09-001130 Department Of Health vs. Jason E. Simmons, D/B/A Twins Septic Services, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, December 10, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner presented more than ample evidence of various violations of rules for building and maintaining on-site sanitary systems. After a proper notice, Respondent failed to appear and defend.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 09-1130





32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to appropriate notice this manner came on for

46formal proceeding and hearing before P. Michael Ruff, duly-

55designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

63Administrative Hearings in Jacksonville, Florida, on October 14,

712009. The appearances were as follows:


78For Petitioner: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

84Department of Health

87900 North University Boulevard, Suite 710

93Jacksonville, Florida 32211

96For Respondent: No Appearance


104The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern

113whether the Respondent committed the alleged offenses set forth

122in the citation issued on September 25, 2008, involving

131unauthorized work on an on-site sewage disposal system (OSTDS),

140and, if so, what, if any, penalty is warranted.


151This case arose when the Department of Health (Petitioner)

160issued a citation to the Respondent seeking an administrative

169fine in the amount of $5,000, for violations of Florida

180Administrative Code Chapter 64E-6. The citation was issued on

189September 25, 2008, and informed the Respondent of his right to

200a hearing, pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. The

209Respondent availed himself of the right to a formal proceeding

219and hearing and in due course, the matter was transmitted to the

231Division of Administrative Hearings and the undersigned

238Administrative Law Judge.

241The matter was scheduled for hearing, but upon a showing of

252good cause, a continuance was granted. The matter was again set

263for hearing on October 14, 2009. The case came on for hearing

275on that day, as noticed. The Petitioner Department called four

285witnesses at the hearing and had eighteen Exhibits admitted into

295evidence. The Respondent failed to appear at the hearing. The

305Notice of Hearing was served on the Respondent, by mail, at his

317last known address of record. That notice was not returned as

328undeliverable for any reason. Counsel for the Petitioner

336represented that she spoke with the Respondent on October 9,

3462009, the Friday before the hearing, and the Respondent

355acknowledged that he had received the Notice of Hearing and was

366planning to attend.

369The hearing was scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. on

379October 14, 2009. The Administrative Law Judge, Petitioner's

387counsel, its party representative and witnesses were all in

396attendance at that time, but the Respondent was not present.

406The Administrative Law Judge waited for some thirty minutes

415until 11:00 a.m. to begin the hearing in order to give the

427Respondent an opportunity to arrive. The Petitioner's counsel

435attempted to contact the Respondent twice during this period of

445time, to no avail. Finally, the hearing was commenced at 11:00

456a.m. The Respondent never appeared during the course of the


467It was established at hearing that there is a mistake in

478the name of the Respondent in the style of this case. It is

491shown as James E. Simmons and it should be Jason Simmons. The

503style will be corrected accordingly.

508Upon conclusion of the proceeding, the Petitioner elected

516to submit a proposed recommended order. The Proposed

524Recommended Order was timely-submitted on October 20, 2009, and

533has been considered in the rendition of this recommended order.


5461. The Petitioner, the Department of Health, Duval County

555Health Department, is the State agency charged with enforcing

564the statutory and regulatory provisions regarding the manner,

572method, and practice of installation of septic tank systems

581(OSTDS) and the manner of maintaining and repairing such

590systems, pursuant to Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes (2008),

598and Florida Administrative Code Rule Chapter 64E-6.

6052. During the months of February or March 2008, employees

615of the Twins Septic Tank Service, Inc., performed a system

625repair at 5210 Potomac Avenue, without obtaining a repair permit

635from the Duval County Health Department. They did not call the

646Department for the required inspections.

6513. The homebuilder at that address, Chad Davis, provided

660the homeowner with the name and contact information of Jason

670Simmons, the owner of Twins Septic Service, Inc., in order to

681obtain repair of a non-functioning OSTDS system at that address.

6914. Jason Simmons is a licensed septic tank contractor in

701the state of Florida, and was so at times pertinent to this

713proceeding. He was also the qualifying contractor for Twins

722Septic Tank Service, Inc. He has been issued registration

731number SR0081591.

7335. On April 22, 2008, two of the Petitioner's employees,

743Davis Helwig and James Squire, arrived at the address and site

754to investigate a complaint that they had received. They met

764Mr. Joe McEachin, of Earthtek Systems of Florida, Inc., the

774maker of the original performance-based treatment system

781installed on the property. Mr. McEachin had never been paid for

792the original performance-based system installed at the property,

800so he removed the control box for the system, which rendered it


8136. Upon their visit and inspection, they discovered that

822the drainfield originally installed had been removed and

830replaced without proper permits or inspections. They determined

838that the original performance-based system was removed and

846replaced with a standard OSTDS system, without proper permits or

856inspections. Many violations of the standards of practice for

865installation and repair of OSTDS systems were found upon this


8767. A number of photos were taken by Mr. Helwig which

887showed numerous violations, including use of a standard septic

896system pump, the fact that the riser of the tank lid was broken

909to accommodate the newly installed effluent transmission line

917from a float-activated pump. There were also pink and purple

927pipes from the original system which had been cut and pipe from

939the new system and an electrical box installed in the middle of

951the yard for the dosing pump for the new system. There was

963insufficient separation between the shoulder of the fill and the

973nearest absorption bed sidewall and insufficient taper to the

982toe of the slope. There was an insufficient soil cap over the

994drainfield and shoulder area of the mounded system. Based upon

1004the estimated sewage flows and the quality of the fill material

1015used in the mound system, the mound drainfield was of

1025insufficient size. Additionally, the required audio and visual

1033high-water alarm had not been installed and the "header pipe"

1043was improper, in that it was not "smooth-walled" and watertight.

1053All of these activities had been performed without the proper


10648. A tenant at that address, Carla McKenzy, told Scott

1074Turner, James Squire, and David Helwig, all Department

1082employees, that during one day in February and March, 2008, two

1093men who looked exactly alike, arrived in two trucks. They dug

1104up the yard where the drainfield was and worked for some forty-

1116five minutes, to one and one-half hours, took some parts out,

1127and installed some more "things" in the ground at the site. The

1139Respondent and his brother are identical twins, which is how the

1150Respondent's company came to be named.

11569. The owner of the property, Gerri Hubbard, said that

1166Jason Simmons had been paid $900 to repair the system. She

1177found that the system still wasn't operating correctly, or at

1187all, because it needed the control box or "brains" of the

1198system, referring to the control box of the original

1207performance-based system. On April 26, 2008, she sent an e-mail

1217to David Helwig of the Department, outlining the difficulties

1226she had encountered with regard to the non-functioning system.

123510. Ms. Hubbard originally had the house built to use as

1246rental property. Due to the non-functioning system and

1254difficulty alleviating that problem, she had been unable to

1263lease the property and therefore could not carry the mortgage on

1274it. The property then went into foreclosure, resulting in her

1284experiencing a loss of approximately $100,000 invested dollars.

129311. On September 25, 2008, the Petitioner issued a

1302citation to the Respondent, seeking a fine in the amount of

1313$5,000 for violations of Florida Administrative Code Chapter

132264E-6. The Respondent refused to sign the citation, which

1331itself is a second-degree misdemeanor under Florida Law.

133912. The Respondent, in an undated letter to the

1348Petitioner, denied any responsibility for the violations at the

1357above address and stated that he had never set foot on the

1369property, that he had never met Gerri Hubbard, nor the tenant,

1380Carla McKenzy. The Respondent contended that the only employees

1389who ever worked for Twins Septic Service, Inc., were he, his

1400brother, and his late father, Joey Wayne Simmons. He then

1410requested an administrative hearing and formal proceeding to

1418contest the matter.

142113. Joey Wayne Simmons, who was a licensed septic tank

1431contractor for the Respondent at the time, signed a "Declaration

1441of Restrictions" for the property, apparently forging the

1449owner's signature, which was then filed with the clerk's office

1459in Duval County, Florida. The application for the OSTDS

1468Operating Permit for the original performance-based treatment

1475system listed the Respondent as the authorized maintenance


148414. A service agreement between the Respondent and the

1493owner was signed by Joey Wayne Simmons on August 10, 2007. This

1505also contained an allegedly forged signature of the owner of the

1516property. The application for the performance-based treatment

1523system Maintenance Service Permit listed the Respondent as the

1532provider, Jason Simmons as the owner, and was signed by Joey

1543Wayne Simmons on June 15, 2007.

154915. Both Joey Wayne Simmons and the Respondent, Jason

1558Simmons, signed a hand-written letter submitted to the

1566Petitioner as part of the service agreement permit application,

1575indicating that they had the parts and training necessary to

1585service such systems. Mr. McEachin, of Earthtek Systems of

1594Florida, sent a letter to the Respondent, dated April 23, 2007,

1605verifying that the Respondent met the requirements to install

1614and perform service on the performance-based system originally

1622installed at the property.


162916. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1636jurisdiction of the subject matter of and the parties to this

1647proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. (2009).

165517. Section 381.0065, Florida Statutes (2008), gives the

1663Petitioner authority to issue permits, inspect sites, issue

1671citations and impose necessary fines for violations of rules

1680governing OSTDS systems, as well as the installation, repair and


169118. Section 381.0065(3)(c), Florida Statutes (2008),

1697authorizes the Petitioner to conduct enforcement activities,

1704issue citations, impose fines, suspend, revoke, or enjoin

1712licensure and certification, and issue emergency orders for

1720violation of that section, as well as part I of Chapter 386, or

1733Part III of Chapter 489, or for violations of rules adopted

1744pursuant to these statutory provisions.

174919. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022, addresses

"1756Standards of Practice and Disciplinary Guidelines." It states

1764at Paragraph (1):

1767It shall be the responsibility of persons

1774registered under this rule to see that work

1782for which they have contracted and which has

1790been performed by them or under their

1797supervision is carried out in conformance

1803with the requirements of all applicable

1809Florida Statutes and Chapter 64E-6, F.A.C.

1815The following actions by a person included

1822under this rule shall be deemed unethical

1829and subject to penalties as set forth in

1837this section. The penalties listed shall be

1844used as guidelines in disciplinary cases,

1850absent aggravating or mitigating

1854circumstances and subject to other

1859provisions of this section.

186320. The first violation charged in the September 25, 2008,

1873citation concerns Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-

18806.005(7)(c), a violation where the maximum daily sewage flow

1889allowance has been exceeded. A $500 fine per specific standard

1899violated is permitted for a first violation, pursuant to Florida

1909Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022(p).

191321. The second violation charged concerns Florida

1920Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.003(1), which concerns contracted

1927work completed without a permit having been issued. This

1936resulted in missed inspections. A fine of $1,000 is permitted

1947for a first violation pursuant to Florida Administrative Code

1956Rule 64E-6.022(b)(2).

195822. The third violation charged concerns Florida

1965Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.003(3), involving the failure to

1973have a system repair performed by the Respondent inspected by

1983the Department. That violation allows for a $500 fine for first

1994violation. Fla. Admin. Code R. 64E-6.022(d).

200023. The fourth violation involves Florida Administrative

2007Code Rule 64E-6.009(3)(f), concerning a violation by the

2015Respondent where there was insufficient separation between the

2023shoulder of the fill and the nearest absorption bed sidewall and

2034insufficient taper to the toe of the slope. This violation also

2045mandates a $500 fine for the first offense. Fla. Admin. Code R.


205824. The fifth violation, of Florida Administrative Code

2066Rule 64E-6.009(3)(g), concerns insufficient soil cap over the

2074drainfield and shoulder area. This also carries a $500 fine for

2085this specific standard for a first offense. Fla. Admin. Code R.

2096Rule 64E-6.022(p).

209825. The sixth violation of Florida Administrative Code

2106Rule 64E-6.009(3)(d), involved a violation where there was

2114insufficient mound drainfield size, based upon the estimated

2122sewage flows and quality of fill material employed in the mound

2133system. This violation carries a $500 fine, pursuant to the

2143Rule referenced in the paragraph above.

214926. The seventh violation was of Florida Administrative

2157Code Rule 64E-6.022(1)(l), which is a violation involving gross

2166negligence, incompetence or misconduct. It also carries a $500

2175fine for a first offense, pursuant to Florida Administrative

2184Code Rule 64E-6.022(1).

218727. The eighth violation was of Florida Administrative

2195Code Rule 64E.6.013(9)(d)(2). This violation involves the

2202failure to install a required audio and visual high water alarm

2213for the system. It carries a $500 fine for the first violation,

2225pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.022(p).

223228. The ninth and final violation was of Florida

2241Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.014(2)(c), concerning a violation

2248involving the header pipe which was found to be not "smooth-

2259walled" and watertight. Here again, the violation under the

2268referenced Rule requires a $500 fine for a first violation.

227829. There is no question that the preponderant, persuasive

2287evidence offered by the Petitioner is un-refuted. The

2295Respondent did not bother to appear, after being duly-noticed of

2305this proceeding and hearing. Although the Respondent had denied

2314any responsibility by himself or his company for any of the

2325referenced errors or omissions regarding the subject OSTDS

2333system, the evidence is clear that he and his company were

2344responsible for the maintenance of the original system since

23532007. He was paid $900 by the builder for repairs which were

2365incorrectly done and not legally authorized in the first place.

237530. The above-referenced findings of fact, including the

2383statement by the tenant that she saw the Respondent and his twin

2395brother working on the system, were un-refuted. They clearly

2404establish that the Respondent committed the violations charged

2412in the citation. The Respondent's violations and attendant

2420delays occasioned by his performance, or non-performance, of his

2429obligations was at least indirectly and partially responsible

2437for a substantial loss by the homeowner, by the foreclosure of

2448the mortgage related to the property. In summary, the clear,

2458un-refuted evidence shows that the Respondent is responsible for

2467the violations, as alleged and proven, regarding the subject

2476citation. There is no evidence to warrant mitigation of the

2486requested penalty.


2489Having considered the foregoing findings of fact,

2496conclusions of law, the evidence of record and the pleadings and

2507arguments of the parties, it is, therefore,

2514RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that the

2524violations charged in the citation were committed by the

2533Respondent and that a fine of $5,000 be imposed.

2543DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of December, 2009, in

2553Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2561Administrative Law Judge

2564Division of Administrative Hearings

2568The DeSoto Building

25711230 Apalachee Parkway

2574Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2577(850) 488-9675

2579Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2584Filed with the Clerk of the

2590Division of Administrative Hearings

2594this 10th day of December, 2009.


2603Catherine R. Berry, Esquire

2607Department of Health

2610900 North University Boulevard, Suite 710

2616Jacksonville, Florida 32211

2619Jason Simmons

2621Twins Septic Services, Inc.

26251288 Village Green Court

2629Jacksonville, Florida 32234

2632R.S. Power, Agency Clerk

2636Department of Health

26394052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2645Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2648Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel

2653Department of Health

26564052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

2662Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

2665Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary

2671State Surgeon General

2674Department of Health

26774052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

2683Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701


2692All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

270215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2713to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2724will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/28/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/28/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 14, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/10/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/20/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/14/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/14/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 14, 2009; 10:30 a.m.; Jacksonville, FL).
Date: 07/01/2009
Proceedings: Order (on or before July 8, 2009, parties shall provide, in writing, all available dates for hearing).
Date: 06/01/2009
Proceedings: Stipulated Response to Order Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 05/26/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by June 1, 2009).
Date: 05/20/2009
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Stipulated Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 27, 2009; 2:00 p.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/03/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/03/2009
Proceedings: Citation for Violation filed.
Date: 03/03/2009
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/03/2009
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


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