09-003547 Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Nationwide Healthcare Services, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, July 11, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner established (1) a case of overpayment, and (2) overpayment computation is proper and accurate; and demonstrated a fine should be imposed. Recommend repayment of overpayment, plus a fine.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 09 - 3547



31INC. , )


34Respondent. )



39Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

50on July 23, 2010, by video teleconference with connecting sites

60in Miami and Tallahassee, Florida, before Errol H. Powell, an

70Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative



80For Petitioner: Andrew T. Sheeran , Esquire

86Agency for Health Care Administration

91Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

982727 Mahan Drive

101Tallahassee, Florida 32308

104For Re spondent: Jona than Ewing , Esquire

111Griffin & Serrano , P.A.

115Blackstone Building, Sixth Floor

119707 Southeast 3rd Avenue

123Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316


131The issue for determination i s whether Respondent was

140overpaid by t he Medicaid program as set forth in Petitioner 's

152Final Audit Report dated May 18, 2009, for the period July 1,

1642004 , through June 30, 2006 .


172By Final Audit Report (F AR) dated May 18, 2009 , Nationwid e

184Healthcare Services, Inc. (Nationwide) was notified by the

192Agency for Health Care Administration ( AHCA ) that , after a

203review of all documentat ion submitted regarding Medicaid claims

212for the period July 1, 2004 , through June 30, 2006, a

223determination had been made that Nationwide was overpaid by the

233Medicaid prog ram in the amount of $326,866.72 and that a fine of

247$2,500.00 had been applied, totaling an amount due of

257$329,366.72 . The procedure and formula for the calculation of

268the overpayment w ere i nclude d in the FA R. Nationwide disputed

281the FA R and requested a hearing. On July 2, 2009 , this matter

294was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

302The final hearing was originally scheduled for

309September 28, 2009. Upon agreed motions for continuan ce ,

318primarily on the ground that a review of additional medical

328records from Nationwide was necessary and that authorization for

337an amended final audit report was re quired to be obtained from

349the f ederal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the

359fina l hearing was rescheduled. Subsequently, an Agreed Motion

368to Amend Final Audit Rep ort was filed and was granted.

379On January 12, 2010, AHCA fil ed an Amended FAR, dated

390January 7, 2010. By the Amended FAR, AHCA notified Nationwide

400that after a review of ne w documentation submitted regarding

410Medicaid claims for the period July 1, 2004 , through June 30,

4212006, a revised determination had been made that Nationwide was

431overpaid by the Medicaid program in the amount of $31,756.20 and

443that a fine of $2,500.00 had been applied, totaling an amount

455due of $34,265.20. The procedure and formula for the

465calculation of the overpayment w ere included in the Amended FAR.

476Nationwide disputed the Ame nded FAR and filed an amended

486response to the Amended FAR . The final hearin g was rescheduled.

498By agreement, continuances were granted and the hearing was


508At hearing, AHCA presented the testimony of two witness es

518and entered 14 exhibit s (Petitioner's Exhibit s numbered 1

528through 14) into evidence. Nationwide presente d the testim ony

538of one witness and entered 17 exhibits ( Respondent's Exhibits A

549through Q ) into evidence.

554A t ranscript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of

566the parties, the time for filing post - hearing submissions was

577set for more than ten days f ollowing the filing of the

589transcript . The Transcript, consisting of two volumes, was

598filed on September 16, 2010. The parties timely filed their

608post - hearing submissions, which were considered in the

617preparation of this Recommended Order.


6251. AHCA audited certain of Nationwide 's Medicaid claims

634pertaining to services rendered between July 1, 2004 , and

643June 30, 2006, hereinafter the audit period.

6502 . Nationwide was an authorized Medicaid provider of home

660health services to Medicaid reci pients during the audit period .

6713 . Durin g the audit period, Nationwide had been issued

682Med icaid provider number 650065000 .

6884 . No dispute exists that, dur ing the audit period,

699Nationwide had a vali d Medicaid Provider Agreement with AHCA


7105 . N o dispute exists that, during the audit period,

721Nationwide r eceived payment for services to Medicaid recipients,

730including for the services that are being disputed in the

740Amended FAR.

7426. The Agreement provided , among other things, that the

751submission of M edicaid claims by Nationwide for payment

760constitute d a certification that the services were provided in

770accordance with state a nd federal laws, as well as rules and

782regulations applicable to the Medicaid program, including the

790Medicaid provider handbooks i ssued by AHCA.

7977. Pursuant to the federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005,

807the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)

816contracted with Catapult Consultants, LLC (Catapult) to conduct

824several audits in Florida in cooperation with AHCA's Bur eau of

835Medicaid Program Integrity (MPI). MPI's primary responsibility

842is to audit healthcare providers who participate in the Florida

852Medicaid Program and to ensure that Medicaid providers are only

862reimbursed for services that are in accordance with Flori da

872Medicaid handbooks and rules.

8768. Catapult conducted the audit on Nationwide. MPI

884oversaw and reviewed Catapult's audit of Nationwide.

8919. Nationwide was noticed by CMS that Catapult would be

901conducting an audit on N ationwide for the audit period .

91210. MPI provided Catapult with a list of sample claims to

923be audited. Catapult requested from Nationwide (a)

930documentation and complete medical records for the recipients of

939the service , and (b) dates of service in the sample claims.

95011. Catapult reviewed t he documents and records received

959from Nationwide to determine (a) what services were provided ,

968and (b) whether the services were provided in compliance with

978Medicaid policies and procedures.

98212. Catapult prepared a draft audit report and provided it

992to C MS. CMS reviewed the draft audit report and forwarded it to

1005MPI for review.

100813. On July 7, 2008, CMS sent a Preliminary Audit Report

1019(PAR) to Nationwide. The PAR included seven findings and

1028identified an overpayment of $367,097.10 for claims that, in

1038wh ole or part, were not covered by Medicaid. Nationwide was

1049requested, among other things, to provide a response, including

1058additional documentation, i.e., documentation not previously

1064provided, that Nationwide wanted considered.

106914. Nationwide responded a nd provided additional

1076documentation for Catapult to consider.

108115. Catapult, in cooperation with MPI, reviewed the

1089additional documentation.

109116. Catapult completed a final audit report and provided

1100it to CMS for review. CMS reviewed the final audit repo rt and

1113forwarded it to MPI.

111717. On May 18, 2009, MPI issued the FAR. The FAR included

1129four findings: Finding No.1, Inadequate Inform ation in the

1138Treatment Plan; Finding No. 2, Services Billed Without a Valid

1148Plan of Care (POC); Finding No. 3, Too Many H ours Bille d by

1162Private Duty Nurse; and Finding No. 4, Maintaining Records. The

1172FAR identified and demanded repayment of an overpayment of

1181$326,866.72 and imposed a fine of $2,500.00, totaling a

1192repayment of $329,366.72.

119618. Subsequently, Nationwide again submitted additional


120319. On January 7, 2010, MPI issued an Amended FAR wh ich

1215included three findings: Finding No. 1, Services Billed Without

1224a Valid POC; Finding No. 2, Too Many Hours Bille d by Private

1237Duty Nurse; and Finding No. 3, Maint aining Records. The Amended

1248FAR identified and demanded repayment of an overpayment of

1257$31,765.20 and imposed a fine of $2,500.00, totaling a repayment

1269of $34,265.20.

127220. The Amended FAR and the work papers associated with

1282the audit, which were in the fo rm of a spreadsheet containing

1294contemporaneous notes of the auditor, were admitted into


130321 . Only cla ims included and considered in the FAR were

1315included and considered in the Amended FAR.

1322Finding No. 1, Services Billed Without a Valid POC

133122 . T hree sub - findings were included in Finding No. 1,

1344Services Billed Without a Valid POC: Sub - Finding No. 1, POC Not

1357Signed by a Physician; Sub - Finding No. 2, Rubber Stamp U sed for

1371the P hysician 's Signature; and Sub - Finding No. 3, Billed for

1384Hours Outside th e POC A uthorization.

139123 . Eighteen claims , considered overpayments by AHCA, were

1400associated with Finding No. 1.

140524 . One of the 18 claims, claim 351, was associated with

1417Sub - Finding No. 1. The POC for claim 351 was signed by a nurse

1432practitioner, not a ph ysician, in violation of the Medicaid

1442handbook. Nationwide does not dispute that claim 351 is an


145325 . Seven of the 18 claims were associated with Sub -

1465Finding No. 2: claims 6, 12, 46, 71, 120, 189, and 219.

1477Nationwide disputes that the clai ms were overpayments. All of

1487the seven claims were for the same rec ipient of the services

1499provided, T. S. T. S.'s attending physician, Carlos Diaz, M.D.,

1509approved the care for T. S. Dr. Diaz admitted that the

1520signatures on the POCs were rubber stamped ; and that the POCs

1531were rubber stamped either by him or the nurse practitioner, but

1542that he was not always present with the nurse practitioner when

1553she stamped the POCs. Also, Dr. Diaz did not initial the rubber

1565stamped signatures.

156726 . Ten of the 18 claim s were associated with Sub - Finding

1581No. 3: claims 281, 298, 119, 72, 145, 167, 176, 274, 210, and

15942 . Only claim 2 is disputed by Nationwide as an overpayment .

1607Regarding claim 2, Nationwide billed for services that were

1616rendered after the date that the re cipient of the services was

1628discharged by Nationwide. 1

1632Finding No. 2, Too Many Hours Billed by Private Duty Nurse

164327 . The basis for Finding No. 2, Too Many Hours Billed by

1656Private Duty Nurse , is that more hours were billed than were

1667supported by the docu mentation.

167228 . Fourteen claims were associated with Finding No. 2 :

1683claims 333, 381, 388, 669, 27, 47, 701, 52, 6, 18, 36, 44, 500,

1697and 82. Only claims 333 , 27, 47, 701, 6, 18, 36, and 44 are

1711disputed by Nat ionwide as overpayments .

171829 . Regarding claim 3 33, Nationwide billed for seven hours

1729of service. The evidence demonstrate s 6.5 hours of service.

173930 . As to claim 27, Nationwide billed for 12 hours of

1751service. The evidence demonstrates 11.5 hours of service.

175931 . Regarding claim 47, Nationwide billed for 12 hours of

1770servi ce. The evidence demonstrates 11 hours of service.

177932 . As to claim 701, Nationwide billed for 15 hours of

1791servi ce. The evidence demonstrates 14 hours of service.

180033 . Regarding claim 6, Nationwide billed for 12 hours of

1811servi ce. Nu rsing notes indicate that the recipient of the

1822service received radiation therapy for two hours. The evidence

1831demonstrates 10 hours of service.

183634 . As to claim 18, Nationwide billed for seven hours of

1848service. The eviden ce demonstrates 6.5 hours of serv ice.

185835 . Regarding claim 36, Nationwide billed for seven hours

1868of service. The eviden ce demonstrates 6.5 hours of service.

187836 . As to claim 44, Nationwide billed for seven hours of

1890service. The eviden ce demonstrates 6.5 hours of service.

18993 7 . The privat e duty nurses were LPNs. Private duty

1911nurses are paid an hourly rate. No evidence was presented that

1922payment was authorized for a portion of an hour. For total

1933service hours that were one - half of an hour, AHCA rounded down

1946to the nearest hour. As a res ult, claims 333, 18, 36, and 44

1960were rounded to six hours of service; and claim 27 was rounded

1972to 11 hours of service. The evidence demonstrates that claims

1982333, 18, 36, and 44 were appropriately rounded to six hours of

1994service; and claim 27 was appropria tely rounded to 11 hours of


2007Finding No. 3, Maintaining Records

20123 8 . Three claims were associated with Finding No. 3:

2023claims 622, 30, and 507. Nationwide failed to maintain records

2033to support the services provided. Nationwide does not dispute

2042tha t the three claims were overpayments.

2049Accuracy of the Formula

205339 . No dispute exists as to the accuracy of the formula

2065used to calculate the total overpayment.


207440 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2082jurisdiction over the subjec t matter of this proceeding and the

2093parties thereto pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

2101Florida Statutes (2011).

21044 1 . The parties agree that AHCA is responsible for

2115administering the Medicaid program in Florida.

21214 2 . AHCA is required to "operate a program to oversee the

2134activities of Florida Medicaid recipients, and providers and

2142their representatives, to ensure that fraudulent and abusive

2150behavior and neglect of recipients occur to the minimum extent

2160possible, and to recover overpayments and impos e sanctions as

2170appropriate." § 409.913, Fla. Stat. (2004) , (2005), and (2006) . 2

21814 3 . Section 409.913 provides in pertinent part:

2190(1) For the purposes of this section, the


2199* * *

2202(e) "Overpayment" includes any amount that

2208is not authorized to be paid by the Medicaid

2217program whether paid as a result of

2224inaccurate or improper cost reporting,

2229improper claiming, unacceptable practices,

2233fraud, abuse, or mistake.

2237* * *

2240(2) The agency shall conduct, or cause to

2248be conducted by contract or oth erwise,

2255reviews, investigations, analyses, audits,

2259or any combination thereof, to determine

2265possible fraud, abuse, overpayment, or

2270recipient neglect in the Medicaid program

2276and shall report the findings of any

2283overpayments i n audit reports as

2289appropriate. [ 3]

2292* * *

2295(7) When presenting a claim for payment

2302under the Medicaid program, a provider has

2309an affirmative duty to supervise the

2315provision of, and be responsible for, goods

2322and services claimed to have been provided,

2329to supervise and be responsible for

2335preparation and submission of the claim, and

2342to present a claim that is true and accurate

2351and that is for goods and services that:

2359(a) Have actually been furnished to the

2366recipient by the provider prior to

2372submitting the claim.

2375(b) Are Medicaid - cov ered goods or service s

2385that are medically necessary.

2389* * *

2392(e) Are provided in accord with applicable

2399provisions of all Medicaid rules,

2404regulations, handbooks, and policies and in

2410accordance with federal, state, and local


2417(f) Are documented b y records made at the

2426time the goods or services were provided,

2433demonstrating the medical necessity for the

2439goods or services rendered. Medicaid goods

2445or services are excessive or not medically

2452necessary unless both the medical basis and

2459the specific need for them are fully and

2467properly documented in th e recipient's

2473medical record.

2475The agency may deny payment or require

2482repayment for goods or services that are not

2490presented as required in this subsection.

2496* * *

2499(9) A Medicaid provider shall retain

2505medical, professional, financial, and

2509business records pertaining to services and

2515goods furnished to a Medicaid recipient and

2522billed to Medicaid for a period of 5 years

2531after the date of furnishing such services

2538or goods. The agency may investigate,

2544revi ew, or analyze such records, which must

2552be made available during normal business

2558hours. However, 24 - hour notice must be

2566provided if patient treatment would be

2572disrupted. The provider is responsible for

2578furnishing to the agency, and keeping the

2585agency inf ormed of the location of, the

2593provider's Medicaid - related records. The

2599authority of the agency to obtain Medicaid -

2607related records from a provider is neither

2614curtailed nor limited during a period of

2621litigation betwe en the agency and the


2629* * *

2632(11) The agency may deny payment or require

2640repayment for inappropriate, medically

2644unnecessary, or excessive goods or services

2650from the person furnishing them, the person

2657under whose supervision they were furnished,

2663or the person causing them to be fur nished.

2672* * *

2675(15) The agency may seek any remedy

2682provided by law, including, but not limited

2689to, the remedies provided in subsections

2695. . . (16) . . . if:

2703* * *

2706(c) The provider has not furnished or has

2714failed to make available such Medica id -

2722related records as the agency has found

2729necessary to determine whether Medicaid

2734payments are or we re due and the amounts


2744(d) The provider has failed to maintain

2751medical records made at the time of service,

2759or prior to service if prior authori zation

2767is required, demonstrating the necessity and

2773appropriateness of the goods or services


2780(e) The provider is not in compliance with

2788provisions of Medicaid provider publications

2793that have been adopted by reference as rules

2801in the Florida Adm inistrative Code; with

2808provisions of state or federal laws, rules,

2815or regulations; with provisions of the

2821provider agreement between the agency and

2827the provider; or with certifications found

2833on claim forms or on transmittal forms for

2841electronically submitt ed claims that are

2847submitted by the provider or authorized

2853representative, as such provisions apply to

2859the Medicaid program;

2862* * *

2865(h) The provider or an authorized

2871representative of the provider, or a person

2878who ordered or prescribed the goods or

2885s ervices, has submitted or caused to be

2893submitted false or a pattern of erroneous

2900Medicaid claims;

2902* * *

2905(16) The agency shall impose any of the

2913following sanctions or disincentives on a

2919provider or a person for any of the acts

2928described in subsecti on (15):

2933* * *

2936(c) Imposition of a fine of up to $5,000

2946for each violation. . .

2951* * *

2954(20) In making a determination of

2960overpayment to a provider, the agency must

2967use accepted and valid auditing, accounting,

2973analytical, statistical, or peer - review

2979methods, or combinations thereof.

2983Appropriate statistical methods may include,

2988but are not limited to, sampling and

2995extension to the population, parametric and

3001nonparametric statistics, tests of

3005hypotheses, and other generally accepted

3010statistical methods. Appropriate analytical

3014methods may include, but are not limited to,

3022reviews to determine variances between the

3028quantities of products that a provider had

3035on hand and available to be purveyed to

3043Medicaid recipients during the review period

3049and the quantities of the same products paid

3057for by the Medicaid program for the same

3065period, taking into appropriate

3069consideration sales of the same products to

3076non - Medicaid customers during the same

3083period. In meeting its burden of proof in

3091any administrative or court proceeding, the

3097agency may introduce the results of such

3104statistical methods as evidence of

3109ov erpayment.

3111(21) When making a determination that an

3118overpayment has occurred, the agency shall

3124prepare and issue an audit report to the

3132provider showin g t he calculation of


3140(22) The audit report, supported by agency

3147work papers, showing an overpayment to a

3154provider constitutes evidence of the

3159overpayment. . . .

316344 . The burden of proof is on AHCA to establish a Medicaid

3176overpayment by a p reponderance of the evidence. Southpointe

3185Pharmacy v. Dep't of HRS , 596 So. 2d 106, 109 (Fla. 1st DCA

31981992); S. Medical Services, Inc. v. A g. For Health Care Admin. ,

3210653 So. 2d 440, 441 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995).

321945 . H aving the ultimate burden of proof, AHCA mu st first

3232present a prima facie case of overpayment . In the instant case,

3244AHCA met its burden of presenting a prima facie case by the

3256admission into evidence of its audit report, supported by its

3266work papers, showing an overpayment to Nationwide. See Ag. for

3276Health Care Admin. v. Orietta Med. Equip. , Inc. , Case No. 05 -

32880873MPI, 2006 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 555 *11 (Fla. DOAH

3299December 1, 2006; Fla. AHCA December 22, 2006) ("It is concluded

3311that the Legislature has determined that the audit reports in

3321thes e matters may be considered evidence of the overpayment. As

3332such, the Agency met its prima facie burden to establish the

3343overpayment and the amount claimed to be due."); § 409.913(22),

3354Fla. Stat. Once AHCA presents its prima facie case, Nationwide,

3364the p rovider, is obligated to rebut, impeach, or otherwise

3374undermine AHCA's evidence. See Ag. for Health Care Admin. v.

3384Bagloo , Case No. 08 - 4921MPI, (Fla. DOAH September 10, 2009; Fla.

3396AHCA November 9, 2010).

340046 . The Florida Medicaid Home Health Services Cove rage and

3411Limitations Handbook , effective October 2003, (Handbook) was

3418incorporated by reference into Florida Administrative Code Rule

342659G - 4.130(2).

3429Finding No. 1, Services Billed Without a Valid POC

343847 . At issue is Sub - Finding No. 2, Rubber Stamp Used for

3452the Physician's Signature , regarding claims 6, 12, 46, 71 , 120,

3462189, and 219.

346548 . The Handbook requires the attending physician to

3474approve the POC and the approval to be evidenced by the

3485attending physician's "original signature." Handbook, P age 2 - 6.

" 3495A rubber stamp or initialed signature is not acceptable." Id.

350549 . Nationwide argues that the Handbook conflicts with

3514Florida Administrative Code Rule 59A - 8.022, which permits a

3524physician's rubber stamp signature .

352950 . AHCA argues that no conflict exists in that the said

3541Rule permitting a physician's rubber stamp signature was not in

3551effect at the time that the services w ere provided to the


356451 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59A - 8.022 provides in

3575pertinent part:

3577(6) The following applies to s ignatures in

3585the clinical record:

3588(a) Facsimile Signatures. The plan of care

3595or written order may be transmitted by

3602facsimile machine. The home health agency

3608is not required to have the original

3615signature on file. However, the home health

3622agency is re sponsible for obtaining original

3629signatures if an issue surfaces that would

3636require certification of an original


3642(b) Alternative Signatures.

36451. Home health agencies that maintain

3651patient records by computer rather than hard

3658copy may use ele ctronic signatures.

3664However, all such entries must be

3670appropriately authenticated and dated.

3674Authentication must include signatures,

3678written initials, or computer secure entry

3684by a unique identifier of a primary author

3692who has reviewed and approved the e ntry.

3700The home health agency must have safeguards

3707to prevent unauthorized access to the

3713records and a process for reconstruction of

3720the records in the event of a system


37292. Home health agencies may accept a

3736physicianÓs rubber stamp signature. The

3741individual whose signature the stamp

3746represents must place in the administrative

3752offices of the home health agency a signed

3760statement attesting that he/she is the only

3767one who has the stamp and uses it.

377552 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59A - 8.022 became

3785effective on August 15, 2006. The audit period does not extend

3796beyond June 30 , 2006. Therefore, the said r ule was not in

3808effect at the time the services were provided to the recipient.

3819T he undersigned is persuaded by AHCA's argument. Consequent ly ,

3829a physician's rubber stamp signature was not permitted at the

3839time that the services were provided.

384553 . The evidence demonstrates that, for claims 6, 12, 46,

385671, 120, 189, and 219, the POCs failed to contain the

3867physician's original signature . Hence, the evidence

3874demonstrates overpayments for claims 6, 12, 46, 71, 120 , 189,

3884and 219 .

388754 . Additionally, at issue is Sub - Finding No. 3, Billed

3899for Hours Outside the POC Authorization , regarding claim 2.

390855 . The Handbook requires services to be consistent w ith

3919the individualized, written physician - approved POC. As a

3928result, the hours billed for one day on a claim should reflect

3940the hours authorized by the POC. Handbook, Page 2 - 2.

395156 . Further, the Handbook provides that, when services

3960begin one day and end the next day, billing should reflect the

3972total number of care hours provided on each day. Handbook, Page

39832 - 18. As a result, the claim should reflect the total hours of

3997service provided on one day and the total hours of service

4008provided on the next day.

401357 . Regarding claim 2, the evidence demonstrates that the

4023recipient of the services provided was discharged, but that

4032Nationwide billed for services provided beyond the discharge

4040date. Hence, the evidence demonstrates an overpayment for claim


4050Finding No. 2, Too Many Hours Billed by Private Duty Nurse

406158 . At issue is that more hours were billed by Nationwide

4073than were supported by the documentation regarding claims 333,

408227, 47, 701, 6, 18, 36, and 44.

409059 . A home health agency is required to maintain r eports

4102and medical records that accurately document the services

4110provided to a recipient. See § 409.913(7)(f) and (9), Fla.

4120Stat.; Handbook, Page 2 - 22. Further, the services provided are

4131required to be documented by records made at the time the

4142services were provided. See § 409.913(7)(f). The Handbook

4150requires certain documentation in the recipient's current

4157medical record, including nursing notes, progress notes, and

4165dates and signatures of practitioners who render care (rubber

4174stamp or initialed rubbe r stamp signatures are not accepted).

4184Handbook, Page 2 - 22.

418960 . Private duty nurses are permitted to round up to the

4201next hour when any portion of the hour exceeds 30 minutes.

4212Handbook, Appendix, Page D - 2.

421861 . Medicaid does not pay for private duty nu rsing

4229services provided in a hospital, a physician's office, or a

4239clinic. Handbook, Page 2 - 17.

424562 . The evidence demonstrates overpayments for claims 333,

425427, 47, 701, 6, 18, 36, and 44.

426263. Consequently, AHCA established a case of overpayment

4270and that t he overpayment computation is proper and accurate.

428064. Hence, AHCA demonstrated that Nationwide received

4287Medicaid overpayments in the amount of $31 ,765.20 for the audit

4298period .

430065 . As to sanctions, AHCA suggests that Florida

4309Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070(7)(c) and (e) is applicable.

4319Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070 , effective April 26,

43292006, provides in pertinent part:

4334(7) SANCTIONS: Except when the Secretary

4340of the Agency determines not to impose a

4348sanction, pursuant to Section

4352409.913( 16)(j), F.S., sanctions shall be

4358imposed for the following:

4362* * *

4365(c) Failure to make available or furnish

4372all Medicaid - related records, to be used by

4381the Agency in determining whether Medicaid

4387payments are or were due, and what the

4395appropriate corr esponding Medicaid payment

4400amount should be within the timeframe

4406requested by the Agency or other mutually

4413agreed upon timeframe. [Section

4417409.913(15)(c), F.S.];

4419* * *

4422(e) Failure to comply with the provisions

4429of the Medicaid provider publications t hat

4436have been adopted by reference as rules,

4443Medicaid laws, the requirements and

4448provisions in the providerÓs Medicaid

4453provider agreement, or the certification

4458found on claim forms or transmittal forms

4465for electronically submitted claims by the

4471provider or authorized representative.

4475[Section 409.913(15)(e), F.S.] . . . .

448266 . Regarding the Medicaid - related records, Nationwide did

4492not fail to make available or furnish , upon the request of AHCA,

4504the Medicaid - related records to support the services r endered ,

4515but failed to maintain the Medicaid - related records to support

4526the services rendered. The evidence does not demonstrate that

4535Nationwide committed a violation of Florida Administrative Code

4543Rule 59G - 9.070(7)(c) and, therefore, the said r ule is not

4555applicab le .

455867 . However, the evidence demonstrates that Nationwide

4566committed a violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G -


457768 . The corresponding penalty guideline provide s that , for

4587a first offense, the penalty is a $500.00 fine per provision,

4598not to exceed $1,500.00 per agency action. Fla. Admin. Code R.

461059G - 9.070( 10)(i).

461469 . AHCA suggests a $2,500.00 fine. No evidence was

4625presented to demonstrate that Nationwide has committed any other

4634offense, and, therefore, the fine should not exceed $ 1,500.00.

4645The suggested fine exceeds the maximum allowable fine and is,

4655therefore, not appropriate. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 59G -


466670 . A fine of $1,500.00 is appropriate and should be



4680Based on the foregoing Finding s of Fact and Conclusions of

4691Law, it is

4694RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration

4702enter a final order finding that Nationwide Healthcare Services,

4711Inc., received overpayments from the Medicaid program in the

4720amount of $31,765.20 for the audit period July 1, 2004, through

4732June 30, 2006 ; imposing a fine of $1,500.00; and requiring

4743Nationwide Healthcare Servic es, Inc., to repay the overpayment

4752of $31,765.20, plus a fine of $1,500.00, totaling $33,265.20 .

4765DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of July, 2 011, in

4776Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4784Administrative Law Judge

4787Division of Administrative Hearings

4791The DeSoto Building

47941230 Apalachee Parkway

4797Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4802(850) 488 - 9675

4806Fax Fil ing (850) 921 - 6847


4814Filed with the Clerk of the

4820Division of Administrative Hearings

4824this 11th day of July, 2011.


48311/ Nationwide submits as a proposed finding of fact that the POC

4843of the recipient of the services reflects th at Nationwide was

4854approved to provide further care for the recipient beyond the

4864date of the discha rge and, therefore, should not be an

4875overpayment . Nationwide's argument is not persuasive.

48822/ Unless otherwise provided, all citations to Florida Statutes

4891are 2004 , 2005, and 2006 . The parties agree that applicable

4902Florida Statutes are 2004 , 2005, and 2006 .

49103/ Versions 2005 and 2006, contained the following additional

4919wording: "At least 5 percent of all audits shall be conducted on

4931a random basis."


4937Richard J. Shoop, General Counsel

4942Agency for Health Care Administration

49472727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

4953Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4956Justin Senior, General Counsel

4960Agency for Health Care Administration

49652727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

4971Tallahasse e, Florida 32308

4975Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

4978Agency for Health Care Administration

49832727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

4989Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

4994Andrew T. Sheeran, Esquire

4998Agency for Health Care Administration

5003Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

50102727 Mahan Drive

5013Tallahassee, Florida 32308

5016Jonathan Ewing, Esquire

5019Griffin & Serrano, P.A.

5023Blackstone Building, Sixth Floor

5027707 Southeast 3rd Avenue

5031Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316


5041All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

505115 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

5062to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5073will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/11/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/11/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 23, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/11/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/17/2010
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order filed.
Date: 11/17/2010
Proceedings: Supplement Closing Argument filed.
Date: 11/17/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order with Closing Argument Supplement.
Date: 11/15/2010
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Supplemental Closing Argument filed.
Date: 11/15/2010
Proceedings: (Respondent's Proposed Recommended) Order filed.
Date: 11/15/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Respondent's) Proposed Recommended Order with Closing Argument Supplement.
Date: 11/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order and Incorporated Cloasing Argument filed.
Date: 09/17/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (volume I and II) filed.
Date: 07/23/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/18/2010
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 23, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/17/2010
Proceedings: Return of Service filed.
Date: 05/13/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from J. Ewing regarding available date filed.
Date: 05/13/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 21, 2010).
Date: 05/12/2010
Proceedings: Respondents' Exhibts (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/11/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
Date: 05/10/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from C.Diaz M.D. requesting to be excused from subpoena filed.
Date: 05/05/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Restrict Use and Disclosure of Information Concerning Medicaid Program Applicants and Beneficiaries filed.
Date: 05/03/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not attached; confidential not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/03/2010
Proceedings: Amended Response to Petitioner's Amended Final Audit Report filed.
Date: 04/28/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not attached; confidential not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 13, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave To Amend Response To Amended Final Audit.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Agreed Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 02/08/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Amend Response to Amended Final Audit filed.
Date: 01/26/2010
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 30, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/22/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Serrano ).
Date: 01/14/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion To Amend Final Audit Report.
Date: 01/12/2010
Proceedings: Agreed Motion to Amend Final Audit Report filed.
Date: 01/05/2010
Proceedings: Joint Status Report filed.
Date: 12/04/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by January 5, 2010).
Date: 12/03/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 12/01/2009
Proceedings: Agreed Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 08/20/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by December 1, 2009).
Date: 08/19/2009
Proceedings: Agreed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 07/30/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/30/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 28, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/09/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/08/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance as Additional Counsel (of L. Porter) filed.
Date: 07/06/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Final Audit Report filed.
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Request for Mediation/Formal Hearing with Regard to the Final Audit Report Captioned Above filed.
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):