08-001827F Sheryl Lyn Braxton And Braxton Designers vs. Department Of Business And Professional Regulation
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, January 26, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Actions taken by probable cause panel were not substantially justified. Fees are awarded to Petitioner pursuant to to Florida Equal Access to Justice Act.






17Petitioners, )


20vs. ) Case No. 08-1827F





35Respondent. )



40A hearing was held pursuant to notice on October 24, 2008,

51via video teleconference with locations in Tallahassee and

59Jacksonville, Florida, before Barbara J. Staros, a duly-

67appointed Administrative Law Judge.


72For Petitioner: Christopher A. White, Esquire

78Reziecsek, Frazer, Hastings,

81White & Shafer

844230 Pablo Professional Court

88Suite 200

90Jacksonville, Florida 32224

93For Respondent: David Minacci, Esquire

98Smith, Thompson, Shaw

101& Manausa, P.A.

1043520 Thomasville Road

107Tallahassee, Florida 32309-3469


114Whether Petitioners are entitled to an award of attorney's

123fees and costs pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida Statutes.


134On April 8, 2008, Petitioners, Sheryl Braxton and Braxton

143Designers (hereinafter Braxton), 1/ filed a Supplemental Motion

151for Attorney's Fees and costs, an Affidavit of Petitioners’

160attorney regarding attorney’s fees, and supporting fee

167statement. The Motion requests an award of fees incurred by

177Braxton in litigating the underlying merits case (hereinafter

185“merits case”) styled, Department of Business and Professional

193Regulation v. Sheryl Lyn Braxton and Braxton Designers , DOAH

202Case No. 07-4001 (Order Closing File entered on October 19,

2122007; agency Closing Order issued November 5, 2007). 2/

221On April 18, 2008, Respondent (Petitioner in the merits

230case), Department of Business and Professional Regulation

237(Department), filed a Response to Respondents’ Supplemental

244Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs (Response). In the

253Response, the Department asserted that the Supplemental Motion

261for Attorney’s Fees was untimely. The Department further

269asserted that its actions in finding probable cause and issuing

279an Administrative Complaint in the merits case were

287substantially justified and, therefore, an award of attorney’s

295fees would be unjust.

299On June 3, 2008, the parties filed a Stipulated Motion for

310Court to Rule on Issue of Timeliness of Request for Attorney

321Fees. A telephonic hearing was conducted on the Stipulated

330Motion on June 10, 2008.

335On June 30, 2008, the undersigned entered an Order on Issue

346of Timeliness, finding that Braxton’s Motion for Attorney’s Fees

355and Costs, as supplemented, was timely filed. The case was

365scheduled for final hearing on August 25, 2008. The Department

375filed a Motion to Continue Hearing, which was granted. The

385hearing was rescheduled for October 24, 2008, and was heard as


397At the commencement of the hearing, the Department

405stipulated that Braxton is the prevailing party from the merits

415case and is a small business party for purposes of Section

42657.111, Florida Statutes.

429At hearing, Braxton presented the testimony of Sheryl Lyn

438Braxton and the Department presented the testimony of Dwight

447Chastain. Joint Exhibits numbered 1 through 24 were admitted

456into evidence.

458A Transcript consisting of one volume was filed on

467November 10, 2008. Braxton filed an unopposed Motion for

476Extension of Time in which to file proposed final orders. The

487Motion was granted. The parties timely filed Proposed Final

496Orders, which have been considered in preparation of this Final


507Unless otherwise specified, all references are to the 2007

516version of the Florida Statutes.


524Stipulated Facts

5261. On or about May 14, 2007, the Department filed an

537Administrative Complaint alleging that Respondents in the merits

545case held themselves out as interior designers.

5522. On or about August 15, 2007, Braxton filed an Election

563of Rights requesting a formal hearing.

5693. On October 15, 2007, Braxton filed a Motion for

579Attorney’s Fees and Costs.

5834. On or about October 18, 2007, the Department filed a

594Motion to Dismiss Formal Hearing based on the parties’ agreement

604that the case would be resubmitted to the Probable Cause Panel

615with the recommendation of dismissal.

6205. On or about October 19, 2007, the Division of

630Administrative Hearings entered an Order Closing File.

6376. On or about November 5, 2007, the case was presented to

649the Probable Cause Panel and a Closing Order was entered.

6597. On or about December 18, 2007, a letter was sent to

671Braxton’s attorney indicating the matter was closed and no

680further action was required. However, the letter did not

689enclose a copy of the Probable Cause Panel Closing Order.

6998. On March 3, 2008, Braxton sent a letter to the

710Department’s counsel asking for a copy of “any final action

720taken by the Probable Cause Panel.”

7269. On or about March 7, 2008, a copy of the closing order

739was faxed to counsel for Braxton.

74510. On or about April 7, 2008, Braxton filed a

755Supplemental Motion of Attorney’s Fees and Costs.

762Facts Based Upon the Evidence of Record

76911. In the Motion and Supplemental Motion, Braxton seeks

778relief under the Florida Equal Access to Justice Act, Section

78857.111, Florida Statutes.

79112. There is no dispute that Braxton is a small business

802party for purposes of Subsection 57.111(4)(a), Florida Statutes.

81013. There is no dispute that Braxton is the prevailing

820party in the underlying merits case.

82614. There is no dispute that the fees and costs set forth

838in the April 7, 2008, affidavit filed with the Supplemental

848Motion for Attorney’s Fees and Costs are reasonable. The

857undersigned has reviewed the Supplemental Affidavit as to

865Attorney’s Fees and Costs filed on October 27, 2008, and the

876Second Supplemental Affidavit as to Attorney’s Fees and Costs

885filed on December 10, 2008, and finds the fees and costs

896contained therein to be reasonable.

90115. Dwight Chastain is an investigator for the Department

910and, while employed by a private law firm, investigates

919complaints concerning the Board of Architecture and Interior

927Design. In December 2006, Mr. Chastain received a complaint

936letter regarding Petitioner herein, Sheryl Lyn Braxton. The

944complaint letter was addressed to the law firm for which

954Mr. Chastain is employed. The letter alleged that Ms. Braxton

964represented herself to the public as an interior designer, and

974that the complainant could find no evidence that she held a

985license “specifically that of an interior designer as

993represented in attached CBS website, is held either by her

1003personally or her company “Braxton Designs.” Attached to the

1012complaint letter is a page purportedly from the website,

1021CBS.com, specifically a link from the television show, “Big

1030Brother 2.”

103216. Additionally, the complaint letter alleged that

1039Ms. Braxton had verbally represented to "many individuals" that

1048she had performed interior design work for Ivana and Donald

1058Trump at the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.

106517. While the letter contains a signature, it is

1074impossible to decipher the writer’s last name, and Mr. Chastain

1084considered the signature to be illegible. Further, the letter

1093did not contain a return address or a telephone number. Because

1104the writer’s name is illegible and there was no contact

1114information in the letter, the complaint letter is essentially


112418. The printed page attached to the complaint letter from

1134the CBS website identifies a participant on the show as

1144“Sheryl,” with no last name mentioned, from Ponte Vedre Beach,

1155Florida. Under the heading “personal profile,” her occupation

1164is listed as interior designer. The copyright date at the

1174bottom of the page is “MMIII,” which is 2003, although

1185Ms. Braxton participated in the Big Brother show in 2001.

119519. The name “Braxton Interiors” does not appear on the

1205printout from the CBS website.

121020. Also attached to the complaint letter is a page

1220purportedly from the myflorida.com website showing that Sheryl

1228Lyn Braxton held a current real estate license and was employed

1239by Florida Network LLC, a real estate corporation.

124721. Mr. Chastain could not decipher the signature on the

1257letter and, therefore, did not attempt to contact the

1266complainant. He did a fictitious name search of and did not

1277find anything under the name of Braxton Designs, Braxton

1286Designers or Sheryl Lyn Braxton.

129122. Mr. Chastain searched the Department's database and

1299found that Sheryl Lyn Braxton was not licensed by the Board of

1311Architecture and Interior Design.

131523. Mr. Chastain also went to the CBS website and found

1326the page referencing “Sheryl” more fully described above in

1335paragraph 18.

133724. There is nothing in the record to indicate that

1347Mr. Chastain called CBS to seek any information which

1356Ms. Braxton submitted to CBS about herself, i.e. , whether she

1366actually held herself out to be an interior designer to CBS.

137725. Mr. Chastain acknowledged at hearing that in his

1386he found nothing indicating that Ms. Braxton held herself out to

1397anyone as an interior designer. There is nothing in the record

1408to indicate that Mr. Chastain spoke to anyone who confirmed the

1419allegations in the complaint letter that Ms. Braxton verbally

1428held herself out to anyone that she was an interior designer.

143926. On January 5, 2007, Mr. Chastain wrote a letter to

1450Ms. Braxton informing her that the Board of Architecture and

1460Interior Design had initiated a complaint investigation as to

1469allegations that she was using the title “interior designer," or

1479words to that effect, without a valid license. The letter also

1490informs her that “[y]ou have 20 days to respond in writing or

1502you may contact me at (850) 402-1570. My email address is

1513dwightc@stslaw.com .”

151527. Ms. Braxton called Mr. Chastain’s office and left two

1525voice mail messages for him, neither of which he received.

1535Regardless of the circumstances of Ms. Braxton’s response to the

1545letter, Mr. Chastain proceeded with the belief that she had not

1556responded to his letter. 3/

156128. Mr. Chastain wrote an Investigative Report which was

1570provided to the Probable Cause Panel. The report read in

1580pertinent part:

1582Alleged Violation: FS481.223(1)(c) use of

1587the name or title “interior designer”, or

1594words to that effect, without a valid state


1603Synopsis: This investigation was based on a

1610consumer complaint in which it is alleged

1617that subject appeared on the CBS television

1624show Big Brother Show link, identifies her

1631as an interior designer. Complainant

1636alleges subject does business under the name

1643Braxton Design and that she has verbally

1650represented herself to “many individuals”

1655that she has been involved in the interior

1663design of many high-profile residential and

1669commercial buildings. (Exhibit 1)

1673Subject is not licensed as an interior

1680designer in Florida, but is licensed as a

1688real estate sales associate. Braxton design

1694is not a registered corporation or

1700fictitious name with the Florida Secretary

1706of State. (Exhibit 2)

1710Subject was notified of this investigation

1716by letter dated January 5, 2007, but failed

1724to respond. The letter was not returned

1731undelivered. (Exhibit 3)

1734Meeting of Probable Cause Panel

173929. The Probable Cause Panel met on May 14, 2007, during

1750which the Braxton case was considered. The packet of materials

1760which the panel members received regarding the Braxton case

1769consists of a memorandum to the panel members from the

1779prosecuting attorney regarding the case; another memorandum from

1787the prosecuting attorney to someone named Emory Johnson

1795regarding the case; a draft administrative complaint; a draft

1804Notice and Order to Cease and Desist; the investigative report

1814written by Mr. Chastain with three attachments: the complaint

1823letter with the page from the CBS website and printout showing

1834Ms. Braxton’s real estate licensure status; copies of licensing

1843and corporate registration information found by Mr. Chastain;

1851and the letter written by Mr. Chastain to Ms. Braxton notifying

1862her of the complaint.

186630. The transcript of the Probable Cause Panel concerning

1875the Braxton case reads as follows:

1881MR. MINACCI: Tab A-6, Sheryl Lyn Braxton,

1888Case Number 2007-000968. The subject is

1894unlicensed and held herself out as an

1901interior designer on the CBS television show

1908“Big Brother.” The subject failed to

1914respond to the investigation.

1918Recommendation, notice of order to cease and

1925desist, one count Administrative Complaint

1930for using the title “interior designer”

1936without a license.

1939MR. WIRTZ: Motion to accept counsel’s

1945recommendation for one count.

1949THE CHAIR: Second. Discussion. Hearing

1954none, all those in favor of the motion,

1962signify by saying aye.

1966(so signified by aye.)

1970THE CHAIR: Opposed, like sign.

1975(No response.)

1977THE CHAIR: Hearing none, the motion carries


1985MR. WIRTZ: She’s a big star. She can

1993afford 5,000 for the count plus costs.

2001THE CHAIR: Second. Recommendation has been

2007made and seconded. Discussion? Hearing

2012none, all those in favor of the

2019recommendation, signify by saying aye.

2024(So signified by aye.)

2028THE CHAIR: Opposed, like sign.

2033(No response.)

2035THE CHAIR: Hearing none, the recommendation


2042MR. HALL: Shall we send a copy of the

2051complaint to CBS?

2054THE CHAIR: If you would like to.

2061THE [sic] HALL: We certainly can.

2067MR. Wirtz: I think we should.

207331. An Administrative Complaint was filed against Sheryl

2081Lyn Braxton and Braxton Designers with the Department’s clerk on

2091May 21, 2007, which began the underlying merits case.


210332. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2110jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties to this

2119proceeding. §§ 57.111 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. (2008)

212733. Attorney's fees have been sought by Petitioners in

2136this matter pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida Statutes, the

2145Equal Access to Justice Act.

215034. The legislative intent for enacting the Equal Access

2159to Justice Act is provided in Subsection 57.111(2), Florida

2168Statutes, which provides the following:

2173(2) The Legislature finds that certain

2179persons may be deterred from seeking review

2186of, or defending against, unreasonable

2191governmental action because of the expense

2197of civil actions and administrative

2202proceedings. Because of the greater

2207resources of the state, the standard for an

2215award of attorney's fees and costs against

2222the state should be different from the

2229standard for an award against a private

2236litigant. The purpose of this section is to

2244diminish the deterrent effect of seeking

2250review of, or defending against,

2255governmental action by providing in certain

2261situations an award of attorney's fees and

2268costs against the state.

227235. In pertinent part, Subsection 57.111(4)(a), Florida

2279Statutes, provides the following:

2283(4)(a) Unless otherwise provided by law, an

2290award of attorney's fees and costs shall be

2298made to a prevailing small business party

2305in any adjudicatory proceeding or

2310administrative proceeding pursuant to

2314chapter 120 initiated by a state agency,

2321unless the actions of the agency were

2328substantially justified or special

2332circumstances exist which would make the

2338award unjust . (emphasis supplied)

234336. Subsection 57.111(3)(c), Florida Statutes, defines a

"2350prevailing small business party" as follows:

2356(c) A small business party is a "prevailing

2364small business party" when:

23681. A final judgment or order has been

2376entered in favor of the small business party

2384and such judgment or order has not been

2392reversed on appeal or the time for seeking

2400judicial review of the judgment or order has


24092. A settlement has been obtained by the

2417small business party which is favorable to

2424the small business party on the majority of

2432issues which such party raised during the

2439course of the proceeding; or

24443. The state agency has sought a

2451voluntary dismissal of its complaint.

245637. There is no dispute that Braxton prevailed in the

2466underlying proceeding and that Braxton is a small business party

2476for purposes of Subsection 57.111(3), Florida Statutes.

248338. The term "substantially justified" is defined in

2491Subsection 57.111(3)(e), Florida Statutes, as follows:

2497(e) A proceeding is "substantially

2502justified" if it had a reasonable basis

2509in law and fact at the time it was

2518initiated by a state agency.

252339. In proceedings to establish entitlement to an award of

2533attorney's fees and costs pursuant to Section 57.111, Florida

2542Statutes, the initial burden of proof is on the party requesting

2553the award to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that

2564it prevailed in the underlying action and that it was a small

2576business party at the time the action was initiated. Once the

2587party requesting the award has met this burden, the burden

2597shifts to the agency to establish that its actions in

2607instituting the proceeding were substantially justified or that

2615special circumstances exist that would make an award of

2624attorney's fees and costs to Petitioner unjust. Helmy v.

2633Department of Business and Professional Regulation , 707 So. 2d

2642366, 368 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998).

264840. As there is no dispute that Petitioner is a prevailing

2659small business party, the Department bears the burden of

2668establishing that its actions in initiating this proceeding were

2677substantially justified. “The ‘substantially justified’

2682standard falls somewhere between the no justiciable issue

2690standard of Section 57.105 . . . and an automatic award of fees

2703to a prevailing party." Id.

270841. To be substantially justified, the government agency

2716must have a solid though not necessarily correct basis in fact

2727and law in its actions initiating the underlying case.

2736Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services v. S.G. ,

2744613 So. 2d 1380 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993).

275242. The actions in question are the finding of probable

2762cause and the issuance of the Administrative Complaint.

277043. In determining whether there was substantial

2777justification or a reasonable basis in law and fact, the

2787undersigned “need only examine the information before the

2795probable cause panel at the time it found probable cause and

2806directed the filing of an administrative complaint.” Department

2814of Health, Board of Physical Therapy Practice v. Cralle , 852 So.

28252d 930, 932 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003).

283244. In analyzing whether the Department had a solid basis

2842in law, it is appropriate to examine the law granting authority

2853to the Department to investigate complaints. Section 455.225,

2861Florida Statutes, provides the following in pertinent part:

2869(1)(a) The department, for the boards under

2876its jurisdiction, shall cause to be

2882investigated any complaint that is filed

2888before it if the complaint is in writing,

2896signed by the complainant, and legally

2902sufficient. . . . The department may

2909investigate an anonymous complaint if the

2915complaint is in writing and is legally

2922sufficient, if the alleged violation of law

2929is substantial, and if the department has

2936reason to believe, after preliminary

2941inquiry, that the violations alleged in the

2948complaint are true. (emphasis supplied)

295345. While the complaint letter was in writing, the

2962signature was illegible, and did not contain a telephone number

2972or address of the complainant. With no way to identify or

2983contact the complainant, the complaint was anonymous.

299046. The alleged violation of law is that Ms. Braxton

3000violated Section 481.223(1)(c), Florida Statutes, by holding

3007herself out as an interior designer when she was not licensed.

3018There is nothing in the record to indicate that the probable

3029cause panel believed that the allegations amounted to a

3038substantial violation of the law. No questions were asked of

3048the investigator or prosecuting attorney. The only comment of

3057substance concerned a panel member's perceived ability of

3065Braxton to pay a $5,000 fine and costs.

307447. Moreover, there was no preliminary inquiry made as

3083required by Section 455.225, Florida Statutes. The finding of

3092probable cause was based on allegations with no supporting

3101evidence to give any indication that the allegations contained

3110in the complaint letter were true. The printout from the CBS

3121website was not created by Ms. Braxton. It was created by a

3133third party, CBS. There is nothing in the record submitted to

3144the panel to indicate that CBS was contacted in at least an

3156attempt to verify that Ms. Braxton submitted anything to CBS

3166indicating that she was an interior designer. The

3174investigator’s limited research revealed nothing about a company

3182called Braxton Designs, which simply does not exist. Further,

3191there is nothing in the record submitted to the panel regarding

3202the “many persons” referenced in the complaint letter to

3211indicate that the violations alleged in the complaint are true.

3221Even if the complaint is not considered anonymous, "[t]o sustain

3231a probable cause determination there must be some evidence

3240considered by the panel that would reasonably indicate that the

3250violations alleged had indeed occurred." Kibler v. Department

3258of Professional Regulation , 418 So. 2d 1081 (Fla. 4th DCA 1982).

326948. Subsection 57.111(4)(a), Florida Statutes, also

3275affords the Agency an opportunity to avoid attorney’s fees if

3285special circumstances exist which would make such an award

3294unjust. The Department bears the burden of showing that special

3304circumstances exist. The Department’s response to the Motion

3312for Attorney’s Fees and Costs did not specifically address the

"3322special circumstances" prong of Subsection 57.111(4), Florida

3329Statutes, but the Proposed Final Order did. However, the

3338Department's argument in this regard is primarily based on

3347Braxton's response to the Administrative Complaint and

3354subsequent events all of which took place after the finding or

3365probable cause.

336749. The Department also argues that had Ms. Braxton

3376responded to the letter from Mr. Chastain, the case may have

3387been dismissed or resolved without the issuance of an

3396administrative complaint. However, the analysis herein was

3403based on whether the decision of the probable cause panel had a

3415reasonable basis in law and fact. Department of Health v.

3425Cralle , supra , 852 So. 2d 930, 932. This analysis took into

3436consideration that the probable cause panel believed that Ms.

3445Braxton had not responded to Mr. Chastain’s letter.

345350. The undersigned finds that based upon the foregoing,

3462there was not substantial justification or a reasonable basis in

3472law and fact and no special circumstances existed for the filing

3483of the Administrative Complaint.

348751. Accordingly, Sheryl Lyn Braxton is entitled to an

3496award of attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to Section 57.111,

3506Florida Statutes. The amount of fees and costs requested,

3515$13,201.56, is reasonable.


3520Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3529of Law, it is

3533ORDERED that Respondents' (Petitioners herein) Supplemental

3539Motion for Attorney’s Fees and Costs, as amended by the

3549Supplemental and Second Supplemental Affidavits, is granted.

3556The Department shall pay to Sheryl Lyn Braxton within 30 days of

3568the date of this Final Order the sum of $13,201.56 for

3580attorney’s fees and costs incurred by Petitioners herein

3588(Respondents in the underlying merits case) in DOAH Case

3597No. 07-4001.

3599DONE AND ORDERED this 26th day of January, 2009, in

3609Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3617Administrative Law Judge

3620Division of Administrative Hearings

3624The DeSoto Building

36271230 Apalachee Parkway

3630Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3633(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3637Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3642Filed with the Clerk of the

3648Division of Administrative Hearings

3652this 26th day of January, 2009.


36591/ While no business by the name of Braxton Designers exists,

3670the style of the case reflected Braxton Designers as a party as

3682it was a named party in the Administrative Complaint in the

3693underlying merits case.

36962/ Braxton filed a Motion for Attorney’s Fees and Costs on

3707October 19, 2007, in the merits case, Case No. 07-4001.

3717Petitioners herein were the Respondents and Respondent herein

3725was designated as the Petitioner in Case No. 07-4001.

37343/ There was considerable testimony as to whether Ms. Braxton

3744called the investigator after receiving his letter. However,

3752only those facts necessary to reflect what the probable cause

3762panel considered in its actions are recited here. See Department

3772of Health v. Cralle , supra , 852 So. 2d 930, 932.


3785Christopher A. White, Esquire

3789Reznicsek, Fraser, Hastings,

3792White & Shaffer, P.A.

37964230 Pablo Professional Court, Suite 200

3802Jacksonville, Florida 32224

3805David K. Minacci, Esquire

3809Smith, Thompson, Shaw & Manausa, P.A.

38153520 Thomasville Road, Fourth Floor

3820Tallahassee, Florida 32309

3823Ned Luczynski, General Counsel

3827Department of Business and

3831Professional Regulation

38331940 North Monroe Street

3837Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202

3840Nancy S. Terrel, Hearing Officer

3845Office of the General Counsel

3850Department of Business and

3854Professional Regulation

38561940 North Monroe Street

3860Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202


3869A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

3880entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

3889Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

3898of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3906filing the original Notice of Appeal with the agency Clerk of

3917the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied

3926by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

3937Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in

3948the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

3958appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

3971be reviewed.

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Date: 09/02/2009
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding a one-volume Transcript, along with Joint Exhibits numbered 1 through 24, to the agency.
Date: 01/26/2009
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/26/2009
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held October 24, 2008). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/11/2008
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/11/2008
Proceedings: (Petitioner`s) Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/10/2008
Proceedings: Second Supplemental Affidavit as to Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 12/10/2008
Proceedings: Supplemental Affidavit as to Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 12/10/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 11/20/2008
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (proposed recommended orders to be filed by December 11, 2008).
Date: 11/18/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 11/18/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 11/18/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Address (filed by Christopher White) filed.
Date: 11/12/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 11/10/2008
Proceedings: Transcript of Testimony and Proceedings filed.
Date: 10/27/2008
Proceedings: Supplemental Affidavit as to Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 10/24/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/27/2008
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 24, 2008; 10:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/27/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Staros from C. White regarding available dates for hearing filed.
Date: 08/21/2008
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 27, 2008).
Date: 08/21/2008
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 07/14/2008
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/14/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 25, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/11/2008
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Staros from C. White regarding available dates for hearing filed.
Date: 06/30/2008
Proceedings: Order on Issue of Timeliness.
Date: 06/12/2008
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing (parties to advise status by July 10, 2008).
Date: 06/10/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/03/2008
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion for Court to Rule on Issue of Timeliness of Request for Attorney Fees filed.
Date: 05/01/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 30, 2008; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/01/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 04/18/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Responsent`s(sic) Supplemental Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/18/2008
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/15/2008
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/14/2008
Proceedings: (Agency) Closing Order filed.
Date: 04/11/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Address filed.
Date: 04/08/2008
Proceedings: Respondent`s Affidavit filed.
Date: 04/08/2008
Proceedings: Affidavit filed.
Date: 04/08/2008
Proceedings: Respondents` Supplemental Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs filed. (FORMERLY DOAH CASE NO. 07-4001)
Date: 09/04/2007
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 09/04/2007
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/04/2007
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida
Department of Business and Professional Regulation


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