07-001154 Emerald Coast Utilities Authority vs. John Crosby
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, August 31, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent used a device to by-pass a water meter to receive free water. The contract reserves determination of discipline or penalty to Petitioner`s Executive Director.






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 0 7 - 1154




31Respondent. )




43This cause came on for formal proceeding and hearing before

53P. Michael Ruff, a duly - designated Administrative Law Judge of

64the Division of Administrative Hearings , pursuant to a contract

73entered into by the Petitioner Agency and the Divis ion of

84Administrative Hearings, as provided in Section 120.65, Florida

92Statutes (2006) . After proper notice, t he formal hearing was

103conducted in Pensacola , Florida, on Ju ly 26 , 2007 . The

114appearances were as follows:


119For Petitioner: Joh n E. Griffin, Esquire

126Carson & Adkins

1292958 Wellington Circle, North

133Suite 200

135Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 6885

140For Respondent: Ronnie L. Williams, Esquire

146814 Saint Francis Street

150Mobile, Alabama 36602 - 1226


160The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern

169whether the Respondent is guilty of conduct which violates

178certain provisions of the Emerald Coast Utilit ies Authorit y

188(ECUA) policy manual amounting to conduct unbecoming an ECUA

197employ ee; theft; and violation of ECUA rules or policies

207concerning outside employment, by allegedly securing outside

214employment without completing a proper form and receiving

222advance approval for such outside employment.


230This cause arose upon the results of an investigation

239whereby the above - named Petitioner Agency determined that its

249employee, the Respondent, had allegedly engaged in the theft of

259un - metered water on property owned by the Respondent and his

271wife at 319 West Clay Street, Pe nsacola, Florida. The theft was

283purportedly accomplished by the use of a "straight pipe" device

293in the meter box , which allegedly allowed ECUA supplied water to

304be diverted and no t metered, resulting in a pecuniary gain to

316the Respondent . Additionally, i t was alleged by the Petitioner

327that the Respondent violated the human resources policies of the

337Petitioner by engaging in conduct involving securing outside

345employment (with Tom Thumb Stores , Inc. ) without seeking advance

355approval and without filing the a ppropriate outside employment

364form with the Petitioner.

368It is thus alleged that the Respondent, by securing a

378special benefit for himself by obtaining free , un - metered water

389through his action in using the straight pipe arrangement to

399bypass the Petition er's water meter, violated the Petitioner's

408code of ethics ; has engaged in conduct unbecoming a ECUA

418employee; theft; and has violated Section A - 9(5) of the

429Petitioner's policy manual by obtaining outside employment

436without the approval of his employer .

443T he cause came on for hearing as noticed. At the hearing

455the Petitioner presented eight witnesses and 18 exhibits which

464were admitted into evidence and the Respondent presented one

473witness and had no exhibits . The record of the proceeding was

485preserved by tape recording which has been supplied to the

495undersigned. Additionally, the record of the proceeding was

503kept open for a period of seven days after the hearing date of

516July 26, 2007, in the event the Respondent wished to file a

528written response to the P etitioner's Exhibit s 12 and 13 which

540were admitted into evidence. No such responses were submitted

549and the record closed as of the close of business on August 2,

5622007. Accordingly, th ese Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

572Law are now entered .


5811. The Petitioner Emerald Coast Utilit ies Authorit y

590(formerly Escambia County Utilities Authority) is an Agency of

599local government established pursuant to an enabling act of the

609Florida Legislature at Chapter 81 - 376 Laws of Florida, as

620amended. I t is a Regional Water Supply Authority for purposes

631of Sections 163.01 and 373.1962, Florida Statutes (2006). It is

641thus given authority to supply utility services to persons and

651businesses residing in a defined area in Escambia County,

660Florida, including the provision of water utility service. It

669is authorized in that Act to employ personnel to secure the

680provision of such utility service s and to regulate the

690conditions and terms of their employment, their retention, their

699hiring, and their termination , as well as other forms of

709employee discipline. It has provided for such regulation of its

719personnel through the adoption of a "Human Resources Policy

728Manual" (Manual). That Manual was adopted in accordance with

737Part 3 , Chapter 112, Florida Statutes.

7432. The Respondent , at times pertinent hereto , was a

752utility service technician employed by the ECUA. During his

761tenure with the ECUA he worked for a number of different

772supervisors and essentially every district of the ECUA's service


7823. On April 1, 2006, the Respondent, John Crosby and his

793wife Patricia Crosby, took title by deed to residential property

803at 319 West Clay Street, in Pensacola, Florida. They begin

813renovating that house located at that address for use as a

824residence. Sometime during th e next several months , either

833because work was being performed on the plumbing or because of

844inability to pay the water bill, the Respondent had the water

855service temporarily stopped . The account remained open,

863however, and was not closed or inactivated o n the records of the

876ECUA. There was an amount billed and outstanding which was


8874 . On or about November 28, 2006, due to the unpaid water

900bill becoming significantly delinquent, a "cut - off order" to

910stop water service to the address at 319 West Clay Street was

922issued and an employee of the ECUA, Donald George, was sent to

934that address to cut - off the water service. When Mr. George went

947to 319 West Clay Street and open ed the meter box , he saw a

"961straight pipe" device installed in the meter box an d connected

972to the water line from the street to the house. This straight

984pipe , thus connected , had the effect of bypassing the water

994meter so that any water used at that address or residence would

1006not be registered on the water meter and , therefore, it w ould be

1019impossible to bill for that water.

10255 . Mr. George called his supervisor, Joe Creary, and asked

1036for instructions concerning this situation. Mr. Creary ordered

1044him to remove the water meter and leave the premises. The next

1056day he was sent back to those premises to turn the water off and

1070to take the straight pipe out of the water line and utility box.

1083He did so and gave the straight pipe device to Mr. Creary.

10956 . Joel Roberts does Risk Management investigations , as

1104well as perform ing as a work pla ce Safety and T raining

1117S pecialist for the ECUA. He received a report regarding the use

1129of the straight pipe at 319 West Clay Street from Mr. Creary.

1141He went to that address and observed the straight pipe installed

1152in the water meter box in the water line to the house at that

1166address and took pictures of it and the residence. He prepared

1177an incident report and then made an investigation to establish

1187who the last customer of record was. The last customer of

1198record was the Respondent, John Crosby, who was still a customer

1209of record on November 28, 2006, when the straight pipe was

1220discovered. The photos of the straight pipe installed were

1229taken November 29, 2006, before it was removed by Mr. George.

12407 . The Respondent acknowledged that he had a straight pip e

1252device in his possession. He kept it in his personal tool box.

1264He maintained that he used it for making emergency service calls

1275in the area near his home , using his own personal vehicle.

12868 . He stated during the course of the investigation that

1297he did not know how his straight pipe device became installed at

1309the meter box at the subject property. He speculated that

1319someone was trying to cast him in a bad light or playing a joke

1333possibly, but he did not know who could have done it . During

1346the investiga tory phase of this proceeding , he acknowledged that

1356the straight pipe device was his own. Later, he changed his

1367story , to the effect that although he possessed a straight pipe

1378device kept in his personal tool box, that the one placed in the

1391meter box on h is water line was not the same one. H e maintained

1406that later contention through his testimony at hearing.

14149 . Several of the ECUA regional supervisors testified,

1423essentially all of whom who had previously supervised the

1432Respondent. Uniformly they establi shed that there was no policy

1442which permitted employees , such as the Respondent , to use their

1452personal vehicle s to make service calls after regular working

1462hours or otherwise. They also established that there was no

1472policy which allowed employees to keep or maintain company

1481equipment in their personal possession away from the employment

1490premises of the ECUA as, for instance, a straight pipe device

1501such as the Respondent had possessed at times pertinent to this


151310 . During a February 9th , 2007, hearing conducted by the

1524Petitioner, the Respondent denied placing the straight pipe in

1533the meter box and denied knowledge of who may have done so. He

1546did admit that the straight pipe was property of ECUA which he

1558had previously used in the performance of official duties after

1568hours when responding to "dirty water complaints." He admitted

1577that the straight pipe, ECUA property, had been kept in h is

1589personal tool box , but later he changed his story to say that

1601the straight pipe in the meter box was not his own because he

1614had since found his own straight pipe device in another tool


162611 . The fact remains, however, that the Respondent has had

1637difficulty in his ability to keep his water service account

1647current for the above address, and there is a delinque nt

1658outstanding balance on that account. The Respondent was the

1667only person who could have benefited from installing the

1676straight pipe in place of his water meter in order to obtain

1688water free of charge, which he did.

169512 . While it is possible that anothe r person installed the

1707straight pipe in place of the Respondent's water meter and that

1718the testimony of the Respondent's fellow employees is

1726untruthful, the preponderant, persuasive evidence reflects that

1733the Respondent had the greatest motive and the best opportunity

1743to install the straight pipe device and to thus wrongfully

1753obtain free water service at his property. His explanations of

1763how the straight pipe device might have been theoretically

1772placed by some unidentified third party is self - serving

1782testi mony . It is testimony which defies logic and which is out -

1796weighed by that of his co - workers to the contrary. The

1808Respondent's testimony in these particulars is thus discounted

1816and not accepted because of insufficient credibility .

182413 . It has thus been established by preponderant,

1833persuasive evidence that the Respondent is the party who

1842installed the straight pipe device in the water meter box at the

1854property at 319 West Clay Street, Pensacola, Florida , in order

1864to divert un - metered water to the use of persons at that

1877property which belonged to the ECUA. Such water has not been

1888paid for in accordance with the approved rate structure of the

1899ECUA for metered water.

190314 . The testimony of Tina Shelton establishes that the

1913Petitioner has adopted a code of ethics and a body of personal

1925rules and regulations. These are incorporated in its Human

1934Resources Policy Manual. She establish ed that the current

1943M anual is supplied to all employees ; and also established ,

1953through Petitioner's Exhibit 11 and her testimon y , that the

1963Respondent received the Manual on July 20, 1999. She also

1973established that the Respondent's outside employment with Tom

1981Thumbs Stores, Inc., has not been the subject of any approval

1992form submitted by the Respondent. She established that outsi de

2002employment had not been approved by the Petitioner and that

2012therefore the Respondent has violated Section A - 9(5), of the

2023referenced manual concerning outside employment.


203115 . The Petitioner Agency has adopted personnel rules and

2041regulations and a code of ethics embodied in its Human Resources

2052Policy Manual. Such rules and regulations in the policy manual

2062are adopted pursuant to the ECUA's authority provided in Chapter

207281 - 376, Laws of Florida, as amended. See also §§ 163.01 and

2085373.1962, Fla. Stat (2006). The code of ethics embodied in that

2096policy manual is in accord with Part 3, Chapter 112, Florida

2107Statutes .

210916 . The preponderant, persuasive evidence culminating in

2117the above Findings of Fact establishes that the Respondent has

2127committed conduct amounting to a violation of the code of ethics

2138embodied in Section A - 5(B) of the M anual ; has committed conduct

2151unbecoming an ECUA employee for purposes of Section F - 4(4); has

2163been guilty of theft for purposes of Section F - 4(27); and

2175beca use of these matters has also d erivatively violated " ECUA

2186rules or policies " for purpose s of Section F - 4(33). Such

2198violations are predicated on the factual findings that the

2207Respondent installed the straight pipe device in his water meter

2217box and on his w ater line in order to avoid " and did avoid " the

2232metering and proper billing of water used by him or others on

2244his property. This conduct amounts to a violation of the

2254sections referenced above of the subject policy manual.

226217 . Additionally, the preponder ant, persuasive evidence of

2271record also establishes a violation of Section F - 4(19) of the

2283manual because of proof that the Respondent engaged in

2292unauthorized use of ECUA property or equipment by retaining

2301possession of an ECUA issued device, the straight p ipe device,

2312without authorization. He used it to secure a special benefit

2322for himself, free unmetered water at his property at 319 West

2333Clay Street, in Pensacola , Florida, to the detriment of his

2343employer, the Petitioner.

234618 . It has also been established that he violated Section

2357A - 9(5) of the policy M anual by engaging in outside employment

2370without having secured approval in the proper fashion , or at

2380all , from the Petitioner ECUA. This finding relates to the

2390established fact that he was employed by Tom Th umb Stores , Inc.,

2402without receiving advanced approval for outside employment from

2410the Petitioner.

241219 . It has been established by Petitioner's Exhibit 18 in

2423evidence that the Respondent has a prior disciplinary history.

2432That disciplinary history reflects that on April 25, 2002, he

2442was determined to have been loud, angry, and disrespectful in

2452front of his supervisors and co - workers. He also was found to

2465have falsified ECUA records on January 28, 2003.

247320 . In summary, the Respondent is concluded to have

2483vi olated the policy manual rules and regulations referenced -

2493above . In accordance with the contract between the Division of

2504Administrative Hearings and the Emerald Coast Utilities

2511Authority , it is the province of the Respondent's employer, the

2521Petitioner , to determine what, if any, disciplinary action to

2530take pursuant to the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of


2542DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of August , 200 7 , in

2553Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2563Administrative Law Judge

2566Division of Administrative Hearings

2570The DeSoto Building

25731230 Apalachee Parkway

2576Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2581(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2589Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2595www.doah.sta te.fl.us

2597Filed with Clerk of the

2602Division of Administrative Hearings

2606this 31st day of August , 200 7 .


2618John E. Griffin, Esquire

2622Carson & Adkins

26252958 Wellington Circle, North

2629Suite 200

2631Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 6885

2636R onnie L. Williams, Esquire

2641814 Saint Francis Street

2645Mobile, Alabama 36602 - 1226

2650Stephen E. Sorrell, Executive Director

2655Emerald Coast Utilities Authority

2659Post Office Box 15311

26639255 Sturdevant Street

2666Pensacola, Florida 32514 - 7346


2678All parties have the right to submit written argument as to

2689appropriate penalty within 10 days from the date hereof. Any

2699written argument should be filed with the executive director of

2709the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/15/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 26, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/26/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/21/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for July 26, 2007; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner Emerald Coast Utilities Authority`s Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 03/21/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 30, 2007; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 03/12/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Termination filed.
Date: 03/12/2007
Proceedings: Termination Appeal Request filed.
Date: 03/12/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Pensacola, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):