10-002436 In Re: Petition To Merge The Westchase Community Development District And The Westchase East Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 23, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: The petition to merge the CDDs is found to be complete and to meet the criteria for approval.









44Pursuant to S ection 190.005 (1)(d) , Florida Statutes , 1/ a

54local public hearing was conducted on September 30, 2010 , before

64Bram D.E. Canter , an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

75Administrative Hearings, in Tampa, Florida.

80The hearing was conducted for the purpose of receiving

89testimony and exhibits and for taking any public comment s on the

101petition to merge the Westchase Community Development District

109("Westchase" ) and the Westchase East Commun ity Development

119District ("Westchase East") into a single district to be known as

132the Westchase Community Development District. This Report of the

141public hearing is made for the consideration of the Florida Land

152and Water Adjudicatory Commission ("Commiss ion") in its

162determination whether to adopt a rule to merge the d istricts.


174F or Petitioners Westchase and Westchase East:

181Erin Rae McCormick, Esquire

185Fowler White Boggs , P.A.

189501 E. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1700

195Tampa, Florida 33602


203The issue s to be determined are whether the merger of the

215two districts meets the criteria set forth in c hapter 190 ,

226Florida Statutes , and whether the hearing process has been

235conducted in accordance with the requirements of c hapter 190 and

246Florid a Administrative Code C hapter 42 - 1 .


258On April 5, 2010, Petitioner s filed a petition to merge the

270districts. Petitioner s provided a copy of the petition and its

281attachments, along with the requisite filing fee , to

289Hillsborough County.

291The Commission referred the p etition to the Division of

301Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") to conduct a local public

311hearing pursuant to s ection 190.005(1)(d). At the local public

321hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony of five witnesses:

329Mark Ragusa , Gregory Chesney, Tonja Stewart, Karen Ellis , and

338Andrew Mendenhall. Petitioner also introduced 12 exhibits,

345designated A through L. No member of the general public attended

356the hearing .

359After the close of the public hearing, the record was left

370open f or 10 days for the submi ttal of written comments from the

384public in support of or in opposition to the p etition, as

396allowed by Florida Administrative Code Rule 42 - 1.012. No

406written statements were submitted to DOAH.

412The one - volume T ranscript of the local public hearing was

424filed with DOAH o n January 5 , 2011 . Petitioners timely

435submitted a proposed report, which was considered in the

444preparation of this Report.


4541. Pursuant to section 190.046(3), a petition to merge

463comm unity development districts is to be evaluated using the

473criteria set forth in section 190.005(1)(e). The discussion

481that follows addresses each criterion in sequence.

488Whether all statements contained within the p etition

496have been found to be true and cor rect.

5052. The e vidence presented at the public hearing

514establishes that the statements in the p etition are true and


5263. The Districts are petitioning to merge their boundaries

535in order to become a more effective and efficient local unit of

547spec ial - purpose government.

5524. In many respects, t he Westchase and Westchase East

562districts have been ope rat ing jointly, using interlocal

571agreements and employing the same auditors, manage rs , legal

580counsel, and engineer s .

5855. The merger of the districts i s a logical step that

597would improve efficiency and better serve the residents and

606landowners within the districts.

6106 . The merger would not change the type of capital

621facilities currently provided by the districts. Westchase is a

630built - out community, and the infrastructure for both districts

640is complete. The merged district would continue to provide

649transportation infrastructure, recreation infrastructure,

653stormwater facilities , and maintenance infrastructure.

6587 . The boards of supervisors of Westch ase and Westchase

669East each passed resolutions authorizing the merger of the

678districts. Both districts have stated a preference for

686Westchase to remain as the surviving entity after the merger.

6968. T he five persons designated in the p etition to serve a s

710the Board of Supervisors of the m erged d istrict are Mark Ragusa,

723Robert Argus, William Kemerer, William Casale, and Joseph

731Lechman. They are the current board members of Westchase.

7409. A qualified expert testified that t he legal

749description s for Westch ase and Westchase East , as amended , are

760accurate metes and bounds descriptions of the lands included in

770the merged district.

77310 . The Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough

782County adopted a resolution to express support for the petition

792to merge th e Westchase and Westchase East districts.

801Whether the merger of the boundaries of the District is

811inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the

820s tate comprehensive plan or of the effective local government

830comprehensive plan.

83211. The Hi ll s borough County Comprehensive Plan encourages

842the elimination of needless duplication of governmental

849activities and encourages cooperation between and among

856governmental units. It also is a goal of the Comprehensive Plan

867to provide infrastructure facilit ies in a timely, orderly and

877efficient manner. The merger of the two districts w ould

887eliminate needless duplication and would provide community

894facilities and services more efficiently.

89912 . The goals of the Capital Improvements Element of the

910Hillsborou gh County Comprehensive Plan are to ensure the

919provision of infrastructure facilities and services, such as

927roads, utilities, recreation , and drainage. The proposed merged

935district would continue to serve as an alternate provider of

945these infrastructure f acilities and services.

95113. The petition includes a letter from the Office of

961Comprehensive Planning of the Department of Community Affairs ,

969which reviewed the p etition and identified no potential

978inconsistency with the Local Government Comprehensive Pl anning

986and Land D evelopment Regulation Act, c hapter 163, Florida


99714. After the merger of the districts, all land uses and

1008services planned within the new Westchase district would be

1017consistent with all applicable elements or portions of the Sta te

1028Comprehensive Plan and the Hillsborough County Comprehensive


1036Whether the area of land within the proposed D istrict is of

1048sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

1056contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated

1064comm unity.

106615. Westchase currently contains approximately 741 acres of

1074land and Westchase East currently contains approximately 972

1082acres of land . T he proposed m erged d istrict w ould consist of

1097approximately 1,713 acres.

110116 . T he two districts have been able to function reasonably

1113well because they have a combined budget and the boards of

1124supervisors make many joint decisions regarding the operation and

1133maintenance of the communityÓs facilities and infrastructure.

11401 7 . The proposed merged district will serv e the single,

1152large, mixed - use Westchase Project and provid e a greater sense of

1165community and identity for the residents.

117118. The area of land within the proposed merged district is

1182of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

1191contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated


1200Whether the proposed District is the best alternative available

1209for delivering community development services and facilities to

1217the area that will be served by the District.

122619. Although the d istricts have operated reasonably well,

1235the best alternative for efficiency and cost - eff ectiveness is to

1247merge the districts . T here is duplication of costs and effort

1259in the management of the districts th at would be eliminated by

1271the merger.

127320 . Fourtee n administrative costs have been identified

1282that would be reduced as a result of merging the districts, with

1294a projected annual savings of $62,000.

130121. A community development district allows the community

1309to have greater control over the construction of community

1318infrastructure, compared to a county government that must

1326provide infrastructure for a much larger area. For the same

1336reason, a community development district is th e best alternative

1346for maintaining infrastructure . Hillsborough County does not

1354have the resources and ability to provide facilities and

1363services at the same level and to the same standards as the

1375m erged d istrict.

137922. T he proposed merged d istrict is the best alternative

1390available for delivering community development services and

1397f acilities to the area that will be served by the d istrict.

1410Whether the community development services and facilities of the

1419proposed District will be incompatible with the capacity and

1428uses of existing local and regional community development

1436services an d facilities.

144023. The two existing d istricts are already providing

1449community development services and facilities . Th ese services

1458and facilities are fully consistent with the existing capacity

1467and facilities operated by Hillsborough County . The propose d

1477merger will not change the existing services and facilities.

148624. Th e community development services and facilities of

1495the proposed merged d istrict will be compatible with the

1505capacity and uses of existing local and regional community

1514development servic es and facilities.

1519Whether the area that will be served by the proposed District is

1531amenable to separate special - district government.

153825. The two area s that will be served by the proposed

1550merged d istrict have already functioned as community development

1559districts. Therefore, these areas have shown themselves to be

1568amenable to separate special - district government.

1575Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs .

158126. A ttached to the p etition as Exhibit 8 is a Statement

1594of Estimated Regulatory Costs . The S tateme nt concludes that the

1606economic benefits of merging the districts exceed the economic

1615costs to all affected parties. It states that t here w ould be no

1629adverse impact on the outstanding bonds as a result of the

1640m erger. The bonds will continue to be secured by the

1651assessments on the lands within each d istrict. Th e m erged

1663d istrict would be financially sound and would manage the

1673district more efficiently for the benefit of the residents and

1683landowners of the d istrict. M erging the districts is the best

1695alterna tive available to provide professional operations and

1703management .

170527. Beyond administrative costs related to rule adoption,

1713the State and its citizens will not incur costs from merging the

1725d istrict s . The proposed merger will create cost savings for

1737perso ns living within the merged district.

1744O ther requirements imposed by statute or rule.

175228. Section 190.005(1)(d) requires the Petitioner to

1759publish notice of the local public hearing in a newspaper of

1770general circulation in Hillsborough County for four con secutive

1779weeks prior to the hearing. The notice was published in the

1790Tampa Tribune , a newspaper of general paid circulation in

1799Hillsborough County , for four consecutive weeks, on September 2,

1808September 9, September 16, and September 23 , 20 10 .


182229 . This proceeding is governed by c hapter 190, Florida

1833Statutes, which establishes an exclusive and uniform method for

1842the establishment of a community development district with a

1851size of 1,000 acres or more.

18583 0 . Section 190.046(3), Florida Sta tutes, provides for the

1869merg er of community development district s. It states that t he

1881approval of a merger agreement and the petition by the board of

1893supervisors of the district to merge with another district shall

1903constitute consent of the landowners wi thin the district. The

1913Westchase and Westchase East districts entered into a merger

1922agreement that was included with the petition.

19293 1 . The p etition contained all the information required by

1941section 190.005(1) and Hillsborough County was paid the requi red

1951filing fee.

19533 2 . The petition contained all of the information required

1964by section 190. 005(1)(a) .

19693 3 . The petition contains a Statement of Estimated

1979Regulatory Costs in accordance with the requirements of s ection


19903 4 . Section 190.046(3) requi res that a petition to merge

2002districts must address the criteria in s ection 190.005(1)( e ).

2013As discussed above, t he Petitioner favorably addressed all the

2023fa ctors in s ection 190.005(1)(e).

202935. The local public hearing was properly noticed as

2038required by s ection 190.005(1)(d) . The local public hearing was

2049held and affected units of general - purpose local government and

2060the general public were afforded an opportunity to comment on

2070the proposed merger as required by section 190.005(1)(d) and

2079Florida Administr ative Code Rule 42 - 1.012. No member of the

2091public offered an oral or written statement at the public

2101hearing and no written statements were submitted after the



2112Based on the record evidence, the petition meet s all

2122statutory requirements , and there appears no reason not to grant

2132the p etition to merge the districts and thereby create a new

2144Westchase Community Development District by rule of the

2152Commission .

2154REPORT SUBMITTED this 23rd day of February , 2011 , in

2163Tallahassee, Leon County, Flori da.



2173Administrative Law Judge

2176Division of Administrative Hearings

2180The DeSoto Building

21831230 Apalachee Parkway

2186Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2191(850) 488 - 9675

2195Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2201www.doah.state.fl. us

2203Filed with the Clerk of the

2209Division of Administrative Hearings

2213this 23rd day of February , 2011 .


22211/ All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (20 10 ).


2235Barbara Leighty, Clerk

2238Growth Management and Strategic

2242Plannin g

2244The Capitol, Room 1802

2248Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

2253Michael J. Barry, Esquire

2257Department of Management Services

22614050 Esplanade Way, Suite 160D

2266Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950

2271Erin Rae McCormick, Esquire

2275Fowler White Boggs, P.A.

2279501 East Kennedy Bo ulevard, Suite 170

2286Tampa, Florida 33602

2289Jerry McDaniel Director

2292Office of the Governor

2296The Capitol, Room 1802

2300Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

2305Deborah Kearney, General Counsel

2309Department of Community Affairs

23132555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Suite 325

2319Tallaha ssee, Florida 32399 - 2160

2325Rick Figlio, General Counsel

2329Office of the Governor

2333The Capitol, Room 209

2337Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001

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Date: 08/05/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Meeting filed.
Date: 02/23/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/23/2011
Proceedings: Report to the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (hearing held September 30, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/23/2011
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/21/2011
Proceedings: Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 01/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Filing Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 01/20/2011
Proceedings: Request for Extension of Time to File Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 01/19/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 01/18/2011
Proceedings: Request for Extension of Time to File Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 01/05/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 01/05/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of September 30, 2010 DOAH Proceeding.
Date: 09/30/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/27/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Prefiled Direct Testimony filed.
Date: 06/01/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 30, 2010; 1:00 p.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 05/26/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/06/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/04/2010
Proceedings: Resolution 2010-1 filed.
Date: 05/04/2010
Proceedings: Resolution 2010-1 filed.
Date: 05/04/2010
Proceedings: Petition to Merge Westchase Community Development District and Westchase East Community Development District filed.
Date: 05/04/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 04/29/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):