09-001232 Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, And Mobile Homes vs. Waterfront Park Corporation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 30, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Division failed to prove that the Cooperative did not use its "best efforts" to obtain and maintain adequate insurance to protect its property.








28Petitioner, )


31vs. ) Case No. 09-1232




42Respondent. )



47Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

58by Administrative Law Judge Carolyn S. Holifield, on April 29,

682009, in St. Petersburg, Florida.


74For Petitioner: William R. Wohlsifer, Esquire

80Department of Business and

84Professional Regulation

861940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

92Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202

95For Respondent: Kerry H. Brown, Esquire

101Post Office Box 15223

105St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-5223


113The issue in this case is whether Respondent used its "best efforts" to obtain and maintain adequate insurance to protect its property in accordance with Subsection 719.104(3), Florida

141Statutes (2008), 1 as alleged in the Notice to Show Cause; and,

153if so, what penalty, if any, should be imposed.


164By Notice to Show Cause dated February 6, 2009, Petitioner,

174Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division of

182Florida Land Sales, Condominiums, and Mobile Homes ("Division"),

192alleges that Respondent, Waterfront Park Corporation

198("Association"), was in violation of Subsection 719.104(3),

207Florida Statutes, by failing to obtain and maintain adequate

216insurance to protect the Association's property. According to

224the Notice to Show Cause, the foregoing allegation was based on

235evidence that was presented to the Division, and, if true, "is

246good and sufficient cause for the Division to enter a cease and

258desist order, impose civil penalties, and take affirmative

266action which in the judgment of the Division will carry out the

278purposes of Chapter 719, Florida Statutes."

284Respondent challenged the allegation in the Notice to Show

293Cause by filing a Response to Notice to Show Cause and Request

305for Formal Hearing. The case was forwarded to the Division of

316Administrative Hearings on March 10, 2009, and was scheduled

325for an April 29, 2009, hearing. 2

332On March 23 and April 17, 2009, Respondent filed motions

342requesting leave to amend its previously-filed responses to the

351Notice to Show Cause. Both motions were granted. Pursuant to

361an Order issued April 27, 2009, Respondent was granted leave to

372file the Second Amended Response to Notice to Show Cause and

383Request for Formal Hearing ("Second Amended Response"), which

393effectively superseded the previously-filed responses.

398Prior to hearing, the parties filed a Joint Pre-Hearing

407Stipulation ("Pre-Hearing Stipulation") in which they stipulated

416to facts which required no proof at hearing. Also, in the

427Pre-hearing Stipulation, Respondent withdrew the defenses raised

434in paragraphs 7 and 8(e) of the Second Amended Response. The

445specific section referenced was the "constitutional defense

452based on the guarantee [in the Florida Constitution] that all

462political power is inherent in the people."

469At the final hearing, Petitioner called three witnesses:

477Cheryl Carson, Investigation Specialist II, with the Department;

485and Victor Buhler and George William Sherman, owners of units in

496Waterfront Park. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 10 were

504admitted into evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of

512two witnesses: Robert Kendrick, president and treasurer of the

521Waterfront Park Association; and Roger Ashley, owner of a unit

531in Waterfront Park. Respondent's Exhibits 1 through 9 were

540admitted into evidence.

543No transcript of the hearing was filed. By stipulation of

553the parties, Proposed Recommended Orders were filed on May 11,

5632009. Respondent also filed a Supplemental Memorandum of Law. 3

573In response to Respondent's request, on May 28, 2009, Petitioner

583filed a letter clarifying paragraphs 14, 18, 19 and 21 of

594Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order. 4 The post-hearing

601documents filed by the parties have been considered in

610preparation of this Recommended Order.


6181. Respondent, Waterfront Park Corporation, is a

625non-profit Delaware corporation, organized in 1956, registered

632as a foreign for-profit corporation, and doing business in the

642State of Florida.

6452. The Association is subject to the regulatory

653jurisdiction of Petitioner, Department of Business of Business

661and Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Land Sales,

669Condominiums, and Mobile Homes.

6733. The Association is responsible for operating the common

682elements of the Waterfront Park Corporation Co-operative

689Apartment ("Cooperative").

6934. The Cooperative is located in St. Petersburg, Florida,

702about one block from Tampa Bay and consists of three buildings

713with a total of 35 residential units.

7205. The Cooperative's governing documents include the

727Waterfront Park Corporation Co-operative Apartment Perpetual Use

734and Equity Contract ("Equity Contract"), the Association's

743By-Laws, and its Articles of Incorporation.

7496. Section 6(3) of the Equity Contract provides that

"758[t]he Cooperative agrees that, to the limit of its resources,

768it will . . . adequately insure all of the property of the

781Cooperative against fire, storm, tornado and public liability."

7897. Article 8 of the Association's Articles of

797Incorporation provides that "[t]he management of the affairs of

806the corporation shall be conducted by its Board of Directors

816["Board"] in accordance with the requirements of its By-Laws."

8278. Paragraph 51 of the Association's By-Laws provides, in

836part, the following: "The Board of Directors shall, from time

846to time, fix and determine the sum or sums necessary and

857adequate for the continued ownership and operation of the

866project. They shall determine the amounts required for capital

875items . . ., and for operating items such as taxes, insurance,

887repairs, betterments and operating expenses."

8929. Prior to April 15, 2006, the Association maintained

901casualty insurance through Allstate Insurance Company

907("Allstate") over its property, including windstorm, general

916liability, and fire coverage for the three buildings.

92410. Sometime prior to January 17, 2006, the Association

933was notified that Allstate was canceling the Association's

941casualty policy, effective April 15, 2006.

94711. At the Association's meeting on January 17, 2006,

956members were advised that Allstate, who handled the "building

965insurance," had canceled its policy. Following this

972announcement, there was a discussion regarding: (1) the impact

981on members if the Association did not or could not secure

992insurance; (2) the possibility of the Association's being

1000self-insured; and (3) cost and possibility of the Association's

1009obtaining insurance.

101112. During the January 17, 2006, meeting, the president

1020and treasurer of the Board, Robert Kendrick, advised Association

1029members that, at the present time, the only company that might

1040insure the Association was Citizens Insurance Company

1047("Citizens"), the State's insurer of last resort. Mr. Kendrick

1058further advised the members that if insurance were obtained

1067through Citizens, the premiums would be at least two to three

1078times what the Association paid in 2005.

108513. Sometime prior to the January 17, 2006, meeting,

1094Mr. Kendrick received information about the cost of obtaining

1103insurance through Citizens. This information was provided to

1111him by telephone from the agency that had provided the

1121Association's Allstate coverage. Although Mr. Kendrick received

1128the Citizen's quote by telephone and wrote it down, he did not

1140include it in the Association's proposed 2006 budget.

1148Mr. Kendrick's reason for not including the premium cost for

1158coverage by Citizens was that he had not received a written


117014. The budget presented at the January 17, 2006, annual

1180meeting had been prepared before the Association was notified

1189that its Allstate policy was being canceled. Therefore, the

1198amount of insurance premium budgeted for 2006 was similar to the

1209Allstate insurance premium. At the January 17, 2006, annual

1218meeting, the vote to approve the budget, with an insurance

1228premium budgeted similar to the Allstate premium, was unanimous.

123715. On or about March 30, 2006, an insurance agent or

1248broker with Insurance Technologies Corporation provided the

1255Association with a written quote for coverage through Citizens.

1264The quote offered the following coverage through Citizens:

1272property damage, including windstorm, at the limit of $3.5

1281million for the three buildings with a $2,500 general deductible

1292and a five percent windstorm deductible for an annual premium of


130516. The cost of the annual premium cost for property

1315damage insurance, including windstorm, was significantly higher

1322than the amount budgeted for the year. Therefore, no insurance

1332was purchased for the period after April 15, 2006, when

1342Allstate's coverage expired.

134517. Mr. Kendrick did not include the Citizen's premium

1354quote in the proposed 2007 Association budget or any property

1364coverage other than $2,500 for general liability and directors'

1374and officers' coverage. Mr. Kendrick determined to not include

1383other insurance coverage because of the cost of additional

1392coverage. 5

139418. Since Allstate canceled its policy, the Association

1402has not purchased any alternative coverage.

140819. The coverage limit for the Association's property

1416under the Allstate policy that was canceled, effective April 15,

14262006, was for an amount less than $3.5 million. However, the

1437price quotes for the alternative coverage for the Association's

1446property was based on $3.5 million.

145220. In or about December 2007, about one year and nine

1463months after Allstate canceled the Association's casualty

1470policy, the Association's Board solicited casualty policy quotes

1478from brokers, Tampa Bay Insurance and its successor, MSM

1487Insurance. The broker provided the Association with a quote

1496from Century Surety and another one from Lloyd's of London.

150621. Mr. Kendrick's understanding was that the broker he

1515contacted would go out into the market and get the best quote

1527available. In fact, the cover letters from the broker on both

1538the Century Surety quote and the Lloyd of London's quote stated,

"1549I assure you that I have tried every angle to get you the best

1563possible pricing available." In accordance with the foregoing,

1571Mr. Kendrick reasonably relied on the broker to provide the

1581Board with the lowest price for casualty insurance, including

1590windstorm coverage.

159222. The Century Surety December 12, 2007, "property"

1600quote, which excluded coverage for wind/hail and theft, was


161123. The Lloyd's of London January 21, 2008, 6 quote was

1622$37,441.39 for "Commercial [Property] Wind" coverage. The

1630amount quoted by Lloyd's of London was more than six times the

1642amount of the Allstate premium for similar coverage and

1651approximately double the Citizens premium quote from the prior


166124. When Mr. Kendrick received the quotes from Century

1670Surety ($11,964.61) and Lloyd's of London ($37,441.39), he

1680believed that the two policy amounts were to be added together

1691for a combined premium of almost $50,000. However, at hearing,

1702Mr. Kendrick admitted that his belief may have been incorrect

1712and that the quote from Lloyd's of London may have been a

1724revised premium for all coverage.

172925. At the Association's 2008 annual meeting, four

1737proposed budgets were presented to the members to vote on.

174726. Proposed Budget 1 for 2008 reflected $2,000 as being

1758the total premium for all forms of insurance for 2008. The

1769source of this estimate is unknown. The total cost of Proposed

1780Budget 1 for 2008 was $61,400.00.

178727. Proposed Budget 2 reflected a cost of $22,000 for

"1798insurance" and, also listed as a separate line item, $42,000

1809for "security." Although Proposed Budget 2 did not specify, the

1819$42,000 included not only the cost of a security guard, but also

1832other significant line item increases, including the estimated

1840$22,000 for insurance coverage. The total cost of Proposed

1850Budget 2 for 2008 was $119,400.

185728. According to Mr. Kendrick, the proposed 2008 budgets

1866were prepared in late 2007 and before he received the above-

1877referenced quotes from Tampa Bay Insurance and MSM. Therefore,

1886the $22,000 for insurance coverage, including windstorm

1894coverage, was merely an estimated cost. The source from which

1904that estimate was obtained is unclear.

191029. Proposed Budget 1 was approved by the members on

1920an 11 to three vote, with five abstentions.

192830. In October 2009, Mr. Kendrick, acting on behalf of the

1939Board, obtained another quote for casualty insurance, including

1947windstorm coverage, from MSM. The quote provided by MSM and

1957dated October 28, 2008, was for $59,972.39 and was from the

1969carrier, Lloyd's of London. The quote was itemized as follows:

1979(1) annual premium of $56,000; (2) taxes and fees of $3,722.39;

1992and (3) the agency fee of $250.

199931. At the Association's 2009 annual general meeting, two

2008proposed budgets were presented on which the shareholders could

2017vote. Of the numerous line items, there are only three

2027differences between Proposed Budget 1 and Proposed Budget 2.

2036Proposed Budget 1 reflected $2,000 for insurance, $4,000 for

2047security, and $3,600 for administrative purposes, while Proposed

2056Budget 2 included a significant increase in each of those line

2067items. Proposed Budget 2 reflected $60,000 for insurance,

2076$40,000 for security, and $6,000 for administrative purposes.

2086Based on the foregoing, Proposed Budget 2, which totaled

2095$157,500, exceeded Proposed Budget 1, which totaled $61,100, by


210832. The two proposed budgets for 2009 appeared on the same

2119sheet and included a "note" regarding the impact of each of the

2131two budgets on the members' ownership fees. According to the

"2141note," Proposed Budget 1 would result in no change in the

2152members' maintenance fees, and Proposed Budget 2 would result in

2162a 260 percent increase in members' maintenance fees.

217033. On January 20, 2009, during the Association's annual

2179meeting, the members approved Proposed Budget 1, described in

2188paragraph 31 and which totaled $61,100. That budget, which

2198included no casualty insurance, was approved by a 12-to-one vote

2208of the members. The votes of two shareholders were not counted,

2219because no proper proxies from them had been received as of the

2231meeting date.

223334. Except as noted above, no other efforts to obtain

2243windstorm coverage were undertaken by Mr. Kendrick on behalf of

2253the Board.

225535. At all times relevant to this proceeding, the

2264Association did not have sufficient funds to purchase casualty

2273insurance. Moreover, the majority of the owners of the units

2283were unwilling and/or unable to pay additional assessment.

229136. On April 14, 2009, about two months after the action

2302in this case was filed, the Board purchased a broad form

2313casualty policy which covered damage to the Association's

2321property, excluding windstorm. The policy was purchased from

2329Chubb Insurance Company for an annual premium of $6,222.88.

233937. Prior to filing its Notice to Show Cause, the Division

2350provided the Association with an opportunity to provide proof of

2360its intent to comply with Subsection 719.104(3), Florida

2368Statutes. The Division also gave the Association several

2376reasonable extensions of time in which to provide proof of its

2387intent to comply with the above-referenced provision. 7


239838. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2405jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

2414proceeding pursuant to Section 120.569 and Subsection 120.57(1),

2422Florida Statutes (2009).

242539. Subsection 719.501(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes

2431the Division to enforce and ensure compliance with the

2440Cooperative Act, Chapter 719, Florida Statutes, and rules

2448related to that chapter.

245240. Subsection 719.501(1), Florida Statutes, which

2458enumerates the Division's powers and duties, provides, in

2466pertinent part, the following:

2470(1) . . . In performing its duties, the

2479[D]ivision shall have the following powers

2485and duties:

2487* * *

24904. The division may impose a civil

2497penalty against a developer or association,

2503or its assignees or agents, for any

2510violation of this chapter or related

2516rule. . . A penalty may be imposed on the

2526basis of each day of continuing violation,

2533but in no event shall the penalty for any

2542offense exceed $5,000. By January 1, 1998,

2550the division shall adopt, by rule, penalty

2557guidelines applicable to possible violations

2562or to categories of violations of this

2569chapter or rules adopted by the division.

2576The guidelines must specify a meaningful

2582range of civil penalties for each such

2589violation of the statute and rules and must

2597be based upon the harm caused by the

2605violation, the repetition of the violation,

2611and upon such other factors deemed relevant

2618by the division. For example, the division

2625may consider whether the violations were

2631committed by a developer or owner-controlled

2637association, the size of the association,

2643and other factors. . . It is the

2651legislative intent that minor violations be

2657distinguished from those which endanger the

2663health, safety, or welfare of the

2669cooperative residents or other persons and

2675that such guidelines provide reasonable and

2681meaningful notice to the public of likely

2688penalties that may be imposed for proscribed

2695conduct . . . .

270041. In this case, the Division alleged that the

2709Association violated Subsection 719.104(3), Florida Statutes, by

2716failing to use its "best efforts" to "obtain and maintain

2726adequate insurance to protect Association property." The

2733Division appears to contend that adequate insurance for the

2742Association's property is casualty insurance, including

2748windstorm coverage.

2750(3) INSURANCE.--The association shall use

2755its best efforts to obtain and maintain

2762adequate insurance to protect the

2767association property. The association may

2772also obtain and maintain liability insurance

2778for directors and officers, insurance for

2784the benefit of association employees, and

2790flood insurance. A copy of each policy of

2798insurance in effect shall be made available

2805for inspection by unit owners at reasonable


2813(a) Windstorm insurance coverage for a

2819group of no fewer than three communities

2826created and operating under chapter 718,

2832this chapter, chapter 720, or chapter 721

2839may be obtained and maintained for the

2846communities if the insurance coverage is

2852sufficient to cover an amount equal to the

2860probable maximum loss for the communities

2866for a 250-year windstorm event. Such

2872probable maximum loss must be determined

2878through the use of a competent model that

2886has been accepted by the Florida Commission

2893on Hurricane Loss Projection Methodology.

2898Such insurance coverage is deemed adequate

2904windstorm insurance for the purposes of this


291242. The clear and unambiguous language in Subsection

2920719.103(3), Florida Statutes, requires the Association to "use

2928its best efforts" to "obtain and maintain" adequate insurance on

2938its property.

294043. The term "best efforts" is not defined in Chapter 719,

2951Florida Statutes, or any related chapter, and no court decisions

2961have interpreted Chapter 719, Florida Statutes. However, case

2969law provides some guidance as to what "best efforts" require.

297944. In Faith v. Faith , 709 So. 2d 600 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1998),

2992a property settlement agreement clearly contemplated that the

3000former husband would use his best efforts to close a real

3011property transaction. The agreement provided that, "if despite

3019his best efforts and through no fault of his own," the

3030transaction did not close, the settlement agreement would have

3039to be renegotiated. When the former husband went back to the

3050table, the seller raised the price of the property. Based on

3061the increased price, the former husband determined that the deal

3071was not financially viable and, thus, abandoned the deal. The

3081court held that where the independent economic analysis was not

3091contradicted, the husband was not obliged to proceed with the

3101transaction. Id.

310345. As noted above, Subsection 719.103(3), Florida

3110Statutes, requires that the Association use its "best efforts"

3119to obtain and maintain adequate insurance to protect its

3128property. That provision is not an absolute and unequivocal

3137mandate that the Association obtain and maintain insurance. For

3146example, Subsection 719.106(1)(k), Florida Statutes, which

3152mandates certain coverage provides:

3156Bylaws; cooperative ownership.--

3159(1) MANDATORY PROVISIONS.—-The bylaws or

3164other cooperative documents shall provide

3169for the following, and if they do not, they

3178shall be deemed to include the following:

3185* * *

3188(k) Insurance or fidelity bonds. - The

3195association shall obtain and maintain

3200adequate insurance or fidelity bonding of

3206all persons who control or disburse funds of

3214the association. The insurance policy or

3220fidelity bond must cover the maximum funds

3227that will be in the custody of the

3235association or its management agent at any

3242one time. As used in this paragraph, the

3250term "persons who control or disburse funds

3257of the association" includes, but is not

3264limited to those individuals authorized to

3270sign checks, and the president, secretary,

3276and treasurer of the association. The

3282association shall bear the cost of bonding

3289and insurance. [Emphasis added]

329346. The undisputed evidence established that, at all times

3302relevant hereto: (1) the Association did not have funds to

3312purchase the insurance premiums for casualty insurance; and

3320(2) the unit owners voted against budgets that would provide for

3331such coverage, thereby, indicating that they were unwilling to

3340have their assessments increased.

334447. Applying the principle enunciated in Faith , "best

3352efforts" takes into consideration the economic viability of

3360undertaking a course of action. In this case, "best efforts"

3370does not require that the Association purchase an insurance

3379policy at any cost. This is particularly true where, as in this

3391case, the undisputed evidence established that the Association

3399did not have sufficient financial resources to purchase the

3408casualty insurance with windstorm coverage.

341348. The Division contends that the foregoing is the

3422coverage required under Subsection 719.104(3)(a), Florida


342949. Subsection 719.103(3)(a), Florida Statutes, provides

3435that a group of "no fewer than three communities" created and

3446operated under Chapters 718, 719, 720 or 721, Florida Statutes,

3456may obtain and maintain "windstorm insurance coverage" for those

3465communities and sets the amount of that coverage. 8 This

3475provision does not mandate that windstorm insurance be obtained

3484and maintained; it merely authorizes the designated number of

3493communities to join forces to purchase and maintain windstorm

3502insurance coverage for their communities. Chapter 719, Florida

3510Statutes, includes numerous provisions which require

3516associations to perform certain duties or responsibilities.

3523Several such mandates included in Section 719.104, Florida

3531Statutes, are as follows: (1) Subsection 719.104(2)(a),

3538provides that associations "shall maintain" copies of the

3546certain documents as part of its official records;

3554(2) Subsection 719.104(2)(b), Florida Statutes, provides that

3561official records of associations "shall be maintained within the

3570state" and "shall be made available to unit owners within

35805 working day after receipt of written request"; (3) Subsection

3590719.104(2)(c), Florida Statutes, provides that the official

3597records of the association "shall be open to inspection by any

3608association member"; and (4) Subsection 719.104(4), Florida

3615Statutes, provides that association's board of directors "shall

3623mail or furnish by personal delivery to each unit owner a

3634complete financial report."

363750. In this enforcement proceeding, the Division seeks to

3646impose a civil penalty or fine of not more than $5,000 on

3659Respondent. Such a fine is penal in nature and, thus, to

3670prevail in this enforcement proceeding, the Division must prove

3679the alleged violation by clear and convincing evidence.

368751. Clear and convincing evidence has been described by

3696the Supreme Court of Florida as follows:

3703[C]lear and convincing evidence requires

3708that the evidence must be found to be

3716credible; the facts to which the witnesses

3723testify must be distinctly remembered; the

3729testimony must be precise and explicit and

3736the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

3743as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

3752be of such weight that it produces in the

3761mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

3771conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3777truth of the allegations sought to be


3785Inquiry Concerning a Judge No. 93-62 , 645 So. 2d 398, 404

3796(Fla. 1994), quoting Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800

3807(Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

381152. To prevail, the Division must show by clear and

3821convincing evidence that the Association failed to "use its best

3831efforts" to obtain and maintain adequate insurance to protect

3840the Association's property.

384353. The Division did not meet its burden of proof as the

3855evidence did not clearly or convincingly establish the

3863allegation made in the Notice to Show Cause.


3872Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3882Law, it is

3885RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Department of Business and

3892Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Land Sales,

3899Condominiums and Mobile Homes, enter a final order: (1) finding

3909that Respondent, Waterfront Park Corporation, did not violate

3917Subsection 793.104(3), Florida Statutes; and (2) rescinding the

3925Notice to Show Cause.

3929DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of October, 2009, in

3939Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3947Administrative Law Judge

3950Division of Administrative Hearings

3954The DeSoto Building

39571230 Apalachee Parkway

3960Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3963(850) 488-9675

3965Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3970Filed with the Clerk of the

3976Division of Administrative Hearings

3980this 30th day of October, 2009.


39871/ All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2008),

3996unless otherwise noted.

39992/ The case was initially assigned to Administrative Law Judge

4009Daniel M. Kilbride, but was transferred to the undersigned on

4019April 16, 2009.

40223/ Respondent filed a Memorandum of Law on April 29, 2009.

40334/ Petitioner indicated that this clarification was written in

4042response to a request by Respondent. In its letter, Petitioner

4052requested that the Administrative Law Judge "accept the

4060clarification that Mr. Kendrick's testimony was that he was

4069aware of an estimate from Citizens in February 2006, but did not

4081receive a firm quote until March 31, 2006." The letter went on

4093to explain that, "[t]his testimony was proferred to explain why

4103Citizens' price quote was not included in the 2006 proposed

4113budget, nor reported to the unit owners at the annual meeting

4124held in January 2006, but for Mr. Kendrick's the limited

4134statement that, [t]he only company that possibly might insure us

4144is Citizens Insurance Co." Finally, the letter requested the

4153correction of a scrivener's error in paragraph 21 of

4162Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order.

41665/ This determination and decision were likely impacted by the

4176majority of the Association's members' previous opposition to

4184purchasing insurance coverage that would increase their


41926/ The cover letter regarding this quote is mistakenly dated

4202January 21, 2007; the correct date is January 21, 2008.

42127/ The extensions granted by the Division extended the time to

4223provide proof from September 9, 2008, to September 30, 2008,

4233then to October 15, 2008, and, finally, to November 3, 2008.

42448/ If windstorm insurance coverage is obtained under this

4253provision, the coverage must be "sufficient to cover an amount

4263equal to the probable maximum loss for the communities for a

4274250-year windstorm event."


4280Michael Cochran, Director

4283Division of Florida Land Sales,

4288Condominiums, and Mobile Homes

4292Department of Business and

4296Professional Regulation

42981940 North Monroe Street

4302Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

4305Reginald Dixon, General Counsel

4309Department of Business and

4313Professional Regulation

4315Northwood Centre

43171940 North Monroe Street

4321Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

4324Joseph H. Lang, Esquire

4328Baynard, McLeod and Lang, P.A.

4333669 First Avenue North

4337St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

4341Kerry H. Brown, Esquire

4345Post Office Box 15223

4349St. Petersburg, Florida 33733-5223

4353William R. Wohlsifer, Esquire

4357Department of Business and

4361Professional Regulation

43631940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

4369Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202


4378All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

438815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4399to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4410will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/12/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/30/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/30/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/30/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 29, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/28/2009
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Tax Fees and Costs.
Date: 05/28/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Holifield from W. Wohlsifer regarding request for clarification of information in Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Supplemental Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 05/11/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Order filed.
Date: 04/29/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Tax Fees and Costs Pursuant to Section 57.105, Florida Statutes filed w/judge at hearing.
Date: 04/29/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum of Law filed w/judge at hearing.
Date: 04/29/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/27/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Respondent`s Motion for Leave to Amend Response.
Date: 04/27/2009
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 04/23/2009
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/23/2009
Proceedings: Amended Joint Notice of Taking Depositions on Oral Examination filed.
Date: 04/23/2009
Proceedings: Joint Notice of Taking Depositions on Oral Examination filed.
Date: 04/22/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/22/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/22/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Motion to Take Hearing Testimony of a Non-party Witness by Telephone filed.
Date: 04/22/2009
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order Granting Respondent`s Motion for Leave to Amend Response filed.
Date: 04/22/2009
Proceedings: (Modified) Second Amended Response to Notice to Show Cause and Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 04/17/2009
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend filed.
Date: 04/17/2009
Proceedings: Second Amended Response to Notice to Show Cause and Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 04/16/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 03/30/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Second Request to Produce Documents filed.
Date: 03/27/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner`s First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 03/27/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s First Request to Produce Documents filed.
Date: 03/27/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 03/24/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Respondent`s Motion for Leave to Amend Response.
Date: 03/23/2009
Proceedings: Amended Response to Notice to Show Cause and Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/23/2009
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order Granting Respondent`s Motion for Leave to Amend Response filed.
Date: 03/23/2009
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 29, 2009; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 03/17/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/10/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/10/2009
Proceedings: Notice to Show Cause filed.
Date: 03/10/2009
Proceedings: Response to Notice to Show Cause and Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/10/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


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