10-000824PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Carlos S. Contreras, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, April 22, 2010.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent violated 458.331(1)(c) when he was adjudicated guilty of conspiracy to commit health care fraud.






17Petitioner, )


20vs. ) Case No. 10-0824PL




32Respondent. )



37This case came before Larry J. Sartin, an Administrative

46Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings, on

55March 19, 2010, by video teleconference between Miami and

64Tallahassee, Florida.


67For Petitioner: Ephraim D. Livingston

72Assistant General Counsel

75Department of Health

784052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-65

84Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

87For Respondent: Craig A. Brand, Esquire

932816 East Robinson Street

97Orlando, Florida 32083


104The issues in this case are whether Respondent, Carlos S.

114Contreras, M.D., violated Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida

120Statutes (2008), as alleged in the Administrative Complaint,

128filed with Petitioner, the Department of Health, on August 31,

1382009, in DOH Case Number 2008-14221, and, if so, what

148disciplinary action should be taken against his license to

157practice medicine in the State of Florida.


166On or about August 31, 2009, the Department of Health filed

177a one-count Administrative Complaint against Carlos S.

184Contreras, M.D., an individual licensed to practice medicine in

193Florida, before the Board of Medicine, in which it alleged that

204Dr. Contreras had violated Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida

211Statutes (2008). Dr. Contreras executed an undated Election of

220Rights form in which he disputed the allegations of fact

230contained in the Administrative Complaint and requested a formal

239administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.569(2)(a),

245Florida Statutes. On or about September 28, 2009, Respondent

254filed a Response to Administrative Complaint.

260On February 16, 2010, the matter was filed with the

270Division of Administrative Hearings with a request that an

279administrative law judge be assigned the case to conduct

288proceedings pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes

295(2009). The matter was designated DOAH Case Number 10-0824PL

304and was assigned to the undersigned.

310On February 23, 2010, a Notice of Hearing was entered

320scheduling the final hearing to be held in Miami, Florida, on

331March 19, 2010. On March 12, 2010, an Amended Notice of Hearing

343by Video Teleconference was entered. The Amended Notice

351modified the Notice of Hearing by scheduling the hearing to be

362conducted by video teleconference between sites in Miami and


372On March 17, 2010, the parties filed a Joint Pre-Hearing

382Stipulation which contains “facts which are admitted.” Those

390facts have been included in this Recommended Order.

398At the final hearing, Petitioner had three exhibits

406admitted. Respondent presented the testimony of Joseph

413Rosenbaum, Esquire, counsel for Dr. Contreras in the criminal

422proceedings at issue in this case.

428On April 6, 2010, a Notice of Filing Transcript was entered

439informing the parties that the Transcript had been filed and

449that their proposed recommended orders were to be filed on or by

461April 12, 2010. Petitioner filed Petitioner’s Proposed

468Recommended Order timely. Respondent filed Respondent’s

474Proposed Recommended Order the morning of April 13, 2010. It

484does not appear that the late filing of Respondent’s Proposed

494Recommended Order prejudiced Petitioner. Therefore, the post-

501hearing proposals of both parties have been fully considered in

511rendering this Recommended Order.

515All references to Florida Statutes in this Recommended

523Order are to the 2008 version, unless otherwise indicated.


535A. The Parties .

5391. Petitioner, the Department of Health (hereinafter

546referred to as the "Department"), is the agency of the State of

559Florida charged with the responsibility for the investigation

567and prosecution of complaints involving physicians licensed to

575practice medicine in Florida. § 20.43 and Chs. 456 and 458,

586Fla. Stat.

5882. Respondent, Carlos S. Contreras, M.D., is, and was at

598all times material to this matter, a physician licensed to

608practice medicine in Florida pursuant to Chapter 458, Florida

617Statutes, having been issued license number 43908, on or about

627May 19, 1984.

630B. Indictment and Conviction of Dr. Contreras .

6383. On or about June 2, 2008, Dr. Contreras was indicted in

650United States of America v. Carlos Contreras and Ramon Pichardo ,

660United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case

669No. 08-20443 CR - Moreno (hereinafter referred to as the


6814. Generally, the Indictment alleges that Dr. Contreras

689was involved in a conspiracy to submit fraudulent claims to

699Medicare for purported Human Immunodeficiency Virus infusion


7075. As it relates to Dr. Contreras, the Indictment was

717predicated, in part, upon the following “General Allegation”:

7256. C.N.C. Medical Corp. (“CNC

730Medical”) was a Florida corporation,

735purportedly doing business at 1393 S.W.

7411 st Avenue, Suite #320, Miami, Florida.

748. . . CNC Medical was a medical clinic

757that purported to specialize in treating

763patients with HIV by providing infusion

769therapy. From in and around November

7752002 through in or around April 2004,

782approximately $6.8 million in claims

787were submitted to the Medicare program

793for HIV infusion services allegedly

798rendered at CNC Medical.

8027. Defendant CONTRARES , a resident of

808Miami-Dade County, was a medical doctor

814who purported to order and provide HIV

821infusion services to Medicare

825beneficiaries at CNC Medical. CONTRERAS

830was also the president, director, and

836registered agent of CNC Medical.

8416. Relevant to this matter, Count 2 of the 12-Count

851Indictment charged Dr. Contreras with conspiracy to commit

859health care fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349

8697. On or about September 11, 2008, Dr. Contreras entered

879into a Plea Agreement in which he pled guilty to Count 2 of the

893Indictment, thereby admitting that he was guilty of “knowingly

902and willfully conspiring with others to execute a scheme and

912artifice to defraud and to obtain by means of materially false

923and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises money

930owned by, and under the custody and control of a health care

942benefits program (as defined as [sic] in Title 18, United States

953Code, Section 24(b)), in violation of Title 18, United States

963Code, Section 1347.”

9668. On the same date that the Plea Agreement was executed,

977Dr. Contreras, along with his legal representative, executed and

986acknowledged the following “Agreed Factual Basis for Guilty


995Beginning in approximately November 2002,

1000and continuing through approximately April

10052004, the defendant, Dr. Carlos Contreras

1011(“Contreras”), willfully conspired with his

1016co-defendants, Ramon Pichardo, Carlos

1020Benitez, Luis Benitez, Thomas McKenzie, and

1026others to commit health care fraud, in

1033violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1349. Medicare is

1041a “health care benefit program” of the

1048United States, as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 24.

1057Furthermore, Medicare is a health care

1063benefit program affecting commerce.

1067Contreras was a medical doctor and owned a

1075medical clinic named CNC Medical Corp.

1081(“CNC”). At CNC, Contreras also employed

1087Dr. Ramon Pichardo. CNC purported to

1093specialize in treating patients with Human

1099Immunodeficiency Virus (“HIV”). From

1103approximately November 2002 through

1107approximately April 2004, Contreras approved

1112approximately $6.8 million worth of

1117fraudulent medical bills, signed documents

1122containing false information about

1126treatments purportedly provided to HIV

1131patients, and approved medically unnecessary

1136treatments. As a result of Contreras’

1142conduct, the Medicare Program (“Medicare”)

1147paid approximately $4.2 million worth of

1153fraudulent bills to CNC and Contreras.

1159CNC was a Florida corporation purportedly

1165doing business at 1393 S.W. 1 st Street, Suite

1174#320, Miami, Florida. Corporate records

1179display a business address of 1383 S.W. 1 st

1188Street, Suite #320, Miami, Florida. From

1194approximately November 2002 through

1198approximately April 2004, CNC billed the

1204Medicare Program approximately $6.8 million

1209under Contreras’ Medicare provider number,

1214and actually received approximately $4.2

1219million in payments. Contreras signed

1224checks drawn on CNC bank accounts and would

1232use these checks to transfer funds to

1239various corporate entities owned and

1244controlled by Carlos and Luis Benitez, and

1251others. In total, Contreras transferred

1256approximately $1.7 million dollars [sic] to

1262the Benitez brothers.

1265In or about November 2002, Contreras

1271agreed with his co-conspirators, including

1276Dr. Ramon Pichardo, Carlos Benitez, Luis

1282Benitez, and Thomas McKenzie, to accept HIV

1289patients at CNC and to allow fraudulent

1296bills to be submitted to the Medicare

1303Program under his provided number. Co-

1309conspirators Carlos Benitez and Luis Benitez

1315agreed to provide the staff necessary to

1322operate CNC as an HIV infusion clinic, the

1330Medicare patients that CNC would utilize to

1337bill to the Medicare program, and the

1344transportation for the HIV patients, in

1350return for a share of CNC’s profits. At

1358that time, Contreras knew that CNC would

1365need to pay kickbacks to the patients who

1373visited the clinics, and that the CNC would

1381bill Medicare for HIV infusion services

1387three times a week, for up to three months,

1396for each patient.

1399Contreras’s primary job at the CNC was to

1407see patients, sign medical records, and

1413approve expensive and medically unnecessary

1418HIV infusion treatments. Prior to

1423purportedly treating HIV patients at CNC,

1429Contreras worked at one other Benitez

1435controlled HIV infusion therapy clinic,

1440named AH Medical Office, Inc. At th[is

1447clinic], he learned from the Benitez

1453brothers and McKenzie how to make medical

1460records appear legitimate and how to

1466authorize treatments and sign medical

1471analysis and diagnosis forms for HIV

1477patients, without regard to medical

1482necessity or the patients’ particular

1487ailments. Contreras authorized and approved

1492the use of the drug WinRho (also known as

1501Rho D), along with a mix of various vitamin

1510supplements for most HIV patients he was

1517seeing, knowing that the HIV patients did

1524not need WinRho.

1527. . . .

15319. The Agreed Factual Basis for Guilty Plea executed by

1541Dr. Contreras contained the following acknowledgement just above

1549his signature:

1551The preceding statement is a summary, made

1558for the purpose of providing the Court with

1566a factual basis for my guilty plea to the

1575charges against me. It does not include all

1583of the facts known to me concerning criminal

1591activity in which I and others engaged. I

1599make this statement knowingly and

1604voluntarily and because I am in fact guilty

1612of the crimes charged.

161610. On or about November 20, 2008, Dr. Contreras entered a

1627plea of “guilty” to Count 2 of the Indictment. The court

1638adjudicated him guilty, dismissed the other charges, and

1646sentenced Dr. Contreras consistent with the Plea Agreement. At

1655the time of the final hearing of this matter, Dr. Contreras was

1667in the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons serving a

167937-month sentence.

168111. Based upon the admissions contained in the Agreed

1690Factual Basis for Guilty Plea quoted in Finding of Fact 8, it is

1703clear that the crime for which Dr. Contreras’ was adjudicated

1713guilty involved a conspiracy in which he actually engaged in

1723health care fraud, and not just a plan to do so.

1734C. The Relationship of Dr. Contreras’ Convictions to the

1743Practice of Medicine .

174712. In light of Dr. Contreras’ guilty plea to Count 2 of

1759the Indictment and his acknowledgement of the Agreed Factual

1768Basis for Guilty Plea, there is no doubt that Dr. Contreras

1779engaged in the activities outlined in the Agreed Factual Basis

1789for Guilty Plea. It is also clear that all of those activities

1801related to the practice of medicine.

180713. As the Department points out in Petitioner’s Proposed

1816Recommended Order, “[b]ut for Respondent’s license to practice

1824medicine in the state of Florida, he would not have been able to

1837commit the crimes [sic] for which he pled guilty. It was his

1849license to practice medicine that allowed him to work as a

1860physician at CNC Medical Corp., to obtain a [Medicare] provider

1870number, to see patients, to sign medical records, to approve

1880expensive and medically unnecessary HIV infusion treatments and

1888to fully participate in the Medicare program. The foregoing

1897activities were made possible and were a direct result of his

1908status as a licensed Florida physician.” Without his license to

1918practice medicine, there could have been no conspiracy to commit

1928health care fraud.

193114. Dr. Contreras relies upon a number of “facts” in

1941support of his argument that the crime for which he pled guilty

1953does not relate directly to the practice of medicine:

1962a. First, Dr. Contreras argues that the crime involved

1971“conspiracy” to commit health care fraud rather than the actual

1981act of health care fraud. Even if technically correct, the

1991Agreed Factual Basis for Guilty Plea clearly outlines activities

2000involving medical care necessary for the conspiracy to exist.

2009Additionally, but for his license to practice medicine, there

2018would have been no conspiracy;

2023b. Secondly, Dr. Contreras points out that no restrictions

2032were placed on his practice of medicine or his involvement in

2043the Medicare Program or the Medicaid Program in the Plea

2053Agreement. While correct, the emphasis of the criminal matter

2062was on Dr. Contreras’ activities relating to defrauding the

2071United States government of millions of dollars, rather than his

2081activities as a physician. The government’s interest was a

2090financial one and, therefore, it correctly left his actual

2099practice of medicine to the governmental agencies charged with

2108the responsibility of regulating the practice of medicine;

2116c. Thirdly, Dr. Contreras points out that the Plea

2125Agreement makes no mention of any breach of the physician-

2135patient relationship. Again, the emphasis of the criminal

2143rather than the quality or lack thereof of his medical care; and

2155d. Finally, Dr. Contreras relies upon the testimony of

2164Joseph S. Rosenbaum, Esquire, who represented Dr. Contreras in

2173the criminal matter. According to Dr. Contreras,

2180Mr. Rosenbaum’s testimony was presented in order to “explain the

2190meaning of the documents and background (facts) of the

2199underlying criminal case.” According to Mr. Rosenbaum,

2206businessmen more clever and ruthless then the Respondent.”

2214Mr. Rosenbaum’s testimony, for which little in the way of

2224predicate was offered, is rejected as contrary to the facts

2234stipulated to by Dr. Contreras quoted in Finding of Fact 8.

224515. The crime for which Dr. Contreras was convicted is a

2256crime that “directly relates to the practice of medicine.”


2268A. Jurisdiction .

227116. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2278jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

2288the parties thereto pursuant to Sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and

2297456.073(5), Florida Statutes (2009).

2301B. The Charges of the Administrative Complaint .

230917. Section 458.331(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes the

2316Board of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), to

2327impose penalties ranging from the issuance of a letter of

2337concern to revocation of a physician's license to practice

2346medicine in Florida if a physician commits one or more acts

2357specified therein.

235918. In its Administrative Complaint, the Department has

2367alleged that Dr. Contreras has committed the act described in

2377Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes.

2381C. The Burden and Standard of Proof .

238919. The Department seeks to impose penalties against

2397Dr. Contreras, through the Administrative Complaint, that

2404include suspension or revocation of his license and/or the

2413imposition of an administrative fine. Therefore, the Department

2421has the burden of proving the specific allegations of fact that

2432support its charge that Dr. Contreras violated Section

2440458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes, by clear and convincing

2447evidence. Department of Banking and Finance, Division of

2455Securities and Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern and Co. , 670

2465So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

2477(Fla. 1987); Pou v. Department of Insurance and Treasurer , 707

2487So. 2d 941 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998); and Section 120.57(1)(j), Florida

2498Statutes (2009)("Findings of fact shall be based on a

2508preponderance of the evidence, except in penal or licensure

2517disciplinary proceedings or except as otherwise provided by


252720. What constitutes "clear and convincing" evidence was

2535described by the court in Evans Packing Co. v. Department of

2546Agriculture and Consumer Services , 550 So. 2d 112, 116, n. 5

2557(Fla. 1st DCA 1989), as follows:

2563. . . [C]lear and convincing evidence

2570requires that the evidence must be found to

2578be credible; the facts to which the

2585witnesses testify must be distinctly

2590remembered; the evidence must be precise and

2597explicit and the witnesses must be lacking

2604in confusion as to the facts in issue. The

2613evidence must be of such weight that it

2621produces in the mind of the trier of fact

2630the firm belief or conviction, without

2636hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2643allegations sought to be established.

2648Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800

2656(Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

2660See also In re Graziano , 696 So. 2d 744 (Fla. 1997); In re

2673Davey , 645 So. 2d 398 (Fla. 1994); and Walker v. Florida

2684Department of Business and Professional Regulation , 705 So. 2d

2693652 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998)(Sharp, J., dissenting).

2700D. Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes .

270621. Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes, defines the

2713following disciplinable offense:

2716(c) Being convicted or found guilty of,

2723or entering a plea of nolo contendere to,

2731regardless of adjudication, a crime in any

2738jurisdiction which directly relates to the

2744practice of medicine or to the ability to

2752practice medicine.

2754In the Administrative Complaint, the Department alleges that

2762Dr. Contreras violated Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes,

2769when he was adjudicated guilty of conspiracy to commit health

2779care fraud.

278122. The evidence has clearly and convincingly proven that

2790Dr. Contreras has been convicted of a crime that relates to his

2802practice of medicine as alleged in the Administrative Complaint

2811and described in the Findings of Fact. Dr. Contreras’ license

2821to practice medicine constituted the foundation of his

2829adjudication of guilt for conspiracy to commit health care

2838fraud. It was his license to practice medicine that allowed him

2849to work as a physician at CNC Medical Corp., to obtain a

2861Medicare provider number, to see patients, to sign medical

2870records, to approve expensive and medically unnecessary HIV

2878infusion treatments and to fully participate in the Medicare

2887program. Without his license to practice medicine, there could

2896have been no conspiracy to commit health care fraud. These were

2907the facts that formed the bases for Dr. Contreras’ guilty plea

2918and adjudication of guilt, and they clearly related to his

2928practice of medicine.

293123. The evidence proved clearly and convincingly that

2939Dr. Contreras violated Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes.

2946E. The Appropriate Penalty .

295124. In determining the appropriate punitive action to

2959recommend to the Board in this case, it is necessary to consult

2971the Board's "disciplinary guidelines," which impose restrictions

2978and limitations on the exercise of the Board's disciplinary

2987authority under Section 458.331, Florida Statutes. See Parrot

2995Heads, Inc. v. Department of Business and Professional

3003Regulation , 741 So. 2d 1231 (Fla. 5th DCA 1999).

301225. The Board's guidelines for a violation of Section

3021458.331, Florida Statutes, are set out in Florida Administrative

3030Code Rule 64B8-8.001. As it relates to Dr. Contreras’ violation

3040of Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes, Florida

3046Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001(2)(c) provides the following

3053penalty range for a first time violation:

3060From probation to revocation or denial of

3067the license, an administrative fine ranging

3073from $1,000.00 to $10,000.00, and 50 to 100

3083hours of community service.

3087For a crime related to health care fraud in dollar amounts in

3099excess of $5,000.00, the penalty range provided in Florida

3109Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001(2)(c)1. is “[r]evocation or

3116in the case of application for licensure, denial of licensure

3126and a fine of $10,000.00.”

313226. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8-8.001(3)

3138provides that, in applying the penalty guidelines, the following

3147aggravating and mitigating circumstances are to be taken into


3157(a) Exposure of patient or public to

3164injury or potential injury, physical or

3170otherwise: none, slight, severe, or death;

3176(b) Legal status at the time of the

3184offense: no restraints, or legal


3190(c) The number of counts or separate

3197offenses established;

3199(d) The number of times the same offense

3207or offenses have previously been committed

3213by the licensee or applicant;

3218(e) The disciplinary history of the

3224applicant or licensee in any jurisdiction

3230and the length of practice;

3235(f) Pecuniary benefit or self-gain

3240inuring to the applicant or licensee;

3246(g) The involvement in any violation of

3253Section 458.331, F.S., of the provision of

3260controlled substances for trade, barter or

3266sale, by a licensee. In such cases, the

3274Board will deviate from the penalties

3280recommended above and impose suspension or

3286revocation of licensure.

3289(h) Where a licensee has been charged

3296with violating the standard of care pursuant

3303to Section 458.331(1)(t), F.S., but the

3309licensee, who is also the records owner

3316pursuant to Section 456.057(1), F.S., fails

3322to keep and/or produce the medical records.

3329(i) Any other relevant mitigating


333527. Taking into consideration the foregoing aggravating

3342and mitigating circumstances, the Department’s requested penalty

3349is consistent with the Board’s penalty guidelines.


3357Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3367Law, it is

3370RECOMMENDED that the a final order be entered by the Board

3381of Medicine finding that Carlos S. Contreras, M.D., has violated

3391Section 458.331(1)(c), Florida Statutes, as described in this

3399Recommended Order, permanently revoking his license to practice

3407medicine in Florida, and imposing a fine of $10,000.00.

3417DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of April, 2010, in

3427Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3435Administrative Law Judge

3438Division of Administrative Hearings

3442The DeSoto Building

34451230 Apalachee Parkway

3448Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060

3451(850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675

3455Fax Filing (850) 921-6847


3460Filed with the Clerk of the

3466Division of Administrative Hearings

3470this 22nd day of April, 2010.


3478Ephraim D. Livingston, Esquire

3482Department of Health

34854052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C65

3491Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

3494Craig Brand, Esquire

3497Brand Law Firm, P.A.

35012816 East Robinson Street, Second Floor

3507Orlando, Florida 32802

3510Larry McPherson, Executive Director

3514Board of Medicine

3517Department of Health

35204052 Bald Cypress Way

3524Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3265

3527Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary

3533Department of Health

35364052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

3542Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

3545Josefina M. Tamayo, General Counsel

3550Department of Health

35534052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

3559Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

3562R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

3567Department of Health

35704052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

3576Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701


3585All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

359515 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

3606to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

3617will issue the final order in these cases.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/25/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/25/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 04/22/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/22/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/22/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 19, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/13/2010
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/06/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 04/02/2010
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 03/19/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/17/2010
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Filing of Petitioner's Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Respondent`s Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Corrected Order Granting, in Part, Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Discovery Time Due to Scrivenor`s Error.
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 19, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to video and location).
Date: 03/12/2010
Proceedings: Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Date: 03/11/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting, in Part, Petitioner`s Motion to Shorten Discovery Time.
Date: 03/09/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 03/01/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Shorten Discovery Time filed.
Date: 02/23/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/23/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 19, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 02/22/2010
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/22/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Production, First Request for Interrogatories and First Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by E. Livingston).
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 02/16/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


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