06-002825PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Peter N. Brawn, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, December 28, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent violated the requirements imposed on him as a dispensing practitioner.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 06 - 2825PL




34Respondent. )



39Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing w as held in this case

51before Larry J. Sartin, an Administrative Law Judge of the

61Divi sion of Administrative Hearings, on October 18, 2006 , by

71video teleconference between Miami and Tallahassee, Florida .


80For Petitioner: April Dawn M. Skilling

86Warren J. Pea rson

90Assistants General Counsel

93Prosecution Services Unit

96Office of General Counsel

100Department of Health

1034052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin - C65

110Tallahassee, Florida 32399

113For Respondent: Sean M. Ellsworth, Esquire

119Ellsw orth Law Firm, P.A.

124404 Washington Avenue, Suite 750

129Miami Beach, Florida 33139


137The issue in this case is whether Respondent, Peter N.

147Brawn, M.D., committed violations of Chapter 458, Florida

155Statutes (2001) , as alleged in an Administrative Complaint filed

164by Petitioner, the Department of Health, on November 23, 2005,

174in DOH Case Number 2002 - 12896 , as amended ; and, if so, what

187disciplinary action should be taken against his license to

196practice medicine in the State of Flo rida.


206On or about November 23, 2005, the Department of Health

216filed an Administrative Complaint against Peter N. Brawn, M.D.,

225an individual licensed to practice medicine in Florida, before

234the Board of Medicine, in which it alleged th at Dr. Brawn had

247committed violations of Section 458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes

254(2001). Dr. Brawn disputed the allega tions of fact contained in

265the A dministrative C omplaint and requested a formal

274administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(a),

280Florida S tatutes (2005).

284On August 4, 2006, the matter was filed with the Division

295of Administrative Hearings with a request that an a dministrative

305l aw j udge be assigned the case to conduct proceedings pursuant

317to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2005) . The matter was

327designated DOAH Case Number 06 - 2825PL and was assigned to the


340The final hearing was scheduled by Notice of Hearing

349entered August 17, 2006, for October 12, 2006. By Order

359Granting Continuance and Re - scheduling Hearing, Petit ioner’s

368R equest for an A lternative H earing D ate was granted , and the

382final hearing was re - scheduled for October 18, 2006.

392On October 5, 2006, Petitioner filed a Motion to Amend

402Administrative Complaint in order to correct scrivener’s errors

410as to specifi c statutory pr ovisions and rule numbers. The

421motion was granted by Order on October 16, 2006.

430On October 5, 2006, a Joint Stipulation was filed by the

441parties. The Joint Stipulation contains, in relevant part,

449stipulated facts. Those facts have been inc luded in this

459Recommended Order.

461The final hearing was held via video teleconference between

470Miami and Tallahassee. Petitioner presented the testimony of

478Jaiser Figuereo and Evelyn Garrido - Morgan, I nvestigators for ,

488respectively, the Department of Health and the Agency for Health

498Care Administration . Petitioner offered and had admitted

506Exhibits 1, 3 through 13, and 15. A ruling was reserved on

518Petitioner’s Exhibit 2, a certified copy of a Final O rder

529entered in DOH Case Number 2002 - 15991 ( DOAH Case Numbe r 05 -

5441640PL ) in which the Florida Board of Medicine disciplined Dr.

555Brawn's license to pract ice medicine.

561The parties were invited to address the admissibility of

570Petitioner’s Exhibit 2 in their proposed recommended orders ,

578which they did . After full cons ideration of the matter,

589Peti ti oner’ s Exhibit 2 is hereby admitted . The question of

602whether Dr. Brawn has previously been discipline d is an issue

613that must be considered in deciding appropriate sanctions, if

622the allegations of the Administrative Complaint , as amended, are

631proved. See F la. Admin. Code R. 64B8 - 8.001(3). Such

642disciplinary action does not constitute an alleged "violation"

650which the case law cited by Dr. Brawn clearly contemplates must

661be pled. Dr. Brawn is presumed to be aware of the rules

673governing discipline of his license , and he was clearly aware of

684his prior disciplinary history. There is, therefore, no

692prejudice to Dr. Brawn by admitting Petitioner's Exhibit 2.

701The Transcript of the formal hearing was filed with the

711Division of Admini strative Hearings on October 30, 2006. By

721Notice of Filing of Transcript issued on October 31, 2006, the

732parties were informed that the Transcript had been filed and

742that they had until November 29, 2006, to file proposed

752recommended orders. Both parties timely filed a Proposed

760Recommended Order on November 29, 2006, and each has been fully

771considered in rendering this Recommended Order.

777All further references to Florida Statutes and the Florida

786Administrative Code are to the 2001 versions unless otherwis e



800A . The Parties .

8051. Petitioner, the Department of Health (hereinafter

812referred to as the "Department") is the agency of the State of

825Florida charged with the responsibility for the investigation

833and prosecution of complaints invo lving physicians licensed to

842practice medicine in Florida. § 20.43 and Chs. 456 and 458,

853Fla. Stat. (2006).

8562. Respondent, Peter N. Brawn, M.D., is, and was at all

867times material to this matter, a physician licensed to practice

877medicine in Florida, havin g been issued license number ME 75202.

8883. Dr. Brawn is board - certified in pathology.

8974. Dr. Brawn's address at the times relevant to this

907proceeding was 525 Caroline Street, Key West, Florida 33040.

916B. Dr. Brawn's Status as a Dispensing Practitione r .

9265. At the times relevant to this proceeding, Dr. Brawn was

937registered with the Board of Medicine (hereinafter referred to

946as the "Board"), as a "Dispensing Practitioner ."

9556. Dr. Brawn had informed the Department on March 25,

9652002, that he did not dispense medical drugs for a fee, but also

978stated that he wished to remain on the dispensing practitioner

988register. He, therefore, was registered as a d ispensing

997p ractitioner at the times relevant.

10037. T he Department is statutorily required to conduct

1012inspections at the offices of dispensing practitioner s for the

1022purpose of determining whether the practitioner is in compliance

1031with the statutes and rules applicable to his or her dispensing


1043C . The Events of April 15 - 16 , 2002 .

10548. On or about April 15, 20 02, Jaiser Figuereo, an

1065investigator for the Department 's Investigation Services Unit,

1073traveled to Dr. Brawn's office to conduct an inspection of his

1084dispensing practice. Dr. Brawn had no prior notice of the


10959. Upon arriving at Dr. Brawn's pr emises , which were

1105located in a "typical Key West home," Investigator Figuereo

1114entered a n unlocked front gate and walked up the front porch to

1127the front door . Finding the front door open, Investigator

1137Figuereo entered the building where she found several ladies in

1147a room who appeared to be accessing the internet at computer

1158terminal s . She identified herself to the ladies and asked to

1170speak with Dr. Brawn. Shortly thereafter, a gentleman came

1179downstairs and indicated he was Dr. Brawn. Investigator

1187Figuer eo verified Dr. Brawn's identity with his driver's


119710. Investigator Figuereo, who was new to her position,

1206did not feel comfortable proceeding with the inspection alone

1215because of her concern that the office was being used to

1226dispense medications via the internet . Therefore, s he told Dr.

1237Brawn that she would return the following day to conduct the

1248office inspection .

125111. After leaving the office, Investigator Figuereo

1258returned to the hotel where she was staying with other

1268investigators with whom she had traveled to Key West. Those

1278investigators were employees of the Agency for Health Care

1287Administration (hereinafter referred to as "AHCA") .

1295Investigator Figuereo explained what she had seen at Dr. Brawn's

1305office and requested assistance from fello w I nvestigators Evelyn

1315Garrido - Morgan, Jose Rodriguez, and Paul Randall.

132312. On April 16, 2002, I n vestigators Figu ereo, Garrido -

1335Morgan, Rodriquez , and Randall drove to Dr. Brawn's office to

1345conduct the inspection , where they were met by Dr. Braw n.

135613. As the inspection progressed, Investigator Figuereo,

1363among other things, complete d an AH C A Investigative Services

1374Inspection Form for Dispensing Practitioners (hereinafter

1380referred to as the "Inspection Form"). The I nspection F orm

1392list s 28 inquiries which i nvestigators are to make during the

1404inspection of a dispensing practitioner. The investigator is

1412supposed to make a determination of and note on the form whether

1424the 28 areas of inquiry are "satisfactory."

143114. Dr. Brawn's personal office was accessible b y walking

1441around the front porch of the house to the left side of the

1454building. Sitting outside the door to his office was a

1464refrigerator, which Dr. Brawn identified as the one he used to

1475store medications which required refrigeration. The

1481refrigerator, which had no visible means of being locked, could

1491be accessed by anyone who entered the front gate and cl imbed the

1504stairs to the porch .

150915. Investigators Figuereo and Garrido - Morgan found the

1518inside of the refrigerator to be dirty and observed a foul smel l

1531about it. The following was found inside the refrigerator: (1)

1541insulin , which requires refrigeration to rem a in safe and

1551effective for patient use ; (2) uncapped, unlabeled syringes

1559containing an unidentified clear liquid; (3) a vial, which was

1569leaking, c ontaining a brown substance which appeared to be blood

1580(this observation was not, however, proved) ; and ( 4 ) a substance

1592that was described as either " spoiled food " o r "fish or bait or


160616. When asked by Investigator Figuereo why he had stored

1616t he uncapped , unlabeled syringes in the refrigerator, Dr. Brawn

1626responded that he could not otherwise dispose of them because he

1637did not know where his " sharps container " was located.

164617. Upon entering Dr. Brawn's office , the investigators

1654found it cramped in size , dusty , and messy. It did not appear

1666that the office was air - conditioned and the atmosphere was

1677described as "musty . " Medications were stored on Dr. Brawn's

1687desk, three shelves on the side of the office, and in a closet.

1700Dr. Brawn's office was the only place the investigators found on

1711the premises where non - refrigerated medications were being


172118. The investigators observed that opened medicine

1728bottles containing pills were s cattered a mong boxes lying around

1739the office . U ncontained pill s were also found lying on a

1752counter and Dr. Brawn's desk . Open manufact urer - type medicine

1764containers were also found.

176819. Investigators Figuereo and Garrido - Morgan also found

1777expired and unexpired medications stored mixed together in Dr.

1786Brawn's office .

178920. The investigators found 19 boxes of expired "Baycol"

1798during their inspection of Dr. Brawn's office . Baycol is a

1809medication that was recalled by its manufacturer on August 8,

18192001. The recall was supported by the Food and Drug

1829Administration in a pu blication bearing the same date. Because

1839of the recall, t he investigators confiscated the 19 boxes of

1850medication . Following the removal of the Baycol from Dr.

1860Brawn's office, the medication was transferred to the

1868Department's evidence custodian.

187121. Inv estigator Garrido - Morgan gathered the remaining

1880expired medications found during the inspection and, while

1888accompanied by Dr. Brawn, proceeded to dispose of them do wn a

1900toilet within the office.

190422. Of the 28 areas of inquiry on the Inspection Form

1915comple ted by Investigator Figuereo during the inspection of Dr.

1925Brawn's office, it was found that 15 of the 28 areas of inquiry

1938were not satisfactory. Petitioner's Exhibit 1. Relevant to the

1947charges of the Administrative Complaint, as amended, the

1955following ar eas of inquiry were determined to be unsatisfactory:

1965. . . .

19693. Generic drug sign displayed.

1974{465.025(7), F.S.}{64B8 - 8.011(3)(b)10,


19794. Stock medications appropriately labeled

1984for dispensing from a licensed

1989manufacturer. {499.007(2), F.S.}

1992. . . .

19966. Outdated medications removed from

2001stock. {499.007(2), F.S.}{64B16 - 28.110,


20077. Medications requiring refrigeration

2011appropriately stored. {64B16 - 28.104,


2017. . . .

202116. Patient record contains medical history

2027required for counsel ing. {64B16 - 27.800,


203517. Controlled substances securely

2039maintained and stored in a locked

2045cabinet. {21 CFR 1301.75}

2049. . . .

205320. Controlled substance prescriptions

2057provide practitioner's name/address and

2061DEA number. {893.04(1)(c)2, F.S.}

2065. . . .

206925. Controlled substance biennial inventory

2074conducted. {893.07(1)(a), F.S.}

207723. Dr. Brawn did not display in a prominent, clear, and

2088unobstructed place at or near where prescriptions were being

2097dispersed by him , the notice required by Section 465.025 (7),

2107Florida Statutes.

210924. Dr. Brawn's office contained medications which were

2117loose and, therefore, not properly labeled. The syringes stored

2126in the refrigerator lacked proper labels, required by Section

2135499.007(2), Florida Statutes.

213825 . There were exp ired prescription medications (outdated)

2147stored, unqua rantined, in Dr. Brawn's office inconsistent with

2156Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B16 - 28.110.

216326 . The medications stored within Dr. Brawn's refrigerator

2172were not properly stored. The refrigerator w as unlocked and

2182easily accessible and unsanitary.

218627 . The only patient records maintained by Dr. Brawn, as

2197he admitted during the investigation, consisted of a copy of an

2208internet questionnaire completed by patients and submitted via

2216computer. The questi onnaire lacked information about a

2224patient's date of birth, age, gender, medical and drug history,

2234and new and refilled prescriptions received from Dr. Brawn's


224428. The evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brawn had any

2255controlled substances on the pr emises. The only direct

2264testimony on this issue was that of Ms. Figuereo who indicated

2275that she saw unsecured controlled substances. She did not,

2284however, indicate what controlled substances or how she

2292identified them, or where she saw the medications. Given this

2302lack of specificity and testimony that Dr. Brawn had indicated

2312he had no controlled substances, it is found that the Department

2323failed to prove there were any controlled substances found

2332during the inspection. It cannot, therefore, be found tha t Dr.

2343Brawn did not use a proper prescription form for controlled

2353substances. While the form provided to the investigators was

2362not adequate, the evidence failed to prove that Dr. Brawn used

2373that form to prescribe controlled substances.

237929. Dr. Brawn admi tted that he did not have a biennial

2391inventory of controlled substances, stating that he was not

2400aware one was required.

240430. At the conclusion of the inspection, Dr. Brawn signed

2414the Inspection Form which had been completed by Investigator


242431 . Dr. Brawn was told that the investigators would return

2435in 30 days to see if the deficiencies noted had been rectified.

2447Upon returning the Dr. Brawn's office, Ms. Figuereo was told

2457that Dr. Brawn was out of town.


2467A . Jurisdiction .

247132. T he Division of Administrative Hearings has

2479jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

2489the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and

2498456.073(5), Florida Statutes (2006).

2502B. The Charges of the Administrative Complaint .

251033. Section 458.331(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the

2517Board to impose penalties ranging from the issuance of a letter

2528of concern to revocation of a physician's license to practice

2538medicine in Florida if a physician commits one or more acts

2549specified t herein.

255234. In its Administrative Complaint, as amended, the

2560Department has alleged that Dr. Brawn has violated Section

2569458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes.

2572C . The Burden and Standard of Proof .

258135. The Department seeks to impose penalties against

2589Responden t through the Administrative Complaint , as amended,

2597that include suspension or revocation of his license and/or the

2607imposition of an administrative fine. Therefore, the Department

2615has the burden of proving the specific allegations of fact that

2626support its charge that Dr. Brawn violated Sections

2634458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes, by clear and convincing

2641evidence. See Department of Banking and Finance, Division of

2650Securities and Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern and Co. , 670

2660So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

2672(Fla. 1987); Pou v. Department of Insurance and Treasurer , 707

2682So. 2d 941 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998). See also Section 120.57(1)(j),

2693Florida Statutes (2006)("Findings of fact shall be based on a

2704preponderance of the evidence, except in penal or licensure

2713disciplinary proceedings or except as otherwise provided by


272336. What constitutes "clear and convincing" evidence was

2731described by the court in Evans Packing Co. v. Department of

2742Agriculture and Consumer Services , 550 So. 2d 112, 116 n.5 (Fla.

27531st DCA 1989), as follows:

2758. . . [C]lear and convincing evidence

2765requires that the evidence must be found to

2773be credible; the facts to which the

2780witnesses testify must be distinctly

2785remembered; the evidence must be precise and

2792explici t and the witnesses must be lacking

2800in confusion as to the facts in issue. The

2809evidence must be of such weight that it

2817produces in the mind of the trier of fact

2826the firm belief or conviction, without

2832hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2839allegations sought to be established.

2844Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800

2852(Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

2856See also In re Graziano , 696 So. 2d 744 (Fla. 1997); In re

2869Davey , 645 So. 2d 398 (Fla. 1994); Walker v. Florida Department

2880of Business and Professional Regulation , 705 So. 2d 652 (Fla.

28905th DCA 1998)(Sharp, J., dissenting).

2895D. Section 458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes .

290137. Section 458.331(g), Florida Statutes (2001), defines

2908the following disciplinable offense : "[f]ailing to perform any

2917statutory or legal obligation p laced upon a licensed physician . "

292838. The specific "statutory or legal obligation" placed

2936upon Dr. Brawn which the Department has alleged in the

2946Administrative Complaint, as amended, he violated is Section

2954465.0276(2)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides :

2960(2) A practitioner who dispenses

2965medicinal drugs for human consumption for

2971fee or remuneration of any kind, whether

2978direct or indirect, must :

2983. . . .

2987(b) Comply with and be subject to all

2995laws and rules applicable to pharmacists and

3002pharmacies, including, but not limited to,

3008this chapter and chapters 499 and 893 and

3016all federal laws and federal regulations.

302239. The specific laws and rules "applicable to pharmacists

3031and pharmacies" which the Department has alleged Dr. Brawn

3040failed to comply with are inclu ded in the Administrative

3050Complai nt, as amended, in paragraph 8. In particular, it is

3061alleged that Dr. Brawn:

3065a. failed to display a generic sign , as

3073required by Section 465.025(7), Florida

3078Statutes (2001), and Rule 64B8 -

30848.011(3)(b)10, Florida Administrat ive

3088Code (he reinafter referred to as


3096b . failed to maintain an adequate

3103refrigerated storage facility , as

3107req uired by Rule 64B16 - 28.104, FAC;

3115c . failed to maintain a safe, clean and

3124sanitary prescription department, as

3128req uired by Rule 64B16 - 28.10 5, FAC;

3137d. failed to remove outdated medications

3143from stock , as required by Section

3149499.0121(5)(a)2., Florida Statutes

3152(20 01), and Rule 64B16 - 28.110, FAC;

3160e . failed to maintain appropriate

3166labeling, as required by Section

3171499.007(2), Florida Statutes (20 01),

3176and Rule 64B16 - 18.108, FAC;

3182f . failed to maintain patient records

3189containing medical history required for

3194counseling, as req uired by Rule 64B16 -

320227.800, FAC;

3204g . failed to store controlled substances

3211in a locked cabinet as , required by 21

3219CFR 1301.75;

3221h . failed to include practitioner's name

3228and DEA number on prescriptions , as

3234required by Section 893.04(1)(c)2,

3238Florida Statutes (2001).

3241i . failed to conduct a biennial inventor y,

3250as required by Section 893.0 7(1),

3256Florida Statutes (2001).

32594 0. The evidence clearly and convincingly proved that Dr.

3269Brawn violated Section 458.33 1(1)(g), Florida Statutes , by

3277failing to comply with some, but not all, of the statutory and

3289legal obligations placed upon him as a dispensing practitio ner.

329941. In part icular, the Department proved that Dr. Brawn

3309violated Section 465.025(7), Florida Statutes . Section

3316465.025(7), Florida Statutes, provides the following:

3322Every community pharmacy shall display in a

3329prominent place that is in clear and

3336unobstructed view, a t or near the place

3344where prescriptions are dispensed, a sign in

3351block letters not less than 1 inch in height

3360which shall read: "CONSULT YOUR PHARMACIST




338342. Dr. Brawn failed to post any generic drug sign in

3394compliance with Section 465.025(7), Florida Statutes.

340043. The Department proved that Dr. Brawn violated Florida

3409Administrative Code Rule 64B16 - 28.104, which provides the


3419There shall be provided in each pharmacy

3426adequate facilities for the proper storage

3432of pharmaceuticals which require

3436refrigeration, and such pharmaceuticals

3440shall be stored therein, and in such manner

3448as to preserve their therapeutic activity.

3454Dr. Brawn's unsec ured and unsanitary refrigerator failed to

3463comply with the requirement of this rule.

34704 4 . The Department proved that Dr. Brawn violated Florida

3481Administrative Code Rule 64B16 - 28.105, which provides:

3489Any establishment which is issued a pharmacy

3496permit which shall be found guilty of

3503operating a prescription department under

3508unclean, unsanitary, overcrowded or

3512unhealthful conditions, which endanger the

3517safety or health of the public served by

3525such establishments shall be subject to

3531disciplinary action, includi ng revocation or

3537suspension of said permit, pursuant to the

3544provisions of Chapter 465. F.S.

3549Dr. Brawns' dispensing facilities, with unexpired and expired

3557medication stored together and stored outside their containers

3565clear ly violated this rule.

35704 5 . The D epartment proved that Dr. Brawn violated Section

3582499.0121(5)(a)2., Florida Statutes, which provides that

"3588[p]rescription drugs must b e examined at least every 12 months,

3599and drugs for which the expiration date has passed must be

3610removed and quarantined ," a nd Florida Administrative Code Rule

361964B16 - 28.110, which provides the following:

3626Persons qualified to do so shall examine the

3634stock of the prescription department of each

3641pharmacy at a minimum interval of four

3648months, and shall remove all deteriorated

3654pharm aceuticals, or pharmaceuticals which

3659bear upon the container an expiration date

3666which date has been reached, and under no

3674circumstances will pharmaceuticals or

3678devices which bear upon the container an

3685expiration date which has been reached be

3692sold or dispe nsed to the public.

3699Dr. Brawn failed to segregate expired medications from unexpired

3708ones in violation of the foregoing rule as alleged in the

3719Administrative Compl aint, as amended, in violation of both the

3729statute and the rule.

373346 . The Department proved that Dr. Brawn had in his

3744possession drugs which are considered "misbranded" pursuant to

3752Section 499.007(2), Florida Statutes . Section 499.007(2),

3759Florida Statutes, provides that "[a] drug or device is

3768misbranded" :

3770(2) Unless, if in package for m, it be ars

3780a label containing:

3783(a) The name and place of business of the

3792manufacturer or distributor; in addition,

3797for a medicinal drug, as defined in s.

3805499.003 , the label must contain the name and

3813place of business of the manufacturer of the

3821finished dosage form of the drug. For the

3829purpose of this paragraph, the finished

3835dosage form of a medicinal drug is that form

3844of the d rug which is, or is intended to be,

3855dispensed or administered to the patient and

3862requires no further manufacturing or

3867processing other than packaging,

3871re constitution, and labeling; and

3876(b) An accurate statement of the quantity

3883of the contents in terms of weight, measure,

3891or numerical count; however, under this

3897section, reasonable variations are

3901permitted, and the department shall

3906establish by rule exemptions for small

3912packages .

3914The "misbranded" drugs found during the inspection were in

3923violation of the requirements for labeling established in

3931Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B16 - 28.108. The Department,

3940therefore, proved that Dr. Brawn violated the rule.

394847 . The Department proved that Dr. Brawn violated Florida

3958Administrative Code Rule 64B16 - 27.800, which provides, in part,

3968the following:

3970(1) A patient record system shall be

3977maintained by all pharmacies for patients to

3984whom new or refill prescriptions are

3990dispensed. The patient record system shall

3996provide for the immediate retrieval of

4002information necessary for the dispensing

4007pharmacist to identify previously dispensed

4012drugs at the time a new or refill

4020prescription is presented for dispensing.

4025The pharmacist shall ensure that a

4031reasonable effort is made to obtain, record

4038and maintain the following information:

4043(a) Full name of the patient for whom the

4052drug is intended;

4055(b) Address and telephone number of the


4063(c) Patient’s age or date of birth;

4070(d) Patient’s gender;

4073(e) A list of all new and refill

4081prescriptions obtained by t he patient at the

4089pharmacy maintaining the patient record

4094during the two years immediately preceding

4100the most recent entry showing the name of

4108the drug or device, prescription number,

4114name and strength of the drug, the quantity

4122and date received, and the n ame of the

4131prescriber; and

4133(f) Pharmacist comments relevant to the

4139individual’s drug therapy, including any

4144other information peculiar to the specific

4150patient or drug.

4153(2) The pharmacist shall ensure that a

4160reasonable effort is made to obtain from t he

4169patient or the patient’s agent and shall

4176record any known allergies, drug reactions,

4182idiosyncrasies, and chronic conditions or

4187disease states of the patient and the

4194identity of any other drugs, including over -

4202the - counter drugs, or devices currently

4209bein g used by the patient which may relate

4218to prospective d r ug review. The pharmacist

4226shall record any related information

4231indicated by a licensed health care


4238Dr. Brawn's "medical records" failed to c omply with the

4248foregoing rule.

425048. The evid ence failed to prove clearly and convincingly

4260that Dr. Brawn violated 21 CFR 1301.75 by failing to store

4271controlled substances in a locked cabinet or that he violated

4281Section 893.041(1)(c)2, Florida Statutes, by failing to include

4289information required on p rescriptions for controlled substances.

429749. Finally, the Department proved clearly and

4304convincingly that Dr. Brawn, by failing to conduct a biennial

4314inventory, violated Section 893.07(1)(a), Florida Statutes:

4320Every person who engages in the

4326manufacture, compounding, mixing,

4329cultivating, growing, or by any other

4335process producing or preparing, or in the

4342dispensing, importation, or, as a

4347wholesaler, distribution, of controlled

4351substances shall:

4353(a) On January 1, 1974, or as soon

4361thereafter as any perso n first engages in

4369such activity, and every second year

4375thereafter, make a complete and accurate

4381record of all stocks of controlled

4387substances on hand. The inventory may be

4394prepared on the regular physical inventory

4400date which is nearest to, and does not vary

4409by more than 6 months from, the biennial

4417date that would otherwise apply. As

4423additional substances are designated for

4428control under this chapter, they shall be

4435inventoried as provided for in this


4442E. The Appropriate Penalty .

444750. In det ermining the appropriate punitive action to

4456recommend to the Board in this case, it is necessary to consult

4468the Board's "disciplinary guidelines," which impose restrictions

4475and limitations on the exercise of the Board's disciplinary

4484authority under Section 458.331, Florida Statutes. See Parrot

4492Heads, Inc. v. Department of Business and Professional

4500Regulation , 741 So. 2d 1231 (Fla. 5th DCA 1999).

450951. The Board's guidelines are set out in Florida

4518Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001 (2), which provides , in

4528pe rtinent p art, that the penalty guideline for a violation of

4540Section 458.331(1)(g), Florida Statutes, ranges from a letter of

4549concern to revocation, and an administrative fine from $1,000.00

4559to $10,000.00.

456252. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001(3)

4570provides that, in applying the penalty guidelines, the following

4579aggravating and mitigating circumstances are to be taken into


4589(3) Aggravating and Mitigating

4593Circumstances. Based upon consideration of

4598aggravating and mitigating factors presen t

4604in an individual case, the Board may deviate

4612from the penalties recommended above. The

4618Board shall consider as aggravating or

4624mitigating factors the following:

4628(a) Exposure of patient or public to

4635injury or potential injury, physical or

4641otherwise: n one, slight, severe, or death;

4648(b) Legal status at the time of the

4656offense: no restraints, or legal


4662(c) The number of counts or separate

4669offenses established;

4671(d) The number of times the same offense

4679or offenses have previously bee n committed

4686by the licensee or applicant;

4691(e) The disciplinary history of the

4697applicant or licensee in any jurisdiction

4703and the length of practice;

4708(f) Pecuniary benefit or self - again

4715inuring to the applicant or licensee;

4721(g) The involvement in any violation of

4728Section 458.331, Florida Statutes, of the

4734provision of controlled substances for

4739trade, barter or sale, by a licensee. In

4747such cases, the Board will deviate from the

4755penalties recommended above and impose

4760suspension or revocation of lice nsure;

4766(h) Any other relevant mitigating


477253. In its Proposed Recommended Order, the Department has

4781requested that it be recommended that Dr. Brawn's license be

4791reprimanded , that he be required to pay an administrative fine

4801of $ 5,000.00 , and that he be required to attend continuing

4813education classes as determined by the Board . Dr. Brawn as

4824suggested that the penalty, if any, be limited to a Letter of

4836Concern and an administrative fine of $1,000.00.

484454. Having carefully considered the facts o f this matter

4854in light of the provisions of Florida Administrative Code Rule

48646 4B 8 - 8.001, it is concluded that the Department's proposed

4876penalty, with a reduction of $1,000.00 in the amount of the fine

4889due to the failure to prove Dr. Brawn violated 21 CFR 1 301.75

4902and Section 893.041(1)(c)2 . , Florida Statutes, is reasonable.


4911Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4921Law, it is

4924RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Board of

4935Medicine finding that Peter M. Brawn, M.D., has violated Section

4945458.331(g), Florida Statutes (2001), as described in this

4953Recommended Order , issuing a reprimand of Dr. Brawn's license to

4963practice medicine, requiring that he pay an a dministrative fine

4973of $4,000.00, and requiring that he attend appro priate

4983continuing education classes in number and of a nature

4992determined by the Board.

4996DONE AND ENTERED this 2 8 th day of December , 2006, in

5008Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


5013________________________ ___________


5018Administrative Law Judge

5021Division of Administrative Hearings

5025The DeSoto Building

50281230 Apalachee Parkway

5031Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5036(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5044Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5051Filed with the Clerk o f the

5058Division of Administrative Hearings

5062t his 2 8 th day of December , 2006.


5073April Dawn M. Skilling

5077Warren James Pearson

5080Assistant s General Counsel

5084Prosecution Services Unit

5087Department of Health

50904052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

5098Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

5103Shawn M. Ellsworth, Esquire

5107Ellsworth Law Firm, P.A.

5111404 Washington Avenue, Suite 750

5116Miami Beach, Florida 33139

5120Larry McPherson, Executive Director

5124Board of Medicine

5127Department of Health

51304052 Bald Cypress Way

5134Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

5139R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

5144Department of Health

51474052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

5153Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

5158Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel

5163Department of Health

51664052 Bald Cypress Way, Bi n A02

5173Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

5178Dr. M. Rony François, Secretary

5183Department of Health

51864052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

5192Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


5203All parties have the right to submit written exceptions wit hin

521415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

5225to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5236will issue the final order in these cases.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/17/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/16/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/28/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 18, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/29/2006
Proceedings: Respondent, Peter N. Brawn, M.D.`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/31/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 10/30/2006
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 10/20/2006
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Sartin from A. Skilling enclosing an exhibit entered into evidence on October 18, 2006 filed.
Date: 10/18/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/16/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint.
Date: 10/11/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 18, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to video and location).
Date: 10/05/2006
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/05/2006
Proceedings: Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/15/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Serving Response to Petitioner`s Request for Production filed.
Date: 09/14/2006
Proceedings: Respondent, Peter Brawn, M.D.`s Notice of Serving Responses to Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Peter N. Brawn, M. D.`s Objection to Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 08/28/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 18, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Conflict and Request for Alternative Final Hearing Date filed.
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance as Co-counsel (filed by W. Pearson).
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Answers to Respondent`s First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/25/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Service of Documents to Respondent`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/17/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/17/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 12, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 08/17/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution Appearance (filed by A. Skilling).
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 08/14/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Serving Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 08/11/2006
Proceedings: Respondent, Peter Brawn`s Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/11/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Serving Request for Production filed.
Date: 08/10/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by P. Willis).
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/04/2006
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):