09-000090CB In Re: Senate Bill 522 (Merriweather) vs. *
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, May 8, 2009.

View Dockets  


10March 25, 2009

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15number of injuries in the crash, including fractured vertebrae

24and a spinal cord injury. He wa s temporarily paralyzed from

35the neck down.

38Mr. Merriweather was air-lift ed from the accident scene to

48Delray Medical Center wher e he spent four days in the

59intensive care unit (ICU). Mr. Merriweather was then

67transferred to St. Mary’s Hospital where he spent anothe r

77five days in ICU and more than three months in the

88hospital’s in-patient rehabilitat ion unit. After his discharge

96from the hospital, Mr. Merriw eather underwent approximately four months of out- patient rehabilitation.

110Mr. Merriweatherwas 41 years old at the time of the

120accident. He worked as a firefighter for Palm Beach County,

130and he also volunteered as an assistant basketball coach

139and mentored student-athletes at a local high school.

147Mr. Merriweatherhas not worked since the accident. He reached maximum medical improv ement in July 2006 with a

16562 percent overall impairment rating. His medical condition has remained essentially the same since that time.

181Mr. Merriweather has a number of significant physical limitations and neurologica l deficits. His range of motion is

199extremely limited and he has stiffness in his muscles. He is

210able to walk short distances, but he is unsteady on his feet

222so he has to use a wheelchair. He has sensory deficiencies

233and his fine motor skills are impaired. He also suffers from


245Mr. Merriweather does not have any significant cognitive

253deficiencies. Even though he has physical limitations, he

261lives by himself and is able to perform all activities of daily living (e.g., feeding, bathing, dressing, cooking cleaning)

280without any significant assistance. He is also able to drive

290and manage his financial affairs.

295Mr. Merriweather cannot work as a firefighter as a result o f

307his physical impairments. He is also not able to do many o f

320the other things that he used to enjoy doing, such as playing basketball and riding motorcycles.

336Mr. Merriweather earned approxim ately $80,000 per year in

346salary and benefits as a firefi ghter. After the accident, he


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371was placed on “extended leave” and he continued to receive his full salary for almost 18 months. This leave ended in

392April 2007, after which Mr. Merriweather “retired” due to his

402post-accident medical condition.

405Mr. Merriweatherlikely would ha ve worked another 10 to 15

415years as a firefighter had he not been injured in the accident.

427He would have been abl e to retire with full benefits after an

440additional 8 years as a firefighter.

446Mr. Merriweather receives al most $2,500 per month in

456pension benefits from Palm Be ach County based upon his

466service as a firefighter. He also receives approximately

474$1,900 per month in Social Security disability payments. He

484has been receiving these pay ments since approximately

492October 2008.

494Mr. Merriweather’s medical bills were covered by insurance

502that he had through his work as a firefighter. The insure r

514and the hospitals have asserted liens of in excess o f

525$500,000. The liens will be paid from the proceeds of the

537claim bill.

539An economist’s report estimated that Mr. Merriweather’s total

547economic damages (e.g., lost earnings, reduced retirement

554benefits, medical bills) were ap proximately $3.6 million. In

563my view, that amount is likel y overstated by atleast $1

574million because, among other thi ngs, the estimated future

583medical expenses in the “life care plan” (upon which the

593estimate was based) include experimental surgeries, full

600time aide and attendant care, and the cost of purchasing a

611wheel-chair accessible home, none of which appea r

619reasonably necessary based upon Mr. Merriweather’s

625condition and prognosis. Also , the economist assumed that

633Mr. Merriweatherhad no income after the accident even though, in fact, he continued to receive his full salary fo


653almost 18 months after the accident. The economist also assumed that Mr. Merriweather would continue to work as a

672firefighter until age 65 whereas Mr. Merriweathertestified in

680his deposition that he expected to retire at or before age 60.

692The damages estimated by t he economist do not include

702non-economic or “human damages ,” such as pain and

711suffering and Mr. Merriweather’s loss of the enjoyment o f

721life. Mr. Merriweather’s atto rney indicated that the non-


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744economic damages in this case would have beensignificant and that a jury verdict “would have easily been in the $15

764million to $30 million range.” Like wise, the District estimated

774the “jury exposure” of the claim to be between $10 million

785and $13 million. The estimates are not unreasonable unde


795the circumstances.

797In September 2008, t he School Board unanimously

805approved a $4 million settlement of Mr. Merriweather’s

813lawsuit against the District. T he District has already paid Mr.

824Merriweather$100,000. The settlement agreement requires

830the District to pay the remainin g $3.9 million over aperiod o f

843four years after the appr oval of a claim bill.

853The School Board did not set as ide money to pay the claim

866concurrent with the approval of the settlement. The District

875reported that the bill will be paid from its “general fund. . .,

888which would impact the School District’s ability to fund

897needed educational progr am[s].” The District also pointed

905out that it has lost more than $90 million in state funding

917since the start of the 2007-08 school year; that additional

927reductions (possibly as much as an additional $100 million)

936are expected for the 2009-10 school year; and that the District’s ad valorem tax revenues will likely be negatively

955impacted by recent declines in property values.

962The District’s most recent audite d financial statements reflect

971that as of June 30, 2008, the Dis trict had net assets of more

985than $2 billion. That figure in cludes estimated claims o f

996more than $23 million, which according to the notes to the financial statements, are refl ected on the District-wide

1015financial statements but not the fund-specific statements until they become due each year.

1028The financial statements also reflect that the District’s

1036General Fund hada balance of approximately $120.7

1043million. Approximat ely $48.5 million of that amount was

1052“undesignated” and an additional $39.4 million was

1059“designated for board contingency.”

1063Additionally, Note 12 to the fi nancial statements states that:

1073The District is involved in various lawsuits

1080arising in the ordinary c ourse of operations. In

1089the opinion of management, the District’s


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1109estimated aggregate liability with respect to probable losses has been provided for in the

1123estimated liability for insurance risks and

1129pending claims in the accompanying financial

1135statements, after giving consideration to the

1141District’s related insur ance coverage, as well

1148as the Florida statut ory limitations of

1155governmental liability on uninsured risks. It is

1162the opinion of management in consultation with

1169legal counsel, the final settlements of these

1176matters will not result in a material adverse effect on the financial pos ition of the District.

1193The bus driver was given a ticket for careless driving fo r

1205causing the crash. He also received a “written reprimand” from the School Board. The bus driver continued to work fo


1226the transportation dep artment at the District until Decembe r

12362007, when he resigned for personal reasons. He did not drive busses after the crash.

1251There were 33 students on the bus at the time of the

1263accident. None of the students were seriously injured. The

1272District paid a total of $62,000 to settle claims made by fou r

1286of the students on the bus.

1292The passenger in Mr. Merriweat her’s van -- a student that

1303Mr. Merriweather was taking home from basketball practice -

1312- was also injured in the accident. The passenger’s

1321negligence suit against the Distr ict is still pending, and is

1332expected to go to trial in June 2009. The District’s potential

1343exposure for that case is unknown at this time.

1352LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: In June 2007, Mr. Merriweat herfiled a negligence suit

1363against the District in circuit court in Palm Beach County.

1373The District admitted that its bus driver was negligent, but it

1384initially denied proxim ate cause and damages.

1391The case was settled in August 2008. The settlement was unanimously approved by the School Board on

1408September 17, 2008.

1411The terms of the settlement r equired the District to pay Mr.

1423Merriweathera total of $4 million. The first $100,000 was paid under the sovereign immuni ty cap in s. 768.28, F.S.

1444The remaining $3.9 million is to be paid upon approval of a


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1470claim bill, as follows: $1 million over three consecutive school years and $900,000 in the fourth school year. The

1490District agreed as part of the settlement not to oppose the claim bill.

1503A Stipulated Final Order of Dismissal was entered by the

1513circuit court on October 23, 2008.

1519Mr. Merriweather received $75, 000 of the initial $100,000

1529payment. The other $25,000 went to attorney’s fees. No

1539portion of the initial pa yment went to costs.

1548There are outstanding costs of approximately $120,420.17

1556that will be paid out of the proceeds of the claim bill. There

1569are also medical liens in exce ss of $500,000 that will be paid

1583out of the proceeds of the claim bill.

1591CLAIMANT’S POSITION: The negligence of the school bu s driver was the sole and

1605proximate cause of the signifi cant injuries and damages

1614sustained by Mr. Merriweather.

1618The amount of the settlemen t agreed to by the parties is

1630reasonable under the circumstanc es and should be given full

1640effect by the Legislature.

1644DISTRICT’S POSITION: The District admits liability and does not oppose the bill, but

1657it contends that payment of t he claim will adversely impact

1668its ability to fund needed e ducational programs.

1676CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: The school bus driver was an em ployee of the District acting

1691within the course andscope of hi s employment at the time o f

1704the accident. As a resul t, the driver’s negligence is

1714attributable to the District.

1718The bus driver had a duty to ex ercise reasonable care in the

1731operation of the bus. See generally s. 316.183(1), F. S. He

1742breached this duty by crashing into the back of Mr.

1752Merriweather’s stopped van. See Eppler v. Tarmac

1759America, Inc. , 752 So. 2d 592 (Fla. 2000) (rear driver is

1770presumed to be negligent in rear-end collision case absent evidence of a sudden and unex pected stop by the front

1790driver). The bus driver’s negligence was the sole and

1799proximate cause of the inju ries and damages sustained by

1809Mr. Merriweather.


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1825The amount of the settlement agreed to by the parties is

1836reasonable under the circumst ances. Even though the

1844economic damages estimated by the economist are likely

1852overstated to some degree, those damages reflect only a

1861portion of Mr. Merriweather’s total damages. His non- economic or “human damages” (e.g., pain andsuffering, reduced quality of life, etc.) are r eal and significant. And, as

1888both parties acknowledged, a jury award likely would have

1897been much higher than the am ount of the settlement.

1907The District’s argument that it does not have the funds to pay

1919this claim without adversely affe cting its operations was not

1929persuasive based upon the information presented in the District’s most recent audi ted financial statements.

1944LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: This is the first year that this claim has been presented to the


1960ATTORNEY’S FEES AND Mr. Merriweather’s attorney f iled an affidavit stating that attorney’s fees will be capped at 25 percent in accordance

1982LOBBYIST’S FEES: with s. 768.28(8), F.S. Lobbyist’s fees total 6 percentand are included within the 25 perce nt attorney’s fee cap. The

2004outstanding costs are not incl uded in these percentages.

2013The Legislature is free to limit these amounts as it sees fit.

2025See Gamble v. Wells , 450 So. 2d 850 (Fla. 1984); Noel v.

2037Schlesinger , 984 So. 2d 1265 (Fla. 4th DCA 2008). The bill

2048does so by limiting attorney’s fees, lobbyist’s fees, and costs ,

2058to 25 percent of the am ount of the claim bill.

2069Mr. Merriweather’s attorney stat ed in an affidavit that “[t]he

2079attorneys and lobbyists will abide by the terms of the claims

2090bill.” Therefore, if the bill passes in its current form, Mr.

2101Merriweatherwill receive $2,925,000 and the remaining $975,000 will go to attorney’s fees , lobbying fees, and costs.

2120If this language were not in t he bill, Mr. Merriweatherwould

2131receive only approximately $2. 8 million because the costs

2140would not be included in the 25 percent attorney’s fee cap.

2151OTHER ISSUES: The bill, as filed, is inconsis tent with the parties’ settlement

2164agreement, which requirespayment to be made over the

2172course of four consecutive schoo l years. The parties agree,

2182and I recommend that bill be amended to conform to the settlement agreement.


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2209RECOMMENDATION: For the reasons set forth above, I recommend that Senate Bill 522 be reported F AVORABLY, as amended.

2228Respectfully submitted,

2230T. Kent Wetherell, II

2234Senate Special Master

2237cc: Senator Christopher Smith

2241Philip Twogood, Secr etary of the Senate

2248Counsel of Record

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Date: 05/08/2009
Proceedings: End of 2009 Regular Session. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/25/2009
Proceedings: Other
Date: 03/25/2009
Proceedings: Special Master`s Final Report released (transmitted to the Senate President {March 25, 2009]).
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: E-mail from Lance Block to Monique Plaskett attaching corrected amendment for the Merriweather claim filed.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: E-mail from Lance Block to Monique Plaskett attaching two amendments fro the Merriweather claim filed.
Date: 03/19/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherll and Thomas from Kathryn L. McHale regarding responses to questions filed.
Date: 03/16/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/13/2009
Proceedings: E-mail from Brian R. Benney to Monique Plaskett regarding short deposition of an eyewitness to the crash filed.
Date: 03/13/2009
Proceedings: E-mail from Brian Denney to Monique Plaskett attaching deposition of eye witness to the crash (deposition not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/04/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 16, 2009; 1:00 p.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/27/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from K. McHale regarding available date for hearing filed.
Date: 02/27/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from B. Denney regarding inquiries about A. Carter`s case against Palm Beach filed.
Date: 02/25/2009
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing (parties to advise status by February 27, 2009).
Date: 02/25/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from Lance Block regarding materials (materials not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/23/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from K. McHale enclosing page 12 of the deposition transcript of Dennis Grantham filed.
Date: 02/23/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell and Special Master Thomas from K. McHale regarding answers to claim filed.
Date: 02/23/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell and T. Thomas from B. Denney enclosing a 5 minute dvd of V. Merriweather filed.
Date: 02/12/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 25, 2009; 1:00 p.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/11/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 02/09/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Randy Havlicak from Speaker Larry Cretul regarding appointment of Tom Thomas as Special Master filed.
Date: 02/06/2009
Proceedings: Index filed.
Date: 02/04/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from K. McHale enclosing Palm Beach County School Board`s Pre-hearing Conference Notebook (documents not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/03/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for February 11, 2009; 2:00 p.m.).
Date: 01/26/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Counsel from Special Master Thomas requesting copy of document book, attorney`s fee affidavit, and any additional case information filed.
Date: 01/26/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master Wetherell from K. McHale regarding representation for Respondent filed.
Date: 01/14/2009
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Senate Special Master Wetherell regarding discovery and scheduling matters.
Date: 01/08/2009
Proceedings: Senate Claim Bill 522 filed.
Date: 01/08/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Contract Hearings


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):