05-004354 James L. Smith vs. Department Of Health
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, April 26, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent did not prove that Petitioner caused a sanitary nuisance.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 05 - 4354




29Respondent. )



34This cause came on for fo rmal hearing before Barbara J.

45Staros, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

53Administrative Hearings, on March 14, 2006, by video -

62teleconferencing with the parties appearing in Jacksonville and

70the Administrative Law Judge appearing in Tallahassee, Florida.


79For Petitioner: James L. Smith, pro se

86All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc.

928300 West Beaver Street

96Jacksonville, Florida 32206 - 4311

101For Respondent: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

107Department of Health

110515 West Sixth Street

114Jacksonville, Florida 32206 - 4311


123The issue is whether Petitioner created a sanitary nuisance

132in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E -

1416.022(1)( d)(l) and ( q) and, if so, the proper penalty.


154Petitioner James L. Smith, who is employed by All Florida

164Septic Tank Services, Inc., was served a "Citation for Violation

174Onsite Sewage Program/Sanitary Nuisance" at a job site in

183Jacksonville, Florida, on April 15, 2004. Mr. Smit h contested

193the citation and requested an administrative hearing. On

201November 29, 2005, more than a year and a - half later, the matter

215was transmitted by the Department of Health to the Division of

226Administrative Hearings.

228At hearing, Mr. Smith testified on his own behalf.

237Respondent presented the testimony of Scott Turner and Colleen

246Bierbach and offered Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1 through 3,

255which were admitted into evidence. Respondent's counsel stated

263at the hearing that its exhibits had been se nt by overnight

275delivery to the Division. However, the exhibits were not

284received or filed until April 24, 2006.

291No transcript was filed. The parties were given the

300opportunity to file proposed recommended orders within 10 days

309of the hearing. Neither p arty filed any written post - hearing


322References to statutes are to Florida Statutes (2005)

330unless otherwise noted.


3361. The Department of Health, Duval County Health

344Departm ent (Department), is the agency charged with enfo rcing

354the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to septic

362tank installations and repairs in Florida, pursuant to Section

371381.0065, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code

378Chapter 64E - 6.

3822. Mr. Smith is a qualified contractor employed b y All

393Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. (All Florida). The citation

402issued on April 15, 2004, identifies Mr. Smith's registration

411number as SR0011389 and All Florida's registration number as


4213. The citation describes the alleged violations as


430On March 8, 2004 , a repair application was

438submitted to the Duval County Health

444Department (DCHD) for 8817 & 8821 Bellrose

451Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32244. All Florida

457Septic Tank Service, Inc. was indicated as

464the agent for the applicant/prop erty owner,

471Ben Lewis. On April 8, 2004 , Robert Hoag,

479qualifying contractor for Plumbing and

484Contracting by Hoag, disconnected the stub

490out line running from the house to the

498existing septic tank prior to installation

504of new septic tanks thus creating a s anitary

513nuisance. The existing septic tanks were

519abandoned at said property by All Florida

526Septic Tank Service, Inc.; DCHD was not

533notified of tank abandonment as required for

540inspection. Water supply was not turned off

547during he time of construction. O n April 9,

5562004 , Colleen Bierbach, DCHD inspector,

561observed and photographed prima facie

566evidence of untreated human waste discharge

572onto ground surface at 8817 & 8821 Bellrose


5814. Mr. Smith accepted the citation on April 15, 2004. On

592the s ame date, Mr. Smith wrote a letter to Scott Turner of the

606Department of Health, in response to the citation. His letter

616reads as follows:

619Mr Scott Turner,

622On April 8, 2004 All Florida Septic Tank

630Service Inc. started a job at 8817 and 8821

639Bellrose Avenu e in which new tanks and

647drainfields were required. In order for the

654new drainfield to be installed the existing

661tank had to be abandon [sic] prior to any

670work being done. The two existing

676referenced tanks were properly pumped out an

683abandoned on April 8 , 2004 .

689The new septic tanks were scheduled to be

697installed that same day. Due to mechanical

704problems with the crane truck, the tanks

711were unable to be set that day, causing the

720contracted plumber, Robert Hoag, to be

726unable to tie in the new sewer lin e. On the

737following day April 9, 2004 tanks (1500

744gallon septic tank) and (750 gallon dosing

751tank) were installed with a different truck.

758At that time the contracted plumber was

765onsite to immediately tie in the sewer line.

773In the mean time the Duval Cou nty Health

782Department came to do the required

788inspection of the new system, at which time

796Colleen Bierback of the Health Department

802observed a small amount of sewage on the

810ground and photographed the site. Mr. Hoag

817immediately tied the sewer in at the sa me

826time, fixing the sanitary nuisance within

832one hour after inspection.

8365. According to Mr. Smith, sanitary problems existed at

845this work site for months. That is, raw sewage had been coming

857out of the old septic system for a long time. In Mr. S mith's

871words, "I was there to fix the sanitary nuisance, not create


8836. The owner of the property in question engaged Mr. Hoag,

894of Plumbing and Contracting by Hoag, to accomplish the plumbing

904portion of the operation.

9087. While Mr. Smith's letter s tated that the new septic

919tanks were actually installed on April 9, 2004, Mr. Smith

929testified at hearing that he performed excavation services,

937installed a new drainfield and set the new septic tanks on

948April 8, 2004. The sand and new drainfield had to be put in

961first and the new tanks installed last. The plumber, Mr. Hoag,

972would be responsible to make the necessary pipe connection on

982the new tanks. However, Mr. Hoag did not make the necessary

993pipe connection and the occupants of the residences used the

1003facilities between April 8, 2004, and April 9, 2004.

10128. Mr. Smith did not call anyone to inspect the old septic

1024tank upon abandonment. According to Mr. Smith, it is common

1034practice in the Jacksonville area to not call for an

"1044abandonment" inspection when the contractor has a permit to

1053install a new tank.

10579. The Department's inspector, Colleen Bierbach,

1063acknowledged that All Florida called for an installation

1071inspection of newly installed tanks on April 8, 2004.

108010. On the morning of April 9, 2004, a fter the new tanks

1093h ad been installed, Ms. Bierbach went to 8817 and 8821 Bellrose

1105Avenue. She observed raw sewage on the ground flowing toward

1115the septic tanks. She took photographs of what she observed ,

1125but the copies of the photographs received in evi dence are too

1137blurry to show the extent of what she saw.

114611. Mr. Smith arrived at the work site just after

1156Ms. Bierbach arrived on April 9, 2004.

116312. The description of the violation in the citation

1172states that Mr. Hoag, the plumber, "disconnected the stub out

1182line running from the house to the existing septic tank prior to

1194the installation of the new septic tanks thus creating a

1204sanitary nuisance." The evidence is insufficient to prove that

1213Mr. Smith's actions, as opposed to the actions of Mr. Hoag,

1224c aused the unsanitary conditions.


123213. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1239jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this

1250proceeding. § 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.

125514. The Department has the burden of proving by cl ear and

1267convincing evidence that Mr. Smith violated the provisions of

1276Section 386.041(1)(a), Florida Statutes, and Florida

1282Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.022(1) (d) (l) and (q) because the

1294Department proposes the assessment of a fine in the amount of

1305$1,250. See Department of Banking and Finance, Division of

1315Securities and Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern and Co. ,

1324670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996). The Department has not met its


133715. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.022, Standards

1346of Practice a nd Disciplinary Guidelines, provides in pertinent

1355part, as follows:

1358Rule 64E - 6.022 Standards of Practice and

1366Disciplinary Guidelines.

1368(1) It shall be the responsibility of

1375persons registered under this rule to see

1382that work for which they have contract ed and

1391which has been performed by them or under

1399their supervision is carried out in

1405conformance with the requirements of all

1411applicable Florida Statutes and Chapter 64E -

14186, F.A.C. The following actions by a person

1426included under this rule shall be deemed

1433unethical and subject to penalties as set

1440forth in this section. The penalties listed

1447shall be used as guidelines in disciplinary

1454cases, absent aggravating or mitigating

1459circumstances and subject to other

1464provisions of this section.

1468* * *

1471(d) Failure to call for required

1477inspections. First violation, letter of

1482warning or fine up to $500; repeat

1489violation, letter of warning or fine up to

1497$500 and 90 day suspension of re voca tion.

1506* * *

1509(l) Gross negligence, inc ompetence, or

1515misconduct which:

15171. Causes no monetary or other harm to a

1526customer, or physical harm to any person.

1533First violation, letter of warning or fine

1540up to $500; repeat violation, $500 fine and

154890 day suspension or revocation.

15532. Causes moneta ry or other harm to a

1562customer, or physical harm to any person.

1569First violation, letter of warning or fine

1576up to $500 and 90 day suspension; repeat

1584violation, $500 fine and revocation.

1589* * *

1592(q) Creation or maintenance of a sanitary

1599nui sance as defined by Section 386.041, F.S.

1607violation, letter of warning or fine up to

1615$500; repeat violation, 90 day suspension or


162316 . Section 386.041(1)(a), Florida Statutes, provides as


1632386.041. Nuisances injurious to health.

1637(1) The following conditions existing,

1642permitted, maintained, kept, or caused by

1648any individual, municipal organization, or

1653corporation, governmental or private, shall

1658constitute prima facie evidence of

1663maintaining a nuisance injurious to health:

1669(a) Untr eated or improperly treated human

1676waste, garbage, offal, dead animals, or

1682dangerous waste materials from manufacturing

1687processes harmful to human or animal life

1694and air pollutants, gases, and noisome odors

1701which are harmful to human or animal life.

170917 . S ection 386.03, Florida Statutes, provides as follows:

1719386.03. Notice to remove nuisances;

1724authority of Department of Health and local

1731health authorities.

1733(1) The Department of Health, upon

1739determining the existence of anything or

1745things herein declare d to be nuisances by

1753law, shall notify the person or persons

1760committing, creating, keeping, or

1764maintaining the same, to remove or cause to

1772be removed, the same within 24 hours, or

1780such other reasonable time as may be

1787determined by the department, after suc h

1794notice be duly given.

1798(2) If the sanitary nuisance condition is

1805not removed by such person or persons within

1813the time prescribed in said notice, the

1820department, its agents or deputies or local

1827health authorities, may within the county

1833where the nuisanc e exists, remove, cause to

1841remove, or prevent the continuing sanitary

1847nuisance condition in the following manner:

1853(a) Undertake required correctional

1857procedures, including the removal of same if

1864necessary; the cost or expense of such

1871removal or correctio nal procedures shall be

1878paid by the person or persons committing,

1885creating, keeping, or maintaining such

1890nuisances; and if the said cost and expense

1898thus accruing shall not be paid within 10

1906days after such removal, the same shall be

1914collected from the per son or persons

1921committing, creating, keeping, or

1925maintaining such nuisances, by suit at law;

1932but this paragraph shall not authorize the

1939department to alter, change, demolish, or

1945remove any machinery, equipment, or facility

1951designed or used for the process ing or

1959disposing of liquid or smoke effluent of a

1967manufacturing plant.

1969(b) Institute criminal proceedings in the

1975county court in the jurisdiction of which

1982the condition exists against all persons

1988failing to comply with notices to correct

1995sanitary nuisanc e conditions as provided in

2002this chapter.

2004(c) Institute legal proceedings authorized

2009by the department as set forth in

2016s. 381.0012.

2018(d) Institute administrative proceedings

2022authorized by the department as set forth in

2030s. 381.0061. (emphasis supplied)

203418 . Section 381.0061, Florida Statutes, referenced above,

2042authorizes the imposition of administrative fines for a

2050violation of any provision of Chapter 386, Florida Statutes.

205919 . The Department did not prove by clear and convincing

2070evidence t hat Mr. Smith's actions caused the creation and

2080maintenance of a sanitary nuisance . See Robert J. Hoag v.

2091Department of Health , Case. No. 05 - 4355 (the Department of

2102Health issued a sanitary nuisance citation to Mr. Hoag for the

2113same incident, Recommended Order issued February 15, 2006 ) . It

2124follows that the Department did not prove that Mr. Smith

2134exhibited gross negligence, incompetence, or misconduct which

2141causes no monetary harm to the customer.

214820 . Moreover, Section 386.03 requires that a perso n be

2159provided notice and must be provided 24 hours, or "such other

2170reasonable time as may be determined by the department" to abate

2181the nuisance. This is a condition which must be satisfied if

2192one of the actions listed in Section 386.03(2)(a) - (d), includi ng

2204the imposition of administrative fines, is to be instituted.

2213The Department did not prove that 24 hours passed prior to the

2225issuance of the citation or the abatement of the nuisance nor

2236did the D epartment prove that it gave Respondent some alternate

2247ti me period.

225021 . Finally, the Department of Health did not prove that

2261Mr. Smith failed to call for a necessary inspection as required

2272by Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E - 6.002(1)(d). The

2281evidence showed that he called for an inspection of the new

2292tan ks. The Department cites to no statute or rule that requires

2304two inspection requests, i.e., one for an abandonment inspection

2313and one for the inspection of newly installed tanks, from the

2324contractor who removes old tanks and installs new tanks at the

2335same site.


2338Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it


2350RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Duval County

2358Health Department, dismiss the citation issued to Mr. Smith on

2368April 15, 2004.

2371DONE AND ENTERED this 26 th d ay of April, 2006, in

2383Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2392Administrative Law Judge

2395Division of Administrative Hearings

2399The DeSoto Building

24021230 Apalachee Parkway

2405Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2410(850 ) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2419Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2426Filed with the Clerk of the

2432Division of Administrative Hearings

2436this 2 6 th day of April, 2006.


2447Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

2451Department of Health

2454515 West Sixth Street

2458Jacksonville, Florida 32206 - 4311

2463James L. Smith

2466All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc.

24728300 W. Beaver Street

2476Jacksonville, Florida 32220

2479R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

2484Department of Health

24874052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2493Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2498Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel

2503Department of Health

25064052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2512Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

2517Dr. M. Rony Francois , Secretary

2522Department of Health

25254052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

2531Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


2543All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

255315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2564to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2575will issue the Final Order in this cas e.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/29/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 06/27/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 14, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/24/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibit 1-3 filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/08/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for March 14, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/08/2006
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/18/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/13/2005
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/13/2005
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (video hearing set for February 15, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Citation for Violation filed.
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 11/29/2005
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):