06-003357PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. William Paul Hopkins, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, May 1, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to refer the patient immediately.






18Petitioner, ) Case No. 06-3357PL


24vs. )




33Respondent. )


37Notice was provided and on March 6, 2007, a formal hearing

48was held in this case. Authority for conducting the hearing is

59set forth in Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes

68(2006). The hearing location was the Citrus County Courthouse,

77110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida. The hearing was

86held before Charles C. Adams, Administrative Law Judge.


95For Petitioner: Ephraim D. Livingston, Esquire

101Dory Penton, Esquire

104Department of Health

1074052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65

113Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

116For Respondent: Christopher J. Schulte, Esquire

122Burton, Schulte, Weekley,

125Hoeler & Beytin, P.A.

129100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 600

135Post Office Box 1772

139Tampa, Florida 33602-1772


146Should discipline be imposed against Respondent's license

153to practice medicine for violation of Section 458.331(1)(t),

161Florida Statutes (2003)?


166On April 25, 2006, in Case No. 2005-06808 before the Board

177of Medicine (the Board), the Department of Health (DOH) brought

187an Administrative Complaint against Respondent accusing him of a

196violation of the statute referred to in the Statement of the

207Issue. The Administrative Complaint was premised upon the

215following allegations:

217(4) On or about May 18, 2004, Patient RD a

227seventy-three year old male presented to

233Citrus Memorial hospital, family care center

239in Lecanto, Florida, with a chief complaint

246of constipation and last major bowel

252movement on May 16, 2004.

257(5) On or about May 18, 2004, Patient RD

266was physically examined and the examination

272revealed normal vital signs, moderately

277distended abdomen and slowed, but present

283bowel sounds in all for (sic) quadrants, no

291masses, and a nontender abdomen.

296(6) On or about May 18, 2004, Respondent

304ordered an abdominal flat place and upright

311x-ray which showed "obstruction with stool,

317air fluid levels."

320(7) On or about May 18, 2004, Patient RD's

329diagnosis was constipation with partial

334bowel obstruction.

336(8) On or about May 18, 2004, the x-rays

345were interpreted by a radiologist with an

352impression of marked dilatation of small

358bowel, likely due to small bowel


365(9) On May 18, 2004, Patient RD was

373instructed for treatment of his diagnosis to

380take Miralax powder as needed and milk of

388magnesia in between, keep fluid intake up

395and go to ER (emergency room) if pain

403increases in abdomen fever or vomiting


410(10) Respondent prescribed Miralax to

415Patient RD, Miralax is counter-indicated for

421a patient with a diagnosis of partial small

429bowel obstruction.

431(11) Respondent failed to refer Patient RD

438to a hospital for immediate further

444evaluation of small bowel obstruction.

449(12) Respondent failed to perform a digital

456rectal examination in a patient presenting

462with a possible bowel obstruction.

467(13) Respondent failed to test the stool

474for occult blood.

477As a consequence Respondent is alleged to have violated

486Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003) in that:

493Respondent failed to practice medicine with

499that level of care, skill and treatment

506which is recognized by a reasonably prudent

513similar physician as being acceptable under

519similar conditions and circumstances in one

525or more of the following ways:

531a. prescribing Miralax to Patient R.D., a

538patient with a diagnosis of partial small

545bowel obstruction.

547b. failing to refer Patient RD to a

555hospital for immediate further evaluation of

561small bowel obstruction.

564c. failing to perform a digital rectal

571examination in a patient presenting with a

578possible bowel obstruction.

581d. failing to test Patient RD's stool for

589occult blood.

591Respondent was provided several options in addressing the

599Administrative Complaint. He chose the third option. That

607option was to dispute the allegations of fact contained in the

618Administrative Complaint. Through that option as evidenced in

626the form provided to him, Respondent asked that he be heard in

638accordance with Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

645Statutes, by an administrative law judge to resolve the dispute.

655He disputed all paragraphs within the Administrative Complaint.

663On September 6, 2006, DOH forwarded the case to the

673Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) to assign an

681administrative law judge to conduct a hearing in accordance with

691Respondent's request for formal hearing. The assignment was

699made by Robert S. Cohen, Director and Chief Judge of DOAH in

711reference to DOAH Case No. 06-3357PL. The assignment was to the

722present administrative law judge.

726After two continuances, the hearing took place on March 6,


737Prior to the hearing, Petitioner filed a Motion in Limine

747concerning the prospective testimony of Angela Gaglione, now

755Angela Failla, and Respondent's Exhibit numbered 6. The Motion

764was addressed at hearing, and the outcome is explained in the

775hearing transcript.

777James Schaus, M.D., testified for Petitioner. Petitioner's

784Exhibits numbered 1 through 4 were admitted. Respondent

792presented Angela Failla as his witness. Respondent testified in

801his own behalf. At hearing, Respondent's Exhibits numbered 3

810and 4 were admitted. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 3 is the

820deposition transcript of David A. Weiland, Jr., M.D.

828Respondent's Exhibit numbered 6 was denied admission. Ruling

836was reserved on the admission of Respondent's Exhibits numbered

8455A through 5D, subject to Respondent's opportunity post-hearing

853to undertake necessary arrangements to establish their

860authenticity. Consistent with those opportunities, Respondent

866took the depositions of Lisa Montalto and Share Burgard. Their

876depositions were transcribed and filed. The depositions were

884reviewed. After review, Respondent's Exhibits numbered 5A

891through 5D are admitted within the limits described in the

901hearing transcript. In addition to the parties exhibits

909admitted, the deposition transcripts of the witnesses Montalto

917and Burgard are included with this record, together with

926Respondent's Exhibit numbered 6 which was denied admission.

934Petitioner filed a Motion for Official Recognition of

942Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), and Florida

949Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001. At hearing, the motion was

958granted as reflected in the hearing transcript.

965Consistent with the Order of Pre-hearing Instructions, the

973parties filed a Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation. Within the

981Stipulation, the parties have set out facts upon which they

991agree. The factual stipulations are reflected in the findings

1000of fact to this Recommended Order.

1006On March 28, 2007, the hearing transcript was filed. On

1016April 6, 2007, Respondent filed a Proposed Recommended Order.

1025On April 9, 2007, Petitioner filed a Proposed Recommended Order.

1035The Proposed Recommended Orders have been considered in

1043preparing the Recommended Order.


1050Stipulated Facts

10521. Petitioner is the state department charged with

1060regulating the practice of medicine pursuant to Section 20.43,

1069Florida Statutes; Chapter 456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter

1077458, Florida Statutes.

10802. Respondent was (is) a licensed physician within the

1089state of Florida, having been issued License No. 84357.

10983. At all times material to this complaint Respondent's

1107address of record was 68 East Ludlow Place, Citrus Springs,

1117Florida 34434.

11194. On or about May 18, 2004, Patient R.D., a 73-year-old

1130male, presented to Citrus Memorial Hospital, Family Care Center

1139in Lecanto, Florida.

11425. Patient R.D.'s chief complaint on May 18, 2004, was of

1153constipation and last major bowel movement on May 16, 2004.

11636. On or about May 18, 2004, Patient R.D. was physically

1174examined, and the examination revealed normal vital signs,

1182moderately distended abdomen with slowed, but present bowel

1190sounds in all four quadrants, no masses, and a nontender


12017. On or about May 18, 2004, Respondent ordered an

1211abdominal flat plate and upright X-ray, which showed

"1219obstruction with stool, air fluid levels."

12258. On or about May 18, 2004, Patient R.D.'s diagnosis was

1236constipation with partial bowel obstruction.

12419. On or about May 18, 2004, the X-rays were interpreted

1252by a radiologist with an impression of marked dilatation of

1262small bowel, likely due to small bowel obstruction.

127010. On or about May 18, 2004, Patient R.D. was instructed

1281for treatment of his diagnosis to take Miralax powder as needed

1292and milk of magnesia in between, keep fluid intake up and go to

1305ER (emergency room) if pain increased in the abdomen or fever or

1317vomiting develop.

131911. Respondent prescribed Miralax to Patient R.D.

132612. Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), sets

1333forth grounds for disciplinary action by the Board of Medicine

1343for gross or repeated malpractice or the failure to practice

1353medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is

1364recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being

1373acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances.

1379Respondent's Care of Patient R.D.

138413. Respondent received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from

1393George Washington University. He became board certified in

1401family practice in 1980 and was recertified in 1987, 1994, and


141314. Respondent practices at the Allen Ridge Family Care

1422Center, an urgent care facility that is part of Citrus Memorial


143415. On May 18, 2004, a history was taken from Patient R.D.

1446The patient complained of constant mild abdominal pain. The

1455patient reported that he had not had a stool for two days, that

1468his last bowel movement (bm) had occurred two days earlier. The

1479patient was complaining that he was constipated and that his

1489stomach felt full.

149216. When Respondent saw Patient R.D., it was their first

1502encounter. Respondent examined the patient. When Respondent

1509asked the patient if he had blood or black stool, Patient R.D.

1521denied either condition. Having a complaint of GI problems,

1530Respondent was trying to ascertain whether the patient had

1539internal bleeding when inquiring about the condition of the


154917. Respondent, when recording information on

1555Patient R.D.'s chart, noted that the distention and constipation

1564were mild and constant. Respondent inquired of the patient

1573concerning diarrhea, chills, vomiting, and issues with his

1581appetite and noted that the patient was not suffering from any

1592of those symptoms, other than to note that the patient's

1602appetite was slightly down. The fluid intake was noted as being

1613adequate for purposes of hydration. A nurse practitioner had

1622noted the nature of the medications the patient was taking.

1632Respondent did discuss those medications with the patient.

1640Respondent was aware of the patient's vital signs and found them

1651to be normal, as taken by a nurse.

165918. Respondent noted that the patient was in "no apparent

1669distress," that is, he did not look sick by appearance. Instead

1680the patient appeared well.

168419. Respondent noted in the chart that the bowel sounds

1694were slowed but present in all four quadrants. Respondent

1703wanted to determine whether the patient had absent bowel sounds

1713or very rapid sounds that would have alerted Respondent to

1723difficulties experienced by the patient. Absent bowel sounds

1731represent some inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity such

1740as appendicitis or a kidney stone, whereas rapid bowel signs

1750signify a possible obstruction.

175420. Respondent noted "negative bruits," referring to the

1762use of the stethoscope on the abdomen to listen for arterial


177421. Respondent found the liver and spleen to be normal

1784upon examination. There was no hernia. There was "no CVA

1794pain," referring to pain in the back that would be accompanied

1805by flank pain.

180822. When Respondent palpitated the patient's abdomen light

1816and deep, the patient reported that he experienced no pain. He

1827responded by saying that he "feels full," which Respondent

1836understood was in association with moderate distension.

184323. Before the visit, Respondent had experience with the

1852type of patient represented by Patient R.D. Respondent has

1861treated patients over time who have small bowel obstructions and

1871who have constipation.

187424. Respondent's working differential diagnosis was that

1881the patient was probably constipated, as had been reported.

1890Respondent decided to have an X-ray made of the patient's

1900abdomen. The decision to order an X-ray was in view of the

1912distension. Respondent reviewed the results of the X-rays. The

1921X-ray series were both flat and upright. The flat X-ray refers

1932to lying flat (supine). That approach was requested in that

1942Respondent was trying to determine how much stool and air were

1953in the abdomen. Respondent was using the results of the X-ray

1964to try to determine if the patient had a potential for


197625. Respondent's impression of the results of the X-ray

1985was that the rectum area showed stool in it. There was some

1997indication of stool in the colon. Respondent was unsure as to

2008whether there was stool in the small bowel. There were air

2019fluid bubbles in an area that probably reflected the small


203026. Ultimately Respondent reached a diagnosis of

2037constipation with partial bowel obstruction.

204227. Respondent, when he looked at the X-rays, went back to

2053discuss the findings with the patient and said:

2061Your x-ray does not look good. It has air

2070fluid levels. You could have a problem

2077here. It does not match up with your exam

2086and your vital signs. You got a bad x-ray.

2095The response by the patient was something to the effect that he

2107did not care if he had a bad X-ray. He was constipated and he

2121wanted something for his constipation. Respondent elected to

2129give the Petitioner Miralax powder and give him precautions if

2139anything developed such as abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting

2148that was not in evidence at the moment, that the patient should

2160go to the emergency room.

216528. Based upon the X-ray results, Respondent noted in his

2175testimony that the patient:

2179. . . wasn't out of the woods as far as I

2191was concerned yet. Our standard procedure

2197on a patient like this, is you get these air

2207. . . you get something like that back . . .

2219. probably, went in and recommended that he

2227go to the emergency room.

223229. Respondent goes on to say in his testimony:

2241. . . now if everything looked o.k. on this,

2251this guy would have his Miralax

2257prescription, be out of the door, and I

2265wouldn't even see him if he had a normal x-

2275ray. I went in the room and I talked to the

2286guy and I said, look you got this and it

2296could be obstruction, and he goes, 'what's

2303obstruction' I said, well, just what we've

2310been talking about this morning, blah, blah,

2317blah. Pain, increase, bowel sounds,

2322vomiting, 'Do I have any of that?'

233030. Respondent then describes the verbal exchange between

2338the patient and Respondent as to the severity of the situation,

2349and Respondent says in his testimony ". . . he won."

2360Respondent indicated that the patient convinced Respondent that

2368he was not ill.

237231. In summary, the Respondent told the patient that he

2382could be in trouble or he might be fine.

239132. Respondent was also aware of other cases as he


2402. . . a certain percentage of people

2410admitted for partial bowel obstruction like

2416this that go through the hospital and has

2424got to be a significant that go home the

2433next day. They poop and go home the next

2442day, 30 or 40 percent, o.k. So this guy

2451could be that guy easily because he had

2459symptoms so -- and he is not going to the ER

2470because he waited two hours, three hours,

2477whatever it was. I've seen nursing home

2484patient's x-rays twice as bad as that and

2492they are constipated and they are not in

2500pain, so I had experience with these

2507patients that some of them are not in

2515trouble. I told this guy, you could be in

2524trouble and this is -- and he said, 'I just

2534need something for my constipation'.

253933. Respondent recognizes that the patient was coming to

2548him for medical care and that he was obligated to determine if

2560the patient was ill and that he could not rely completely upon

2572someone else's ability to convince him of the circumstances.

2581Respondent did not find the patient to look ill and indicated

2592through his testimony that the patient ". . . was not in any

2605trouble." Respondent did not find the patient in acute distress

2615at the time the patient was seen.

262234. Respondent believes that had the patient been

2630suffering small bowel obstruction when he was seen, that instead

2640of moderate distension there would have been severe distension,

2649and instead of the bowel sounds slow and present, they would

2660have either been absent or increased. There would have been

2670tenderness in the abdomen. There may have been a mass where

2681none was found on examination. There was no finding of colicky

2692pain, which Respondent considers to be the gold standard of

2702bowel obstruction, crampy abdominal pain in severe waves that

"2711double you over."

271435. Respondent called the patient's condition constipation

2721with partial obstruction because of the findings in the X-ray.

2731Respondent recognizes that there was some obstruction. He

2739attributed the bowel obstruction to constipation caused by


274836. However, in making his choices for care Respondent

2757recognizes that distension is a symptom of obstruction. The

2766inability to defecate is a symptom of obstruction.

277437. Respondent did not rely upon the radiologist's reading

2783and report concerning the X-rays when making his choices for

2793Patient R.D.'s care because he did not have the report at that


280638. Respondent recognized the Physician's Desk Reference

2813(PDR) available on May 18, 2004, as a reference source and in

2825its discussion of Miralax was an authoritative source and that

2835according to the PDR, it considered Miralax as contraindicated

2844for patients who are known or suspected of having small bowel


2856Expert Opinion

285839. Dr. James Schaus is licensed to practice medicine in

2868Florida and board certified in family practice. He was offered

2878as an expert to express an opinion concerning Respondent's care

2888provided Patient R.D. on May 18, 2004. To prepare him for that

2900assignment he reviewed investigative materials from the

2907Department, Respondent's records and other available records

2914that pertain to Patient R.D.'s care. When asked to express an

2925opinion concerning whether Respondent met the applicable

2932standards of care as defined by Florida Statutes in the

2942examination, diagnosis and treatment of Patient R.D., Dr. Schaus

2951expressed the opinion that Respondent:

2956. . . deviated from the standard of care in

2966this case by failing to refer the patient to

2975a hospital for immediate further evaluation

2981of the small bowel as indicated on the

2989abdominal x-ray and the physical examination

2995finding of a distension. The abdominal x-

3002ray revealed multiple air and fluid filled

3009loops in the small bowel which are

3016marketedly dilated and associated small

3021bowel air fluid on upright films. A small

3029amount of air, stool, within colon,

3035impression marked dilation of small bowel

3041likely due to small bowel obstruction.

304740. Dr. Schaus' view of the definition of "standard of

3057care," is the "failure to practice medicine at a level of care,

3069skill, and treatment which are [sic] recognized by a reasonably

3079prudent similar acting physician as being acceptable under

3087similar conditions and circumstances."

309141. Dr. Schaus went on to state the opinion:

3100I believe that these x-ray findings taken

3107together with the fact that the patient was

3115distended on the physical exam and

3121complained of some pain with the distension

3128of abdominal wall obligated Dr. Hopkins for

3135immediate further hospital evaluation of

3140this patient. I also believe that

3146Dr. Hopkins deviated from the standard of

3153care by prescribing Miralax to the patient

3160who had the diagnosis of partial small


316842. In addition to expressing the opinion that Respondent

3177should have arranged for immediate hospitalization of the

3185patient diagnosed with partial small bowel obstruction, and the

3194problem with Miralax, Dr. Schaus expressed the opinion that

3203there was a deviation from the standard of care for the failure

3215to do a digital rectal exam on the patient.

322443. Dr. Schaus expressed an opinion that Respondent should

3233have used a digital rectal exam with this patient to determine

3244the presence of stool, occult blood, and the condition of the

3255prostate and to check for rectal or perianal masses. This was

3266the standard of care that should have been pursued in this case

3278because the patient complained of constipation and possible

3286bowel obstruction. If an impaction of stool were found, this

3296would aid in the diagnosis. It would be properly considered the

3307cause and would constitute the diagnosis. If the digital rectal

3317exam revealed gross blood that is important, or occult blood on

3328the stool sample as detected through a chemical test, those

3338findings would be helpful as well. Gross blood refers to

3348visible blood. It is bright red or darker colored. If a mass

3360is found, it might be an indication of colon cancer.

337044. As Dr. Schaus explained, the presence of blood

3379indicates a more serious problem in that the typical

3388constipation does not bleed.

339245. Dr. Schaus perceived the case involving Patient R.D.

3401as one in which constipation was the patient's presenting

3410complaint, setting up the possibility that it was in view of

3421constipation as such or could be from bowel obstruction.

3430Dr. Schaus expects the physician to determine that spectrum from

3440the very benign to the very serious. In his review of the

3452record, Dr. Schaus notes that the patient had an obstruction as

3463evidenced by Respondent's diagnosis of obstruction. In

3470particular he emphasizes the diagnosis of "constipation with

3478partial bowel obstruction." In his testimony, Dr. Schaus had

3487referred to small bowel obstruction in his impression of the

3497findings by Respondent but later acknowledged in his testimony

3506that Respondent had described a condition which was "partial

3515bowel obstruction." The obstruction would be found within the

3524intestinal tract. The nature of the blockage in Dr. Schaus'

3534opinion can be a partial blockage that would limit the passage

3545of stool or a complete blockage that can cause more serious


355746. In this case, Dr. Schaus believed that it was clearly

3568indicated that the patient had a significant bowel obstruction

3577and that it was a small bowel obstruction and the patient needed

3589to be admitted to the hospital for further evaluation and

3599treatment. Dr. Schaus considers the terms "small bowel" to be

3609synonymous with "small intestine."

361347. Dr. Schaus, in expressing his opinion, relies upon

3622Respondent's interpretation of the X-ray where the Respondent

3630notes "abdominal flat and upright obstruction with stool, air

3639fluid levels."

364148. Dr. Schaus expressed the opinion that Respondent

3649should have proceeded logically with the next step after

3658discovering the small bowel obstruction, which was to make sure

3668that the patient receives immediate evaluation and treatment in

3677a hospital setting. The treatment that was given was on an out-

3689patient basis with instruction for the patient to use Miralax as

3700needed, with milk of magnesia PRN and to keep his fluid intake

3712up and to report to the emergency room if he had problems with

3725abdominal pain, fever, or vomiting. That approach was not

3734acceptable in Dr. Schaus' opinion given the signs, symptoms, and

3744radiographic findings in relation to Patient R.D.

375149. By choosing to have an abdominal X-ray performed on

3761Patient R.D., this was an indication to Dr. Schaus that

3771Respondent believed the patient was experiencing something other

3779than typical constipation. A patient who has only constipation

3788would not be subject to an abdominal X-ray.

379650. Concerning the prescription of Miralax, Dr. Schaus

3804noted that this medication is an osmotic agent. It is

3814considered a fairly powerful laxative. It is designed to cause

3824the stool to retain water leading to a softer bowel movement,

3835but it can be a dangerous treatment or contraindicated in a

3846patient with known or suspected bowel obstruction as mentioned

3855in the PDR. Dr. Schaus considers the PDR to be authoritative,

3866and it is a commonly-used reference source for prescribing

3875medications. When explaining the circumstances concerning

3881Miralax, Dr. Schaus commented that the absorption of water is

3891potentially dangerous in the instance where you have a blockage

3901and you are promoting an expansion in the stool. This patient

3912had partial bowel obstruction and Respondent prescribed the


392151. Dr. Schaus believed that the patient could have had

3931the entire spectrum from simple constipation to a complete bowel

3941obstruction, because a patient may present with a wide variety

3951of symptoms. In this case, the typical expectation of nausea

3961and vomiting does not overcome the necessity for having a high-

3972end suspicion of serious problems in the interest of not

3982overlooking something.

398452. Dr. David A. Weiland, Jr., is licensed to practice

3994medicine in Florida. He is board certified in internal

4003medicine. His practice principally involves care of adult

4011patients. In the past, he has taught family medicine for a

4022period of almost ten years. Patient R.D. was an elderly

4032patient, a type of patient seen in family practice.

404153. Dr. Weiland occasionally uses the PDR when he is

4051unaware of a drug, or, if a drug is new, he will look it up in

4067the PDR in discussing dosage or potential drug interactions. He

4077sees the PDR as one reference source. It serves as a guide in


409154. Dr. Weiland sees the definition of standard of care as

4102being "that practiced by a prudent clinician in similar

4111circumstances, with similar findings."

411555. In preparing himself to offer testimony, Dr. Weiland

4124reviewed the Respondent's medical records in association with

4132Patient R.D. He considered those records to be sufficient for

4142him to render an opinion about the care provided Patient R.D. by


415556. Dr. Weiland in his practice deals with 73-year-old

4164males, such as Patient R.D. He deals with males who have

4175constipation. Dr. Weiland has dealt with patients with

4183distention of the abdomen.

418757. At present, Dr. Weiland's predominant practice is in

4196hospice care. Many of his patients are severely constipated

4205because of the use of narcotics due to the nature of their

4217illness in the hospice setting. In deciding the choice of

4227treatment, the choice of medications for addressing a 73-year-

4236old with distention and constipation for two days, in his

4246practice, Dr. Weiland relies on trials and failures or successes

4256with the use of previous medications and an understanding of the

4267illness and the degree of illness. He looks for symptoms such

4278as diarrhea, pain associated with a fecal mass of the rectal

4289wall, nausea, and vomiting, to guide him in deciding where the

4300obstruction may be located and how to address the suspected


431158. According to Dr. Weiland, you need to encourage the

4321forward motion of the bowels in elderly patients.

432959. Dr. Weiland uses Miralax in his practice. He

4338describes it as a promotility agent, an agent that allows the

4349bowel to move more functionally. Miralax is not a drug that

4360Dr. Weiland routinely prescribes. He just does not use the drug

4371often, even though he understands it to be a very popular


438360. Dr. Weiland believes that Miralax is contraindicated

4391for people with mechanical bowel obstruction, meaning anything

4399mechanical that causes the bowel to be obstructed which could be

4410cancer, adhesions, or twisting. The complete bowel obstruction,

4418regardless of the reason, would be contraindicated for use of

4428Miralax. With a partial obstruction, it is not clear to him

4439whether Miralax is contraindicated. If there is stool movement

4448forward, there is no absolute contraindication. The fact that

4457the patient was not vomiting was an indication to Dr. Weiland

4468that the stool was moving forward. With a complete bowel

4478obstruction, the patient would present nausea and vomiting.

448661. Dr. Weiland agrees with the PDR warning that Miralax

4496is contraindicated for patients who have known or suspected

4505bowel obstructions. Symptoms suggestive of a bowel obstruction

4513present would be nausea, vomiting, and abnormal distention and

4522should be evaluated to rule out the bowel obstruction before

4532using Miralax therapy, as explained in the PDR. Dr. Weiland

4542thinks the key elements in the evaluation of those symptoms

4552relate to nausea and vomiting and a patient with extreme nausea

4563and vomiting should not be given promotility medication.

4571Therefore, Dr. Weiland's opinion concerning the use of Miralax

4580is conditioned upon those symptoms in relation to nausea and


459162. Concerning general contraindications for using

4597medications, Dr. Weiland is familiar with a medication by its

4607general use, having looked it up on the PDR, and he has used

4620other texts for medications, pharmacopeia. Dr. Weiland's

4627response to contraindications depends on whether they are

4635considered as absolute contraindications or relative

4641contraindications. He sees the process of determining the use

4650of the medication as dependent of the patient's underlying

4659situation and the whole clinical condition.

466563. Dr. Weiland is also familiar with milk of magnesia,

4675which is a chemical laxative.

468064. In addressing a patient's condition, Dr. Weiland

4688treats the symptoms about 95 percent of the time. He uses

4699additional testing when he confronts something unusual. For

4707example, severe nausea would lead him to consider the use of

4718X-rays. Other examples of a patient's circumstances in his

4727experience that might cause the use of an X-ray or CT scan would

4740be severe pain that was in association with a history of a

4752particular malignancy known to cause complete obstruction,

4759ovarian cancer or prostate cancer. Dr. Weiland would be

4768impressed with passing significant amounts of blood in the

4777stool, bloody diarrhea, high fever, nausea, and vomiting.

4785But most constipation he treats initially, medically, and it

4794would be necessary that he would have other of the issues that

4806he described going on before it would warrant further


481665. Dr. Weiland explains that most treatments of small

4825bowel obstruction are conservative initially. If the patient

4833presents with a complete bowel obstruction as evidenced by

4842nausea, vomiting, that patient is admitted to the hospital and

4852the management involves bed rest and the provision of IV fluids

4863to see if the patient resolves the situation. To determine

4873whether there is a small bowel obstruction, two factors enter

4883in, according to Dr. Weiland. One is the clinical presentation,

4893which is abdominal pain, marked distension, nausea, and

4901vomiting. If one of those factors is not present, Dr. Weiland

4912does not believe that it would necessarily be considered as

4922being a small bowel obstruction. He thinks that there is the

4933possibility of confusing obstruction, in the sense of whether it

4943is partial or complete. Dr. Weiland understands the differences

4952between patients and the way they present abdominal pain and

4962distension could be explained by lots of things, among them

4972bowel obstruction.

497466. Concerning the Patient R.D. in his clinical

4982presentation, considering the patient's appearance, vital signs,

4989lack of nausea and vomiting no symptoms, Dr. Weiland would not

5000have thought he was dealing with a bowel obstruction. The slow

5011bowel that is described would not lead Dr. Weiland to conclude

5022otherwise. The Respondent's impression concerning the bowel

5029obstruction was based on X-ray findings, as Dr. Weiland

5038perceives the matter. Dr. Weiland would not have gotten those

5048X-rays. He believes that X-rays can sway you in the wrong

5059direction and they do not always represent bowel obstruction.

5068If the patient had presented looking "relatively toxin," Dr.

5077Weiland would have ordered films, and, when he got those films,

5088it would have confirmed the condition.

509467. Dr. Weiland proceeded with his opinion based upon the

5104belief that Respondent reached the diagnosis of constipation

5112with partial bowel obstruction after the X-ray results were


512268. Dr. Weiland looked at Patient R.D.'s X-rays. He found

5132them to be abnormal in that there is evidence of dilation in the

5145case because of striations, and there are fluid levels. In his

5156experience, not all fluid levels are obstructions. Sometimes

5164they are caused by other abnormalities.

517069. Dr. Weiland expressed the opinion that the standard of

5180care for a patient like R.D. is that you look at the patient,

5193determine the patient's symptoms, and make a clinical

5201recommendation with a follow-up, and, if the patient systems

5210worsen, then the patient should go to the emergency room for


522270. Dr. Weiland believes that partial small bowel

5230obstruction could be a life threatening condition. If the

5239patient were facing a life threatening condition, Dr. Weiland

5248would hospitalize the patient. Evidence of a life-threatening

5256condition would be nausea, vomiting, inability to keep down oral

5266medications, and abnormal signs none of which were evidenced in

5276this case in the case of R.D.

528371. Dr. Weiland considers abdominal distension to be a

5292non-specific symptom in the patient, as well, abdominal

5300distension with pain is non-specific.

530572. Dr. Weiland would not have sent the patient to the

5316emergency room on May 18, 2004. The conservative approach was

5326acceptable. The causation of the problem would often times

5335resolve on its own. Dr. Weiland refers to the Respondent having

5346the luxury of looking at the actual patient and the patient's

5357appearance and the vitals did not appear to be toxic.

5367Dr. Weiland agrees with the Respondent that if the patient

5377developed fever or vomiting he should go to the emergency room.

5388That would be evidence that the patient was experiencing a

5398complete bowel obstruction.

540173. Dr. Weiland's reading of the Respondent's reference to

5410partial bowel obstruction is that it is based upon information

5420that Respondent had, including the patient had fecal material,

5429and that the patient is obstipated. Dr. Weiland believes that

5439the partial bowel obstruction could be caused by any number of

5450things, that have been mentioned in his testimony and reflected

5460in this discussion and that the patient should be treated

5470conservatively. If the problem resolves then that ends it. If

5480it does not, then a CAT scan should be considered, and only upon

5493the condition becoming a bowel obstruction that is complete will

5503surgery be necessary.

550674. Dr. Weiland agrees that the use of a rectal exam can

5518aid in the determination of the cause of an obstruction.

552875. Dr. Weiland expresses a preference to have a rectal

5538exam documented in the patient chart.

554476. Having considered the opinions of the medical experts

5553in view of the choices Respondent made in caring for Patient

5564R.D., Dr. Schaus' opinions that Respondent fell below the

5573standard of care in prescribing Miralax with a diagnosis of

5583partial obstruction and the opinion by Dr. Schaus that the

5593Respondent's failure to refer the Patient R.D. to the hospital

5603for further evaluation of bowel obstruction fell below the

5612standard of care are accepted. Although the choice to proceed

5622to the hospital or not would have been the patient's decision,

5633Respondent in his approach did not create that option. Rather

5643he deferred to perceived limitations placed on the care by the

5654patient, commenting that he was there principally for

5662difficulties with constipation. That response to the patient's

5670needs was below the standard of care. Respondent left available

5680the choice to proceed to the emergency room if the patient began

5692to have abdominal pain, fever or vomiting.

569977. Dr. Schaus' opinion that Respondent fell below the

5708standard of care in not performing a digital rectal examination

5718on Patient R.D. is accepted when addressing the possibility of a

5729bowel obstruction.


573278. The record does not reveal any adverse outcome

5741attributed to Respondent's care provided Patient R.D. on May 18,


575279. There is no indication that Respondent has ever been

5762disciplined in Florida or other jurisdictions while practicing



577480. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

5781jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

5791proceeding in accordance with Sections 120.569, 120.57(1) and

5799456.073(5), Florida Statutes (2006).

580381. Respondent is a licensed physician in Florida. He was

5813issued the license by the Department. The license number is


582482. Through the Administrative Complaint, Respondent has

5831been accused of the failure to practice medicine with the level

5842of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably

5853prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar

5861conditions and circumstances. The manner of the alleged

5869violation is that Respondent fell below the standard in:

5878a. prescribing Miralax to Patient RD, a

5885patient with a diagnosis of partial small

5892bowel obstruction.

5894b. failing to refer Patient RD to a hospital

5903for immediate further evaluation of small

5909bowel obstruction.

5911c. failing to perform a digital rectal

5918examination in a patient presenting with a

5925possible bowel obstruction.

5928d. failing to test Patient RD's stool for

5936occult blood.

593883. As a consequence Respondent is alleged to have

5947violated Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), which

5954states in pertinent part:

5958(1) The following acts constitute grounds

5964for . . . disciplinary action, as specified

5972in s. 456.072(2):

5975* * *

5978(t) . . . the failure to practice medicine

5987with that level of care, skill, and

5994treatment which is recognized by a

6000reasonably prudent similar physician as

6005being acceptable under similar conditions

6010and circumstances. . . . As used in this

6019paragraph, . . . 'the failure to practice

6027medicine with that level of care, skill, and

6035treatment which is recognized by a

6041reasonably prudent similar physician as

6046being acceptable under similar conditions

6051and circumstances,' shall not be construed

6058so as to require more than one instance,

6066event, or act. Nothing in this paragraph

6073shall be construed to require that a

6080physician be incompetent to practice

6085medicine in order to be disciplined pursuant

6092to this paragraph. A recommended order by

6099an administrative law judge or a final order

6107of the board finding a violation under this

6115paragraph shall specify whether the licensee

6121was found to have committed . . . 'failure

6130to practice medicine with that level of

6137care, skill, and treatment which is

6143recognized as being acceptable under similar

6149conditions and circumstances,' . . . and any

6158publication by the board must so specify.

616584. This hearing has been held recognizing the procedural

6174expectations set forth in Section 456.073(5), Florida Statutes

6182(2006), which states:

6185(5) A formal hearing before an

6191administrative law judge from the Division

6197of Administrative Hearings shall be held

6203pursuant to chapter 120 if there are any

6211disputed issues of material fact. The

6217determination of whether or not a licensee

6224has violated the laws and rules regulating

6231the profession, including a determination of

6237the reasonable standard of care, is a

6244conclusion of law to be determined by the

6252board, or department when there is no board,

6260and is not a finding of fact to be

6269determined by an administrative law judge.

6275The administrative law judge shall issue a

6282recommended order pursuant to chapter 120.

6288. . .

629185. In accordance with Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida

6298Statutes (2003), in this Recommended Order it must be specified

6308whether Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level

6317of care, skill and treatment which is recognized as being

6327acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances.

6333Ultimately, the Board in its Final Order must determine whether

6343Respondent violated Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes

6349(2003), as to the issue of pursuit of a reasonable standard of

6361care, a legal conclusion. § 456.073(5), Fla. Stat. (2006). But

6371not before findings of fact have been made concerning

6380Respondent's "failure to practice medicine with that level of

6389care, skill and treatment which is recognized as being

6398acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances," to

6405include the underlying facts that relate to patient care and the

6416opinion of experts on standard of care.

642386. This is a disciplinary case, for that reason

6432Petitioner bears the burden of proof. That proof must be

6442sufficient to sustain the allegations in the Administrative

6450Complaint by clear and convincing evidence. See Department of

6459Banking and Finance, Division of Securities and Investor

6467Protection v. Osborne Stern and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996);

6479and Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987). The term

6491clear and convincing evidence is explained in the case In re:

6502Davey , 645 So. 2d 398 (Fla. 1994), quoting, with approval from

6513Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

652487. The Administrative Complaint must provide reasonable

6531notice to Respondent of the conduct that would warrant the

6541imposition of discipline. See Cottrill v. Department of

6549Insurance , 685 So. 2d 1371 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996). Respondent was

6560noticed concerning the care provided Patient R.D. on May 18,

65702004. It emphasized the choices made in addressing the care at

6581that time. The Administrative Complaint does not speak to the

6591outcomes beyond that date as constituting a substantive


660088. Given the penal nature of this case, Section

6609458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), had been strictly

6616constructed. Any ambiguity favors the Respondent. See State v.

6625Pattishall , 99 Fla. 296 and 126 So. 147 (Fla. 1930), and Lester

6637v. Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, State

6645Board of Medical Examiners , 348 So. 2d 923 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

665789. As referred to previously, the disciplinary response

6665that may be imposed should Respondent be found in violation of

6676Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003), is set forth in

6685Section 456.072(2), Florida Statutes (2003), which states:

6692(2) When the board . . . finds any person

6702guilty . . . of any grounds set forth in the

6713applicable practice act, . . . it may enter

6722an order imposing one or more of the

6730following penalties:

6732* * *

6735(b) Suspension or permanent revocation of a


6743(c) Restriction of practice or license,

6749including, but not limited to, restricting

6755the licensee from practicing in certain

6761settings, restricting the licensee to work

6767only under designated conditions or in

6773certain settings, restricting the licensee

6778from performing or providing designated

6783clinical and administrative services,

6787restricting the licensee from practicing more

6793than a designated number of hours, or any

6801other restriction found to be necessary for

6808the protection of the public health, safety,

6815and welfare.

6817(d) Imposition of an administrative fine not

6824to exceed $10,000 for each count or separate

6833offense. If the violation is for fraud or

6841making a false or fraudulent representation,

6847the board, or the department if there is no

6856board, must impose a fine of $10,000 per

6865count or offense.

6868(e) Issuance of a reprimand or letter of


6877(f) Placement of the licensee on probation

6884for a period of time and subject to such

6893conditions as the board, or the department

6900when there is no board, may specify. Those

6908conditions may include, but are not limited

6915to, requiring the licensee to undergo

6921treatment, attend continuing education

6925courses, submit to be reexamined, work under

6932the supervision of another licensee, or

6938satisfy any terms which are reasonably

6944tailored to the violations found.

6949(g) Corrective action.

6952(h) Imposition of an administrative fine in

6959accordance with s. 381.0261 for violations

6965regarding patient rights.

6968(i) Refund of fees billed and collected from

6976the patient or a third party on behalf of the


6987(j) Requirement that the practitioner

6992undergo remedial education.

6995In determining what action is appropriate,

7001the board, . . . must first consider what

7010sanctions are necessary to protect the public

7017or to compensate the patient. Only after

7024those sanctions have been imposed may the

7031disciplining authority consider and include

7036in the order requirements designed to

7042rehabilitate the practitioner. All costs

7047associated with compliance with orders issued

7053under this subsection are the obligation of

7060the practitioner.

706290. Clear and convincing evidence was presented to show

7071that Respondent failed to practice medicine with that level of

7081care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably

7091prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar

7099conditions and circumstances. When Respondent prescribed

7105Miralax for Patient R.D., a patient whom he had diagnosed as

7116having a partial bowel obstruction, the choice to prescribe that

7126medication was contraindicated in that patient given the

7134diagnosis of partial bowel obstruction. In addition,

7141Patient R.D. was experiencing abdominal pain and had distension.

7150That was part of Respondent's diagnosis in relation to a problem

7161of bowel obstruction, another reason not to prescribe Miralax.

7170Furthermore, Respondent violated the standard of care in not

7179referring Patient R.D. to the hospital for immediate further

7188evaluation of the bowel obstruction. Instead, he allowed the

7197patient to talk him into the position of addressing the

7207constipation with Miralax and milk of magnesia, without referral

7216for immediate care at the hospital. Respondent had also

7225suggested that the patient increase his fluid intake.

7233Respondent left the possibility for treatment at the emergency

7242room for another time should the patient experience abdominal

7251pain, fever, or vomiting.

725591. Respondent's suggestion that a certain percentage of

7263cases such as Patient R.D.'s would resolve itself without the

7273need for follow-up in the hospital does not justify the failure

7284to refer the patient at the time the partial bowel obstruction

7295was found.

729792. Respondent violated the standard of care by failing to

7307perform a digital rectal examination on Patient R.D. as a means

7318to explain an obstruction.

732293. The failure to test Patient R.D. stool for occult

7332blood would be dependent upon obtaining stool. Respondent

7340cannot be punished for failing to test a specimen which he did

7352not have.

735494. Otherwise for reasons that have been set out

7363Respondent violated the standard of care. Thus, he violated

7372Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003).

737795. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001, sets

7384forth disciplinary guidelines for license violations. The

7391suggested range of punishment for the first offense, which this

7401is, is "from two (2) years probation to revocation or denial and

7413an administrative fine from $1,000 to $10,000."

742296. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001(3)

7428addresses aggravating and mitigating circumstances in

7434determining an appropriate punishment where it states:

7441(3) Aggravating and Mitigating

7445Circumstances. Based upon consideration of

7450aggravating and mitigating factors present

7455in an individual case, the Board may deviate

7463from the penalties recommended above. The

7469Board shall consider as aggravating or

7475mitigating factors the following:

7479(a) Exposure of patient or the public to

7487injury or potential injury, physical or

7493otherwise: none, slight, severe, or death;

7499(b) Legal status at the time of the

7507offense: no restraints, or legal


7513(c) The number of counts or separate

7520offenses established;

7522(d) The number of times the same offense or

7531offenses have previously been committed by

7537the licensee or applicant;

7541(e) The disciplinary history of the

7547applicant or licensee in any jurisdiction

7553and the length of practice;

7558(f) Pecuniary benefit or self-gain injuring

7564to the applicant or licensee;

7569(g) The involvement in any violation of

7576Section 458.331, F.S., of the provision of

7583controlled substances for trade, barter or

7589sale, by a licensee. In such cases, the

7597Board will deviate from the penalties

7603recommended above and impose suspension or

7609revocation of licensure.

7612(h) Any other relevant mitigating factors.

7618Patient R.D. was not shown to have been injured by Respondent's

7629choices in providing treatment. There was some risk of physical

7639harm that could be severe. That risk was mitigated by the

7650instructions Respondent gave the patient, should the patient

7658begin to experience more severe symptoms than he had

7667demonstrated when seen by Respondent. There were no legal

7676restraints or constraints placed on Respondent at the time of

7686the violation. The violation concerns a single count and

7695several failures in judgment. No indication was given that

7704Respondent has committed the same offenses at any other time.

7714Respondent has no disciplinary history. Respondent has not

7722experienced pecuniary benefit or self-gain as a result of this

7732violation. None of the violations concern themselves with the

7741provision of controlled substances by the Respondent.


7749Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law, it



7762That a final order be entered finding Respondent in

7771violation of Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes (2003),

7778placing Respondent on a period of probation for one year,

7788issuing a letter of reprimand and imposing an administrative

7797fine of $5,000.00.

7801DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of May, 2007, in Tallahassee,

7812Leon County, Florida.




7820Administrative Law Judge

7823Division of Administrative Hearings

7827The DeSoto Building

78301230 Apalachee Parkway

7833Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

7836(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

7840Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


7845Filed with the Clerk of the

7851Division of Administrative Hearings

7855this 1st day of May, 2007.


7864Ephraim D. Livingston, Esquire

7868Dory Penton, Esquire

7871Department of Health

78744052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65

7880Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

7883Christopher J. Schulte, Esquire

7887Burton, Schulte, Weekley,

7890Hoeler & Beytin, P.A.

7894100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 600

7900Post Office Box 1772

7904Tampa, Florida 33602-1772

7907Larry McPherson, Executive Director

7911Board of Medicine

7914Department of Health

79174052 Bald Cypress Way

7921Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

7924Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel

7929Department of Health

79324052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

7938Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701


7947All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

795715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

7968to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

7979will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/28/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 06/27/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/01/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/01/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 6, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/01/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/09/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/06/2007
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/28/2007
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 03/16/2007
Proceedings: Deposition of Lisa Montalto filed.
Date: 03/16/2007
Proceedings: Deposition of Shari Burgard filed.
Date: 03/15/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 03/09/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Medical Records Custodian (2) filed.
Date: 03/06/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/02/2007
Proceedings: Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 03/02/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Amended Notice of Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/02/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Respondent`s Amended Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/02/2007
Proceedings: Respondent`s Amended Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 03/01/2007
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/28/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Exhibits and Witnesses filed.
Date: 12/15/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for March 6, 2007; 10:15 a.m.; Inverness, FL).
Date: 12/15/2006
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner`s Motion for Official Recognition is granted).
Date: 12/06/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 11/30/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Conflict filed.
Date: 11/15/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for January 30, 2007; 10:15 a.m.; Inverness, FL).
Date: 11/14/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (Amended as to Attendance by Telephone) filed.
Date: 11/09/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 11/07/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 11/02/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 10/26/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 10/23/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/17/2006
Proceedings: Response to Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 10/17/2006
Proceedings: Response to Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 10/10/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Answering Respondent`s Request for Production and Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/21/2006
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 5, 2006; 10:15 a.m.; Inverness, FL; amended as to Issue).
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/19/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 5, 2006; 10:15 a.m.; Inverness, FL).
Date: 09/12/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner`s First Set of Admissions, Interrogatories, and Request for Production.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Request for Production filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by C. Schulte).
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/08/2006
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Inverness, Florida


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