07-003030 Gwendolyn Boyd vs. City Of North Miami, Florida
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, March 4, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to prove an unlawful employment practice. She did not produce evidence to establish that the Respondent`s legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons for failing to give her a raise were pretextual.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 07 - 3030




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

46on Novem ber 27 and 28, 2007, by video teleconference, with the

58parties appearing in Miami, Florida, before Patricia M. Hart, a

68duly - designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

78Administrative Hearings, who presided in Tallahassee, Florida.


86For Petitioner: Wendy A. Delvecchio, Esquire

92Conrad & Scherer, LLP

96633 South Federal Highway

100Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302

104For Respondent: Lynn Whitfield, Esquire

109City of North Miami

113776 Northeast 125th Street

117Miami, Florida 33161


124Whether the Respondent discriminated against the Petitioner

131on the basis of national origin, in violation of t he Florida

143Civil Rights Act of 1994, Section 760.10(1), Florida Statutes

152(2005). 1


156On June 29, 2007, Gwendolyn Boyd filed with the Florida

166Commission on Human Relations ("FCHR") a Petition for Relief

177from an Unlawful Employment Practic e, in which she alleged that

188the City of North Miami ("City") had denied her a salary

201increase based on impermissible considerations of her national

209origin. The FCHR transmitted the Petition to the Division of

219Administrative Hearings for assignment of an administrative law

227judge. After one continuance, the final hearing was held

236pursuant to notice on November 27 and 28, 2007.

245At the hearing, Ms. Boyd testified in her own behalf and

256presented the testimony of Clarence Patterson; Josaphat

263Celestin; John Del lagloria; Hans Ottinot; and Rebecca Jones.

272Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 12, 14 through 22, and 24

282through 26 were offered and received into evidence; Petitioner ’s

292Exhibit 26 is the transcript of the deposition of Carlos Perez,

303which was admitted into e vidence in lieu of live testimony. The

315City did not offer any testimony; Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2

326were offered and received into evidence.

332The parties also submitted a Pre - Hearing Stipulation which

342included a number of facts admitted by the parties a nd requiring

354no proof. Among the admitted facts were the stipulations that

364Ms. Boyd had established a prima facie case of employment

374discrimination based on national origin; that the City had

383established a legitimate, non - discriminatory reason for its

392act ion; and that the only issue to be determined in this

404administrative action is whether the City's legitimate, non -

413discriminatory reason was "legitimate" or "pretextual."

419The four - volume transcript of the proceedings was filed

429with the Division of Administr ative Hearings on January 15,

4392008. The parties timely filed proposed findings of fact and

449conclusions of law, which have been considered in the

458preparation of this Recommended Order.


465Facts admitted by the parties and included in their P re - Hearing


4791. The City of North Miami ("City") hired

489Gwendolyn Boyd as its Police Chief on

496January 14, 2002.

4992. At the time the City hired Ms. Boyd, the

509Police Chief salary grade was 39, which

516ranged from $70,948.00 to $105,164.00.

5233. Ms. Boyd is African - American.

5304. On September 23, 2003, the City Council

538voted to terminate its City Manager, Irma


5465. At the same September 23, 2003, meeting,

554the City Council voted to accept Mayor

561Josaphat Celestin's recommendation to engage

566Ms. Boyd and the City's Interim City


5746. Mayor Celestin is Haitian - American.

5817. On October 23, 2003, Ms. Boyd entered

589into a written agreement, termed a "Letter

596of Understanding," with the City to serve as

604the Interim City Manager for a period of

612thirty (30) days effective October 24, 2003.

6198. Mayor Celestin executed Ms. Boyd's

625October 23, 2003, Letter of Understanding on

632behalf of the City.

6369. The Letter of Understanding between the

643City and Ms. Boyd provided that when she

651returned to her posi tion of Police Chief,

659she would receive $2,313.20 weekly (roughly

666$120,000 a year) and yearly increases of 5 %

676on her anniversary date.

68010. Subsequent to the execution of the

687Letter of Understanding between Ms. Boyd and

694the City, Director of Personnel

699Ad ministration, Rebecca Jones, sent a

705memorandum dated October 27, 2003, to

711Mayor Celestin advising him that the amount

718to be paid to Ms. Boyd upon her return to

728her position as Police Chief exceeded

734Ms. Boyd's current pay range and, therefore,

741she could not be paid that amount.

74811. According to Ms. Jones ’ memorandum,

755Ms. Boyd, as Police Chief, was at the top of

765her pay range 39 - 9, and she would not be

776entitled to merit increases and would only

783receive cost - of - living adjustments until the

792City Manager would upgrade her


79812. At its meeting on January 27, 2004, the

807City Council selected Mr. Clarence Patterson

813as its City Manager.

81713. Mr. Patterson is African - American.

82414. Mr. Patterson assumed his official

830duties as City Manager on February 24, 2004.

83815. On February 25, 2004, Ms. Boyd returned

846to the position as Police Chief.

85216. On March 9, 23, and 30, 2004, the City

862Commission [Council?] voted to approve new

869pay plans for the City Manager and the

877Deputy City Manager, as well as the new ly

886created position of Chief of Staff.

89217. During March 2004, the Deputy City

899Manager was a Caucasian Male, and the Chief

907of Staff was a Haitian - American Female.

91518. Mayor Celestin continued in office

921until Mayor Kevin Burns was sworn in on

929May 24, 200 5.

93319. Mr. Patterson provided an affidavit

939which states that he decided not to upgrade

947Ms. Boyd's classification upon becoming the

953City's City Manager because her pay range

960was already higher than most other

966department heads' pay ranges.

97020. On Septemb er 9, 2004, during the budget

979process for [the] 2004 - 2005 year, a pay

988grade classification and title change was

994proposed by John Dellagloria, City Attorney,

1000for a number of positions within the City

1008Attorney's office including: Deputy City

1013Attorney, Parale gal/Legal Secretary and

1018Legal Secretary. The reason for the

1024requested pay grade change was to regain

1031parity between the City Attorney's Office

1037and the City Manager's Office [sic] with

1044regard to salaries.

104721. During the City Council meeting on

1054September 21, 2004, the [City] Council

1060initially approved the Deputy City

1065Attorney's pay grade change, but deferred to

1072the City Manager, and the pay grade was not

1081changed at that time.

108522. Patricia Saint Vil - Joseph was hired as

1094the City's Deputy City Attorney on

1100N ovember 15, 1999.

110423. On October 26, 2004, Mayor Celestin

1111proposed to the City Council that Ms. Saint

1119Vil - Joseph be appointed as the Interim City


112924. At its October 26, 2004, meeting, the

1137City Council approved the hiring of

1143Ms. Saint Vil - Jose ph as the Interim City

1153Attorney and further advised the Mayor to

1160follow the same procedure/percentage

1164increase for compensation as used when the

1171Chief of Police was hired as the Interim

1179City Manager. (see transcript of City

1185Council meeting[.])

118725. On Oct ober 27, 2004, Ms. Saint Vil -

1197Joseph entered into a Letter of

1203Understanding with the City, to be effective

1210November 1, 2004, regarding the position of

1217Interim City Attorney.

122026. Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph's Letter of

1228Understanding provided for the increase of

1234h er salary from $37.66 per hour (roughly

1242$78,332 a year) to $58.93 per hour (roughly

1251$122,574 a year).

125527. Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph's Letter of

1263Understanding further provided that "upon

1268selection of a new City Attorney, or upon

1276the Council removing Joseph fro m the

1283position of Interim City Attorney, Joseph

1289shall return to her current position of

1296Deputy City Attorney, and shall return to

1303her current pay grade."

130728. On April 26, 2005, Mayor Celestin

1314proposed that the Deputy City Attorney's pay

1321grade be upgraded and that Ms. Saint Vil -

1330Joseph, upon returning to the position of

1337Deputy City Attorney, retain the same salary

1344she received as the Interim City Attorney.

1351The upgrade was approved by [the City]

1358Council by a vote of 4 - 0 and the City

1369Manager did not oppose t he motion. The

1377range for salary grade 42 was $82,201 to


138829. On May 2, 2005, Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph

1398returned to her former position of Deputy

1405City Attorney. Because she was making more

1412as the Interim City Attorney, her pay had to

1421be adjusted dow nward so that she could

1429remain within her new pay grade.

143530. In October 2005, two years after

1442entering into the Letter of Agreement

1448[ Letter of Understanding?] with the City,

1456Ms. Boyd received an upgrade in her salary

1464to grade 41, which ranged from $82,28 4 to

1474$121,742. Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph's new pay

1483grade was changed to 42, which ranged from

1491$86,340 to $127,857.

149631. The parties have stipulated to the

1503factual findings by the Florida Commission

1509on Human Relations that:

1513(1) Ms. Boyd was able to establis h a

1522prima facie case of national origin

1528discrimination because:

1530a. Ms. Boyd is a member of a protected

1539class, national origin (African American);

1544b. Ms. Boyd did not get an increase in

1553salary as promised;

1556c. Ms. Boyd was qualified for the

1563position as evidenced by the fact that she

1571had already been in the position for at

1579least one year; and

1583d. The City did treat similarly

1589situated employees outside Ms. Boyd's

1594protected class more favorable as evidenced

1600by the fact that Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph did

1610re ceive a salary increase.

1615(2) The City's articulated

"1619legitimate, non - discriminatory reason" for

1625not allowing Ms. Boyd to retain the salary

1633amount paid while she served as Interim City

1641Manager was that the increased salary

1647exceeded the Police Chief's pay grade, and

1654that, at the time, Ms. Boyd was already

1662making more than most of the City's

1669department heads.

167132. The remaining factual issue to be

1678resolved is whether the City's articulated

1684legitimate, non - discriminatory reason is (1)

1691legitimate or (2) pret extual.


1699Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the

1709final hearing, and on the entire record of this proceeding, the

1720following findings of fact are made:

17261. According to the Charter of the City of North Miami

1737("City Chart er"), the City has a "council - manager" form of

1751government. All powers of the City are vested in an elected

1762City Council, including the power "to enact legislation, adopt

1771budgets, and determine policies." The City Council also

1779appoints the City Manager to administer the City's government. 2

17892 . The City Council consists of four council members and a

1801mayor. The mayor presides at the City Council meetings and is

"1812recognized as the head of the city government for all

1822ceremonial purposes . . . and shall have a voice and vote in the

1836proceedings of the council, but shall have no regular

1845administrative duties." 3

18483 . The City Manager "shall be the chief administrative

1858officer of the city, responsible to the council for the

1868administration of all city affairs placed in the manager's

1877charge by or under" the City Charter. Among those powers is the

1889power to "[d]irect and supervise the administration of all

1898departments, offices and agencies of the city, except as

1907otherwise provided by the charter or by law." 4 The City's Police

1919Department is an administrative department of the City, and the

1929Police Chief, as head of the Police Department, supervises and

1939controls the department "subject to the city manager." 5

19484 . The City Attorney is the head of the City's Department

1960of Law and is appointed by the City Council. The City

1971Attorney's salary is fixed by the council and included in the

1982budget. 6 The Department of Law is not an administrative

1992department subject to the direction and supervision of the City

2002Manager. 7

20045 . The City M anager is responsible for proposing salary

2015increases to the City Council for the department heads under his

2026supervision, which includes the Police Chief. The heads of the

2036various administrative departments are responsible for proposing

2043salary increases to the City Manager for the employees under

2053their supervision.

20556 . The City Attorney is responsible for proposing salary

2065increases to the City Council for the employees under his

2075supervision, which includes the Deputy City Attorney.

20827 . The salaries of all C ity officers and employees,

2093including the City Manager and the City Attorney, must be within

2104the ranges provided in the City's pay plan. If someone is hired

2116at a salary outside the salary range for the position in the pay

2129plan, or if someone is promoted o r given a salary increase that

2142is outside the salary range in the pay plan for the position,

2154the pay plan must be amended by the City Council to re - classify

2168the position or to increase the maximum salary for the position.

21798 . Ms. Boyd was hired as the City 's Police Chief in

2192January 2002 at a pay grade of 39 - 9, the maximum salary for the

2207position. Consequently, she had received only cost - of - living

2218raises since January 2002.

22229 . In October 2003, after the City Council appointed

2232Ms. Boyd as Interim City Manag er, John Dellagloria, then the

2243City Attorney, prepared a Letter of Understanding at the

2252direction of Mayor Celestin to address Ms. Boyd's salary and

2262benefits while serving as Interim City Manager. Ms. Boyd spoke

2272with Mr. Dellagloria as he was preparing th e Letter of

2283Understanding and told him that she wanted him to include a

2294provision increasing her salary upon her return to her position

2304as Police Chief. After talking with Mayor Celestin,

2312Mr. Dellagloria included a provision specifying the salary that

2321Ms. Boyd would receive when she left the position of Interim

2332City Manager and returned to her position as Police Chief.

234210 . Mayor Celestin and Ms. Boyd executed the Letter of

2353Understanding on October 23, 2003.

235811 . Mayor Celestin's signature on the Letter of

2367Understanding signified his intention that Ms. Boyd would

2375receive a salary increase when she returned to her position as

2386Police Chief. Mayor Celestin understood, however, that he could

2395prepare letters of understanding that implemented resolutions of

2403the City Council that he did not have the power to bind the City

2417by his signature on a document in the absence of a City Council

2430resolution or other directive. The City Council action

2438appointing Ms. Boyd Interim City Manager did not include

2447anything related t o her salary when she returned to her position

2459as Police Chief.

246212 . The salary increase included in the Letter of

2472Understanding for Ms. Boyd when she returned to her position as

2483Police Chief exceeded the maximum salary range specified in the

2493City's pay pl an for her pay grade of 39 - 9. Rebecca Jones, the

2508City's Director of Personnel, noticed this when she prepared the

2518Personnel Action Form to send to the City Manager for his

2529approval of the salary agreement with Ms. Boyd when she became

2540Interim City Manager . Ms. Jones advised Mayor Celestin that the

2551raise could not be given without the City Council's approval of

2562an amendment in the pay plan, but she did not discuss her

2574conclusion with Ms. Boyd as Interim City Manager; Ms. Jones

2584considered that improper beca use the matter concerned Ms. Boyd.

259413 . After he executed the October 23, 2003, Letter of

2605Understanding, Mayor Celestin was advised by someone in the

2614Legal Department that he did not have the authority to increase

2625the salary for the head of an administrati ve department such as

2637the Police Chief. He was told that this authority was vested in

2649the City Manager because the City Manager directly supervised

2658the Police Chief.

266114 . Clarence Patterson was appointed City Manager by the

2671City Council in January 2004. He took office in late

2681February 2004, and Ms. Boyd returned to her position as Police

2692Chief at the salary she had received before she was appointed

2703Interim City Manager.

270615. During the time she served as Interim City Manager,

2716Ms. Boyd served on the screen ing committee for applicants for

2727the position of City Manager. The committee was to review the

2738qualifications of the applicants and determine those candidates

2746who were minimally qualified for the position. Ms. Boyd

2755presented the report of the committee a t the January 27, 2004,

2767meeting of the City Council, and reported that the committee had

2778found only one highly - qualified candidate.

278516. Only two candidates attended the January 27, 2004,

2794meeting, Nadine Pierre Louis and Clarence Patterson;

2801Mayor Celestin supported Ms. Louis, and Mr. Patterson was backed

2811by another City Council member. When asked by the City Council

2822if these two candidates were qualified for the position,

2831Ms. Boyd reported that they were not: Ms. Louis did not have

2843the required municipal job experience, and Mr. Patterson did not

2853meet the educational requirements.

285717. Ms. Louis and Mr. Patterson were offered to the City

2868Council for a vote; Mayor Celestin walked out of the council

2879room and did not vote; Mr. Patterson was selected by vote of the

2892City Council. Mr. Patterson was aware that Mayor Celestin did

2902not support his candidacy.

290618. Shortly after Mr. Patterson began as City Manager,

2915Ms. Jones brought the October 23, 2003, Letter of Understanding

2925between Mayor Celestin and Ms. Boyd to hi s attention. He

2936reviewed the city charter and advised Mayor Celestin that he did

2947not have the authority to give Ms. Boyd a salary increase. Only

2959the City Manager has that authority under the charger.

296819 . Mr. Patterson also discussed the matter of the sa lary

2980increase referenced in the third paragraph of the October 23,

29902003, Letter of Understanding with Ms. Boyd. He told her that

3001Mayor Celestin did not have the authority to e ffect such a

3013salary increase, and he also told her that he was not going to

3026reco mmend to the City Council that it increase her pay grade to

3039accommodate the salary increase promised by Mayor Celestin.

3047Having reviewed the pay grades of the administrative department

3056heads, Mr. Patterson did not consider a raise for Ms. Boyd

3067appropriate at the time.

307120 . Because he had been advised that the Police Chief was

3083directly supervised by the City Manager and that only the City

3094Manager had the authority to recommend a salary increase for the

3105Police Chief , Mayor Celestin did not propose to the City Council

3116that it either increase Ms. Boyd's salary as Police Chief or

3127amend the City's pay plan to increase the pay grade for the

3139Police Chief so that Ms. Boyd could receive the salary increase

3150included in the Letter of Understanding dated October 23, 2003 .

3161Mayor Celestin did, however, assure Ms. Boyd several times that

3171he would "take care of it."

317721 . At the last meeting of his tenure as mayor,

3188Mayor Celestin propose d to the City Council that Ms. Saint Vil -

3201Joseph receive a salary increase so that she coul d retain the

3213same salary when she returned to her position as Deputy City

3224Attorney that she received while serving as Interim City


323422. Mr. Patterson did not oppose the proposal because the

3244salary increase for Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph was not a "pay raise"

3257as such, but, rather , implemented a prior decision of the City

3268Council to achieve parity between the Deputy City Attorney and

3278Deputy City Manager. 8 An amendment in the pay plan to increase

3290the pay grade for the Deputy City Attorney was passed by th e

3303City Council by a vote of 4 to 0, and the Personnel Action form

3317dated May 2, 2005, reflecting a change of pay grade for the

3329position of Deputy City Attorney was approved by Hans Ottinot,

3339City Attorney; Ms. Jones, personnel directory; and

3346Mr. Patterson, C ity Manager.

335123. Ms. Saint Vil - Joseph is a Haitian American.

336124. In October 2005, Ms. Boyd's pay grade was increased

3371from 39 to 41, and she received a concomitant salary increase.

338225 . Ms. Boyd presented the following testimony as evidence

3392that the City' s legitimate, non - discriminatory reason for

3402failing to increase her pay grade and salary when she returned

3413to her position as Police Chief in February 2004 was a pretext

3425for discrimination on the basis of national origin: 9

3434Q.[by Ms. Whitfield] And that's really your

3441issue here, isn't it? You believe that he

3449[Mayor Celestin] violated his letter of

3455understanding with you, correct?

3459A. He violated his letter of understanding

3466and he's discriminated against me because of

3473the clashes that we had pertaining to the

3481hiring of Haitian African, the clash that we

3489had over his referring to some of my

3497directors are racist, and because I would

3504not void a ticket that was given by another

3513white officer, and the fact that I would not

3522hire some of the people that he --

3530Q. Well, let me ask you this. When all of

3540that happened, was that before he signed a

3548letter of understanding with you or after?

3555A. It was afterwards.

3559Q. Was is [sic] before you went back to

3568being police chief or after?

3573A. It was during the period.

3579Q. So it was during that period?

3586A. It was before I returned to my position

3595as police chief.

3598Q. Okay. So when? When was it?

3605A. There were several incidents. A couple

3612of police applicants who he referred, one

3619was a personal friend and I had to find out

3629why they were turned down. Another incident

3636pertaining to the -- he thought we weren't

3644doing enough to hire Haitian applicants and

3651wanted me to do away with the --

3659Q. Let me ask you this. You were both the

3669interim city manager and the police chief at

3677the same time?

3680A. No. I was not.

3685Q. Okay. Who was head of the police

3693department then?

3695A. I had my two assistant chiefs to

3703alternate service as the acting police


3710Q. So as acting police chief, they would be

3719responsible for making recommen dations and

3725hiring decision to take to the city manager?

3733A. No. What they would do, if [sic] they

3742would do the complete background process and

3749they will [sic] decide on who was qualified

3757and who was not, and because a couple of

3766people did not get hired the mayor asked me

3775about this and I had to meet with the

3784assistant chief to find out why those

3791individuals were disqualified. And they

3796were for valid reasons, but the mayor did

3804not want to believe me. He thought we were

3813just not doing enough to hire Hait ian

3821Africans and made a suggestion -- or made

3829the remark that he was going to bring Guy

3838Eugene (phonetic_. who is a police

3844lieutenant, Haitian police lieutenant with

3849Miami, that maybe he would want my job as

3858police chief.

3860Q. Do you have any documentation or

3867anything else to corroborate what you're

3873telling use was said by Mayor Celestin about

3881your hiring of Haitians or not hiring of


3890A. Only the testimony of my staff at the

3899police department.

3901Q. My question is, do you have any

3909documentation he re --

3913A. I didn't write that down. I didn’t --

3922discussions every day because I was trying

3929to just get through the interim period and

3937returning to be police chief.


394526 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3953jurisdiction over th e subject matter of this proceeding and of

3964the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

3973Florida Statutes (200 7 ).

397827 . Section 760.10, Florida Statutes, part of the Florida

3988Civil Rights Act of 1992, as amended, provides in pertinent


3999(1) It is an unlawful employment practice

4006for an employer:

4009(a) To discharge or to fail or refuse to

4018hire any individual, or otherwise to

4024discriminate against any individual with

4029respect to compensation, terms, conditions,

4034or privileges or employment, b ecause of such

4042individual's race, color, religion, sex,

4047national origin, age, handicap, or marital


405428 . Florida courts routinely rely on decisions of the

4064federal courts construing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of

40751964, codified at Title 42, Se ction 2000e et seq. , United States

4087Code, ("Title VII"), when construing the Florida Civil Rights

4098Act of 1992, "because the Florida act was patterned after

4108Title VII." Harper v. Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. , 139 F.3d

41171385, 1387 (11th Cir. 1998), citing, inter alia , Ranger

4126Insurance Co. v. Bal Harbor Club, Inc. , 549 So. 2d 1005, 1009

4138(Fla. 1989), and Florida State University v. Sondel , 685 So. 2d

4149923, 925, n. 1 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996) .

415829 . Ms. Boyd has the burden of proving by a preponderance

4170of the evidence that she was the victim of employment

4180discrimination on the basis of her national origin as an African

4191American , and she can establish discrimination either through

4199direct evidence of discrimination or through circumstantial

4206evidence, which is evaluated w ithin the framework of the burden -

4218shifting analysis first articulated in McDonnell Douglas Corp.

4226v. Green , 411 U.S. 792, 802 - 04 (1973). See Logan v. Denny's

4239Inc. , 259 F.3d 558, 566 - 67 (11th Cir. 2001).

424930. To establish discrimination through circumstanti al

4256evidence, as set forth in McDonnell Douglas , Ms. Boyd must

4266establish a prima facie case of discrimination by producing

4275evidence to show that (1) she is the member of a protected

4287class; (2) she suffered an adverse employment action; (3) she

4297was qualified to do the job; and (4) she was treated differently

4309than a similarly - situated person outside the protected class .

4320See Haas v. Kelly Servs. Inc. , 409 F.3d 1030, 1035 (8th Cir.

43322005); Chapman v. AI Transp. , 229 F.3d 1012, 1024 (11th Cir.

43432000). As noted ab ove in the Stipulated Facts, the parties have

4355stipulated that Ms. Boyd has established a prima facie case of

4366discrimination on the basis of her national origin. 10

437531. Since the parties stipulated that Ms. Boyd established

4384a prima facie case of discriminati on on the basis of national

4396origin, the burden shifts to the City to produce evidence

4406articulating "a legitimate, non - discriminatory reason" for the

4415adverse employment action. Id. As noted above in the

4424Stipulated Facts, the parties have stipulated that t he City has

4435articulated a "legitimate, non - discriminatory reason" for its

4444failure to give Ms. Boyd an increase in her pay grade and salary

4457so that she would receive the same salary when she returned to

4469her position as Police Chief as she received during th e months

4481she served as Interim City Manager.

448732. Since the parties stipulated that the City articulated

4496a "legitimate, non - discriminatory reason " for its failure to

4506raise Ms. Boyd's salary when she returned to her position as

4517Police Chief, the burden shif ts to Ms. Boyd to produce evidence

4529that the reason articulated by the City was a pretext for

4540discrimination. Jones v. School Dist. of Philadelphia , 198 F.3d

4549403, 410 (3d Cir. 1999). Ms. Boyd can establish that the reason

4561given by the City for its failure to act was merely a pretext

4574for discrimination (1) by presenting evidence that casts doubt

4583on the reason articulated by the City and supports the

4593conclusion that the reason offered was a fabrication or (2) by

4604presenting evidence sufficient to support an i nference that

4613Ms. Boyd's termination was more likely than not motivated by

4623discrimination. See Fuentes v. Perskie , 32 F.3d 759, 762

4632(3d Cir. 1994). The evidence offered to establish that the

4642reason offered by the City for failure to increase Ms. Boyd's

4653p ay grade and salary was pretextual "must demonstrate such

4663weaknesses, implausibilities, inconsistencies, incoherencies, or

4668contradictions in the employer's proffered reasons for its

4676action that a reasonable fact finder could rationally find them

4686unworthy o f credence, and hence infer that the employer did not

4698act for [the asserted] non - discriminatory reasons." Id .

470833. Based on the findings of fact herein, Ms. Boyd has

4719failed to produce evidence that the City's articulated reason

4728for its failure to increase Ms. Boyd's pay grade was a pretext

4740for discrimination and has, therefore, failed to prove by a

4750preponderance of the evidence that the City engaged in an

4760unlawful employment practice. Mayor Celestin was the only

4768person in the City government that indicate d to Ms. Boyd that he

4781intended for her to maintain the salary she received as Interim

4792City Manager when she returned to her position as Police Chief.

4803Mayor Celestin was also the only person in the City government

4814to whom Ms. Boyd attributed a discriminato ry motive for his

4825failure to bring before the City Council the issue of a raise in

4838her pay grade and an increase in her salary.

484734. There is, however, no question that, under the City

4857Charter, Mayor Celestin did not have the authority to bind the

4868City wit h any promise in the Letter of Understanding of

4879October 23, 2003, that was not supported by a directive from the

4891City Council. The evidence is uncontroverted that the City

4900Council did not authorize Mayor Celestin to promise Ms. Boyd

4910that she would retain the same salary she was receiving as the

4922Interim City Manager when she returned to her position as Police

4933Chief. The City Charter clearly provides that the Mayor of the

4944City has no administrative duties but serves as the presiding

4954member of the City Counc il. Although Mayor Celestin could have

4965brought the matter before the City Council, he was not bound to

4977do so by the October 23, 2003, Letter of Understanding, and his

4989failure to do so cannot be attributed to the City, regardless of

5001his motives.

500335. In an y event, the reasons Ms. Boyd gave for her belief

5016that Mayor Celestin's failure to bring the pay - grade/salary

5026issue before the City Council was attributable to a motive to

5037discriminate against her because she is African American are

5046uncorroborated, too vag ue and non - specific to be credible or

5058persuasive, and wholly insufficient to render suspect the non -

5068discriminatory reason for the City's failure to increase the pay

5078grade for the Police Chief and increase Ms. Boyd's salary in the

5090winter and spring of 2004.

509536. According to the greater weight of the evidence,

5104Mayor Celestin did not take the matter of the increase in pay

5116grade and salary for the Police - Chief position to the City

5128Council because he had been told both by the City's Legal

5139Department and by Mr. Patterson that he had no authority to

5150propose salary increases for the heads of administrative

5158departments. Pursuant to the City Charter, the City Manager is

5168responsible for supervising and directing administrative

5174department heads, including the Police C hief, and it was his

5185responsibility to propose to the City Council an increase in the

5196pay grade for the Police Chief's position and an increase in

5207Ms. Boyd's salary. The reason offered by Mr. Patterson for his

5218failure to make such a proposal to the City C ouncil, that

5230Ms. Boyd was making as much or more than other administrative

5241department heads, is not so weak, implausible, inconsistent,

5249incoherent, or contradictory as to support the inference that

5258the only reason for his action was discriminatory.

526637. Fu rthermore, the evidence presented by Ms. Boyd was

5276devoid of any possible discriminatory motive for Mr. Patterson's

5285refusal to propose an increase in the Police Chief's pay grade

5296and Ms. Boyd's salary. Rather, Ms. Boyd's evidence regarding

5305Mr. Patterson's possible motive for his refusal to take the pay -

5317grade/salary increase to the City Council was that she did no

5328support him for the position of City Manager when she was a

5340member of the selection committee. Even if Mr. Patterson's

5349actions were based on such a motive, it would not be an

5361unlawful, discriminatory employment practice within the

5367prohibitions of Section 760.10, Florida Statutes.


5374Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5384Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Comm ission on Human

5395Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief

5405from Unlawful Employment Practice filed by Gwendolyn Boyd.

5413DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of March , 200 8 , in

5424Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5433Administrative Law Judge

5436Division of Administrative Hearings

5440The DeSoto Building

54431230 Apalachee Parkway

5446Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5451(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5459Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5466Filed with the Clerk of the

5472Division of Administrative Hearings

5476this 4th day of March , 200 8 .


54851 / All references to the Florida Statutes are to the 2005

5497edition unless noted otherwise.

55012 / Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. I, § 2.

55103 / Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. II, §§ 5 and 8.

55214 / Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. III, § 25.

55305 / Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. III, §§ 27 and 28.

55416 / Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. VII, §§ 84 and 85.

55527 / See Petitioner's Exh. 4, Art. III, §§ 25, 27, and 28.

55658 / On October 5, 2003, before Mr. Patterson became City manager,

5577the City Council voted, at the request of Mr. Dellagloria, to

5588bring the salary of the City Attorney into parity with the

5599salary of the City Manager. According to Mr. Patterson's

5608recollection, the decision to bring the salary of the Deputy

5618City Attorney into parity with the sala ry of the Deputy City

5630Attorney was made during the tenure of Hans Ottinot, who served

5641as City Attorney from approximately March 2005 to June 2005.

56519 / Transcript, volume IV, pages 475 - 78 and as summarized by

5664Ms. Boyd in her Proposed Recommended Order at page 15,

5674paragraph 75.

567610 / The parties stipulated to the finding of the FCHR that

5688Ms. Boyd had established a prima facie case of discrimination

5698based on national origin. The parties apparently felt they were

5708bound by the FCHR's findings. See Transcript , volume IV,

5717pages 479 - 80. The findings of the FCHR are not, however,

5729binding in an administrative hearing conducted pursuant to

5737Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, because such a hearing is a

5747de novo proceeding, in which the findings of fact are base d

5759exclusively on the evidence contained in the record of the

5769proceeding. See § 120.57(1)(f), (j), and (k), Fla. Stat.

5778Absent the stipulation of the parties limiting the issue

5787presented for decision herein and based exclusively on the

5796record of this proce eding, a different finding/conclusion may

5805have been reached regarding Ms. Boyd's having established a

5814prima facie case of discrimination based on national origin.


5825Wendy A. Delvecchio, Esquire

5829Conrad & Scherer, LLP

5833633 South Federal Hig hway

5838Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302

5842Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

5846Florida Commission on Human Relations

58512009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5856Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5859Vennie Lynn Whitfield, Esquire

5863City of North Miami

5867776 Northeast 125th Street

5871North Mia mi, Florida 33161

5876Cecil Howard, General Counsel

5880Florida Commission on Human Relations

58852009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

5890Tallahassee, Florida 32301


5899All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

590915 d ays from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

5921to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5932will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/02/2008
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 07/02/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/01/2008
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/04/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/04/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 27-28, 2007). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/04/2008
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/16/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Hart from W. Delvecchio regarding Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2008
Proceedings: Respondent, City of North Miami`s, Proposed Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law filed.
Date: 01/15/2008
Proceedings: Transcript (4 Volumes) filed.
Date: 01/15/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (original Transcripts of Volumes I, II, III, and IV) filed.
Date: 11/27/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/21/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Hart from W. Delvecchio regarding enclosed documents (documents not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/20/2007
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 11/20/2007
Proceedings: Respondent, City of North Miami`s Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 11/20/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by L. Whitfield).
Date: 11/20/2007
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 27 and 28, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to location and video).
Date: 10/12/2007
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 10/09/2007
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 27 and 28, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 10/03/2007
Proceedings: Status Report filed.
Date: 09/12/2007
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by October 3, 2007).
Date: 09/12/2007
Proceedings: Emergency Motion for Continuance of September 13-14 Hearing filed.
Date: 09/12/2007
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Exhibits (exhibits volumes 1 and 2 not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/06/2007
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/31/2007
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 07/25/2007
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/25/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 13 and 14, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/12/2007
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/06/2007
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Amended Employment Complaint of Discrimination fled.
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Petition for Relief from Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 07/05/2007
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):