06-001508 Jazlyn Georges vs. Board Of Building Code Administrators And Inspectors
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 24, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner no longer meets the requirements in the Rule for a provisional certificate. However, she does meet all the requirements to sit for the standard certification examination.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 06 - 1508





33Respondent. )



39Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

49case on July 13, 2006, in Deland, Florida, before Barbara J.

60Staros, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

68Administrative Hearings.


71For Petitioner: Jazlyn Georges , pro se

77705 Arlene Drive

80Deltona, Florida 32725

83For Respondent: Jeffrey D. Jones, Esquire

89Department of Legal Affairs

93The Capitol, Plaza Level 08

98Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


107The issue is whether Petitioner's application for licensure

115should be granted or denied.


122On January 4, 2006, Respondent, Board of Building Code

131Administrat ors and Inspectors, issued a Notice of Intent to Deny

142Petitioner's applications for provisional and standard

148certification as a building plans examiner. The reason for the

158denial as stated in the Notice of Intent , is that Petitioner's

169applications for sta ndard and provisional certification " do not

178demonstrate, affirmed by affidavit signed by an architect,

186engineer, contractor, o r building code examiner, that you have

196the required experience for the certifications sought. "

203Petitioner timely requeste d an Administrative Hearing to

211contest the Notice of Intent to Deny. The case was transmitted

222to the Division of Administrative Hearings on or about April 26,

2332006. A Notice of Hearing was issued on May 16, 2006, setting

245the hearing for July 13, 2006.

251At hearing , Petitioner testified on her own behalf.

259Petitioner offered Exhibit numbered 1 , which was admitted into

268evidence. Respondent did not present any witnesses. Respondent

276offered Exhibits numbered 1 through 5, which were admitted into

286evidence . Official Recognition was taken of Chapters 468 and

296655, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administra tive Code Rule

305Chapter 61G 19 - 6 .

311A Transcript consisting of one volume was filed on July 31,


323On August 9, 2006, Petitioner filed a post - hear ing

334submission and Respondent filed a proposed recommended order,

342which were considered in the preparation of this Recommended

351Order. All references to the Florida Statutes are to 2005

361unless otherwise indicated.


3671. Petitioner filed app lications with the Department of

376Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) for a provisional

384plans examiner license and a standard building plans examiner

393license . 1/

3962. The Board of Building Code Administrators and

404Inspectors ( Board ) , which is part o f DBPR, is the state agency

418charged with certification of building code administrators,

425plans examiners, and building code inspectors, pursuant to

433Chapter 468, Florida Statutes.

4373. Accompanying her applications were : a s tatement of

447educational histo ry; an affidavit from her then current

456employer, Robert Olin of the Orange County Building Division ; an

"466Experience History" page ; and notarized statements from two

474construction companies listed on the Experience History page, JE

483Activities Construction Ma nagers, Inc., and BFC Construction

491Corp., regarding Petitioner's employment with those companies.

4984. DBPR reviewed her applications and sent her two letters

508dated August 9, 2005, both of which read in pertinent part as


521If you are using your e ducation as

529experience, you will need to have an

536official transcript sent from your

541institution. Have them send it to attention

548building codes, CIU. (There ' s no need to

557send the one for the psychology coursework,

564only the engineering . )

569The paperwork you sent from New York is not

578sufficient. You will need to use the

585affidavit form in your packet, such as

592Mr. Olin used. They need to fill out the

601form completely (please note it does not

608have to be notarized.) The affidavits must

615be filled out by a state licensed architect,

623engineer, contractor or building official

628(see application instructions.) They must

633include their state license number and tell

640what the license is ( i.e. general

647contractor). If they are one of th e se

656professions but are not licensed i n New York

665because it is not necessary in that state,

673they need to send a separate letter so

681stating, which is notarized.

685You need to send a new experience history

693page which includes your position in Orange

700County. (emphasis in original)

7045. Addition ally, the August 9, 2005, letter regarding her

714application for a provisional license advised Petitioner the

722following :

724Please be advised that in order to be

732eligible for provisional license, you must

738be hired into the position of a building

746plans examiner . . . . Y ou will need to send

758a new affidavit from your CBO stating that

766you have been hired into the position, and

774the effective date of such hire. (Please

781see Rule 61G19 - 6.012(6) showing you are

789eligible to perform the duties of a building

797plans examiner when hired for a period of 90

806days from the date of submission of the

814application for provisional licensure) under

819direct supervision of a CBO. . . .

8276. Petitioner responded to the August 9, 2005, letters by

837supplying the requested documentation.

8417 . Specifically, Petitioner provided a revised affidavit

849from Robert C. Olin, M anager/Building Official with the Orange

859County Building Division, which stated as follows:

866Ms. Georges was hired as a Plans Examiner on

8756/13/05. She is applying for her

881Provi sional Plans Examiner License and also

888to take the Building Plans Examiner exam.

895Presently her responsibility is to complete

901her training for the position of Plans

908Examiner, and to obtain a Provisional, and

915then a Standard Plans Examiner License.

9218. Petitioner also provided a revised Experience History

929page which included her position in Orange County listing the

939dates of employment as June 13, 2005 to present.

9489. Further, Petitioner provided revised

953statements/affidavits, on the affidavit form sp ecified in the

962August 9, 2005 , letter to Petitioner, regarding her work

971experience in New York. One of the affidavits was written by

982Ernest Jo c h e n, v ice p resident of JE Activities , Inc. , wh o listed

999her dates of employment as February 200 3 to June 2005, an d her

1013years of supervisory experience as "2 years 3 months ." The

1024other affidavit was written by Garfield Stewart, Senior Project

1033Manager, of BFC Construction Corp., wh o listed her dates of

1044employment as May 2000 to January 2003, and her years of

1055superviso ry experience as "2 years 8 months." The substance of

1066the original statements of Mr. Jochen and Mr. Stewart regarding

1076Petitioner 's work experience was essentially the same as in the

1087revised affidavits. The revisions were of a technical nature

1096only, i.e. , on the correct forms. Petitioner's work experience

1105in these jobs, i.e. , managing gut renovations of city - owned

1116multi - family apartment buildings, is in the field of


112710. Petitioner also ordered an official transcript from

1135Polytechnic Uni versity in Brooklyn, New York, which was received

1145by Respondent on October 5, 2005. The transcript indicates that

1155Petitioner attended Polytechnic University from the fall of 1996

1164through the fall of 2000, earning 123.50 credits over four years

1175with a majo r in Civil Engineering.

118211. The Board denied Petitioner's applications at a

1190meeting held on December 9, 2005 , and issued the Notice of

1201Intent to Deny on January 4, 2006.

120812. Subsequent to issuance of the Notice of Intent to

1218Deny , 2/ P etitioner provid ed separate letters from Mr. Stewart and

1230Mr. Jo c h e n which read as follows:

1240A license to complete gut renovations on

1247multi - family structures is not required in

1255the State of New York. The firm is only

1264required to be bonded and insured.

127013. Although P etitioner was employed by Orange County at

1280the time she submitted her applications and for several months

1290thereafter, she explained at hearing that she left her

1299employment with Or ange County in June 2006, and was employed

1310there for exactly one year. This meant a t the time she made

1323application, Petitioner was employed by an agency of government ,

1332but not at the time of hearing .


134314. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1350jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

1360pr oceeding in accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1369Florida Statutes.

137115. In licensing cases, the burden is on the applicant to

1382demonstrate entitlement to the requested license by a

1390preponderance of the evidence. Department of Transportation v.

1398J .W.C. Company, Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981);

1410Balino v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348

1419So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

142616. The Notice of Intent to Deny states as the reason for

1438denial that Petitioner's applications for standard and

1445provisional certification "do not demonstrate, affirmed by

1452affidavit signed by an architect, engineer, contractor, or

1460building code administrator, that you have the required

1468experience for the certifications sought."

147317. Section 468.609, Flo rida Statutes, reads in pertinent

1482part as follows:

1485468.609 Administration of this part;

1490standards for certification; additional

1494categories of certification. --

1498(1) Except as provided in this part, any

1506person who desires to be certified shall

1513apply to t he board, in writing upon forms

1522approved and furnished by the board, to take

1530the certification examination.

1533(2) A person may take the examination for

1541certification as a building code inspector

1547or plans examiner pursuant to this part if

1555the person:

1557(a) Is at least 18 years of age.

1565(b) Is of good moral character.

1571(c) Meets eligibility requirements

1575according to one of the following criteria:

15821. Demonstrates 5 years' combined

1587experience in the field of construction or a

1595related field, building co de inspection, or

1602plans review corresponding to the

1607certification category sought;

16102. Demonstrates a combination of

1615postsecondary education in the field of

1621construction or a related field and

1627experience which totals 4 years, with at

1634least 1 year of such total being experience

1642in construction, building code inspection,

1647or plans review;

1650* * *

1653(4) No person may engage in the duties of a

1663building code administrator, plans examiner,

1668or building code inspector pursuant to this

1675part af ter October 1, 1993, unless such

1683person possesses one of the following types

1690of certificates, currently valid, issued by

1696the board attesting to the person's

1702qualifications to hold such position:

1707(a) A standard certificate.

1711(b) A limited certificate .

1716(c) A provisional certificate.

172018. Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G19 - 6.0035 reads as


173161G19 - 6.0035 Application for Provisional

1737and/or Standard Certification.

1740(1) Each individual who wishes to obtain a

1748provisional and/or standard certificate in

1753any certificate category shall submit the

1759following to the Board:

1763(a) A completed application form for the

1770category in which certification is sought.

1776The form that shall be used for this purpose

1785shall be provided by the Department and

1792a vailable on the Department 's website.

1799(b) An affidavit describing in detail each

1806separate period of work experience listed in

1813the application form, signed by a licensed

1820architect, engineer, contractor, or building

1825code administrator who has knowledge of the

1832applicant's duties and responsibilities

1836during the period indicated. The form that

1843shall be used for this purpose shall be

1851provided by the Department and available on

1858the Department 's website. Each affidavit

1864must include the name and address of the

1872applicant's employer during the work

1877experience period, the dates of employment,

1883and a de scription of the applicant's dut ies

1892and responsibilities during the employment

1897including any supervisory responsibilities,

1901in sufficient detail to enable the Board to

1909determine whether or not the applicant has

1916the experience required for certification.

1921(c) Each applicant for certification as an

1928inspector or plans examiner shall

1933demonstrate that he or she has at least one

1942(1) year of hands - on experience in the

1951catego ry of certification sought.

1956(d) Each applicant seeking to qualify for

1963certification through a combination of post

1969secondary education and work experience

1974shall submit an official copy of all college

1982or university transcripts which document the

1988applicant 's education in addition to all

1995required affidavits of work experience.

2000(e) Each applicant who is not employed by a

2009local government agency having

2013responsibility for building code inspection,

2018building construction regulation, and

2022enforcement of buildin g, plumbing,

2027mechanical, electrical, gas, fire

2031prevention, energy, accessibility, and other

2036construction codes at the time of the

2043application shall submit payment of all

2049applicable application, examination and

2053certification fees as specified in Chapter

205961G 19 - 10, F.A.C.

2064(2) In addition to all other required

2071items, each applicant for an inspector or

2078plans examiner certificate shall submit with

2084the application a statement from the

2090applicant's current employer which shall

2095indicate the applicant's present st atus with

2102the employer. Each applicant employed by a

2109local government agency having

2113responsibility for building code inspection,

2118building construction regulation, and

2122enforcement of building, plumbing,

2126mechanical, electrical, gas, fire

2130prevention, energy, accessibility, and other

2135construction codes at the time the

2141application is submitted must include on the

2148statement the signature and license number

2154of the building code administrator or

2160building official for the applicant's

2165employing agency.

2167(3) In ad dition to all other required

2175items, each applicant for a building code

2182administrator certification shall submit

2186with the application a statement from the

2193applicant's current employer which shall

2198indicate the applicant's present status with

2204the employer.

220619. Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G19 - 6.012 reads in

2216pertinent part as follows:

222061G19 - 6.0 12 Provisional Certificates.

2226(1) The Board shall issue a provisional

2233certificate to any newly employed or newly

2240promoted building code administrator, p lans

2246examiner, or building code inspector subject

2252to the provisions of Section 468.609, F.S.,

2259and the provisions of this rule.

2265(2) Provisional certificates are not

2270renewable, and are valid for the following


2278(a) Three years for inspectors.

2283( b) Three years for plans examiners.

2290(c) Three years for building code

2296administrators officials.

2298(3) Provisional inspector or plans examiner

2304certificates sh all only be issued to

2311applicant s w ho demonstrate at the time of

2320their application that they possess all of

2327the standards and eligibility requirements

2332for standard certification as set forth in

2339Section 468.609(2), F.S. Provisional

2343building code administrator certificates

2347shall only be issued to applicants who

2354demonstrate at the time for their

2360app lication that they possess all of the

2368standards and eligib ility requirements for

2374standard certification as set forth in

2380Section 468.609(3), F.S.

2383(4) Provisional certificates shall be

2388issued to persons employed by an agency of


239720. Petit ioner has the requisite number of years of

2407experience required for a standard certificate. The original

2415and revised affidavits submitted by her former employers

2423demonstrate that she had 4 years, 11 months of on - the - job

2437experience in the field of construct ion. The affidavits were

2447signed by persons from a state in which licensure was not

2458required, and who provided separate, written statements to

2466verify that. Petitioner was employed by Orange County for

2475exactly one year. Thus, Petitioner has met the eligib ility

2485requirements of Section 468.609(2)(c)1., Florida Statutes.

249121. Moreover, Petitioner has demonstrated a combination of

2499postsecondary education in the field of construction with at

2508least one year of such total being experience in construction,

2518buildin g code inspection, or plans review. Thus, Petitioner has

2528met the eligibility requirements of Section 468.609 (2)(c)2 . ,

2537Florida Statutes.

253922. As a result of Petitioner's acknowledgment at hearing

2548that she is no longer employed by a government al ag ency,

2560Respondent argues in its proposed recommended order that

2568Petitioner should not be granted a provisional license , citing

2577Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G19 - 6.012(4). Pursuant to

2586the language of that Rule, Petitioner is no longer eligible to

2597receive a provisional c ertificate.


2603Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions

2612of law reached, it is


2618That a final order be entered denying Petitioner's

2626application for provisional certification as a building pla ns

2635ex aminer, and granting Petitioner 's application for standard

2644certification as a building plans examiner, thus allowing her to

2654sit for the standard certificate examination.

2660DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of August, 2006, in

2670Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2679Administrative Law Judge

2682Division of Administrative Hearings

2686The DeSoto Building

26891230 Apalachee Parkway

2692Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2697(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2705Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2712Filed with the Clerk of the

2718Division of Administrative Hearings

2722this 24th day of August, 2006.


27291/ Petitioner also applied for a "1 & 2 Family Plans Examiner

2741License" but withdrew that application.

27462/ Although provided by Respondent, these letters do not show a

2757receipt date but are dated by Mr. Jo c h e n and Mr. Stewart

2772January 12 and January 26, 2006, respectively.


2782Jazlyn Georges

2784705 Arlene Drive

2787Deltona, Florida 32725

2790Jeffrey D. Jones, Esquire

2794Departme nt of Legal Affairs

2799The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

2804Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

2809Josefina Tamayo, General Counsel

2813Department of Business and

2817Professional Regulation

28191940 North Monroe Street

2823Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

2828Robyn Barineau, Executi ve Director

2833Building Code Administrators

2836and Inspectors

2838Department of Business and

2842Professional Regulation

28441940 North Monroe Street

2848Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


2859All parties have the right to submit writ ten exceptions within

287015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2881to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2892will issue th e final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/27/2006
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/20/2006
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 13, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/09/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/09/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Staros from J. Georges regarding proposed recommendation filed.
Date: 08/01/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/31/2006
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/16/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/16/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 13, 2006; 10:00 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 05/05/2006
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 04/26/2006
Proceedings: Referral for Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Deland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):