10-001848 Christopher Castellio, Sr. vs. Alachua County Housing Authority
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, November 24, 2010.

View Dockets  
Summary: Pet. failed to prove that Resp. discriminated against him based upon race or handicap, or that Resp. failed to make reasonable accommodations for Pet.'s disability in providing housing assistance to Pet. and his family.





13Petitioner, )


16vs. ) Case No. 10 - 1848





31Respondent. )



36A fi nal hearing was conducted in this case on October 4,

482010 , in Gainesville , Florida, before James H. Peterson, III,

57Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative



67For Petitioner: Christopher Cas t ellio, Sr. , pro se

763910 N ortheast First Terrace

81Gainesville, Florida 32609

84For Respondent: Gary S. Edinger , Esquire

90305 N ortheast First Street

95Gainesville, Florida 32601


103I. Whether Respondent dis criminated against Petitioner

110based upon PetitionerÓs race or handicap in providing housing


120II. Whether Respondent , in providing housing assistance,

127failed to make reasonable accommodations for PetitionerÓs

134physical disability.


139On or about December 11 , 2009, Petitioner filed a

148discrimination complaint (Complaint) as set forth in a letter

157dated November 24, 2009, addressed to the United States

166Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , Office of

175Fair Housing and Equ al Opportunity .

182The Florida Commission on Human Relations (Commission or

190FCHR) investigated the Complaint, which was assigned FCHR Number

1992010H0157. F ollowing completion of its inves tigation, the

208Commission issued a Determination dated Fe bruary 16, 2010,

217finding no cause. On March 3, 2010, the Commission issued a

228Notice of Determination of No Cause (Notice) on the Complaint

238finding that Ð the FCHR has determined that reasonable cause does

249not exist to believe that a discriminatory housing practice has

259occu rred. Ñ

262The Notice advised Petitioner of h is right to file a

273Petition for Relief for a formal administrative proceeding on

282h is Complaint within 30 days. Petitioner timely filed a

292Petition for Relief with the Commission reiterating the

300allegations of his Complaint .

305On April 8, 2010, t he Commission filed a Transmittal of

316Petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for

325assignment of an administrative law judge to conduct a n

335administrative hearing on PetitionerÓs Petition for Relief.

342At the a dministrative hearing in this matter held on

352October 4, 2010, Petitioner presented the testimony of his wife,

362Ethelyn Reese - Castell i o, and testified on his own behalf .

375Petitioner offered eight exhibits which were received into

383evidence without objection a s Exhibit s P - 1 through P - 8.

397Respondent presented the testimony of three witness es:

405Respondent's Housing Administrator and representative , Gail

411Monahan ; Respondent's Housing Manager , Cathy Scott ; and

418Respondent's Section 8 Coordinator , Karen Webster. Resp ondent

426offered two exhibits which were received into evidence without

435objection as RespondentÓs Exhibits R - 1 and R - 2. In addition,

448during the hearing, Respondent played the recording of a 911

458call placed by Johnetta Slay to the Alachua County SheriffÓs

468Of fice on May 19, 2010 .

475The evidentiary portion of the hearing concluded on

483October 4, 2010. No transcript was ordered. The parties were

493given until October 14, 2010, to file their respective Proposed

503Recommended Orders. Respondent filed its Proposed Reco mmended

511Order on October 14, 2010. Petitioner did not file a Proposed

522Recomme nded Order. Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order has

530been considered in rendering this Recommended Order.


5401. Petitioner and his family ha ve been in subsidiz ed

551housing for many years. Most recently, housing assistance ha s

561been provided by the Alachua County Housing Authority, first

570through the Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) program and,

579currently, through Section 8 subsidized housing.

5852. At the time o f the administrative hearing, Petitioner

595and his family were still in Section 8 housing administered by


6073. Under the TBRA program, the Castellio family was

616required to meet regularly with Housing Authority staff and

625their affiliates . They als o had to meet certain performance

636standards relative to employment searches and maintenance of the

645household. PetitionerÓs family was often unable to meet those

654performance standards - Î particularly with respect to employment

663and payment of electrical bills .

6694. Because of his interactions with Respondent's staff,

677Petitioner had earned the reputation of being loud, deman ding,

687and physically imposing.

6905. In one incident, Petitioner tried to prevent one of

700Respondent's worker s from mowing his yard by physical ly blocking

711the lawn mower, even though such maintenance was required under

721the government program and was also an issue of local code

732enforcement. More than one of Respondent's staff reported that

741Petitioner would raise his voi ce when he was in Responden t's

753H ousing Authority office.

7576. Some of Respondent's staff were intimidated by

765Petitioner. Because of this, the director of the Alachua

774Housing Authority, Gail Mon a han, was tasked with dealing with

785Petitioner and the Cas t ellio family.

7927. The pertinent part of Petitioner's Complaint states:

800My name is Christopher S.A. Castellio.

806My wife's name is Ethelyn L. Reese - Castello.

815We are the proud parents of five children

823which ages are 5, 7, 9, 11, and 16. Our 16

834year old is living in Bend, Oregon with his

843u ncle who has more resources to provide for


853Approximately for two years now, my family

860and I have lived on Section 8 through the

869Alachua County Housing Authority here in

875Gainesville, Florida. We have to report to

882the Executive Director of the Alachua County

889Housing Authority, Ms . Gail Mon a han , every

898Wednesday of every week in order to report

906progress of trying to become self supporting

913and financial independent. During this time

919I have been humiliated in front of my wife,

928Ms . Mon a han's office staff, o ther customers

938and patrons and, most humiliating, in front

945of my own kids. Ms. Gail Mon a han has

955absolutely no compassion, professionalism,

959or moral conduct.

962Ms. Gail Mon a han has called me everything

971but a child of God. In front of my kids,

981she has calle d me a lying sack of s - t, a

994sorry son of a b -- h, a con artist, a -- hole,

1007and an f -- wad. One day I just walked into

1018her office and the first thing she said was,

"1027hay you little s -- tbird, what have you done

1037s -- ted out today."

1042I served 6 years in the United States Marine

1051Corps during Desert Storm from 1986 until

10581992. While serving I injured my knee in

1066Kuwait. I returned to the states where I

1074underwent knee surgery. I was honorably

1080discharged several months later.

1084Ms . Mon a han says I'm lying about my servi ce,

1096despite my service and medical records.

1102Right now I am in constant pain in both my

1112knees and my back. I have taken two MRI's

1121for both knees and my doctor says that I

1130desperately need a total right knee

1136replacement and a basic left knee operation

1143base d on my MRI's. Ms . Mon a han also says

1155that's a lie. And she refuses to look at

1164any doctor's reports. She said I probably

1171faked them.

1173Ever s ince I've been meeting with

1180Ms. Mon a han she has always had something

1189discrimitory [sic], degrading, intimidating,

1193and threaten [sic] to say to me. She always

1202threatens to take our housing away from us,

1210like she's doing right now, if we don't do

1219exactly what she says to do. I do believe

1228that she is prejudice [sic] against me

1235because I am a very, very light - skinned

1244bl ack man with red hair and freckles. I do

1254look like a white man to most people and my

1264wife is very dark skinned African American.

1271We have done everything she has told us to

1280do but still she says that we have done

1289nothing. She does not take into

1295considera tion the bad economy and that jobs

1303are very hard to come by and that more and

1313more people are being laid off every day.

1321So she is going to make a family with 4

1331small children become homeless just because

1337I can't work because of my back and my knees

1347and be cause my wife couldn't find a job in

1357today's economy. By the way, my wife has

1365finally found a job working at Wal - mart.

1374We fin ally received a letter from

1381Ms. Monahan informing us of the termination

1388of tenant based rental assistance. In the

1395allotted time of seven working days, I have

1403answered her letter in writing, requesting a

1410hearing to appeal her decision. As of the

1418date of this letter, I have not received

1426anything or any notice of any hearing from

1434Ms. Mon a han. I will fax you a copy of both

1446letters. Our move out date has been set as

1455December 31 st , 2009.

14598. Consistent with his Complaint, Petitioner testified

1466that Ms. Monahan, the director of the Alachua County Housing

1476Authority treated him badly, believed he was lazy , and

1485questioned whether he suffer ed from a physical disability.

14949. In further support of the allegations, PetitionerÓs

1502wife, Ms. Reese - Castellio , testified that Gail Monahan was

1512ÐmeanÑ to their family. Accord ing to Ms. Reese - Castellio,

1523Ms. Monahan called Petitioner a liar, said that he ÐdidnÓt give

1534a damnÑ about his family , and suggested to her that she should

1546consider leaving Petitioner .

155010. At the final hearing, Ms. Monahan admitted that she

1560did not respect Mr. Cast e llio because he did not appear to be

1574making any effort to support his family . She denied, however,

1585that she cursed at him , and testified that she never

1595discriminated against Petitioner or his family.

160111. While it is clear that there was personal animosity

1611between Petitioner and Ms. Monahan, the evidence was

1619insufficient t o show that either Ms. Monahan or Respondent

1629discriminated against Petitioner or his family.

163512. On cross - examination , Ms. Reese - Castellio disclosed

1645that Ms. Monahan's remarks were only directed toward Petitioner,

1654and that Ms. Monahan did not use racial e pithets or otherwise

1666give any indication that she was discriminating against

1674Petitioner or his family because of race, handicap, or any other

1685impermissible factor. Petitioner's wife further testified that

1692she had no complaints about any of the other staff members at

1704the Housing Authority.

170713. Likewise, Petitioner failed to provide evidence that

1715either Ms. Monahan or Respondent has ever acted in a

1725discriminatory manner toward him or his family based on race,

1735ethnicity, handicap, or any other impermissible basis.

174214. Further, the evidence presented at the final hearing

1751did not show that either Petitioner or his family ha ve ever been

1764denied housing assistance by Respondent . In fact, the evidence

1774revealed that Petitioner and his familyÓs housing benefits

1782adm inistered by Respondent have never been interrupted or

1791denied, and that the Castellio family has been treated at least

1802as well, if not better, than other housing clients served by

1813Respondent .

181515. In addition to administering basic housing benefits

1823under TBRA and the Section 8 program , Respondent arranged to pay

1834over $1,300 to repair PetitionerÓs family car, paid for

1844utilities when th e Castellios were unable to do so , and provided

1856bus vouchers and other transportation for the family on a

1866regular basis. Re spondentÓs decision to provide these

1874additional benefits was made by Ms. Monahan.

188116. At the final hearing, both Petitioner and his wife

1891confirmed that Respondent had provided additional assistance and

1899that Gail Monahan had control over these additional benefits .

1909Neither Petitioner nor Ms. Reese - Castellio offer ed an

1919explanation for why Ms. Monahan would go Ðabove and beyondÑ the

1930requirements of subsidized housing in order to assist the

1939Castellio family .

194217. Ms. Monahan, in her credible testimony, expla ined that

1952she had considerable compassion for Ethelyn Castellio and the

1961PetitionerÓs children , and that her compassion led her to offer

1971extensive support for the Castellio family beyond simple housing


198118. Although Petitioner testified that the family was

1989rejected as potential tenants at an apartment complex known as

1999ÐEden ParkÑ after initially being accepted by the private

2008landlord , and said that h e believed that Gail Monahan had

2019something to do with the rejection, Petitioner offered no

2028evidenc e to support that belief.

203419. Ms. Monahan stated that neither she nor anyone from

2044the Housing Authority spoke to anyone at Eden Park regarding the

2055Petitioner or his family. She explained that tenants are

2064responsible for locating suitable housing which is then

2072inspected and approved by the Housing Authority.

207920. The credible testimony of Ms. Monahan , together with

2088Petitioner's own testimony and admissions, demonstrated that

2095Respondent did not interfere in the Eden Park situation, and

2105never delayed inspe ctions or unreasonably rejected any housing

2114benefits for the Castellio family.

211921. In addition, while indeed, as alleged in the

2128Complaint, Respondent issued a letter informing Petitioner that

2136his family's rental assistance was scheduled to be terminated,

2145the evidence adduced at the final hearing showed that the letter

2156was issued in error, and that it was withdraw n .

216722. Finally, w hile the Commission states on page 5 of its

2179Determination of no cause dated February 16, 2010, that

2188ÐComplainant alleged he req uested a reasonable accommodation,

2196and Respondents denied his request,Ñ a plain reading of the

2207Complaint, quoted in paragraph 7, above, does not reveal that

2217Petitioner ever alleged that Respondent failed to accommodate

2225his disability.

222723. Moreover, t he applications Petitioner and his f amily

2237filed in 2008 and 2009 to obtain housing assistance from the

2248Respondent state that the family was not seeking any

2257accommodations on account of disability and that no one in the

2268family suffered from any physical handic ap .

227624. At the final hearing, Petitioner confirmed that the

2285family never asked Respondent for accommodation based on any

2294physical disability and reported in their applications that no

2303member of the family was handicapped or required an



231725. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2324jurisdiction over the parties to and subject matter of this

2334proceeding. See §§ 120.569, 120.57(1), and 760.20 - 760.37, Fla.

2344Stat. (20 1 0); see also Fla. Admin. Code R. 60Y - 4.016 and 60Y -


236126. FloridaÓs Fair Housing Act (Act) is codified in

2370Sections 760.20 through 760.37, Florida Statutes (200 9 ). 1 /

238127. Among other things, the Act makes certain acts

2390Ðdiscriminatory housing practicesÑ and gives the Commission the

2398authority, if it finds (foll owing an administrative hearing

2407conducted by an administrative law judge) that a Ðdiscriminatory

2416housing practiceÑ has occurred. If such a finding is made, the

2427Act further authorizes the Commission to issue an order

2436Ðprohibiting the practiceÑ and provide s Ðaffirmative relief from

2445the effects of the practice, including quantifiable damages and

2454reasonable attorneyÓs fees and costs.Ñ £ 760.35(3)(b), Fla.


246328. The Ðdiscriminatory housing practicesÑ prohibited by

2470the Act include those described in Sectio n 760.23(2), Florida

2480Statutes, which provides:

2483(2) It is unlawful to discriminate against

2490any person in terms, conditions, or

2496privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling,

2504or in the provision of services or

2511facilities in connection therewith, because

2516of rac e , color, national origin, sex,

2523handicap , familial status, or religion.

2528(Emphasis added.)

253029. The language in Section 760.23(2), Florida Statutes,

2538is identical to the prohibition in 42 U.S.C. Section 3604(b), a

2549provision in the federal Fair Housing Act. Since Section

2558760.23(2), Florida Statutes, is patterned after a federal law on

2568the same subject, Ðit [should] be accorded the same construction

2578as in federal courts to the extent the construction is

2588harmonious with the spirit of the Florida legislation.Ñ

2596Cf . Winn - Dixie Stores, Inc. v. Reddick , 954 So. 2d 723, 728

2610(Fla. 1st DCA), rev . denied , 967 So. 2d 198 (Fla. 2007)

2622( discussing the same rule of construction in the context of the

2634Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, §§ 760.01 - 760.11, Fla. Stat.) .

264730. Pet itioner has the burden of establishing facts to

2657prove a prima facie case of discrimination. U.S. Department of

2667Housing and Urban Development v. Blackwell , 908 F.2d 864, 870

2677(11th Cir. 1990).

268031. The three - part Ðburden of proofÑ pattern developed in

2691McDon nell Douglas Corp. v. Green , 4 11 U.S. 792, 93 S. Ct. 1817

2705(1973), applies. Blackwell , 908 F.2d at 870. Under that test:

2715First, [Petitioner] has the burden of

2721proving a prima facie case of discrimination

2728by a preponderance of the evidence. Second,

2735if [Pe titioner] sufficiently establishes a

2741prima facie case, the burden shifts to

2748[Respondent] to Ðarticulate some legitimate,

2753nondiscriminatory reasonÑ for its action.

2758Third, if [Respondent] satisfies this

2763burden, [Petitioner] has the opportunity to

2769prove by a preponderance that the legitimate

2776reasons asserted by [Respondent] are in fact

2783mere pretext.

2785Id. , citing Pollitt v. Bramel , 669 F. Supp. 172, 175 (S.D. Ohio

27971987)(federal Fair Housing Act claim)(quoting McDonnell Douglas ,

2804411 U.S. at 802, 804, 93 S. Ct. at 1824, 1825).

281532. In order to establish a prima facie case in this

2826matter, Petitioner must have shown by a preponderance of the

2836evidence : 1) that he was a member of a protected class or that

2850he was handicapped ; 2) that he applied for and was qualified t o

2863receive services from Respondent ; 3) that he was rejected from

2873or discriminated against in receiving the services; and 4) that

2883the services were available to non - minorities or those without a

2895handicap . See § 760.23(2), Fla. Stat., supra ; cf. Blackwell ,

2905908 F.2d at 870 (listing elements establishing a prima facie

2915case under the federal Fair Housing Act in the context of

2926refusing to rent).

292933. The evidence supported only the first two elements

2938required to establish a prima facie case. As an African -

2949Ameri can, Petitioner is a member of a protected class . In

2961addition, the Petitioner showed that he applied for and was

2971qualified to receive services under Respondent .

297834. Petitioner failed, however, to provide evidence that

2986that he was rejected from receiving housing assistance or that

2996Respondent otherwise discriminated against him in providing, or

3004failing to provide, housing assistance to Petitioner or his


301435. In addition, other than h is speculation and belief,

3024Petitioner submitted no evidence to supp ort h is contention that

3035Respondent discriminated against him or his family based upon

3044his race or handicap. Mere speculation or self - serving belief

3055on the part of a compl ainant concerning motives of a R espondent

3068is insufficient, standing alone, to establi sh a prima facie case

3079of intentional discrimination. See Lizardo v. DennyÓs, Inc. ,

3087270 F.3d 94, 104 (2d Cir. 2001) (ÐPlaintiffs have done little

3098more than cite to their mistreatment and ask the court to

3109conclude that it must have been related to their rac e. This is

3122not sufficient.Ñ).

312436. In sum, Petitioner failed to present a prima facie

3134case. Failure to establish a prima facie case of race

3144discrimination ends the inquiry. Ratliff v. State , 666 So. 2d,

31541008, 1013 n.6 (citations omitted).

315937. Even if P etitioner had established a prima facie case,

3170RespondentÓs evidence presented at the final hearing refuted

3178PetitionerÓs argument that RespondentÓs actions were

3184discriminatory. Respondent provided persuasive evidence that

3190Respondent treated Petitioner and his family just as well, if

3200not better than others qualified to receive services, in its

3210provision of housing assistance benefits .

321638. In sum, no discriminatory intent or effect was shown

3226and Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent discriminated

3234ag ainst Petitioner based upon PetitionerÓs race or handicap in

3244providing housing assistance to Petitioner and his family.

325239. Petitioner also failed to establish that Respondent

3260failed to reasonably accommodate Petitioner's disability when

3267providing service s to Petitioner and his family. Florida and

3277Federal law provide strong remedies in the case of

3286discrimination in housing or the administration of public

3294housing benefits. See generally Florida Civil Rights Act of

33031992(§§ 760.01 - 760.11, Fla. Stat.), the F lorida Fair Housing Act

3315(§§ 760.20 - 760.37, Fla. Stat.), or the U.S. Fair Housing Act (42

3328U.S.C.A. § 3604). Those statutes also require reasonable

3336accommodations for persons with disabilities.

334140. Although the Commissio n suggest ed that Petitioner 's

3351Compla int allege s that Respondent failed to accommodate his

3361disability, the Complaint, as well as the evidence at trial,

3371fail s to support such a claim. See Findings of Fact 22 - 24,

3385supra . In fact, the evidence shows that Petitioner never asked

3396Respondent for an accommodation for a disability. Id. ; cf.

3405Gaston v. Bellingrath Gardens and Home, Inc. , 167 F.3d 1361,

34151363 - 64 (11th Cir. 1999) ( must request an accommodation and be

3428denied such prior to bringing a reasonable accommodation claim

3437under Title I of the ADA ) .

3445In sum, Petitioner failed to prove that Respondent

3453discriminated against Petitioner based upon PetitionerÓs race or

3461handicap, or that Respondent failed to make reasonable

3469accommodations for PetitionerÓs physical disability, in

3475providing housing assistance to Petitioner and his family.


3484Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3494Law, it is

3497RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations

3505enter a final order dismissing the Complaint and Petition for


3516DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2010, in

3526Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3535Administrative Law Judge

3538Division of Administrative Hearings

3542The DeSoto Building

35451230 Apalachee Parkway

3548Tallahas see, Florida 32399 - 3060

3554(850) 488 - 9675

3558Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3565Filed with the Clerk of the

3571Division of Administrative Hearings

3575this 24th day of November , 20 10 .


35841 / U nless otherwise indicated, all references to the Florida

3595Statutes are to the 2009 version.


3604Gary S. Edinger, Esquire

3608Gary S. Edinger & Associates, P.A.

3614305 Northeast First Street

3618Gainesville, Florida 32601

3621Christopher Castellio, Sr.

36243 910 Northeast First Terrace

3629Gainesville, Florida 32609

3632Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

3636Florida Commission on Human Relations

36412009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3646Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3649Larry Kranert, General Counsel

3653Florida Commission on Human Relation s

36592009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100

3664Tallahassee, Florida 32301


3673All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

368315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3694to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3705will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/09/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/09/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from a Discriminatory Housing Practice filed.
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 4, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/14/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/04/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/29/2010
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 09/28/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 09/28/2010
Proceedings: Emergency Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 08/17/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 4, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 08/13/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Emergency Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Unilateral Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 07/01/2010
Proceedings: Order Denying Motions by Petitioner.
Date: 06/21/2010
Proceedings: Motions by Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/17/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/17/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 18, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 06/14/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Scheduling Order filed.
Date: 06/03/2010
Proceedings: Response to Granting Continuance filed.
Date: 05/28/2010
Proceedings: In Response to the Accusations Made in the Emergency Motion to Continue and to Provide Adequate Security at Hearing filed.
Date: 05/28/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by June 11, 2010).
Date: 05/28/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. Castellio from S. Randolph regarding an allegation of dicrimination in housing filed.
Date: 05/28/2010
Proceedings: In Response to the Accusations Made in the Emergency Motion to Continue and to Provide Adequate Security at Hearing filed.
Date: 05/21/2010
Proceedings: Emergency Motion to Continue Hearing and to Provide Adequate Security at Hearing filed.
Date: 04/30/2010
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 04/26/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/23/2010
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 04/23/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/23/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 2, 2010; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Housing Discrimination Complaint filed.
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Determination filed.
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Determination of No Cause filed.
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.
Date: 04/08/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Gainesville, Florida


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