06-002455MPI Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Jesus Negrette, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 5, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner demonstrated that Respondent received Medicaid overpayments for the audit period. Recommend repayment of overpayment.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 06 - 2455MPI




32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was scheduled in this

47case by vide o teleconference on October 23, 2006 , with

57connecting sites in Miami and Tallahassee, Florida, before

65Errol H. Powell, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the

75Division of Administrative Hearings. At the request of the

84p arties, t he hearing was cancelled. The parties stipulated and

95agr eed , among other things, that no hearing was necessary and

106that a recommended order could be issued based upon the record.


118For Petitioner: Jeffries H. Duvall , Esquire

124Agency for Health Care Administration

129Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

1362727 Mahan Drive

139Tallahassee, Florida 32308

142For Re spondent: Manuel R. Lopez , Esquire

149Manuel Lopez & A ssociates, P.A.

155770 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Penthouse

161Miami, Florida 33134


168The issue for determination is whether Petitioner was

176overpaid by t he Medicaid program as set forth in Petitioner 's

188Final Agency Audit Report dated June 12 , 2006 for the period

199January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004 .


209By a preliminary audit report dated August 25, 2005, Jesus

219Negrette, M.D., was notified by the Agency for Health Care

229Administration (A HCA) that at review of his Medicaid claims for

240the period January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004, indicated

250that he had been overpaid by the Medicaid program in the amount

262of $137,051.25. By Final Audit Report (F AR) dated June 12 ,

2742006 , Dr. Negrette wa s notified by the AHCA that , after a review

287of all documentation submitted, it had determined that he had

297been overpaid by the Medicaid prog ram in the amount of

308$79,523.70 . The procedure and formula for the calculation of

319the overpayment was i ncluded in t he FA R. Dr. Negrette , t hrough

333counsel, disputed the FA R and requested a hearing. On July 13,

3452006 , this matter was referred to the Division of Administrative


356In his request for hearing, Dr. Negrette had set forth the

367affirmative defense of seto ff. Prior to hearing, Dr. Negrette

377filed a Memorandum of Law in Support of Affirmative Defense of

388Set - Off (Affirmative Defense of Set - Off). Dr. Negrette

399contended that, if he was overpaid, he was entitled to a set - off

413for services that he had rendered du ring the audit period for

425which he did not file claims but for which he was otherwise

437entitled to receive payment. AHCA filed a response to the

447Affirmative Defense of Set - Off (Response). The undersigned

456ruled in an Order Denying Affirmative Defense of Se t - Off that a

470set - off was not an applicable remedy in the instant matter and

483that, therefore, Dr. Negrette was not entit led to a set - off. 1

497Subsequently, the parties filed a Joint Pre - hearing

506Stipulation in which certain facts were agreed upon . Further,

516t he parties stipulated and agreed , among other things, that a

527hearing was not necessary in the case at hand; and that the

539undersigned could issue a recommended order on the record,

548including that the amount calculated by AHCA the Medicaid

557overpayment, $79,523 .70, was a proper computation and that

567Dr. Negrette did not agree with the undersigned’s ruling on the

578Affirmative Defense of Set - Off or relinquish any right to appeal

590the ruling . The final hearing was canceled, and a telephone

601conference was held regardi ng the parties’ Joint Pre - Hearing

612Stipulation. During the telephone co nference, the parties ,

620among other things, confirmed their stipulation and agreement .

629This Recommended Order is issued in light of the

638stipulation and agreement of the parties. § 120. 569(1), Fla.

648Stat. (2006).


6531. AHCA audited certain of Dr. Negrette's Medicaid claims

662pertaining to services rendered between January 1, 2002 and

671December 31, 2004, hereinafter the audit period.

6782 . Dr. Negrette was an authorized Medicaid provider during

688the audit period .

6923 . During the audit period, Dr. Negrette had been issued

703Med icaid provider number 061422000 .

7094 . No dispute exists that, dur ing the audit period,

720Dr. Negrette had a vali d Medicaid Provider Agreement with AHCA.

7315 . For ser vices provided during the audit period,

741Dr. Negrette received in excess $79,523.70 in payments for

751services to Medicaid recipients.

7556 . By a preliminary audit report dated August 25, 2005,

766AHCA notified Dr. Negrette that a preliminary determination was

775mad e that he was overpaid by the Medicaid program in the amount

788of $137,051.25 .

7927 . Subsequently, by a FAR dated June 12, 2006 , AHCA

803notified Dr. Negrette that, after a review of all documentation

813submitted, it determined that he had been overpaid by the

823Me dicaid program in the amount of $79,523.70, thus, reducing the

835amount of the overpayment.

8398 . The FA R further provided how the overpayment was

850calculate d using a sample of the claims submitted during the

861audit period, including the statistical formula for cluster

869sampling ; and indicated that the statistical formula was

877generally accepted and that the statistical formula showed an

886overpaym ent in the amount of $79,523.70 , with a 95 percent

898probability of correctness.

9019 . Dr. Negrette agrees that the mathemati cal computation

911of the audit is correct.


91910 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

927jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

937parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

945Florida Statutes (2006) .

94911 . The burden of proof is on AHCA to establish a Medicaid

962overpayment by a preponderance of the evidence. South Medical

971Services, Inc. v. AHCA , 653 So. 2d 440, 441 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995).

98412 . Section 409.913(10), Florida Statutes (2001 - 2003), and

994Section 409.913(11), Florida Statutes (2004), provide that "The

1002agency may require repayment for inappropriate, medically

1009unnecessary, or excessive goods or services from the person

1018furnishing them, the person under whose supervision they were

1027furnished, or the person causing them to be furnished."

103613 . Overpayment is defined by Sections 409.913(1)(d),

1044Florida Statutes (2001), and 409.913(1)(e), Florida Statutes

1051(2002 - 2004), as including "any amount that is not authorized to

1063be paid by the Medicaid program wheth er paid as a result of

1076inaccurate or improper cost reporting, improper claiming,

1083unacceptable practices, fraud, or abuse, or mistake.”

109014 . Section 409.913, Florida Statutes (2001 - 2003 ),

1100provides in pertinent part:

1104(21) The audit report, supported by agen cy

1112work papers, showing an overpayment to a

1119provider constitutes evidence of the

1124overpayment. . . .

1128Section 409.913, Florida Statutes (2004), provides in pertinent


1137(22) The audit report, supported by agency

1144work papers, showing an overpayment to a

1151provider constitutes evidence of the

1156overpayment. . . .

1160Pursuant to the said subsection s , AHCA can establish a prima

1171facie case of overpayment merely by the admission into evidence

1181of a properly supported audit report. See Maz Pharmaceuticals,

1190Inc. v. Ag ency for Health Care Administration , DOAH Case No. 97 -

12033791 (Recommended Order, March 20, 1998).

120915 . No dispute exists that AHCA has established a prima

1220facie case of overpayment.

122416 . Moreover, no dispute exits that AHCA has es tablished a

1236case of overpaym ent and that the amount of $79,523.70 is a

1249proper computation of the overpayment.

125417 . AHCA demonstrated that Dr. Negrette received Medicaid

1263overpayme nts in the amount of $79,523.70 for the audit period

1275January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004 .


1285Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1295Law, it is

1298RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration

1306enter a final orde r finding that Jesus Negrette, M.D. , received

1317overpayments from the Medicaid p rogram in the amount of

1327$7 9,523.70 , during the audit period January 1, 2002 through

1338December 31, 2004, and requiring Jesus Negrette, M.D. , to repay

1348the amount of overpayment .

1353DONE A ND ENTERED this 5th day of February , 2007 , in

1364Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




1373Administrative Law Judge

1376Division of Administrative Hearings

1380The DeSoto Building

13831230 Apalachee Parkway

1386Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1391(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

1399Fax Filin g (850) 921 - 6847


1407Filed with the Clerk of the

1413Division of Administrative Hearings

1417this 5th day of February, 2007 .


14251/ The text , including endnotes, of the Order Denying Affirmative

1435Defense of Set - Off is set forth below:

1444Ord er Denying Affirmative Defense of Set - Off

1453This cause came before the undersigned on

1460Respondent's Memorandum of Law in Support of

1467Affirmative Defense of Set - Off (Affirmative

1474Defense of Set - Off). Respondent seeks a

1482preliminary ruling as to whether he is

1489en titled to an affirmative defense of set -

1498off for vaccinations that he administered

1504during the audit period and for which he did

1513not receive payment due to the Medicaid

1520program's one year statute of limitation on

1527billing. Petitioner filed a Response to

1533Peti tioner's [sic] Affirmative Defense of

1539Set - Off (Response).

1543In his Affirmative Defense of Set - Off,

1551Respondent avers, among other things, in his

1558Statement of Facts that Petitioner's

1563documentation reviewing doctor informed

1567Respondent that he had not billed ce rtain

1575items related to vaccinations and advised

1581Respondent to bill the items, retroactively;

1587that Respondent billed the items as advised,

1594but that Medicaid regulations did not permit

1601billing beyond one year, retroactively, from

1607the date of service and that , therefore,

1614Respondent could not be paid for the certain

1622items related to vaccinations beyond one

1628year from the date of service; and that,

1636however, Respondent is entitled to a set - off

1645in that any overpayment should be reduced by

1653the aforementioned vaccina tions administered

1658by Respondent. Respondent included a

1663Memorandum of Law in support of his


1671Petitioner avers, among other things, as to

1678facts, that no disagreement exists that

1684Medicaid's policy requires claims for

1689payment of Medicaid services be made within

169612 months of the date service is rendered,

1704but that Respondent may not avail himself of

1712a set - off for any overpayment by Medicaid.

1721Petitioner also included case law and

1727argument in support of its position.

1733According to Petitioner's Final Aud it Report

1740(FAR) dated June 12, 2006, Petitioner

1746performed an audit of Respondent's Medicaid

1752claims for the period covering January 1,

17592002 through December 31, 2004. Petitioner

1765indicated in its FAR, among other things,

1772that a preliminary audit report, dat ed

1779August 25, 2005, provided that Respondent

1785had been overpaid in the amount of

1792$137,051.25, but that, upon review of all

1800documentation submitted, Petitioner

1803determined that Respondent had been overpaid

1809by the Medicaid program in the amount of

1817$79,523.70 a nd that a fine of $1,500 should

1828be imposed; and, therefore, Petitioner

1833requested in its FAR that Respondent remit

1840$81,023.70 to it.

1844The Medicaid program originates in federal

1850law; Title XIX of the Social Security Act

1858creates the Medicaid program. The fed eral

1865law provides for the operation of Medicaid

1872programs by the states, within requirements

1878set forth in the federal law. The federal

1886regulations implementing the federal law

1891require, as to timely processing of claims,

1898that "[t]he Medicaid agency must req uire

1905providers to submit all claims no later than

191312 months from the date of service." 42 CFR

1922§ 447.45(d)(1). The federal regulation does

1928not provide for a waiver of this requirement

1936for the filing of claims. Id. A claim is

1945defined in the federal regul ations as "(1) a

1954bill for services, (2) a line item of

1962service, or (3) all services for one

1969recipient within a bill." 42 CFR §


1977Section 409.913(7)(e), Florida Statutes

1981(2005), requires all Medicaid providers to

1987submit claims "in accord wit h applicable

1994provisions of all Medicaid rules,

1999regulations, handbooks, and policies and in

2005accordance with federal, state, and local

2011law." In the instant matter, Petitioner is

2018asserting that Respondent was overpaid by

2024the Medicaid program during a specifi c

2031period of time for which Petitioner

2037performed an audit to make its

2043determination. Overpayment is defined in

2048Section 409.913(1)(e), Florida Statutes

2052(2005), as including "any amount that is not

2060authorized to be paid by the Medicaid

2067program whether paid a s a result of

2075inaccurate or improper cost reporting,

2080improper claiming, unacceptable practices,

2084fraud, abuse, or mistake." 1

2089For the instant matter, the requirement that

2096a Medicaid provider file a claim for

2103services rendered within 12 months of the

2110date th e service is rendered, without a

2118waiver provision for such filing, is

2124considered a statute of limitations.

2129The parties are in agreement that the law in

2138Florida is well - settled that, even though a

2147claim for damages may be time - barred by a

2157statute of limita tions as an independent

2164claim, the claim may be asserted or revived

2172in a defensive posture against an

2178affirmative action and in a defensive

2184posture as a set - off. Allie v. Ionata , 503

2194So. 2d 1237 (Fla. 1987); Hilsenroth v.

2201Kessler , 446 So. 2d 147 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1984);

2210Elbadramany v. Bryson Crane Rental Services,

2216Inc. , 630 So. 2d 214 (Fla. 5th DCA 1993);

2225Monroe County v. McCormick , 752 So. 2d 1239

2233(Fla. 3rd DCA 2000). 2

2238However, Petitioner argues that the legal

2244principle is not without limitation.

2249Petitioner argues that, when the right and

2256the remedy are created by the same law, if

2265the claim is not brought within the time -

2274period provided by the law, the claimant

2281lacks a remedy for collection and the claim

2289is null and void. Petitioner cites Rybovich

2296Boat Work s, Inc. v. Atkins , 585 So. 2d 270

2306(Fla. 1991) and Beach v. Great Western Bank ,

2314670 So. 2d 986 (Fla. 4th DCA 1996) in

2323support of its position.

2327The undersigned is not persuaded that a set -

2336off is an applicable remedy in the instant

2344matter. 3 The case at hand involves a

2352regulatory action, not a civil action, in

2359which Petitioner is seeking to recover an

2366alleged overpayment from Respondent, a

2371Medicaid provider. Respondent had a

2376specific time period in which to file

2383claims, which time period is dictated by the

2391f ederal regulations and for which a waiver

2399provision is not provided in the

2405regulations. Respondent failed to file

2410claims for the items, for which he allegedly

2418could have billed, within the specific time

2425period. Without a waiver provision, the

2431undersigned is not persuaded that Respondent

2437is entitled to revive time - barred claims

2445and, therefore, entitled to a set - off.

2453Based on the foregoing, it is

2459ORDERED that Respondent is not entitled to

2466an affirmative defense of set - off for

2474vaccinations that he adminis tered during the

2481audit period and for which he did not file a

2491claim within the Medicaid program's one - year

2499statute of limitations on filing claims.

2505* * *


25091/ The definition of overpayment remained

2515the same in the years of 2001, 2002, 2003,

2524and 2004, which is the time period of the

2533audit. §§ 409.913(1)(d), Fla. Stat.(2001)

2538and 409.913(1)(e), Fla. Stat.(2002, 2003,

2543and 2004).

25452/ Allie , supra , is the leading case.

25523/ Had this Administrative Law Judge

2558determined that a set - off was an applic able

2568remedy in the instant matter, Beach v. Great

2576Western Bank , 670 So. 2d 986 (Fla. 4th DCA

25851996) is persuasive. In Beach , supra , the

2592issue involved an affirmative defense of

2598rescission and Truth in Lending Act (TILA)

2605damages raised by a consumer to a mo rtgage

2614foreclosure action. The federal statute

2619creating TILA included a consumer remedy of

2626rescission and for money damages for TILA

2633violations. The federal statute provided a

2639three year statute of limitations for

2645rescission and a one year statute of

2652lim itations for money damages.

2657Additionally, the federal statute

"2661specifically" provided that "as a defense

2667of recoupment or set - off to an action for

2677collection of the debt, a consumer may

2684assert violations of TILA and the damages to

2692which the consumer would be entitled under

2699the statute." (citation omitted) Beach at

2705989. The Fourth District Court of Appeal

2712held that, once the three - year statute of

2721limitations expires for rescission, the

2726expired right of rescission "may not be

2733revived as a defense in recou pment," found

2741that no "public policy reason for extending

2748recoupment," and held that, therefore,

"2753under Florida law, a consumer is not

2760entitled to rescind the mortgage transaction

2766and is limited to a damage set - off as

2776provided in TILA." Beach at 988 and 9 93.

2785The damage set - off relates to the specific

2794federal statutory provision for a recoupment

2800or set - off.

2804Further, the Court in Beach , supra , cited

2811with approval Bowery v. Babbit , 99 Fla.

28181151, 1163, 128 So. 801, 806 (Fla. 1930)

2826that "when the right and re medy are created

2835by the same statute, the limitations of the

2843remedy are treated as limitations of the

2850right." Consequently, in the case at hand,

2857since the right and the remedy are created

2865by the same statute, when the one - year

2874limitation period expired, R espondent's

2879right to file a claim for the services

2887provided extinguished and the right could

2893not be revived.


2898Jeffries H. Duvall, Esquire

2902Agency for Health Care Administration

2907Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

29142727 Mahan Drive

2917Tall ahassee, Florida 32308

2921Manuel R. Lopez, Esquire

2925Manuel Lopez & Associates, P.A.

2930770 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Penthouse

2936Miami, Florida 33134

2939Dr. Andrew C. Agwunobi, Secretary

2944Agency for Health Care Administration

2949Fort Knox Building, Suite 3116

29542727 Maha n Drive

2958Tallahassee, Florida 32308

2961Craig Smith , General Counsel

2965Agency for Health Care Administration

2970Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

29752727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

2981Tallahassee, Florida 32308

2984Richard Shoop, Agency Clerk

2988Agency for Health Care Administ ration

2994Fort Knox Building, Suite 3431

29992727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

3005Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3014All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

302415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

3035to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

3046will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 03/22/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 03/13/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/02/2006
Proceedings: Order Cancelling Hearing.
Date: 10/18/2006
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/17/2006
Proceedings: Order Denying Affirmative Defense of Set-off.
Date: 10/16/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Exchanging Exhibits filed.
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Agency`s Response to Petitioner`s Affirmative Defense of Set-off filed.
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: Petition`s Memorandum of Law in Support of Affirmative Defense of Set-off filed with the Agency for Health Care Administration.
Date: 08/21/2006
Proceedings: Amended Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/21/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 23, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/15/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Reset Final Hearing Date filed.
Date: 08/02/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/02/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 27, 2006; 1:00 p.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/21/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/14/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: Final Audit Report filed.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 07/13/2006
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):