09-001515 George Spivak vs. Office Of Financial Regulation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, June 9, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Applicant for mortgage broker license who failed to disclose disqualifying civil judgment on application and had other disqualifying "violations" should not be granted licensure.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 09-1515




27Respondent. )



32Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted in this case on

43April 30, 2009, by telephone conference call at sites in West

54Palm Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before Stuart M. Lerner, a

64duly-designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

72Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


76For Petitioner: George Spivak, pro se

82118 Cassilly Way

85Jupiter, Florida 33458

88For Respondent: Robert H. Schott, Esquire

94Assistant General Counsel

97Office of Financial Regulation

101P.O. Box 8050

104Tallahassee, Florida 32399-8050


111Whether Petitioner's application for licensure as a

118mortgage broker should be denied on the grounds set forth in the

130Office of Financial Regulation's October 31, 2008, Notice of

139Denial of Application.


144By issuance of a Notice of Denial of Application (Notice of

155Denial) on October 31, 2008, the Office of Financial Regulation

165(Office) advised Petitioner that it had preliminarily decided to

174deny Petitioner's application for licensure as a mortgage broker

183based on the following:

187(a) On September 2, 1999, the National

194Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD,"

200now known as Financial Industry Regulatory

206Authority or FINRA) found that you had

213violated securities rules and regulations.

218Specifically, NASD found that you had

224churned six accounts[,] making unsuitable

230bond purchases for three of those

236accounts[,] and making material

241misrepresentations of fact in selling one

247bond issue to those clients. As a result,

255NASD enjoined you from committing future

261violations and barred you from association

267with any broker or dealer. These actions by

275NASD and your conduct state grounds for

282license denial within the meaning of section

289494.0041(2)(q) and (u)1., Florida Statutes.

294(b) On September 26, 2001, the State of

302Washington Department of Financial

306Institutions Securities Division found that

311you had acted as an unregistered salesperson

318and made misrepresentations of material fact

324in connection with the offer and sale of

332commodities. As a result, Washington State

338ordered you to cease and desist from acting

346as an unregistered salesperson and from

352violating the anti-fraud provisions of the

358Commodities Act of Washington. These

363actions by Washington State and your conduct

370state grounds for license denial within the

377meaning of section 494.0041(2)(q) and (u)1.,

383Florida Statutes.

385(c) On January 1, 2003, in the U.S. Court

394for the Southern District of Florida, in a

402civil action Commodit[y] Futures Trading

407Commission v. World-Wide Currency Services

412Corp., Genady Spivak a.k.a. George Spivak

418and Ellison Kent Morrison , [the court]

424entered Judgment against Defendants for

429Permanent Injunction and other Ancillary

434Relief. The court found that you were

441director and acted as president of World-

448Wide and oversaw its day to day operations.

456The court further found that the defendants

463engaged in solicitation fraud and fraud by

470misappropriation of customer funds. You

475caused $226,950 of customer funds to be

483disbursed to yourself. The judgment

488assessed civil monetary penalties in the

494amount of $4,331,658.90 against World-[W]ide

501and $1,361,700.00 against you. Your

508actions, described in the judgment,

513constitute misconduct within the meaning of

519section 494.0041(2)(q), and the judgment is

525for fraud, misrepresentation and deceit

530within the meaning of section


536(d) In submitting your license application

542on June 11, 2008, you answered "NO" to

550question 10F that asks:

554Has a final judgment been entered against

561you in a civil action upon grounds of

569fraud, embezzlement, or deceit?

573Because of the January 1, 2003 judgment, you

581should have answered "YES," and your "NO"

588answer was a material misstatement on an

595initial application within the meaning of

601section 494.0041(2)(c), Florida Statutes.

605(e) On June 18, 2008, the Office of

613Financial Regulation, in processing your

618current license application, wrote a letter

624advising you of deficiencies in your

630application. That letter instructed you

635inter alia , to provide the Office of

642[Financial Regulation] certified copies of

647any administrative final orders entered

652against you. That letter advised you of a

660September 16, 2008 deadline. As of today,

667you have not complied. This is a violation

675of the requirements of Rule 60V-40.031(2),

681Florida Administrative Code, and is a ground

688for denial within the meaning of subsection

695494.0041(2)(j).[ 1 ]

698The facts stated immediately above are

704grounds for denial of your application based

711on section 494.0041(2)(c),(j),(q),(t) and

718(u)1, Florida Statutes, and Rule 69V-

72440.031(2), Florida Administrative Code,

728quoted above. . . .

733On November 17, 2008, Petitioner submitted to the Office a

743written request for a hearing "to contest this action of [the

754Office]." On December 2, 2008, the Office issued an Order

764Dismissing Petition for Hearing with Leave to Amend. On

773December 23, 2008, Petitioner filed an amended hearing request.

782Upon reviewing the amended hearing request, the Office

790determined that it did not raise any disputed issues of material

801fact. Accordingly, it appointed an Informal Hearing Officer to

810conduct proceedings in accordance with Section 120.57(2),

817Florida Statutes.

819The Office subsequently determined, during the discovery

826process, that "a disputed issue of material fact probably

835exist[ed]." It therefore, on March 20, 2009, referred the

844matter to DOAH for a "formal hearing."

851As noted above, the hearing was held on April 30, 2009.

862Petitioner was the only witness who testified at the hearing.

872In addition to Petitioner's testimony, nine exhibits

879(Respondent's Exhibits A through I) were offered and received

888into evidence.

890At the close of the taking of evidence, the undersigned

900announced on the record that if the parties desired to file

911proposed recommended orders they had to so no later than 21 days

923from the date of the filing of the hearing transcript with DOAH.

935The hearing Transcript (consisting of one volume) was filed

944with DOAH on May 13, 2009.

950The Office filed its Proposed Recommended Order on June 3,

9602009. To date, Petitioner has not filed any post-hearing



973Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as

984a whole, the following findings of fact are made:

9931. Petitioner held a Series 7 securities license before it

1003was revoked in 1999 by the National Association of Securities

1013Dealers (NASD). As alleged in the Notice of Denial (and as

1024Petitioner admitted during his testimony at the final hearing),

1033NASD took such action on September 2, 1999, based upon its

1044finding that Petitioner had violated securities rules and

1052regulations by "churning six accounts[,] making unsuitable bond

1061purchases for three of those accounts[,] and making material

1071misrepresentations of fact in selling one bond issue to those

1081clients." NASD "enjoined [Petitioner] from committing future

1088violations and barred [him] from association with any broker or


10992. As alleged in the Notice of Denial (and as Petitioner

1110admitted during his testimony at the final hearing), "[o]n

1119September 26, 2001, the State of Washington Department of

1128Financial Institutions Securities Division found that

1134[Petitioner] had acted as an unregistered salesperson and made

1143misrepresentations of material fact in connection with the offer

1152and sale of commodities" and, based upon this finding, "ordered

1162[Petitioner] to cease and desist from acting as an unregistered

1172salesperson and from violating the anti-fraud provisions of the

1181Commodities Act of Washington."

11853. On or about January 13, 2003, the Commodity Futures

1195Trading Commission filed a two-count civil complaint in the

1204United States District Court for the Southern District of

1213Florida (Civil Action No. 03-80032) against Petitioner, World-

1221Wide Currency Services Corporation (of which he was a director

1231and president) and Ellison Kent Morrison. Count I of the

1241complaint alleged an "offer and sale of commodity future

1250contracts not conducted or subject to a Board or Trade which

1261ha[d] been designated as a contract market or a transaction

1271execution facility." Count II of the complaint alleged

"1279solicitation fraud and fraud by misappropriation of customer

1287funds." According to the complaint, these acts occurred from

1296December 21, 2000, up until the filing of the complaint.

13064. As alleged in the Notice of Denial (and as Petitioner

1317admitted during his testimony at the final hearing), a Summary

1327Judgment against Defendants for Permanent Injunction and other

1335Ancillary Relief" (Judgment) was entered against Petitioner and

1343his co-defendants in Civil Action No. 03-80032). 2

13514. The Judgment was entered on August 5, 2004, 3 and filed

1363with the clerk of the court four days later. It contained the

1375following "Conclusions of Law":

138023. Defendants violated section 4(a) of the

1387Commodity Exchange Act ("the Act") 7 U.S.C.

1396§ 6a (2003), since the futures contracts

1403sold by the Defendants are not conducted on

1411or subject to the rules of a board of trade

1421which has been designated or registered by

1428the [Commodity Futures Trading] Commission

1433as a contract market or derivatives

1439transaction facility for such contract.

144424. Defendants violated Section 4b(a)(2)(i)

1449and (iii) of the Act, 7 U.S.C. § 6b(a)(2)(i)

1458and (iii) (2003) and Commission Regulation

14641.1, 17 C.F.R. § 1.1 (2003), by making

1472materially false representations concerning

1476the likelihood that customers will profit

1482from purchasing futures contracts from the

1488Defendants, and by making false

1493representations and material omissions

1497concerning the risk of loss.

150225. Defendants violated Section 4b(a)(2)(i)

1507and (iii) of the Act, 7 U.S.C. § 6b(a)(2)(i)

1516and (iii) (2003) and Commission Regulation

15221.1, 17 C.F.R. § 1.1 (2003), by

1529misappropriating customer funds for personal


153526. Defendant Spiva[]k is additionally

1540liable as a controlling person under Section

154713(b) of the Act, 7 U.S.C. § 13c(b), because

1556(1) World-Wide, the corporate entity[,]

1562violated the Act; (2) Spiva[]k "directly or

1569indirectly" controlled that corporate

1573entity; and (3) Spiva[]k "did not act in

1581good faith or knowingly induced, directly or

1588indirectly, the act or acts constituting the

1595violation." CFTC v. Baragosh , 278 F.3d 319,

1602330 (4th Cir. 2002).

16065. Injunctive relief as well as the following monetary

1615relief were granted in the Judgment:

1621IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that judgment for

1628restitution, disgorgement, and civil

1632monetary penalties shall be entered in favor

1639of the Commission and against Defendants

1645World-Wide, Spiva[]k, and Morris, for which

1651Defendants shall be jointly and severally

1657liable for the following:

1661A. Restitution for injured investors in the

1668amount of $1,092,880.60, which includes pre-

1676judgment interest, plus any post-judgment

1681interest which accrues following the entry

1687of this Order. The judgment amount for

1694restitution represents the monies received

1699by Defendants from customers less any

1705refunds or other payments received by

1711customers from Defendants or customer funds

1717that have been frozen pursuant to the asset


1726C. [sic] Civil Penalties in an amount to be

1735determined following an evidentiary hearing

1740and upon due notice to the Defendants. The

1748judgment amount for civil monetary penalties

1754shall be payable only upon full

1760satisfaction[] of judgments for restitution.

17656. An Order Assessing Civil Monetary Penalties was

1773subsequently issued in the case on January 4, 2005. It

1783provided, in pertinent part, as follows:


17921. The plaintiff's motion for assessment of

1799civil monetary penalties is GRANTED.

18042. A civil monetary penalty in the amount

1812of $4,331,658.90 is here entered against

1820defendant World[-]Wide Currency Services


18252. A civil monetary penalty in the amount

1833of $1,361,700.00 is here entered against

1841defendant Genady Spiva[]k a/k/a George


1847* * *

18507. Petitioner has not paid any of the court-ordered

1859restitution in Civil Action No. 03-80032, notwithstanding that

1867in 2005 and 2006, his annual income was approximately

1876$110,000.00 and $98,000.00, respectively. 4

18838. Petitioner ended his association with World-Wide

1890Currency Services Corp. in February 2004.

18969. From March 2004 through August 2008, Petitioner was

1905employed as a "loan originator" for Alliance Home Mortgage

1914(March 2004, through January 2007), United Home Mortgage

1922(February 2007, through April 2008), and United Capital Lenders

1931(April 2008, through August 2008). Petitioner is unaware of

1940there having been any client complaints lodged against him

1949during the time he worked as a "loan originator." 5

195910. On June 11, 2008, Petitioner filed his original

1968Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Broker (Original

1976Application) with the Office. On his Original Application, he

1985falsely answered "No" to the each of the following questions:

199510C. Have you had a license, or the

2003equivalent, to practice any profession or

2009occupation denied, revoked, suspended, or

2014otherwise acted against?

201710F. Has a final judgment been entered

2024against you in a civil action upon grounds

2032of fraud, embezzlement, misrepresentation,

2036or deceit?

203811. On June 26, 2008, after having been told during a

2049telephone conversation with Tonya Knight, a Financial

2056Examiner/Analyst II with the Office, "that there was a problem"

2066with his answer to Question 10C. on the Original Application, 6

2077Petitioner filed an amended Application for Licensure as a

2086Mortgage Broker (Amended Application) with the Office. On the

2095Amended Application, Petitioner correctly answered "Yes" to

2102Question 10C.; however, in answering Question 10F., he continued

2111to maintain that a "final judgment [had not ] been entered

2122against [him] in a civil action upon grounds of fraud,

2132embezzlement, misrepresentation, or deceit," even though he knew

2140that this was not true.


214812. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this

2158proceeding and of the parties hereto pursuant to Chapter 120,

2168Florida Statutes.

217013. Petitioner has applied to the Office to become

2179licensed in Florida as a mortgage broker.

218614. Pursuant to Section 494.0033(2), Florida Statutes, any

"2194natural person" is qualified to be issued such a license if

2205that person:

2207(a) Is at least 18 years of age and has a

2218high school diploma or its equivalent.

2224(b) Has passed a written test adopted and

2232administered by the [O]ffice, or has passed

2239an electronic test adopted and administered

2245by the [O]ffice or a third party approved by

2254the [O]ffice, which is designed to determine

2261competency in primary and subordinate

2266mortgage financing transactions as well as

2272to test knowledge of ss. 494.001-494.0077

2278and the rules adopted pursuant

2283thereto. . . .

2287(c) Has submitted a completed application

2293and a nonrefundable application fee of $195.

2300(d) Has filed a complete set of

2307fingerprints for submission by the [O]ffice

2313to the Department of Law Enforcement or the

2321Federal Bureau of Investigation for


2327Additionally, the applicant "must have completed 24 hours of

2336classroom education on primary and subordinate financing

2343transactions and the laws and rules of ss. 494.001-494.0077 to

2353be eligible for licensure." § 494.0033(3), Fla. Stat.

236115. An applicant who meets the foregoing qualifications

2369for licensure may nonetheless be denied licensure pursuant to

2378Section 494.0033(4), Florida Statutes, "if the applicant has

2386committed any violation specified in ss. 494.001-494.0077 or has

2395pending against her or him any criminal prosecution or

2404administrative enforcement action, in any jurisdiction, which

2411involves fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral


242216. Furthermore, Section 494.0041, Florida Statutes,

2428provides, in pertinent part, as follows:

2434(1) Whenever the [O]ffice finds a person in

2442violation of an act specified in subsection

2449(2), it may enter an order imposing one or

2458more of the following penalties against the


2466* * *

2469(f) Denial of a license or registration.

2476(2) Each of the following acts constitutes

2483a ground for which the disciplinary actions

2490specified in subsection (1) may be taken:

2497* * *

2500(c) A material misstatement of fact on an

2508initial or renewal application.

2512* * *

2515(q) Commission of fraud, misrepresentation,

2520concealment, dishonest dealing by trick,

2525scheme, or device, culpable negligence, or

2531breach of trust in any business transaction

2538in any state, nation, or territory; or

2545aiding, assisting, or conspiring with any

2551other person engaged in any such misconduct

2558and in furtherance thereof.

2562* * *

2565(t) Having a final judgment entered against

2572the applicant . . . in a civil action upon

2582grounds of fraud, embezzlement,

2586misrepresentation, or deceit.

2589(u)1. Having been the subject of any

2596decision, finding, injunction, suspension,

2600prohibition, revocation, denial, judgment,

2604or administrative order by any court of

2611competent jurisdiction, administrative law

2615judge, state or federal agency, national

2621securities exchange, national commodities

2625exchange, national option exchange, national

2630securities association, national commodities

2634association, or national option association

2639involving a violation of any federal or

2646state securities or commodities law or rule

2653or regulation adopted under such law or

2660involving a violation of any rule or

2667regulation of any national securities,

2672commodities, or options exchange or


2678* * *

268117. In the instant case, the Office preliminarily denied

2690Petitioner's application for licensure based on the action taken

2699against him by the NASD on September 2, 1999 (which the Office

2711alleged constituted grounds for denial pursuant to Section

2719494.0041(2)(q) and (u)1., Florida Statutes); the action taken

2727against him by the State of Washington Department of Financial

2737Institutions Securities Division on September 26, 2001 (which

2745the Office alleged constituted grounds for denial pursuant to

2754Section 494.0041(2)(q) and (u)1., Florida Statutes); the final

2762judgment entered in Commodity Futures Trading Commission v.

2770World-Wide Currency Services Corp, Genady Spivak a/k/a George

2778Spivak and Ellison Kent Morrison , United States District Court

2787for the Southern District of Florida Civil Action No. 03-80032

2797(which the Office alleged constituted grounds for denial

2805pursuant to Section 494.0041(2)(q) and (t), Florida Statutes);

2813and his making a "material misstatement" in his response to

2823Question 10F. on his application for licensure (which the Office

2833alleged constituted grounds for denial pursuant to Section

2841494.0041(2)(c), Florida Statutes).

284418. Petitioner was granted a hearing before a DOAH

2853administrative law judge to challenge this preliminary


286119. At the hearing, it was the Office's burden to prove by

2873a preponderance of the evidence the foregoing "violations"

2881alleged in its Notice of Denial. See M. H. v. Department of

2893Children and Family Services , 977 So. 2d 755, 762-63 (Fla. 2d

2904DCA 2008)("[I]f the licensing agency proposes to deny the

2914requested license based on specific acts of misconduct, then the

2924agency assumes the burden of proving the specific acts of

2934misconduct that it claims demonstrate the applicant's lack of

2943fitness to be licensed. . . . The only issue before the ALJ was

2957DCF's stated reason for denying the application for the renewal

2967of their foster care license, i.e., whether 'C. S., while in

2978[the Foster Parents'] care, suffered an injury that required

2987significant pulling force and [that] could not be considered

2996accidental.' . . . This issue involved a charge of specific

3007misconduct upon which DCF relied as its sole reason for the

3018denial of the Foster Parents' application for the renewal of

3028their foster care license. Accordingly, DCF had the burden of

3038proving this charge of specific misconduct by a preponderance of

3048the evidence.").

305120. Through its evidentiary presentation at hearing, the

3059Office established by a preponderance of the evidence that

3068Petitioner's application for licensure is subject to denial

3076pursuant to Section 494.0041(2)(u)1., Florida Statutes, based on

3084the action taken against him by the NASD on September 2, 1999,

3096and the action taken against him by the State of Washington

3107Department of Financial Institutions Securities Division on

3114September 26, 2001, as alleged in the Notice of Denial; that it

3126is subject to denial pursuant to Section 494.0041(2)(t), Florida

3135Statutes, based on the final judgment entered in Commodity

3144Futures Trading Commission v. World-Wide Currency Services Corp,

3152Genady Spivak a/k/a George Spivak and Ellison Kent Morrison ,

3161United States District Court for the Southern District of

3170Florida Civil Action No. 03-80032, as alleged in the Notice of

3181Denial; and that it is subject to denial pursuant to Section

3192494.0041(2)(c), Florida Statutes, based on his having made a

3201material misstatement of fact in his response to Question 10F.

3211on his application for licensure. 7

321721. The evidentiary record reveals no reason why the

3226Office should decline to exercise its authority to deny

3235Petitioner's application for licensure pursuant to Section

3242494.0041(2)(c), (t) and (u)1., Florida Statutes. While

3249Petitioner has asserted that "he has been rehabilitated[ 8 ] and is

3261entitled to the grant of his mortgage broker's license," the

3271record evidence simply does not support this claim. 9

328022. In view of foregoing, Petitioner's application for

3288licensure should be denied.


3293Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3302of Law, it is hereby

3307RECOMMENDED that the Office of Financial Regulation issue a

3316Final Order denying Petitioner's application for licensure as a

3325mortgage broker.

3327DONE AND ENTERED this 9th day of June, 2009, in

3337Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3346Administrative Law Judge

3349Division of Administrative Hearings

3353The DeSoto Building

33561230 Apalachee Parkway

3359Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3362(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3366Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3371Filed with the Clerk of the

3377Division of Administrative Hearings

3381this 9th day of June, 2009.


33881 In its Proposed Recommended Order, the Office announced that

3398it was abandoning this ground for denial.

34052 Petitioner was represented by counsel in this civil


34153 The Notice of Denial erroneously alleged that the Judgment had

3426been entered on January 1, 2003.

34324 Petitioner "lives in a single-family home in a gated . . . up-

3446scale neighborhood." He testified at hearing that the money he

3456made in 2005 and 2006 was "not a lot of money to [him]" and it

3471was just enough to enable him to keep "paying [his] bills."

34825 No one other than Petitioner testified at the final hearing

3493concerning Petitioner's work record as a "loan originator."

35016 Prior to speaking with Ms. Knight, Petitioner had received a

3512letter from her, dated June 18, 2008, which read, in pertinent

3523part, as follows:

3526The State of Florida, Office of Financial

3533Regulation ("Office") is in receipt of your

3542application for Mortgage Broker license on

3548June 11, 2008.

3551In order for the application to be deemed

3559complete, it will be necessary for you to

3567provide this office with the following:

3573* * *

3576- Please provide an explanation as to

3583why you answered "No" to Question . . .

359210C . . . . According to the Financial

3601Industry Regulatory Authority's (FINRA)

3605CRD report . . . you were barred from

3614association with any broker or dealer.

3620If applicable, please amend your

3625application on the Real System. Please

3631provide copies of all documents

3636pertaining to each unrelated event

3641referred to in Question . . .

364810C . . . . Such documentation includes,

3656but is not limited to, certified copies

3663of all documents supporting the charges

3669that were filed against you and the

3676disposition of each charge. If you

3682assert that you have been rehabilitated,

3688submit copies of all documents in support

3695of your rehabilitation. . . .

3701- Provide proof of fines or restitution

3708paid including amount and date paid.

3714* * *

3717The Office must receive a response resolving

3724all deficiencies by September 16, 2008.

3730Failure to provide all the requested

3736information by the deadline is deemed by the

3744Office as grounds for denial of the


3752* * *

37557 No "violation" of Section 494.0041(2)(q), Florida Statutes,

3763was proven, however. Cf. Williams v. Castor , 613 So. 2d 97, 99

3775(Fla. 1st DCA 1993)("The law is well established that a judgment

3787of conviction of a criminal offense . . . is not admissible in a

3801subsequent civil proceeding as proof of the facts on which it is

3813based. Thus, proof of the fact of Appellant's conviction by a

3824copy of the criminal judgment was not legally sufficient to

3834prove that Appellant was guilty of violating any of the statutes

3845or rules the EPC found him guilty of violating, other than

3856section 231.28(1)(e).")(citations omitted); Estate of Wallace v.

3864Fisher , 567 So. 2d 505, 508 (Fla. 5th DCA 1990)("Florida courts

3876have consistently held that a judgment of conviction in a

3886criminal prosecution is not admissible in a civil action as

3896evidence of the facts upon which it is based."); Nunez v.

3908Gonzalez , 456 So. 2d 1336, 1338 (Fla. 2d DCA 1984)("It is well

3921settled that a judgment of conviction in a criminal prosecution

3931cannot be introduced into evidence in a civil action to

3941establish the truth of the facts upon which it was rendered.");

3953and Nell v. International Union of Operating Engineers,

3961Local # 675 , 427 So. 2d 798, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)

3973("[C]ollateral estoppel, or estoppel by judgment, requires

3981identity of parties in both actions. . . . [I]issues common to

3993civil and criminal proceedings, directly determined in the prior

4002criminal proceeding, would have to be tried anew in the civil


40158 Petitioner bore the burden at hearing of proving his

4025rehabilitation. See Beshore v. Department of Financial

4032Services , 928 So. 2d 411, 414 (Fla. 1st DCA 2006)("As a general

4045rule, the burden of proof is on the party asserting the

4056affirmative of an issue."); and Espinoza v. Department of

4066Business and Professional Regulation, Florida Board of

4073Professional Engineers , 739 So. 2d 1250, 1251 (Fla. 3d DCA

40831999)("The general rule is that, apart from statute, the burden

4094of proof is on the party asserting the affirmative of an issue

4106before an administrative tribunal.").

41119 That Petitioner's most recent "violation" (his falsification

4119of his licensure application) occurred less than a year ago and

4130that he has not paid any of the court-ordered restitution in

4141Civil Action No. 03-80032 are among the factors weighing against

4151a finding of rehabilitation in the instant case. See Hester v.

4162Department of Financial Services, Office of Financial

4169Regulation , No. 05-2107, 2005 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 1311

4179*31 (Fla. DOAH September 12, 2005)(Recommended Order)("[I]t is

4188the repeated unwillingness of the Petitioner to be forthcoming

4197in the application process that demonstrates Petitioner's lack

4205of appreciation for truthfulness, honesty and integrity. The

4213continuation of such behavior also undermines any argument that

4222he has been rehabilitated from the events providing grounds for

4232denial in this case."); Comas v. Department of Financial

4242Services, Office of Financial Regulation , No. 03-1738, slip op .

4252at 9 (Fla. DOAH September 30, 2003)(Recommended Order)("One

4261element of rehabilitation is making restitution to one's

4269victims."); Fonseca v. Department of Juvenile Justice , No. 99-

42793931 , 2000 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 5071 *9 (Fla. DOAH April

429127, 2000)(Recommended Order)("By his dishonesty in applying for

4300employment with the Department, Fonseca has shown that he is not

4311rehabilitated and is not entitled to an exemption from

4320disqualification from employment."); and Goings v. Secretary of

4329State, Division of Licensing , No. 80-2062S, 1981 Fla. Div. Adm.

4339Hear. LEXIS 4353 *5 (Fla. DOAH January 7, 1981)(Recommended

4348Order)("The undersigned is not persuaded by Petitioner's

4356position at the hearing in this cause that his criminal record

4367constitutes mistakes made in his past and that he is entitled to

4379begin life anew. While it has been three years since the

4390Petitioner's last conviction, and while the passage of time may

4400well indicate a reformed intent to abide by and respect the laws

4412of the state, Petitioner has failed to demonstrate

4420rehabilitation when he continues to rely upon dishonesty when he

4430deems it appropriate.").


4437George Spivak

4439118 Cassilly Way

4442Jupiter, Florida 33458

4445Robert H. Schott, Esquire

4449Assistant General Counsel

4452Office of Financial Regulation

4456P.O. Box 8050

4459Tallahassee, Florida 32399-8050

4462Alex Hager, Acting Commissioner

4466Office of Financial Regulation

4470200 East Gaines Street

4474Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

4477Robert Beitler, General Counsel

4481Office of Financial Regulation

4485200 East Gaines Street, Suite 526

4491Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350


4500All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

451015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4521to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4532will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/21/2009
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order and Notice of Rights filed
Date: 08/20/2009
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/09/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/09/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/09/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 30, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/03/2009
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/13/2009
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 04/30/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/20/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Exhibit List and Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 04/20/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Witness List filed.
Date: 03/31/2009
Proceedings: Order Concerning Hearing Exhibits, Witnesses, and Dispute Resolution.
Date: 03/31/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 30, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/27/2009
Proceedings: Second Joint Statement of Hearing Availability filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction for Referral to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Telephone Conference filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Informal Hearing, Appointing a Hearing Officer, and Prehearing Instructions filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Response to Denial of Application filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Denial of Application filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Order Dismissing Petition for Hearing with Leave to Amend filed.
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral
Date: 03/20/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


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