09-003048 Corey Hodges vs. Dr. Eric J. Smith, As Commissioner Of Education
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, December 2, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Recommend grant of application for an educator's certificate where Petitioner proved he met the criteria and Department failed to prove he introduced marijuana into a correctional facility as alleged in its Notice of Reasons.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 09-3048





32Respondent. )



37Pursuant to notice, this cause was heard by T. Kent

47Wetherell, II, the assigned Administrative Law Judge of the

56Division of Administrative Hearings, on September 1, 2009, in

65Bunnell, Florida. Upon Judge Wetherell's elevation to the

73District Court of Appeal, First District, this cause was

82transferred to Administrative Law Judge Linda M. Rigot for entry

92of a recommended order.


97For Petitioner: Sidney M. Nowell, Esquire

103Justin T. Peterson, Esquire

107Nowell & Associates, P.A.

1111100 East Moody Boulevard

115Post Office Box 819

119Bunnell, Florida 32110-0819

122For Respondent: Edward T. Bauer, Esquire

128Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett,

131Foster & Gwartney, P.A.

135909 East Park Avenue

139Tallahassee, Florida 32301


146The issue presented is whether Petitioner’s application for

154an educator’s certificate should be granted.


162In a Notice of Reasons dated March 30, 2009, the Department

173of Education (Department) gave notice of its intent to deny

183Petitioner’s application for an educator’s certificate. On

190April 24, 2009, Petitioner filed with the Department an Election

200of Rights form in which he requested an administrative hearing

210regarding that denial. On June 8, 2009, the Department

219transferred this matter to the Division of Administrative

227Hearings to conduct the hearing requested by Petitioner.

235The final hearing was initially scheduled for July 30,

2442009, but was re-scheduled for September 1, 2009, based upon the

255Department’s unopposed motion. At the commencement of the

263hearing, the Department made an ore tenus motion to amend the

274Notice of Reasons to remove Counts 3 and 7 as grounds for denial

287of Petitioner’s application. Petitioner had no objection, and

295the motion was granted. Similarly, the Department's ore tenus

304motion to correct the statutory citation in Count 2 was

314unopposed and granted.

317Petitioner testified on his own behalf and also presented

326the testimony of Terry N. Thomas, Nicole Marine, Diane Thomas,

336and Lawrence C. Smith. The Department presented the testimony

345of Darrel Grabner and Jerry N. Livingston, Jr. Petitioner’s

354Exhibit numbered 1 was received in evidence, as were the

364Department’s Exhibits numbered 1 through 10.

370The parties were afforded 28 days from the date on which

381the Transcript of the final hearing was filed by which to file

393their proposed recommended orders. The Transcript was filed on

402September 16, 2009. A September 24, 2009, unopposed Motion to

412Extend Time to File Proposed Order until October 23, 2009, was

423granted by Order entered September 25, 2009. A subsequent

432unopposed Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Order until

442November 2, 2009, was granted by Order entered October 21, 2009.

453Both parties timely filed their proposed recommended orders, and

462those documents have been considered in the entry of this

472Recommended Order.


4771. Petitioner is 31 years old. He has lived in Florida

488for the past 11 years.

4932. Petitioner works at a rehabilitation center that

501provides services to individuals with substance abuse problems.

509He has worked in that job for about a year. As a client

522advocate, he works with children 16 years of age and older.

5333. For ten years Petitioner has served as a volunteer

543basketball coach in the Flagler County Police Athletic League

552(PAL). He currently coaches the high-school-aged girls' travel

560team. Over the years he has coached boys and girls in the

572fourth grade through the twelfth grade.

5784. For three or four years Petitioner has been a volunteer

589in a church-based youth ministry program. He supervises,

597mentors, and provides encouragement to the children in the


6075. Petitioner applied for an educator’s certificate so

615that he can coach basketball at the high school level. He does

627not need the certificate to continue coaching in the PAL, but he

639needs the certificate to work or even volunteer as a high school


6526. Petitioner was employed as a certified correctional

660officer at Tomoka Correctional Institution (TCI) for about four

669years, until September 23, 2007. TCI is a state prison in

680Volusia County, Florida, operated by the Florida Department of

689Corrections (DOC).

6917. As Petitioner was driving to work at TCI on

701September 23, 2007, he saw a team of DOC investigators

711conducting a drug interdiction at the facility. He pulled his

721car over to the side of the facility’s entrance road and threw a

734small package out of the car window before proceeding to the

745parking lot. TCI staff saw Petitioner throw the package from

755his car and informed the DOC investigators. The DOC

764investigators went to the area and recovered the package.

7738. The package contained marijuana. It was in a plastic

783baggie and had been tightly wrapped in paper towels and then

794covered with medical tape.

7989. The manner in which the marijuana was wrapped is

808consistent with the most common way that drugs are packaged when

819they are smuggled into a prison. The package was small enough

830and flat enough to be hidden in a man's boot or around his

843crotch area and not be detected during a cursory pat-down


85410. After Petitioner was told by DOC investigators that a

864drug-sniffing dog alerted to his car, he voluntarily spoke to

874the investigators and admitted that the package found next to

884the entrance road was thrown there by him, that he knew it

896contained marijuana, and that he threw it out of his car when he

909saw the drug interdiction team at the facility. However,

918Petitioner denied that he planned to sell or give the marijuana

929to an inmate or anyone else “inside the walls” of the facility.

94111. Petitioner told the DOC investigators, and he

949testified at the final hearing, that he received the marijuana

959the day before the incident while he was at a fundraising car

971wash for his PAL basketball team. The children on the

981basketball team were at the car wash when the marijuana was

992delivered, as were Petitioner’s children.

99712. Petitioner told the DOC investigators, and he

1005testified at the final hearing, that his sister-in-law called

1014him before the car wash and asked him to help her by allowing a

1028friend to bring marijuana for her to Petitioner at the car wash.

1040She said she would later pick it up from Petitioner.

105013. Petitioner told the DOC investigators, and he

1058testified at the final hearing, that he did not give much

1069thought to her request because she was a family member and one

1081should always help out family members. When the marijuana was

1091delivered, Petitioner was at his car which was a distance away

1102from where the cars were being washed. He wrapped the marijuana

1113in paper towels and medical tape, which he had in his car from a

1127prior injury, so that his children, who were helping wash the

1138cars, would not see it when he drove them home in his car.

115114. His sister-in-law did not come to pick up the

1161marijuana after the car wash. He forgot that the marijuana was

1172in his car until he was close to work the next day. When he saw

1187the interdiction team at TCI, he stopped and threw the marijuana

1198out of the car. He then drove into the parking lot, parked his

1211car, and went in to work.

121715. Petitioner was immediately arrested after his

1224confession to the DOC investigators. He was charged with

1233possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana and introduction

1243of contraband into a state prison. Both of those charges are

1254felonies, but for reasons not explained in the record, the State

1265Attorney elected not to prosecute either of the charges.

127416. Petitioner was immediately fired from TCI after his

1283arrest, and he subsequently lost his certification as a

1292correctional officer.

129417. Petitioner testified that he understands that what he

1303did was wrong, that he is sorry for what he did, and that he

1317will never do it again. This testimony appeared to be sincere.

132818. The character witnesses who testified on Petitioner’s

1336behalf at the final hearing all testified that Petitioner is a

1347good person and a good role model for the children that he

1359coaches and mentors; that this incident was out of character for

1370Petitioner; and that they have no concerns about Petitioner

1379working with children. This testimony was sincere and clearly


138919. Although the DOC investigators weighed the marijuana

1397while it was still wrapped and determined that it weighed 37.8

1408grams, they did not weigh the marijuana itself after removing it

1419from its packaging. There is no competent evidence in this

1429record as to the weight of the marijuana. Accordingly, it

1439cannot be determined whether the amount of marijuana Petitioner

1448threw from his car would have constituted a felony or a


146020. Similarly, there is no competent evidence in this

1469record as to whether Petitioner was on the grounds of a state

1481prison when he threw the marijuana from his car. There are no

1493security fences, no checkpoints, and no security towers before

1502one reaches the signage for the correctional facility and its

1512attendant structures. Petitioner believed that he would have

1520been on prison property if he had passed by the signage for the

1533facility and had crossed the road surrounding the perimeter of

1543the prison. One of the DOC investigators testified that the

1553property boundary was several hundred yards before the entrance

1562sign. The photographs admitted in evidence visually suggest

1570that the correctional facility's property commences beyond the

1578sign and beyond the location where Petitioner threw out the

1588marijuana. There is no competent evidence as to whether

1597Petitioner was on state property with the marijuana in his


160821. Petitioner denies that he intended to introduce

1616contraband into the correctional facility. Rather, his actions

1624in throwing the marijuana out of his car at a location he

1636believed to be outside of the facility's property suggest he did

1647not intend to bring the contraband onto the grounds of the


165922. Petitioner has met the qualifications for obtaining an

1668educator's certificate to enable him to coach basketball on the

1678high-school level.


168323. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and subject

1693matter of this proceeding pursuant to Sections 120.569 and

1702120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

170524. Section 1012.56, Florida Statutes, provides that the

1713Department is the state agency responsible for determining

1721eligibility for an educator's certificate.

172625. Petitioner has the burden to prove by a preponderance

1736of the evidence that he meets the applicable requirements for

1746certification. The Department has the burden to prove by a

1756preponderance of the evidence that Petitioner fails to meet the

1766criteria for the reasons set forth in its Notice of Reasons for

1778denial of Petitioner's application. See Dept. of Banking &

1787Finance v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996).

1799Petitioner has met his burden of proving entitlement to an

1809educator's certificate, and the Department has failed to prove

1818that Petitioner's application should be denied.

182426. The general criteria for certification are set forth

1833in Section 1012.56(2)(a)-(i), Florida Statutes. The only

1840criterion the Department contends that Petitioner does not meet

1849is paragraph (e), which requires the applicant to “[b]e of good

1860moral character.”

186227. Even if an applicant meets the criteria in Section

18721012.56(2)(a)-(i), Florida Statutes, an application for

1878certification may be denied “if the department possesses

1886evidence satisfactory to it that the applicant has committed an

1896act or acts, or that a situation exists, for which the Education

1908Practices Commission would be authorized to revoke a teaching

1917certificate.” § 1012.56(12)(a), Fla. Stat.

192228. The Education Practices Commission is authorized to

1930revoke an educator's certificate if the person:

1937(d) Has been guilty of gross

1943immorality or an act involving moral

1949turpitude as defined by rule of the State

1957Board of Education.

1960* * *

1963(j) Has violated the Principles of

1969Professional Conduct for the Education

1974Profession prescribed by State Board of

1980Education rules.

1982§ 1012.795(1), Fla. Stat.

198629. The Department’s rules do not include a definition of

1996conduct that is inconsistent with the

2002standards of public conscience and good

2008morals. It is conduct sufficiently

2013notorious to bring the individual concerned

2019or the education profession into public

2025disgrace or disrespect and impair the

2031individual’s service in the community.

2036Fla. Admin. Code R. 6B-4.009(2).

204130. The Department’s rules define “moral turpitude” as:

2049a crime that is evidenced by an act of

2058baseness, vileness or depravity in the

2064private and social duties, which, according

2070to the accepted standards of the time a man

2079owes to his or her fellow man or to society

2089in general, and the doing of the act itself

2098and not its prohibition by statute fixes the

2106moral turpitude.

2108Fla. Admin. Code R. 6B-4.009(6).

211331. The Principles of Professional Conduct for the

2121Education Profession in Florida provide in pertinent part:

2129(5) Obligation to the profession of

2135education requires that the individual:

2140(a) Shall maintain honesty in all

2146professional dealings.

2148Fla. Admin. Code R. 6B-1006.

215332. The factual allegations forming the basis for the

2162Department's denial of Petitioner's application were two-fold:

2169(1) fraudulent information on Petitioner's application, and (2)

2177Petitioner's possession of and introduction of marijuana into a

2186correctional institution. At the commencement of the final

2194hearing the Department admitted that Petitioner had submitted no

2203fraudulent information and dismissed Count 3 and 7 of the Notice

2214of Reasons.

221633. Count 1 of the Notice of Reasons alleges that

2226Petitioner lacks good moral character as required by Section

22351012.56(2)(e), Florida Statutes. Petitioner has established his

2242good moral character. The only evidence proven by the

2251Department to show that Petitioner lacks good moral character is

2261Petitioner's admission that for one day he possessed an unknown

2271quantity of marijuana. Although Petitioner's agreement to do

2279his sister-in-law that favor cannot be justified, it cannot be

2289concluded that that single act defines his character.

229734. Count 2, as amended, of the Notice of Reasons alleges

2308that Petitioner has violated Section 1012.56(12)(a), Florida

2315Statutes, because Petitioner has committed an act for which the

2325Education Practices Commission would be authorized to revoke his

2334certificate if he were certified. This Count is interrelated

2343with Counts 4 and 5, which allege that Petitioner is guilty of

2355violating Section 1012.795(d) and (j), Florida Statutes, because

2363he is guilty of gross immorality or an act involving moral

2374turpitude as defined by rule and/or of violating the Principles

2384of Professional Conduct.

238735. Petitioner cannot be found guilty of gross immorality

2396as defined by rule since there is no rule providing a

2407definition, as is required by the statute. Further, the

2416definition of moral turpitude requires evidence of a crime or

2426conduct that is base, vile, or depraved. There is no competent

2437evidence that Petitioner intended to introduce contraband into a

2446correctional facility. Rather, the evidence indicates that

2453Petitioner intended to not introduce the contraband since he

2462threw it away. Further, only opinion testimony was offered as

2472to the boundaries of the property where the correctional

2481facility is located and as to whether Petitioner was within the

2492boundaries. The State Attorney declined to prosecute Petitioner

2500on this charge. Since neither the crime nor the conduct has

2511been proven, it cannot be said that the crime or conduct was

2523base, vile, or depraved.

252736. Similarly, Petitioner was neither prosecuted for nor

2535convicted of possessing marijuana. Although he admitted to the

2544investigators at the time and during the final hearing in this

2555cause that he possessed the marijuana from one afternoon until

2565the next morning, that in and of itself cannot be considered

2576base, vile, or depraved. The Department's failure to prove the

2586quantity of marijuana must also be considered since the

2595Department argued at page 85 of the Transcript that there is a

2607big difference between felony possession and misdemeanor


261537. The Department has, accordingly, failed to prove by a

2625preponderance of the evidence that Petitioner is guilty of gross

2635immorality or an act involving moral turpitude, as alleged in

2645Counts 2 and 4 of the Notice of Reasons.

265438. Counts 2 and 5 are also interrelated in that the

2665Education Practices Commission would be authorized to revoke a

2674certificate for a violation of the Principles of Professional

2683Conduct. Count 6 provides the specific principle which the

2692Department alleges Petitioner has violated, and that is the

2701requirement that Petitioner maintain honesty in all professional

2709dealings. The Department argues that Petitioner violated this

2717principle by bringing contraband into a correctional

2724institution. Since there is not a preponderance of evidence

2733that Petitioner did so, then the Department has failed to prove

2744the allegations of Counts 2, 5, and 6, as alleged in the Notice

2757of Reasons.


2760Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2769of Law, it is

2773RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order

2781granting Petitioner’s application for an educator’s certificate.

2788DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of December, 2009, in

2798Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2806Administrative Law Judge

2809Division of Administrative Hearings

2813The DeSoto Building

28161230 Apalachee Parkway

2819Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

2822(850) 488-9675

2824Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


2829Filed with the Clerk of the

2835Division of Administrative Hearings

2839this 2nd day of December, 2009.


2848Edward T. Bauer, Esquire

2852Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett,

2855Foster & Gwartney, P.A.

2859909 East Park Avenue

2863Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2866Sidney M. Nowell, Esquire

2870Justin T. Peterson, Esquire

2874Nowell & Associates, P.A.

28781100 East Moody Boulevard

2882Post Office Box 819

2886Bunnell, Florida 32110-0819

2889Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director

2894Education Practices Commission

2897Department of Education

2900325 West Gaines Street, Room 224

2906Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

2909Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel

2914Department of Education

2917325 West Gaines Street, Room 1244

2923Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

2926Mariam Lambeth, Bureau Chief

2930Bureau of Professional Practices Services

2935Department of Education

2938325 West Gaines Street, Room 224-E

2944Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400


2953All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

296315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2974to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2985will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/21/2020
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/31/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/02/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/02/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 1, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/02/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/02/2009
Proceedings: Proposed Order filed.
Date: 11/02/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/21/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (proposed recommended orders shall be filed by November 2, 2009).
Date: 10/20/2009
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order filed.
Date: 10/20/2009
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Order filed.
Date: 09/25/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time (proposed recommended orders to be filed by October 23, 2009).
Date: 09/24/2009
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order filed.
Date: 09/24/2009
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Order filed.
Date: 09/22/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 09/16/2009
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 09/01/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/27/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness and Exhibit List filed.
Date: 08/27/2009
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 08/20/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 07/17/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (of S. Nowell) filed.
Date: 07/15/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 1, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Bunnell, FL).
Date: 07/15/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Agreed upon Motion to Continue Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 07/14/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Agreed upon Motion to Continue Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 06/16/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/16/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 30, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Bunnell, FL).
Date: 06/15/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by E. Bauer).
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Reasons filed.
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bunnell, Florida


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