06-000754PL Department Of Financial Services vs. Jennifer Sophia D`alessandro
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, December 29, 2006.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent pre-signed a blank pre-enrollment application form, but bad intent, willfulness, and fraudulent conduct was not established. No disciplinary action can be imposed on her license under Subsection 626.611(7) or 642.041(5), Florida Statutes.






15Petitioner , )


18vs. ) Case No. 06 - 0754PL




31Respondent . )



38On August 24, 2006, a formal administrative hearing was

47held in this case in St. Petersburg, Florida, before Carolyn S.

58Holifield, Administrative Law Judge, Division of Administrative



67For Petitioner: Philip M. Payne, Esquire

73Department of Financial Services

77624 Larson Building

80200 East Gaines Street

84Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

89For Respondent: Doug Wilcock, Esquire

94Bauman and Wilcock, P. A.

996640 34th Avenue, North

103St. Petersburg, Florida 33710


112The issue s for determination are whether Respondent

120violated Subsections 626.611(7) and 642.041(5), Flori da Statutes

128(2004) , 1 as alleged in the Administrative Complaint , and, if so,

139what disciplinary actions should be imposed on her license as a

150health insurance agent and legal expense sales representative.


160On February 16, 2006, Petition er, the Department of

169Financial Services (“Department”), filed an Administrative

175Complaint against Respondent, a licensed Florida health

182insurance agent and legal expense sales representative. The

190Administrative Complaint alleges the following: (1) while

197licensed as a health insurance agent and legal expense sales

207representative, Respondent was accountable for the submission of

215a February 2005 fraudulent Medicaid p re - enrollment application

225and appointment sheet for Susan Scott, of New Port Richey,

235Florida , without Ms. Scott's knowledge, consent, and proper

243signature; (2) Respondent's signature was on the "fraudulent "

251application; (3) the "fraudulent " application and appointment

258sheet were submitted to Amerigroup Corporation; and (4) as a

268result of the sub mission of the " fraudulent " application and the

279appointment sheet, Amerigroup paid Respondent a commission and

287issued a Medicaid coverage identification card to Ms. Scott.

296The Department charged that by engaging in the alleged conduct,

306Respondent has demo nstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness

315to engage in the business of insurance, which is a basis for the

328Department's taking disciplinary action against Respondent's

334insurance licenses, pursuant to Subsections 626.611(7) and

341642.041(5), Florida Statu tes.

345Respondent challenged the factual allegations and timely

352requested a formal hearing. On or about March 1, 2006, the

363Department forwarded the matter to the Division of

371Administrative Hearings for assignment of an Administrative Law

379Judge to conduct th e formal hearing. By Notice issued March 14,

3912006, the hearing was initially set for April 26, 2006.

401However, the parties subsequently requested and were granted two


411At the hearing, the Department presented the testimony of

420two witnesses, S usan Scott and Patricia Watkins. Petitioner's

429Exhibits 1 through 10 were received into evidence. Respondent

438testified on her own behalf and presented the testimony of

448Anthony Nespeca.

450A Transcript of the hearing was filed on September 11,

4602006. At the c onclusion of the hearing, the time for filing

472proposed recommended orders was set for ten days after the

482Transcript was filed. The Department filed its Proposed

490Recommended Order on September 21, 2006. Subsequently,

497Respondent requested and was granted a n extension of time to

508file her p roposed r ecommended o rder. Respondent's Proposed

518Recommended Order was filed on October 5, 2006. The P roposed

529R ecommended O rders of both parties have been carefull y

540considered in preparation of this Recommended Order.


5511. Respondent was and, at all times material hereto, has

561been licensed in Florida as a health insurance agent and a legal

573expense sales representative. Respondent’s license number with

580the Department is D037418.

5842. On or about August 16, 2005, Respondent was appointed

594as an agent with Amerigroup of Florida, Inc. (Amerigroup) .

6043. In early February 2005, Susan Scott and Frank Barrs,

614her husband, 2 had Medicaid coverage through the Stay w ell Medicaid

626Program. Later that month, Ms. Scott recei ved a "Welcome

636Packet" from Amerigroup and enrollment cards which indicated

644that she had Medicaid coverage through Amerigroup.

6514. Ms. Scott then contacted the Medicaid Options Office

660and Amerigroup to advise both offices that she had not

670authorized that h er Medicaid coverage be switched from Staywell

680to Amerigroup. Upon receiving the call from Ms. Scott,

689Amerigroup investigated the matter.

6935. Amerigroup's investigation concluded that Ms. Scott's

700Medicaid plan was switched from Staywell Medicaid p lan to t he

712Amerigroup Medicaid p lan without her knowledge, consent, and/or


7226. Ms. Scott was unaware of how the unauthorized switch of

733her Medicaid plan occurred. However, Ms. Scott recalled that

742sometime prior to the unauthorized switch, she was appr oached by

753an Amerigroup representative while she was at the Department of

763Children and Famil y Serv i c es o ffice. That representative asked

776Ms. Scott if she had Medicaid coverage and about her insurance

787and her open enrollment period. Ms. Scott believed tha t these

798inquiries were made in an effort to persuade her to change her

810current Medicaid coverage. However, at that time, Ms. Scott

819told the representative four or five times that she was

829satisfied with her current Medicaid p rogram.

8367. Subsequently, the r epresentative , who had approached

844Ms. Scott at the Department of Children and Family Services

854o ffice, showed up at her house without her permission.

864Ms. Scott identified this person as Herbert Stadler.

8728. It was soon after the person whom Ms. Scott iden tified

884as Mr. Stadler came to her house that Ms. Scott learned that her

897Medicaid insurance coverage had been switched from Staywell to

906Amerigroup without her prior knowledge, consent, or


9149. A transfer of coverage to Amerigroup required thre e

924steps: (1) a completed Appointment Sheet Form (Appointment

932Sheet) , (2) an in - person presentation by an Amerigroup

942representative and completion of a pre - enrollment form , and

952(3) a call by the applicant to the Medicaid Options Office to

964advise that offi ce of the applicant's decision or plan to change

976his/her Medicaid coverage.

97910. Amerigroup’s Appointment Sheet requires that the

"986applicant" listed on the Appointment Sheet indicate how the

995applicant's appointment with the Amerigroup representative was

1002ma de. These options are whether the appointment was made in

1013person or by the applicant's calling Amerigroup to request an

1023appointment. The Appointment Sheet includes spaces for the

1031applicant to list his/her name, address, and telephone number,

1040to consent t o have a representative of Amerigroup contact the

1051applicant within the next 90 days or during the applicant's next

1062enrollment period, and to give Amerigroup permission to view the

1072eligibility of recipients listed on the Pre - Enrollment

1081Application. Finally , the Appointment Sheet includes signature

1088lines for the applicant's signature and the Amerigroup marketing

1097representative's signature.

109911. An Amerigroup Appointment Sheet dated February 16,

11072005, bears the signature of Anthony Nespeca, as the marketing

1117representative, and also purports to bear the signature of Susan

1127Scott. The Appointment Sheet lists Ms. Scott's address as

113610625 Houston Avenue, in Hudson, Florida, in Pasco County,

1145Florida. According to the Appointment Sheet, Ms. Scott

1153consented to hav e an Amerigroup representative contact her.

116212. It is unknown who signed Ms. Scott's name on the

1173Appointment Sheet referred to in paragraph 11, but clearly,

1182Ms. Scott did not sign that form. Also, notwithstanding the

1192indication on the Appointment Sheet to the contrary, Ms. Scott

1202never made or requested an appointment with an Amerigroup

1211representative -- either in person or by telephone. Finally, the

1221address listed on the Appointment Sheet as Ms. Scott's address

1231was not her and/or her husband's address. On February 16, 2005,

1242Ms. Scott's and her husband's correct address was an address on

1253Gray Fox Lane in Port Richey, Florida.

126013. Amerigroup has a Pre - Enrollment Application form that

1270provides space for information regarding the applicant,

1277including the ap plicant's name and physical address. The Pre -

1288Enrollment Application also provides a box that the applicant

1297may check , indicating that "I understand the benefits as they

1307have been explained to me and I wish to enroll with Amerigroup

1319of Florida." Immediate ly below that statement is a line for the

1331applicant's signature. The Pre - Enrollment Application also

1339provides a space for the marketing representative's signature

1347and a place for the marketing representative to print his or her

1359name. Finally, the Pre - Enr ollment Application has a space to

1371indicate whether the applicant called the Medicaid Options

1379Office to report the change in his/her Medicaid plan.

138814. The Pre - Enrollment Application, applicable in this

1397case, lists Ms. Scott and her husband as the applica nts, and

1409includes a signature, dated February 17, 2005, purporting to be

1419that of Ms. Scott. Notwithstanding the purported signature of

1428Ms. Scott on the Pre - Enrollment Application, Ms. Scott did not

1440sign that form. Moreover, the Pre - Enrollment Application , like

1450the Appointment Sheet, incorrectly lists Ms. Scott's address as

1459being in Hudson, Florida, when, in fact, her address was in Port

1471Richey, Florida. Finally, even though the Pre - Enrollment

1480Application indicates that Ms. Scott placed a telephone call t o

1491the Medicaid Options Office to change her Medicaid enrollment,

1500she never made such a call.

150615. On the Pre - Enrollment Application, Respondent's

1514signature is on the line designated for the marketing

1523representative's signature. Next to Respondent's signa ture is

1531February 17, 2005, which is one day after she was appointed an

1543agent with Amerigroup; however, there is no evidence that

1552Respondent wrote that date on the Pre - Enrollment Application.

1562Below Respondent's signature is a space for the marketing

1571repre sentative to print his or her name. Printed in that space

1583is the name, "Anthony Nespeca."

158816. Based on the information from the Appointment Sheet

1597and Pre - Enrollment Application forms, Ms. Scott and her husband

1608were entered into Amerigroup’s Florida sales tracking data base.

1617This resulted in Ms. Scott and her husband being switched from

1628the Staywell Medicaid p lan to the Amerigroup Medicaid p lan.

163917. Based on Amerigroup's practice, the representative or

1647representatives whose names appeared on the Pre - Enr ollment

1657Applications were paid a commission for the new customer. Whe n

1668there were two names appearing on the Pre - Enrollment Form, as in

1681this case, the commission was split between the two individuals.

1691Here, because both Respondent's name and Anthony Nesp eca's name

1701appeared on the Pre - Enrollment Form, Amerigroup paid a

1711commission to Respondent and Mr. Nespeca.

171718. The Amerigroup investigation found that the telephone

1725call to the Medicaid Options Office for the enrollment of

1735Ms. Scott was placed from Mr. Nespeca’s home telephone.

174419. T he undisputed evidence in this proceeding is that

1754Ms. Scott and her husband were switched from their Staywell

1764Medicaid p lan to the Amerigroup Medicaid plan, without their

1774knowledge, consent, and/or authorization. Also, the undisputed

1781evidence in this proceeding established that the call to

1790Medicaid Options Office, purported to be from Ms. Scott, was

1800made from Mr. Nespeca's home telephone.

180620. Mr. Nespeca was subsequently terminated from his job

1815with Amerigroup and thereaft er entered into an agreement with

1825the Department of Financial Services for a consent order that

1835resulted in a 12 - month suspension of his license.

184521. It is undisputed that Respondent’s signature appeared

1853on the Pre - Enrollment Application for Ms. Scott. H owever, there

1865is no evidence that Respondent knew about or was in any way

1877involved in the transaction which resulted in Ms. Scott's

1886Medicaid plan being improperly switched.

189122. The credible testimony of Respondent is that an agent

1901employed by Amerigroup o ften partners with another agent in the

1912company to share commissions. Often these agents go together to

1922visit potential clients, but there are times when they do not do

1934so. Nonetheless, in order to share commissions, the names of

1944both agents/representati ves must be on the Pre - Enrollment form.

1955To ensure that Respondent and Mr. Nespeca received the shared

1965commissions, they exchanged pre - signed Pre - Enrollment

1974Application forms, that were not filled out, as a mechanism of

1985splitting commissions.

198723. The prac tice of agents sharing commissions was not

1997uncommon or against Amerigroup policy. Furthermore, Amerigroup

2004used the Pre - Enrollment Application forms to determine which

2014agents/representatives should be paid commissions.

201924. Respondent was not involved in t he telephone call to

2030the Medicaid Options Office that was an important element in

2040Ms. Scott’s insurance carriers being switched , and no evidence

2049to the contrary was presented.

205425. Respondent has never met Ms. Scott and has never gone

2065to her house. Respo ndent did not fill out the Pre - Enrollment

2078Application , and the telephone call did not come from her house.

208926. Prior to the investigation conducted by Amerigroup , in

2098which she was questioned and confronted about Ms. Scott's

2107complaint, Respondent had no kn owledge or involvement in the

2117events which led to Ms. Scott's Medicaid plan being switched.

212727. Respondent's only involvement with the transaction

2134involving Ms. Scott's Medicaid coverage being switched was that

2143she and Mr. Nespeca split the commission. T his action did not

2155require or involve any action by Respondent. The mere fact that

2166Respondent's signature was on the Pre - Enrollment Application

2175form triggered the process that resulted in Amerigroup 's paying

2185the commission for that enrollment to Responden t and

2194Mr. N especa.

219728. In her first year with Amerigroup, Respondent was the

2207top producer and, except for this case, Respondent has never

2217been accused of submitting a fraudulent claim.


222729. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2234j urisdiction of the subject matter of and the parties to this

2246proceeding. See §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla . Stat. (200 5 ).

225830. The Department’s Administrative Complaint alleges that

2265Respondent violated Subsections 626.611(7) and 642.041(5),

2271Florida Statut es.

227431. Subsection 626.611 (7), Florida Statutes, authorizes

2281the Department to suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline the

2290license of an insurance agent, if such licensee has

"2299demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in

2308the business of i nsurance."

231332. Subsection 642.041(5), Florida Statutes, authorizes

2319the Department to suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline the

2328license of a sales representative if such licensee has

"2337demonstrated lack of fitness or trustworthiness to engage in

2346the busi ness of legal expense insurance."

235333. In the instant case, the Department has the burden of

2364proving its allegations by clear and convincing evidence. See

2373Department of Banking and Finance v. Osborne Stern and Company ,

2383670 So. 2d 932, 935 (Fla. 1996); Fer ris v. Turlington , 510 So.

23962d 292 (Fla. 1987).

240034. Clear and convincing evidence is that which is

2409credible, precise, explicit, and lacking confusion as to the

2418facts in issue. The evidence must be of such weight that it

2430produces in the mind of the trier o f fact the firm belief of

2444conviction, without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2453allegations. Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4 th

2465DCA 1983).

246735. The alleged violation of Subsections 626.611(7) and

2475642.041(5), Florida Statutes, relates to t he allegations in the

2485Administrative Complaint that Respondent was "accountable" for

2492the submission of a fraudulent Medicaid Pre - Enrollment

2501application and appointment sheet, which resulted in

2508Respondent's receiving a commission.

251236. In order to establish a lack of fitness or

2522trustworthiness to engage in the business of insurance under

2531Subsection 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, the Department must

2538adduce evidence of bad intent, willfulness or fraudulent

2546conduct. See Hartnett v. Department of Insurance , 406 So. 2d

25561180 ( Fla. 1 st DCA 1981), cited in In the Matter of Oscar Brown,

2571Jr. , at paragraph 42, Case No. 04 - 0765PL ( DOAH September 30,

25842004) (Final Order adopting Recommended Order filed December 17,

25932004). 3

259537. Subsection 642.041(5), Florida Statutes, lik e

2602Subsection 626.611(7), Florida Statutes, refers to "lack of

2610fitness or trustworthiness" to engage in certain business

2618activities. The only difference in the two provisions is that

2628the former provision refers to the "business of legal expense

2638insurance," and the latter one refers to the "business of

2648insurance." Given that the key language in those provisions is

2658identical, the elements of bad intent, willfulness, and

2666fraudulent conduct required to prove Subsection 626.611(7),

2673Florida Statutes, is also req uired to prove Subsection

2682642.041(5), Florida Statutes.

268538. In this case, the Department failed to meet its burden

2696of proof. While the Department asserts that Respondent,

2704willfully and without justifiable excuse, signed her name to the

2714fraudulent Amerigr oup Pre - Enrollment Application form of

2723Ms. Scott and her husband, it failed to present evidence to

2734support that assertion.

273739. The Department offered no credible evidence to show

2746that Respondent was involved in the execution and subsequent

2755submission of the fraudulent Appointment Sheet and the Pre -

2765Enrollment Application or the phone call to Medicaid Options

2774necessary to fraudulently transfer Ms. Scott’s Medicaid


278240. The Department's assertion that Respondent's signature

2789was on the fraudulent fo rms and that she was accountable for the

2802submission of those forms, does not meet the elements of bad

2813intent, willfulness, or fraudulent conduct necessary to prove

2821the alleged violations. Rather, the clear and convincing

2829evidence established that Responde nt pre - signed Pre - Enrollment

2840Application forms and that one of these forms was misused by

2851someone else to enroll Ms. Scott in Amerigroup, without

2860Ms. Scott's permission, consent, or authorization.

286641. The Department failed to meet the burden as to the

2877willfulness of Respondent’s conduct since the Administrative

2884Complaint does not allege that pre - signing a pre - enrollment form

2897is a violation of law or policy. At most, Respondent's conduct

2908of pre - signing an otherwise incomplete Pre - Enrollment

2918Application may constitute negligence and/or reflect poor

2925judgment. However, no such allegations were made in the

2934Administrative Complaint.

293642. In summary, the conduct of Respondent, pre - signing an

2947otherwise incomplete Pre - Enrollment Application that was later

2956fraud ulently completed and submitted by another agent, reflects

2965poor judgment. However, for the reasons found and concluded

2974above, Respondent is not guilty of violating the provisions

2983under Subsection s 626.611(7) and 642.041(5), Florida Statutes.


2993Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3003Law, it is

3006RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services enter

3014a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint.

3021DONE AND ENTERED this 2 9 th day of December , 2006 , in

3033Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3041Administrative Law Judge

3044Division of Administrative Hearings

3048The DeSoto Building

30511230 Apalachee Parkway

3054Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3059(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

3067Fax Fi ling (850) 921 - 6847


3075Filed with the Clerk of the

3081Division of Administrative Hearings

3085this 2 9 th day o f December , 2006 .


30961/ All references to Florida Statutes are to Florida

3105Statutes (2004), unless otherwise indicated.

31102 / Ms. Scott testified that in February 2005, she and Mr. Barr

3123were living together, but since that time, in March 2006, they

3134were married.

31363/ While the Hartnett Court explicitly deferred to the

3145Department on interpreting Subsection 626.611(7), it cautiousl y

3153“venture[d] to suggest” that the element of willfulness would be

3163essential to proving a case pursuant to Subsection 626.611(7),

3172Florida Statutes. Hartnett at 1184. Based on the Department's

3181ruling in Brown, it has adopted the element of "willfulness" t o

3193prove a case under Subsection 626.611(7), Florida Statutes.


3204Philip M. Payne, Esquire

3208Department of Financial Services

3212624 Larson Building

3215200 East Gaines Street

3219Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

3224Doug Wilcock, Esquire

3227Bauman and Wilco ck, P. A.

32336640 34th Avenue , North

3237St. Petersburg, Florida 33710

3241Honorable Tom Gallagher

3244Chief Financial Officer

3247Department of Financial Services

3251The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3256Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

3261Carlos G. Muñiz, General Counsel

3266Department of Financial Services

3270The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

3275Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0307


3286All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

329615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3307to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3318will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 03/30/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 03/28/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/29/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/29/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/29/2006
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 24, 2006). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/12/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (proposed recommended orders to be filed by October 5, 2006).
Date: 10/10/2006
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 10/05/2006
Proceedings: (Respondent`s Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/21/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/11/2006
Proceedings: Reporter`s Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 08/24/2006
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/16/2006
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 24, 2006, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 06/15/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 06/13/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by June 20, 2006).
Date: 06/12/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 06/07/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Third Notice of Providing Witness List and Exhibits to Respondent filed.
Date: 06/05/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Notice of Providing Witness List and Exhibits to Petitioner filed.
Date: 05/25/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Second Notice of Providing Witness List and Exhibits to Respondent filed.
Date: 04/25/2006
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 14, 2006; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 04/24/2006
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 04/24/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by D. Wilcock).
Date: 04/06/2006
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Providing Witness List and Exhibits to Respondent filed.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/14/2006
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 26, 2006; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 03/09/2006
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/02/2006
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 03/01/2006
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Starke, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):