08-005447 Department Of Financial Services vs. Backflow Division Of Systems Groups, Inc. And Robert H. Richey, Sr., Individually And As President Of Backflow Division Of Systems Groups, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, February 26, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondents should cease and desist from inspecting backflow prevention devices until certified to do so.






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 08-5447






49INC., )



53Respondents. )



58Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was conducted in this

68case on January 5, 2009, in Tallahassee, Florida, before

77Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of the Division of

87Administrative Hearings.


90For Petitioner: Robert H. Richey, Sr., pro se

98Backflow Division of Systems Group, Inc.

1044803 34th Street West

108Bradenton, Florida 34210

111For Respondent: Regina M. Keenan, Esquire

117Department of Financial Services

121612 Larson Building

124200 East Gaines Street

128Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333


135The issue in this case is whether Respondents illegally or

145improperly conducted testing of backflow prevention devices on

153fire line assemblies, and, if so, whether Petitioner should

162issue a Cease and Desist Order.


170On September 17, 2009, Petitioner, Department of Financial

178Services ("Department"), issued a Notice of Intent to Issue

189Cease and Desist Order (the "Notice"). The Notice set forth

200various allegations of improper actions by Respondents, Backflow

208Division of Systems Groups, Inc., and Robert H. Richey, Sr.

218(hereinafter referred to jointly as "Respondents"). Respondents

226timely filed an Election of Rights seeking a formal

235administrative hearing. Respondents' request was forwarded to

242the Division of Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") on October 28,

2532008. At the final hearing, Petitioner called two witnesses:

262Casia Sinco, safety program manager for the Department's Bureau

271of Fire Prevention; and Chuck Spall, fire protection specialist

280for the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Respondents called one

289witness, Robert H. Richey, Sr. The parties stipulated to

298admission of all five of the Department's exhibits (pre-marked

307A through E) and all five of Respondents' exhibits (also

317pre-marked A through E). Each of the exhibits was received into


329Prior to commencement of the final hearing, the parties

338stipulated to certain enumerated allegations from the Notice.

346Those allegations will be set forth in the Findings of Fact


358Official Recognition is taken of the following:

365Declaratory Statement issued by the insurance commissioner, as

373state fire marshall, on August 2, 2002, in Case No. 60893-02-SP;

384and Sections 633.541 and 633.021, Florida Statutes. 1

392The parties advised the undersigned that a transcript would

401be ordered of the final hearing. They were given ten days from

413the date the transcript was filed at DOAH to submit proposed

424recommended orders. The Transcript of the hearing was filed on

434January 26, 2009. Each party submitted a Proposed Recommended

443Order, and they were given due consideration in the preparation

453of this Recommended Order.


4601. The Department, through its chief financial officer,

468who also acts as the state fire marshall, is the state agency

480responsible for, inter alia , the certification, licensing and

488monitoring of persons who engage in the business of layout,

498fabrication, installations, inspection, alteration, repair, or

504service of fire protection systems (other than pre-engineered


5132. Respondents 2 are licensed by the Florida Department of

523Business and Professional Regulation ("DBPR") as a certified

533plumbing contractor, License No. CFC054896-00012. Respondents

539are not certified by the Department to engage in the business of

551layout, fabrication, installations, inspection, alteration,

556repair, or service of fire protection systems (other than pre-

566engineered systems). As of the date of the final hearing,

576Respondents had not filed an application to be so certified.

5863. On or about June 29, 2006, Respondents conducted the

596annual Backflow Prevention Assembly Test inspection and

603maintenance on a backflow prevention device installed on a fire

613sprinkler fire line located at the University Park Country Club

623Clubhouse, 7651 and 7671 The Park Boulevard, University Park,

632Florida. The University Park Country Club Clubhouse is located

641within the Southern Manatee Fire and Rescue District.

6494. After performing the test at the University Park

658Country Club, Respondents issued a Backflow Prevention Assembly

666Test and Maintenance Report, and a copy was sent to the Manatee

678County Cross Connection Control Coordinator. At the conclusion

686of the test, Respondents determined the backflow device to be

696operating appropriately and placed an inspection tag on the


7065. On or about September 4, 2006, Respondents conducted

715the annual test on a backflow prevention device installed on a

726fire sprinkler fire line located at the Chiquita Banana

735Warehouse, 4610 18th Street East, Bradenton, Florida 34203. The

744warehouse is also located within the Southern Manatee Fire

753Rescue District.

7556. After performing the test, Respondents issued a

763Backflow Prevention Assembly Test and Maintenance Report. This

771report was also forwarded to the Manatee County Cross Connection

781Control coordinator. Respondents also placed an inspection tag

789on the backflow prevention device.

7947. On or about September 4, 2006, Respondents conducted

803the annual Backflow Prevention Assembly Test inspection and

811maintenance on a device located at the Manatee County Rural

821Health Services Treatment Center, 1515 26th Avenue East,

829Bradenton, Florida 34208. This center is also located within

838the Southern Manatee Fire Rescue District.

8448. Upon completion of the test, Respondents placed an

853inspection tag on the device and forwarded a Backflow Prevention

863Assembly Test and Maintenance Report to the Manatee County Cross

873Connection Control coordinator.

8769. On or about September 6, 2006, Respondents conducted

885the annual test on a backflow prevention device located at Sam's

896Warehouse Club, 5300 30th Street East, Bradenton, Florida 34203.

905The Sam's Warehouse Club is also located within the Southern

915Manatee Fire Rescue District.

91910. Upon completion of the test at Sam's Warehouse Club,

929Respondents placed an inspection tag on the device and forwarded

939a Backflow Prevention Assembly Test and Maintenance Report to

948the Manatee County Cross Connection Control coordinator.

95511. The backflow prevention devices inspected by

962Respondents are tied into domestic water lines which provide

971water to the surrounding community. It is imperative to keep

981the domestic water as clean and pure as possible. Backflow

991prevention devices serve the purpose of keeping contaminated or

1000unclean water from re-entering the domestic water lines. It is

1010extremely important that all backflow prevention devices be

1018inspected and maintained on a regular basis.

102512. Testing of backflow prevention devices on designated

1033fire lines (i.e., those lines connecting the domestic water line

1043to a sprinkler system or other fire prevention system) is done

1054by entities which have received a certification from the


106413. The Department requires certified individuals to carry

1072liability insurance coverage. The purpose of such coverage is

1081to ensure that there will be money to correct any mistakes made

1093by the certified inspectors. If a backflow system fails, the

1103Department will immediately inspect to determine if the

1111certified contractor made a mistake. If so, the contractor and

1121his insurer will be required to pay for all damages and

1132corrective action needed. The Department does not have any

1141authority over plumbing contractors who have not been certified

1150by the Department.

115314. Respondents routinely perform inspections and

1159maintenance on backflow prevention devices. Respondents do not,

1167in their own estimation, perform inspections on fire protection

1176systems . Respondents maintain that fire protection systems

1184start at a point just beyond the backflow prevention devices.

119415. Respondents are not certified by the Department to

1203perform inspections and maintenance on fire protection systems.

1211However, based on a letter from the Office of the Attorney

1222General to Ruth Tirado, executive director of the Florida

1231Association of Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Contractors,

1238Respondents believe they are authorized to inspect backflow

1246prevention devices that exist on a fire sprinkler line. The

1256letter, dated February 3, 2004, states in pertinent part:

1265Re: Your inquiry regarding back flow

1271prevention presented to the Construction

1276Industry Licensing Board at the meeting of

1283January 15, 2004.

1286* * *

1289After review, and based upon the

1295documentation presented, the Construction

1299Industry Licensing Board has determined that

1305back flow prevention is within the scope of

1313work of a plumbing contractor.

1318Please keep in mind that this opinion is

1326based solely on the facts set forth in your

1335letter and is not intended to be an opinion

1344of general applicability. Furthermore, the

1349Board has not conducted an independent

1355factual investigation to determine whether

1360other relevant facts do or may exist or

1368whether the facts set forth in your letter

1376may be governed by laws or rules other than

1385Chapter 489, Part I, Florida Statutes and

139261G4, Florida Administrative Code.

139616. It is clear the attorney general letter does seem to

1407place backflow prevention within the "scope of work" of a

1417plumbing contractor. However, there is no way to determine

1426whether the opinion included any limitations, restrictions, or

1434caveats, since the underlying letter it addresses was not placed

1444into evidence. Nor is there any distinction in the letter

1454concerning backflow prevention devices that are part of a fire

1464sprinkler line.

146617. In October 2006, Henry Sheffield, deputy fire chief

1475for the East Manatee Fire Rescue District, initiated a complaint

1485against three plumbers relating to "fire line backflow

1493preventers." A DBPR Uniform Complaint Form addressing one of

1502the plumbers (a Mr. Jackson) indicates an alleged violation of

1512Subsection 489.105(3), Florida Statutes. That statutory section

1519deals with the scope of work for various kinds of contractors.

1530A DBPR Uniform Complaint Form alleging violation of Section

1539633.021, Florida Statutes, is attached to the complaint form,

1548but the DBPR Uniform Complaint Form does not indicate whether it

1559relates to Mr. Jackson or one of the other plumbers. Also,

1570admitted into evidence is a DBPR letter indicating dismissal of

1580the complaint by one of the three plumbers (Mr. Wolf) relating

1591to alleged violations of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes.

159918. The complaints against the three plumbers in 2006 may

1609or may not be related to the same issues facing Respondents, but

1621there is no way to connect them based upon the evidence

1632presented at final hearing.

163619. The Department interprets Florida Administrative Code

1643Rule 69A-46.040(2) to mean that the "point of service" for

1653purposes of fire line backflow prevention to be the domestic

1663water line where the fire line is tied in. That is, once there

1676is a tie-in to the domestic water line, the Department has

1687jurisdiction. This interpretation is reasonable and is based on

1696the Department's experience over a number of years.

170420. Respondents maintain that the point of service begins

1713immediately after the backflow prevention device. Therefore,

1720they believe any work done on the backflow prevention device can

1731be performed by a licensed plumbing contractor whether they have

1741Department certification or not. This interpretation is not

1749supported by the evidence presented.

175421. Respondents did not intentionally violate any

1761provision of Chapter 633, Florida Statutes. All work performed

1770by Respondents was done under the apparent authority given them

1780by a state agency, the Construction Industry Licensing Board.


179222. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1799jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

1810proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsection 120.57(1),

1818Florida Statutes.

182023. The Department, who is asserting the affirmative of

1829the issue in this case, has the burden of proof. Ferris v

1841Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

184824. Section 633.541, Florida Statutes, states in pertinent


1857(1) It is unlawful for any organization or

1865individual to engage in the business of

1872layout, fabrication, installation,

1875inspection, alteration, repair, or service

1880of a fire protection system, other than a

1888preengineered system, act in the capacity of

1895a fire protection contractor, or advertise

1901itself as being a fire protection contractor

1908without having been duly certified and

1914holding a valid and existing certificate,

1920except as hereinafter provided. . . .

192725. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69A-46.040(2) states:

1934The complete system begins at the point-of-

1941service as defined in Section 633.021(16),

1947F.S., and ends at the most remote head

1955inside the facility.

195826. Subsection 633.021(19), Florida Statutes, defines the

1965point of service referred to in the above-cited Florida

1974Administrative Code Rule. The section states:

"1980Point of service" means the point at which

1988the underground piping for a fire protection

1995system as defined in this section using

2002water as the extinguishing agent becomes

2008used exclusively for the fire protection


201527. Subsection 633.021(9), Florida Statutes, defines fire

2022protection system.

2024A "fire protection system" is a system

2031individually designed to protect the

2036interior or exterior of a specific building,

2043structure, or other special hazard from

2049fire. Such systems include, but are not

2056limited to, water sprinkler systems, water

2062spray systems, foam-water sprinkler systems,

2067foam-water spray systems, CO2 systems, foam

2073extinguishing systems, dry chemical systems,

2078and Halon and other chemical systems used

2085for fire protection use. Such systems also

2092include any overhead and underground fire

2098mains, fire hydrant and hydrant mains,

2104standpipes and hoses connected to sprinkler

2110systems, sprinkler tank heaters, air lines,

2116thermal systems used in connection with fire

2123sprinkler systems, and tanks and pumps

2129connected to fire sprinkler systems.

213428. The Department interprets the above-referenced

2140statutory and rule language that any time a domestic water line

2151is tied into for the purpose of running a water line to a fire

2165protection system, such tie-in and any connections to it are

2175part of the fire protection system. Thus, the backflow

2184prevention device that ultimately leads to a sprinkler system

2193is, by Department definition, part of the fire protection

2202system. As such, only certified contractors are authorized to

2211inspect, maintain, repair or otherwise alter such a system.

222029. Agencies of the state have broad discretion in the

2230interpretation of statutes and rules they administer. See ,

2238e.g. , Natelson v. Department of Insurance , 454 So. 2d 31, 32

2249(Fla. 1st DCA 1984), citing Pan American World Airways, Inc. v.

2260Florida Public Service Commission and Florida Power and Light

2269Company , 427 So. 2d 716, 719 (Fla. 1983).

227730. The Department's interpretation is further supported

2284by a Declaratory Statement issued in Department of Insurance

2293Case Number 60893-02-SP, wherein the state fire marshall opined

2302that: "There is one point, and one point alone, at which the

2314underground piping becomes . . . 'used exclusively for the

2324sprinkler system'[;] That point is not necessarily the point at

2335which the underground water supply becomes used exclusively for

2344the sprinkler system[; and] If the underground piping becomes

2353used exclusively for the fire sprinkler system before the point

2363at which the backflow prevention device has been installed, then

2373that is the point of service."

237931. In effect, the fire marshall found that once a water

2390supply pipe has been tapped into for the purpose of directing

2401water toward a fire prevention device, the point of service had

2412been established. This comports with the Department's


242032. That being the case, the Department correctly holds

2429that only a certified contractor may provide maintenance and

2438inspection on backflow prevention devices that lead to a fire

2448sprinkler system. The Department has met its burden of proof in

2459this matter.


2462Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2472Law, it is

2475RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Petitioner,

2484Department of Financial Services, ordering Respondents, Backflow

2491Division of Systems Groups, Inc., and Robert H. Richey, Sr., to

2502cease and desist from performing inspections and maintenance of

2511backflow prevention devices on fire protection systems until

2519such time that Respondents obtain the required certification to

2528do so.

2530DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of February, 2009, in

2540Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2547Administrative Law Judge

2550Division of Administrative Hearings

2554The DeSoto Building

25571230 Apalachee Parkway

2560Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2563(850) 488-9675

2565Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2570Filed with the Clerk of the

2576Division of Administrative Hearings

2580this 26th day of February, 2009.


25871/ Unless otherwise stated herein, all references to Florida

2596Statutes shall be to the 2007 version.

26032/ Respondent Robert H. Richey, Sr. (also known as R. Shag

2614Richey), is the president, treasurer, secretary and registered

2622agent of Respondent Backflow Division of Systems Groups, Inc.


2634Honorable Alex Sink

2637Chief Financial Officer

2640Department of Financial Services

2644The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2649Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

2652Daniel Sumner, General Counsel

2656Department of Financial Services

2660The Capitol, Plaza Level 11

2665Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

2668Regina M. Keenan, Esquire

2672Department of Financial Services

2676612 Larson Building

2679200 East Gaines Street

2683Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2686Robert H. Richey, Sr.

2690Backflow Division of Systems Group, Inc.

26964803 34th Street West

2700Bradenton, Florida 34210


2709All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

271915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2730to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2741will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 04/07/2009
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/07/2009
Proceedings: Final Order filed.
Date: 02/26/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/26/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/26/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 5, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/09/2009
Proceedings: Statement of the Issue filed.
Date: 02/05/2009
Proceedings: Department`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/26/2009
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 01/05/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/31/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Request for Judicial Recognition and Witness and Exhibit List (attachments delivered separately) filed.
Date: 12/16/2008
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 12/11/2008
Proceedings: Request for Continuance filed.
Date: 11/14/2008
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/14/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 5, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/13/2008
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/13/2008
Proceedings: Department`s Separate Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/30/2008
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/30/2008
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Issue Cease and Desist Order filed.
Date: 10/30/2008
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 10/30/2008
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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