09-002905TTS Collier County School Board vs. Russell Wheeler
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 22, 2009.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent failed to disclose the circumstances surrounding his resignation from Lee County when he applied for a teaching position with Collier County.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 09-2905




27Respondent. )



32Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

43on September 9 and October 16, 2009, in Naples, Florida, before

54Susan B. Harrell, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the

64Division of Administrative Hearings.


69For Petitioner: Jon D. Fishbane, Esquire

75Collier County School Board

795775 Osceola Trail

82Naples, Florida 34109

85For Respondent: Robert J. Coleman, Esquire

91Coleman & Coleman, P.A.

95Post Office Box 2089

99Fort Myers, Florida 33902


107The issue in this case is whether Petitioner has just cause

118to terminate the employment of Respondent.


126By letter dated May 18, 2009, the superintendent of the

136Collier County School District (School District) advised

143Respondent, Russell Wheeler (Mr. Wheeler), that he intended to

152recommend to Petitioner, Collier County School Board (School

160Board), that Mr. Wheeler be terminated from his employment with

170the School District. Mr. Wheeler requested an administrative

178hearing, and the case was forwarded to the Division of

188Administrative Hearings for assignment of an Administrative Law

196Judge. The case was originally assigned to Administrative Law

205Judge R. Bruce McKibben, but was transferred to Administrative

214Law Judge Susan B. Harrell to conduct the final hearing.

224The final hearing was scheduled for July 30, 2009. On

234July 22, 2009, the School Board filed Petitioner’s Stipulated

243Motion for Continuance, which was granted by Order dated

252July 23, 2009.

255At the final hearing, the School Board called the following

265witnesses: Russell Wheeler, Manny Touron, Debra Ogden, Linda

273Salazar, Troy Ann Kirkland, Dawn Holmer, Debbie Terry, and Peggy

283Aune. Mr. Wheeler called Rita Healy as his witness. Joint

293Exhibit 1 was received in evidence. Petitioner’s Exhibits 1

302through 31 were admitted in evidence. Respondent’s Exhibits 1

311through 29 and 31 through 36 were admitted in evidence at the

323final hearing. Mr. Wheeler was given leave to file Respondent’s

333Exhibit 30 as a late-filed exhibit. Respondent’s Exhibit 30 was

343filed on November 3, 2009, and is admitted in evidence.

353The two-volume Transcript was filed on November 6, 2009.

362On November 16, 2009, the parties filed their Proposed

371Recommended Orders, which have been given careful consideration

379in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


3891. Mr. Wheeler was employed as a teacher with Lee County

400School District (Lee County) from 1989 to May 6, 2004. From

4111994 to 2003, Mr. Wheeler taught driver education at Lehigh

421Senior High School (Lehigh). Mr. Wheeler taught health at

430Lehigh during the 2003-2004 school year.

4362. In addition to teaching at Lehigh during 2000 to 2004,

447Mr. Wheeler owned a driver training school and traffic school.

457When Mr. Wheeler taught driver education at Lehigh, he was

467authorized by the Department of Highway Safety and Motor

476Vehicles (DHSMV) to be a third-party tester. As a third-party

486tester, Mr. Wheeler was allowed to test secondary school

495students on their knowledge of road rules and road signs and

506their road skills. Mr. Wheeler was authorized to issue Driver

516Education Licensing Assistance Program (DELAP) waivers to his

524high school students who passed the tests and were applying for

535a driver license so that they could bypass the driver license

546tests conducted by the DHSMV. The DELAP waivers had to be

557signed by an authorized representative of Lehigh.

5643. Mr. Wheeler misused his authorization as a third-party

573tester and granted DELAP waivers to students in his private

583driving school, who were not high school students.

5914. Sometime in the summer of 2003, Mr. Wheeler became the

602subject of a criminal investigation concerning the issuance of

611DELAP waivers to students through his employment at Lehigh to

621students in his private driving school.

6275. On August 6, 2003, the DHSMV received a complaint

637against Mr. Wheeler concerning his issuance of a DELAP waiver to

648a person who was not a high school student. On the same date,

661the DHSMV stopped accepting any DELAP waivers issued by

670Mr. Wheeler.

6726. On August 29, 2003, the Department of Education (DOE)

682notified Mr. Wheeler that a complaint had been filed against

692him, alleging that he had engaged in inappropriate conduct.

7017. On January 22, 2004, Mr. Wheeler was arrested on

711charges of driver license fraud. On April 16, 2004, a No

722Information Notice was filed by the State Attorney’s Office,

731advising the Clerk of the Court of the Twentieth Judicial

741Circuit that the State Attorney’s Office was declining to

750prosecute Mr. Wheeler. No further criminal actions were taken

759against Mr. Wheeler based on the issuance of DELAP waivers.

7698. By letter dated February 11, 2004, the DHSMV advised

779Mr. Wheeler that his certification as a commercial driving

788school instructor had been cancelled.

7939. In early 2004, Lee County began investigating

801Mr. Wheeler for possible disciplinary action regarding his

809issuance of DELAP waivers. By letter dated March 30, 2004, Lee

820County advised Mr. Wheeler that probable cause was found to

830discipline him and that a recommendation would be made to the

841Lee County superintendent of schools to terminate Mr. Wheeler’s


85110. Mr. Wheeler resigned from his employment with Lee

860County effective May 6, 2004, citing that the reason for his

871resignation was personal reasons. Mr. Wheeler’s resignation was

879accepted by Lee County on the condition “that should

888[Mr. Wheeler] apply at a later time for employment with the

899District, the District in its sole and exclusive discretion, may

909refuse such application and/or deny him employment should it

918believe [Mr. Wheeler] has not been sufficiently rehabilitated in

927relation to the issues raised in the investigation which

936preceded his resignation.” Mr. Wheeler agreed to the condition

945imposed by Lee County.

94911. On May 11, 2004, Mr. Wheeler submitted an on-line

959application to the School Board for employment as an instructor.

969On his application he stated that he had 16 years of teaching

981experience. However, he listed his employment at Lehigh as

990commencing in 1994 and ending in 2000; his employment at Gulf

1001Middle School as commencing in 1992 and ending in 1993; and his

1013employment at Riverdale High School as commencing in 1989 and

1023ending in 1992. The employment dates listed for these three

1033schools totaled 11 years. Mr. Wheeler also listed that he had

1044been employed from December 2000 to February 2004 as the owner-

1055instructor of a private driving school.

106112. On his application, Mr. Wheeler listed the reason for

1071terminating his employment with Lee County as personal.

1079Although this reason is technically correct, Mr. Wheeler should

1088have disclosed the circumstances under which he resigned,

1096meaning that he should have disclosed that Lee County intended

1106to discipline him and that he reached a settlement agreement in

1117which he resigned for personal reasons. Mr. Wheeler listed

1126Brian Botts, who was an assistant principal at Lehigh, as a

1137reference. Although Mr. Botts completed a reference form,

1145nothing on the form eluded to the problems that Mr. Wheeler had

1157when he taught at Lee County.

116313. Mr. Wheeler submitted a resume to the School Board as

1174part of his application package. The resume correctly listed

1183his employment dates with Lee County and correctly listed his

1193employment with Lehigh as commencing in 1994 and ending in 2004.

1204In addition, Mr. Wheeler’s resume listed a year of employment at

1215Temple Christian School in Connersville, Indiana. The number of

1224years of teaching experience listed on the resume totaled

123316 years as he had stated on his on-line application.

124314. On August 25, 2004, the School Board received a

1253Verification of Teaching/Experience from Lee County, showing

1260that Mr. Wheeler had been continuously employed by Lee County

1270from 1989 to 2004.

127415. Mr. Wheeler was hired by the School Board as a

1285substitute teacher effective August 18, 2004.

129116. Although Mr. Wheeler incorrectly listed the dates of

1300employment at Lehigh on his on-line application, such incorrect

1309listing was not intentional based on the evidence as a whole,

1320particularly the submission of the resume as part of the

1330application package, the listing of Brian Botts as a reference,

1340and the statement on the on-line application that correctly

1349showed the number of years Mr. Wheeler had been employed as a

1361teacher. The School Board was not duped concerning the number

1371of years that Mr. Wheeler had taught at Lehigh because the

1382School Board had received an employment verification form from

1391Lee County, which accurately showed the number of years that

1401Mr. Wheeler had worked as a teacher at Lehigh.

141017. Although Mr. Wheeler did not intend to deceive the

1420School Board about the number of years that he worked for Lee

1432County, he should have at least informed the School Board of the

1444circumstances surrounding his resignation from Lee County. Such

1452information had a direct bearing on his qualifications for

1461teaching and should have been disclosed.

146718. For the 2004-2005 school year, Mr. Wheeler worked for

1477the School Board as a substitute teacher. Most of his teaching

1488during this period was done at Immokalee High School

1497(Immokalee). Mr. Manny Touron was the principal at Immokalee

1506during the time Mr. Wheeler worked as a substitute teacher.

1516Msoy Kirkland, an assistant principal at Immokalee, was

1524familiar with Mr. Wheeler’s work while he was substituting.

153319. By letter dated April 1, 2005, DOE notified

1542Mr. Wheeler that a complaint had been filed with DOE, alleging

1553that Mr. Wheeler had engaged in inappropriate conduct. DOE

1562further advised Mr. Wheeler that an investigation was being

1571conducted based on the allegations.

157620. In the summer of 2005, a full-time teaching position

1586came open at Immokalee for a health teacher. Mr. Touron

1596recommended Mr. Wheeler for the position. Mr. Touron completed

1605a Recommendation/Personnel Action Form, indicating that he had

1613contacted two references concerning Mr. Wheeler. One of the

1622references was Ms. Kirkland. The other reference was

1630Ms. Darlene Weber, who had worked with Mr. Wheeler at Lehigh.

164121. At the time Mr. Touron recommended Mr. Wheeler for the

1652health teacher position, he was aware Mr. Wheeler had been

1662arrested for fraud at one time. On July 18, 2004, Mr. Touron

1674sent an e-mail to an investigator with the School Board’s Human

1685Resources Department. The e-mail stated:

1690Peter, I just sent a recommendation for

1697Russell Wheeler for the position of Health.

1704He has been subbing for us all year and has

1714done a great job. He taught at Riverdale

1722and Lehigh. At Lehigh there was an issue

1730that he was arrested for fraud. Something

1737to do with drivers [sic] licenses. I need

1745to know if he has been cleared from that

1754charge. I assume that he has because of his

1763sub status. Please let me know.

1769Two days later Mr. Touron received a reply from the

1779investigator, stating that Mr. Wheeler had been cleared of the

1789criminal charges.

179122. On July 22, 2005, Mr. Wheeler completed a Criminal

1801Record form in which he omitted to say whether he had ever had a

1815criminal record expunged. At some time, Mr. Wheeler did have

1825his arrest records expunged, but he does not know when that was


183823. Mr. Wheeler was hired on an annual contract basis,

1848effective August 3, 2005, as a full-time health teacher at

1858Immokalee. In November 2005, a full-time position for a driving

1868education teacher position came open at Immokalee. Mr. Touron

1877recommended Mr. Wheeler for the position, and Mr. Wheeler’s

1886assignment was changed from health teacher to driver education


189624. Ms. Debra Ogden, who was the coordinator of the driver

1907education program, gave Mr. Wheeler an Application for Driver

1916Education Teacher Certification as a Third Party Tester to

1925complete and submit. 1 Mr. Wheeler did not advise Ms. Ogden that

1937his certification as a third-party tester had been cancelled

1946when she asked him to complete and submit the application form.

1957Mr. Wheeler submitted the application certification as a third-

1966party tester, and the application was denied in December 2005.

1976Ms. Ogden learned of the denial in January 2006.

198525. Ms. Ogden asked Mr. Wheeler about the denial of his

1996application, and he explained that he had lost his certification

2006as a third-party tester and that his certification as a

2016commercial driving school instructor had been cancelled. He

2024told her that he had had some problems in Lee County concerning

2036DELAP waivers, but that he was trying to take care of the

2048problem and was working on getting recertified as a third-party


205926. Ms. Ogden contacted a driver education teacher at

2068another school in Collier County and arranged to have that

2078teacher do the third-party testing for the students at

2087Immokalee. She advised Mr. Touron that she had arranged to have

2098another teacher do the third-party testing for Mr. Wheeler.

210727. On April 3, 2006, the commissioner of education filed

2117a six-count Administrative Complaint against Mr. Wheeler,

2124alleging that Mr. Wheeler “engaged in inappropriate and

2132unprofessional conduct in that he fraudulently issued waivers to

2141individuals who were not students at Lehigh Senior High School

2151but in fact were customers of his private business” and that he

2163“resigned in lieu of termination.” The Administrative Complaint

2171charged that Mr. Wheeler violated Subsections 1012.795(1)(c),

2178Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.006(4)(c), 6B-

2184Administrative Complaint, he did not advise any of the School

2194Board’s administrators, including Mr. Touron, that an

2201administrative complaint had been filed against him.

220828. On July 24, 2006, Mr. Wheeler and the commissioner of

2219education entered into a settlement agreement (Settlement

2226Agreement), which was contingent on being accepted by the

2235Education Practices Commission (EPC). The Settlement Agreement

2242stated that Mr. Wheeler “neither admits nor denies, but elects

2252not to contest the allegations set forth in the [commissioner of

2263education’s] Administrative Complaint.” Mr. Wheeler agreed to

2270accept a letter of reprimand and to be placed on probation for

2282two employment years. The Settlement Agreement further provided

2290that, if Mr. Wheeler was currently employed as a teacher, the

2301probation would begin upon the issuance of a final order by the

2313EPC, accepting the Settlement Agreement. Among other

2320conditions, the Settlement Agreement provided that Mr. Wheeler

2328would contact DOE within ten days of the issuance of the final

2340order and provide the name and address of his work site as well

2353as the name, address, and telephone number of his immediate

2363supervisor. The Settlement Agreement required Mr. Wheeler to

2371“make arrangements for his immediate supervisor to provide the

2380EPC with a true and accurate copy of each written annual

2391performance evaluation or assessment prepared by his supervisor

2399within ten (10) days of it[s] preparation.” At the time he

2410entered into the Settlement Agreement, Mr. Wheeler did not

2419advise any of the School Board’s administrators that he had

2429executed a settlement agreement with the commissioner of


243829. The School Board gave Mr. Wheeler an annual contract

2448for the 2006-2007 school year.

245330. By letter dated October 5, 2006, Mr. Wheeler was

2463advised by the EPC that the Settlement Agreement had to be

2474accepted by the EPC and that a final order would be issued by

2487the EPC upon the EPC’s acceptance of the Settlement Agreement.

249731. The EPC filed its Final Order on February 8, 2007,

2508accepting the Settlement Agreement. On February 20, 2007,

2516Mr. Wheeler sent a facsimile transmission to Rita Healy, his

2526probation officer with DOE, advising her that his supervisor was

2536Mr. Touron and providing contact information.

254232. Mr. Touron was advised by Mr. Wheeler that a Final

2553Order had been issued, placing Mr. Wheeler on probation for two

2564years. Mr. Wheeler also told Mr. Touron that Mr. Touron would

2575need to provide to DOE a copy of Mr. Wheeler’s annual evaluation

2587when it was completed.

259133. On March 20, 2007, Ms. Healy advised Mr. Touron that a

2603Final Order had been issued by the EPC, placing Mr. Wheeler on

2615probation for two years. Ms. Healy sent a copy of the Final

2627Order to Mr. Touron by facsimile transmission and by e-mail.

2637For some unknown reason, the Final Order was never placed in

2648Mr. Wheeler’s personnel file,

265234. In the 2006-2007 school year, Immokalee was on status

2662as an “F” school. In order to rehabilitate the school, a new

2674principal, Ms. Linda Salazar, was appointed as principal at

2683Immokalee for the 2007-2008 school year. Ms. Salazar met with

2693the faculty at Immokalee to determine which teachers she would

2703retain for the 2007-2008 school year. She interviewed

2711Mr. Wheeler, and there was no discussion concerning the Final

2721Order that had been issued by the EPC, reprimanding Mr. Wheeler

2732and placing him on probation for two years. Mr. Wheeler thought

2743that Ms. Salazar knew about the disciplinary action against him

2753because he had told Mr. Touron about the Final Order.

2763Mr. Touron did not advise Ms. Salazar or the School Board’s

2774Human Resources Department about the Final Order disciplining

2782Mr. Wheeler.

278435. By letter dated March 15, 2007, Ms. Salazar notified

2794Mr. Wheeler that he had been selected to teach at Immokalee for

2806the 2007-2008 school year. His employment at Immokalee for the

28162007-2008 school year was on an annual contract basis.

282536. Mr. Wheeler sent Ms. Healy a copy of his evaluation

2836for the 2006-2007 school year after he received it in

2846April 2007. Mr. Wheeler also sent a copy of his evaluation for

2858the 2007-2008 school year to Ms. Healy. Although, the

2867Settlement Agreement required that Mr. Wheeler make arrangements

2875for his immediate supervisor to provide the EPC with a copy of

2887the annual evaluation, Ms. Healy considered it to be

2896Mr. Wheeler’s responsibility to make sure that she received

2905copies of the evaluations, regardless of who actually sent them.

2915There was no dispute regarding the authenticity of the

2924evaluations which Mr. Wheeler provided to Ms. Healy.

293237. On June 11, 2008, Mr. Wheeler entered into a

2942professional service contract with the School Board. Unlike the

2951annual contracts, the professional service contract was to “be

2960renewed each year in accordance with and subject to the

2970provisions of F.S. §1012.33 and in conformity with Board policy

2980and any applicable collective bargaining agreement then in


298938. In August 2008, Mr. Wheeler again applied to the DHSMV

3000for his third-party tester certification. On or about August 1,

30102008, he dropped off the application for Ms. Salazar to sign as

3022representative of Immokalee. At this time, Ms. Salazar was

3031unaware that Mr. Wheeler’s third-party tester certification had

3039been canceled and assumed that the application was a

3048recertification document that teachers often left in her mail

3057box to be signed. Ms. Salazar signed the application form.

306739. On September 9, 2008, Ms. Ogden sent an e-mail to

3078Ms. Salazar, requesting that Ms. Salazar write a letter of

3088recommendation for Mr. Wheeler for his third-party tester

3096application. The e-mail stated:

3100Hi, Linda, would you be willing to write a

3109letter of support for Russ Wheeler to become

3117a Third Party Tester through the DMV, so he

3126can legally administer the written and road

3133test and issue waivers for your students? I

3141am not sure if you know the history, but

3150there were charges brought against him in

3157Lee Co. and the [sic] he is having trouble

3166getting the state to allow him to become a

3175Third Party Tester. I will be writing one

3183for him and if you are willing, here is the

3193contact information. . . .

319840. Ms. Salazar asked Mr. Wheeler to come and talk about

3209the charges that had been brought against him. Mr. Wheeler

3219brought all the documentation that he had relating to the

3229criminal charges. He explained to Ms. Salazar that the charges

3239had been dropped. He told her that he had owned a private

3251driving school and that he had been framed for fraud, and that

3263was the reason that he resigned from Lee County. No mention was

3275made by Mr. Wheeler that disciplinary action had been taken

3285against him by the EPC. Mr. Wheeler assumed that Ms. Salazar

3296knew about his probation because he had discussed the issue with

3307Mr. Touron. Ms. Salazar declined to write a letter of support

3318on behalf of Mr. Wheeler. At this time, Ms. Salazar was unaware

3330that Mr. Wheeler had been reprimanded and was on probation.

334041. Mr. Wheeler received his third-party tester

3347certification on October 24, 2008.

335242. On November 21, 2008, Ms. Debbie Terry, the School

3362Board’s director of Staffing, Recruitment, and Retention,

3369conducted an Administrator Academy Training for personnel of the

3378School Board, which included training school principals on the

3387use of the internet website, myfloridateacher.com, which is

3395maintained by DOE to document discipline taken against teachers

3404holding Florida Educator’s Certificates. Ms. Terry advised the

3412administrators attending the training that in hiring a new

3421teacher they would be required to contact the applicant’s

3430previous employers, access the DOE website to determine if there

3440had been disciplinary action against the applicant, and to speak

3450with the applicant’s references.

345443. The School Board had instituted a policy of not

3464renewing annual contracts of teachers who had been disciplined

3473by the EPC. Additionally, applicants for teaching positions who

3482had been disciplined by the EPC were not hired.

349144. Ms. Terry checked the DOE website and found that

3501Mr. Wheeler was listed as having been disciplined by the EPC.

3512In December 2008, Ms. Terry called Ms. Salazar to inquire why

3523Mr. Wheeler had been recommended for a professional service

3532contract when he had been disciplined by the EPC. Ms. Salazar

3543was unaware until Ms. Terry contacted her that Mr. Wheeler had

3554been reprimanded and placed on probation by a Final Order from

3565the EPC.

356745. The School Board started an investigation concerning

3575Mr. Wheeler. The investigation included interviewing Ms. Healy,

3583who told the School Board’s staff that she had sent a copy of

3596the Final Order to Mr. Touron. Mr. Wheeler was also


360746. On December 12, 2008, the School Board sent

3616Mr. Wheeler’s evaluations for the prior two years to Ms. Healy.

3627On December 5, 2008, Mr. Wheeler again sent Ms. Healy by

3638facsimile transmission copies of his evaluations. The fax cover

3647sheet stated that Ms. Salazar was the principal at Immokalee.

365747. After the investigation was complete, the

3664superintendent advised Mr. Wheeler by letter dated May 18, 2009,

3674that he would be recommending to the School Board that

3684Mr. Wheeler’s employment be terminated. The superintendent

3691alleged in the Notice of Intent Recommendation to Terminate

3700Employment that the recommendation for termination was based on

3709the following acts:

3712Count 1 : [He] falsely indicated the reasons

3720for [his] separation from Lee County,

3726Florida schools. In addition, [he] failed

3732to disclose pertinent and relative

3737information on [his] employment application;

3742specifically, that [he] resigned from Lee

3748County, Florida, schools “in lieu of


3755Count 2 : [He] falsely represented in [his]

3763employment application the correct

3767termination date of May 6, 2004, leaving a

3775four-year employment discrepancy.

3778Count 3 : [He] violated the terms of [his]

3787probation and settlement agreement with the

3793Florida Department of Education by failing

3799to disclose that [his] immediate supervisor,

3805effective August 2007, was Linda Salazar,

3811principal of Immokalee High School. In

3817addition, [he] did not disclose the fact to

3825Ms. Salazar that [he] entered into a

3832settlement agreement. At some point in

3838time, Ms. Salazar confronted [him] after

3844learning that there was an issue relative to

3852[his] certifying drivers’ education

3856certificates; however, [he was] not

3861forthcoming and indicated to her that there

3868wasn’t a problem and assured her that the

3876FLDOE case had been dropped.

3881Count 4 : In furtherance of [his] deception,

3889[he] failed to follow the directive of [his]

3897settlement that required that [his]

3902evaluations be forwarded to the FLDOE by

3909[his] supervisor. [He] directly forwarded

3914the evaluations to FLDOE without the

3920knowledge of [his] supervisor and the FLDOE.

3927Count 5 : [He was] found “guilty of an act

3937involving gross immorality or an act

3943involving moral turpitude” and attempted to

3949conceal this knowledge from the school


395648. On May 5, 2008, Mr. Wheeler was approved to teach a

3968driver education course for migrant students during summer

3976school. Mr. Wheeler was to work 32 hours per week for nine

3988weeks at a rate of pay of $40 per hour. His total compensation

4001for the summer school employment was to have been $11,520. By

4013e-mail dated May 27, 2009, Ms. Salazar advised Mr. Wheeler that

4024he could not teach during summer school because of the

4034recommendation to terminate his employment.

403949. Mr. Wheeler successfully completed his probation with

4047DOE. Ms. Healy notified Mr. Wheeler by letter dated March 20,

40582009, that the probation was closed. Ms. Healy did not consider

4069that any actions by Mr. Wheeler during his probation constituted

4079a breach of the Settlement Agreement which would be prosecuted

4089by the EPC.


409550. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4102jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

4113proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57, Fla. Stat. (2009).

412151. Subsection 1012.33(1), Florida Statutes (2008), 2

4128provides that instructional staff may be dismissed for just

4137cause and provides that just cause “includes, but is not limited

4148to, the following instances, as defined by rule of the State

4159Board of Education: immorality, misconduct in office,

4166incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, or

4174being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of guilty

4186to, regardless of adjudication of guilt, any crime involving

4195moral turpitude.”

419752. The School Board has the burden to establish by a

4208preponderance of the evidence that it has just cause to

4218terminate Mr. Wheeler’s employment. See Sublett v. Sumpter

4226County School Board , 664 So. 2d 883 (Fla. 5th DCA 1995); Dileo

4238v. School Board of Dade County , 569 So. 2d 883 (Fla. 3rd DCA


425253. The School Board alleged in its Notice of Intent

4262Recommendation to Terminate Employment that Mr. Wheeler

4269committed the following violations:

4273(1) violated the terms of [his] settlement

4280agreement with the FLDOE (Section 5);

4286(2) fraudulently signed the disclosure on

4292[his] employment application in which [he]

4298attested, among other things, “that the

4304facts contained in this application are true

4311and complete to the best of my knowledge and

4320belief . . .”;

4324(3) violated [his] responsibilities and

4329obligations under Section 6B-1.006(5),

4333Principles of Professional Conduct for the

4339Education Profession in Florida, F.A.C.,

4344subsections (a), (g), (h), (i), and (n); 6B-

43521.001, Code of Ethics of the Education

4359Profession in Florida, subsections[1-3];

4363(4) violated School Board Policies #3120

4369(Employment of Instructional Staff), #3121

4374(Application for Employment and Re-

4379Employment of Instructional Staff), #3139

4384(Educator Misconduct), and #3210 (Code of


439154. Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(5) provides:

4398(5) Obligation to the profession of

4404education requires that the individual:

4409(a) Shall maintain honesty in all

4415professional dealings.

4417* * *

4420(g) Shall not misrepresent one’s own

4426professional qualifications.

4428(h) Shall not submit fraudulent information

4434on any document in connection with

4440professional activities.

4442(i) Shall not make any fraudulent statement

4449or fail to disclose a material fact in one’s

4458own or another’s application for a

4464professional position.

4466* * *

4469(n) Shall report to appropriate authorities

4475any known allegation of a violation of the

4483Florida School Code or State Board of

4490Education Rules as defined in Section

4496231.28(1), Florida Statutes.

449955. Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.001 provides:

4506(1) The educator values the worth and

4513dignity of every person, the pursuit of

4520truth, devotion to excellence, acquisition

4525of knowledge, and the nurture of democratic

4532citizenship. Essential to the achievement

4537of these standards are the freedom to learn

4545and to teach and the guarantee of equal

4553opportunity for all.

4556(2) The educator’s primary professional

4561concern will always be for the student and

4569for the development of the student’s

4575potential. The educator will therefore

4580strive for professional growth and will seek

4587to exercise the best professional judgment

4593and integrity.

4595(3) Aware of the importance of maintaining

4602the respect and confidence of one’s

4608colleagues, of students, of parents, and of

4615other members of the community, the educator

4622strives to achieve and sustain the highest

4629degree of ethical conduct.

463356. The School Board’s Policy 3121 provides:

4640False or misleading statements or answers or

4647omissions made by a person in connection

4654with seeking employment may bar a person

4661from employment with the Board or, if

4668discovered after employment, may result in

4674disciplinary action, including termination

4678upon the recommendation of the

4683Superintendent and the approval of the

4689Board. Each case shall be considered on its

4697own merits.

469957. In Count 1, the School Board alleges that Mr. Wheeler

4710falsely indicated his reasons for separation from Lee County and

4720failed to disclose pertinent and relative information on his

4729employment application, specifically that he resigned from Lee

4737County in lieu of termination. Mr. Wheeler did not falsely

4747indicate his reasons for separation from Lee County. His

4756reasons were personal. However, Mr. Wheeler did fail to state

4766the circumstances under which he resigned. That information was

4775pertinent and relevant to his resignation and should have been

4785disclosed to the School Board. Thus, the School Board has

4795established by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Wheeler

4805violated Florida Administrative Code 6B-1.006(5)(i) and School

4812Board Policy 3121.

481558. In Count 2, the School Board alleges that Mr. Wheeler

4826falsely represented on his employment application the date of

4835his termination from Lee County. Mr. Wheeler did inaccurately

4844state on his application that his employment with Lee County

4854ended in 2000. However, this inaccuracy was not intentional and

4864was a scrivener’s error. This conclusion is based on

4873Mr. Wheeler stating in the application that he had 16 years of

4885teaching experience. Additionally, Mr. Wheeler listed

4891Mr. Botts, who was an assistant principal at Lehigh, as a

4902reference. If Mr. Botts were contacted, Mr. Botts could verify

4912Mr. Wheeler’s dates of employment. Mr. Wheeler provided the

4921School Board with a copy of his resume which accurately showed

4932the dates of his employment with Lee County. The School Board

4943received a verification of employment from Lee County accurately

4952stating the dates of employment of Mr. Wheeler. There was no

4963intention of Mr. Wheeler to deceive the School Board concerning

4973his employment with Lee County. The School Board has failed to

4984establish the allegations in Count 2 by a preponderance of the


499659. In Count 3, the School Board alleges that Mr. Wheeler

5007violated the Settlement Agreement with DOE by failing to

5016disclose that his supervisor had changed from Mr. Touron to

5026Ms. Salazar. The School Board has failed to establish this


503760. The Settlement Agreement did not specifically require

5045Mr. Wheeler to notify DOE if his supervisor changed; however,

5055the requirement that he advise DOE within ten days of the

5066issuance of the Final Order could be understood to mean that the

5078requirement to notify DOE of the name of his supervisor was a

5090continuing requirement. Even if it were considered to be a

5100continuing requirement, no time frame is stated for advising DOE

5110of a supervisory change. Mr. Wheeler notified Ms. Healy in

5120February 2007 that his supervisor was the principal at

5129Immokalee. Mr. Wheeler had sent his evaluations for 2006-2007

5138and for 2007-2008, and both evaluations showed that Mr. Wheeler

5148continued to be employed at Immokalee. He continued to be

5158supervised by the principal of Immokalee. Thus, any question

5167that Ms. Healy had concerning Mr. Wheeler’s supervision or

5176performance would have been directed to the principal of

5185Immokalee. Mr. Wheeler sent a facsimile transmission to

5193Ms. Healy on December 5, 2008, which clearly showed that

5203Ms. Salazar was the principal of Immokalee.

521061. In Count 3, The School Board also alleges that

5220Mr. Wheeler failed to advise Ms. Salazar that he had entered

5231into a settlement agreement with the EPC. Mr. Wheeler had

5241previously advised Mr. Touron that he had entered into the

5251Settlement Agreement and that a Final Order had been issued.

5261Mr. Wheeler fulfilled his obligation to the School Board to

5271notify it of the Settlement Agreement and Final Order when he

5282advised Mr. Touron of same and was under no obligation to advise

5294Ms. Salazar. If Mr. Touron had fulfilled his responsibilities,

5303Mr. Wheeler’s personnel file would have contained the pertinent

5312information, and Ms. Salazar would have known of the Final

5322Order. The School Board can not fault Mr. Wheeler for the

5333failure of its administrator to take appropriate action.

5341Mr. Wheeler was understandably under the impression that the

5350School Board was aware of the Final Order because he had

5361notified Mr. Touron.

536462. In Count 3, the School Board also alleges that when

5375Ms. Salazar confronted him about his third-party tester

5383certification, he was not forthcoming and indicated that there

5392was not a problem and assured her that the DOE case had been

5405dropped. The School Board has failed to establish this

5414allegation by a preponderance of the evidence. Mr. Wheeler was

5424forthcoming concerning the criminal charges against him. He

5432never told Ms. Salazar that the DOE case had been dropped

5443against him. In fact, at the time that Mr. Wheeler and

5454Ms. Salazar had the conversation concerning third-party tester

5462certification, the EPC had entered a Final Order, and

5471Mr. Wheeler thought that Ms. Salazar was aware because he had

5482informed Mr. Touron.

548563. In Count 4, the School Board alleges that Mr. Wheeler

5496“failed to follow the directive of the settlement agreement that

5506[his] evaluations be forwarded to the FLDOE by [his]

5515supervisor.” The Settlement Agreement required that Mr. Wheeler

5523“make arrangements for his immediate supervisor to provide the

5532EPC” with a copy of the evaluation within ten days of its

5544preparation. Mr. Wheeler did talk to Mr. Touron about the

5554requirement of sending the evaluations to DOE, and Mr. Wheeler

5564had no reason to think that Mr. Touron would not comply.

5575Ms. Healy considered that Mr. Wheeler had the ultimate

5584responsibility to make sure that she got copies of the

5594evaluation, and he fulfilled that responsibility by sending in

5603evaluations himself. The School Board has failed to establish

5612the allegations in Count 4 by a preponderance of the evidence.

562364. In Count 5, the School Board alleges that Mr. Wheeler

5634was “’found guilty of an act involving gross immorality or an

5645act involving moral turpitude’” and attempted to conceal this

5654knowledge from the School District. Mr. Wheeler was not found

5664guilty of any criminal charges. A Final Order was entered

5674against Mr. Wheeler based on the Settlement Agreement which had

5684been accepted by the EPC. The Final Order does not make a

5696finding of guilt of the violations set forth in the

5706Administrative Complaint, and the Settlement Agreement

5712specifically states that Mr. Wheeler neither admits nor denies

5721the allegations in the Administrative Complaint but elects not

5730to contest them.

573365. Mr. Wheeler did not attempt to hide the existence of

5744the Final Order from the School Board. He notified Mr. Touron

5755that a Final Order had been issued. Additionally, Ms. Healy

5765contacted Mr. Touron and advised him that a Final Order had been

5777issued and provided Mr. Touron a copy of the Final Order by

5789facsimile transmission and by e-mail. Mr. Wheeler is not at

5799fault if Mr. Touron failed to advise the School Board’s Human

5810Resources Department and Ms. Salazar of the existence of the

5820Final Order. The School Board has failed to establish the

5830allegations in Count 5 by a preponderance of the evidence.

584066. In its Proposed Recommended Order, the School Board

5849states that Mr. Wheeler failed to answer a question on his new-

5861hire paperwork on July 22, 2005, which concerned whether

5870Mr. Wheeler had ever had a criminal record expunged. The School

5881Board also stated in its Proposed Recommended Order that

5890Mr. Wheeler did not advise the School Board that an

5900administrative complaint had been filed against him by DOE.

5909Such allegations were not raised in the notice of intent to

5920terminate and cannot serve as a basis now for discipline. See

5931Aldrete v. Department of Health, Board of Medicine , 879 So. 2d

59421244, 1246 (Fla. 1st DCA 2004); Shore Village Property Owners'

5952Association, Inc. v. Department of Environmental Protection ,

5959824 So. 2d 208, 210 (Fla. 4th DCA 2002); and Delk v. Department

5972of Professional Regulation , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA


598467. Based on the totality of the circumstances of this

5994case, termination is not warranted. However, the School Board

6003has established that Mr. Wheeler failed to disclose relevant and

6013pertinent information to the School Board on his 2004 employment

6023application. Therefore, Mr. Wheeler should be disciplined for

6031failing to disclose this information.


6037Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6047Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order finding that

6057Mr. Wheeler is guilty of failing to disclose the relevant and

6068pertinent information on his employment application in violation

6076of Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(5)(i) and School

6084Board Policy 3121; finding that Mr. Wheeler is not guilty of the

6096other violations set forth in the notice of intent to terminate;

6107suspending Mr. Wheeler without pay for eight months, beginning

6116May 18, 2009; and reinstating Mr. Wheeler to his employment at

6127the end of his suspension.

6132DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2009, in

6142Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6150Administrative Law Judge

6153Division of Administrative Hearings

6157The DeSoto Building

61601230 Apalachee Parkway

6163Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

6166(850) 488-9675

6168Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


6173Filed with the Clerk of the

6179Division of Administrative Hearings

6183this 22nd day of December, 2009.


61901/ At the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, all the driver

6202education teachers were retested and retrained as a result of

6212DHSMV changing its DELAP system and requiring all third party

6222testers to reapply for certification. Thus, as the incoming

6231driver education teacher, Mr. Wheeler would be required to

6240reapply for certification.

62432/ Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the Florida

6252Statutes are to the 2008 version.


6261Robert J. Coleman, Esquire

6265Coleman & Coleman, P.A.

6269Post Office Box 2089

6273Fort Myers, Florida 33902

6277Jon D. Fishbane, Esquire

6281Collier County School Board

62855775 Osceola Trail

6288Naples, Florida 34109

6291Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel

6296Department of Education

6299Turlington Building, Suite 1244

6303325 West Gaines Street

6307Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

6310Dr. Eric J. Smith, Commissioner of Education

6317Department of Education

6320Turlington Building, Suite 1514

6324325 West Gaines Street

6328Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

6331Dr. Dennis L. Thompson, Superintendent

6336Collier County School Board

63405775 Osceola Trail

6343Naples, Florida 34109-0919


6352All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

636215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6373to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6384will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/22/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/22/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/22/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/22/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 9 and October 16, 2009). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/22/2009
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/16/2009
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/16/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/06/2009
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (of hearing held October 16, 2009) filed.
Date: 11/06/2009
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (of hearing held September 9, 2009) filed.
Date: 11/06/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Original Hearing Transcript filed.
Date: 11/04/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Exhibit 20 (exhibit not available for viewing).
Date: 10/16/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/02/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of to Produce at Hearing filed.
Date: 09/16/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 16, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 09/09/2009
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to October 16, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL.
Date: 09/08/2009
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 9, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL; amended as to hearing location).
Date: 09/04/2009
Proceedings: Order on Reconsideration of Respondent`s Request to Take Official Recognition.
Date: 09/04/2009
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Statement of Petitioner filed.
Date: 09/03/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 07/28/2009
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Harrell from R. Coleman regarding receipt of Order Denying Respondent's Request to Take Official Notice filed.
Date: 07/28/2009
Proceedings: Order Denying Respondent`s Request to Take Official Notice.
Date: 07/23/2009
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 9, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 07/22/2009
Proceedings: Stipulated Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 07/15/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Request to Take Official Notice filed.
Date: 07/14/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Responses to Respondent's for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/14/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 06/12/2009
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/12/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 30, 2009; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 06/08/2009
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/02/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/02/2009
Proceedings: Respondent's Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/28/2009
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/27/2009
Proceedings: Notice of Intent Recommendation to Terminate Employment filed.
Date: 05/26/2009
Proceedings: Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/26/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida


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