07-000525N Cassandra Drewes, On Behalf Of And As Parent And Natural Guardian Of Daniel J. Williamson, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, July 30, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: The infant`s neurologic impairments were most likely developmentally based, as opposed to birth-related. The claim is denied.








31Petitioner, )

33) Case No. 07-0525N

37vs. )






50Respondent. )


54Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative

61Hearings, by Administrative Law Judge William J. Kendrick, held

70a hearing in the above-styled case on July 19, 2007, by video

82teleconference, with sites in Tallahassee and Orlando, Florida.


91For Petitioner: David R. Best, Esquire

97Best & Anderson, P.A.

101Bank of America Center

105390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1875

111Orlando, Florida 32801

114For Respondent: Robert J. Grace, Esquire

120Stiles, Taylor & Grace, P.A.

125Post Office Box 460

129Tampa, Florida 33606


136At issue is whether Daniel J. Williamson, a minor,

145qualifies for coverage under the Florida Birth-Related

152Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (Plan).


159On January 29, 2007, Cassandra Drewes, on behalf of and as

170parent and natural guardian of Daniel J. Williamson (Daniel), a

180minor, filed a petition (claim) with the Division of

189Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for compensation under the Plan.

197DOAH served the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

204Compensation Association (NICA) with a copy of the claim on

214January 31, 2007, and on May 9, 2007, following an extension of

226time within which to do so, NICA responded to the claim, and

238gave notice that it was of the view that Daniel did not suffer a

"252birth-related neurological injury," as defined by Section

259766.302(2), Florida Statutes, and requested that a hearing be

268scheduled to resolve the issue.

273Pursuant to notice, such a hearing was convened on July 19,

2842007, and the parties offered Joint Exhibit 1, which was

294received into evidence. That exhibit included the medical chart

303of Cassandra Drewes from Rose Mary Sobel, M.D., and Crystal

313River Women's Health Care; the medical chart of Cassandra Drewes

323from Seven Rivers Community Hospital; Fetal Monitor Strips; the

332medical chart of Daniel J. Williamson from Seven Rivers

341Community Hospital; the medical chart of Daniel J. Williamson

350from Shands Hospital; a report of Donald Willis, M.D., dated

360April 30, 2007; and a report of Michael S. Duchowny, M.D., dated

372April 25, 2007. By agreement of the parties, the reports of

383Dr. Willis and Dr. Duchowny were received into evidence in lieu

394of their testimony at hearing.


402Stipulated facts

4041. Cassandra Drewes is the natural mother of Daniel J.

414Williamson, a minor. Daniel was born a live infant on July 8,

4262005, at Seven Rivers Community Hospital, a licensed hospital

435located in Crystal River, Florida, and his birth weight exceeded

4452,500 grams.

4482. The physician providing obstetrical services at

455Daniel's birth was Rose Mary Sobel, M.D., who, at all times

466material hereto, was a "participating physician" in the Florida

475Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan, as defined

482by Section 766.302(7), Florida Statutes.

487Coverage under the Plan

4913. Pertinent to this case, coverage is afforded by the

501Plan for infants who suffer a "birth-related neurological

509injury," defined as an "injury to the brain or spinal cord . . .

523caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in

532the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate

542postdelivery period in a hospital, which renders the infant

551permanently and substantially mentally and physically impaired."

558§ 766.302(2), Fla. Stat.

562The etiology of Daniel's impairments

5674. Michael Duchowny, M.D., a pediatric neurologist

574associated with Miami Children's Hospital, based on his review

583of the medical records, as well as his evaluation of Daniel on

595April 25, 2007, was of the opinion that Daniel's neurologic

605impairments were most likely developmentally based, as opposed

613to birth-related. Dr. Duchowny expressed his findings and

621conclusions in his report, dated April 25, 2007, as follows:

631I evaluated Danny Williamson on April 25,

6382007. Danny is a 21-month-old toddler

644brought to the office by his mother and both

653grandmothers. They all participated in the

659evaluation and provided historical


664MEDICAL HISTORY: Danny is now 21 months old

672and is developmentally delayed. His mother

678explained that Danny had difficulties during

684delivery and that she was "in distress"

691during labor. She recalled that Danny's

"697heart rate dropped" and that he "had a

705small brain hemorrhage." Danny was born at

712Seven Rivers Hospital but was transferred to

719Shands Hospital where he remained for nine

726days. He had respiratory and feeding

732difficulties that required mechanical

736ventilation and a gastrostomy. He was

742discharged at nine days of age. His birth

750weight was 6 pounds 10 ounces.

756Developmental delay was noted in the first

763year of life. He was late to roll over

772(eight months) and did not sit until nine

780months. He stood at 13 months and walked

788independently at age 15 months. Speech

794development [h]as also been delayed in that

801he did not speak single words until one

809month ago. He continues to have

815difficulties with speech and presently

820speaks in single words. He has a tendency

828to repeat words spoken to him, especially

835the last word of a command. His speech

843articulation is also a problem. Danny

849receives speech therapy at All Children's

855Hospital once weekly. Occupational therapy

860has been discontinued.

863Danny is also extremely active and has a

871fascination with drawers, knobs and buttons.

877He will play with them all day long. In

886contrast, he does not socialize well with

893other children and often plays by himself.

900He is "scared of other children" and tends

908to play in parallel. He is neither

915aggressive nor destructive and apparently,

"920does not defend himself if attacked."

926Danny also has problems with motor

932coordination such as climbing up or down

939stairs. He behaves "as if his legs are

947stiff." He postures his right hand when

954running and at rest.

958Danny's health is otherwise good. His

964vision is normal. He has a slight hearing

972impairment and tubes were placed in his

979ears. He sleeps through the night but for a

988period of time would scream and not fall

996asleep. His appetite is stable. There has

1003been no regression. There has been no

1010significant toxic or infectious exposure and

1016no postnatal trauma.

1019Danny is under the care of Dr. Joseph

1027Cassodonte and is followed by a nurse

1034practitioner. An MRI scan at 12-months of

1041age revealed nonspecific abnormalities. Two

1046EEGs performed to rule out epilepsy were


1054* * *

1057PHYSICAL EXAMINATION reveals a well-

1062developed, well-nourished 21-month-old boy.

1066Danny weighs 38 pounds and is 35 inches

1074tall. His hair is light brown and of normal

1083texture. The anterior and posterior

1088fontanels are closed. The head

1093circumference measures 48.6 centimeters

1097which approximates the 55th percentile for

1103age. There are no cranial or facial

1110anomalies or asymmetries. There are no

1116neurocutaneous stigmata and no dysmorphic

1121features. The spine is straight without

1127dysraphism. The neck is supple without

1133masses, thyromegaly or adenopathy. The

1138cardiovascular, respiratory and abdominal

1142examinations are normal. Peripheral pulses

1147are 2 and symmetric.


1155difficult to complete as he is extremely

1162overactive and oppositional. He virtually

1167fought off all attempts to examine him and

1175required restraint by his multiple

1180caregivers. I measured his head

1185circumference at 48.6 centimeters which is

1191at the 55th percentile for age. His speech

1199output is clearly diminished and he tends to

1207use single words with marked labial

1213disarticulation. He did not drool, although

1219the tongue movements were poorly

1224coordinated. In contrast, he understands

1229simple commands and could identify body

1235parts readily. His attention span is short

1242and he is clearly overactive and impulsive

1249in terms of his overall behavioral

1255interactions. His eye contact is poor and

1262he does not socialize well. His attention

1269span consistently wandered during the

1274examination. Cranial nerve examination is

1279unremarkable. The visual fields are grossly

1285intact to confrontation testing. I was not

1292able to perform a funduscopic examination.

1298The pupils were 3 mm and react briskly to

1307direct and consensually presented light.

1312There are no significant facial asymmetries.

1318The uvula is midline and the pharyngeal

1325folds are symmetric. Motor examination

1330reveals symmetric strength, bulk and tone.

1336There are no adventitious movements and no

1343evidence of weakness or focal atrophy. Deep

1350tendon reflexes are slightly diminished at

13561 bilaterally and the plantar responses are

1363downgoing. There is withdrawal of all

1369extremities to stimulation. The

1373neurovascular examination reveals no

1377cervical, cranial or ocular bruits and no

1384temperature or pulse asymmetries.

1388In SUMMARY, Danny's neurological examination

1393in detail reveals no specific focal or

1400lateralizing findings. In contrast, he

1405displays findings consistent with

1409developmental delay in multiple domains

1414including attention, behavior,

1417socialization, speech and motor ability[.]

1422Danny's presentation is most consistent with

1428a diagnosis of pervasive developmental

1433disorder and he likely fits within the

1440autism spectrum. Certainly, there are no

1446findings to suggest significant structural

1451brain damage[.] I believe that Danny's

1457neurological presentation is developmentally

1461based and acquired due to prenatally

1467acquired factors. A review of Danny's

1473medical records mailed on March 14, 2007

1480further confirms that he did not have a

1488significant neurological injury related to

1493oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury at

1499birth. I therefore believe that Danny is

1506not compensable under the NICA statute.

15125. Dr. Duchowny's opinions regarding the etiology of

1520Daniel's impairments were not controverted or shown to lack

1529credibility. Consequently, it must be resolved that Daniel's

1537impairments are most likely developmentally based, as opposed to

1546birth-related. See , e.g. , Ackley v. General Parcel Service , 646

1555So. 2d 242 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995)(determining cause of psychiatric

1565illness is essentially a medical question, requiring expert

1573medical evidence); Thomas v. Salvation Army , 562 So. 2d 746, 749

1584(Fla. 1st DCA 1990)("In evaluating medical evidence, a judge of

1595compensation claims may not reject uncontroverted medical

1602testimony without a reasonable explanation."). Therefore, the

1610proof fails to support the conclusion that Daniel suffered a

"1620birth-related neurological injury," as required for coverage

1627under the Plan.


16336. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1640jurisdiction over the parties to, and the subject matter of,

1650these proceedings. § 766.301, et seq. , Fla. Stat .

16597. The Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

1665Compensation Plan was established by the Legislature "for the

1674purpose of providing compensation, irrespective of fault, for

1682birth-related neurological injury claims" relating to births

1689occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

17008. The injured infant, her or his personal representative,

1709parents, dependents, and next of kin, may seek compensation

1718under the Plan by filing a claim for compensation with the

1729Division of Administrative Hearings. §§ 766.302(3), 766.303(2),

1736and 766.305(1), Fla. Stat. The Florida Birth-Related

1743Neurological Injury Compensation Association, which administers

1749the Plan, has "45 days from the date of service of a complete

1762claim . . . in which to file a response to the petition and to

1777submit relevant written information relating to the issue of

1786whether the injury is a birth-related neurological injury."

1794§ 766.305(4), Fla. Stat.

17989. If NICA determines that the injury alleged in a claim

1809is a compensable birth-related neurological injury, it may award

1818compensation to the claimant, provided that the award is

1827approved by the administrative law judge to whom the claim has

1838been assigned. § 766.305(7), Fla. Stat. If, on the other hand,

1849NICA disputes the claim, as it has in the instant case, the

1861dispute must be resolved by the assigned administrative law

1870judge in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 120, Florida

1880Statutes. §§ 766.304, 766.309, and 766.31, Fla. Stat.

188810. In discharging this responsibility, the administrative

1895law judge must make the following determination based upon the

1905available evidence:

1907(a) Whether the injury claimed is a

1914birth-related neurological injury. If the

1919claimant has demonstrated, to the

1924satisfaction of the administrative law

1929judge, that the infant has sustained a brain

1937or spinal cord injury caused by oxygen

1944deprivation or mechanical injury and that

1950the infant was thereby rendered permanently

1956and substantially mentally and physically

1961impaired, a rebuttable presumption shall

1966arise that the injury is a birth-related

1973neurological injury as defined in s.


1980(b) Whether obstetrical services were

1985delivered by a participating physician in

1991the course of labor, delivery, or

1997resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

2002period in a hospital; or by a certified

2010nurse midwife in a teaching hospital

2016supervised by a participating physician in

2022the course of labor, delivery, or

2028resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

2033period in a hospital.

2037§ 766.309(1), Fla. Stat. An award may be sustained only if the

2049administrative law judge concludes that the "infant has

2057sustained a birth-related neurological injury and that

2064obstetrical services were delivered by a participating physician

2072at birth." § 766.31(1), Fla. Stat.

207811. Pertinent to this case, "birth-related neurological

2085injury" is defined by Section 766.302(2), Florida Statutes,

2093to mean:

2095injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live

2105infant weighing at least 2,500 grams for a

2114single gestation or, in the case of a

2122multiple gestation, a live infant weighing

2128at least 2,000 grams at birth caused by

2137oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury

2142occurring in the course of labor, delivery,

2149or resuscitation in the immediate

2154postdelivery period in a hospital, which

2160renders the infant permanently and

2165substantially mentally and physically

2169impaired. This definition shall apply to

2175live births only and shall not include

2182disability or death caused by genetic or

2189congenital abnormality.

219112. As the proponent of the issue, the burden rested on

2202Petitioner to demonstrate that Daniel suffered a "birth-related

2210neurological injury." § 766.309(1)(a), Fla. Stat. See also

2218Balino v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348

2227So. 2d 349, 350 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997)("[T]he burden of proof,

2239apart from statute, is on the party asserting the affirmative

2249issue before an administrative tribunal.").

225513. Here, the proof failed to support the conclusion that,

2265more likely than not, Daniel's neurologic impairments were the

2274result of an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen

2287deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in the course of

2296labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

2304period in the hospital. Consequently, given the provisions of

2313Section 766.302(2), Florida Statutes, Daniel was not shown to

2322qualify for coverage under the Plan. See also §§ 766.309(1) and

2333766.31(1), Fla. Stat.; Humana of Florida, Inc. v. McKaughan , 652

2343So. 2d 852, 859 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995)("[B]ecause the Plan . . . is

2358a statutory substitute for common law rights and liabilities, it

2368should be strictly constructed to include only those subjects

2377clearly embraced within its terms."), approved , Florida Birth-

2386Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association v.

2392McKaughan , 668 So. 2d 974, 979 (Fla. 1996).

240014. Where, as here, the administrative law judge

2408determines that ". . . the injury alleged is not a birth-related

2420neurological injury . . . she or he [is required to] enter an

2433order [to such effect] and . . . cause a copy of such order to

2448be sent immediately to the parties by registered or certified

2458mail." § 766.309(2), Fla. Stat. Such an order constitutes

2467final agency action subject to appellate court review.

2475§ 766.311(1), Fla. Stat.


2480Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2490Law, it is

2493ORDERED the claim for compensation filed by

2500Cassandra Drewes, on behalf of and as parent and natural

2510guardian of Daniel J. Williamson, a minor, is dismissed with


2521DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of July, 2007, in

2531Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2539Administrative Law Judge

2542Division of Administrative Hearings

2546The DeSoto Building

25491230 Apalachee Parkway

2552Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2555(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

2559Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2564Filed with the Clerk of the

2570Division of Administrative Hearings

2574this 30th day of July, 2007.


2583(Via Certified Mail)

2586David R. Best, Esquire

2590Best & Anderson, P.A.

2594Bank of America Center

2598390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1875

2604Orlando, Florida 32801

2607(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7288)

2615Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

2619Florida Birth Related Neurological

2623Injury Compensation Association

26262360 Christopher Place, Suite 1

2631Tallahassee, Florida 32308

2634(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7295)

2642Robert J. Grace, Esquire

2646Stiles, Taylor & Grace, P.A.

2651Post Office Box 460

2655Tampa, Florida 33606

2658(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7301)

2666Rose Mary Sobel, M.D.

26706151 North Suncoast Boulevard

2674Suite 1-C

2676Crystal River, Florida 34428

2680(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7318)

2688Seven Rivers Community Hospital

26926201 North Suncoast Boulevard

2696Crystal River, Florida 34428-6712

2700(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7325)

2708Charlene Willoughby, Director

2711Consumer Services Unit - Enforcement

2716Department of Health

27194052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-75

2725Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3275

2728(Certified Mail No. 7002 0860 0000 9191 7332)


2742A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

2754to judicial review pursuant to Sections 120.68 and 766.311,

2763Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida

2772Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

2781filing the original of a notice of appeal with the Agency Clerk

2793of the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy,

2802accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

2811appropriate District Court of Appeal. See Section 766.311,

2819Florida Statutes, and Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury

2826Compensation Association v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st

2836DCA 1992). The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of

2849rendition of the order to be reviewed.

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Date: 08/06/2007
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipts received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/03/2007
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/03/2007
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 08/03/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (transcript of final hearing).
Date: 08/02/2007
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/01/2007
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 07/30/2007
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 07/30/2007
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 07/30/2007
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held July 19, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/19/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/18/2007
Proceedings: Stipulated Medical Composite filed.
Date: 07/18/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Stipulated Medical Composite).
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 19, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/22/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kendrick from R. Grace regarding available dates for hearing filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by R. Grace).
Date: 05/10/2007
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 05/09/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Filing; Report of Donald C. Willis, M.D. filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 05/09/2007
Proceedings: Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 03/19/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (response to the petition to be filed by May 11, 2007).
Date: 03/16/2007
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 03/05/2007
Proceedings: Order (Motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 02/21/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Act as Qualified Representative before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 02/06/2007
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 02/05/2007
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipts received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 01/31/2007
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 01/31/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Claudia Llado enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 01/31/2007
Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Date: 01/30/2007
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 01/30/2007
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from P. Pelton regarding address for Rose Mary Sobel, M.D. filed.
Date: 01/29/2007
Proceedings: NICA filing fee (Check No. 78124; $15.00) filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 01/29/2007
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


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