06-000918GM Gateway Southeast Properties, Inc. vs. Town Of Medley; Department Of Community Affairs; And Waste Management Inc., Of Florida
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, June 14, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Challengers failed to establish that a land development regulation was inconsistent with the local comprehensive plan.






19Petitioners, )


22vs. ) Case Nos. 06 - 0918GM

29) 06 - 1548GM






51Respondents. )



57Pursuant to notice, this matter was heard before the

66Division of Administrative Hearings by its assigned

73Administrative Law Judge, Donald R. Alexander, on May 17,

822006. The hearing was conducted by telephone, with counsel

91being located in Miami, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, and



101For Petitioner: Jeffrey S. Bass, Esquire

107(Gateway) Shubin & Bass, P.A.

11246 Southwest First Street, Third Floor

118Miami, Florida 33130 - 1610

123For Petitioner: Michael D. Cirullo, Jr., Esquire

130(City of Doral) Goren, Cherof, Doody & Errol, P.A.

1393099 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 200

145Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 - 4311

151For Respondent: Douglas M. Halsey, Esquire

157(Waste White & Case, LLP

162Management) Wachovia Financial Center, Suite 4900

168200 South Biscayne Boulevard

172Miami, Florida 33131 - 2352

177For Respondent: Barbara J. Riesburg, Esquire

183(Town) Roth, Rousso, Katsman, Schneider, LLP

18918851 Northeast 29th Avenue, Suite 900

195Aventura, Fl orida 33180 - 2847

201For Respondent: Richard E. Shine, Esquire

207(Department) Department of Community Affairs

2122555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

216Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100


225The is sue in this case is whether the land development

236regulation adopted by Respondent, Town of Medley (Town), by

245Ordinance No. C - 306 on September 6, 2005, is consistent with

257the Town's Comprehensive Plan (Plan).


264This matter began on Septe mber 6, 2005, when the Town

275adopted Ordinance No. C - 306, which amended its Municipal Code

286(Code) by adding the definition of "Public Facilities" in

295Section 62 - 1 and by amending in two respects Section 62 - 61,

309which governs nonconforming uses.

313On October 6 , 2005, Petitioner, Gateway Southeast

320Properties, Inc. (Gateway), filed a Petition with the Town

329alleging that the Ordinance was not consistent with the Town's

339Plan, as required by Section 163.3213(3), Florida Statutes

347(2005). 1 When the Town did not resp ond to its petition within

360thirty days, on November 7, 2005, Gateway filed a Petition

370with Respondent, Department of Community Affairs (Department).


378On December 6, 2005, the Department conducted an informal

387hearing with the parties, as authorized by Section

395163.3213(4), Florida Statutes. On February 21, 2006, the

403Department issued its Determination of Consistency of a Land

412Development Regulation (Determination). See Gateway Southeast

418Properties, Inc. v. Town of Medley et al. , Case No. DCA06 - LDR -

432015 (Feb. 21, 2006) 2006 Fla. ENV LEXIS 13. The Determination

443concluded that the allegations made by Gateway should more

452appropriately be raised in a different forum and that the land

463development regulation was consistent with the Plan. On March

47215, 2006, Ga teway filed its Request for Formal Hearing

482(Request) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).

490While not raising any issues of material fact, the Request

500generally alleged that as a matter of law the land development

511regulation was inconsistent with various provisions in the

519Plan and that the Department applied the wrong legal standard

529in making its Determination. Because Respondent, Waste

536Management, Inc. of Florida (Waste Management), operates a

544landfill in the Town, which Gateway feared woul d be expanded

555by virtue of the Ordinance, Gateway's Petition named Waste

564Management as a co - Respondent. 2

571By Notice of Hearing dated March 28, 2006, a final

581hearing was scheduled on April 25 and 26, 2006, in Miami,

592Florida. By Order dated April 12, 2006, h owever, the hearing

603was cancelled on the undersigned's own motion since the

612Petition raised no disputed issues of material fact, and it

622appeared that oral argument, rather than an evidentiary

630hearing, would be more appropriate.

635On April 13, 2006, Gateway f iled a Motion for Summary

646Final Order (Motion) under Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida

653Statutes. On May 1, 2006, a Response to the Motion was filed

665by the Department, while the Town and Waste Management jointly

675filed a Memorandum of Law in Opposition to the M otion and

687Cross - Motion for Summary Final Order (Cross - Motion).

697On February 9, 2006, the City of Doral (City) filed a

708Petition with the Town also alleging that the land development

718regulation was inconsistent with the Plan. On March 2, 2006,

728the Town pro vided a response to the Petition by asserting that

740the claim was barred by collateral estoppel due to the

750Department's Determination issued on February 21, 2006. On

758April 27, 2006, the City filed a Motion to Intervene and

769Incorporated Petition with DOAH s eeking to intervene in Case

779No. 06 - 0918GM. This filing was treated as a new case under

792Section 163.3213(5)(a), Florida Statutes, was assigned Case

799No. 06 - 1548GM, and was consolidated with Case No. 06 - 0918GM by

813Order dated May 1, 2006. The City has joined in Gateway's

824Motion and in opposition to the Cross - Motion.

833Oral argument on the Motion and Cross - Motion was held on

845May 17, 2006. All parties participated in the hearing by


856Besides the pleadings filed in this matter, Gateway filed

865five volu mes of documents, which were attached to its Petition

876and are included in the Record. Volume I includes the Town's

887Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated June 23, 2005; certain

896documents obtained from the Town through a public records

905request; the Town's C omplaint in a circuit court action filed

916against Waste Management on November 3, 2003; Gateway's

924Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed in circuit court on

934October 5, 2005, seeking review of Ordinance C - 306; a solid

946waste disposal agreement executed by Miam i - Dade County and

957Waste Management on July 3, 1998; a draft of a development

968agreement between the Town and Waste Management dated

976September 8, 2005; and Waste Management's Answer, Affirmative

984Defenses, and Counterclaim filed on January 13, 2004, in

993respon se to the Town's lawsuit. Volume II includes

1002transcripts of (1) the Town meeting on October 5, 2005,

1012concerning a request by Waste Management to expand its

1021landfill pursuant to Ordinance C - 306; (2) the Town meeting on

1033a draft development agreement between the Town and Waste

1042Management held on September 8, 2005; and (3) the informal

1052hearing conducted by the Department on December 7, 2005.

1061Volumes III and IV contain copies of Part I of the Town's

1073Plan, while Volume V contains a copy of Part II of the Plan.

1086In addition, copies of (1) the development agreement between

1095the Town and Waste Management and (2) Ordinance C - 940 adopted

1107by the Town on March 7, 2006, which were attached to the two

1120Petitions, have been included in the Record. Except for

1129background pur poses, however, all items which post - date the

1140adoption of the Ordinance are not relevant to the issues

1150raised herein and have been considered for that purpose only.

1160During the course of the oral argument, the Department

1169relied upon two administrative dec isions not previously cited

1178which it says are pertinent to the issues raised by the Motion

1190and Cross - Motion. Those decisions are Johnson et al. v. City

1202of Tarpon Springs , DOAH Case Nos. 95 - 6205GM and 95 - 6206GM

1215(DOAH Aug. 30, 1996) 1996 Fla. ENV LEXIS 155 , and Sierra

1226Club, Inc. v. Nassau County , Case No. DCA02 - OR - 154 (DCA May

124016, 2002) 3 . On May 22, 2006, Gateway and the City filed a

1254Joint Reply to DCA's Newly - Cited Cases. Finally, the

1264Transcript of the oral argument was filed on June 2, 2006.


1279Based upon the record presented by the parties, the

1288following undisputed findings of fact are determined:

12951. The Town appears on a map to be located in the

1307northern part of Dade County, south of U.S. Highway 27 and

1318east of the Florida Turnpike , and just south of the City of

1330Hialeah Gardens and southwest of the City of Hialeah. Besides

1340a Plan originally adopted in December 1988, and amended from

1350time to time, the Town also has a Code containing its land

1362development regulations.

13642. Waste Manage ment owns and operates a landfill in the

1375Town known as the Medley Landfill & Recycling Center located

1385at 9350 Northwest 89th Avenue. 4 Because the landfill has been

1396in operation since 1952, or long before the Plan was adopted,

1407the landfill is considered a nonconforming use under Section

141662 - 61 of the Town's Code.

14233. On September 6, 2005, the Town adopted Ordinance C -

1434306 which amended Section 62 - 61 of the Code to create a new

1448procedure for allowing the expansion of qualifying facilities

1456operating as noncon forming uses. (Except for Section 62 - 61,

1467which is found in the Town's land development regulations,

1476there are no provisions in the Plan itself relating to

1486nonconforming uses.) Prior to the adoption of the Ordinance,

1495Subsection 62 - 61(b) provided the follo wing limitation on the

1506expansion of nonconforming uses:

1510(b) The lawful use of land existing at the

1519time of the passage of this chapter,

1526although such use does not conform to the

1534provisions of this chapter may be

1540continued; provided, however, that no such

1546nonconforming use shall be enlarged or

1552increased, nor shall any nonconforming use

1558be extended to occupy a greater area of

1566land than that occupied by such use at the

1575time of the passage of this chapter.

15824. Ordinance C - 306 amended Subsection 62 - 61(b) as

1593fo llows to allow for an exception to the rule against

1604enlargement or expansion of nonconforming uses:

1610(b) The lawful use of land existing at the

1619time of the passage of this chapter,

1626although such use does not conform to the

1634provisions of this chapter, may b e

1641continued; provided, however, that no such

1647nonconforming use shall be enlarged or

1653increased except as provided in subsection

1659(d) hereof , nor shall any nonconforming use

1666be extended to occupy a greater area of

1674land than that occupied by such use at the

1683ti me of the passage of this chapter.

16915. To implement the exception against enlargement or

1699expansion of nonconforming uses, the Ordinance further amended

1707Section 62 - 61 by adding a new Subsection (d) to read as


1721(d) Any nonconforming use which serve s as

1729a Public Facility may be enlarged up to

1737fifteen percent of the current building

1743and/or land area of such use after formal

1751approval by the Town Council via resolution

1758according to the Municipal Code of Medley,

1765Florida. Before approving such enlargemen t

1771or increase the Town Council shall conduct

1778at least two public hearings. The basis

1785for calculation of such enlargement or

1791increase shall exclude buildings and/or

1796land areas not currently operating as a

1803Public facility, though contiguous thereto.

1808The new provision allows any nonconforming use which serves as

1818a Public Facility to be enlarged or increased up to fifteen

1829percent of its current building or land areas after formal

1839approval by the Town Council by resolution.

18466. Because the Code did not define the term "Public

1856Facilities," Ordinance C - 306 amended Section 62 - 1 (the

1867definitions portion of the Code) by adding a new Subsection

1877(a), which reads as follows:

1882(a) "Public facilities" means major

1887capital improvements, including, but not

1892limited to, trans portation, sanitary sewer,

1898solid waste, drainage, potable water,

1903educational, parks and recreational, and

1908health systems and facilities.

1912As is evident from a reading of the definition, the term

"1923public facilities" is not limited to solid waste facilities,

1932but it also includes seven other types of public facilities.

19427. Gateway is the owner of real property commonly known

1952as Medley Commerce Center, which is located in the Town

1962immediately adjacent to and north of Waste Management's

1970landfill. On October 6 , 2005, Gateway filed a Petition with

1980the Town alleging that the Ordinance was not consistent with

1990the Plan in various respects. The Town did not respond to

2001Gateway's Petition within thirty days after receipt of the


20118. Because no response was made by the Town, on November

20227, 2005, Gateway filed a Petition with the Department

2031requesting that the Department declare the Ordinance

2038inconsistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan (Plan). See §

2047163.3213(3), Fla. Stat. The Petition referred to a Com plaint

2057filed in a circuit court case, Town of Medley v. Waste

2068Management Inc. of Florida , Case No. 03 - 25832 CA 13, as

2080stating the reasons for inconsistency. Although a copy of the

2090Complaint was not attached to its Petition, Gateway later

2099supplied the Depa rtment with a copy.

21069. After conducting an informal hearing on December 7,

21152005, on February 21, 2006, the Department issued its

2124Determination. In general terms, the Determination concluded

2131that the concerns in Gateway's Petition should more

2139appropriatel y be raised in a circuit court action under a

2150different provision in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, through

2158a challenge to any development order or approval that

2167authorizes the expansion of a nonconforming public facility.

2175See Determination, paragraph 17.

217910. On March 15, 2006, Gateway filed its Request with

2189DOAH contending generally that the Ordinance was inconsistent

2197with the Plan and that the Department had used the wrong legal

2209standard in determining that the Ordinance was consistent with

2218the Plan.

222011. The City, which appears on a map to lie directly

2231south of the Town, shares a border with the Town in the area

2244of Waste Management's landfill property. On February 9, 2006,

2253the City filed a Petition with the Town seeking to have the

2265Town declare tha t the Ordinance was inconsistent with its

2275Plan. The Petition raised the same issues as did Gateway. On

2286March 2, 2006, the Town provided a response to the Petition by

2298asserting that the claim was barred by collateral estoppel due

2308to the Department's Deter mination issued on February 21, 2006.

231812. The City then waived its right to have the

2328Department conduct informal proceedings under Section

2334163.3213(4), Florida Statutes, and filed a Motion to Intervene

2343and Incorporated Petition with DOAH on April 27, 20 06.

2353Although the City sought to intervene in Case No. 06 - 0918GM,

2365the filing was treated as a new filing under Section

2375163.3213(5)(a), Florida Statutes, was assigned Case No. 06 -

23841548GM, and was consolidated with Gateway's case. Except for

2393one additional c onsistency claim, discussed below, the filing

2402raises the same issues as did Gateway.

240913. The purpose of Ordinance C - 306, as expressed in

2420Section 2 thereof, is as follows:

2426PURPOSE: The limited increase or

2431enlargement of nonconforming uses allowed

2436by this ordinance is intended to further

2443the goals, objectives and policies of the

2450Town's Comprehensive Plan found in the

2456Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage,

2461Potable Water, and Natural Ground Water

2467Aquifer Recharge Element as well as the

2474Intergovernmental Coor dination Element.

247814. The Plan's Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage,

2486Potable Water, and Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge

2494Element (Element) in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE)

2503identifies as its primary (and only) goal the "[p]rovision of

2513needed public facilities in a manner that protects public and

2523private investments in existing facilities and promotes

2530compact urban growth." (Vol. IV, Record, page 603).

2538Objective 1 of the same Element provides that an aim of the

2550Plan is the "[p]rovision of san itary sewer, solid waste,

2560drainage and potable water facilities and services to meet

2569existing and projected demands identified in this Plan." Id.

2578Policy 1.2 also indicates that the Town is to "[i]mplement

2588procedures to ensure that adequate facility capac ity is

2597available or will be available at the time a new development

2608permit is issued." Id.


261515. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2622jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties hereto

2631pursuant to Sections 120.57(1)(h) and 163.3213(5)(a), Florida


263916. Where the Department has found a land development

2648regulation to be consistent with the local comprehensive plan,

2657as it did here, the parties in an appeal to DOAH shall be "the

2671petitioning, substantially affected person, any intervenor,

2677the state land planning agency, and the local government." 5

2687§ 163.3213(5)(a), Fla. Stat. For purposes of resolving the

2696Motion and Cross - Motion, Respondents agree that Petitioners

2705are substantially affected persons and ha ve standing to

2714challenge the land development regulation.

271917. The purpose of the proceeding before DOAH is not to

2730determine whether the Department's Determination should be

2737sustained. Rather, the purpose is to consider, in a de novo

2748setting, whether th e land development regulation is consistent

2757with the local government's comprehensive plan.

276318. Section 120.57(1)(h), Florida Statutes, provides in

2770part that

2772any party to a proceeding in which an

2780administrative law judge of the Division of

2787Administrativ e Hearings has final order

2793authority may move for summary final order

2800when there is no genuine issue as to any

2809material fact. A summary final order shall

2816be rendered if the administrative law judge

2823determines from the pleadings, depositions,

2828answers to in terrogatories, and admissions

2834on file, together with affidavits, if any,

2841that no genuine issue as to any material

2849fact exists and that the moving party is

2857entitled as a matter of law to the entry of

2867a final order.

2870See also Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 106.204 (4).

288019. All parties agree that there are no genuine issues

2890of material fact. Therefore, summary disposition of the

2898dispute is appropriate.

290120. Section 163.3194(1)(b), Florida Statutes, requires

2907that "[a]ll land development regulations . . . shall b e

2918consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan, or element or

2927portion thereof . . . ." Therefore, it is incumbent on

2938Petitioners to show that the challenged land development is

2947not consistent with the Plan.

295221. "The adoption of a land development regu lation by a

2963local government is legislative in nature and shall not be

2973found to be inconsistent with the local plan if it is fairly

2985debatable that it is consistent with the plan." §

2994163.3213(5)(a), Fla. Stat. This means that "if reasonable

3002persons could differ as to its propriety," a land development

3012regulation must be upheld. Martin County v. Yusem , 690 So. 2d

30231288, 1295 (Fla. 1997). See also Martin County v. Section 28

3034Partnership, Ltd. , 772 So. 2d 616, 621 (Fla. 4th DCA

30442000)(where there is "evidence in support of both sides of [a

3055land development regulation], it is difficult to determine

3063that the [Town's] decision is anything but 'fairly


307322. Gateway (joined in by the City) argues in its Motion

3084that the Department departed from the es sential requirements

3093of the law by applying the wrong legal standard when it

3104rendered its Determination. 6 It also contends that both

3113facially and on an as - applied basis, the Ordinance is

3124inconsistent with numerous provisions within the Plan, as well

3133as Fl orida Administrative Code Rule 9J - 5.023. Finally,

3143Gateway argues that the regulation is inconsistent with the

3152nonconforming use doctrine, which it says in Florida prohibits

3161the expansion of nonconforming uses. In response, Respondents

3169generally assert th at because the Ordinance has no project

3179specific application to the Plan, that is, it does not

3189reference any particular project or authorize any development,

3197it is facially consistent with the Plan. They also contend

3207that the regulation is not self - execut ing in that it does not

3221approve the expansion or enlargement of any public facility;

3230rather, the Town is still required to go through a public

3241hearing process before issuing any development approval

3248pursuant to the regulation. Finally, they argue that

3256vir tually all of the consistency allegations in the Motion (as

3267well as the two Petitions) relate to future impacts that may

3278occur if and when the Town authorizes the expansion of a

3289public facility. Because another statutory remedy exists

3296under Chapter 163, F lorida Statutes, to address those

3305concerns, Respondents argue that it is inappropriate to

3313consider these types of issues at this time.

332123. The Ordinance only applies to Public Facilities that

3330are nonconforming uses under Section 62 - 61, creating a

3340proced ure to give the Town the flexibility to permit the

3351limited expansion of certain uses that do not conform to the

3362uses established by other local land development regulations.

3370It does not apply to a specific project (such as Waste

3381Management's landfill) or authorize development; rather, it

3388may be applied to any number of future projects where the Town

3400may choose to enter into a development agreement or issue a

3411development order. Given the wide range of public facilities

3420that are covered by the Ordinance, th e regulation can

3430conceivably be applied in numerous ways.

343624. The Ordinance is not self - executing. It amends

3446Section 62 - 61 to allow the Town to permit the increase or

3459enlargement of qualifying nonconforming uses. Before an

3466increase or enlargement can o ccur, the owner of the Public

3477Facility must obtain approval from the Town after it holds

3487public hearings to determine whether the use is a

3496nonconforming Public Facility and whether the proposed

3503expansion is within the allowable limits. Once those

3511determin ations are made, the Town must formally adopt a

3521resolution to authorize the proposed expansion. If the Town

3530authorizes specific development that is inconsistent with the

3538Plan, that decision can be challenged under another remedy

3547found in Chapter 163, Flor ida Statutes. Therefore, any

3556alleged impacts from the expansion of a public facility will

3566not occur until the regulation is implemented.

357325. Under Section 163.3194(3)(a), Florida Statutes, "a

3580land development regulation shall be consistent with the

3588com prehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities,

3598and other aspects of development permitted by such . . .

3609regulation are compatible with and further the objectives,

3617policies, land uses, and densities or intensities in the

3626comprehensive plan . . . ." In addition, Florida

3635Administrative Code Rule 9J - 5.023(2) provides that "[t]he term

3645'compatible' means that the land development regulations are

3653not in conflict with the comprehensive plan[,]" while "[t]he

3663term 'further' means that the land developme nt regulations

3672take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of

3683the comprehensive plan."

368626. Ordinance C - 306 takes action in the direction of

3697realizing goals or policies of the Plan. As noted in Finding

3708of Fact 13, the purpose of the Ordi nance is to allow a

"3721limited increase or enlargement of nonconforming uses . . .

3731to further the goals, objectives and policies of the Town's

3741Comprehensive Plan found in the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste,

3750Drainage, Potable Water, and Natural Ground Water Aqui fer

3759Recharge Element . . . ." In this vein, the cited Element

3771identifies as its primary (and only) goal the "[p]rovision of

3781needed public facilities in a manner that protects public and

3791private investments in existing facilities and promotes

3798compact urban growth." (Vol. V, Record, page 603) Objective

38071 of the Element establishes as its aim the "[p]rovision of

3818sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage and potable water

3826facilities and services to meet existing and projected demands

3835identified in this Plan." I d. Policy 1.2 also indicates that

3846the Town is to "[i]mplement procedures to ensure that adequate

3856facility capacity is available or will be available at the

3866time a new development permit is issued." Id. Because it is

3877fairly debatable that Ordinance C - 306 provides a mechanism to

3888enable the Town to ensure that the foregoing goal, objective,

3898and policy can be met, the Ordinance "take[s] action in the

3909direction of realizing goals or policies of the comprehensive

3918plan" and thus furthers the Town's Plan.

392527. At the same time, the undersigned notes that most,

3935if not all, of the arguments raised by Gateway and the City

3947concern the application of Ordinance C - 306 to an expansion of

3959Waste Management's landfill, rather than the consistency of

3967the Ordinance with the Plan. Because the Town determined that

3977the landfill qualified as a public facility under the

3986Ordinance on March 6, 2006, and authorized an expansion of the

3997landfill, Petitioners have a separate remedy under Chapter

4005163, Florida Statutes, to pursue thos e claims.

401328. Notwithstanding the availability of a separate

4020remedy, the undersigned has considered the consistency

4027arguments raised in the Motion to determine if they overcome

4037the fairly debatable threshold. 7 In order to prevail under

4047this test, Gateway and the City have the stringent burden of

4058demonstrating that there can be no reading or interpretation

4067of the Ordinance that is even arguably consistent with the


407829. Petitioners first argue that because the expansion

4086of nonconforming public facil ities is not expressly provided

4095for in the Plan, the regulation must be inconsistent with the

4106Plan. However, local comprehensive plans are intended to

4114provide an enabling framework for land development

4121regulations, not to provide a list of each and every

4131permissible development option. See § 163.3177(1), Fla. Stat.

4139Significantly, there is no provision in the Plan which

4148prohibits the expansion of public facilities. In this

4156respect, it is at least fairly debatable that the regulation

4166is consistent with th e Plan.

417230. Petitioners also argue that the Plan establishes the

4181maximum amount of lands in the Public Buildings and Facilities

4191land use category of the FLUE at 5.2 acres, and that amount of

4204land has already been used up with existing facilities, thus

4214giv ing rise to an inconsistency with the FLUE. Tables I and

4226III of the FLUE do indicate that in 1988, when the original

4238Plan was adopted, the existing Public Buildings and Facilities

4247land use accounted for 5.2 acres. (Vol. V, Record, pages 499

4258and 520) Sin ce that time, however, "close to 700 acres of

4270land or more" have been annexed by the Town, some of which

4282have already been, or are now in the process of being,

4293redesignated with new land uses. (Volume II, Record, pages

4302145 - 46) Moreover, Table 4 of the FL UE indicates an

4314anticipated acreage of 7.0 acres for Public Buildings and

4323Facilities in the year 2000. (Vol. V, Record, page 525)

4333Given these considerations, it is at least fairly debatable

4342that FLUE Tables I, III, and IV are simply a reflection of the

4355s tatus of acreage reserved for Public Facilities when the Plan

4366was adopted, and they are not intended to freeze the acreage

4377reserved for Public Facilities at the 1988 or 2000 levels, as

4388alleged in the Motion.

439231. Petitioners further contend that the Ordin ance

4400allows the expansion of Public Facilities onto land designated

4409for some other use. However, the Ordinance does not purport

4419to allow land uses where those uses are proscribed by the

4430Plan, or otherwise trump the Plan provisions.

443732. Petitioners argu e that neither the Town's Capital

4446Improvements Element (CIE) or its Capital Improvement Plan

4454identify the expansion of private landfills as permitted

4462capital improvements and therefore an inconsistency between

4469the regulation and those provisions arises. ( According to the

4479Town's Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated June 22, 2005,

4488however, there is no Capital Improvement Plan in the Plan.

4498Vol. I, Record, page 10.) Assuming arguendo that the

4507expansion or enlargement of nonconforming public facilities

4514conte mplated by the Ordinance is a capital improvement that

4524must be identified in the CIE, and that all such projects will

4536trigger the expenditure of Town funds, as Gateway suggests, it

4546is still premature to require the identification of a

4555particular project in the CIE until development is actually

4564authorized. In this case, when the Ordinance was enacted on

4574September 6, 2005, no development approval had been granted.

458333. Gateway and the City next point out that the

4593Sanitary Sewer and Solid Waste Sub - Element (Sub - Element) of

4605the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, and

4614Natural Ground Water Aquifer Recharge Element provides that

4622the Medley landfill is scheduled to be "phased out over the

4633next three years under an agreement signed last year with Dade

4644County." (Vol. V, Record, page 591) Because the regulation

4653would allow an expansion of the landfill, Petitioners cite

4662this as an obvious inconsistency with the Sub - Element. The

4673cited text was prepared in December 1988, when the Plan was

4684originally adopted, as a part of the Town's Level of Service

4695and Capacity Analysis. According to the text of the Plan, it

4706was based on the assumption that the three - year phase - out

4719would occur "[a]s the Medley landfill fills up and reaches

4729capacity." Id. It is at least fairly debatable that these

4739provisions do nothing more than reflect the then - current

4749status of the landfill in December 1988. Further, until

4758future development is approved, and the landfill actually

"4766fills up and reaches capacity," the regulation is arguably

4775consistent with this language.

477934. Finally, the City has contended (in its Petition)

4788that when it adopted the regulation, the Town failed to adhere

4799to Objective 1 and Policy 1.3 of the Intergovernmental

4808Coordination Element, which require that the Town maintain

"4816coordination among the governmental entities within the Town

4824of Medley's areas of concern" and "[p]rovide for exchange of

4834information regarding requests for changes of zoning or land

4843use within the area of city limits." (Vol. V, Record, page

4854652) At most, however, these provisions simply require the

4863Town to give interested persons the opportunity to provide

4872input when making zoning or land use decisions. There is no

4883allegation by Gateway or the City that they were denied this

4894opportuni ty.

489635. Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that it is

4907at least fairly debatable that the land development regulation

4916is "not in conflict with the comprehensive plan" and is

4926therefore "compatible" with the Plan. Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J -


493836. Because the Ordinance has not been shown to be

"4948inconsistent with the plan," as a matter of law, the Town and

4960Waste Management are entitled to a favorable disposition of

4969this matter. Yusem , supra ; § 163.3213(5)(a), Fla. Stat.; Fla.

4978Admin. Code R. 9J - 5.023 .

498537. To summarize, because there is no genuine issue as

4995to any material fact, for the reasons cited above, the Town

5006and Waste Management are entitled as a matter of law to the

5018entry of a final order in their favor. The Cross - Motion is

5031accordingly gran ted, and Gateway's Motion is denied. Because

5040the City has raised the same arguments as Gateway, and agreed

5051that the Motion and Cross - Motion are dispositive of its

5062interests as well, final disposition of the cases is

5071appropriate as to both Petitioners.


5078Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

5087of Law, it is

5091ORDERED that the Cross - Motion for Summary Final Order

5101filed by the Town of Medley and Waste Management Inc. of

5112Florida is granted, and the challenged land development

5120regulatio n adopted by Ordinance C - 306 is determined to be

5132consistent with the Town of Medley's Comprehensive Plan.

5140DONE AND ORDERED this 14th day of June, 2006, in

5150Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5159Administrative Law Judge

5162Division of Administrative Hearings

5166The DeSoto Building

51691230 Apalachee Parkway

5172Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5177(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5185Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5192Filed with the Clerk of the

5198Division of Administrative Hearings

5202this 14th day of June, 2006.


52091/ All references are to Florida Statutes (2005).

52172/ These fears appear to be well - founded. For background

5228purposes only, it is noted that on March 6, 2006, or six months

5241after Ordinance C - 306 was enacted, the Town adopted Resolution

5252C - 940, which found Waste Management's landfill to be a public

5264facility within the parameters of Ordinance C - 306, and

5274authorized Waste Management to expand its landfill by 26.244

5283acres (or by 12.66 percent). Whether that action has been

5293challenged by Petitioners is not of record.

53003/ Neither case appears to be directly on point. In both

5311cases, a land development regulation was determined to be

5320inco nsistent with a provision in the local government's

5329comprehensive plan. In Sierra Club , supra , the Department

5337determined that a Nassau County regulation, which allowed

5345wetland buffers averaging fifty feet, did not further three

5354wetland protection policies found in the Conservation Element.

5362Except for a review of the regulation and the three policies,

5373no further analysis of the plan was made. See Determination of

5384Inconsistency of Nassau County Land Development Regulation 6.5,

5392page 13. Johnson , supra , is more factually similar to this

5402case. In Johnson , an administrative law judge (ALJ) determined

5411that a City of Tarpon Springs regulation authorizing the

5420construction of swimming pools and pool screen enclosures

5428within thirty feet of the shoreline was facial ly at odds with a

5441thirty - foot setback policy in the Coastal Zone and Conservation

5452Element. Id. at *15 - 16. Although the ALJ concluded that only

5464a facial review of the regulation and policy was necessary to

5475support his determination, out of "fairness to th e City," he

5486nonetheless undertook a more extensive review of the City's

5495comprehensive plan to support that conclusion. Id. at *16.

55044/ According to the Development Agreement between Waste

5512Management and the Town, Waste Management operates a Class I

5522lan dfill that occupies 207.039 acres, of which 141 acres are

5533currently permitted for solid waste disposal.

55395/ Under this statutory scheme, Waste Management should be

5548labeled as an intervenor whose rights to participate are

5557dependent on whether it is a "sub stantially affected person."

5567See also § 163.3213(2)(a), Fla. Stat. However, Waste

5575Management was named a co - Respondent by Gateway, apparently

5585with the Department's acquiescence, and the filing arrived at

5594DOAH in that posture.

55986/ Because it is not the purpose of this proceeding to

5609determine whether the Department's Determination should be

5616sustained, see Conclusion of Law 17, it is unnecessary to reach

5627this issue. Likewise, whether the regulation violates the

5635doctrine of nonconforming uses is not a consideration under

5644Section 163.3213, Florida Statutes, or Florida Administrative

5651Code Rule 9J - 5.023 in determining the consistency of a land

5663development regulation.

56657/ When determining whether a land development regulation is

5674facially consistent with a comprehensive plan, it logically

5682follows that one need only examine the regulation itself and

5692any plan provisions that are directly affected or implemented

5701by the regulation. Here, the Ordinance amends an existing land

5711development regulation concerning n onconforming uses (which are

5719found only in the Code) and does not directly implement any

5730Plan provision except portions of one Element; thus, the

5739extensive analysis suggested by Petitioners is unnecessary.

5746Conversely, in determining whether the regulation can be

5754applied in a manner that is consistent with the Plan, it is

5766necessary to consider the specific development being authorized

5774and the Plan provisions that come into play. During oral

5784argument, the Department represented that the Ordinance, as

5792enacte d, could theoretically be implemented (or applied) in

5801hundreds of ways, thus making an as - applied analysis

5811impractical at this stage of the process. Because of this, the

5822Legislature has provided a separate statutory remedy to

5830challenge a development or pr oject that implements a land

5840development regulation.


5844Jeffrey S. Bass, Esquire

5848Shubin & Bass, P.A.

585246 Southwest First Street, Third Floor

5858Miami, Florida 33130 - 1610

5863Michael D. Cirullo, Jr., Esquire

5868Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A.

58743 099 East Commercial Boulevard, Suite 200

5881Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 - 4311

5887Douglas M. Halsey, Esquire

5891White & Case, LLP

5895Wachovia Financial Center, Suite 4900

5900202 South Biscayne Boulevard

5904Miami, Florida 33131 - 2352

5909Barbara J. Riesburg, Esquire

5913Roth, Ro usso, Katsman, Schneider, LLP

591918851 Northeast 29th Avenue

5923Aventura, Florida 33180 - 2847

5928Richard E. Shine, Esquire

5932Department of Community Affairs

59362555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

5940Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

5945David L. Jordan, Acting General Counsel

5951Departme nt of Community Affairs

59562555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

5960Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100


5971A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

5982entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

5991Statutes. Re view proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

6001of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

6009filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

6020Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

6029filing fees prescribed b y law, with the District Court of

6040Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

6051the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

6061appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order

6073to be reviewed.

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Date: 09/04/2007
Proceedings: Order on Remand.
Date: 08/30/2007
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 08/30/2007
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 08/24/2007
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 05/23/2007
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Community Affairs Motion to Join in Town of Medley`s Motion for Rehearing and Motion for Rehearing En Banc filed.
Date: 05/21/2007
Proceedings: Stipulation of Substitution of Counsel for Respondent Town of Medley filed.
Date: 05/21/2007
Proceedings: Respondent Town of Medley`s Motion for Rehearing and Motion for Rehearing En Banc filed.
Date: 05/02/2007
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 03/12/2007
Proceedings: Appellant, City of Doral`s Reply Brief filed.
Date: 10/23/2006
Proceedings: Appellant, City of Doral`s Initial Brief filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: ORDER OF THE THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL: Appellant Gateway Southeast Properties, Inc.`s motion to extend the time for filing of the record on appeal is granted.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 08/31/2006
Proceedings: Appellant`s Motion for Enlargement of Time for Clerk to Prepare Record and Serve Copies of Index filed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Invoice for the record on appeal mailed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 07/28/2006
Proceedings: THIRD DCA ORDER: DCA Case No. 3D06-1795 is dismissed as duplicative of Appellate Case No. 3D06-1718.
Date: 07/24/2006
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case, Filing Fee is Due, DCA Case No. 3D06-1795.
Date: 07/17/2006
Proceedings: Acknowledgement of New Case, DCA Case No. 3D06-1718.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed and Certified copy sent to the Third District Court of Appeal this date.
Date: 06/14/2006
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 06/14/2006
Proceedings: Summary Final Order (telephonic Oral Argument held May 17, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/02/2006
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 05/22/2006
Proceedings: Joint Reply to DCA`s Newly-cited Cases filed.
Date: 05/18/2006
Proceedings: Copies of the Final Orders, which were discussed at the oral argument, filed by R. Shine.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order and Cross Motion for Summary Final Order of Respondents, The Town of Medley and Waste Management, Inc. of Florida filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs Response to Petitioner`s Motion for Summary Final Order and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 05/01/2006
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 06-0918GM and 06-1548GM).
Date: 04/27/2006
Proceedings: City of Doral`s Motion to Intervene and Incorporated Petition filed.
Date: 04/20/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing (April 18, 2006) filed.
Date: 04/20/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing (May 17, 2006) filed.
Date: 04/17/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Hearing Status Conference filed.
Date: 04/12/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 04/12/2006
Proceedings: Order Cancelling Hearing.
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/28/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 25 and 26, 2006; 1:00 p.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 03/23/2006
Proceedings: Corrected Joint Scheduling Report filed.
Date: 03/20/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 03/15/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/15/2006
Proceedings: Appendix to Petitioner`s Request for Formal Hearing Volumes I-V filed.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Determination of Consistency of a Land Development Regulation filed.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Addendum to Petitioner`s Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Request for Formal Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Department of Community Affairs

Related Florida Statute(s) (5):