10-000858GM Diane C. Brown vs. Bay County And Department Of Community Affairs
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, June 30, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: EAR-based amendments found to be responsive to recommended changes in the EAR and otherwise in compliance.





13Petitioner , )


16vs. ) Case No . 10 - 0858 GM





36Respondent s . )



43Pursuant to notice, this matter was heard before the

52Div ision of Administrative Hearings by its assigned

60Administrative Law Judge, D . R. Alexander, on November 8 and 9,

722010, in Panama City, Florida , and by videoconferencing on

81November 20, 2010 .


86For Petitioner: Diane C. Brown, pro se

93241 Twin Lakes Drive

97Laguna Beach, Florida 32413 - 1413

103For Respondent : Matthew G. Davis, Esquire

110(Department) Department of Community Affairs

1152555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

119Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

124For Respondent : Terrell K. Arline , Esquire

131(C ounty) Bay County Attorney

136840 West 11th Street

140Panama City, Florida 32401 - 2336


150The issue is whether the E valuation and Appraisal Report

160(EAR) amendments for the Bay County (County) Comprehensive Plan

169(Plan) are in compliance.


175On October 20, 2009, the County adopted its EAR - based

186amendments by Ordinance No. 09 - 3 6 . On December 15, 2009,

199Respondent, Department of Community Affairs (Department), found

206the amendments to be in compliance.

212On February 5, 2010, Petitioner, Diane C. Brown, filed with

222the Department her Petition for Administrative Hearing

229contending n umerous amendments were not in compliance . She

239later filed an Amended Petition on March 22 , 2010. By agreement

250of the parties, by Order dated October 15, 2010, jurisdiction

260over those amendments not subject to challenge was relinquished

269to the Department so that they could become effective

278immediately . One change to Conservation Element policy

2866.11.3(3) was addressed in Case No. 10 - 0859GM.

295Separate pre - hearing statements were filed by Respondents

304and Petitioner on November 5 and 8 , 2010 , respectively . A t the

317final hearing , Petitioner presented the testimony of Dr. Ronald

326H. Saff, an allergy and asthma physician and accepted as an

337expert; Martin J. Jacobson, County Director of Planning and

346Zoning; Richard Todd Kincaid, a geologist with GeoHydros, LLC,

355and accepted as an expert; Marilyn Shanholtzer, a former member

365of the County Planning Commission; Ian Crelling, a County

374Principal Planner; and Dan iel K. Shaw , Assistant County Manager.

384Also, she offered Petitioner's Exhibits 3, 5, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B,

39522, 22B, 22C, 23A , 23B , 27B, 28B , and 28D. All were received

407except 8B. Exhibit 22C is the deposition of Susan Poplin,

417Regional Planning Administrator for the Department, while

424Exhibit 27 B is the deposition of K. Marlene Conaway, a

435professional planner and accept ed as an expert. The County

445presented the testimony of Martin J. Jacobson, who was accepted

455as an expert; Jennifer Bowes, County Transportation Planner and

464accepted as an expert; Ian Crelling, who was accepted as an

475expert; and Dr. Steven J. Peene, an env ironmental consultant and

486vice - president of Applied Technologies and Management , Inc., who

496was accepted as an expert. Also, it offered County Exhibits 1A -

508G, 4, 17, 22, 29, 35A, and 35B, which were received in evidence. 1

522Exhibit 17 is the deposition of Da niel W. Garlick, a wetland

534scientist with Garlick Environmental Associates, Inc., and

541accepted as an expert. The Department did not present any

551evidence. Finally, the County's request to officially recognize

559Florida Administrative Code chapter 62 - 346 , an d the documents

570incorporated by reference into that chapter, was granted.

578The Transcript ( three volumes) of the hearing was filed on

589May 11, 2011. At the request of Petitioner, the time for filing

601p roposed f indings of f act and c onclusions of l aw w as ext ended to

619June 6, 2011. Petitioner and Respondents timely submitted their

628post - hearing submissions, and they have been considered in the

639preparation of the Recommended Order.


647A . The P arties

6521. Diane C. Brown resides and owns property w ithin the

663County, and she submitted written and oral comments to the

673County during the adoption process of Ordinance No. 09 - 36.

6842. The County is a local government that administers its

694Plan and adopted the Ordinance which approve d the change s being

706cont ested here.

7093 . The Department is the state land planning agency

719charged with the responsibility for reviewing plan amendments of

728local governments, such as the C ounty .

736B. The EAR Process

7404. The County's first Plan was adopted in 1990 and then

751amended t hrough the EAR process in 1999. As required by law, o n

765September 5, 2006, the County adopted an other EAR and in 2007 a

778Supplement to the EAR . See County Ex. 1C and 1 D . The EAR and

794Supplement were found to be sufficient by the Department on

804December 21, 2007. See County Ex. 1E. After the EAR - based

816amendments were adopted by the County and transmitted to the

826Department for its review, the Department issued its Objections,

835Recommendations and Comments (ORC) report.

8405. After making revisions to the amendm ents in response to

851the ORC, o n October 20, 2009, the County enacted Ordinance No.

86309 - 36, which adopted the final version of the EAR - based

876amendments known as "Charting Our Course to 2020 . " See County

887Ex. 1 B . On December 15, 2009, t he Department issued i ts notice

902of intent determining that the EAR - based amendments were in

913compliance. See County Ex. 1F. Notice of this determination

922was published in the Panama City News Herald the following day.

933See County Ex. 1G.

9376. The EAR is a large document compri sed of five sections:

949Overview Special Topics; Issues; Element Reviews; Recommended

956Changes; and a series of Maps . Section 163.3191(10), Florida

966Statutes, requires that the County amend its comprehensive plan

" 975based " on the reco mmendations in the report ; subsection (2)

985also requires that the County update the comprehensive plan

994based on the components of that subsection .

10027. The EAR - based amendments are extensive in nature, and

1013include amendments to all 13 chapters in the Plan. However,

1023many provisions i n the 1999 version of the Plan were left

1035unchanged , while many revisions wer e simply a renumbering of a

1046provision, a transfer of a provision to another element, a

1056change in the format, or an otherwise minor and non - substantive


10698. Although the EAR discusses a number of issues and

1079concerns in the first three sections of the report , the EAR -

1091based amendments must only be based on the recommended changes.

1101See § 163.3191(10), Fla. Stat. Therefore, it was unnecessary

1110for the County to react through the amendment process to the

1121discussions in the Issues and Element Review s portions of the

1132EAR . For example, the EAR discusses air quality and mercury but

1144made no specific recommendations to amend the Plan to address

1154either subject. Also, nothing in chapter 163 or Department

1163rules requires that the County implement changes to the Plan

1173that parrot each specific recommendation to the letter . So long

1184as the revisions are "based" on an area of concern in the

1196recommendations , the statutory requirement has been s atisfied.

12049. Section Four of the EAR contains the "Recommended EAR -

1215Based Actions and Corrective Measures Section 163.3191(2)(i)."

1222See County Ex. 1C, § 4, pp. 1 - 9. Paragraph (2)(i) of the

1236statute requires that the EAR include "[t]he identification of

1245an y actions or corrective measures, including whether plan

1254amendments are anticipated to address the major issues

1262identified and analyzed in the report." Section Four indicates

1271that it was intended to respond to the requirements of this

1282paragraph. Id. at p . 1.

128810. Finally, the only issue in this proceeding is whether

1298the EAR - based amendments are in compliance. Therefore,

1307criticisms regarding the level of detail in the EAR and

1317Supplement , and whether the County adequately addressed a

1325particular issue in th ose document s , are not relevant. A

1336determination that the EAR was sufficient in all respects was

1346made by the Department on December 21, 2007.

135411 . In her Amended Petition, Petitioner raise s numerous

1364allegations regarding the EAR - based amendments . They can be

1375generally summarized as allegations that various text

1382amendments , including entire elements or sub - elements, are

1391inconsistent with statut ory and rule provisions or are

1400internally inconsistent with other Plan p rovisions, and that the

1410County failed to properly react to changes recommended in the

1420EAR . Because this is a challenge to an in - compliance

1432determination by the Department, Petitioner must show that even

1441though there is evidence to support the propriety of these

1451amendments, no reasonable person would agree that the amendments

1460are in compliance. See Conclusion of Law 90 , infra .

1470C. Objections

1472(a) Administrative Procedures - Chapter 1

147812. Petitioner contends that new policy 1.4.1(4) is

1486inconsistent with sections 163.3181 and 187.201(25)(a) and

1493(b)6., which generally require or encourage effective citizen

1501participation, and rule 9J - 5.004, which requires a local

1511government to adopt procedures for public participation. She

1519also contends the County should not have deleted policy 1.4.2,

1529which requir ed the County to provide notices (by mail and sign

1541postings) beyond those required by chapter 163.

154813. The new policy simply provides that notice of public

1558hearings be provided for in accordance with chapter 163. There

1568is no statutory or rule requireme nt that more stringent notice

1579requirements be incorporated into a plan. The new notice

1588requirements are consistent with the above statutes and rule.

1597It is fairly debatable that the changes to the Administrative

1607Procedures part of the Plan are in complian ce.

1616(b) Future Land Use Element (FLUE) - Chapter 3

162514. Petitioner has challenged (a) one policy that creates

1634a new planning area ; (b) the County's failure to adopt new

1645energy standards in the FLUE ; and (c) the adoption of new

1656development standards for t wo land use categories in Table 3A of

1668the FLUE. Table 3A describes each land use category in the

1679Plan, including its purpose, service area, designation criteria,

1687allowable uses, density, intensity, and development

1693restrictions. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 3, pp. 3 - 5 through 3 - 17.

1708These contentions are discussed separately below.

1714i. Southport Neighborhood Planning Area

17191 5 . New FLUE policy 3.4.8 creates the Southport

1729Neighborhood Planning Area (Southport), a self - sustaining

1737community with a functional mix of uses . See County Ex. 1A, Ch.

17503, pp. 3 - 20 and 21. The effect of the amendment is simply to

1765identify Southport as a potential planning area that includes a

1775mixture of uses. This follows the EAR recommendation s to create

"1786new areas where residents are allo wed to work, shop, live, and

1798recreate within one relatively compact area while preserving the

1807rural and low density land uses in the area[,]" and to create

"1820higher density rural development." County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 2.

1831Southport is located north of the gr eater Panama City area in an

1844unincorporated part of the County near or adjacent to the

1854proposed new intersection of County Road 388 and State Road 77.

1865Southport is also identified in new policy 3.2.5(8) as a Special

1876Treatment Zone (STZ) that is designated as an overlay on the

1887Future Land Use Map Series. Id. at p. 3 - 5. (There are seven

1901STZs in the Plan that act as overlay districts on the FLUM.

1913Overlays do not convey development rights. ) Peti tioner contends

1923that policy 3.4.8 is inconsistent with section s 163.3177(6)(a)

1932and (d), (8), and (9)(b) and (e), and rules 9J - 5.005(2), (5),

1945and (7), 9J - 5.006(5), and 9J - 5.013. More precisely, Petitioner

1957generally contends that the amendment will encourage urban

1965sprawl ; that there is no need for the additional devel opment ;

1976that there are no central water and wastewater facilities

1985available to serve that area ; that there is no mechanism for

1996monitoring, evaluating, and appraising implementation of the

2003policy ; that it will impact nearby natural resources ; that it

2013allows increased density standards in the area ; and that it is

2024not supported by adequate data and analysis .

20321 6 . M ost of the data and analysis that support the

2045establishment of the new planning area are in the EAR . They are

2058found in the Introduction and Overvie w portion of Section One

2069and the FLUE portion of Section 3 of the Element Reviews. The

2081County Director of Planning also indicated that the County

2090relied upon other data as well.

20961 7 . Although the new policy allows an increase in maximum

2108residential densit y from five to 15 dwelling units per acre,

2119paragraph (b) of the policy specifically requires that "all new

2129development [be] served by central water and sewer."

21371 8 . Petitioner's expert opined that the new community will

2148create urban sprawl . However , Sou thport is located within the

2159suburban service area of the County , which already allows

2168densities of up to five dwelling units per acre; it is currently

2180developed with low - density residential uses ; and it is becoming

2191more urban in nature. Given these consi derations, it is fairly

2202debatable that Southport will not encourage urban sprawl.

22101 9 . The new STZ specifically excludes the Deer Point

2221Reservoir Protection Zone. Therefore, concerns that the new

2229policy will potentially threaten the water quantity and qua lity

2239in that reservoir are not credited. In addition, there are

2249other provisions within the Plan that are designed to protect

2259the reservoir.

226120 . Petitioner criticized the County's failure to perform

2270a suitability analysis before adopting the amendment . However,

2279a suitability study is performed when a land use change is

2290proposed. Policy 3.4.8 is not an amendment to the FLUM. In

2301fact, the Plan notes that "[n]othing in this policy shall be

2312interpreted as changing the land use category of any parcel of

2323the [FLUM]." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 3, p. 3 - 21.

23342 1 . In determining the need for this amendment, the County

2346took into consideration the fact that except for the Beaches

2356S TZ, the EAR - based amendments delete residential uses as an

2368allowed use in commercially - des ignated lands. The number of

2379potential residential units removed from the commercial land use

2388category far exceed s the potential number of residential units

2398that could be developed at Southport. Th us, th e new amendment

2410will not result in an increase in r esidential units.

24202 2 . Petitioner also contends that the County should have

2431based its needs analysis using Bureau of Economic and Business

2441Research (BEBR) estimates. The County's population projections

2448are found in the Introduction portion of the EAR and while they

2460make reference to BEBR estimates, they are not based exclusively

2470on th ose data. See County Ex. 1C, § 1, pp. 2 and 3. However,

2485there was no evidence that the estimates used by the County are

2497not professionally acceptable. Where there are two a cceptable

2506methodologies used by the parties, t he Department is not

2516required to evaluate whether one is better than the other. See

2527§ 163.3177(10)(e), Fla. Stat. ("the Department shall not

2536evaluate whether one accepted methodology is better than

2544another"). The County's estimates are professionally acceptable

2552for determining need .

255623. The other objections to the amendment have been

2565considered and found to be without merit. Therefore, it is at

2576least fairly debatable that the amendment is in compliance.

2585ii. Neighborhood Commercial - Table 3A

25912 4 . The purpose of this commercial category is to "provide

2603areas for the convenience of residential neighborhoods so as to

2613generate a functional mix of land uses and reduce traffic

2623congestion." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 3, p. 3 - 15. Allowable uses

2635include, among others, supermarket centers, restaurants, public

2642facilities, and other similar uses. The County amended the

2651intensity standard for th is category by allowing development

2660that is "[n]o more than 50 - feet in height." Id. Petitioner

2672asserts that the new 50 - foot height limitation for commercial

2683buildings results in the amendment being inconsistent with rule

26929J - 5.006 because it is not based on adequate data and analysis .

2706Petitioner further argues that the standard is inter nally

2715inconsistent with FLUE objective 3.9 and policy 3.9.1 and

2724Housing Element objective 8.5, which relate to compatibility.

2732Finally, Petitioner alleges that it will cause unsustainable

2740density in the category and create new demands for public


27512 5 . The EAR contains a section that analyzes data

2762regarding residential development in commercial land use

2769categories. See County Ex. 1C, § 2. There is, then, data and

2781analysis that support the amendment. The 50 - foot height

2791limitation actually limits the intensity that would normally be

2800allowed under current Land Development Regulations (LDRs) if

2808this limitation were not in the Plan. Therefore, it will not

2819increase the intensity of development within this district .

2828Because the Plan specifically provi des that the category is for

"2839areas [with] low - intensity commercial uses that will be

2849compatible with adjacent or surrounding residential uses," and

2857such uses must be located "outside subdivisions . . . unless

2868intended to be included in the subdivisions," compatibility

2876issues with adjacent residential areas should not arise.

2884Petitioner failed to establish beyond fair debate that the

2893amendment is not in compliance.

2898iii. Seasonal/Resort - Table 3A

29032 6 . This land use category is designed for transient

2914occup ancy ( temporary seasonal visitors and tourists) under

2923chapter 509, rather than permanent residents . It is limited to

2934areas with concentrations of accommodations and businesses that

2942are used in the tourist trade. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 3, p. 3 -

295712. The ca tegory includes a new intensity standard for

2967buildings of "[n]o more than 230 - feet in height." Id.

2978Petitioner contends that this intensity standard is inconsistent

2986with section 163.3177(6)(d), (8), and (9) and rules 9J - 5.005(2)

2997and (5), 9J - 5.006, and 9J - 5.013 . Th e se provisions require that

3013an amendment protect natural resources, that it be based on the

3024best available data and analysis, and that it be internal ly

3035consisten t with other Plan provisions. Petitioner also points

3044out that the land use category is located in or adjacent to the

3057Coastal High Hazard Area, that the amendment allows an increase

3067in density, and this results in an inconsistency with statutes

3077and rules pertaining to hurricane evacuation zones.

30842 7 . Prior to the adoption of the EAR - based amendments,

3097there was no intensity standard in the Plan for this land use

3109category and all development was governed by LDRs . Pursuant to

3120a recommendation by the Department in its ORC, the new standard

3131was incorporated into the Plan. Before making a deci sion on the

3143specific height limitation, the County considered existing

3150condominium construction on the beach, current LDR standard s for

3160the district, and whether the new standard would create an

3170internal inconsisten cy with other Plan provisions. Therefore ,

3178it is fair to find that adequate data were considered and


31902 8 . The new height limitation is the same as the maximum

3203height restriction found in the Seasonal Resort zoning district,

3212which now applies to new construction in the district. Becaus e

3223condominiums and hotels that do not exceed 230 feet in height

3234are now allowed within the district, and may actually exceed

3244that height if approved by the County, the amendment is not

3255expected to increase density or otherwise affect hurricane

3263evacuation p lanning. Historically, transient visitors/tourists

3269are the first to leave the area if a hurricane threatens the

3281coast. Petitioner also contends that the amendment will create

3290compatibility problems between existing one - or two - story

3300residential dwellings in the district and high - rise

3309condominiums, and that the County failed to adequately consider

3318that issue. However, before a condominium or other similar

3327structure may be built, the County requires that the developer

3337provide a statement of compatibility. It is fairly debatable

3346that the new intensity standard is in compliance.

3354iv. Energy Issues

33572 9 . Petitioner allege s that the new amendments do not

3369adequately address energy issues, as required by section

3377163.3177(6)(a). That statute requires, among many other things,

3385that the FLUE be based upon "energy - efficient land use patterns

3397accounting for existing and future electric power generation and

3406transmission systems; [and] greenhouse gas reduction

3412strategies." However, amendments to objective 3.11 and pol icy

34213.11.5 , which relate to energy - efficient land use patterns,

3431adequately respond to these concerns. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 3,

3442pp. 3 - 27 and 3 - 28. In addition, new Transportation Element

3455policy 4.10.3 will result in energy savings and reduce

3464greenhouse g ases by reducing idle times of vehicular traffic .

3475See County Ex. 1A, C h. 4, p. 4 - 12. It is fairly debatable that

3491the energy portions of the Plan are in compliance, and they

3502promote energy efficient land use patterns and reduce greenhouse

3511gas emissions, a s required by the statute.

3519(c) Transportation Element - Chapter 4

352530 . The EAR contains 14 recommended changes for this

3535element. See County Ex. 1C, § 4, pp. 2 - 4. Item 2 recommend s

3550generally that bike paths be installed in or next to certain

3561areas and roadways. Id. at p. 2. Petitioner contends that this

3572recommendation was not implemented because it is not included in

3582the Recreation and Open Space Element. However, one section of

3592the Transportation Element is devoted to Bicycle and Pedestrian

3601Ways and includes objectives 4.14 and 4.15 and policies 4.14.1

3611and 4.15.1 , which respond to the recommendation. See County Ex.

36211A, Ch. 4, pp. 4 - 14 and 4 - 15. In addition, the General Strategy

3637portion of the element requires the County to install

3646alternative trans portation systems where a demonstrated need

3654exists. Id. at p. 4 - 1. Petitioner contends that by limiting

3666bike paths only to where there is a demonstrated need , the

3677County has not fully responded to the recommendation. This

3686argument is illogical and has b een rejected. It is fairly

3697debatable that the above amendments are in compliance.

3705(d) Groundwater Aquifer Recharge - Chapter 5F

37123 1 . As required by section 163.3177(6)(c) , the County has

3723adopted a natural groundwater aquifer recharge element. See

3731County Ex. 1A, Ch. 5F. The goal of this sub - element, as

3744amended, is to "[s]afeguard the functions of the natural

3753groundwater recharge areas within the County to protect the

3762water quality and quantity in the Floridan Aquifer." County Ex.

37721A, Ch. 5, p. 5F - 1. Th e EAR contains three recommended changes

3786for this part of the Plan : that the County update its data and

3800analysis to identify areas of high and/or critical recharge for

3810the Floridan aquifer; that it include in the data and analysis

3821an examination of existi ng LDRs which affect land uses and

3832development activities in high recharge areas and note any gaps

3842that could be filled through the LDRs; and that it include

3853within the data and analysis a study of potential impacts of

3864increased development in high recharg e areas, including

3872reasonable development standards for those areas. See County

3880Ex. 1C, §4, pp. 4 - 5.

38873 2 . Petitioner contends that "the objectives and policies

3897pertaining to protecting water recharge areas" are inconsistent

3905with sections 163.3177(6)(d) an d 187.201(7) and rules 9J - 5.5.011

3916and 9J - 5.013, which require that the Plan protect groundwater;

3927that they violate section 163.3177(8) and rule 9J - 5.005(7),

3937which require measurable objectives for monitoring, evaluating,

3944and appraising implementation; and that the County violated

3952section 163.3191(10) by failing to respond to the recommended

3961changes in the EAR.

39653 3 . In response to the EAR, in July 2009, the County

3978prepared a watershed report entitled "Deer Point Lake Hydrologic

3987Analysis - Deer Point Lake W atershed ," which was based on a

3999watershed management model used by County expert witness Peene.

4008See County Ex. 4. The model used for that report is the same

4021model used by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)

4030and the United States Army Corps o f Engineers. The study was

4042also based on data and analysis prepared by the Northwest

4052Florida Water Management District. The purpose of the analysis

4061was to look at potential future land use changes in the Deer

4073Point watershed and assess their ultimate imp act upon the Deer

4084Point Reservoir, which is the primary public water supply for

4094the County. The model examined the entire Deer Point watershed,

4104which is a much larger area than the Deer Point Lake Protection

4116Zone, and it assumed various flows from rain, s prings, and other

4128sources coming into the Deer Point Reservoir. The study was in

4139direct response to a recommendation in the EAR that the County

4150undertake a study to determine if additional standards were

4159needed to better protect the County's drinking wate r supply and

4170the St. Andrews estuary. See County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 5. Another

4183recommendation was that the study be incorporated by reference

4192into the data and analysis of the Plan and be used as a basis

4206for any amendments to the Plan that might be necessar y. Id. at

4219p. 6. Pursuant to that recommendation, the report was

4228incorporated by reference into Objective 5F.1. See County Ex.

42371A, Ch. 5, p. 5F - 1. The evidence supports a finding that the

4251report is based on a professionally accepted methodolog y and is

4262r esponsive to the EAR .

42683 4 . The model evaluated certain future land use scenarios

4279and predicted the level of pollutants that would run off of

4290different land uses into the Deer Point Reservoir.

42983 5 . Based on this analysis, Dr. Peene recommended that the

4310Coun ty adopt certain measures to protect the groundwater in the

4321basin from fertilizers, stormwater, and pesticides. He also

4329recommended that best management practices be used, that septic

4338tanks be replaced, and that any new growth be on a centralized

4350wastewat er treatment plant.

43543 6 . Petitioner's expert criticized the report as not

4364sufficiently delineating the karst features or the karst plain

4373within the basin. However, the report address es that issue.

4383See County Ex. 4, p. 2 - 36. Also, Map 13 in the EAR ident ifies

4399the Karst Regions in the County. See County Ex. 1C, § 5, Map


44133 7 . One of the recommendations in the EAR was to amend all

4427goals, policies, and objectives in the Plan "to better protect

4437the Deer Point watershed in areas not included within the D eer

4449Point Reservoir Special Treatment Zone, and [to] consider

4457expanding the zone to include additional areas important to

4466preserving the quantity and quality of water entering the

4475reservoir." County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 6. Besides amending the

4486sub - element's g oal, see Finding of Fact 3 1 , supra , the County

4500amended objective 5F.1 to read as follows:

4507By 2010 protect groundwater resources by

4513identifying and mapping all Areas of High

4520Aquifer Recharge Potential to the Floridan

4526Aquifer in Bay County by using the data and

4535analysis contained in the Deer Point Lake

4542Hydrologic Analysis - Deer Point Watershed,

4548prepared by Applied Technology and

4553Management, Inc., dated July 2009.

45583 8 . In addition, policy 5F - 1.1 requires that the County

4571use "the map of High Aquifer Recharge Areas to establish an

4582Ecosystem Management overlay in the Conservation Element where

4590specific land use regulations pertaining to aquifer water

4598quality and quantity shall apply." Also, policy 5F - 1.2 requires

4609the identification of the Dougherty Karst Region . Finally, the

4619EAR and Map 13A were incorporated by reference into the Plan by

4631policy These amendments sufficiently respond to the

4639recommendations in the EAR.

46433 9 . While Petitioner's expert criticized the sufficiency

4652of the EAR, and he did not b elieve the report adequately

4664addressed the issue of karsts, the expert did not establish that

4675the study was professionally unacceptable or otherwise flawed.

4683His criticism of the County's deletion of language in the vision

4694statement of the sub - element that would restrict development

4704density and intensity in areas known to have high groundwater

4714aquifer potential is misplaced. An amendment to a vision

4723statement is not a compliance issue, and nothing in the EAR,

4734chapter 163, or chapter 9J - 5 requires the Count y to limit

"4747density and intensity" in high aquifer recharge areas. On this

4757issue, the EAR recommended that the County's drinking water

4766supply be protected by using "scientifically defensible

4773development standards." County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 5. The

4783amendmen ts accomplish this result.

478840 . Petitioner also contends that while new policy 5F.3

4798and related policies are "good," the County should have

4807collected additional data and analysis on the existence of

4816swallets, which are places where streams flow underground .

4825Again, n othing in chapter 163 or chapter 9J - 5 requires the

4838County to consider swallets. Also, a contention that policy

48475F3.2 allows solid waste disposal facilities in high recharge

4856areas is without merit. The policy requires that the County

4866continue t o follow chapter 62 - 7 regulations (implemented by DEP)

4878to protect water quality of the aquifers. In addition, a

4888moratorium on construction and d emolition landfills has been

4897adopted, and current LDRs prohibit landfills within the Deer

4906Point Reservoir Prote ction Zone.

49114 1 . Petitioner also criticized the sufficiency of policy

49215F.4, which requires the implementation of LDRs t hat limit land

4932uses around high aquifer recharge areas. The evidence

4940establishes that the new policy is sufficient to achieve this

4950purpo se.

49524 2 . It is at least fairly debatable that the new

4964amendments protect the natural resources, are based on the best

4974available data and analysis, include measurable objectives for

4982overseeing the amendments, and respond to the recommended

4990changes in the EAR.

4994(e) Conservation Element - Chapter 6

50004 3 . The purpose of this element is to conserve the natural

5013resources of the County. Petitioner contends that " many of the

5023amendments [ to this chapter ] are not consistent with applicable

5034rules and statutes, and t hat a number of recommendations in the

5046EAR pertaining to the Conservation Element were not implemented

5055as required by Section 163.3191(10)." These contentions are

5063discussed below.

5065i. Air pollution

50684 4 . While the EAR discusses air pollution, there were no

5080specific recommendations to amend the plan to address air

5089quality. See County Ex. 1C, Element Reviews, Ch. 6, pp. 1 and

51012. Petitioner contends, however, that current Plan objective

51096.3 , which was not amended, is not protecting air quality and

5120should hav e been revised to correct major air quality problems

5131in the County, including "the deposition of atmospheric mercury

5140caused by fossil fuel burning power plants and incinerators."

51494 5 . Objective 6.3 requires the County to maintain or

5160improve air quality l evels, while related policies 6.3.1 and

51706.3.2 require that the County's facilities will be constructed

5179and operated in accordance with state and federal standards .

5189The policies also require that the County work through state and

5200federal agencies to elimin ate unlawful sources of air pollution.

5210Notably, the County does not regulate emissions or air

5219pollution, as that responsibility lies within the jurisdiction

5227of other state and federal agencies. It is fairly debatable

5237that the County reacted to the EAR in an appropriate manner.

5248ii . Policies and Objectives in Chapter 6

52564 6 . Petitioner contends that policy 6.1.1 is inconsistent

5266with section 163.3177(8) and rule 9J - 5.005(2) because : it is not

5279supported by adequate data and analysis; it does not implement

5289the EAR recommendations , as required by section 163.3191(10) ; it

5298is inconsistent with section 163.3177(9)(b) and (f) because it

5307results in "inconsistent application of policies intended to

5315guide local land use decision[s]"; it is inconsistent with

5324sections 16 3.3177(6)(d) and 187.201(9) and (10) and rule 9J -

53355.013 because it fails to adequately protect natural resources,

5344including isolated wetlands; and it is internally inconsistent

5352with other Plan provisions.

53564 7 . Policy 6.1.1 provides that as a subdivision o f the

5369State, the County "will, to the maximum extent practicable, rely

5379upon state laws and regulations to meet the conservation goals

5389and objectives of this Plan." Item 9 in the recommended changes

5400recommends that the County should resolve the ambiguities and

5409inconsistencies between various policies and objectives which

5416rely on the jurisdiction of state laws and regulation on the one

5428hand, and objective 6.11 and implementing policies , which appear

5437to extend wetland jurisdiction to all wetlands , including

5445i solated wetlands not regulated by the Northwest Florida Water

5455Management District. See County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 6.

54654 8 . The real issue involves isolated wetlands, which at

5476the time of the EAR were not regulated by the Northwest Florida

5488Water Management Di strict. The EAR did not recommend a specific

5499solution, but only to resolve any apparent "ambiguity."

55074 9 . Through amendments to policy 6.11.3, which implements

5517objective 6.11, the County reacted to the recommendation. These

5526amendments clarify the Plan an d provide that wetlands in the

5537County will be subject to the Plan if they are also regulated by

5550state and federal agencies. Any ambiguity as to the Plan's

5560application to isolated wetlands was resolved by the adoption of

5570new rules by the Northwest Florida Water Management District,

5579which extend that entity's jurisdiction to isolated wetlands.

5587See Fla. Admin. Code Ch. 62 - 346. This was confirmed by County

5600witness Garlick, who explained that the Plan now defers to the

5611wetland regulations of state and federal agencies. Therefore,

5619any inconsistencies or ambiguities have been resolved.

562650 . Petitioner contends that objective 6.2 and

5634implementing policy 6.2.1 are inconsistent with statutes and a

5643rule which require protection of natural resources because they

5652foc us on "significant" natural resources, and not all natural

5662resources. With the exception of one minor change to the

5672policy, the objective and policy were not amended, and the EAR

5683did not recommend that either be revised. Also, testimony

5692established that existing regulations are applied uniformly

5699throughout the County, and not to selected habitat. Finally,

5708t he existing objective and related policies already protect rare

5718and endangered species in the County.

57245 1 . Objective 6.3 requires that the County "m aintain or

5736improve air quality levels." For the reasons cited in Finding

5746of Fact 45, the objective is in compliance.

57545 2 . Objective 6.5 requires the County to maintain or

5765improve estuarine water quality consistent with state water

5773quality standards, while policy 6.5.1 delineates the measures

5781that the County will take to achieve that objective. See County

5792Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, pp. 6 - 4 and 6 - 5. Except for one minor change to

5810paragraph (3) of the policy (which is not in issue ) , neither

5822provision was revised. Also , the EAR did not recommend any

5832changes to either provision. Notwithstanding Petitioner's

5838contention to the contrary, the County was not required to

5848revise the objective or policy.

58535 3 . Policy 6.5.2 requires that the County "protect

5863seagrass beds in those areas under County jurisdiction" by

5872implementing certain enforcement measures. County Ex. 1A, Ch.

58806, p. 6 - 5. The policy was only amended in minor respects during

5894the EAR process. Petitioner contends that the County failed to

5904amend the policy, as requir ed by the EAR , and this failure

5916results in no protection to natural resources . However, the EAR

5927only discusses the policy in the Issues section. See County Ex.

59381C, § 2, p. 7. While the EAR emphasizes the importance of

5950seagrass beds to marine and estuari ne productivity, it has no

5961recommended changes to the objective or policy. Even so, the

5971County amended policy 6.5.2(5) by requiring the initiation of a

5981seagrass monitoring program using Geographic Information System

5988( GIS ) mapping by 2012. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 - 6. It is

6006at least fairly debatable that the objective and policy are in


601854. Objective 6.6 requires the County to "protect,

6026conserve and appropriately use Outstanding Florida Waters, Class

6034I waters and Class II waters." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 - 6.

6049Its purpose is to ensure the quality and safety of the County's

6061primary drinking water supply. Id. The objective was not

6070amended and remains unchanged since 1999. Except for a

6079recommendation that the County give a land use desig nation to

6090water bodies, there were n o recommended changes for this

6100objective or related policies in the EAR. Because land use

6110designations are for land, and not water, the County logically

6120did not assign a land use to any water bodies.

613055. Petitioner con tends that the objective and related

6139policies are not based on the best available data and analysis

6150and are not measurable , and that they fail to protect Lake

6161Powell, an Outstanding Florida Water, whose quality has been

6170declining over the years . Because n o changes were recommended,

6181it was unnecessary to amend the objective and policies.

6190Therefore, Petitioner's objections are misplaced. Notably, the

6197Plan already contains provisions specifically directed to

6204protecting Lake Powell. See , e.g. , policy 6.6.1( 1), which

6213requires the County to specifically enforce LDRs for Lake

6222Powell, and objective 6.21, which requires the County to

"6231[m]aintain or improve water quality and bio - diversity in the

6242Lake Powell Outstanding Florida Water (OFW)." County Ex. 1A,

6251Ch. 6, pp. 6 - 6 and 6 - 24. Petitioner's expert also criticized

6265the objective and related policies on the ground the County did

6276not adequately identify karst areas in the region. However,

6285nothing in the EAR, chapter 163, or chapter 9J - 5 requires the

6298County to coll ect new data on the existence of karst areas.

631056. Petitioner also points out that objective 6.6 and

6319policy 6.6.1 are designed to protect Deer Point Lake but were

6330not amended, as required by the EAR, and they fail to adequately

6342protect that water body. Fo r the reasons expressed in Finding

6353of Fact 55, this contention has been rejected.

636157. Objective 6.7, which was not amended, provides that

6370the County "[c]onserve and manage natural resources on a

6379systemwide basis rather than piecemeal." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6,

6389p. 6 - 8. Related policies, which were not amended except in one

6402minor respect, require that the County implement programs in

"6411Ecosystem Management Areas." These areas are illustrated on

6419Map 6.1 of chapter 6. Petitioner contends that even though they

6430were not amended, the objective and policies are not supported

6440by adequate data and analysis , they fail to contain measurable

6450standards, and they are not responsive to a recommendation in

6460the EAR. Because no changes were made to these provisions, and

6471the EAR does not recommend any specific changes, the contentions

6481are rejected.

648358. The 17 water bodies comprising the Sand Hill Lakes are

6494identified in policy 6.9.1. Policy 6.9.3 , which also implements

6503objective 6.9, continues the practice of prohibiting d evelopment

6512with a density of greater than one unit per ten acres on land

6525immediately adjacent to any of the Sand Hills Lakes outside

6535designated Rural Communities. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 -

654713. ( The three Rural Communities in the County have been

6558des ignated as a STZ and are described in FLUE policy 3.4.4.)

6570The policy has been amended by adding new language providing

6580that "[p]roposed developments not immediately adjacent to, but

6588within 1320 feet of a Sand Hill Lake, and outside of a

6600designated Rural C ommunity, will provide, prior to approval, an

6610analysis indicating that the development will not be too dense

6620or intense to sustain the lake." Id. Other related policies

6630are unchanged. The amendment was in response to a

6639recommendation in the EAR that all goals, objectives, and

6648policies be amended to more clearly define the area around the

6659Sand Hill Lakes within which densities and intensities of land

6669must be limited to ensure protection of the lakes. See County

6680Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 6. Petitioner contends tha t the amended policy

6693is inconsistent with various statutes and rules because it

6702contains no specific standards for site suitability assessment

6710and does not restrict density bordering on the lake; it does not

6722implement the EAR; it is not based on EAR data a nd analysis; and

6736it does not contain procedures for monitoring and evaluating the

6746implementation of all policies.

675059. Policy 6.9.3 applies to agricultural areas outside of

6759rural communities where the maximum density is now one dwelling

6769unit per ten acres, and to properties that are designated as

6780agriculture timber, which allows one dwelling unit per 20 acres.

6790Contrary to Petitioner's assertion, it does not change the

6799established densities on those land use categories. Before a

6808property owner can convert a land use affected by the policy,

6819the ap plicant will be required to provide an analysis that the

6831new development will not be too intense or dense to sustain the

6843lake. It is at least fairly debatable that the amendment

6853responds to the EAR recommendation, that it will not increase

6863density, that it is based on sufficient data and analysis in the

6875EAR, and that adequate standards are contained in the policies

6885to ensure proper implementation.

688960. Objective 6.11 requires the County to "[p]rotect and

6898conserve wetlands and the natural functions of wetlands."

6906County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 - 14. A challenge to an amendment to

6921policy 6.11.3(3), which relates to setbacks or buffers for

6930wetlands, has already been addressed in Case No. 10 - 0859GM.

6941Policy 6.11.3 provides that in order "[t]o protect and ensure an

6952overall no net loss of wetlands," the County will employ the

6963measures described in paragraphs (1) through (6) of the policy.

6973Petitioner contends that by using the standards employed by

6982state and federal agencies f or wetlands in paragraph (2) , the

6993County has abdicated its responsibility to protect natural

7001resources. However, as previously discussed, the recent

7008assumption of jurisdiction over isolated wetlands by the

7016Northwest Florida Water Management District allow s the County to

7026extend these measures to all wetlands in the County .

703661. Petitioner also contend s that the term "no net loss"

7047in policy 6.11.3 is not measurable. Through its GIS system,

7057though, the County can monitor any loss of wetlands. This was

7068con firmed by County witness Garlick. In addition, the County

7078will know at the development order phase whether any federal or

7089state agency requires mitigation to offset impacts to wetlands.

7098It is at least fairly debatable that the amendments to policy

71096.11.3 will protect all wetlands , including isolated wetlands .

711862. Objective 6.12 requires that by the year 2012, the

7128County will "develop a GIS layer that provides baseline

7137information on the County's existing wetlands. This database

7145will be predicated on t he USFWS [United States Fish and Wildlife

7157Service] National Wetlands Inventory (Cowardin et al 1979)

7165hierarchy of coastal and inland (wetlands) represented in Nort h

7175Florida. This inventory shall be developed through a

7183comprehensive planning process which includes consideration of

7190the types, values, functions, sizes, conditions and locations of

7199wetlands." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 - 15. Related policies

72116.12.1, 6.12.2, and 6.12.3 require that the County (a) use the

7222GIS database to identify, classify, and m onitor wetlands; (b)

7232adopt LDRs which further the objective and policies; and (c)

7242track in the GIS database the dredge and fill permits issued by

7254DEP. Id.

725663. Petitioner criticizes the County's decision to wait

7264until 2012 to develop a GIS layer ; conten ds that policy 6.12.2

7276improperly defers to LDRs; asserts that the policy lacks

7285meaningful standards; and contends it is not responsive to the

7295EAR. The evidence presented on these issues supports a finding

7305that it is at least fairly debatable that the amen dments are in

7318compliance .

732064. The EAR - based amendments deleted objective 6.13 ,

7329together with the underlying policies , which related to

7337floodplains , and created new provisions on that subject in the

7347Stormwater Management Sub - Element in Chapter 5E. This change

7357was made because the County concluded that floodplain issues

7366should more appropriately be located in the stormwater chapter.

7375The natural resource values of floodplains are still protected

7384by objective 5E - 9 and related policies, which require that s tate

7397water quality standards are maintained or improved through the

7406County's stormwater management programs. See County Ex. 1A, Ch.

74155E, p. 5E - 7. Also, "flood zones" are retained as a listed

"7428significant natural resource" in Conservation Element policy

74356. 2.1. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 6, p. 6 - 3. It is at least fairly

7452debatable that the transfer of the floodplain provisions to a

7462new element do es not diminish protection of that resource.

747265. Finally, Objective 6.21 (formerly numbered as 6.23)

7480requires the Co unty to "[m]aintain or improve water quality and

7491bio - diversity in the Lake Powell Outstanding Florida Water

7501(OFW)." Except for renumbering this objective , this provision

7509was not amended, and there is no specific recommendation in the

7520EAR that it be revise d. Therefore, the contentions that the

7531existing policy are not in compliance are not credited.

7540(f) Coastal Management Element - Chapter 7

754766 . The recommended changes for this element of the Plan

7558are found on pages 7 and 8 of Section 4 of the EAR. In h er

7574Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioner contends that the entire

7582element is inconsistent with section 163.3191(10) because the

7590County did not follow the recommendations in items 1, 2, and 4.

7602Those items generally recommended that the County update the

7611d ata and analysis supporting the element to reflect current

7621conditions for, among other things, impaired waters. This was

7630done by the County. Accordingly, the County adequately

7638responded to the recommendations.

764267. Petitioner also contends that policy 7. 1.1 improperly

7651deferred protection of coastal resources to the LDRs. The

7660policy reads as follows:

76647.1.1: Comply with development provisions

7669established in the [LDRs] for The Coastal

7676Planning Area (Chapter 10, Section 1003.2 of

7683the Bay County [LDRs] adopt ed September 21,

76912004) which is hereby defined as all land

7699and water seaward of the landward section

7706line of those sections of land and water

7714areas seaward of the hurricane evacuation


772168. County witness Crelling established, however, that

7728there are numerous other policies in the element that govern the

7739protection of natural resources.

774369. Petitioner contends that no changes were made to

7752provide additional guidance in policy 7.2.1 (formerly numbered

7760as 7.3.1) to improve estuarine water quality eve n though

7770multiple water bodies are listed as impaired. Except for a few

7781clarifying changes, no revisions were made to the policy.

779070. P olicy 7.2.1 does not reduce the protection for

7800impaired waters. The minor rewording of the policy makes clear

7810that the protective measures enumerated in the policy "will be

7820taken" by the County to maintain or improve estuarine water

7830quality. It is fairly debatable that the element and new

7840objectives and policies are in compliance.

784671. Petitioner contends that amended ob jective 7.2

7854(formerly numbered as 7.3) will lead to less protection of water

7865quality. Th e objective requires the County to "[m]aintain or

7875improve estuarine water quality by regulating such sources of

7884pollution and constructing capital improvements to redu ce or

7893eliminate known pollutants." County Ex. 1A, Ch. 7, p. 7 - 2. Its

7906purpose is to regulate all known potential sources of estuarine

7916pollution. The evidence fails to establish that the amended

7925objective will reduce the protection of water quality.

79337 2. P olicy 7.3.1 was amended to delete the requirement

7944that areas with significant dunes be identified and mapped and

7954to provide instead that the County may impose special conditions

7964on development in dune areas as a part of the development

7975approval process. See County Ex. 1A, Ch. 7, p. 7 - 4. This

7988change was made because the EAR recommended that a requirement

7998to map and identify dune systems be deleted due to the

"8009extremely dynamic nature of beach and dune systems." County

8018Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 7. A similar provis ion in the Conservation

8031Element was transferred to the Coastal Management Element to

8040respond to the recommended change. The County adequately

8048responded to the recommendation.

80527 3 . Petitioner contends that amended policy 7.3.2

8061(formerly numbered as 7.4.1) d oes not include sufficient

8070standards to protect significant dunes. The amended policy

8078requires that where damage to dunes is unavoidable, the

8087significant dunes must be restored and revegetated to at least

8097predevelopment conditions. It is at least fairly debatable that

8106the standards in the policy are sufficient to protect dunes.

81167 4 . In summary, t he evidence does not establish beyond

8128fair debate that the revisions to chapter 7 are not in


8140(g) Housing Element - Chapter 8

81467 5. Petitioner conte nds the entire element is inconsistent

8156with section 163.3191(10) because the County failed to react to

8166recommendations in the EAR; and that new objective 8.16 and

8176related policies 8.16.1, 8.16.2, and 8.16.3 are inconsistent

8184with section 163.3177(9)(e) and rules 9J - 5.005(6) and (7)

8194because they fail to identify how the provisions will be

8204implemented and thus lack specific measurable objectives and

8212procedures for monitoring, evaluating, and appraising


82197 6. Petitioner focused on item 4 in the R ecommended

8230Changes for the Housing Element. That recommendation reads as


82404. The revised data and analysis should

8247also include a detailed analysis and

8253recommendations regarding what constitutes

8257affordable housing, the various state and

8263federal pr ograms available to assist in

8270providing it; where it should be located to

8278maximize utilization of existing schools,

8283medical facilities, other supporting

8287infrastructure, and employment centers

8291taking into consideration the costs of real

8298property; and what t he likely demand will be

8307through the planning horizon. The

8312objectives and policies should then be

8318revised consistent with the recommendation

8323of the analysis, including the creation of

8330additional incentives, identification on the

8335Future Land Use Map of are as suited for

8344affordable housing, and, possibly amending

8349the County Land Development Regulations to

8355require the provision of affordable housing

8361if no other alternatives exist.

8366County Ex. 1C, § 4, p. 8.

83737 7. Item 1 of the Recommended Changes states that "[t]he

8384County should implement those policies within the Housing

8392Element which proactively address affordable housing, and in

8400particular Policy 8.15.1 outlining density bonuses, reduced

8407fees, and streamlined permitting, to provide incentives for the

8416devel opment of affordable housing." Id. Policy 8.15.1 was

8425amended to conform to this recommendation.

84317 8. The new objective and policies address incentives for

8441the development of affordable housing. While item 4 is not

8451specifically addressed, the new objecti ve and policies address

8460the County's housing concern as a whole, as described in the

8471Recommended Changes. Also, t he new objective and policies

8480contain sufficient specificity to provide guidance to a user of

8490the Plan. It is fairly debatable that the eleme nt as a whole,

8503and the new objective and policies, are in compliance.

8512(h) Intergovernmental Coordination Element - Chapter 10

85197 9. Although discussed in the Element Reviews portion of

8529the EAR, there are no recommend ed changes for this element. See

8541County Ex. 1C, § 3, pp. 1 - 5.

85508 0. Petitioner contends that because the County deleted

8559o bjective 10.5, the entire element conflicts with the EAR

8569recommendations, and it is inconsistent with two goals in the

8579state comprehensive plan, sections 163.3177(6)(h)1. and (9)(b)

8586and (h), and rules 9J - 5.015 and 9J - 5.013(2)(b)8. The deleted

8599provision require d the County to "establish countywide resource

8608protection standards for the conservation of locally significant

8616environmental resources." Besides deleting this objective , the

8623County also deleted objective 10.1, which provided that the

8632County "will take the lead role toward the creation of an

8643'intergovernmental forum' as a means to promote coordination

8651between various jurisdictions and agencies." County Ex. 1A, Ch.

866010, p. 10 - 1.

866581. To support her argument, Petitioner relies upon a

8674concern in the Issues part of the EAR that states that

"8685countywide resource protection standards have not been

8692established" and that "consistency of regulation between

8699jurisdictions" must be obs erved. See County Ex. 1C, § 2, p. 45.

87128 2 . Mr. Jacobson, the County Planning and Zoning Director,

8723pointed out that the County currently has numerous interlocal

8732agreements with various municipalities and does not require

8740authorization from the Plan to ad opt these agreements.

8749Objective 10.5 was deleted because the County cannot implement

8758its regulations in the various municipalities, and protection of

8767natural resources is addressed in other portions of the Plan.

8777He also noted that the "intergovernmental forum" discussed in

8786deleted o bjective 10 - 1 is not required by any statute or rule.

88008 3 . It is at least fairly debatable that the element is in

8814compliance and does not violate any statute or rule.

8823( i ) Capital Improvements Element - Chapter 11

88328 4 . Petition er contends that the County failed to

8843implement three recommend ed changes in the EAR and therefore the

8854entire element is in violation of section 163.3191(10). Those

8863recommendations include an updating of information on the

8871County's current revenue streams , debts, commitments and

8878contingencies, and other financial matters; a revision of policy

888711.6.1 to be consistent with Recreation and Open Space Element

8897policy 9.71 with regard to recreational levels of service (LOS);

8907and the development of a five - year sch edule of capital

8919improvements. See County Ex. 1, § 4, p.9.

89278 5 . Policy 11.6.1 has been substantially revised through

8937the EAR process. Table 11.1 in the policy establishes n ew LOSs ,

8949including one for local parks, regional parks, and beach access

8959points. The County has also adopted an updated five - year

8970Capital Improvement Plan. See County Ex. 36. That exhibit

8979includes a LOS Analysis for recreational services. The same

8988exhibit contains a breakdown of financial matters related to

8997capital improvements. It is fairly debatable that the element

9006is in compliance.

90098 6 . Petitioner also contends that objective 11.1 and

9019policy 11.1.1 are not in compliance. Both provisions remain

9028unchanged from the 1999 Plan , and the EAR did not recommend that

9040either provision b e amended . The contention is therefore


9051D . Other Issues

90558 7 . All other issues not specifically addressed herein

9065have been considered and found to be without merit, contrary to

9076the more persuasive evidence, or not subject to a challenge in

9087this p roceeding.


90938 8 . On June 2, 2011, House Bill 7207 was signed by the

9107Governor and became effective immediately. See Ch. 2011 - 139,

9117Laws of Fla. Among other things, it repealed chapter 9J - 5 and

9130moved some, but not all, of its requirements into chapter 163.

9141The compliance criteria in chapter 163 have also been

9150substantially revised. Because these changes are substantive in

9158nature, they cannot be given retroactive application.

9165Therefore, the compliance criteria in effect prior to the

9174enact ment of House Bill 7207 have been used to adjudicate this

9186dispute .

918889. In order to have standing to challenge a plan

9198amendment, a challenger must be an affected person as defined in

9209s ection 163.3184(1)(a). The parties agree that Petitioner owns

9218propert y and resides within the C ounty and she su bmitted oral or

9232written comments to the C ounty during the adoption process.

9242Therefore, she is an affected person and has standing to

9252participate in this matter.

925690. Once the Department renders a notice of intent to find

9267a plan amendment in compliance, as it did here, th at plan

9279provision "shall be determined to be in compliance if the local

9290government's determination of compliance is fairly debatable."

9297§ 163.3184(9)(a), Fla. Stat. Therefore, Petitioner bears the

9305burden of proving beyond fair debate that the challenged plan

9315amendment s are not in compliance. This means that "if

9325reasonable persons could differ as to its propriety," a plan

9335amendment must be upheld. Martin Cnty . v. Yusem , 690 So. 2d

93471288, 1295 (Fla. 1997). W here there is "evidence in support of

9359both sides of a comprehensive plan amendment, it is difficult to

9370determine that the County's decision was anything but 'fairly

9379debatable.'" Martin C n ty . v. Section 28 Partnership, Ltd. , 772

9391So. 2d 616, 621 ( Fla. 4th DCA 2000).

940091 . For the reasons given in the Findings of Fact,

9411Petitioner has failed to establish beyond fair debate that the

9421amendment s are not in compliance. Therefore, the challenged

9430EAR - based amendments adopted by Ordinance No. 09 - 36 are in

9443c ompliance.

94459 2 . Finally, on June 22, 2011, Petitioner filed a Motion

9457to Disqualify Secretary Buzzett from making a final decision in

9467this matter. Because that motion must be filed with, and

9477addressed by, the Secretary, no ruling on the motion has been

9488ma de.


9491Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

9501Law, it is

9504RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter

9512a final order determining that the EAR - based amendments adopted

9523by Ordinance No. 09 - 36 are in compliance.

9532DO NE AND ENTERED this 30th day of June , 201 1 , in

9544Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



9553Administrative Law Judge

9556Division of Administrative Hearings

9560The DeSoto Building

95631230 Apalachee Parkway

9566Tallahassee, Florid a 32399 - 3060

9572(850) 488 - 9675

9576Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


9583Filed with the Clerk of the

9589Division of Administrative Hearings

9593this 30th day of June, 2011.


96001/ Although reference was made by the County at the commencement

9611of the h earing to Joint Exhibits 1 - 7, those exhibits were marked

9625as County Exhibits 1A - G, and they have been referred to in that

9639manner in this Recommended Order.


9646William A. Buzzett, Secretary

9650Department of Community Affairs

96542555 Shumard Oak B oulevard

9659Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

9664Deborah K. Kearney , General Counsel

9669Department of Community Affairs

96732555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

9677Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

9682Diane C. Brown

9685241 Twin Lakes Drive

9689Laguna Beach, Florida 32413 - 1413

9695Lynette Norr , Esquire

9698Department of Community Affairs

97022555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 325

9708Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

9713Terrell K. Arline, Esquire

9717Bay County Attorney

9720840 West 11th Street

9724Panama City, Florida 32401 - 2336


9736Al l parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

9748days of the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

9759this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

9770render a final order in this matter.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/28/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/28/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 09/08/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (David Jordan on behalf of Department of Community Affairs)) filed.
Date: 06/30/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/30/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/30/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 8-9 and 20, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/30/2011
Proceedings: Bay County Response to Petitioner's Amended Motion to Disqualify Secretary Buzzett filed.
Date: 06/28/2011
Proceedings: Order (denying Petitioner's amended motion to recuse and disqualify Judge)
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs' Response to Petitioner's Motion to Recuse and Disqualify Administrative Law Judge D. R. Alexander filed.
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Recuse and Disquualify Administrative Law Judge D. R. Alexander filed.
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Response to Bay County's Opposition to Motion to Recuse and Disqualiy Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Bay County's Response to Petitioner, Diane C. Brown's Motion to Disqualify Secretary Buzzett filed.
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Bay County's Response to Petitioner, Diane C. Brown's Motion to Disqualify Judge Alexander filed.
Date: 06/20/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Recuse and Disqualify Administrative Law Judge D.R. Alexander filed.
Date: 06/08/2011
Proceedings: Joint Proposed Recommended Order by Bay County and the Department of Community Affairs (with CD) filed.
Date: 06/06/2011
Proceedings: Joint Proposed Recommended Order by Bay County and the Department of Community Affairs filed.
Date: 06/06/2011
Proceedings: Petitioners' Joint Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/02/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Additional Pages of Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 05/31/2011
Proceedings: Order (granting Bay County's unooposed motion for additional pages of proposed recommended order and Petitioner's unopposed motion for time extension to file proposed recommended order).
Date: 05/27/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Additional Pages of Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 05/26/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/26/2011
Proceedings: Notice that Transcript was Filed filed.
Date: 05/23/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Brown's Objections to Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/16/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Cousel for Department of Community Affairs filed.
Date: 05/13/2011
Proceedings: Petitioners' Joint Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of November 9, 2010, hearing (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/11/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of November 8, 2010, hearing (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/09/2011
Proceedings: Exhibit Index to Hearing August 30, 2010 filed.
Date: 05/05/2011
Proceedings: Bay County Response to Petitioner, Brown's Second Motion for Extension to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/04/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Renewed Motion forTime Extension of File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/15/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Transcript Receipt filed.
Date: 04/14/2011
Proceedings: Bay County Response to Petitioner, Brown's Motion for Extension to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/23/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/17/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Wetlands Hearing (Transcript not available for viewing).
Date: 11/19/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/12/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/12/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Compel Respondent Bay County to Respond to Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/10/2010
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order (as to Amended Order Relinquishng Jurisdiction) filed.
Date: 11/09/2010
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to November 12, 2010; 11:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Diane C. Brown's Preliminary Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Unilateral Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/05/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Present Testimony by Video Teleconference filed.
Date: 11/05/2010
Proceedings: Unilateral Prehearing Statement by Respondents, Department of Community Affairs and Bay County Regarding Petition by Diana C. Brown filed.
Date: 11/05/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Supplement to Response to Motion to Strike, and Filing of Report of K. Marelene Conaway filed.
Date: 11/02/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Respondent Bay County's Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 11/01/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 10/29/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Bay County's Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/29/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Bay County's Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/27/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 10/18/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Bay County's Third Set of Expert Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/18/2010
Proceedings: Amended Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction.
Date: 10/18/2010
Proceedings: Order Compelling Discovery.
Date: 10/15/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Filing Answers to Petitioner Brown's First Set of Interrogatories to Bay County filed.
Date: 10/15/2010
Proceedings: Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction.
Date: 10/14/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 10/14/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Response to Motions to Compel filed.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's First Request for Production of Documents and Things from Bay County filed.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Supplement to Petitioner's Motion to Compel Bay County to Respond to Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 10/11/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Taking Deposition of Dan Garlick to Perpetuate Testimony filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Exert Interrogatories to Respondent Bay County filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Compel Bay County to Respond to Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 09/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objections/Comments to Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 09/27/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from Terrell Arline regarding use of building filed.
Date: 09/27/2010
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs and Bay County's Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction on Non-challenged Amendments filed.
Date: 09/24/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Request for Time Extension to Respond to Respondent Bay County's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction on Non-challenged Amendments filed.
Date: 09/21/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 8 through 10 and November 12, 2010; 8:30 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 09/20/2010
Proceedings: Order (denying Petitioner's unilateral motion to relinquish jurisdiction on non-challenged amendments).
Date: 09/17/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Bay County Motion for Order to Compel Petitioner Diane C. Brown To Provide Dates When Her Witnesses are Available for Hearing filed.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Propounding Bay County's Third Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner Diane C. Brown filed.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Response to Diane Brown's Unilateral Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction on Non-challenged Amendments filed.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Letter to DOAH from D. Brown regarding sending copies filed.
Date: 09/16/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from D. Brown regarding a scheduling continuance of hearing filed.
Date: 09/15/2010
Proceedings: Unilateral Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction on Non-Challenged Amendments filed.
Date: 08/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion to Strike Respondent's Pre-hearing Stipulation and Motion for Sanctions filed.
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Joint Unilateral Prehearing Stipulation Between Respondents Department of Community Affairs and Bay County regarding the Hearing on Policy 6.11.3 Including its Subparts filed.
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Objection to Respondents Intent to Litigate Additional Issues in the August 30-31, 2010, Hearing filed.
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting unopposed joint motion to present testimony by video teleconference at final hearing).
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Joint Preliminaty Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Petitioners' Joint Preliminary Witness List filed.
Date: 08/27/2010
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation between Petitioners St. Andrew Bay Management Assocation. Inc., and Diane C. Brown Hearing on Policy 6.11.3 (3) filed.
Date: 08/26/2010
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Present Testimony by Video Teleconference filed.
Date: 08/25/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Second Set of Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner, Diane C. Brown filed.
Date: 08/25/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Propounding Bay County's Second Set of Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner Diane C. Brown filed.
Date: 08/25/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 08/24/2010
Proceedings: Order (clarifying order of August 9, 2010).
Date: 08/24/2010
Proceedings: Department of Community Affairs' Response to Petitioner's First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/24/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department of Community Affairs' Response to Petitioner's First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/23/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion for Continuance of Hearing filed.
Date: 08/20/2010
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order (as to August 2, 2010, Order) filed.
Date: 08/20/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Request for Clarification of Order on Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 08/17/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Providing Documents to St. Andrew Bay Management Association (Diane C. Brown) filed.
Date: 08/17/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Providing Documents to St. Andrew Bay Resource Management Assocation (filed in Case No. 10-000859GM).
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Bay County Response to Petitioner Brown's First Request for Production of Documents and Things filed.
Date: 08/09/2010
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner RMA's First Request for Production and Things to Respondent Department of Commnity Affairs filed.
Date: 08/09/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting Petitioner's motion to compel discovery).
Date: 08/09/2010
Proceedings: Order (on Bay County's motion to strike allegations from amended petition for administrative hearing filed by Petitioner).
Date: 08/05/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 08/04/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner RMA's Third Request for Production of Documents and Things from Bay County filed.
Date: 08/04/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner St. Andrew Bay RMA's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent Bay County filed.
Date: 08/02/2010
Proceedings: Order (on Petitioner's notice of voluntary dismissal of proceedings regarding Bay County Comprehensive Plan Amendment).
Date: 08/02/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondents Department of Community Affairs and Bay County filed.
Date: 08/02/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories to Department of Community Affairs and Bay County filed.
Date: 07/30/2010
Proceedings: Stipulated Settlement Agreement filed.
Date: 07/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Proceedings Regarding Bay County Comprehensive Plan Amendment filed.
Date: 07/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Response to Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 07/10/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Response to St. Andrew Bay Management Association First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/07/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Department of Community Affairs' Response to Petitioner's First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30-31, 2010 , September 1 and 2; 8:30 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL ).
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 26, 2010; 8:30 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL; amended as to hearing room location).
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Order (on issues discussed during telephonic status conference).
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner Brown's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent Bay County filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Second Request for Production of Documents to Bay County filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent Bay County filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Supplement to Objection to Scheduling of Hearing on Bay County's Motion for Separate Hearings filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 26, 2010; 8:30 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Objection to Scheduled Hearing Date on Intervenor Laird's Motion for Expedited Hearing filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion.
Date: 06/25/2010
Proceedings: Intervenor, Laird Land Company, Inc's Response to Diane C. Brown's Request for Production of Documents and Entry Upon Land filed.
Date: 06/25/2010
Proceedings: Intervenor, Laird Land Company, Inc's Motion to Expedite Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/25/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Objection to Scheduling of Hearing on Bay County's Motion for Separate Hearings filed.
Date: 06/25/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 06/25/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Motion to Schedule Separate Hearings and Motion for Partial Recommended Order on Non-consented Matters filed.
Date: 06/18/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Response to Diane Brown's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/10/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Response to St. Andrew Bay Management Association First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/03/2010
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Laird Hearing Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 06/03/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting continuance; parties to advise status by June 18, 2010).
Date: 05/21/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Notice of Filing Exhibits to Support Motion to Strike (exhibits not available for viewing) .
Date: 05/20/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner Brown's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent Department of Community Affairs filed.
Date: 05/17/2010
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 05/17/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner RMA's First Request for Production of Documents and Things from Department of Community Affairs filed.
Date: 05/17/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner RMA's Second Request for Production of Documents and Things from Bay County filed.
Date: 05/14/2010
Proceedings: Order (allowing Alfred Beauchemin to act as Qualified Representative on behalf of the St. Andrew Bay Resource Management Association, Inc.).
Date: 05/14/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 05/12/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion for Continuance of Hearing and Time Extension on Outstanding Filings filed.
Date: 05/10/2010
Proceedings: Representation by Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 05/10/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner RMA's First Request for Production of Documents and Things from Bay County filed.
Date: 05/10/2010
Proceedings: Affidavit of Qualifications to be Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 05/10/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Motion to Compel Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/05/2010
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner Brown's Request for Time Extension to Respond to Respondent Bay County's Motion to Strike and Motion for Sanctions is granted).
Date: 05/05/2010
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 7 through 11, 2010; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL; amended as to hearing room location).
Date: 05/04/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Request for Time Extension to Respond to Respondent Bay County's Motion to Strike and Motion for Sanctions filed.
Date: 04/29/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Request for Order on Motion for Sanctions against Bay County filed.
Date: 04/26/2010
Proceedings: Bay County's Motion to Strike Portions of Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing and Motion for Sanctions filed.
Date: 04/26/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Exhibit in Support of Motion for Sanctions against Bay County filed.
Date: 04/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion for Sanctions against Respondent Bay County filed.
Date: 03/30/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting Laird Land Company, Inc.'s amended petition to intervene).
Date: 03/29/2010
Proceedings: Laird Land Company, Inc.'s Amended Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/29/2010
Proceedings: Order (allowing Candis Harbison to appear as Qualified Representative on behalf of St. Andrew Bay Resource Management Association, Inc.).
Date: 03/26/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/26/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 7 through 11, 2010; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 03/26/2010
Proceedings: Affidavit of Qualifications to be Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 03/25/2010
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Community Affairs' Motion to Bifurcate and Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 03/25/2010
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 10-0858GM and 10-0859GM)).
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Order (dismissing Laird Land Company's petition to intervene).
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Intervenor's First Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Laird Motion to Bifurcate and Expedite Final Hearing on "Laird Amendment" filed.
Date: 03/22/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting Petitioner's motion for leave to amend petition).
Date: 03/17/2010
Proceedings: Laird Land Company, Inc.'s Motion to Bifurcate and to Expedite Final Hearing on Laird Amendment filed.
Date: 03/17/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Opposition to Laird Land Company, Inc.'s Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/16/2010
Proceedings: Respondent Department of Community Affairs' Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 03/15/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Propounding Bay County's First set of Expert Interrogatories to Petitioner Diane C. Brown filed.
Date: 03/11/2010
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/11/2010
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend Petition filed.
Date: 03/09/2010
Proceedings: Order (granting Laird Land Company's petition to intervene).
Date: 03/08/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/08/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 5 through 7, 2010; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL).
Date: 03/08/2010
Proceedings: Laird Land Company, Inc.'s Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/05/2010
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/26/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner Brown's Motion for Extension to Respond to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/19/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to to Find Bay County Comprehensive Plan Amendment in Compliance filed.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/17/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Panama City, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):