 30, 2004 . U ndecipherable initials appear by the hand
407written date. It is the plan that was submitted to the Bay
419County Building Official for purposes of permitting.
426Mr. Maples presented the testimony of Chris Thomas and
435Richard Lovejoy, an expert in fire protection engineering.
443Mr. Maples also testified o n his o wn behalf. Mr. Maples offered
456Respondent's E xhibit Nos. 1 and 2 into evi dence , and they were
469admitted. Respondent ' s Exhibit No. 1 is a fire protection plan
481for the Treasure Island Condominiums dated June 8, 2004 ; it is
492signed by Mr. Maples, and has the w ords "job site" stamped upon
505it . Respondent ' s Exhibit No. 2 is a fire protection plan for
519the Treasure Island Condominiums that is also dated June 8,
5292004 , and is also signed by Mr. Maples . It is essentially
541identical to Respondent s Exhibit No. 1 , excep t that it does not
555have the words "job site" stamped upon it.
563A Transcript was filed on March 6, 2006. After the
573hearing, Petitioner and Respondent filed their Proposed Findings
581of Fact and Conclusions of Law on March 14, and 16, 2006,
593respectively .
595Ref erences to statutes are to Florida Statutes (200 3)
605unless otherwise noted.
6111. Mr. Maples is a licensed professional engineer in the
621State of Florida. He holds license no. PE 10214 , and he
632practices engineering in the Panama City, Flor ida, area. During
642all times pertinent Mr. Maples held an active license and
652practiced pursuant to it.
6562. FEMC is charged with providing administrative,
663investigative, and prosecutorial services to the Board of
671Professional Engineers pursuant to Section 471.038, Florida
6793. The Board of Professional Engineers exists pursuant to
688Section 471.007 and is authorized to discipline engineers under
697its authority by Section 455.225.
7024. During times pertinent , Mr. Maples provided engineering
710drawings t o Chris Thomas (Mr. Thomas) , who own ed Panhandle Fire
722Protection, Inc. (Panhandle) of Lynn Haven, Florida . Mr. Maples
732maintained his engineering supplies in Mr. Thomas's office .
741Mr. Maples did most of his engineering work in his home in Lynn
754Haven, Flor ida. During times pertinent, Panhandle was his only
765Count One
7675 . At a time prior to January 27, 2004, Panhandle entered
779into an agreement with Bill Grimsley (Mr. Grimsley or Owner) .
790Mr. Grimsley was building a 22 - story building in Panama City
802B each, Florida, which was to be named Treasure Island
812Condominium s (the Condominium s ). The agreement contemplated
821that Panhandle would address the f ire suppression needs of the
832Condominium s .
8356. In order to address the fire suppression needs of the
846Condom inium s a fire protection plan using water sprinklers was
857required. The fire protection plan that was ultimately
865developed and submitted for permitting, FEMC's Exhibit No. 5,
874provided for the installation of more than 49 sprinklers.
883Although it is difficu lt to determine exactly how many
893sprinklers were to be utilized, the number was in excess of
9057 . The Condominium s included residential area s and garage
916area s . The residential area s were to be provided with a "wet"
930sprinkler system and the garage ar ea s were to be provided with a
"944dry" sprinkler system. A "wet" system employs pipes which
953always have water in them. A "dry" system has no water until it
966is activated during a fire. A "dry" system is used where
977freezing might be a hazard. Thus the gara ge, which was not
989designed to be heated, had a dry system.
9978 . Mr. Thomas drafted a sprinkler system for the
1007Condominium s using shop drawings of the Condominium s provided to
1018him by the O wner . Mr. Maples reviewed and corrected
1029Mr. Thomas's work. Thereaf ter, he sealed the drawings that were
1040FEMC's Exhibit No. 1 on January 27, 2004. Mr. Maples did not
1052intend for these drawings to be the complete and final drawings
1063for this project. They were for the use of the Owner. These
1075drawings formed the basis of F EMC's complaint of negligence in
1086the practice of engineering with regard to Mr. Maples .
10969 . Mr. Thomas , or his employees, made certain
1105calculations , based on the drawings which set forth the
1114schematic of the sprinkler systems . Drawings are the source
1124doc uments for calculations. The calculations provide
1131information about the system, including pipe diameter and
1139length , and water pressures at various points. FEMC's Exhibit
1148No. 2 are calculations which were signed by Mr. Maples, but were
1160no t seal ed by him . These calculations are dated May 21, 2004.
117410 . The calculations that are FEMC's Exhibit No. 2 are in
1186two parts. One part addresses the wet system for the
1196residential areas and the other part addresses the dry system
1206for the garage areas.
12101 1 . It was n ot proved by clear and convincing evidence
1223that t he calculations that are FEMC's Exhibit No. 2 correspond
1234to FEMC's Exhibit No. 1 , although they were clearly prepared for
1245some iteration of the fire protection plan for the Condominium s .
1257The probability is high that FEMC's Exhibit No. 2 was prepared
1268for a n iteration of drawings prepared subsequent to FEMC's
1278Exhibit No. 1 . For instance, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1
1288reflects a six - inch pipe under a walkway leading to a standpipe
1301on the first page. On Petitione r's Exhibit No. 5, a later
1313iteration of the plans, the pipe is shown as a four - inch pipe ,
1327and Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2 shows calculations for a four -
1338inch pipe.
134012 . The absence of calculations that are specific to the
1351operative plans, FEMC 's Exhibit No . 1, means that there is no
1364record adequate for finding facts to support Count One .
13741 3 . FEMC's Exhibit No. 1 was never submitted to the
1386authority having jurisdiction , the Bay County Building Official .
1395FEMC's Exhibit No. 1 was not prepared with the int ent that it
1408was to be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction.
14171 4 . FEMC did not prove by clear and convincing evidence
1429that FEMC's Exhibit No. 1 was a fire protection system
1439engineering document as defined in Florida Administrative Code
1447Chapter 6 1G15 - 32. This fact was admitted in FEMC's Proposed
1459Recommended Order.
14611 5 . Accordingly, b ecause the allegations of negligence in
1472the Administrative Complaint are limited to violations of
1480Florida Administrative Code Chapter 61G15 - 32 , addressing fire
1489prote ction system engineering documents , the s pecific
1497alle gations of Count One suggesting Mr. Maples failed to comply
1508with Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G15 - 32.003 and National
1518Fire Protection Association 13 (NFPA 13 ) , and the s pecific
1529allegations suggest ing Mr. Maples failed to comply with Florida
1539Administrative Code Rule 61G15 - 32.004 , were not proven .
1549Count Two
15511 6 . Count Two of the Administrative Complaint alleges at
1562paragraph 11, that "the fire protection documents prepared for
1571the Treasure Island Co ndominium contain a title block for
1581Panhandle Fire Protection, with a designer, Chris Thomas.
1589Respondent signed and sealed the documents but no title block
1599reflects a separate address for him." As noted above, the
1609document dated January 27, 2004, to whic h the quoted paragraph
1620refers, is admittedly not a fire protection engineering
1628document .
16301 7 . Count Two of the Administrative Complaint further
1640alleges at paragraph 12, that, "Respondent signed a letter on
1650the stationery of Panhandle Fire Protection, Inc. , dated July 7,
16602004, listing his capacity as 'Engineer,' in response to the
1671notice of investigation of a complaint about the Treasure Island
1681Condominium." This letter was a mere inquiry to the Florida
1691Board of Professional Engineers and correctly noted t hat the
1701complaint was based on an owner review set of plans rather than
1713the permitted ones. The signers of the letter , Mr. Maples and
1724Mr. Thomas, were both concerned about the allegations that had
1734been made against them. This letter provides , at most, a
1744scintilla of evidence that Mr. Maples was practicing engineering
1753through a business entity that does not have a C ertificate of
1765A uthorization.
176718 . Panhandle has not been issued a Certificate of
1777Authorization by the Board.
178119 . Mr. Thomas does not use an y title that refers to
1794himself as an engineer, including any title described by Section
1804471.031. He is a self - taught "sprinkler man," who has been in
1817the business for 25 years.
182220. The license held by Mr. Thomas , "Contractor II," was
1832issued pursuant to Section 633.021 , and permits him to design
1842fire protection systems using 49 or fewer sprinkler heads .
185221. Panhandle was engaged in the business of desi gning, as
1863well as building the sprinkler system for the Condominiums , and
1873the design had many more th an 49 heads . Panhandle was
1885practicing engineering as defined by Section 471.005(7).
1892Specifically, Panhandle was practicing fire protection
189922. Mr. Maples was not an employee of Panhandle. Rather,
1909he was paid for each individual job that he did for Panhandle.
1921Mr. Maples has worked for Mr. Thomas for several years and has
1933participated in the production of over one hundred sets of fire
1944protection plans. Mr. Maples was practicing engineering thr ough
1953a corporation that had no C ertificate of A u thorization.
19672 3 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has
1976jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this
1987proceeding. § 120.57(1), Fla. Stat . (2005) .
19952 4 . Section 471.033(1)(a) authorizes the Board, on whose
2005behal f the Corporation has prosecuted this matter pursuant to
2015Section 471.038(3), to discipline an engineer proved guilty of
2024negligence in the practice of engineering , which is specifically
2033addressed in Section 471.033(1)(g) . As noted above, no evidence
2043was ad duced which would permit a finding of guilty of violating
2055Section 471.033(1)(g) .
20582 5 . Section 471.033( 1 ) (a) , authorizes the Board, on whose
2071behalf the Corporation has prosecuted this matter pursuant to
2080Section 471.038(3), to discipline an engineer proved guilty of
2089violating Section 471.023.
20922 6 . The charge in this case is penal in nature and must be
2107strictly construed, with ambiguities being resolved in favor of
2116the licensee. Lester v. Department of Professional and
2124Occupational Regulations , 348 So. 2d 92 3, 925 (Fla. 1st DCA
21351977) and Elmariah v . Department of Professional Regulation , 574
2145So. 2d 164 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990).
21522 7 . As the party asserting the affirmative of an issue,
2164the Corporation has the burden o f proof. Department of
2174Transportation v. J.W. C Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 790 (Fla. 1st DCA
218828 . The grounds proven must be those specifically alleged
2198in the Administrative Complaint. See Cottrill v. Department of
2207Insurance , 685 So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987).
221729 . Section 471.023, provides:
2222§ 471.023. Certification of business
2227organizations .
2229(1) The practice of, or the offer to
2237practice, engineering by licensees or
2242offering engineering services to the public
2248through a business organization, including a
2254partnership, corporation, business tr ust, or
2260other legal entity or by a business
2267organization, including a corporation,
2271partnership, business trust, or other legal
2277entity offering such services to the public
2284through licensees under this chapter as
2290agents, employees, officers, or partners is
2296p ermitted only if the business organization
2303possesses a certification issued by the
2309management corporation pursuant to
2313qualification by the board, subject to the
2320provisions of this chapter. One or more of
2328the principal officers of the business
2334organization or one or more partners of the
2342partnership and all personnel of the
2348business organization who act in its behalf
2355as engineers in this state shall be licensed
2363as provided by this chapter. All final
2370drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or
2375documents inv olving practices licensed under
2381this chapter which are prepared or approved
2388for the use of the business organization or
2396for public record within the state shall be
2404dated and shall bear the signature and seal
2412of the licensee who prepared or approved
2419them. Nothing in this section shall be
2426construed to mean that a license to practice
2434engineering shall be held by a business
2441organization. Nothing herein prohibits
2445business organizations from joining together
2450to offer engineering services to the public,
2457if each business organization otherwise
2462meets the requirements of this section. No
2469business organization shall be relieved of
2475responsibility for the conduct or acts of
2482its agents, employees, or officers by reason
2489of its compliance with this section, nor
2496shall any individual practicing engineering
2501be relieved of responsibility for
2506professional services performed by reason of
2512his or her employment or relationship with a
2520business organization.
252230 . Section 633.021 provides, in part, as follows:
2531§ 633.021. Definiti ons
2535As used in this chapter:
2540* * *
2543(4) "Contracting" means engaging in
2548business as a contractor.
2552(5)(a) " Contractor I" means a contractor
2558whose business includes the execution of
2564contracts requiring the ability to lay out,
2571fabricate, install, inspect , alter, repair,
2576and service all types of fire protection
2583systems, excluding preengineered systems.
2587(b) " Contractor II" means a contractor
2593whose business is limited to the execution
2600of contracts requiring the ability to lay
2607out, fabricate, install, inspe ct, alter,
2613repair, and service water sprinkler systems,
2619water spray systems, foam - water sprinkler
2626systems, foam - water spray systems,
2632standpipes, combination standpipes and
2636sprinkler risers, all piping that is an
2643integral part of the system beginning at the
2651point of service as defined in this section,
2659sprinkler tank heaters, air lines, thermal
2665systems used in connection with sprinklers,
2671and tanks and pumps connected thereto,
2677excluding preengineered systems.
2680* * *
2683The definitions in this subsection must not
2690be construed to include fire protection
2696engineers or architects and do not limit or
2704prohibit a licensed fire protection engineer
2710or architect from designing any type of fire
2718protection system. A distinction is made
2724between system design concepts prepared by
2730the design professional and system layout as
2737defined in this section and typically
2743prepared by the contractor . However,
2749persons certified as a Contractor I,
2755Contractor II, or Contractor IV under this
2762chapter may design fire protection systems
2768of 49 or fewer sprinklers, and may design
2776the alteration of an existing fire sprinkler
2783system if the alteration consists of the
2790relocation, addition, or deletion of not
2796more than 49 sprinklers, notwithstanding the
2802size of the existing fire sprinkler system.
2809A Cont ractor I, Contractor II, or Contractor
2817IV may design a fire protection system the
2825scope of which complies with NFPA 13D,
2832Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler
2838Systems in One - and Two - Family Dwellings and
2848Manufactured Homes, as adopted by the State
2855Fir e Marshal, notwithstanding the number of
2862fire sprinklers. Contractor - developed plans
2868may not be required by any local permitting
2876authority to be sealed by a registered
2883professional engineer.
288531. Section 471.005, provides as follows:
2891§ 471.005. Definiti ons
2895As used in this chapter, the term:
2902* * *
2905(7) "Engineering" includes the term
"2910professional engineering" and means any
2915service or creative work, the adequate
2921performance of which requires engineering
2926education, training, and experience in the
2932appli cation of special knowledge of the
2939mathematical, physical, and engineering
2943sciences to such services or creative work
2950as consultation, investigation, evaluation,
2954planning, and design of engineering works
2960and systems, planning the use of land and
2968water, tea ching of the principles and
2975methods of engineering design, engineering
2980surveys, and the inspection of construction
2986for the purpose of determining in general if
2994the work is proceeding in compliance with
3001drawings and specifications, any of which
3007embraces suc h services or work, either
3014public or private, in connection with any
3021utilities, structures, buildings, machines,
3025equipment, processes, work systems,
3029projects, and industrial or consumer
3034products or equipment of a mechanical,
3040electrical, hydraulic, pneumati c, or thermal
3046nature, insofar as they involve safeguarding
3052life, health, or property; and includes such
3059other professional services as may be
3065necessary to the planning, progress, and
3071completion of any engineering services. A
3077person who practices any branc h of
3084engineering; who, by verbal claim, sign,
3090advertisement, letterhead, or card, or in
3096any other way, represents himself or herself
3103to be an engineer or, through the use of
3112some other title, implies that he or she is
3121an engineer or that he or she is licen sed
3131under this chapter; or who holds himself or
3139herself out as able to perform, or does
3147perform, any engineering service or work or
3154any other service designated by the
3160practitioner which is recognized as
3165engineering shall be construed to practice
3171or offer to practice engineering within the
3178meaning and intent of this chapter.
318432. As noted in paragraph 30 above, a licensed fire
3194protection engineer may design any type of fire protection
3203system. A Contractor II may only design systems of 49 or fewer
3215heads. Thus, Mr. Maples was designing what he was authorized to
3226design , but he did it though a company that did not have a
3239C ertificate of A uthority under Section 417.023, to wit:
32503 3 . Without Mr. Maples' seal , the authority having
3260jurisdiction, the Bay County Building Official, could not have
3269approved Panhandle ' s fire protection plan for the Condominiums.
32793 4 . This case is similar to Florida Engineers Management
3290Corporation v. George , Case N o. 04 - 3224 (DOAH December 7, 2004).
3303In that case, George wa s a licensed professional engineer who
3314performed engineering services for Atlantic V inyl Windows and
3323Doors, Inc., through Highlands Engineering, Inc. Th e latter
3332entity did not have a Certificate of A uthori ty at the time
3345George did the engineering work, al though Highlands was eligible
3355for a Certificate of A uthority and eventually obtained one.
33653 5 . The Administrative Law Judge in the George case
3376concluded that George violated Section 471.023 , and it is
3385likewise concluded in this case that Section 471.023, a nd thus
3396Section 471. 033(1)(a), was violated by Mr. Maples.
34043 6 . For a violation of Section 471.033(1)(a), the Board
3415may impose discipline ranging from a reprimand and two years
3425probation to a one - year suspension; and an administrative fine
3436from $1,000 to $ 5,000. Fla. Admin. Code R. 61G15 - 19.004(2)(s).
34503 7 . The Board may deviate from the guidelines listed above
3462based on aggravating or mitigating circumstances. Fla. Admin.
3470Code R. 61G15 - 19.004(3). No aggravating circumstances are
3479present other than the tes timony of Mr. Maples stating he has
3491been practicing through Panhandle for eight or ten years.
3500Mitigating the circumstances is the lack of evidence
3508demonstrating prior disciplinary action by the Board.
3516Based upon the Findings of Fact and Con clusions of Law, it
3529RECOMMENDED that the allegations under Count One be
3537dismissed, that Mr. Maples be determined to be guilty of the
3548allegation in Count Two , that he be reprimanded , and that he be
3560placed on probation for two years.
3566DONE AND ENTERED th is 3 1st day of March , 2006, in
3578Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.
3586Administrative Law Judge
3589Division of Administrative Hearings
3593The DeSoto Building
35961230 Apalachee Parkway
3599Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
3604(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675
3612Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847
3619Filed with the Clerk of the
3625Division of Administrative Hearings
3629this 3 1st day of March , 2006 .
3640Bruce A. Campbell, Esquire
3644Florida Engineers Management Corporation
36482507 Callaway Road, Suite 200
3653Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 5267
3658Alvin L. Peters, Esquire
3662Peters & Scoon
366525 East 8th Street
3669Panama City, Florida 32401
3673Paul J. Martin, Executive Director
3678Board of Professional Engineers
3682Department of Business
3685and Professional Regulation
36882507 Ca llaway, Suite 200
3693Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 5267
3698Doug Sunshine, Esquire
3701Vice President for Legal Affairs
3706Florida Engineers Management Corporation
37102507 Callaway Road
3713Tallahassee, Florida 32303 - 5267
3718Josefina Tamayo, General Counsel
3722Department of Busine ss
3726and Professional Regulation
3729Northwood Centre
37311940 North Monroe Street
3735Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202
3746All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within
375615 days from the date of this Recommended Or der. Any exceptions
3768to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that
3779will issue the Final Order in this case.
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 06/23/2006
- Proceedings: Letter to Agency General Counsel from Ann Cole transmitting depositions of Michael Gordon and Jerry Blount to the agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/13/2006
- Proceedings: Respondent`s Exceptions to Recommended Order of Judge Harry L. Hooper filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/31/2006
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/17/2006
- Proceedings: Proposed Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law on behalf of Respondent, Lester M. Maples, P.E. filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/15/2006
- Proceedings: Letter to Judge Hooper from B. Campbell enclosing Exhibit 5 filed (not available for viewing).
- Date: 03/06/2006
- Proceedings: Transcript filed.
- Date: 02/13/2006
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/26/2006
- Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/28/2005
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 13 and 14, 2006; 9:30 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
- PDF:
- Date: 12/27/2005
- Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 11/21/2005
- Date Assignment:
- 02/09/2006
- Last Docket Entry:
- 07/13/2006
- Location:
- Panama City, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
- Suffix:
- PL
Bruce Campbell, Esquire
Address of Record -
Alvin Lee Peters, Esquire
Address of Record