07-004397 Worldwide Research Services Corp. vs. Department Of Financial Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, December 6, 2007.

View Dockets  
Summary: Dismissal based on the discussion of lack of jurisdiction to decide contract disputes and untimeliness of the petition.




12CORP., )


15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 0 7 - 4397





34Respondent , )


37and )







61Intervenors. )



68This cause may be determined upon the pleadings.

76Accordingly, no preliminary statement has be en provided .


881. On August 15, 2007, Respondent, Department of Financial

97Services (DFS) entered a Notice of Intent (the agency's proposed

107final agency action) to the effect that it proposed to enter a

119final order approving the claim for u nclaimed property filed by

130“ Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave as Trustees of

140the Florence Alice Cassidy Trust for the benefit of Peter

150Cassidy ” and to withhold no amount on behalf of Petitioner. The

162certificate of service of that Intent is d ated August 16, 2007 ,

174as evidenced by its attachment to the Department's Motion to

184Dismiss .

1862. The Notice of Intent was received by Petitioner on

196August 20, 2007, as evidenced by a signed "return receipt

206requested" form , a copy of which is attached to th e Department's

218Motion to Dismiss .

2223. On September 11, 2007, Petitioner filed its Petition

231with DFS. The date of receipt by the Agency is evidenced by the

244Agency’s date stamp on the Petition , a copy of which is attached

256to the Department's Motion to Dism iss .

2644. On or about September 24, 2007, the cause was referred

275to the Division of Administrative Hearings and assigned to the

285undersigned. Enclosed in the referral packet was Respondent

293Agency's timely Motion to Dismiss with all attached exhibits .

3035. On October 3, 2007, an Order was entered, pointing out

314(to Petitioner) that Respondent Agency's Motion to Dismiss had

323been incorporated in the Agency referral packet received at the

333Division on or about September 24, 2007, and that, in an

344abundance of caut ion , Petitioner was being granted 12 days from

355October 3, 2007 (that is, until October 15, 2007), to file any

367response in opposition to the Agency’s Motion to Dismiss .

377Petitioner filed no timely response. On October 25, 2007, an

387Order was entered ta k ing the Agency’s Motion to Dismiss under


4006. On September 28, 2007, the “ Response of Jennifer

410Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave ” was filed.

419This item has been treated as the Trust’s m otion to i ntervene .

433B y another October 3, 2007 Or der , Petitioner and Respondent w ere

446granted the time provided in Florida Administrative Code Rule

45528 - 106.204 , in which to respond in support or opposition to the

468Trust’s motion to intervene. This would have been 12 days from

479the date of the October 3, 200 7, Order. Respondent Agency filed

491a timely response in support of the Trust’s intervention.

500Petitioner has filed nothing to date.

5067. On October 11, 2007, the Trust filed a Motion to

517Dismiss , incorporating by reference Respondent's Motion to

524Dismiss and relating that the Trust had declined to sign a power

536of a ttorney to Petitioner which would have required it to pay

548more than 40 percent of the value of the unclaimed asset here at

561issue . Petitioner filed no timely response .

5698. Because it appeared that the Trust had served its two

580motions upon Petitioner by e - mail and to a street address which

593was not Petitioner’s street address of record before the

602Division of Administrative Hearings, the undersigned, in an

610abundance of caution, utilized the following p rocedure to ensure

620that Petitioner would have every opportunity to respond to those

630motions or object to any of the exhibits attached to any motion .

643By attachments to an Order entered October 25, 2007, the Trust’s

654Motion to Intervene and Motion to Dismiss were re - served upon

666Petitioner by U.S. Mail at the Petitioner’s correct street

675address of record before the Division. The Order further

684invited a timely response per rule. A timely response would

694have to have been filed with the Division on or before

705N ovember 6, 2007. Petitioner filed no timely response in

715opposition, and has filed nothing to date.

7229. On November 6, 2007, an Order was entered , granting the

733Trust’s m otion to i ntervene and taking the Trust’s M otion to

746D ismiss under advisement.

75010. Th is Recommended Order of Dismissal is entered without

760oral argument, as permitted by Florida Administrative Code Rule

76928 - 106.204.

7721 1 . The pleadings of record show that on or about

784April 12, 2006, " P. (Peter) Cassidy " had executed a written

794p ower of a ttorn ey to Petitioner Corporation restricted to

805authorizing Petitioner to effect distribution of assets legally

813belonging to the estate of his father, Jerome G. Cassidy, to

824which Peter was legally entitled as sole legal beneficiary. The

834agreement specified a f ee of $6,845.57 to Petitioner and a net

847of $10,000.00 to Peter. However, Peter, in proper person, was

858not the legal owner of the asset . The Florence Alice Cassidy

870Trust for the benefit of Peter Cassidy , is the beneficiary.

88012. Oral agreements are recogn ized by the Florida Statutes

890as follows:

892Section 717.1381

894(a) Any oral or written agreement or power

902of attorney for compensation or gain or in

910the expectation of compensation or gain,

916that includes an unclaimed property account

922valued at more than $250 which was made on

931or before 45 days after the holder or

939examination report was processed and added

945to the unclaimed property database,

950subsequent to a determination that the

956report was accurate and that the reported

963property was the same as the remitted

970pr operty, is void as contrary to public


979(b) Any oral or written purchase agreement

986that includes an unclaimed property account

992valued at more than $250, owned by another

1000and made on or before 45 days after the

1009holder or examination report was proce ssed

1016and added to the unclaimed property

1022database, subsequent to a determination that

1028the report was accurate and that the

1035reported property was the same as the

1042remitted property, is void as contrary to

1049public policy.

1051(2) A person may not enter into a po wer of

1062attorney or an agreement, or make

1068solicitation to enter into a power of

1075attorney or an agreement, that is void under

1083this section.

10851 3 . However , there is nothing in Chapter 717 , Florida

1096Statutes, that makes the Department or the Division the

1105determ inor of such oral agreements.

11111 4 . The Petition herein represents that an oral agreement

1122existed between Petitioner and Intervenors (the Trust) , whereby

1130the Trust as "Claimant" agreed to pay Petitioner a "fee" or

"1141costs" (the Petition uses both terms) for the Petitioner's

1150services for locating the account (asset) at issue; for

1159obtaining the necessary documents to successfully claim the

1167account; and by Petitioner doing any and all other acts

1177necessary in the procurement of any additional items as might be

1188re quired for Petitioner to file a complete claim on Intervenors'


12001 5 . Petitioner bases th e instant claim on a February 9,

12132007, e - mail transmission from Intervenors to Petitioner and the

1224circumstances surrounding it, the most notable circumstance

1231b eing that prior to th e February 9 , 2007, e - mail, Petitioner had

1246advised Intervenors that all necessary documents had been

1254secured and would be forwarded to them .

126216. The Trust's February 9, 2007, e - mail reads:

1272I can confirm however that I have now

1280obt ained a certified death certificate for

1287Mr. Cassidy which has a similar seal to th a t

1298which you describe. All the documents I

1305shall be sending you, including the death

1312certificates for Mr. & Mrs. Cassidy, will be

1320copies of the originals and which will have

1328been certified and sealed by a Notary

1335Public. You have confirmed that the copy

1342[sic] driving licenses of Mr. & Mrs.

1349Margrave which I will provide as proof of

1357identity do not need to be certified.

1364Perhaps you would kindly confirm that all

1371the above will be in order and on receipt of

1381the document by mail you will be able to

1390complete the claim. Perhaps you could also

1397let me know how long completion of the claim

1406and issue of the funds will take.

1413On a final note I, like you, have been

1422christened with the m ale version of my name

1431but am in fact Mrs. Gabriel Gray!

14381 7 . Petition er also relies on its own February 12, 2007,

1451e - mail transmission to Intervenors, which sets forth as follows:

1462As a reminder, the Limited Powers of

1469Attorney must also accompany the docum ents .

1477. .

1479Upon receipt of the documents and Limited

1486Powers of Attorney the claim will be

1493submitted for approval.

14961 8 . Intervenors /Trustees and their English solicitor never

1506execute d a written power of attorney on behalf of the T rust .

152019 . On or about M arch 19, 2007, Intervenors filed their

1532own claim , as Trustees of the Florence Alice Cassidy Trust for

1543the B enefit of Peter Cassidy , for the unclaimed property of

1554Jerome G. Cassidy. Intervenors have presented documentation to

1562satisfy the Agency that Jerome Cassidy pre - deceased his spouse,

1573Florence Alice Cassidy, who is also deceased; that both Jerome

1583and Florence died in England; that Ms. Margrave is the personal

1594representative of the estate of Florence Alice Cassidy for the

1604benefit of Peter Cassidy, who is the son of the decedents .

1616Ms. Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave a re trustee s o f the

1629discretionary trust.

163120. The Petition represents that it would have been

1640impossible for Intervenors to have obtained the necessary

1648origination of the asset (bank acc ount) in question using the

1659Respondent Agency's database alone.

16632 1 . Upon the foregoing and other information, Respondent

1673Agency has determined that Petitioner has no standing and that

1683disbursement of the asset should be made exclusively to the

1693Trust/ Inter venors.


16992 2 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1708jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this case

1718only pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

1726Statutes (2006).

17282 3 . The Agency's Motion to Dismiss is based on the

1740concepts that: (a) the Petition was untimely; (b) Petitioner

1749does not have standing because no injury in fact can be

1760demonstrated, and the injury is not of a type or nature that

1772this proceeding is designed to protect; (c) the filing of the

1783claim b y the Intervenors had the effect of revoking the alleged

1795oral power of attorney; and (d) neither the Respondent Agency,

1805nor the Division of Administrative Hearings has statutory

1813authority to adjudicate the merits of private oral contracts.

18222 4 . The certifi ed mail receipt shows that the Notice of

1835Intent (proposed final agency action) was received by Petitioner

1844on August 20, 2007. The Agency's date stamp on the Petition

1855shows it was received by the Agency on September 11, 2007.

1866Twenty - one days from August 2 0, 2007, would have been

1878September 10, 2007. Therefore, the Petition was late by one

1888day. Petitioner has had every opportunity to explain any

1897legally cognizable reason for this tardiness and has not done

1907so. Therefore, the case should be dismissed pursu ant to Section

1918120.569(2)(c), Florida Statutes.

19212 5 . Regardless of any power of attorney from Peter, there

1933is no power of attorney or written agreement/contract between

1942the Trust/Intervenors and Petitioner. Petitioner here attempts

1949to exercise an "oral co ntract," based upon an e - mail pre - dating

1964the blank power of attorney Petitioner sent to Intervenors,

1973which power of attorney was never signed by them in any of their

1986official capacities . F or that matter, the power of attorney

1997sent to the Trustees was neve r signed at all. From the record

2010as a whole, it would appear that even Petitioner recognized that

2021without an executed power of attorney from the correct party,

2031Petitioner had no enforceable contract.

20362 6 . The proposed final agency action herein involves w ho

2048is entitled to receive the proceeds of Peter Cassidy’s

2057ancestors' funds which remain located in the State of Florida.

2067That is a decision of the Agency subject to its jurisdiction ,

2078and may be referred to the Division .

20862 7 . However, Petitioner seeks to h ave a contract dispute

2098between itself and the trust for Peter Cassidy resolved in this

2109forum. Be it an oral or written contract, the resolution of

2120contract disputes is the exclusive jurisdiction of Article V

2129courts. Even though Chapter 717 contains langu age that a

2139circuit court might apply in order to declare that an oral

2150contract existed or did not exist between these parties , Chapter

2160717 , cannot vary the constitutional jurisdiction of a circuit

2169court for applying that statutory language.

21752 8 . This case may be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction ,

2187based on untimeliness of the Petition and upon lack of subject

2198matter jurisdiction. Therefore, it is not necessary to address

2207the remainder of the issues or any other arguments raised by the

2219Respondent’s and Inte rvenors’ Motions to Dismiss.


2228Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of

2238Law, it is

2241RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services enter

2249a final order dismissing the Petition herein.

2256DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December , 200 7 , in

2267Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




2277Administrative Law Judge

2280Division of Administrative Hearings

2284The DeSoto Building

22871230 Apalachee Parkway

2290Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2295(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2303Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2310Filed with the Clerk of the

2316Division of Administrative Hearings

2320this 6th day of December , 200 7 .


2330Paul C. Stadler, Jr., Esquire

2335Department of Financial Services

2339200 E. Gaines Street

2343Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

2348Gerald E. Daugherty

2351Worldwide Research Services Corporation

23553221 Hansen Court

2358Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2361Anthony Richard Margrave

2364Jennifer Christine Margrave

2367Courtyard Entrance, the Old Post Office

23731 30 Epsom Road, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2PX

2382Honorable Alex Sink

2385Chief Financial Officer

2388Department of Financial Services

2392The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2397Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300

2402Daniel Sumner, General Counsel

2406Department of Financial Services

2410T he Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2416Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0300


2427All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

243715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2448to this Recommended Order sh ould be filed with the agency that

2460will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 12/31/2007
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 12/28/2007
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/19/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Additional Authority filed.
Date: 12/10/2007
Proceedings: Notice to the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 12/06/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/06/2007
Proceedings: Recommended Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/14/2007
Proceedings: Notice to the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 11/08/2007
Proceedings: Order (Jennifer Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Hargrave is treated as a motion to intervene and granted).
Date: 10/26/2007
Proceedings: Notice to the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 10/25/2007
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner is granted time provided by rule to respond in writing to motions, after that period of time, a ruling will be entered on the respective motions) .
Date: 10/25/2007
Proceedings: Order (Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss is taken under advisement, and oral argument will not be scheduled unless, in the discretion of the undersigned oral argument seems necessary).
Date: 10/11/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Petition filed.
Date: 10/08/2007
Proceedings: Response in Support of the Motion to Intervene by Jennifer Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave as Trustees of the Florence Alice Cassidy Trust filed.
Date: 10/04/2007
Proceedings: Notice to the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 10/03/2007
Proceedings: Order (Response of Jennifer C. Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave, as Trustees of the Florence Alice Cassidy Trust will be treated as a Motion to Intervene).
Date: 10/03/2007
Proceedings: Order (response shall be filed within 21 days from the date of this Order).
Date: 10/01/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Petition filed.
Date: 09/28/2007
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order (exhibits not shown) filed.
Date: 09/28/2007
Proceedings: Response of Jennifer Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave and Request to Intervene (Jennifer Christine Margrave and Anthony Richard Margrave) filed.
Date: 09/24/2007
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Petition filed.
Date: 09/24/2007
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 09/24/2007
Proceedings: Notice of Intent filed.
Date: 09/24/2007
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 09/24/2007
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):