07-002239GM Carol Runyan, Elizabeth Hawkes, Heidi Sumner, Lance And Mary Lubin, Dennis Jones, Mary Jones, Joseph Baker, Greg Stanek, Patricia Walton, Marguerite Wood, Donald Mosher, Roberta Mosher, Dorthy Buckshorn, Herman Wells, Geri Wells, Edith Jane Moore, Et Al. vs. Department Of Community Affairs
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 5, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners did not prove beyond fair debate that the City future land use map was internally inconsistent or not based on data and analysis.
























105Petitioners, ) Case No. 07 - 2239GM


113vs. )





123Respondent, )


126and )







143A final administrative hearing was held in this case on

153August 8 and 9, 2007, in St. Petersburg , Florida, before J.

164Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") , Division

173of Administrative Hearings (“ DOAH ”).


180For Petitioners: Charles W. Gerdes, Esq uire

187Keane, Reese, Vesely & Gerdes, P.A.

193770 Second Avenue South

197St. Petersburg, FL 33701 - 4006

203F or Respondent Department of Community Affairs:

210Leslie E. Bryson, Esq uire

215Department of Community Affairs

2192555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

223Tallahassee, FL 32399 - 2100

228For Intervenor City of St. Petersburg:

234Milton A. Galbraith, Jr., Esq u ire

241City of St. Petersburg

245One Fourth Street, North Tenth Floor

251St. Petersburg, FL 33701 - 3804

257For I ntervenor Sembler Florida, Inc.:

263Charles M. Harris, Esq uire

268Stephen C. Chumbris, Esq uire

273Trenam Kemk er

276200 Central Avenue, Suite 1600

281St. Petersburg, FL 33701


289The issue in this case is whether Ordinance 679 - L of the

302City of St. Petersburg ("City"), which amend ed the Future Land

315Use Map ( “ FLUM ”) of the City's Com prehensive Plan on certain

329property generally located at the northeast corner of 9 th

339Avenue North and 66 th Street North within the boundaries of

350the City ( the " Subject Property ") from Institutional to

360Residential Office Retail (R / O / R) land use on 2.98 acre s,

374Residential Office General (R / OG) on 2.98 acres , and

384Residential Urban (RU) on 12.02 acres (the “Plan Amendment”),

393is "in compliance" as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b),

401Florida Statutes, i notwithstanding Petitioners' contentions

407that the Plan Amendme nt is internally inconsistent and not

417based on data and analysis .


425On April 16, 2007, the Department published its Notice of

435Intent (“NOI” ) to f ind the City ’s Plan Amendment “i n

448c ompliance ."

451On May 2, 2007, the Petitioners filed wi th the Department

462of Community Affairs (“Department”) a Petition for

469Administrative Hearing ("Petition") contending that the Plan

478Amendment is not "in compliance . "

484On May 18, 2007, the Department referred the Petition to

494the DOAH , and the City filed its M otion to Intervene. On May

50721, 2007, Sembler Florida, Inc. (“Sembler” ) filed its Motion

517to Intervene . On May 22, 2007, both interventions were


528On July 24, 2007, a Voluntary Dismissal was filed by some

539of the original Petitioners -- Elizabeth St ephens Hawkes, Joseph

549Baker, Greg Stanek, Patricia Walton, Edith Jane Moore, and

558Michelle Nazzareno. A subsequent Voluntary Dismissal was

565filed on July 26, 2007, by more of the original Petitioners --

577Donald Mosher, Roberta Mosher, Herman Wells, and Geri We lls.

587On July 26, 2007, the remaining Petitioners filed an

596Unopposed Motion for Leave to Amend their Petition, which was

606granted on August 6, 2007. On August 2, 2007, the parties

617filed their Joint Pre - Hearing Stipulation.

624The final hearing was held on Au gust 8 and 9, 2007, at

637the Judicial Building in St. Petersburg, Florida.

644After opening statements, Petitioners called the

650following witnesses: Rick MacAulay, the City’s Acting Manager

658of Urban Design , who was a Planner III when the Plan

669Amendments were co nsidered by the City; John Hixenbaugh, the

679former City Zoning Official; David Sobush, a former employee

688in the City’s Economic Development Department; Julie Weston,

696the City Director of Development Services; David Goodwin, City

705Economic Development Directo r; and Brenda Winningham, the

713Department 's Regional Planning Administrator , who was

720qualified as an ex pert in comprehensive planning. In

729addition, Pet itioners’ Exhibits A through H , J, K, and M

740through T were received in evidence .

747In its case - in - chief, Sembler called the following

758witnesses: Craig Sher, Chief Executive Officer of Sembler

766Florida, Inc.; and Sue Murphy, who was qualified as an expert

777in land use planning. In addition, Sembler’s Exhibit A was

787received in evidence .

791The City and Department cross - examined Petitioners'

799witnesses and, without objection, extend ed their cross -

808examination of the witnesses they would have called in their

818cases - in - chief beyond the scope of direct examination. No

830other witnesses were called. In addition, t he Depart ment’s

840Exhibits A through E were received in evidence. ii

849A fter presentation of evidence, Petitioners requested a

857transcript of the final hearing, and the parties were given

867ten days from the filing of the T ranscript in which to file

880proposed recommende d orders (PROs). The Transcript was filed

889in tw o volumes on August 29, 2007. Notices of corrections of

901e rrors in the Transcript were filed on September 6 and 21 ,

9132007. The parties timely filed PROs, which have been duly

923considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


934A. Parties

9361. Each Petitioner submitted oral and /or written

944comments, recommendations and/or objections to the City

951regarding the disputed land use amendments that are the

960subject of th is case between the day o f the t ransmittal

973h earing (July 18, 2006) and the day of the a doption hearing

986(February 15, 2007).

9892. Each individual Petitioner owns and/or resides o n

998property within the boundarie s of the City.

10063. The Eagle Crest Civic Association, Inc., f/k/a Ea gle

1016Crest Neighborhood Association, Inc., is a Florida not - for -

1027profit corporation conducting business within the boundaries

1034of the City.

10374. The Eagle Crest Civic Association, Inc., collects

1045dues from membership, conducts monthly business and

1052informationa l meetings at the St. Petersburg College Gibbs

1061Campus Library in the City, and advocates interests on behalf

1071of its membership before the St. Petersburg Council of

1080Neighborhood Associations and various City and County

1087governmental boards, commissions and c ouncils.

10935. The Department is the state land planning agency that

1103is statutorily charged with the duty of reviewing

1111comprehensive plans and their amendments, and determining

1118whether a plan or amendment is “in compliance,” as that term

1130i s defined in S ecti on 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes.

11406. The City is a municipality and political subdivision

1149of the S tate of Florida and has adopted a comprehensive plan

1161that it amends from time to time pursuant to Section

1171163.3167(1)(b), Florida Statutes.

11747 . Sembler is a Florida corporation headquartered and

1183conduc ting business in the City; by virtue of a contract for

1195the purchase of the property that is the subject of this

1206dispute, Sembler is an equitable owner of the property that is

1217affected by the challenged FLUM Amendment in this case.

1226B. Background

12288 . The Subject P roperty has been owned by the Catholic

1240Diocese of St. Petersburg since 1952.

12469 . Notre Dame High School , a Catholic girls - only high

1258school, was constructed on the Subject Property in the early

12681960’ s.

127010. In 1977, Notre Dame High School merged with Bishop

1280Barry High School (a Catholic boy s - only high school to the

1293east of the Subject Property) and the improvements on the

1303Subject Property were used for various Catholic diocesan

1311offices and other ad ministrative purposes.

13171 1 . Notre Dame High S chool was eventually demolished,

1328and the only improvements remaining on the S ubject P roperty

1339are a former field house used for storage purposes and a

1350former convent used for a multi - purpose building. The Subj ect

1362Property is otherwise currently completely vacant.

136812 . Since 1977 the Subject Property has had a FLUM

1379designation of Institutional.

138213. I n January of 2006, Sembler applied to the City for

1394a change in the FLUM designation on the Subject Property fro m

1406Institutional to Commercial General for an approximately 13.25

1414acre portion of the Subject Property fronting predominately

1422along the west side 66 th Street North between 9 th Avenue North

1435and 13 th Avenue North.

144014. On March 7, 2006, Sembler requested a deferral of

1450its pending application to consider a modification of the

1459development plan to less intensive commercial uses. The

1467deferral was granted by the City Planning Commission.

147515. On March 29, 2006, Sembler submitted a new

1484application, abandoning t he prior request to change the FLUM

1494designation for the approximately 13.25 - acre portion from

1503Institutional to Commercial General.

150716. The new application (March 29, 2006) by Sembler

1516requested a change to the Future Land Use designation for an

1527approximat e 6.19 - acre portion of the Subject Property from its

1539existing Institutional designation to Residential Office

1545Retail ("R/O/R") . This new application was assigned City File

1557Number PC - 700 (“PC - 700”).

156417. The intention of the PC - 700 application was to

1575deve lop multifamily residential units on approximately 11.8

1583acres of the Subject Property and to develop neighborhood

1592commerci al uses on the approximate 6.19 - acre portion of the

1604Subject Property.

160618. T he PC - 700 application included a Development

1616Agreement pr oposed by Sembler which, among other things,

1625limited the actual commercial development of the 6.19 acre

1634portion to 26,000 square feet of space, and required that a

1646quarter, or 25 percent , of that space be developed under the

1657zoning regulations for Resident ial Office General ("R/OG") ,

1667instead of R/O/R.

167019. On May 2, 2006, the City’s Planning Commission (the

1680“LPA”) conducted a public hearing to consider the PC - 700

1691Application, and voted 6 - 2 to recommend approval of the PC - 700

1705application to the St. Peter sburg City Council (the “City


171620. On July 18, 2006, the City Council conducted a

1726public hearing for the First Reading of the PC - 700

1737application, and unanimously adopted a resolution approving

1744the transmittal of a proposed ordinance adopting PC - 700 to the

1756Department, among others, for review and comment pursuant to

1765Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and Chapter 9J - 5, Florida

1775Administrative Code.

177721. On September 29, 2006, the Department published its

1786Objections, Recommendations and Comments (“ORC”) Report on the

1794Plan Amendment contained in PC - 700 . T he Department raised no

1807objections to the proposed Plan Amendment.

181322. Sometime between September 29, 2006, and December

182114, 2006, Sembler modified its application PC - 700. The

1831modified application w as intended to address some of the

1841concerns raised by neighborhood associations representing

1847citizens who owned property and resided in areas adjacent to

1857the Subject Property. The modified PC - 700 application

1866requested a FLUM amendment for 2.98 acres of th e Subject

1877Property to be changed from Institutional to R / O / R, for 2.98

1891acres of the Subject Property to be changed from Institutional

1901to R / OG, and for 12.02 acres of the Subject Property to be

1915changed from Institutional to RU (“PC - 700 Modified”). The PC -

19277 00 Modified application also included a proposed Development

1936Agreement which, among other things, limited the actual

1944development of the R / O / R acreage to a maximum of 13,000 sq uare

1961f ee t, and limited the total combined development of the R / O / R

1977and ROG acreag e to 26,000 square feet.

198623. On December 14, 2006, the City Council conducted its

1996First Reading of the PC - 700 Modified application, approving

2006the application and setting the Second Hearing for the

2015application for February 15, 2006.

202024. On February 6, 2 006, the Pinellas County Commission,

2030meeting as the County Planning Authority (the “CPA”), held a

2040public hearing to consider the PC - 700 Modified application.

2050The CPA approved the PC - 700 Modified application.

205925. On February 15, 2007, the City Council con ducted its

2070Second Reading public hearing of the PC - 700 Modified

2080application and voted to adopt Ordinance 679 - L , amend ing the

2092FLUM designation of t he Subject Property from Institutional to

2102R/O/R on 2.98 acres, R/OG on 2.98 acres , and RU on 12.02 acres

2115(the “Plan Amendment”) .

21192 6. Petitioners do not challenge the FLUM amendment for

2129the RU portion of the Subject Property.

213627. On February 23, 2007, the City transmitted the

2145adopted Ordinance 679 - L, together with staff reports from the

2156December 14, 2006, and February 15, 2007, public hearings and

2166certain other pertinent information , to the Department for its

2175review pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Chapter

21849J - 5, Florida Administrative Code.

219028. On April 16, 2007, the Department published in t he

2201St. Petersburg Times n ewspaper its NOI to f ind the City ’s Plan

2215Amendment “i n c ompliance . ”

2222C. Petitioners' Challenge

222529. The Petitioners assert that the FLUM amendment

2233adopted by the City in Ordinance 679 - L is not “in compliance”

2246pursuant to S ection 1 63.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes , because:

2255( 1) th e FLUM amendment is not based on adequate data and

2268analysis as required by Section 163.3177(8), Florida Statutes ,

2276and Flori da Administrative Code Rule 9J - 5.005(2)(a) iii ; and (2)

2288the FLUM amendment is not inte rnally consistent with specific

2298objectives and policies of the City’s Plan as required by

2308Section 163.3177(2), Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J - 5.005(5)(a)

2317and (b) .

232030. The Petitioners’ challenge is centered on three

2328specific objectives and policies containe d in the Future Land

2338Use Element ("FLUE") of the City’s Plan: Policy LU3.17,

2349Objective LU4(2) , and Objective LU18. iv The Petitioners

2357assert that the challenged Plan A mendment is inconsistent with

2367tho se objectives and policies and is not based on data and

2379analysis . The Department and the Intervenors assert that

2388those objectives and policies are not applicable , that the

2397Plan Amendment is not inconsistent with tho se objectives and

2407policies , and that the Plan Amendment is based on data and

2418analysis. The Int ervenors also assert that, even if the Plan

2429Amendment were inconsistent with those objectives and

2436policies, consistency with other goals, objectives, and

2443policies in the plan should be "balanced" against the

2452inconsistency and that the consistencies outweig h the

2460inconsistencies , so that the Plan Amendment still would be "in

2470compliance . " The Petitioners and the Department do not

2479subscribe to such a balancing of consistencies and

2487inconsistencies, citing Dept. of Community Affairs v. Lee

2495County and Leeward Yac ht Club, LLC , AC - 06 - 006, DOAH Case No.

251006 - 0049GM, 2006 Fla. ENV LEXIS 158 (Admin. Comm'n Nov. 15,


2523D . Pertinent City Comprehensive Plan Provisions

253031. The City's FLUE Policy LU3.17 states:

2537The City has an adequate supply of

2544commercial land use to meet existing and

2551future needs. Future expansion of

2556commercial uses shall be restricted to

2562infilling into existing commercial areas

2567and activity centers, except where a need

2574can be clearly identified.

257832 . The City's FLUE Objective LU4 states in pertin ent

2589part :

2591The Future Land Use Plan and Map shall

2599provide for the future land use needs

2606identified in this Element:

2610* * *

26132. Commercial – additional commercial

2618acreage is not required to serve the future

2626needs of St. Petersburg. An oversupply

2632exi sts based upon the standard of 1 acre of

2642commercial land for every 150 persons in

2649the community.

2651* * *

26544. Mixed Use – development s are encouraged

2662in appropriate locations to foster a land

2669use pattern that results in fewer and

2676shorter automobile t rips and vibrant

2682walkable communities.

268433 . The City's FLUE Objective LU18 states:

2692Commercial development along the City’s

2697major corridors shall be limited to

2703infilling and redevelopment of existing

2708commercially designated frontages.

271134 . Section 1.2.2 o f the General Introduction to the

2722City’s Plan describes the format of the elements of the Plan

2733and includes the following pertinent sub - headings and


27431.2.2.3 Goals, Objectives, and Policies

2748The Goals, Objectives, and Policies have

2754been devel oped in response to and in

2762accordance with the needs and directions of

2769growth and determined levels of service

2775requirements as identified within the

2780Inventory and Analysis which can be found

2787in the accompanying 1989 Technical Support

2793Documents [TSDs] and t he 1996 Evaluation

2800and Appraisal Report [EAR] .

2805All objectives are designed to identify the

2812measurable achievements necessary to

2816support the related goal. In those cases,

2823where the Objective is not specific and/or

2830measurable, but rather, the actual

2835spec ificity and measurability is found in

2842the sup porting policy(ies), the policy( ies)

2849shall be used for the purposes of

2856monitoring and evaluation.

2859The policies are intended to act as

2866implementation mechanisms identifying

2869programs and procedures to be used t o

2877accomplish the related objective.

2881This Comprehensive Plan is intended to be

2888utilized as a document in its entirety. It

2896shall hereby be established that no single

2903goal, objective or policy or minor group of

2911goals, objectives or policies, be

2916interpreted in isolation of the entire


29231.2.2.5 Status and Use of the TSD and the


2933. . . . The 1989 TSD and the 1996 EAR are

2945hereby referenced and established as the

2951supporting data and analysis for this

2957Comprehensive Plan.

2959The TSD and the EAR may be used to assist

2969in the interpretation of this comprehensive

2975plan and to aid in the review of proposed

2984changes to this plan. It should be updated

2992as necessary to maintain the usability of

2999the data and analysis as an interpretive

3006and advisory aid.

3009* * *

30121.3.1.2 Competing Policies

3015Where two or more policies are competing

3022when applied to a particular set of factual

3030circumstances, such conflict shall be

3035resolved first by administrative

3039interpretation of the Comprehensive plan

3044policies. The obj ective of any such

3051interpretation shall be to obtain a result

3058which maximizes the degree of consistency

3064between the proposed development or public

3070sector activity and this Comprehensive Plan

3076considered as a whole.

308035 . The City’s P lan also includes the fo llowing

3091pertinent definitions in Section 1.7:

3096Commercial Uses - Activities within land

3102areas which are predominately connected

3107with the sale, rental, and distribution of

3114products, or performance of services.

3119* * *

3122Mixed Use - A site that has a combination

3131of different land uses, such as

3137residential, office and retail.

314136 . In addition, Policy LU3.1(B) of the City’s FLUE

3151defines "Commercial and Mixed Use Categories" to include:

31591. Residential/Office General (R/OG) -

3164a llowing mixed use office, office park and

3172medium density residential up to a floor

3179area ratio of 0.5 and a net residential

3187density of 15 dwelling units per acre.

3194. . .

31972. Commercial General (CG) - a llowing the

3205full range of commercial uses including

3211retail, office, and service uses up to a

3219floor area ratio of 0.55. . . .

32273. Retail /Office/Residential (R/O/R) -

3232a llowing mixed use retail, office, service,

3239and medium density residential uses

3244generally up to a floor are ratio of 0.4

3253and a net residential density of 15

3260dwelling u nits per acre. . . .

326837 . Finally, FLUE Policy LU3.1(D) defines "Public/Semi -

3277Public Categories" to include:

32812. Institutional (I) - Limited to

3287designation of federal, state and local

3293public buildings and grounds, cemeteries,

3298hospitals, churches, and rel igious

3303institutions and educational uses.

3307Residential uses having a density not to

3314exceed 12.5 dwelling units per acre, are

3321also allowed. Residential equivalency uses

3326are not to exceed 3 beds per dwelling unit.

3335Non - residential uses permitted in the land

3343development regulations are not to exceed a

3350floor area ratio of 0.55.

3355E . Consistency with Commercial Use Restrictions

336238 . The Petitioners proved beyond fair debate that t he

3373Plan Amendment at issue increases " the supply of commercial

3382land use to meet ex isting and future needs. " FLUE Policy

3393LU3.17. This is clear not only from the potential for

3403commercial use in the mixed use R/O/R and R/OG future land use

3415categories , but also from the City's inclusion of nine - tenths

3426of the former 's and one - tenth of the latter's acreage in the

3440inventory of commercial land use for purposes of determining

3449the "supply of commercial land use to meet existing and future

3460needs" in FLUE Policy LU3.17 and the ratio described in FLUE

3471Objective LU4.2 . The question is whether the r estrictions on

3482commercial future land use s reflec ted in those Plan provisions

3493apply to the mixed use categories of R/O/R and R/OG.

350339 . Prior to adoption, t he City's staff reports stated

3514that the commercial restrictions do apply , and that the Plan

3524Amend ment at issue was inconsistent with those restrictions ,

3533but that the Plan Amendment was consistent with several other

3543Plan provisions and "on balance, consistent with the goals,

3552objectives and policies of the Compreh ensive Plan." However,

3561in this de novo proceeding, the staff reports are not

3571controlling on the applicability of the commercial

3578restrictions and the consistency of the FLUM amendments at

3587issue with those restrictions. In the first place, in light

3597of the contrary testimony of staff during the f inal hearing,

3608the intent of staff in using the language in the reports is

3620fairly debatable. Second, after the staff reports were

3628prepared, significant testimony on need and demand for

3636commercial land use at the particular location of the FLUM

3646amendments a t issue was presented during the final public

3656hearing on the PC - 700 Modified application on February 15,

36672007, which could have changed staff's mind on at least some

3678of the issues. Finally, the extent to which the City Council

3689may have relied on the staff reports in determining that the

3700Plan Amendment was "in compliance" is not clear from the

3710evidence and is fairly debatable.

371540 . The City now take s the position , along with the

3727Department, that the restrictions on commercial future land

3735use in FLUE Polic y LU3.17 and Objective LU4.2 do not apply to

3748R/O/R and R/OG because they are mixed use future land use

3759categories, not commercial future land use categories. In

3767support of this position, they point out that Objective LU4

3777treats "Mixed Use" and "Commercial " " future land use needs"

3786differently and applies the restriction only to "Com mercial"

"3795future land use needs," while encouraging mixed use

3803developments in appropriate locations . Several of the

3811specific Plan provisions cited in the staff reports as being

3821consistent with the Plan Amendment addressed the

3828appropriateness of a mixed use development at the proposed

3837location, including: FLUE Policy LU3.18, which states that

"3845retail and office activities shall be located, designed and

3854regulated so as to benefit from the access afforded by major

3865streets without impairing the efficiency of operation of these

3874streets or lowering the LOS [level of service] below adopted

3884standards, and with proper facilities for pedestrian

3891convenience and safety"; FLUE Policy LU3.4, w hich states that

"3901[t]he Land Use Plan shall provide for compatible land use

3911transition through an orderly land use arrangement, proper

3919buffering, and the use of physical and natural separators";

3928FLUE Policy LU3.6, which states that "[l]and use planning

3937dec isions shall weigh heavily the established character of

3946predominately developed areas where changes of use or

3954intensity of development are contemplated"; FLUE Policy LU3.8,

3962which seeks to "protect existing and future residential uses

3971from incompatible uses , noise, traffic and other intrusions

3979that detract from the long term desirability of an area

3989through appropriate land development regulations"; and FLUE

3996Policy LU3.5, which states that "[t]he tax base will be

4006maintained and improved by encouraging the app ropriate use of

4016properties based on their locational characteristics and the

4024goals, objectives and policies within this Comprehensive

4031Plan." There also was considerable testimony at the hearing

4040concerning the appropriateness of a mixed use development at

4049the proposed location . v

405441 . Petitioners also contend that the Plan Amendment is

4064inconsistent with FLUE Objective LU18 concerning commercial

4071development along major corridors. In favor of Petitioners'

4079position, 66th Street North, where the Subject Prope rty is

4089located, is a major north - south corridor in the City.

4100However, the Department and the Intervenors argue that the

4109objective does not apply because the policies under it only

4119specify 4th Street and Central Avenue and do not mention 66th


413142 . Taking all of the evidence and the City's Plan into

4143consideration, including Sections 1.2. 2.3, 1 .2.2.5 , and

41511.3.1.2 of the General In troduction, it is found that

4161Petitioners did not prove beyond fair debate that FLUE Policy

4171LU3.17, Objective LU4.2 , or O bjective LU18 apply to the FLUM

4182amendments at issue; even if th ose Plan provisions applied,

4192Petitioners did not prove beyond fair debate that the FLUM

4202amendments at issue do not constitute "infilling into existing

4211commercial areas " or "infilling . . . of e xisting commercially

4222designated frontages," or that "a need can [not] be clearly

4232identified." vi All but one witness testified that, if those

4242Plan provisions applied, the FLUM amendments would constitute

4250commercial infill under the pertinent Plan provisions; the

4258lone dissenter was using what he called a "narrow definition"

4268of infill and agreed that the FLUM amendments would constitute

4278commercial infill using the broader definition held by the

4287majority view. There also was ample evidence that there was a

4298clea rly identified need for the FLUM amendments at issue,

4308especially when considered along with the unchallenged RU FLUM


431843 . Based on the foregoing findings on internal

4327consistency, which is the context of Petitioners' data and

4336analysis argument, Petitioners also did not prove beyond fair

4345debate that the Plan Amendment was not based on data and



43604 4 . Section 162.3184(9), Florida Statutes, provides that

4369when the Department has given notice of intent to find a

4380comprehen sive plan amendment to be “in compliance , ” those

4390provisions “shall be determined to be in compliance if the

4400local government’s decision is fairly debatable.” Since the

4408Department gave such notice as to the Plan Amendment at issue

4419in this case, Petitioners bear the burden of proving beyond

4429fair debate that the Plan Amendment is not “in compliance . ”

4441See Young v. Department of Community Affairs , 625 So. 2d 831,

4452833 - 835 (Fla. 1993).

445745 . In recognition of the local nature of legislative

4467land use decisions, t he Florida Supreme Court has held that an

4479amendment subject to the “fairly debatable” standard must be

4488upheld “if reasonable persons could differ as to its

4497propriety.” Martin County v. Yusem , 690 So. 2d 1288, 1295

4507(Fla. 1997). See also B & H Travel Corp. v. Department of

4519Community Affairs , 602 So. 2d 1362 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1992) , appeal

4531dismissed and rev. denied , 613 So. 2d 1 (Fla. 1992). In

4542effect, the “fairly debatable” standard defers not only to the

4552City’s determination, but also the Department’s determi nation

4560that the Plan Amendment is “in compliance.”

456746 . Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes , defines

4574“in compliance” as:

4577Consistent with the requirements of ss.

4583163.3177, 163.31776 when a local government

4589adopts an educational facilities element,

4594163. 3178, 163.3180, 163.3191, and 163.3245,

4600with the state comprehensive plan, with the

4607appropriate strategic regional policy plan,

4612and with chapter 9J - 5, Florida

4619Administrative Code, where such rule is not

4626inconsistent with this part and with the

4633principles f or guiding development in

4639designated areas of critical state concern

4645and with part III of chapter 369, where


4654Out of these compliance criteria, only Section 163.3177,

4662Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter

46709J - 5 are perti nent to this case.

467947 . Section 163.3177(2), Florida Statutes, provides that

4687t he several elements of a comprehensive plan must be

4697coordinated and consistent. Any amendment to the FLUM must be

4707internally consistent with the other elements of the

4715comprehens ive plan. See Coastal Development of North Fla.,

4724Inc. v. City of Jacksonville , 788 So. 2d 204, 208 (Fla. 2001).

473648 . As found, Petitioners failed to prove to the

4746exclusion of fair debate that the Plan Amendment is

4755inconsistent or not coordinated with th e several elements of

4765the City’s Plan.

476849 . The requirement for data and analysis in support of

4779comprehensive plan and plan amendments is set forth in Florida

4789Administrative Code Rule 9J - 5.005(2)(a) :

4796All goals, policies, standards, findings

4801and conclus ions within the comprehensive

4807plan and its support documents, and within

4814plan amendments and their support

4819documents, shall be based upon relevant and

4826appropriate data and analyses applicable to

4832each element. To be based on data means to

4841react to it in an appropriate way and to

4850the extent necessary indicated by the data

4857available on that particular subject at the

4864time of adoption of the plan or plan

4872amendment at issue.

487550 . This rule requires only that data exist at the time

4887the plan amendment is adopted. It does not even require that

4898such data be submitted by the local government to the

4908Department. In a de novo proceeding such as this one, the

4919question is not whether the local government submitted

4927sufficient data and analysis to the Department, but rath er

4937whether the data in existence at the time of adoption support

4948the plan amendment. If the data existed at the time of

4959adoption, analysis of that data may be made at the compliance

4970hearing. Zemel , et al., v. Lee County and Dept. of Community

4981Affairs , DO AH CASE NO. 90 - 7793GM , 1992 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear.

4994LEXIS 5927 , at *71 - 76 (DCA June 22, 1993), aff’d , 642 So. 2d

50081367 (Fla. 1 st DCA 1994).

501451 . As found, Petitioners failed to prove to the

5024exclusion of fair debate that the Plan Amendment is not based

5035on dat a and analysis .


5042Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

5051of Law, it is

5055RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs

5062enter a final order determining that the City's Ordinance 679 -

5073L is "in compliance."

5077DONE AND EN TERED this 5th day of October, 2007, in

5088Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5096Administrative Law Judge

5099Division of Administrative Hearings

5103The DeSoto Building

51061230 Apalachee Parkway

5109Tallahassee, Flori da 32399 - 3060

5115(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5123Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5130Filed with the Clerk of the

5136Division of Administrative Hearings

5140this 5th day of October, 2007.


5147i / Unless othe rwise indicated, all statutory citations are to

5158the 2007 codification of the Florida Statutes.

5165ii / The City's exhibits were noted on the record as being

5177received, but they duplicated other exhibits and, after an

5186off - the - record discussion of the duplicat ion, were withdrawn.

5198iii / Unless otherwise indicated, all rule citations are to the

5209current version of the Florida Administrative Code.

5216iv / In October 2006, the City adopted a new Chapter 2, the

5229Vision Element of its Comprehensive Plan, and changed the

5238numbers of the plan provisions previously numbered Chapter 2

5247and higher. For example, old Policy LU2.17 is now LU3.17; old

5258Objective LU3(2) is now LU4(2); old Objective LU17 is now

5268LU18. This Recommended Order uses the new numbering system

5277although some of the evidence in the record preceded the

5287adoption of the Vision Element and used the old numbers.

5297v / The Department's staff analysis of the Plan Amendment,

5307prepared at a time when only R/O/R and no R/OG was proposed,

5319stated under the topic "Need/In ternal Inconsistency":

5327The City's Comprehensive Plan restricts

5332expansion of commercial uses to infilling

5338of existing commercial areas except where a

5345need can be clearly identified. However,

5351the Residential Office Retail land use

5357category does not requi re that retail be

5365included as a use on a site with having the

5375designation. Thus, staff has identified no

5381potential objections related to this issue.

5387While this might sound like a failure to consider the maximum

5398development potential allowed by the P lan Amendment, it

5407actually appears to have been intended to distinguish mixed

5416use from purely commercial future land use categories.

5424vi / The Plan Amendment clearly is not "infilling into existing

5435commercial . . . activity centers" or "redevelopment of

5444e xisting commercially designated frontages."


5452Thomas Pelham, Secretary

5455Department of Community Affairs

54592555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

5463Suite 100

5465Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

5470Shaw Stiller, General Counsel

5474Department of Community Affair s

54792555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

5483Suite 325

5485Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2160

5490Leslie E. Bryson, Esquire

5494Department of Community Affairs

54982555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

5502Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

5507Charles W. Gerdes, Esquire

5511Keane, Reese, Vesely & Gerdes, P.A.

55177 70 Second Avenue South

5522St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 - 4006

5528Stephen C. Chumbris, Esquire

5532Trenam, Kemker, Scharf, Barkin

5536Frye, O'Neill & Mullis, P.A.

5541200 Central Avenue, Suite 1600

5546St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

5550Milton A. Galbraith, Esquire

5554City of St. P etersburg

5559One Fourth Street, North Tenth Floor

5565St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 - 3804


5577All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

558715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any

5597exceptions to th is Recommended Order should be filed with the

5608agency that will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/04/2008
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 08/01/2008
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 8 and 9, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/05/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/21/2007
Proceedings: Letter to M. Galbraith from M. O`Brien regarding corrections to transcript filed.
Date: 09/14/2007
Proceedings: Letter to M. O`Brien from M. Galbraith, Jr. identifying additional errors in the transcript filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: Petitioners` Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: City of St. Petersburg`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: City of St. Petersburg`s Motion to Supplement the Record filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs` Notice of Joining in Sembler`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: Sembler Florida, Inc.`s Memorandum of Law in Support of its Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/10/2007
Proceedings: Sembler Florida, Inc.`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/06/2007
Proceedings: Letter to S. Chumbris from M. O`Brien enclosing corrections of transcript filed.
Date: 08/29/2007
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (Volumes I and II) filed.
Date: 08/08/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/06/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to Amend.
Date: 08/02/2007
Proceedings: Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/30/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic* Deposition filed.
Date: 07/26/2007
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Leave to Amend Petition filed.
Date: 07/26/2007
Proceedings: Voluntary Dismissal by Certain Petitioners filed.
Date: 07/25/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 07/24/2007
Proceedings: Voluntary Dismissal by Certain Petitioners (E. Hawkes, J. Baker, G. Stanek, P. Walton, E. Moore, and M. Nazzareno) filed.
Date: 07/12/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 06/12/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department of Community Affairs` First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioners filed.
Date: 06/06/2007
Proceedings: Response by City of St. Petersburg to Petitioners` Request for Production filed.
Date: 05/31/2007
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/31/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 8 through 10, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 05/29/2007
Proceedings: Supplement by City of St. Petersburg to Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/25/2007
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order.
Date: 05/24/2007
Proceedings: Petitioners` Request for Production (2) filed.
Date: 05/22/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to Intervene (City of St. Petersburg and Sembler Florida, Inc.).
Date: 05/21/2007
Proceedings: Petition by Sembler Florida, Inc., to Intervene filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Counsel on Behalf of City of St. Petersburg, Florida (filed by M. Galbraith, Jr.).
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Motion by City of St. Petersburg, Florida, to Intervene filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Find the City of St. Petersburg Comprehensive Plan Amendment(s) in Compliance filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/18/2007
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):