07-001969RU Larry Phillips vs. Department Of Children And Family Services
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, January 16, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Challenges to private companies internal operating policies are not "rules" of the Department. A private company is not "agency" as that term is used.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 07 - 1969RU





32Respondent. )



37A fo rmal hearing was held in this case on October 3, 2007,

50in Arcadia, Florida, at the Florida Civil Commitment Center

59(FCCC) before J. D. Parrish, a designated Administrative Law

68Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings.


76For Petiti oner: Thomas Panno, Qualified Representative

83SVP No. 99 - 0565

88Florida Civil Commitment Center

9213613 Southeast Highway 70

96Arcadia, Florida 34266 - 7829

101For Responde nt: Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk

109John A. Raymaker, Esquire

113Department of Children and

117Family Services

1191317 Winewood Boulevard

122Building 2, Ro om 204

127Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


136Whether statements issued by the GEO Group, Inc. (GEO), a

146private company under contract with the Respondent, Department

154of Children and Family Services (Respondent or Department) to

163operate the FCCC constitute unpromulgated "rules" within the

171definition of Section 120.52, Florida Statutes (2007).


180The Petitioner, Larry Phillips, filed the first petition in

189this cause on May 7, 2007. That petitio n was deemed a challenge

202to an unpromulgated rule and was assigned to the undersigned for

213formal hearing on May 11, 2007. Thereafter, the Respondent

222filed a Motion to Dismiss GEO and individuals who are employees

233of GEO who were named Respondents in the o riginal petition.

244After affording the Petitioner time to respond to that motion,

254an Order Granting the Motion to Dismiss was issued on June 5,


267The Petitioner was granted leave to amend the petition and

277did so on August 1, 2007. The hearing was sche duled for

289October 3, 2007, at the FCCC to afford the Petitioner with a

301meaningful opportunity to participate in the hearing. Rule

309challenges are normally conducted in Tallahassee, Florida.

316Being mindful that the Petitioner is involuntarily retained

324at t he FCCC, has limited copying and mail services, and sought

336the assistant of a qualified representative, the undersigned

344scheduled the hearing in this cause at the FCCC. All of the

356Petitioner's requests with regard to these issues were fully

365considered. D eadlines were extended to allow for delays

374inherent in the FCCC mail system. Additionally, as the

383Petitioner's time in the FCCC law library was also limited (as

394was his qualified representative's), additional time was

401provided to allow the Petitioner to p repare and file documents.

412Finally, the Petitioner represented he has a hearing deficiency

421that was also considered. At the final hearing, the undersigned

431verified that the Petitioner was able to hear all of the

442proceedings. The Petitioner's qualified r epresentative was also

450allowed to confer with the Petitioner and the proceedings were

460delayed to assure the attendance of the qualified representative

469at the hearing.

472At the hearing, the Petitioner identified the following

480FCCC operating procedures as un promulgated rules: D - 4 (Resident

491Receipt of Postal and Legal Mail); D - 6 (Publication of Resident

503Rules); D - 13 (Limiting and Suspending Privileges); D - 14

514(Movement Restrictions); D - 15 (Behavior Management and

522Intervention); D - 16 (Secure Management); D - 21 ( Resident Receipt

534of Packages, Books, and Mail Order); G - 6 (Resident and Area

546Searches); G - 10 (Pornography, Prohibited and Inappropriate

554Materials); G - 19 (Use of Force); G - 24 (Computer Lab); G - 5

569(Grievance Handbook); and the FCCC Resident Handbook. As to

578e ach of the foregoing, the Petitioner maintains the FCCC

588operating procedure has not been adopted as a rule and therefore

599must be invalidated until the Department engages and adopts the

609policies as rules. In response to the Respondent's Motion to

619Dismiss r aised at hearing, the Petitioner voluntarily abandoned

628his claim against operating procedures D - 17 (Religious Services

638and Activities), E - 6 (Use of Medical Seclusion and Restraint),

649and E - 80 (Baker Act Procedure). Ruling was reserved on the

661Respondent's M otion to Dismiss as to the Petitioner's challenge

671to procedures D - 6 and G - 19. However, since the Petitioner

684presented no evidence during the final hearing as to either of

695those provisions, the Respondent's Motion to Dismiss the claim

704against FCCC operatin g procedures D - 6 and G - 19 is granted.

718The Petitioner's Motion to Continue filed September 27,

7262007 (renewed at the hearing by the Petitioner's qualified

735representative) was denied. Challenges to rules may be filed at

745any time. The Petitioner did not ex press any circumstance

755sufficient to warrant the continuance of the instant case given

765the protracted period of time taken to get the matter to

776hearing. The understandable confusion regarding the internal

783policies (whether they are currently used, the cur rent version,

793and who drafted) also delayed the Petitioner's preparation of

802his case. Nevertheless, the issue of law underlying each of the

813Petitioner's claims remained the same: that is, whether the

822internal policies and operational guidelines utilized b y the

831private company operating the FCCC must be adopted as rules by

842the Department?

844The Petitioner presented testimony from George Emanuolidis,

851Timothy Budz, and Teion Wells - Harrison. Although the Petitioner

861pre - filed copies of Petitioner's Exhibits A th rough P, these

873exhibits were either not offered into evidence or, if offered,

883not received. The Petitioner's Exhibit 1 was proffered for the

893record but also not received. The Respondent also called

902witnesses Timothy Budz and Teion Wells - Harrison to testi fy on

914behalf of the Department. The Respondent's Exhibits 1, 2, 5, 6,

9257, 8, 9, and 12 were admitted into evidence.

934A transcript of the proceeding was not filed. At the

944conclusion of the hearing the Petitioner requested 30 days

953within which to file Prop osed Final Orders. That request was

964granted. On November 08, 2007, the Petitioner sought additional

973time to file a proposed final order. That request was also

984granted. The Petitioner was given leave until December 11,

9932007, to file a proposed final ord er. On December 12, 2007, the

1006Petitioner filed a Notice of Not Filing Proposed Final Order.

1016This Final Order is therefore entered to resolve the issues of

1027the case. The Respondent's Proposed Final Order (filed

1035November 5, 2007) has been considered in th e preparation of this

1047Final Order.

1049A Motion to Stay filed by someone not a party to this

1061proceeding was denied on December 3, 2007. This case was not

1072consolidated with any other case pending before the Division of

1082Administrative Hearings.


10881. According to Part V of Chapter 394, Florida Statutes

1098(2007), the Legislature determined that sexually violent

1105predators generally have antisocial personality features that

1112are not amenable to mental illness treatment. In response to a

1123finding that such persons are likely to engage in repeated acts

1134of criminal behavior, the Legislature created a civil commitment

1143procedure for the long - term care and treatment of sexually

1154violent predators. The FCCC was created as the appropriate

1163facility to house an d treat these individuals. See §§ 394.910

1174et seq. , Fla. Stat. (2007).

11792. When a "sexually violent predator" is to be released

1189from the incarceration portion of a criminal sentence, the

1198person is committed to the custody of the Department for

"1208control, care, and treatment until such time as the person's

1218mental abnormality or personality disorder has so changed that

1227it is safe for the person to be at large." See § 394.917, Fla.

1241Stat. (2007).

12433. The GEO Group, Inc. (GEO) is a private company that

1254opera tes the FCCC under a contract with the Respondent. The

1265contract ends on June 30, 2009.

12714. The contract dictates that GEO will:

1278. . . fully implement all programs for FCCC

1287residents which shall include a

1292comprehensive sexual offender treatment

1296program and all services necessary,

1301including internal security, to support the

1307full - time residential care of persons living

1315in a secure facility, as described in the

1323Program Description (attached as Exhibit H).

13295. The contract also directs GEO to:

1336. . . be res ponsible for implementing a

1345resident behavior management system that

1350encourages good conduct, corrects

1354misconduct, and generally promotes safety

1359and security (as described in Exhibit H,

1366Program Description).

13686. The contract specifies that resident behav ior

1376management would allow residents to earn or lose privileges in

1386accordance with their conduct at FCCC; would list specific acts

1396and types of misconduct, with a specific range of consequences

1406associated with each act or type of misconduct; would secure

1416c onfinement for residents whose conduct endangers the safe and

1426secure operation of the facility; and would have an adequate due

1437process mechanism for residents impacted by a behavior decision.

1446The Respondent did not and does not dictate the specifics of ho w

1459FCCC internal policies and guidelines are to be worded or


14707. Timothy J. Budz, MSW, LCSW, is the FCCC facility

1480administrator. Mr. Budz is responsible for the day - to - day

1492operations at the FCCC and supervises employees and activities

1501at the fa cility. He is also responsible for the development and

1513implementation of internal policies and guidelines that GEO uses

1522to comply with its contractual obligations with the Department.

15318. The Petitioner, Larry Phillips, is involuntarily

1538committed to the F CCC. The record is not clear as to how long

1552Mr. Phillips has resided at the FCCC.

15599. The Petitioner has challenged internal operating

1566policies employed at the FCCC. Generally speaking, the

1574operating procedures that are the subject of this proceeding are

1584policies that held over from when the FCCC was operated by

1595another company, Liberty Behavioral Health Corporation

1601(Liberty). GEO took over this facility from Liberty in July

16112006 and although it has attempted to revisit some of the

1622policies (to include c onsideration of input from residents at

1632FCCC, staff at FCCC, and the Respondent), the policies have not

1643been completely reviewed or revised. Implicit in the testimony

1652of Mr. Budz was a recognition that this Petitioner has been at

1664the facility since (at le ast) July of 2006. The policies left

1676by Liberty are not all enforced by GEO.

168410. The Petitioner challenges FCCC policy D - 4. The policy

1695(Respondent's Exhibit 9) states:

1699It is the policy of the Florida Civil

1707Commitment Center (FCCC) to ensure that

1713resident s will be able to send and receive

1722mail and authorized packages.

172611. The "purpose" for policy D - 4 states:

1735To ensure that FCCC residents can receive

1742and send mail and receive authorized

1748packages in a timely manner while protecting

1755against the introduction of contraband and

1761other prohibited materials into the


176712. FCCC policy D - 4 was effective July 29, 2005. Attached

1779to the three page policy were forms to be used in connection

1791with mail that is received and sent. The Petitioner did not

1802testify . There is no evidence that the Petitioner has been

1813denied the ability to receive or send mail through the United

1824States Postal Services (all mail and packages must be sent to

1835residents via this method per the policy procedure).

184313. The Petitioner als o challenged FCCC policy D - 13. This

1855policy provides:

1857The Florida Civil Commitment Center will

1863utilize restrictions on, or suspensions of,

1869resident privileges in response to behavior

1875that poses a danger to self, others, or

1883property, or which is disruptive or

1889otherwise interferes with the treatment


189514. The stated purpose of FCCC policy D - 13 was:

1906To limit or suspend privileges for residents

1913who exhibit inappropriate or threatening

1918behavior, until it is determined that the

1925resident is able to exerci se the privileges

1933in a safe and proper manner.

193915. FCCC policy D - 13 was effective March 3, 2003. Listed

1951among its procedures are the restrictions and suspensions that

1960are individualized to the resident and circumstance of the

1969behavior reported. The Pet itioner did not establish that any

1979restrictions or suspensions of privileges had been enforced

1987against him for any reason. At all times during the hearing of

1999this cause the Petitioner and his qualified representative

2007exhibited appropriate behavior and did not appear to be limited

2017by any of the restrictions noted in policy D - 13.

202816. The Petitioner challenged FCCC policy D - 14. This

2038policy states:

2040The Florida Civil Commitment Center will

2046impose restrictions on a resident's movement

2052in response to inappropr iate behavior, which

2059is disruptive to the normal, efficient

2065operation of the facility.

206917. The purpose of FCCC policy D - 14 is:

2079To limit exposure to external stimulation

2085for residents who are disruptive and/or

2091demonstrate a need to reduce their level of


210018. FCCC policy D - 14 was effective March 3, 2003. Among

2112the procedures noted for this policy is a provision of daily

2123visits by a clinical therapist for a resident with movement

2133restrictions. The Petitioner did not establish that he was eve r

2144subjected to movement restrictions. The Petitioner did not

2152establish that he was ever denied a visit by a clinical

2163therapist. The Petitioner did establish, however, that certain

2171rooms used for residents whose movements are limited are the

2181equivalent of a locked "cell" as that term is generally


219219. The Petitioner challenged FCCC policy D - 15. This

2202policy was effective October 27, 2003, and has been identified

2212as "under revision" by GEO. This policy, entitled "Behavior

2221Intervention and Mana gement," is one of the policies GEO is

2232redrafting. In this regard GEO has sought input from the

2242Respondent but is not governed by or dictated to follow any

2253suggestions offered by the Department. Nevertheless, as adopted

2261at the time of hearing, the policy provided:

2269The Florida Civil Commitment Center will

2275intervene when residents behave in a manner

2282that jeopardizes their own safety or the

2289safety of the facility, its staff, and/or

2296residents; disrupts the orderly operation of

2302the facility; and/or is inconsis tent with

2309the treatment goals established for the

2315resident. Interventions will be based on

2321the therapeutic and clinical needs of the

2328resident, with due consideration given to

2334the rights, consistent fair treatment, and

2340well being of all residents and facil ity


234920. The purpose of FCCC policy D - 15 is:

2359To establish a set of procedures whereby

2366inappropriate behavior can be corrected or

2372controlled in a reasonable and timely

2378fashion, and the resident has a meaningful

2385opportunity to participate in the beh avior

2392management process and seek review of the

2399final disposition.

240121. The procedure for FCCC policy D - 15 recognizes "minor

2412misbehavior" that does not pose a significant threat and denotes

2422its differences from resident behavior that does jeopardize

2430secur ity or safety. The Petitioner did not establish that he

2441committed or was subject to either designation (minor

2449misbehavior or otherwise). It is unknown if the policy has ever

2460been enforced against this Petitioner. At hearing the

2468Petitioner and his qualif ied representative conducted themselves

2476in an appropriate, respectful manner and did nothing by word or

2487act to suggest either has exhibited conduct within the

2496governance of this policy.

250022. FCCC policy D - 16 provides:

2507The Florida Civil Commitment Center w ill

2514utilize Secure Management in response to

2520aggravated misbehavior, which jeopardizes

2524the safety and security of the facility, its

2532staff, and/or residents or seriously and

2538maliciously disrupts the normal operations

2543of the facility.

254623. The purpose for FCCC policy D - 16 is:

2556To restrict the mobility of a resident whose

2564aggravated misbehavior demonstrates the need

2569for a more secure environment until such

2576time as the resident's mental status has

2583returned to a manageable level and the

2590resident no longer poses a risk to the

2598safety or efficient operation of the


260524. Under the procedures of this policy, the resident's

2614liberty (mobility) and privileges may be limited. Again, as

2623previously stated, the rooms wherein a resident who is subject

2633to this pol icy may be confined are similar to "cells."

2644Additionally, a resident subject to this confinement may be

2653placed in hand and leg restraints. There is no evidence that

2664the Petitioner has ever been subjected to this policy or is

2675likely to be subjected to the terms of this policy. Further,

2686there is no evidence that the policy would be applied to any

2698resident not governed by the specific terms of the policy, ie.

2709someone who must be placed in a locked room to prevent injury to

2722others, damage to property, or thr eats to the security or normal

2734operation of the facility.

273825. FCCC policy D - 16 is currently under revision, but the

2750version applicable to this case became effective March 3, 2003.

276026. The Petitioner challenged FCCC policy D - 21 but it was

2772not received in evidence. Petitioner's Exhibit H (not in

2781evidence) purported to be this policy but is, on its face,

2792outdated and has been superseded by another policy: FCCC policy

2802D - 4. As previously discussed, the receipt of packages by

2813residents is governed by the "Pa ckages and Mail" provision found

2824in FCCC policy D - 4.

283027. FCCC policy G - 10 was also not admitted into evidence.

2842It is entitled "Pornography, Prohibited and Inappropriate

2849Materials." It was marked for identification (but not offered)

2858as Petitioner's pre - filed Exhibit L. The Petitioner did not

2869present any evidence regarding this policy.

287528. FCCC policy G - 24 was also not admitted into evidence.

2887It is entitled "Resident Computer Lab." It was marked for

2897identification (but not offered) as Petitioner's pre - filed

2906Exhibit N. The Petitioner did not present any evidence

2915regarding how he has been adversely or positively affected by

2925this policy.

292729. The Petitioner may have sought to challenge FCCC

2936policy D - 5. This policy (admitted into evidence as Respondent's

2947Ex. 12) is entitled "Resident Communications, Complaints and

2955Grievances." FCCC policy D - 5 was effective June 23, 2003. The

2967reason it is unclear whether this is the policy Petitioner

2977sought to challenge is due to the numbering of policies. The

2988FCCC poli cy included with Petitioner's pre - filed exhibits,

2998Petitioner's Exhibit P, was numbered "G - 5" however that

3008provision purportedly dealt with "Supervision of Resident

3015Movement." As to either policy, the Petitioner did not present

3025any evidence to establish he had been adversely affected or

3035would likely be affected by the policies.

304230. As previously indicated, the Petitioner abandoned his

3050challenge to FCCC policy E - 6, Use of Medical Seclusion and

3062Restraints (Petitioner's Pre - filed but not offered Exhibit I).

307231. The Petitioner's pre - filed Exhibit K [FCCC policy G - 6

3085entitled "Facility Searches"] was not admitted into evidence.

3094The Petitioner offered no evidence to support a challenge to

3104this provision.

310632. The Petitioner also challenged the FCCC Resident

3114Ha ndbook. The handbook was revised August 1, 2005, and portions

3125of it are being revisited by GEO. A copy of the Handbook is

3138provided to the FCCC resident upon arrival. It is also

3148available to FCCC residents within the dormitories. The

3156handbook gives an o verview of the various FCCC operational

3166policies and affords the resident a concise, quick reference for

3176topics also addressed during the resident's orientation.

318333. One of the problems in this case stems from a general

3195confusion as to what policy will govern a particular situation.

3205In this regard GEO has not provided current editions of policies

3216to the Petitioner or his qualified representative. In some

3225instances it may be that the policy is still under

3235consideration. The Respondent does not have con trol over the

3245terms of the policies that have been or will become effective.

3256The FCCC internal operating policies are ultimately determined

3264by GEO and its staff. Presumably, GEO will provide updated

3274versions of all policies to the Petitioner (and others at FCCC)

3285when the handbook and policies are completed. The ability of a

3296resident to review internal policies would undoubtedly prove

3304instructive as to the types of behaviors and consequences likely

3314to result from them. Additionally, as a grievance proced ure

3324will be provided it should afford residents with an outlet to

3335vent their disagreements with any policy.


334434. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3351jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of these

3362proceedings. §§ 120.54, and 120.56, Fla. Stat. (2007).

337035. Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (2007), provides in

3378pertinent part:



3390(a) Any person substantially affected by an

3397agency statement ma y seek an administrative

3404determination that the statement violates s.

3410120.54 (1)(a). The petition shall include

3416the text of the statemen t or a description

3425of the statement and shall state with

3432particularity facts sufficient to show that

3438the statement constitutes a rule under s.

3445120.52 and that the agency has not adopted

3453the statement by the rulemaking procedure

3459provided by s. 120.54.

3463(b) The administrat ive law judge may extend

3471the hearing date beyond 30 days after

3478assignment of the case for good cause . If a

3488hearing is held and the petitioner proves

3495the allegations of the petition, the agency

3502shall have the burden of proving that

3509rulemaking is not feasib le and practicable

3516under s. 120.54 (1)(a).

3520(c) The administrative law judge may

3526determine whether all or part of a statement

3534violates s . 120.54 (1)(a). The decision of

3542the administrative law judge shall

3547constitute a final order. The division

3553shall transmit a copy of the final order to

3562the Department of State and the committee.

3569The Department of State shall publish notice

3576of the final order in the first available

3584issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly.

3590(d) When an administrative law judge enters

3597a final order that a ll or part of an agency

3608statement violates s. 120.54 (1)(a), the

3614agency shall immediately discontinue all

3619reliance upon the statement or any

3625substantially similar statement as a basis

3631for agency action. (Emphasis Added.)

363636. In order to prevail in this case the Petitioner must


3648A. that he is a person substantially

3655affected by an agency statement;

3660B. that the statement compla ined of was

3668made by an agency;

3672C. that the statement meets the definition

3679of "rule;" and

3682D. that the statement has not been adopted

3690by the rulemaking process.

369437. First, GEO is not an agency as that term is defined by

3707law. Further, the FCCC is not a n agency.

371638. Section 120.52(1), Florida Statutes (2007), defines

"3723agency." That section provides:

3727(1) "Agency" means:

3730(a) The Governor in the exercise of all

3738executive powers other than those derived

3744from the constitution.

3747(b) Each:

37491. State o fficer and state department, and

3757each departmental unit described in s.


37642. Authority, including a regional water

3770supply authori ty.

37733. Board, including the Board of Governors

3780of the State University System and a state

3788university board of trustees when acting

3794pursuant to statutory authority derived from

3800the Legislature.

38024. Commission, including the Commission on

3808Ethics and the F ish and Wildlife

3815Conservation Commission when acting pursuant

3820to statutory authority derived from the


38275. Regional planning agency.

38316. Multicounty special district with a

3837majority of its governing board comprised of

3844nonelected persons.

38467. Educational units.

38498. Entity described in chapters 163, 373,

3856380, and 582 and s. 186.504.

3862(c) Each other unit of government in the

3870state, including counties and

3874municipalities, to the extent they are

3880expressly made subject to this act by

3887general or special law or existing judicial


3895This definition does not include any legal

3902entity or agency created in whole or in part

3911pur suant to chapter 361, part II, any

3919metropolitan planning organization created

3923pursuant to s. 339.175 , any separate legal

3930or administrat ive entity created pursuant to

3937s. 339.175 of which a metropolitan planning

3944organization is a member, an expressway

3950authority pursuant t o chapter 348 or

3957transportation authority under chapter 349,

3962any legal or administrative entity created

3968by an interlocal agreement pursuant to s.

3975163.01 (7), unless any party to such

3982agreement is otherwise an agency as defined

3989in this subsection, or any multicounty

3995special district with a majority of its

4002governing board comprised of elected

4007persons; however, this definition shall

4012include a regional water supply authority.

401839. None of the statements complained of were made by an

4029agency. The agency, the Department, has not adopted, endorsed

4038or approved of the statements.

404340. Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes (2007), defines

"4050rule." Th at section provides, in part:

"4057Rule" means each agency statement of

4063general applicability that implements,

4067interprets, or prescribes law or policy or

4074describes the procedure or practice

4079requirements of an agency and includes any

4086form which imposes any requ irement or

4093solicits any information not specifically

4098required by statute or by an existing rule.

4106The term also includes the amendment or

4113repeal of a rule. (Emphasis Added.)

411941. Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2007),


4126Rulemaking is not a matter of agency

4133discretion. Each agency statement defined

4138as a rule by s. 120.52 shall be adopted by

4148the rulemaking procedure provided by this

4154section as soon as feasible and practicable.

416142. Section 394.930, Florida Statutes (2007), provides:

4168The De partment of Children and Family

4175Services shall adopt rules for :

4181(1) Procedures that must be followed by

4188members of the multidisciplinary teams when

4194assessing and evaluating persons subject to

4200this part;

4202(2) Education and training requirements for

4208membe rs of the multidisciplinary teams and

4215professionals who assess and evaluate

4220persons under this part;

4224(3) The criteria that must exist in order

4232for a multidisciplinary team to recommend to

4239a state attorney that a petition should be

4247filed to involuntarily commit a person under

4254this part. The criteria shall include, but

4261are not limited to, whether:

4266(a) The person has a propensity to engage

4274in future acts of sexual violence;

4280(b) The person should be placed in a

4288secure, residential facility; and

4292(c) The person needs long - term treatment

4300and care;

4302(4) The designation of secure facilities

4308for sexually violent predators who are

4314subject to involuntary commitment under this


4321(5) The components of the basic treatment

4328plan for all committed persons unde r this


4337(6) The protocol to inform a person that he

4346or she is being examined to determine

4353whether he or she is a sexually violent

4361predator under this part. (Emphasis Added.)

436743. In response to the foregoing directives of the

4376Legislature, the Depa rtment has promulgated:

4382Florida Administrative Code Rule 65E - 25.001

4389entitled "Assessment and Evaluation


4394Florida Administrative Code Rule 65E - 25.002

4401entitled "Education and Training

4405Requirements for Multidisciplinary Team


4410Florida A dministrative Code Rule 65E - 25.003

4418entitled "Criteria for Recommendation that

4423Involuntary Civil Commitment Petition be


4429Florida Administrative Code Rule 65E - 25.004

4436entitled "Designation of Secure Facilities;"

4441Florida Administrative Code Rule 65E - 25 .005

4449entitled "Basic Treatment Plan Components";


4455Florida Administrative Code Rule 65E - 25.006

4462entitled "Notification of Examination."

446644. As to each area designated by the Legislature, the

4476Respondent has an adopted rule. The statute does not direct the

4487Respondent to adopt rules to govern the specifics for the

4497internal operations of the FCCC.

450245. Moreover, Section 394.9151, Florida Statutes (2007),

4509authorizes the Respondent to "contract with a private entity or

4519state agency for use of and operation of facilities to comply

4530with the requirements of this act." Clearly the Legislature

4539contemplated that the facilities to house and treat these

4548residents might be operated by a private entity. The act does

4559not specify further restrictions. Accordingly, s o long as the

4569Respondent meets its statutory responsibilities and the private

4577entity operating the facility meets its contractual obligations,

4585there is no statutory directive or authority regulating the day -

4596to - day operations of the facilities.

460346. In th is case, the Petitioner maintains that the

4613internal policies implemented by a private company under

4621contract with the Department to operate the FCCC facility must

4631be adopted as rules by the Respondent. It is conceded that none

4643of the policies complained a bout have been so adopted. However,

4654since the internal policies are not agency statements of general

4664applicability that implement, interpret, or prescribe law or

4672policy or describe the procedure or practice requirements of an

4682agency they are not "rules" b y definition. See § 120.52(15),

4693Fla. Stat. (2007).

469647. As presented in this case, the day - to - day operations

4709of the FCCC are conducted within the contractual obligations

4718required by the statute. GEO must assure that residents are

4728housed in a secure, resi dential facility and that long - term

4740treatment is provided. The details related to internal

4748operational policies that are unrelated to the Department's

4756statutory responsibility are not "policies" of the Respondent.

476448. The Legislature authorized the Res pondent to engage a

4774private company to effect the day - to - day operations of the FCCC.

4788In this case, none of the challenged policies relate to the

4799assessment or evaluation of residents. The challenge does not

4808address the education and training requirements for members of

4817the multidisciplinary teams and professionals. The criteria

4824used to involuntarily commit a person to the FCCC have not been

4836challenged. Similarly, the designation of the FCCC as a secure

4846facility is not at issue. The Petitioner has not c hallenged the

4858components of the basic treatment plan for all committed

4867residents nor the protocol for examination and determination of

4876whether a person is a sexually violent predator. These are the

4887statutory directives governing the Respondent. Unpromulg ated

4894statements or policies construing these topics might be deemed

"4903rules" of the Department. None so designated have been


491349. In this case, the unpromulgated "rules" at issue are

4923the internal operating policies of a private company. The

4932Re spondent does not have to approve the "rules" or authorize the

"4944rules." Residents unhappy with the policies of the FCCC may

4954file a grievance in accordance with that facility's grievance

4963policy. The internal policy at this facility may or may not be

4975simil ar to those at another facility. The population at this

4986facility is, by definition, fairly unique. Presumably its

4994policies are crafted to address those unique matters.

500250. It is concluded that a private company acting under

5012the guidance and control of a contract with an agency is not,

5024itself, an "agency" for purposes of the Administrative Procedure

5033Act. See Myers v. Florida Civil Commitment Center et al. , 953

5044So. 2d 726 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007). Further, it is concluded that

5056the internal operating policies of GEO are not de facto "rules"

5067of the Department because the Respondent's approval is not

5076required to draft or implement a policy. Moreover, the GEO

5086policies do not implement, interpret, or prescribe law. Further

5095the internal policies do not describe th e procedure or practice

5106requirements of an agency. See Department of Corrections v.

5115Adams , 458 So. 2d 354 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984). Entities that

5126contractually agree to provide services for a state agency do

5136not, by that agreement alone, transform into a state agency.

5146See Vey v. Bradford Union Guidance Clinic, Inc. , 399 So. 2d 1137

5158(Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

516251. Chapter 394, Florida Statutes (2007), addresses mental

5170health issues and identifies a number of facilities that may be

5181deemed providers of services to pe rsons or patients who have

5192mental health needs. For example, Section 394.455(6), Florida

5200Statutes (2007), recognizes that a "community mental health

5208center or clinic" is a publicly funded, not - for - profit center

5221that contracts with the Department for the p rovision of

5231inpatient services. Such an entity is not an "agency" as that

5242term is used in Section 120.52(15), Florida Statutes (2007).

5251Clearly, the Legislature intended that residents at the FCCC

5260receive secure housing and treatment. That a private comp any

5270has been enlisted by contract to provide that care does not make

5282the ministerial functions of contract performance equivalent to

5290agency action. See Florida Department of Insurance and Florida

5299Windstorm Underwriting Association v. Florida Association o f

5307Insurance Agents and Professional Insurance Agents of Florida,

5315Inc. , 813 So. 2d 981 (Fla. 1st DCA 2002).

532452. Finally, pursuant to Florida law, only a

"5332substantially affected person" may challenge the validity of a

"5341rule." The person seeking an admin istrative determination that

5350an agency rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

5360authority must show a real and sufficiently immediate injury in

5370fact. See Lanoue v. Florida Department of Law Enforcement , 751

5380So. 2d 94 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999) and Wa rd v. Board of Trustees of

5395the Internal Improvement Trust Fund and Department of

5403Environmental Protection , 651 So. 2d 1236 (Fla. 4th DCA 1995).

5413The Petitioner in this cause did not present any evidence to

5424support an injury in fact. Further, the Petitione r failed to

5435present evident to support even the general terms of his

5445petition. At the minimum the Petitioner would have to establish

5455how the "rules" have impacted or might reasonably impact his

5465residency at the FCCC. The Petitioner failed to establish th e

5476barest of facts to support this claim.

548353. The Petitioner is required to meet the burden of

5493proof, as to both the rule challenge and standing, by a

5504preponderance of the evidence. See Department of Health et al.

5514v. Merritt , 919 So. 2d 561 (Fla. 1st DC A 2006). The Petitioner

5527failed to meet this burden. This case was prolonged beyond the

5538thirty days contemplated by the statute in order to afford the

5549Petitioner with every opportunity to prepare for and present

5558evidence in support of his claims. It is c oncluded that such

5570efforts were reasonable under the circumstances of this case.

5579Moreover, had the FCCC made policies and information available

5588to the Petitioner in a timely fashion, the case could have been

5600more easily resolved. Residents at FCCC should be provided with

5610copies of the policies and guidelines that govern their

5619residency. Those policies are not, however, "rules" of the

5628Department. Therefore, for the reasons noted above it is

5637concluded that the internal policies of a private company

5646operat ing the FCCC are not agency statements constituting

5655unpromulgaged rules.


5658Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5668Law, it is ORDERED that the instant case is hereby dismissed.

5679DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of January 2008, in

5689Ta llahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5698Administrative Law Judge

5701Division of Administrative Hearings

5705The DeSoto Building

57081230 Apalachee Parkway

5711Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5716(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5724Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

5730www.doah.s tate.fl.us

5732Filed with the Clerk of the

5738Division of Administrative Hearings

5742this 16th day of January, 2008.


5751Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk

5756Department of Children and

5760Family Services

5762Building 2, Room 204A

57661317 Winewood Boulevard

5769Tallah assee, Florida 32399 - 0700

5775Larry Phillips, No. 990811

5779Florida Civil Commitment Center

578313613 Southeast Highway 70

5787Arcadia, Florida 34266 - 7829

5792Thomas Alfred Panno, Qualified Representative

5797SVP No. 99 - 0565

5802Florida Civil Commitment Center

580613613 Southeast Hi ghway 70

5811Arcadia, Florida 34266 - 7829

5816John J. Copelan, General Counsel

5821Department of Children and

5825Family Services

5827Building 2, Room 204

58311317 Winewood Boulevard

5834Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700

5839Robert A. Butterworth, Secretary

5843Department of Children and

5847Family Services

5849Building 1, Room 205

58531317 Winewood Boulevard

5856Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


5867A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

5878entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

5887Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

5896of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing

5905the original Notice of Appeal with the agency clerk of the

5916Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

5925filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

5935Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

5946the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

5956appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

5969be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/20/2009
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records one-volume Transcript along with the record on appeal to the agency.
Date: 02/23/2009
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appeal dismissed.
Date: 10/22/2008
Proceedings: Supplemental Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 10/21/2008
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 10/21/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript filed.
Date: 08/20/2008
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s motion for transcript is granted; within 10 days following filing of the transcript, the clerk of the lower tribunal shall prepare and transmit a supplemental record.
Date: 07/09/2008
Proceedings: Letter to G. Venz from L. Phillips requesting that the hearing transcript is ordered and included in the record on appeal filed.
Date: 06/13/2008
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Administrative Hearing Transcript.
Date: 06/13/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Clerk from L. Phillips regarding status of Motion for Administrative Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 06/04/2008
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the District Court of Appeal.
Date: 04/07/2008
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 03/13/2008
Proceedings: Appellant/Petitioner`s Motion for Administrative Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 02/21/2008
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant is directed to file within 10 days from the date of this order conformed copies of the order of the lower tribunal from which the appeal is taken.
Date: 02/21/2008
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant shall, within 30 days from the date of this order, either file a certified copy of the lower tribnal`s order of insolvency or pay the $300.00 filing fee.
Date: 02/21/2008
Proceedings: BY ORDER OF THE COURT: Appellant`s application for determination fo civil indigent status is denied without prejudice.
Date: 02/21/2008
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from J. Wheeler acknowledging receipt of notice of appeal, DCA Case No. 1D08-809 filed.
Date: 02/20/2008
Proceedings: Certificate of Indigency.
Date: 02/19/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed and Certified copy sent to the First District Court of Appeal this date.
Date: 01/16/2008
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/16/2008
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held , 2008). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/16/2008
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held October 3, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/12/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Not Filing Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/03/2007
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Stay.
Date: 11/28/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Claudia Llado from J. Demick regarding Motion to Stay Rendition of Order on Final Hearing filed.
Date: 11/26/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (Petitioner`s proposed final order to be filed by December 11, 2007).
Date: 11/08/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Enlargment of Time filed.
Date: 11/05/2007
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 10/18/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Stay Rendition of Order on Final Hearing in Consolidated Case filed.
Date: 10/03/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Order Accepting Qualified Representative.
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibit and Witness Lists filed.
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Response to Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/27/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Leave to Amend the Amended Petition to Add a Party, or in the Alternative to Substitute the Parties; and Motion for Sanctions filed.
Date: 09/27/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/26/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from L. Phillips regarding a previously filed request filed.
Date: 09/21/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Petition in Part for Lack of Standing filed.
Date: 09/12/2007
Proceedings: Notification to Remove from Service List filed.
Date: 09/06/2007
Proceedings: Order Scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 3, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Arcadia, FL).
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from T. Panno and L. Phillips regarding filing exhibits filed.
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Notice of Filing, Exhibits A through P (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/31/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Certificate of Serving Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/01/2007
Proceedings: Amended Petition filed.
Date: 07/24/2007
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Response to Status Memorandum filed.
Date: 07/18/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from J. Demick regarding receipt of a June 27, 2007 administrative order filed.
Date: 07/18/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Serve Motions and Other Papers by Means Other than U.S. Postal Service filed.
Date: 07/18/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from L. Phillips requesting an extension of time to file an amended petition filed.
Date: 06/27/2007
Proceedings: Memorandum to parties of record from Judge Parrish.
Date: 06/20/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Disability Accomodation filed.
Date: 06/18/2007
Proceedings: Amended Order Granting Continuance (amended as to parties of record).
Date: 06/18/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by July 11, 2007).
Date: 06/15/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Parrish from L. Phillips regarding filing pleadings without authorization filed.
Date: 06/14/2007
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 06/14/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 06/14/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by G. Venz).
Date: 06/14/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by G. Venz).
Date: 06/13/2007
Proceedings: Affidavit of Thomas Alfred Panno filed.
Date: 06/13/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Qualified Representative (filed by T. Panno).
Date: 06/05/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Dismiss as to Timothy J. Budz and George C. Zoley (Hearing set for June 22, 2007).
Date: 05/31/2007
Proceedings: Timothy J. Budz and George C. Zoley`s Request for Expedited Consideration of Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 05/29/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Representation by Qualified Non-lawyer Representatives filed.
Date: 05/15/2007
Proceedings: Timothy J. Budz and George C. Zoley`s Motion to Dismiss Petition for Unpromulgated Rule Challenge as an Improper Exercise of Delegated Legislative Authority filed.
Date: 05/11/2007
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 05/11/2007
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Claudia Llado copying Scott Boyd and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 05/07/2007
Proceedings: Petition for Unpromulgated Rule Challenge as an Improper Exercise of Delegated Legislative Authority filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Department of Children and Families


Related Florida Statute(s) (13):