07-004294CB In Re: Senate Bill 60 (Adrian Fuentes) vs. *
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, May 2, 2008.

View Dockets  
Summary: Unopposed claim for $1.6 million based on court-approved settlement for the South Broward Hospital District to compensate Petitioner for cerebral palsey by failure to diagnose and properly treat intrauterine growth ristriction is recommended favorably.


10March 25, 2008

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15measured and was normal, indicating that Adrian’s brain and

24kidneys were functionin g normally on that day.

32Dr. Rosendorf directedthat the report be "STAT faxed" to the

42ordering midwife, Ms. Harrison, at the clinic. There is no

52evidence that the report was ever faxed. There is no fa x

64number for the clinic listed on the report and no record to confirm

77either its transmission or receipt. A ccording to the undisputed

87report by Counsel for the Claimant, various hospital employees

96testified that they were unaware of a "STAT fax" policy and staf f

109at the clinic testified that t hey have never before received a

121report labeled "STAT fax," but they did know that an ultrasound

132report with results similar to those in the Fuentes report were,

143according to clinic policy, to be brought immediately to the

153attention of a nurse midwife or doctor.

160Two days later, on April 25, 2002, Mrs. Fuentes came to the

172clinic. Her counsel reported that she wa s there for a regularl y

185scheduled appointment, but the re port of Sharon Griffin, a

195disability analyst, indicates that Mrs. Fuentes went to the clini c

206because she did not feel the baby moving that morning. At the

218clinic, she was examined by a midwife and was about to leave

230when she was rushed back into the examining room afte r

241someone at the clinic apparently noticed the ultrasound report.

250Following additional testing, the staff called fire rescue to

259transport Mrs. Fuentes to Memo rial Hospital for an emergenc y

270caesarean section. Adrian Fuentes was born within 32

278minutes of his mother'sarrival at the hospital with abnormall y

288low Apgar scores and no amniotic fluid. Apparently, no follo w

299up tests for neurological deficits we re performed. After a sta y

311in theneonatal intensive ca re unit for hypoglycemia, an

320abnormally fast respiratory rate , jaundice and IU GR, Adrian was

330discharged home with his parents.

335During his first year, Adrian wa s diagnosed and hospitalized

345for gastroesophageal reflux, fe ver and thyroid abnormalities.

353When he was approximately a y ear old, and still unable to

365crawl, sit up on his own, or hold his bottle, an MRIconfirmed

377that Adrian has cerebralpalsy, characterized by spastic

384triplegia (three severely im paired limbs, his right arm and

394both legs).

396Physically, Adrian is still unable to walk on his own and uses

408a wheelchair. He is unable to perform most acti vities of dail y

421living including bathing, brushing his teeth, dressing, and using

430the bathroom without assistan ce. Cognitive ly, he shows


448March 25, 2008

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453significant pervasive develo pmental delays. Given his

460handicaps, Adrian is expected never to be mainstreamed in a

470regular classroom, to achi eve independent ambulation, to

478have any earning capacity, or to live independently.

486The life care plan projects a cost of $9,096 ,782 for Adrian's

499medical care, therapies, surger ies, transportation, supplies,

506medications, equipm ent, residential m odifications, and

513attendant care.

515LITIGATION HISTORY: In 2004, a civil suit for damages was filed on behalf of Adrian in

531Broward County circuit court. In a 2005 partial settlement, the

541employer for the midwife agr eed to pay $250,000. In a

553subsequent partial settlement, in 2006, the radiologist and his

562group agreed to pay $2,000,000 into a special needs trus t

575created for the benefit of Adrian. In July 2007, the court entered

587a consent final judgment approv ing the settlement with the

597SBHD for $1,800,000. Of that amount, $200,000 was paid,

609leaving the remaining balance of $1,600,000 subject to this

620claim bill. All Medicaid liens were paid from the proceeds of the


633CLAIMANT’S POSITION: The claim bill should be approved. Liability is admitted. I f

646approved, the total recovery from all parties will be $4,050,000, approximately half of the projected life care plan


667SBHD’S POSITION: SBHD'S counsel conceded that eith er its employee at the hospital

680who was given the "STAT fax" order, or its employee at the clini c

694who failed to alert a nurse midwif e or doctor of its receipt mus t

709have been negligent.

712CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: Competent substantial evidence supports the conclusion that

722Adrian Fuentes disabilities are the result of the failure to

732deliver him before his mother loss amniotic fluid, or up to an

744estimated 12hours earlier. An earlier delivery was the

752standard of care expected in a case of IUGR. His

762permanent and severe disabilities were directly and

769proximately caused by the failu re of SBHD employees to

779handle an ultrasound repor t expeditiously as directed and as

789their policy provided.

792ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND In compliance with s. 768.28(8), F.S., but not with Section 3

806LOBBYISTS’ FEES: of this claim bill, Claimant's attorneys' fees are set at 25

819percent. There is no lobbyist for the bill at this time. As o f


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847October 9, 2007, the attorn eys reported having incurred

856costs of $115,246.02 for representing the Claimant. The

865Claimants entered into an agreement to pay attorneys’ fees

874and costs.

876RECOMMENDATIONS: For the reasons set forth in this report, I recommend that

888Senate Bill 60 (2008) be reported FAVORABLY.

895Respectfully submitted,

897Eleanor M. Hunter

900Senate Special Master

903cc: Senator Jeremy Ring

907Representative Evan Jenne

910Faye Blanton, Secr etary of the Senate

917House Committee on Constitution and Civil Law

924Tom Thomas, House Special Master

929Counsel of Record

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Date: 05/02/2008
Proceedings: End of 2008 Regular Session. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/25/2008
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/25/2008
Proceedings: Special Master`s Final Report released (transmitted to Senate President [March 25, 2008]).
Date: 02/20/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Tom Thomas from Neal Roth regarding law firm cost statement and a copy of the Contract for Lobbyist Services filed.
Date: 02/05/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Roth from T. Thomas regarding additional information needed filed.
Date: 11/16/2007
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/13/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Hunter and Mr. Thomas from T. Aubin regarding claims bill money filed.
Date: 10/25/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 16, 2007; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Lauderdale, FL).
Date: 10/16/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for October 25, 2007; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 10/15/2007
Proceedings: Document Notebook (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/12/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Hunter from T. Aubin regarding the Claims Bill being sought by the plaintiffs filed.
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Parties from T. Thomas advising that he has been appointed as Special Master for Senate Bill 60 filed.
Date: 09/25/2007
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Senate Special Master Hunter regarding serving as the Special Master for the above claim bill.
Date: 09/17/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 09/17/2007
Proceedings: Senate Bill 60 filed.
Date: 09/17/2007
Proceedings: Letter to Tom Thomas from Speaker Marco Rubio appointing Special Master filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Contract Hearings


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):