06-002219 Emerald Coast Utilities Authority vs. Marc Hughes
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, September 29, 2006.

View Dockets  






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 06 - 2219




30Respondent. )



42Pursuant to th e certain contract between the Division of

52Administrative Hearings and Emerald Coast Utilities Authority

59(ECUA) and after written Notice of Hearing, a fact - finding

70hearing for the purpose of taking testimony and receiving

79exhibits was conducted in this case on August 30, 2006, in

90Pensacola, Florida, before Diane Cleavinger, Administrative Law

97Judge with the Division Of Administrative Hearings.


105For Petitioner: John E. Griffin, Esquire

111Carson & Adkins

1142958 Wellington Circle, North

118Suite 200

120Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 6885

125For Respondent: Marc Hughes

129280 East Ten Mile Road

134Pensacola, Florida 32534


141The issue in this case was to determine whether Respondent

151violated Sections A - 5(B) and F - 4(4), (19), (27) and (33) of the

166ECUA Human Resources Policy Manual.


173On April 10, 2006, Respondent, Marc Hughes , was placed on

183administrative leave with pay to permit Petitioner to

191investigate whether Respondent had tapped into an ECUA water

200line and used such unmetered water. By certified letter dated

210April 26, 2006, Respondent w as notified that the Petitioner

220intended to take employment action against him for use of an

231unmetered water tap in violation of the ECUA Human Resources

241Policy Manual, Section A - 5(B) Code of Ethics; Section F - 4(4)

254Conduct Unbecoming an ECUA Employee; Sect ion F - 4(27) Theft or

266Stealing and Section F - 4(33) Violation of ECUA Rules or Policies

278or State and Federal Law. The letter also advised Respondent of

289his right to a predetermination/liberty interest hearing.

296On May 3, 2006, a predetermination/liber ty interest hearing

305was held at ECUA’s Human Resources and Administrative Services

314Department. Petitioner participated in the hearing. After the

322hearing, by letter dated May 19, 2006, Respondent was terminated

332for his use of an unmetered water tap in vio lation of the ECUA

346Human Resources Policy Manual, Section A - 5(B) Code of Ethics;

357Section F - 4(4) Conduct Unbecoming an ECUA Employee; Section F -

3694(27) Theft or Stealing and Section F - 4(33) Violation of ECUA

381Rules or Policies or State and Federal Law. The le tter further

393advised Respondent of his right to appeal Petitioner’ s

402employment action and request a fact finding hearing before an

412Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative


421By letter dated, May 29, 2006, Respondent, timel y filed a

432request for hearing. The request indicated that Respondent did

441not feel he was treated the same as other similarly situated

452employees. The case was forwarded to the Division of

461Administrative Hearings.

463As indicated earlier, the hearing was held on August 30,

4732006, and was electronically recorded. At the hearing,

481Petitioner presented the testimony of Tina Shelton, ECUA

489Director of Human Resources ; Jeremy Stewart, an ECUA employee ;

498Ernest Dawson, ECUA Director of Regional Services ; and Harry

507Shoemore, ECUA Region 1 Supervisor. Petitioner also introduced

51514 exhibits into evidence , consisting of:

5211. Human Resources Policy Manual

5262. Employee Handbook

5293. Acknowledgement of receipt of The Employee Handbook

537signed by Respon dent

541anscript of the May 3, 2006, Predetermination


5495 - 11. Various photographs of 280 East Ten Mile Road

56012. Memorandum dated April 10, 2006 to Respondent

568suspending him with pay .

57313. Letter dated April 28, 2006, regarding outcome of

582inve stigation, recommendation of termination and right to

590a predetermination hearing.

59314. Letter of termination dated May 19, 2006.


6041. In 2000, Respondent was employed by Petitioner. At the

614time, Respondent was given a copy of the emp loyee handbook,

625receipt of which was acknowledged by Respondent. The Handbook

634is a summary of Petitioner’s human resource policies. Specific

643human resources policies are contained in Petitioner’s Human

651Resources Policy Manual. Both documents reference a Code of

660Ethics that is to be adhered to by employees (page 2 of the

673Employee Handbook and page 5 of the Human Resources Policy

683Manual). Likewise, both documents contain provisions for

690discipline of an employee (page 32 of the Employee Handbook and

701page 5 2 of the Human Resources Policy Manual). The Human

712Resource Manual states, in relevant part, as follows:

720Section A - 5 Code of Ethics

727* * * *

731B. No ECUA employee shall use or attempt to

740use their position to secure special

746privilege or exemptions for the mselves or

753others, except that which may be provided by

761policy and/or law.

764* * * *

768Section F - 4 Disciplinary Offenses

774* * * *

778(4) Conduct Unbecoming an ECUA Employee

784Any act or activity on the job or connected

793with the job that involves moral turpitud e,

801or any conduct, whether on or off the job,

810that adversely affects the employee’s

815effectiveness as an ECUA employee. . . .

823Conduct unbecoming an ECUA employee includes

829any conduct which adversely affects the

835morale or efficiency of the ECUA, or any

843cond uct which has a tendency to destroy

851public respect or confidence in the ECUA, in

859its employees, or in the provision of ECUA


868* * * *

872(19) Unauthorized use of ECUA Property or


880The unauthorized use of any ECUA property or

888equipment for any reason other than ECUA


896* * * *

900(27) Theft or Stealing

904The unauthorized taking of any material or

911property of the ECUA, other employees, or

918the public with the intent to permanently

925deprive the owner of possession or to sell

933or to use for personal gain.

939* * * *

943(33) Violation of ECUA Rules or Policies or

951State or Federal Law.

955The failure to abide by ECUA rules,

962policies, directives or state or federal

968statutes. This may include, but is not

975limited to, misuse of position, giving or

982acc epting a bribe, discrimination in

988employment, or actual knowledge of failure

994to take corrective action or report rule

1001violations and employee misconduct.

1005* * * *

10092. Sometime in 2003 or 2004, Respondent moved to his

1019residence located at 280 East Te n Mile Road. The home had a

103210,000 gallon pool. The home’s waterline was attached to a

1043metered water tap on a three - inch ECUA waterline. At some point

1056Respondent became dissatisfied with his home water service and

1065wanted to connect his home’s waterline to a 12 - inch ECUA water

1078line that also ran in front of his home.

10873. Respondent asked Steve Castro, a crew supervisor for

1096Region 1, the region Respondent’s house was in, about “what I

1107needed to do” to transfer his house waterline from the three -

1119inch l ine to the 12 - inch line. Respondent was informed that

1132when the work in that region was caught up, Mr. Castro would

1144have the new tap put in. About two days later, Jeremy Stewart,

1156an ECUA service technician, installed a tap on the 12 - inch line

1169in front of Respondent’s home. No meter was installed on the

1180new tap. At the time, Respondent’s houseline was not hooked to

1191the new tap, leaving the tap unused.

11984. In 2004 and 2005, the Pensacola area was hit with

1209multiple hurricanes that caused damage to Resp ondent’s home.

1218His pool developed black algae , which generally requires

1226pressure washing and chemical treatment to remove. In

1234preparation for removal of the algae, Petitioner drained his

1243pool about half way.

12475. Sometime in late March or early Apr il, 2006, Petitioner

1258asked Harry Shoemore, his supervisor, to find out how to apply

1269for water service from the 12 - inch line and how much it would

1283cost in fees to obtain the new water service. Mr. Shoemore

1294obtained the information for Respondent and radioe d him with the

1305information. The fees for the new service would exceed 1000.00

1315dollars and had to be paid prior to service being installed.

13266. On April 9, 2006, Respondent, with full knowledge that

1336he had not paid for any tap, hooked a waterline to t he 12 - inch

1352tap that had been installed earlier. The line ran around the

1363house to the backyard and into the pool. He did not attach a

1376meter to the tap and did not pay any fees to ECUA. Respondent

1389used water from the tap to pressure wash his pool and fill it.

1402An estimated amount of water used by Petitioner to accomplish

1412these tasks would be over 7,000 gallons of water.

14227. On April 10, 2006, Mr. Dawson received a telephone call

1433that there was an unmetered tap at 280 Ten Mile Road.

1444Mr. Dawson and Mr. Shoemore drove to the address to investigate

1455the call. They arrived at Respondent’s house around 8:30 a.m.

1465and saw the ECUA’S one - inch black service tubing from the 12 -

1479inch line attached to white PVC piping extending to the backyard

1490of Respondent’s home and emptying into Respondent’s pool. The

1499pool was being filled and water had overflowed into the

1509backyard. There was no meter on the service line.

15188. Respondent’s father met Mr. Dawson and Mr. Shoemore at

1528the door to the house. He advised them tha t he had called

1541Respondent and that Respondent was on his way to his house.

15529. Respondent drove up to the house in an ECUA work truck.

1564As he approached Mr. Dawson and Mr. Shoemore, Respondent stated,

1574“You caught me.” Respondent also admitted to att aching the PVC

1585pipe to the line and using the water to pressure wash and fill

1598his pool. He admitted he was wrong for making the attachment

1609and using the water without paying for it. Respondent indicated

1619he was willing to pay for the water and service. T here is no

1633question that Respondent illegally connected to and used ECUA

1642property, stole water from ECUA , and deprived ECUA, as well as

1653the County , the connection and impact fees related to such use.

166410. Respondent was immediately placed on Administr ative

1672Leave with Pay, pending further investigation by Petitioner.

1680Later Respondent was afforded his due process rights by ECUA.

169011. Petitioner did review prior disciplinary action

1697against other employees who were allegedly “caught stealing,”

1706includ ing two past incidents that Respondent indicated had not

1716resulted in termination of the employee. One of the incidents

1726could not be verified. The other incident was vague, was not

1737brought to the attention of the past administration for

1746discipline and occ urred well prior to the current

1755administration’s policy against theft and employee conduct.

1762Respondent also referenced two employment actions that involved

1770the falsification of time records. At least one of these

1780actions resulted in some form of hearing. However, the evidence

1790was vague regarding these disciplinary actions and any

1798similarity between these cases cannot be determined from the



181012. As indicated, both the ECUA Human Resource Manual and

1820the Employee Handbook contain p rovisions which prohibit an

1829employees from stealing, misusing ECUA property and/or

1836otherwise, behaving in a manner that is unbecoming to an ECUA

1847employee. Petitioner had notice of and knew about these


185713. In this case, while there was one incident of theft,

1868that act violated multiple sections of the ECUA Human Resources

1878Policy Manual. There can be no doubt that stealing from one’s

1889employer is an act of moral turpitude falling well below any

1900social norm for honesty and integrity. Responden t’s theft was

1910both knowing and intentional. Unquestionably, such action is

1918conduct unbecoming to an ECUA employee and violates the Code of

1929Ethics contained in the ECUA Human Relations Policy Manual,

1938Sections A - 5(B) and F - 4(4). Likewise, such theft involv ed the

1952illegal use of ECUA water, lines and equipment since Petitioner

1962had not paid for the connection, had no meter on the tap so that

1976ECUA could measure Respondent’s usage , and had not paid the

1986required impact fees to ECUA for such tap. Such illegal use

1997constitutes both a misuse of ECUA property and theft of ECUA

2008property in violation of Sections F - 4(19) and (27). Finally,

2019because Respondent’s theft violated the above - referenced

2027policies of ECUA and violated state law regarding theft,

2036Respondent’s act v iolated Section F - 4(33) of the ECUA Human

2048Resources Policy Manual.

2051R EPORT SUBMITTED this 29th day of September , 2006.



2063Administrative Law Judge

2066Division of Administrative Hearings

2070The DeSoto Build ing

20741230 Apalachee Parkway

2077Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2082(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2090Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2097Filed with the Clerk of the

2103Division of Administrative Hearings

2107this 29th day of September , 2006 .


2118Marc Hughes

2120280 East Ten Mile Road

2125Pensacola, Florida 32534

2128John E. Griffin, Esquire

2132Carson & Adkins

21352958 Wellington Circle, North, Suite 200

2141Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 6885

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Date: 09/29/2006
Proceedings: Other
Date: 09/29/2006
Proceedings: Report to the Emerald Coast Utility Authority. Case Closed.
Date: 08/30/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Conform Amended Notice of Hearing to the ALJ Services Contract between Petitioner and DOAH filed.
Date: 08/01/2006
Proceedings: Order (Order of Pre-hearing Instructions dated July 31, 2006, is withdrawn).
Date: 08/01/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30, 2006; 11:0) a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL; amended as to authority).
Date: 07/31/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/31/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30, 2006; 11:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 06/30/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/30/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Griffin).
Date: 06/21/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/21/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Termination filed.
Date: 06/21/2006
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/21/2006
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Pensacola, Florida
Contract Hearings
