09-002402 Mae Tennie vs. Hialeah Housing Authority
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, December 16, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: No discrimination was shown because Petitioner failed to prove that the requested action was a reasonable accommodation of her handicap.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 09-2402




26Respondent. )



31Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

42on October 5, 2009, by video teleconference between Miami and

52Tallahassee, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge Claude B.

60Arrington of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


69For Petitioner: Stephen Lewis, Esquire

74Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc.

8010720 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 400

85Miami, Florida 33189

88For Respondent: S. Nicole Bates, Esquire

94Hialeah Housing Authority

9775 East 6th Street

101Hialeah, Florida 33010

104J. Frost Walker, III, Esquire

109Law Offices of Citrin & Walker

115100 West Sunrise Avenue

119Coral Gables, Florida 33133


127Whether Respondent discriminated against Petitioner on the

134basis of handicap in violation of the Florida Fair Housing Act

145and, if so, the relief to which Petitioner is entitled.


157The Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR) and the

166Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

174administer the Florida Fair Housing Act, Sections 760.20 –

183760.37, Florida Statutes 1 (the Florida FHA). On June 2, 2008,

194Petitioner filed with HUD a complaint against Respondent

202alleging that she had been injured by a discriminatory act by

213Respondent. The allegations, succinctly stated, are that

220Petitioner suffers from a handicap; that she received

228notification from Respondent that her eligibility was going to

237be terminated subject to an appeal that had to be requested

248within ten days; that she requested a chance for an appeal of

260the decision to terminate her eligibility after the ten days had

271expired; and that Respondent failed to make a reasonable

280accommodation of her handicap by denying her right to an appeal

291after the deadline had expired.

296Following an investigation, FCHR issued its “Notice of

304Determination of No Cause” on March 28, 2009.

312On April 30, 2009, Petitioner filed the subject Petition

321for Relief with the FCHR. On May 6, 2009, the matter was

333referred to DOAH, and this proceeding followed.

340In response to the Pre-Hearing Order entered in this

349proceeding, the parties filed a Joint Pre-Hearing Statement that

358contained certain stipulated facts. Those stipulated facts have

366been incorporated herein as Findings of Fact.

373At the formal hearing, Petitioner testified on her own

382behalf and presented pre-lettered Exhibits A, B, and G.

391Petitioner’s Exhibits B and G were admitted as submitted.

400Petitioner’s Exhibit A consisted of five pages. Only the first

410page of that exhibit was admitted.

416Respondent presented the testimony of Paulette Smith

423(Assistant Section 8 Director for Respondent). Respondent

430offered pre-numbered Exhibits 1 and 3-11, each of which was

440admitted into evidence.

443A Transcript of the proceeding, consisting of one volume,

452was filed November 16, 2009. The parties filled Proposed

461Recommended Orders, which have been considered by the

469undersigned in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


4801. At times relevant to this proceeding, Petitioner, a

489female born in October 1953, received housing assistance from a

499federally funded assistance program referred to as the Section 8

509Choice Voucher program (the Section 8 program). The Section 8

519program relevant to this proceeding is administered by

527Respondent and has eligibility criteria that a participant must

536meet. A participant receives a voucher from the Section 8

546program that pays part, but not all, of the participant’s rent.

557Petitioner has also received Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

565at all times relevant to this proceeding. Respondent knew that

575Petitioner received SSI, but it had no information as to why she

587qualified to receive SSI.

5912. At the times relevant to this proceeding, Petitioner’s

600landlord was named Rupert Phipps. On May 27, 2007, Mr. Phipps

611issued to Petitioner a notice styled “Three-day Notice for Non-

621payment of Rent pursuant to Florida Statutes" (Notice). After

630stating the amount owed and the address of the rented premises,

641the Notice demanded “. . . payment of the rent or possession of

654the Premises within three days (excluding Saturday, Sunday and

663legal holidays). . . .”

6683. Petitioner was evicted from her apartment. The date of

678the eviction was not established.

6834. After being advised by Mr. Phipps that Petitioner had

693failed to pay her rent, Ms. Smith mailed to Petitioner a

704certified letter dated July 6, 2007, stating that she would be

715terminated from the Section 8 program effective August 6, 2007.

725The stated reason for the termination was Petitioner’s failure

734to pay rent to the landlord, which is considered a serious

745violation of the lease and, therefore, a violation of 24 C.F.R.

756§ 982,511(4)(c), which prohibits a participant in the Section 8

767program from committing any serious or repeated violation of the

777lease with the participant’s landlord. Ms. Smith’s letter also

786contained the following statement:

790. . . If you wish to appeal this decision,

800you have the right to an informal hearing.

808The request must be submitted to this agency

816in writing within 10 days from the date of

825this letter. Your request should be

831directed to Alex Morales, Executive


8375. The ten-day period for the appeal is part of

847Respondent’s written policies and is consistent with the

855requirements of 24 C.F.R. § 982.554(a), that require an agency

865such as Respondent to have a written appeals process.

8746. Respondent has consistently treated the failure of a

883participant to pay his or her share of the rent as a serious

896violation of a lease.

9007. Petitioner was familiar with Respondent’s appeal

907process because she had successfully appealed a prior notice of

917termination of her participation in the Section 8 program.

9268. Ms. Smith’s letter was received by Petitioner on

935July 7, 2007.

9389. At some undetermined time between July 7 and July 19,

9492007, Ms. Tennie called Ms. Smith and told Ms. Smith that she

961was sick. Ms. Smith told Ms. Tennie that she would have to

973follow the instructions set forth in the letter and respond in

984writing if she wanted an informal appeal.

99110. On July 19, 2007, Petitioner sent the following letter

1001to the attention of Ms. Smith and Mr. Morales:

1010Would you give me Mae Tennie another

1017hearing because I got the letter to [sic]

1025late and I was in the hospital due to an

1035anurism [sic] stroke at the brain their

1042[sic] was blood on my head and I’m still

1051rehabilitating the after affects [sic] of

1057this serious condition. In the case of my

1065Section 8 voucher being terminated I plead

1072for another hearing due to the terms [sic]

1080of my hospitalization.

108311. Respondent received Petitioner’s letter on July 23,

10912007. Petitioner’s written request for an appeal was after the

1101ten-day deadline for filing the request.

110712. By letter signed by Mr. Morales and dated July 25,

11182007, Respondent denied Petitioner’s request contained in her

1126letter dated July 19 as follows:

1132I am in receipt of your letter requesting

1140a hearing. Please be advised that your

1147request for a hearing cannot be granted

1154because your request was not made within the

1162required 10 day period. For this reason,

1169your case will remain closed.

117413. No further action was taken by either party to this

1185proceeding until December 2007, when Petitioner sought the

1193services of Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. On

1202December 20, 2007, Mr. Lewis, as counsel for Petitioner, sent

1212the following letter to Mr. Morales:

1218This office represents Ms. Mae Tennie

1224regarding her participation in the Section 8

1231program administered through the Hialeah

1236Housing Authority (“HHA”). Ms. Tennie has

1242been a participant of Section 8 through HHA

1250for the past 25 years.

1255On July 6, 2007, HHA served Ms. Tennie

1263with notice of its intent to terminate her

1271Section 8 assistance on the basis that she

1279violated one of her obligations under the

1286program. The notice informed Ms. Tennie of

1293her right to appeal the decision and to

1301attend an informal hearing. The written

1307request was to be submitted to HHA within 10

1316days of the date of the letter. Ms. Tennie

1325faxed her written request for an appeal on

1333July 19, 2007. A copy of Ms. Tennie’s

1341letter is attached as “Attachment A.” In

1348her request, she notified HHA that she was

1356unable to submit her request within the time

1364required because she [had] been, and still

1371was, recovering from a brain aneurism.[ 2 ] On

1380or about July 31, 2007, HHA notified Ms.

1388Tennie that her request was denied because

1395it was submitted too late. Ms. Tennie

1402requests that HHA reconsider its denial and

1409provide Ms. Tennie with an informal hearing

1416to appeal the termination.

1420Ms. Tennie is an elderly woman in failing

1428health. In June 2007, Ms. Tennie was

1435hospitalized twice at Jackson South

1440Community Hospital as a result of suffering

1447an “intracranial hemorrhage.”[ 3 ] I have

1454attached copies of supporting medical

1459documentation as “Attachment B.” As a

1465result of this very serious medical

1471condition, Ms. Tennie’s cognitive abilities

1476were significantly diminished. Ms. Tennie

1481was bed-bound and only able to communicate

1488under great strain.

1491The Fair Housing Act, the Americans with

1498Disabilities Act, and Section 504 of the

1505Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibits [sic]

1511any agency or landlord receiving federal

1517funds to deny equal access for individuals

1524with disabilities to housing or other

1530program benefits and services. To ensure

1536individuals with disabilities have equal

1541access to those services and benefits, an

1548agency or landlord is required to provide

1555reasonable accommodations to that person’s

1560disability. One form of reasonable

1565accommodations is the modification of a

1571program rule or policy.

1575The right to a hearing to appeal the

1583termination of Section 8 assistance is a

1590benefit that Ms. Tennie, as a participant,

1597was entitled to. Ms. Tennie made clear in

1605her letter to HHA that she was unable to

1614comply with HHA’s time requirement because

1620of her disabling medical condition.

1625Ms. Tennie also asked that the policy be

1633modified to accommodate her disability. HHA

1639should have reasonably accommodated Ms.

1644Tennie’s disability by simply modifying the

1650time period by adding 3 extra days for her

1659to submit her request for a hearing. By

1667failing to do so, HHA effectively denied

1674Ms. Tennie equal access to federal benefit

1681under the Section 8 program, that of having

1689a hearing to appeal her termination.

1695Ms. Tennie is therefore renewing her

1701request to HHA for reasonable accommodations

1707to her disability by modifying the time

1714limit to request a hearing. For the above

1722reasons, Ms. Tennie requests that HHA

1728reconsider its denial and provide Ms. Tennie

1735a hearing to challenge her termination from

1742Section 8.

1744Please do not hesitate to contact me with

1752any questions or additional information at

1758... . [telephone number omitted.]

1763[Footnotes omitted.]

176514. By letter dated December 26, 2007, Respondent denied

1774the request set forth in Mr. Lewis’s letter. Thereafter,

1783Petitioner filed the complaint with HUD that culminated in this

1793proceeding as described in the Preliminary Statement of this

1802Recommended Order.

180415. Ms. Tennie was hospitalized June 7, 2007, and

1813discharged June 14, 2007. Mr. Lewis attached to his letter a

1824discharge summary from Jackson Memorial Hospital, which

1831contained the following diagnoses on discharge:

18371. Intracranial hemorrhage with

1841intraventricular extension secondary to

1845uncontrolled hypertension.

18472. Diabetes.

184916. The discharge summary reflects that Petitioner had

1857fallen the Saturday before admission and had hit her head on a

1869doorknob. The discharge summary reflects that on discharge she

1878was awake, alert, and oriented times three. She had fluent

1888speech and she was able to ambulate without difficulty. She was

1899instructed to make an appointment with her primary care doctor

1909in one week and to follow up in the Jackson Memorial’s Stroke

1921Clinic in 4 to 8 weeks. Petitioner was discharged to home in a

1934stable condition. Petitioner scheduled an appointment with

1941Milton R. Bengoa, M.D., and on June 18, 2007, she kept that

1953appointment. No finding is made as to Petitioner’s physical

1962status as determined by Dr. Bengoa because nearly all of his

1973notes of that meeting are illegible.

197917. In response to questions from her attorney, Petitioner

1988testified as follows beginning at page 27, line 12:

1997Q. And Ms. Tennie, can you please

2004describe what your current health conditions


2011A. Right now it’s not very good, because

2019after I had the aneurism I have been having

2028problems walking and problems breathing and

2034I have seizures that I never had before

2042until I had the aneurism and I take all

2051kinds of medicines. And I just found out

2059last week I have a brain mass and they don’t

2069know if it is cancer or what, because the

2078blood that was left in my head was still

2087there so I have excruciating headaches.

2093Q. And could you please explain what your

2101health condition was at or about the time

2109you suffered the stroke or shortly after you

2117had suffered the stroke?

2121A. Well, shortly after I suffered the

2128stroke I had to try and walk all over again,

2138because my memory where I had the stroke at,

2147the neurologist said that it was so deep in

2156my brain that they couldn’t do surgery and

2164that it was going to mess my motor skills

2173up. So I had to learn how to swallow. I

2183forgot how to swallow meat and stuff, so I

2192started eating soft food. I had problems

2199breathing, so when I come [sic] home I had a

2209breathing machine – oxygen machine there.

2215My daughter had to help me try to walk all

2225over again.

2227Q. And so I take it you had someone

2236helping you?

2238A. Yes. My daughter. I moved home with

2246my daughter, because they wanted to put me

2254out at Purdue, it is a nursing facility, but

2263she wanted me to come home with her, so that

2273is what I did. I went home with my daughter

2283and I stayed there for six months. Then I

2292found the place down the street, close to

2300her, which was a two bedroom.

2306Q. Now, prior to suffering the stroke,

2313how was your – can you describe what your

2322health condition was.

2325A. Before I had the stroke, I was sick

2334too. I have congestive heart failure, so I

2342kept going back and forth into the hospital

2350because of my breathing. When the water

2357built up around my heart it had [sic] me to

2367where I can’t breathe. So I have to go in

2377and let them pull the water off. And I was

2387sick before I had the stroke.

239318. Petitioner also testified that she could not timely

2402request a hearing and blamed that inability on her general

2412medical condition. Petitioner’s testimony as to her medical

2420condition shortly after the hospitalization is unconvincing

2427because it contradicts the description of her medical condition

2436as described by her treating physician in the discharge notes.

2446The evidence established that Petitioner received Ms. Smith's

2454letter dated July 6, 2007, and understood its contents.

2463Petitioner’s testimony is insufficient to establish that her

2471medical condition caused her failure to timely request an

2480informal hearing to appeal of the termination of her

2489participation in the Section 8 program.

249519. Petitioner failed to establish that she required an

2504extension of the expired deadline to request an informal hearing

2514as a “reasonable accommodation” of her condition.


252420. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the

2534parties hereto pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

2542Florida Statutes.

254421. Petitioner, who is asserting the affirmative of the

2553issues in this case, has the burden of proving by a

2564preponderance of the evidence that Respondent discriminated

2571against her as alleged in the Petition. See Balino v.

2581Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services , 348 So. 2d

2590349, 350 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977) and Department of Transportation v.

2601J.W.C. Co., Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

261222. The preponderance of the evidence standard requires

2620proof by "the greater weight of the evidence," Black's Law

2630Dictionary 1201 (7th ed. 1999), or evidence that "more likely

2640than not" tends to prove a certain proposition. See Gross v.

2651Lyons , 763 So. 2d 276, 289 n.1 (Fla. 2000).

266023. Section 760.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes, provides as


2668(8) It is unlawful to discriminate

2674against any person in the terms, conditions,

2681or privileges of sale or rental of a

2689dwelling, or in the provision of services or

2697facilities in connection with such dwelling,

2703because of a handicap of:

2708(a) That buyer or renter. . . .

271624. In order to prevail in her claim of discrimination,

2726Petitioner must prove (1) that she is handicapped as defined in

2737the Florida FHA; (2) that Respondent knew or reasonably should

2747have known of her handicap; (3) that she requested a reasonable

2758accommodation under Respondent’s rules and regulations necessary

2765to afford her an equal opportunity to use and enjoy her

2776apartment; and (4) that Respondent refused to provide the

2785reasonable accommodation. See United States v. California

2792Mobile Home Park Management Co. , 107 F.3d 1374, 1380 (9th Cir.

28031997). Petitioner’s burden is to prove all four prongs of this

2814analysis by a preponderance of the evidence.

282125. Section 760.23(9)(b), Florida Statutes, provides that

2828for the purposes of Section 760.23(8)(a), Florida Statutes,

2836discrimination includes:

2838(b) A refusal to make reasonable

2844accommodations in rules, policies,

2848practices, or services, when such

2853accommodations may be necessary to afford

2859such person equal opportunity to use and

2866enjoy a dwelling.

286926. 42 U.S.C. § 3604(3)(f)(3)(B), which is part of the

2879Federal Fair Housing Act, contains the provisions identical to


288927. Section 760.22(7), Florida Statutes, defines the term

2897“handicap” as follows:

2900(7) "Handicap" means:

2903(a) A person has a physical or mental

2911impairment which substantially limits one or

2917more major life activities, or he or she has

2926a record of having, or is regarded as

2934having, such physical or mental impairment;


2941(b) A person has a developmental

2947disability as defined in s. 393.063.

295328. Petitioner does not suffer a developmental disability.

2961Whether she suffers a “handicap” must be decided utilizing the

2971definition of Section 760.22(7)(a), Florida Statutes.

297729. Because of the similarity of definitions, federal law

2986is used for guidance in evaluating the merits of claims arising

2997under the Florida FHA. In determining whether Petitioner has a

3007physical or mental impairment “which substantially limits one or

3016more of major life activities," it is appropriate to utilize the

3027following definition found in 42 U.S.C. § 12102, which is part

3038of the Americans with Disabilities Act:

3044(2) Major life activities.

3048(A) In general. For purposes of

3054paragraph (1), major life activities

3059include, but are not limited to, caring for

3067oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing,

3072hearing, eating, sleeping, walking,

3076standing, lifting, bending, speaking,

3080breathing, learning, reading, concentrating,

3084thinking, communicating, and working.

3088(B) Major bodily functions. For purposes

3094of paragraph (1), a major life activity also

3102includes the operation of a major bodily

3109function, including but not limited to,

3115functions of the immune system, normal cell

3122growth, digestive, bowel, bladder,

3126neurological, brain, respiratory,

3129circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive


313430. Petitioner established that she is a handicapped

3142person within the meaning of Section 760.23, Florida Statutes.

3151Petitioner testified that she suffers congestive heart failure

3159which causes difficulty with her breathing. She testified that

3168she has recurring headaches and she has difficulty walking.

3177While the fact that she receives SSI does not prove that she is

3190a handicapped person, it is evidence that can and has been

3201considered in evaluating the evidence.

320631. It is not necessary to evaluate whether Respondent

3215knew or should have known that Petitioner was handicapped

3224because Petitioner has failed to establish the third prong of

3234the analysis. Petitioner failed to prove by a preponderance of

3244the evidence that her handicap caused her failure to timely

3254request an appeal of her termination and, consequently, that an

3264extension of the expired deadline would have been a reasonable

3274accommodation of her handicap.


3279Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3288of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on

3299Human Relations enter a final order finding Respondent not

3308liable for the acts of discrimination alleged in the subject

3318Petition for Relief.

3321DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of December 2009, in

3331Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


3338Administrative Law Judge

3341Division of Administrative Hearings

3345The DeSoto Building

33481230 Apalachee Parkway

3351Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3354(850) 488-9675

3356Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3361Filed with the Clerk of the

3367Division of Administrative Hearings

3371this 16th day of December 2009.


33781 / All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2009).

33882 / Both Mr. Lewis and Ms. Tennie refer to Ms. Tennie as

3401suffering from a brain aneurism. The hospital records reflect

3410that she had intracranial hemorrhage, uncontrolled hypertension,

3417and diabetes.

34193 / Ms. Tennie was initially admitted to Jackson South hospital

3430in Miami. She was transferred to Jackson Memorial Hospital

3439because of its neurology department. The discharge summary

3447attached to Mr. Lewis’s letter was from Jackson Memorial



3460S. Nicole Bates, Esquire

3464Hialeah Housing Authority

346775 East 6th Street

3471Hialeah, Florida 33010

3474J. Frost Walker, III, Esquire

3479Law Offices of Citrin & Walker

3485100 West Sunrise Avenue

3489Coral Gables, Florida 33133

3493Stephen Lewis, Esquire

3496Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc.

350210720 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 400

3507Miami, Florida 33189

3510Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

3514Florida Commission on Human Relations

35192009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3524Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3527Larry Kranert, General Counsel

3531Florida Commission on Human Relations

35362009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3541Tallahassee, Florida 32301


3550All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

356015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3571to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3582will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/01/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/01/2010
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from a Discriminatory Housing Practice filed.
Date: 12/16/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/16/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 5, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/16/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/30/2009
Proceedings: (Petitioner's Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/25/2009
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/16/2009
Proceedings: Transcript filed.
Date: 10/06/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List and Notice of Filing Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/05/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/01/2009
Proceedings: Respondent Hialeah Housing Authority's Notice of Filing Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/30/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List and Notice of Filing Exhibits (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 08/18/2009
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service (S. Nicole Bates).
Date: 08/11/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 5, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/11/2009
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 08/10/2009
Proceedings: Second Unopposed Motion for Continuance of Hearing by VideoTeleconference Scheduled for August 17, 2009 filed.
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 17, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Hearne).
Date: 07/02/2009
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion fo Continuance of Hearing by Video Teleconference Scheduled for July 7, 2009 filed.
Date: 06/29/2009
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/27/2009
Proceedings: Respondent Hialeah Housing Authority's Request for Prodcution filed.
Date: 05/26/2009
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/19/2009
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/19/2009
Proceedings: Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Date: 05/19/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/19/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 7, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/13/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner Mae Tennie`s Response to Initial Order Entered May 6, 2009, by the Honorable Claude B. Harrington(sic), Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 05/13/2009
Proceedings: Respondent Hialeah Housing Authority`s Response to Initial Order Entered May 6, 2009 by the Honorable Claude B. Harrington(sic), Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Housing Discrimination Complaint filed.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Determination filed.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Determination of No Cause filed.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 05/06/2009
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


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