09-004675PL Department Of Financial Services vs. Angela Laura Haber
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 1, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved violation of sections 626.611(14) and 626.621(8).






15Petitioner, )


18vs. ) Case No. 09 - 4675PL




31Respondent. )



36On November 16, 2011 , a duly - noticed hea ring was held by

49video teleconferencing with sites in Jacksonville and

56Tallahassee , Florida , before Lisa Shearer Nelson , an

63Administrative Law Judge assigned by the Division of

71Administrative Hearings .


75For Petitioner: Robert Alan Fox, Esquire

81Department of Financial Services

85200 East Gaines Street

89Tallahassee, Florida 32399

92For Respond ent: Donald E. Pinaud, Jr., Esquire

100Kattman & Pinaud, P.A.

1044069 Atlantic Boulevard

107Jacksonville, Florida 32207


114The issue to be determined is whether Respondent violated

123section 626.611(14) or 626.621(8), Flo rida Statutes (2007), and

132if so, what penalty should be imposed?


141On June 19, 2009, Petitioner, the Department of Financial

150Services (Petitioner or the Department), filed an Administrative

158Complaint that charged Respondent, Laura Habe r (Respondent or

167Ms. Haber), with violating section s 626.611(14) and 626.621(8).

176The allegations were based upon Respondent's nolo contendere

184plea to second - degree grand theft. Respondent disputed the

194allegations in the Administrative Complaint and reque sted a

203hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. On

211August 26, 2009, the case was referred to the Division of

222Administrative Hearings for assignment of an administrative law


231On September 1, 2009, Respondent filed a motion to stay t he

243proceedings, asserting that she had agreed to the nolo

252contendere plea based on the advice of counsel that such a plea

264would not affect her insurance license; that new counsel had

274moved to withdraw the plea in the criminal proceeding, and the

285trial cour t had denied the motion; and that the trial court's

297order denying the motion to set aside the nolo plea was under

309appeal. The Department did not object to the Motion, and b y

321Order dated September 3, 2009, the case was placed in an abated


334The ca se remained in abeyance, with periodic Status Reports

344required, until Petitioner notified the Division on May 3, 201 1 ,

355that Respondent's appeal in the criminal proceeding had been

364affirmed . On May 9, 2011, the parties were ordered to provide

376dates for hea ring , and o n May 20, 2011, a Notice of Hearing was

391issued scheduling the case to be heard on August 10, 2011.

402On August 9, 2011, Respondent filed a unopposed Motion for

412Continuance, based on an emergency health crisis in Respondent's

421counsel's family. Th e Motion was granted , the case rescheduled

431for November 16, 2011, and the case proceeded as scheduled. At

442hearing, Petitioner submitted the testimony of Laura Haber,

450Matthew Guy, and Beth Allen. Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1,

4591a, 2 - 4, 4a, 5, 6, 6a, 6b , and 7 - 9 were admitted into evidence.

476Respondent testified on her own behalf and submitted the

485testimony of Jan Allen . Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1 - 5 were

497admitted into evidence, and Respondent was granted until

505December 30 to file a copy of the Cou rt Order Terminating

517Respondent's Criminal Probation . She did so on November 22,

5272011. The Order is admitted as Respondent's Exhibit 6.

536At the Respondent's request, the deadline for submitting

544proposed recommended orders was set at December 20, 2011 . The

555Transcript was filed with the Division on December 6, 2011, and

566Respondent moved to extend the time for filing proposed

575recommended orders, and the deadline was extended to January 9,

5852012. Both parties timely filed their Proposed Recommended

593Order s, which have been carefully considered in the preparation

603of this Recommended Order. Attached to Petitioner's Proposed

611Recommended Order are documents that were not produced at

620hearing and are not exhibits in this case. Those documents have

631not been con sidered.


6381. Petitioner is the state agency charged with the

647licensing and regulation of the insurance industry in the State

657of Florida.

6592. Respondent is licensed as a variable annuity and health

669agent, a life agent, a life and health age nt, a health agent, a

683legal expense agent, and an independent adjuster. She holds

692license number A107405, which is presently valid.

6993. Respondent was the neighbor of an elderly couple named

709Paul and Rose Weinberg. As their health declined, she assisted

719them with their financial affairs.

7244. Paul Weinberg was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease,

732and Rose had medical issues that caused her to be infirm.

743Respondent's assistance became labor intensive and time

750consuming. She obtained a power of attorney fro m the Weinbergs

761to facilitate the handling of their affairs , and at some point

772her name was placed on at least Rose Weinberg's bank account and

784credit card .

7875. Paul Weinberg died about four years after Respondent

796began assisting the couple. After Paul's death, Respondent

804continued to provide assistance to Rose for an additional six -

815year period . She stopped working and spent her time taking care

827of Rose. Respondent testified that during this time, Rose

836started "paying" her for her efforts. These payment s were not

847on a weekly basis, but made by Respondent periodically making a

858lump sum payment toward her own bills with Rose's funds.

8686. At some time after Paul's death, Rose was moved to

879assisted living facility. Respondent testified that as Rose's

887health declined and it was clear she would need more intensive

898care, she embarked on a Medicaid spend - down, in order to reduce

911the amount of Rose's funds so that she could qualify for

922Medicaid funding. Whether for this purpose or for some less

932altruistic motive , Respondent transferred $50 , 000 from a joint

941account she held with Rose to an account in her own name.

9537. Although Respondent claimed that the transfer of funds

962was performed pursuant to an agreement entered before Rose's

971health began to decline, she p resented no written agreement of

982any kind to support her claim , and presented no explanation how

993this transfer of funds would have been permissible under federal

1003law . S he also present ed no written agreement to support the

1016statement that the payment of her bills out of Rose ' s funds was

1030to compensate her for the assistance she provided to Rose.

10408. On December 28, 2007, the State Attorney for the

1050Nineteenth Judicial Circuit in and for St. Lucie County filed an

1061information against Respondent, charging h er with third - degree

1071grand theft in violation of section 812.014, Florida Statutes

1080(2006); fraudulent use of a credit card, in violation of section

1091817.61, a third - degree felony; criminal use of personal

1101identification information in violation of section

11078 17.568(2)(a), a third - degree felony; and exploitation of an

1118elderly or disabled adult while in a position of trust, in

1129violation of section 825.103(1)(a) and (2)(b), a second - degree


11409. Respondent hired T. Charles Shafer and his associate,

1149Beth All en , as counsel to represent her in the criminal

1160proceedings. As part of their representation, there was some

1169discussion of entering into a plea to resolve the criminal

1179charges. During these discussions, Respondent inquired

1185repeatedly whether any plea dea l would have a negative effect on

1197her insurance license.

120010. Mr. Shafer and Ms. Allen advised her several times to

1211seek advic e from someone specializing in regulatory matters to

1221address this issue. However, in response to her concerns

1230regarding her lic ense, Ms. Allen called the Department of

1240Financial Services to inquire about the ramifications of a nolo

1250contendere plea. She presented the scenario as a hypothetical.

1259Ms. Allen could not remember the name of the person to whom she

1272spoke, and what she wa s told is in dispute. Ultimately, what

1284she was told is not particularly relevant. After the telephone

1294call, Mr. Shafer wrote Respondent a letter which stated in part:

1305Dear Ms. Haber:

1308I am in receipt of your September 11 e - mail

1319correspondence to Ms. Alle n. I understand

1326your concern over how a plea and sentencing

1334may affect your occupation, but as I advised

1342in our last several phone calls, I do not

1351know what collateral consequences such a

1357sentence will have on your profession; I can

1365only tell you with cer tainty how it will

1374affect your status relative to being able to

1382one day filing an action to seal your

1390records in this matter.

1394However, pursuant to your request, Ms. Allen

1401found a telephone number on the website you

1409provided. She called the Florida Depart ment

1416of Services help - line. She asked the person

1425she spoke to what would happen to your

1433license as a result of a no contest plea to

1443a felony theft with a withhold of

1450adjudication and probation. Their

1454representative advised that since you

1459already have a l icense, you would not be

1468suspended or placed under review; however,

1474it is your duty to notify the Bureau of

1483Licensure of any law enforcement action,

1489such as your current predicament. Please be

1496advised that neither I nor Ms. Allen vouch

1504for the accuracy of this information, and,

1511as we have suggested repeatedly in past

1518conferences, insist that you personally

1523validate it. ( Emphasis added.)

152811. To give the type of answer described in the letter

1539would be contrary to Department policy. Whether or not the

1549d escription of the phone call contained in the letter is

1560accurate, given Mr. Shafer's express qualification and directive

1568that the information be separately verified, it was unreasonable

1577for Respondent to rely upon it. By her own admission, she took

1589no act ion to independently verify the information in the letter.

160012. Respondent pleaded nolo contendere to one count of

1609second - degree grand theft .

161513. Respondent met with her attorneys on a Sunday at a

1626Dunkin Donuts restaurant before signing the plea agreem ent. At

1636that time, counsel went over the plea agreement with her, line

1647by line. Included in the plea agreement is the statement, "I

1658understand a conviction of a crime may cause me to lose local,

1670state or federal licenses and can prevent me from getting

1680c ertain licenses. A conviction of a felony will cause me to

1692los e the right to vote and my right to own or possess a firearm

1707or ammunition."

17091 4 . At the plea hearing on September 15, 2008 , the trial

1722judge questioned Respondent regarding her change of plea. In

1731the plea colloquy, the following occurred:

1737THE COURT: Okay. Please tell me your name.

1745MS. HABER: Angela Haber.

1749THE COURT: And how old are you?

1756MS. HABER: Forty - two.

1761THE COURT: And how far have you gone in


1771MS . HABER: Some college.

1776THE C OURT: Okay. And you read, write and

1785understand English?

1787MS. HABER: Yes.

1790THE COURT: Are you -- don't take offense at

1799any of these questions, I ask them of

1807everyone because sometimes I'll go through

1813this and if you don't ask these questions

1821someone wil l come back later and say, "I was

1831under the influence of drugs and I don't

1839understand English when I entered my plea."

1846Even though it's clear that they were. So

1854you understand English?

1857MS. HABER: Yes sir.

1861THE COURT: And you're not under the

1868influence of alcohol or any illegal


1875MS. HABER: No sir.

1879THE COURT: Okay. Are -- did -- did you

1888fully read this plea agreement from

1894beginning to end?

1897MS. HABER: Yes.

1900THE COURT: These are initials at the bottom

1908of each page and a signature at the end?

1917MS. HABER: Yes.

1920THE COURT: And did you fully understand

1927each and every provision including the

1933rights you're giving up by entering this


1941MS. HABER: Yes.

1944THE COURT: Okay. You are charged with

1951second degree grand theft, that's a second

1958de gree felony, its punishable by up to

1966fifteen years in prison, a ten thousand

1973dollar fine or both. You are also charged

1981with fraudulent use of a credit card,

1988criminal use of personal identification and

1994exploitation of elderly or disabled adult,

2000position of trust. And those charges would

2007be dropped or dismissed at the time of

2015sentencing. But it ' s my understanding that

2023you wish to enter a plea to count one,

2032second degree grand theft. Is that what you

2040wish to do?

2043MS. HABER: Yes.

2046* * *

2049THE COURT: Are you entering this plea

2056because you're guilty or because you feel

2063it's in your best interest?

2068MS. HABER: I feel it's in my best interest.

2077THE COURT: Okay. And is there any

2084objection by the defense to the court taking

2092judicial notic e of the complaint affidavit

2099for factual basis?

2102MR. SHAFER: N o sir.

2107THE COURT: And both sides stipulate there's

2114a factual basis for the plea?

2120MR. SHAFER: Yes sir, for the plea.

2127MS. BALDREE: Yes sir. And we would add

2135that additionally, that this of fense

2141occurred in Saint Lucie County.

2146THE COURT: Ma'am, are you entering this

2153plea freely and voluntarily?

2157MS. HABER: Yes.

2160THE COURT: Has anyone threatened you or

2167forced you or coerced you to enter this


2176MS. HABER: No.

2179THE COURT: Has anyon e mistreated you or

2187misled you to enter this plea?

2193MS. HABER: No.

2196THE COURT: Has anyone made any promises to

2204you other than what's contained in this

2211petition ?

2212MS. HABER: No.

2215THE COURT: If they have you need to know

2224they're not binding on the court . Have you

2233had enough time to talk to your attorney?

2241MS. HABER: Yes.

2244THE COURT: Do you need more time to talk to

2254your attorney now in private?

2259MS. HABER: No.

2262THE COURT: Are you satisfied in all

2269respects with his advice and counsel?

2275MS. HABER: Ye s.

2279* * *

2282THE COURT: Do you understand you're giving

2289up your right to appeal all matters relating

2297to the judgment, including the issues of

2304guilt or innocence?

2307MS. HABER: Yes.

2310THE COURT: Do you understand that if you

2318are adjudic ated it would make you a

2326convicted felon and you would lose certain

2333civil rights?

2335MS. HABER: Yes.

2338* * *

2341THE COURT: Do you have any questions for

2349your attorney or the court concerning

2355anything about your c ase, this petition or

2363these proceedings?

2365MS. HABER: No.

2368THE COURT: Understanding everything we just

2374went over do you still want to enter this


2384MS. HABER: Yes.

2387THE COURT: Okay. I will accept the plea.

2395I find there's a factual basis for it. I

2404find the defendant does not appear to be

2412under the influence of drugs or alcohol at

2420this time. She appears to be aware of the

2429nature of the crime to which she has pled,

2438the consequences, her legal rights and the

2445plea recommendations. I find the plea is

2452freely and voluntarily entered upon a

2458knowing and intelligent waiver of rights.

2464. . .

246715. Respondent was sentenced on November 14, 2008. At

2476that time, adjudication of guilt was withheld. She was placed

2486on probation for a period of ten years and orde red to make

2499restitution to Rose Weinberg in the am ount of $50,000 .

251116. On April 17, 2009, Respondent filed a Motion for Post -

2523Conviction Relief and to Vacate Judgment Pursuant to Rule 3.850,

2533Fla. R. Crim. P. In the Motion, Respondent sought to withdraw

2544h er nolo plea, based upon ineffective assistance of counsel.

2554The basis for her claim was counsel's failure to advise her that

2566a nolo plea would have a negative effect on her professional


257817. On June 26, 2009, the Honorable Robert E. Belanger

2588e ntered a detailed Order Denying Defendant's Motion for Post

2598Conviction Relief. The Order states in pertinent part:

2606Defendant claims that she is entitled to

2613withdraw her plea because of her counsel's

2620deficient performance, i.e., in providing

2625affirmative mi sadvise concerning a

2630collateral matter. This is not even a close

2638call. The court finds the motion to be

2646totally devoid of merit.

2650* * *

2653The defense stipulated to a factual

2659basis for the charge, and the defendant

2666acknowledged that by entering a plea, she

2673was giving up any defenses to the offense

2681charged. Any defenses were abandoned when

2687she entered the plea. Stano v. State , 520

2695So. 2d 278 (Fla. 1988); Dean v. State , 580

2704So. 2d 808 (Fla. 3d DCA 1991).

2711Significantly, the cour t conducted a

2717detailed plea colloquy, asking the defendant

2723the required questions to ensure that the

2730plea was being entered freely, knowingly,

2736intelligently, and voluntarily. Defendant,

2740who was under oath, testified that she had

2748signed the plea form and w as aware of the

2758waiver of her various rights. She further

2765testified that she had sufficiently

2770discussed the change of plea with her

2777attorney and that no one had threatened her,

2785coerced her or mislead her into entering the

2793plea. She also confirmed that no one had

2801made any promises to her, except those

2808contained in the plea form.

2813A plea conference is not a meaningless

2820charade to be manipulated willy - nilly after

2828the fact; it is a formal ceremony, under

2836oath, memorializing a crossroads in the

2842case. What is said and done at a plea

2851conference carries consequences. . . .

285718. Respondent appealed the trial court's order. On

2865April 13, 2011, the Fourth District Court of Appeal affirmed the

2876trial court decision. Haber v. State , 59 So. 3d 123 (Fla. 4th

2888DCA 2011 ). The Fourth District's mandate issued May 13, 2011.

289919. Respondent paid $10,000.00 toward the required

2907restitution at the time of sentencing. On October 26, 2011,

2917Respondent moved to have her probation terminated upon payment

2926of $11,000.00 for restit ution. On that same day, the trial

2938court ordered that upon payment of the $11,000.00, the court

2949would enter an order terminating Respondent's probation, and the

2958balance of the amount owed by Respondent for restitution, i.e. ,

2968$15,552.86, would convert to a civil judgment. Respondent paid

2978the $11,000.00 plus court costs and on November 6, 2011, the

2990court entered the Order Terminating Probation.


299920 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3007jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

3017action in accordance with s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

3026Florida Statutes (2011) .

30302 1 . This disciplinary action by Petitioner is a penal

3041proceeding in which Petitioner seeks to suspend Respondent's

3049license as an insurance agent. Petit ioner bears the burden of

3060proof to demonstrate the allegations in the Administrative

3068Complaint by clear and convincing evidence. Dep 't of Banking &

3079Fin. v. Osborne Sterne & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris

3092v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

31002 2 . As stated by the Supreme Court of Florida,

3111Clear and convincing evidence requires that

3117the evidence must be found to be credible;

3125the facts to which the witnesses testify

3132must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

3138must be precise and lacking in confusion as

3146to the facts in issue. The evidence must be

3155of such a weight that it produces in the

3164mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

3174conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3180truth of the allegations sought to be


3188In re Henson , 913 S o. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005), (quoting

3200Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

32112 3 . The Administrative Complaint charges Respondent with

3220violating section s 626.611(14) and 626.621(8), which provide the


3230626.611 Grounds for com pulsory refusal,

3236suspension, or revocation of agent's, title

3242agency's, adjuster's, customer

3245representative's, service representative's,

3248or managing general agent's license or

3254appointment. -- The department shall deny an

3261application for, suspend, revoke, or r efuse

3268to renew or continue the license or

3275appointment of any . . . agent , . . .

3285adjuster . . . and it shall suspend or

3294revoke the eligibility to hold a license or

3302appointment of any such person, if it finds

3310that as to the applicant, licensee, or

3317appointee a ny one or more of the following

3326applicable grounds exist:

3329* * *

3332( 14) Having been found guilty of or having

3341pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a

3348felony or a crime punishable by imprisonment

3355of 1 year or more under the law of the

3365United States of America or of any state

3373thereof or under the law of any other

3381country which involves moral turpitude,

3386without regard to whether a judgment of

3393conviction has been entered by the court

3400having jurisdiction of such cases.

3405* * *

3408626.621 Grounds for discretionary refusal,

3413suspension, or revocation of agent's,

3418adjuster's, customer representative's,

3421service representative's, or managing

3425general agent's license or appointment. -- The

3432department may, in its discretion, deny an

3439application for, suspend, revoke, or refuse

3445to renew or continue the license or

3452appointment of any applicant, agent,

3457adjuster, . . . and it may suspend or revoke

3467the eligibility to hold a license or

3474appointment of any such person, if it finds

3482that as to the applicant, licensee, or

3489appointee any one or more of the following

3497applicable grounds exist under circumstances

3502for which such denial, suspension,

3507revocation, or refusal is not mandatory

3513under s. 626.611:

3516* * *

3519(8) Having be en found guilty of or having

3528pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a

3535felony or a crime punishable by imprisonment

3542of 1 year or more under the law of the

3552United States of America or of any state

3560thereof or under the law of any other

3568country, without regard t o whether a

3575judgment of conviction has been entered by

3582the court having jurisdiction of such cases.

35892 4 . The text of these provisions is readily available to

3601Respondent, and anyone else, for that matter. Respondent was

3610presumed to know the laws regula ting her profession, and both

3621the Florida Statutes and rules governing her profession

3629specifically address whether a plea of guilty or nolo contendere

3639for grand theft would subject Respondent to discipline. Fla.

3648B d . of Pharmacy v. Levin , 190 So. 2d 768, 7 70 (Fla. 1966);

3663Wallen v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg. , 568 So. 2d 975 (Fla. 3 d DCA


367825. Respondent clearly pleaded nolo contendere to a

3686felony, for which adjudication was withheld. Both statutory

3694provisions authorize discipline for such a plea. Responde nt is,

3704however, accorded the opportunity to explain the circumstances

3712of her plea. Ayala v. Dep ' t of Prof ' l Reg . , 478 So. 2d 1116

3730(Fla. 1st DCA 1985). Respondent's explanation of her actions

3739only serves to confirm the factual basis for the plea.

37492 6 . Th ere is no question that Respondent violated section

3761626.621(8) by virtue of her plea of nolo contendere to a felony.

3773This statute makes the imposition of a suspension or revocation

3783discretionary. Should Respondent be guilty of section

3790626.611(14), which requires a finding that the felony for which

3800she pleaded nolo contendere is a crime of moral turpitude, then

3811suspension or revocation of her licenses is mandatory.

38192 7 . Generally, the Supreme Court of Florida has stated:

3830Moral turpitude involves the ide a of

3837inherent baseness or depravity in the

3843private social relations or duties owed by

3850man to man or by man to society. It has

3860also been defined as anything done contrary

3867to justice, honesty, principle, or good

3873morals, though it often involves the

3879question of intent as when unintentionally

3885committed through error of judgment when

3891wrong was not contemplated.

3895State ex rel. Tullidge v. Hollingsworth , 108 Fla. 607, 146 So.

3906660, 661 (Fla. 1933); Cambas v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 6

3919So. 3d 668, 670 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009). The Department has also

3931addressed what crimes it considers to be crimes of moral

3941turpitude by rule. Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B -

3950231.030(4) de fines crimes of "moral turpitude" to include "each

3960felony crime identified in subsection 69B - 211.042(21)," which in

3970turn expressly includes grand theft as a crime of moral

3980turpitude. Rule 69B - 211.042(21)(s).

39852 8 . Moreover, even viewing the facts shown at hearing in

3997the light most favorable to Respondent, the crime for which she

4008pleaded nolo contendere is a crime of moral turpitude. She was

4019dealing with the funds of an elderly woman who could not care

4031for herself. As an insurance agent, she should have known the

4042importance of written documents to memorialize agreements

4049related to money, especially where she was acting in a position

4060of trust. Yet, she paid her own bills out of the funds of

4073Ms. Weinberg, and produced no written agreement that would allow

4083such payments. She transferred $50,000.00 to a bank account in

4094her own name, presuma bly to accomplish a Medicaid spend - down.

4106Once again, she produced no written agreement that would have

4116allowed for such a transfer, and no satisfactory explanation for

4126what would happen to the funds once transferred to her own name.

4138The Fifth District de termined in Hamilton v. State , 447 So. 2d

41501008, 1008 - 1009 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984), that grand theft is a crime

4164of dishonesty, and such a determination is borne out in this


41762 9 . Respondent is thus guilty of violating both section

4187626.611(14) and sectio n 626.621(8).

419230 . Where both violations are proven, section 626.611

4201governs the penalty to be imposed. Dyer v. Dep't of Ins. &

4213Treas. , 585 So. 2d 1009, 1014 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991). For a

4225violation of section 626.611(14), the penalty identified by rule

4234is revocation of her licenses and appointments. Rule 69B -


42453 1 . The Department has also adopted a rule that identifies

4257aggravating and mitigating factors to be considered when

4265imposing a disciplinary penalty. Pursuant to rule 69B -

4274231.160(2), thes e factors includ e the number of years that have

4286passed since the criminal proceeding; the age of the licensee

4296when the crime was committed; whether or not the licensee

4306violated criminal probation or is still on criminal probation;

4315whether the licensee's ac tions resulted in substantial injury to

4325the victim; whether restitution was or is being timely paid; and

4336whether the licensee's civil rights have been restored.

43443 2 . The judgment and sentence in Respondent's case was

4355rendered in November 2008, just thre e years ago. She was 42 at

4368that time. She did not serve time in jail, and her criminal

4380probation was terminated early. While she has satisfied a large

4390portion of the restitution due to Ms. Weinberg, there was not

4401evidence that she has satisfied that por tion of the restitution

4412that was converted to a civil judgment. The victim, an elderly

4423woman unable to care for herself, was deprived of the use of a

4436substantial sum of money, and no evidence was presented to

4446indicate that Respondent's civil rights have b een restored.

44553 3 . Consideration of these factors does not tilt the

4466scales in favor of a downward departure from the guideline



4478Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of

4487law reached, it is

4491RECOMMENDED that the Departm ent of Financial Services enter

4500a Final Order finding that Respondent has violated sections

4509626.611(14) and 626.621(8), and revoking Respondent's licenses

4516and appointments issued or granted under or pursuant to the

4526Florida Insurance Code.

4529DONE AND ENTERED this 1s t day of Febr uary, 2012, in

4541Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4549Administrative Law Judge

4552Division of Administrative Hearings

4556The DeSoto Building

45591230 Apalachee Parkway

4562Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4567(850) 488 - 9675

4571Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4578Filed with the Clerk of the

4584Division of Administrative Hearings

4588this 1s t day of Febr uary, 2012.


4598Donald E. Pinaud, Jr., Esquire

4603Kattman & Pinaud, P.A.

46074069 Atlantic Boulevard

4610Jacksonville, Florida 32207

4613Robert Alan Fox, Esquire

4617Department of Financial Services

4621200 East Gaines Street

4625Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4628Julie Jones, Agency Clerk

4632Department of Financial Servi ces

4637Division of Legal Services

4641200 East Gaines Street

4645Tallahassee, Florida 32399


4654All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

466415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

4676this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

4687issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 05/18/2018
Proceedings: Redacted Final Order and Recommended Order filed (Orders sealed pursuant to section 943.99, Florida Statutes).
Date: 05/03/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 04/30/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/07/2012
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Respondent's proposed exhibits, to the agency.
Date: 02/01/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/01/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/01/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 16, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/09/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/09/2012
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/06/2012
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Notice of Filing Certificate of Oath filed.
Date: 12/20/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 12/19/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Partial Consent Motion for Extension of Time to Submit Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/06/2011
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/22/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Court Order Terminating Respondent's Criminal Probation.
Date: 11/16/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/16/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 11/07/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List and Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 11/07/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Stipulation/ Submission filed.
Date: 11/07/2011
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 11/07/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Additional (Proposed) Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/26/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Motion for Telephonic Testimony filed.
Date: 08/22/2011
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 16, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 19, 2011).
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Consent Motion for Continuance of Hearing Date filed.
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Motion for Telephonic Testimony filed.
Date: 07/28/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Witness List filed.
Date: 07/28/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/20/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/20/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 10, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/18/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2011
Proceedings: Order (parties shall file joint status report on or before May 16, 2011).
Date: 05/03/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 02/02/2011
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by May 2, 2011).
Date: 02/01/2011
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 12/15/2010
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by February 1, 2011).
Date: 12/01/2010
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 09/07/2010
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by December 1, 2010).
Date: 09/01/2010
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 06/03/2010
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by September 1, 2010).
Date: 06/01/2010
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 03/04/2010
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by June 1, 2010).
Date: 03/02/2010
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 11/19/2009
Proceedings: Order Continuing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by March 1, 2010).
Date: 11/17/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's and Petitioner's Joint Status Report filed.
Date: 11/13/2009
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner`s Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 11/02/2009
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Status Report filed.
Date: 10/27/2009
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 10/27/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (of R. Fox) filed.
Date: 09/03/2009
Proceedings: Order Placing Case in Abeyance and Requiring Status Report (parties to advise status by November 2, 2009).
Date: 09/01/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Consent Motion for Complete Stay/Abeyance of Case filed.
Date: 09/01/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/26/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/26/2009
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/26/2009
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 08/26/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):