07-001674 In Re: Petition To Establish The Three Creeks Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, June 28, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petition to establish the community development district met all requirements with the possible exception of not addressing state subsidies for insuring beachfront and coastal property.






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43On June 1, 2007 , a local public hearing under S ection

54190.0 05(1)(d), Florida Statutes (2006 ), 1 was conducted by J.

65Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) of the

73Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). The hearin g was

82held at the County Administrative Office, Board Room, 1000 Cecil

92G. Costin Senior Boulevard, Port St. Joe , Florida.


101For Petitioner: Brian A. Crumbaker, Esquire

107Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

112Post Office Box 6526

116Tallahassee, F lorida 32314 - 6526


126The issue before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

135Commission (FLWAC) in this proceeding is whether the Petition to

145Establish the Three Creeks Community Development Distri ct

153(Petition) meets the criteria set forth in Chapter 190, Florida

163Statutes, and Chapter 42 - 1, Florida Administrative Code. The

173local public hearing was for the purpose of gathering

182information in anticipation of quasi - legislative rulemaking by



195The St. Joe Company (Petitioner) filed the Petition with

204the Secretary of FLWAC on March 30, 2007. It requested that

215FLWAC adopt a rule to establish a community development

224district, to be called the Three C reeks Community Development

234Dis trict (District) , on certain property in the City of Port St.

246Joe (City ) . Prior to the filing of the Petition , the Petitioner

259provided for delivery of the Petition and its attachments, along

269with the requisite filing fee, to the City and Gulf County

280(C ounty ).

283On April 11, 2007, the Secretary of FLWAC forwarded the

293Petition to DOAH for the purpose of holding the public hearing

304required under Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes .

311Petitioner then published notice of the local public hearing in

321accor dance with Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes.

328The land to be included within the proposed District is

338located entirely within the limits of the City. Section

347190.005(1)(c), Florida Statutes, provides that the County and

355the municipality containin g all or a portion of the lands within

367the proposed District ha ve the option to hold a public hearing

379within forty - five days of the filing of a petition. The City

392and County held optional public hearings but took no action

402either in favor or against the e stablishment of the proposed


414The local public hearing before the ALJ was held on Friday,

425June 1, 2007, at 10:00 a.m. , at the County Administrative

435Office, Board Room, 1000 Cecil G. Costin Senior Boulevard, Port

445St. Joe, Florida. On May 30, 200 7, Petitioner pre - filed the

458written testimony of its witnesses: Joe Rentfro, Vice President

467and Project Manager for the WindMark Beach development project

476for the St. Joe Company ; Michal Szymonowicz, Director of

485Financial Services for Wrathell, Hart, Hunt & Associate s, LLC;

495Stephen A. Means P.E., Senior Vice President and Managing

504Principal in the Panama City Beach office of Wilson Miller, Inc.;

515and Tom Beck, Regional Manager, Development Planning and

523Approvals, for the N orth Florida offices of Wilson Miller , Inc.

534No live testimony was given at the hearing , and n o members of

547the public appeared at the hearing. 2

554During the hearing, a copy of the Petition including

563attachments was received into evidence as Composite Hearing

571Exhibit A. The proofs of publicati on providing notice were

581received into evidence as Hearing Exhibit B. The pre - filed

592testimony and affidavits of Rentfro , Szymonowicz, Means, and

600Beck were received into evidence as Composite Hearing Exhibit C .

611A c onsent and joinder for the Culpeppers' pr operty was received

623into evidence as Hearing Exhibit D.

629The T ranscript of the local public hearing was filed with

640DOAH on June 18, 2007. Petitioner filed a Proposed Report of

651Findings and Conclusions on June 18, 2007.


662A. Petition and Related Matters

6671. The Petitioner is seeking the adoption of a rule by

678FLWAC to establish Three Creeks Community Development D istrict .

688The District is proposed to consist of approximately 1,812.999

698acres located on the Gulf of Mexico within the inc orporated

709limits of the City . Petition Exhibit 1 is a map of the

722District's proposed location, and Exhibit 2 describes the metes

731and bounds of the external boundaries of the District.

7402. The Petition states that t here are no parcels within

751the external b oundaries of the proposed District that are to be

763excluded from the District.

7673. Petition Exhibit 3 names three owners of property

776within the boundaries of the proposed District : St. Joe Home

787Building, L.P. ; St. Joe Timberland Company of Delaware, L.L.C . ;

797and David A. and Elaine D. Freni . All three gave written

809consent to the establishment of the District. Petition Exhibit

818D is written consent to the establishment of the District by

829landowners Ray V. and Kelli Q. Culpepper. Together, these

838exhibits es tablish consent of all of the landowners within the

849boundaries of the proposed District.

8544. The Petition names the five persons designated to be

864the initial members of the Board of Supervisors of the proposed

875District. Matt Fleck, Joe Rentfro, Brian Unde rwood,

883Mercedes Pineiro, and Dave Harrelson are all listed at the same

894address: 301 East First Street, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456.

904The Petition states that they are all residents of the State of

916Florida and citizens of the United States of America.

9255. The Petition states that the name of the proposed

935District will be "Three Creeks Community Development District."

9436. Future land uses are depicted o n Petition Exhibit 4.

9547. Petition Exhibit 5 shows a map of the pre - development

966jurisdictional wetlands and the existing sanitary sewer and

974water distribution systems for lands within the proposed


9838. Petition Exhibit 6 describes the type of facilities the

993Petitioner expects the District to finance, construct, acquire,

1001and install, as well as the anti cipated owner and entity

1012responsible for maintenance. Petition Exhibit 7 identifies the

1020estimated costs of constructing those facilities. The Petition

1028states : "Actual construction timetables and expenditures will

1036likely vary, due in part to the effects of future changes in the

1049economic conditions upon costs such as labor, services,

1057materials, interest rates and market conditions."

10639. Petition Exhibit 9 is the statement of estimated

1072regulatory costs (SERC), which was prepared in accordance with

1081the requi rements of Section 120.541, Florida Sta t utes.

109110. The SERC states that consumers purchasing property

1099within the District will pay non - ad valorem or special

1110assessments for certain facilities. Locating within the

1117District is voluntary. Generally, Distri ct financing will be

1126less expensive than maintenance through a property owners'

1134association or capital improvements financed through developer


114211 . The SERC contains an estimate of the costs and

1153benefits to all persons directly affected by the pro posed rule

1164to establish the District -- the State of Florida and its

1175citizens ; the City and County and their citizens ; the

1184Petitioner ; and consumers. Benefits to consumers in the area

1193within the community development district will include a higher

1202level of public services and amenities than might otherwise be

1212available, completion of District - sponsored improvements to the

1221area on a timely basis, and a larger share of direct control

1233over community development services and facilities within the


124212 . Be yond administrative costs related to rule adoption,

1252the State and its citizens will only incur minimal costs from

1263establishing the District. These costs are related to the

1272incremental costs to various agencies of reviewing one

1280additional local government report.

128413 . Administrative costs incurred by the City and County

1294related to rule adoption will be modest. These modest costs are

1305offset by the $15,000 filing fee required to accompany the

1316Petition to both the City and the County.

132414 . T he SERC states that the proposed District will

1335require no subsidies from the State and that b enefits will

1346include improved planning and coordination of development, which

1354is difficult to quantify but nonetheless substantial.

136115 . The SERC makes no mention of the possibi lity that the

1374State and its citizens may be required to subsidize the cost of

1386insuring beachfront and coa stal property in the District. Such

1396subsidies, if required, would be paid regardless whether the

1405proposed development proceeds as a community developm ent

1413district or in some other form . However, it is possible that

1425establishment of the District would facilitate development that

1433would not proceed without it.

14381 6 . Petition Exhibit 9 identifies Brian A. Crumbaker,

1448Esq uire, and Joseph A. Brown, Esq uire , as authorized agents for

1460the Petitioner.

14621 7 . The Petition alleges that prior to filing with FLWAC,

1474copies were sent to the City and County, along with the required

1486filing fee of $15,000 to each local government, in accordance

1497with Section 190.005(1)(b), F lorida Statues.

15031 8 . The Petition alleges that it should be granted

1514according to the factors listed in Section 190.005(1)(e),

1522Florida Statutes.

15241 9 . The Petition meets all of the requirements of Section

1536190.005(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

1539B. Additional Infor mation

154320 . Section 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, requires the

1551Petitioner to publish notice of the local public hearing in a

1562newspaper of general circulatio n in Gulf County for four

1572consecutive weeks prior to the hearing. The notice was

1581published in a newspaper of general paid circulation in Gulf

1591County ( The Star) for four consecutive weeks, on May 3, 10 , 17,

1604and May 24 , 2007 .


1614A. Factor 1: Whether all statements contained within the

1623Petition have been found to be true and correct.

163221 . Petitioner's Composite Exhibit A consists of the

1641Petition and its attachments as filed with the Commission.

1650Mr. Rentfro testified in his pre - filed written testimony that he

1662had reviewed the contents of the Petition and approved its

1672find ings. Mr. Rentfro generally described certain of the

1681exhibits to the Petition. Mr. Rentfro also indicated that

1690Petition Exhibit 3 should be supplemented with an additional

1699consent. The supplemental consent was received into evidence at

1708the hearing as Ex hibit D. Mr. Rentfro testified that Petition

1719Exhibit 3, as supplemented, was a true and correct copy of the

1731consent and joinder of the owners of 1 00 percent of the lands to

1745be included within the proposed District. Finally, Mr. Rentfro

1754testified that the Petition and all its exhibits, as

1763supplemented , were true and correct to the best of his


17742 2 . Mr. Means testified in his pre - filed written testimony

1787that he had reviewed and helped compile some of the Petition

1798exhibits. Mr. Means generally des cribed those Petition exhibits

1807that he had reviewed, testified that he was unaware of any

1818change or correction required at the time of the hearing, and

1829that the Petition exhibits he had reviewed were true and

1839correct. Mr. Means additionally described the services and

1847facilities that the proposed District is expected to provide.

18562 3 . Mr. Szymonowicz testified in his pre - filed written

1868testimony that he had prepared Petition Exhibit 8, the Statement

1878of Estimated Regulatory Costs. Mr. Szymonowicz also testif ied

1887that the SERC as submitted was true and correct to the best of

1900his knowledge.

19022 4 . As stated in paragraph 15 , supra , the SERC makes no

1915mention of the possibility that the State and its citizens may

1926be required to subsidize the cost of insuring beachf ront and

1937coastal property in the District. Such subsidies, if required,

1946would be paid regardless whether the proposed development

1954proceeds as a community development district or in some other

1964form. However, it is possible that establishment of the

1973Distri ct would facilitate development that would not proceed

1982without it. With this possible exception, t he Petition and its

1993exhibits are true and correct.

1998B. Factor 2: Whether the establishment of the District is

2008inconsistent with any applicable element or p ortion of the State

2019Comprehensive Plan or of the effective local government

2027comprehensive plan.

20292 5 . The State Comprehensive Plan “provides long - range

2040policy guidance for the orderly social, economic and physical

2049growth of the State” by way of 25 subjec ts, and numerous goals

2062and policies. The evidence was that, f rom a planning

2072perspective, three subjects of the State Comprehensive Plan

2080apply directly to the establishment of the proposed District as

2090do the policies supporting those subjects.

20962 6 . Subje ct 15 of the State Comprehensive Plan, Land Use,

2109recognizes the importance of locating development in areas with

2118the fiscal ability and service capacity to accommodate growth.

21272 7 . Mr. Beck reviewed the proposed District in light of

2139the requirements of t he State Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 187,

2149Florida Statutes. He stated that t he proposed District will

2159have the fiscal ability to provide services and facilities and

2169will help provide infrastructure in a fiscally responsible

2177manner in an area which can acc ommodate development within a

2188designated growth area in the City.

21942 8 . Policy 1 under Subject 15 promotes efficient

2204development activities in areas which will have the capacity to

2214service new populations and commerce. Mr. Beck stated that t he

2225proposed Di strict will be a vehicle to provide high quality

2236services in an efficient and focused manner over the long term.

22472 9 . Subject 17 of the State Comprehensive Plan, Public

2258Facilities, promotes efficient and orderly financing of new

2266facilities and particularl y provides in Policy 3 that the cost

2277of new public facilities should be allocated to existing and

2287future residents on the basis of benefits received and in Policy

22986 provides that fiscally sound and cost - effective techniques for

2309financing public facilities should be encouraged. Mr. Beck

2317testified that the District will further these goals and related


232830 . Subject 25 of the State Comprehensive Plan, Plan

2338Implementation, provides that systematic planning shall be

2345integrated into all levels of gove rnment, with emphasis on

2355intergovernmental coordination and citizen involvement.

2360Mr. Beck testified that t he proposed District is consistent with

2371this element of the State Comprehensive Plan because the

2380proposed District will systematically plan for the c onstruction,

2389operation , and maintenance of the public improvements and

2397community facilities authorized under Chapter 190, Florida

2404Statutes, subject to, and not inconsistent with, the local

2413government comprehensive plan and land development regulations.

2420Ad ditionally, the District meetings are publicly advertised and

2429are open to the public so that all District property owners and

2441residents can be involved in planning for improvements.

244931 . Mr. Beck also testified with regard to several

2459relevant policies un der Subject 25, including Policy 2, 3 and 6.

2471Policy 2 seeks to ensure operational authority in each level of

2482government for the implementation of the policy directives in

2491the State Comprehensive Plan, and in accord therewith, Chapter

2500190, Florida Statutes, provides the proposed District with

2508operational authority to deliver basic community services and

2516capital infrastructure. Policy 3 seeks to provide effective

2524monitoring, incentive, and enforcement capabilities to ensure

2531that regulatory programs are met, and under Section 189.415(2),

2540Florida Statutes, the District will have to submit public

2549facilities reports with the local general purpose government.

2557Policy 6 encourages citizen participation in all levels of

2566policy development, planning and operations . U nder Chapter 190,

2576Florida Statutes, the District is required to eventually

2584transition to a resident - elected Board of Supervisors ;

2593regardless of the method of election, the Board of Supervisors

2603must convene meetings in accordance with Florida’s government -

2612in - the - sunshine laws.

26183 2 . Mr. Beck also reviewed the proposed District in light

2630of the requirements of the City 's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Beck

2641stated that under Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, the District is

2651prohibited from acting inconsistently with t he local government

2660comprehensive plan and identified certain elements of the City 's

2670Comprehensive Plan that would relate to and be consistent with

2680the establishment of the District.

268533. The evidence did not mention or discuss Policy (b)3.

2695under Subject 8 , Coastal and Marine Resources, which states:

"2704Avoid expenditure of state funds that subsidize development in

2713high - hazard coastal areas."

27183 4 . Based on the pre - filed testimony and exhibits in the

2732record, the proposed District will not be inconsistent w ith any

2743applicable element or portion of the State Comprehensive Plan ,

2752with the possible exception of Policy (b)3. under Subject 8,

2762Coastal and Marine Resources, assuming the proposed development

2770is in the coastal high - hazard area .

27793 5 . Based on the pre - filed testimony and evidence in the

2793record, the proposed District will not be inconsistent with any

2803applicable element or portion of the City 's Comprehensive Plan.

2813C. Factor 3: Whether the area of land within the proposed

2824district is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is

2834sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one functional

2842interrelated community.

28443 6 . The proposed District will include approximately

28531,812.999 acres located within the incorporated limits of the

2863City. From engineerin g, financial , and management perspectives

2871the area of land to be included in the proposed District is of

2884sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

2892contiguous to be developed as a single functionally interrelated


29023 7 . B ased on the pre - filed testimony and evidence in the

2917record, Petitioner has demonstrated that the proposed District

2925will be of sufficient size, sufficiently compact, and

2933sufficiently contiguous to be developed as a single functionally

2942interrelated community.

2944D. F actor 4: Whether the proposed District is the best

2955alternative available for delivering community development

2961services and facilities to the area that will be served by the

2973proposed District.

29753 8 . It is intended that the District will construct or

2987provide certain infrastructure i mprovements as outlined in the

2996P etition.

29983 9 . Installation and maintenance of infrastructure systems

3007and services by the proposed District is expected to be paid

3018through the imposition of special assessments. Use of such

3027assessme nts will ensure that the real property benefiting from

3037District services is the same property which pays for them.

304740 . Mr. Szymonowicz and Mr. Beck testified in their pre -

3059filed written testimony that from a financial, management , and

3068planning perspectiv e, the proposed District is the best and most

3079practical alternative to provide the proposed improvements to

3087accommodate the planned development within the lands to be

3096included within the District.

310041 . Three alternatives to the use of the proposed Distric t

3112were identified. First, the City could provide the facilities

3121and services. Second, facilities and services could be provided

3130by the developer of the lands within the District. The third

3141alternative identified is a property or homeowner’s association

3149( “POA” or “HOA”).

315342 . The proposed District is preferable to the City as

3164provider of the proposed facilities and services because, while

3173both are capable of acting as stable entities capable of

3183qualifying for low - cost financing long term , the use of the

3195District restricts the costs and burdens of providing the

3204improvements to the District and the property owner s within the

3215District that will directly benefit from the improvements.

32234 3 . The proposed District is preferable to the developer

3234as provider of the proposed facilities and services because the

3244developer is not a perpetual entity that would ensure long - term

3256maintenance and management of the proposed facilities and

3264services. Also, the developer, as a private entity, is not

3274subject to the same safeg uards as the proposed District , which

3285is a public entity. For instance, there is a difference with

3296regard to competitive bidding of construction contracts and

3304public acc ess to meetings and documents. The developer would

3314also be restricted to private fina ncing and would lack access to

3326the low - cost financing options available to the District.

33364 4 . The proposed District is preferable to a POA or HOA

3349because, although a POA or HOA could provide long - term

3360maintenance, they both lack access to the low - cost fin ancing

3372available to the District in the municipal bond market and they

3383are not subject to the safeguards imposed on th e District as a

3396public entity.

33984 5 . Only a community development district combines two

3408important qualities for the benefit of the planned development.

3417First, the District will be a stable entity capable of providing

3428the proposed services and facilities long - term through low - cost

3440financing available as a public entity, which w ill restrict the

3451cost of the facilities and services to only those directly

3461benefiting from the p roposed services and facilities. Second,

3470the District allow s the property owners and eventually residents

3480to control the Board and thereby the timing and extent of

3491facility and service improvements and maintenance.

34974 6 . The Petitioner has demonstrated that the proposed

3507District is the best alternative available for delivering

3515community development services and facilities to the area that

3524will be served by the District.

3530E. Factor 5: Whether the community development service s and

3540facilities of the proposed District will be incompatible with

3549the capacity and uses of existing local and regional community

3559development services and facilities.

35634 7 . The services and facilities proposed to be provided by

3575the District are not incomp atible with uses and existing local

3586and regional facilities and services. The District's facilities

3594and services will not duplicate any existing regional services

3603or facilities. None of the proposed services or facilities are

3613presently being provided by another entity for the lands to be

3624included within the District.

36284 8 . T he community development services and facilities of

3639the proposed District will not be incompatible with the capacity

3649and uses of existing local and regional community development

3658servi ces and facilities.

3662F. Factor 6: Whether the area that will be served by the

3674District is amenable to separate special - district government.

36834 9 . Subject to the discussion on the other factors , from

3695an engineering, financial , and management perspective, th e area

3704of land to be included in the proposed District is of sufficient

3716size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to

3725be developed and become a functionally interrelated community.

3733The community to be included in the District has need fo r

3745certain basic infrastructure systems , and the proposed District

3753provides for an efficient mechanism to oversee the installation

3762of these improvements. The area that will be served by the

3773District is amenable to separate special - district government.


378550 . This proceeding is governed by Chapters 190 and 120,

3796Florida Statutes, and Chapter 42 - 1, Florida Administrative Code.

380651 . Section 190.005(1) , Florida Statutes, provides that

3814the exclusive method for establishing a community development

3822d istrict with a size of 1,000 acres or more shall be by rule

3837adopted by FLWAC.

384052 . The evidence indicates that the proceeding was

3849properly noticed pursuant to Section 190.005 (1)(d) , Florida

3857Statutes, by publication of an advertisement in a newspaper of

3867ge neral paid circulation in Gulf County and of general interest

3878and readership once each week for the four consecutive weeks

3888immediately prior to the hearing.

38935 3 . The evidence indicates that Petitioner has met the

3904requirements of Section 190.005 (1)(d) , Flor ida Statutes,

3912regarding the submission of the Petition and filing fee


39225 4 . The Petitioner bears the burden of establishing that

3933the petition meets the relevant statutory criteria set forth in

3943Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes.

39475 5 . All portions of the Petition and other submittals have

3959been completed and filed as required by law.

39675 6 . Except for the possibility discussed in paragraph 15 ,

3978supra , that the SERC omits mention of the possibility that the

3989State and its citizens may be required to subsidize the cost of

4001insuring beachfront and coastal property in the District , the

4010evidence indicates that a ll statements contained within the

4019Petition as corrected and supplemented at the hearing are true

4029and correct.

40315 7 . The evidence indicates that the establishment of the

4042District is not inconsistent with any applicable element or

4051portion of the State Comprehensive Plan (with the possible

4060exception of Policy (b)3. under Subject 8, Coastal and Marine

4070Resources, cited in paragraphs 33 - 34 , supra ) or w ith the

4083effective City Comprehensive Plan.

40875 8 . The evidence indicates that the area of land within

4099the proposed District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently

4108compact, and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one

4118functional interrelated commu nity.

41225 9 . The evidence indicates that the proposed District is

4133the best alternative available for delivering community

4140development services and facilities to the area that will be

4150served by the District.

415460 . The evidence indicates that the community deve lopment

4164services and facilities of the proposed District will not be

4174incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and

4184regional community development services and facilities.

419061 . The evidence indicates that the area to be served by

4202the propose d District is amenable to separate special district



4214Section 190.005(1)(e), Florida Statutes, states that FLWAC

"4221shall consider the entire record of the local hearing, the

4231transcript of the hearing, resolutions adopted by local genera l -

4242purpose governments," and the factors listed in that

4250subparagraph. Based on the record evidence, the Petition

4258appears to meet all statutory requirements, and there appears to

4268be no compelling reason not to grant the Petition and establish

4279the proposed T hree Creeks Community Development District by

4288rule , except possibly the failure to address the possibility

4297that the State and its citizens may be required to subsidize the

4309cost of insuring beachfront and coastal property in the

4318District .

4320DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of June, 2007, in

4330Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4338Administrative Law Judge

4341Division of Administrative Hearings

4345The DeSoto Building

43481230 Apalachee Parkway

4351Tallahassee, Florida 323 99 - 3060

4357(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4365Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4372Filed with the Clerk of the

4378Division of Administrative Hearings

4382this 28th day of June, 2007.


43891/ All references are to Florida Statutes (2006).

43972/ One me mber of the public arrived late to the hearing and

4410asked questions of the Petitioner's attorney after the hearing

4419had concluded. This person appeared satisfied with the answers

4428given by the attorney and declined to file written comments

4438post - hearing, as a llowed by Florida Administrative Code Rule 42 -

44511.012(3) .


4455Jerry McDaniel, Director

4458Florida Land and Water

4462Adjudicatory Com m ission

4466The Capitol, Room 1802

4470Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

4475Paul C. Huck, Jr., General Counsel

4481Office of the G overnor

4486The Capitol, Room 209

4490Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

4495Barbara Leighty, Clerk

4498Growth Management and Strategic


4503The Capitol, Room 1802

4507Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

4512Shaw P. Stiller, General Counsel

4517Department of Community Affairs

45212555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

4525Suite 325

4527Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2160

4532Brian A. Crumbaker, Esquire

4536Hopping, Green & Sams, P.A.

4541Post Office Box 6526

4545Tallahassee, Florida 32314 - 6526

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Date: 04/09/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/09/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Closing File filed.
Date: 06/28/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/28/2007
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge`s Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (hearing held June 1, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/28/2007
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/18/2007
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 06/18/2007
Proceedings: Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 06/18/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing of Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions and Original Transcript of Hearing.
Date: 06/01/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Testimony of Joe Rentfro for the Establishment of the Three Creeks Community Development District filed.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Testimony of Tom Beck for the Establishment of the Three Creeks Community Development District filed.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Testimony of Michael Szymonowicz for the Establishment of the Three Creeks Community Development District filed.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Testimony of Stephen A. Means, P.E. for the Establishment of the Three Creeks Community Development District filed.
Date: 05/30/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing of Pre-Filed Testimony.
Date: 04/24/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 1, 2007; 10:00 a.m.; Port St. Joe, FL).
Date: 04/20/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/13/2007
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/12/2007
Proceedings: Petition to Establish the Three Creeks Community Development District filed.
Date: 04/12/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Port St. Joe, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):