10-003101PL Department Of Health, Board Of Medicine vs. Carlos A. Cohen, M.D.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, September 14, 2010.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent committed sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine when he engaged in sexually aggressive behavior vis-a`-vis a nurses's assistant whom he had given medical assistance, thereby establishing a physician-patient relationship.






17Petitioner, )

19) Case No. 10 - 3101PL

25vs. )




34Respondent. )



39This case came before Administrative Law Judge John G.

48Van Laningham for final hearing by video teleconference on

57July 7, 2010, at sites in Tallahassee and West Palm Beach,



70For Petitioner: Greg S. Marr, Esquire

76Departm ent of Health

804052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

88Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

93For Respondent: Rosemarie Antonacci, Esquire

98Falk, Waas, Hernandez, Cortina,

102Solomon & Bonner, P.A.

106515 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1000

113Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301


121Respondent is a physician . In his office one morning he

132struck up a conversation with, and thereafter checked the blood

142pressure of, a nurse's assistant who, at the time, was working

153under contract for one of Respondent's patients. Respondent

161invited the nurse's assistant to come back to his office later,

172by herself, so that he could recheck her blood pressure , and she

184accepted his offer . Following her return to the docto r's

195office , Respondent began to engage in sexual activities with the

205woman, but she refused to reciprocate his advances. The issue

215in this case is whether Respondent committed sexual misconduct

224with a patient, a patient's guardian, or a patient's

233represen tative.


237On October 23, 2009 , Petitioner Department of Health issued

246an Administrative Complaint against Respondent Carlos A. Cohen,

254M.D . Petitioner alleged that Respondent had engaged in sexual

264misconduct with a patient. Dr. Co hen timely req uested a formal

276hearing, and on December 15, 2009, Petitioner filed the

285pleadings with the Division of Administrative Hearings, where an

294Administrative Law Judge was assigned to preside in the matter.

304The final hearing was to have been held on March 4, 2010.

316On February 24, 2010, however, Petitioner filed a Motion to

326Relinquish Jurisdiction, to enable a probable cause panel of the

336Board of Medicine to revisit the charges against Dr. Cohen. The

347motion, which was opposed, was granted on March 2, 2010.

357On March 26, 2010, Petitioner issued an Amended

365Administrative Complaint against Dr. Cohen, which included

372allegations supporting an alterative theory of the case, namely

381that Respondent had engaged in sexual misconduct with a

390patient's guardia n or representative. Dr. Cohen again disputed

399the allegations, and on June 4, 2010, Petitioner filed the

409Amended Administrative Complaint with the Division of

416Administrative Hearings.

418The final hearing took place on July 7, 2010, as scheduled ,

429with both parties present. Petitioner called as witnesses

437Delray Beach Police Detective Troy Bear; Joseph Bensmihen, who

446owned the nurse registry for which the alleged victim worked;

456and M. L., the alleged victim. In addition, Petitioner's

465Exhibit 1 was received i n evidence without objection.

474Dr. Cohen testified on his own behalf and presented no

484other witnesses. Respondent 's Exhibit 1 was admitted into

493evidence without objection.

496The two - volume final hearing transcript was filed on

506July 22, 2010 . Proposed Reco mmended Orders were due , and were

518filed , on August 3, 2010, the original deadline having been

528enlarged by one day at Respondent's (unopposed) request. Each

537party's Proposed Recommended Order has been considered.

544Unless otherwise indicated, citations to t he Florida

552Statutes refer to the 200 9 Florida Statutes.


5631. Dr. Carlos A. Cohen ("Cohen") is a board - certified

576infectious disease specialist who was, at all times relevant to

586this case, licensed to practice medicine in the State of

596Florid a. His office is located in Palm Beach County, and he has

609privileges at several hospitals in that area .

6172. Petitioner Department of Health (the "Department") has

626regulatory jurisdiction over licensed physicians such as Cohen .

635In particular, the Depar tment is authorized to file and

645prosecute an administrative complaint against a physician , as it

654has done in this instance, when a panel of the Board of Medicine

667has found that probable cause exists to suspect that the

677physician has committed a disciplinab le offense.

6843. The events that gave rise to this case occurred on

695July 5, 2009. On that Sunday morning, as on other weekend days,

707Cohen's office was open so that patients needing antibiotic

716infusion therapy could receive treatment. Cohen himself did n ot

726routinely attend to patients in his office on weekends. Rather,

736nurses administered the infusion therapy on his or ders. Cohen

746did, however, make rounds at the local hospital s on weekends

757when he was on call, as he happened to be on this particular

770day .

7724. At some point during the morning, Cohen's wife called

782him on his cell phone and told him t hat the power was out at his

798office. Cohen does not clearly remember where he was when he

809received this call, but upon hearing that his office was without

820ele ctricity , he stopped what h e was doing and headed there to


8345. Meantime, a nurse's assistant named "M. L." was driving

"844Jane Doe," an elderly patient of Cohen's, to the doctor's

854office for infusion therapy. M. L. worked for a nurse registry

865that provided licensed caregivers on a contract ual basis to

875persons needing assistance, such as Jane Doe. M. L. had not met

887Jane Doe before that morning (and, it turned out, would not see

899her again after July 5, 2009). M. L.'s job that day was to help

913Ja ne Doe get dressed, take her to the doctor's office, bring her

926back home, prepare a meal or snack for her, provide physical

937assistance as needed to allow Jane Doe to complete her daily

948activities, and generally watch out for the patient's safety.

957M. L. ha d not been informed o f Jane Doe's medical condition and

971was not authorized to make medical decisions on Jane Doe's

981behalf. She neither had nor needed access to Jane Doe's medical


9936. Cohen arrived at his office , coincidentally, at about

1002the sa me time as M. L. and Jane Doe. All three were outside,

1016walking towards the entrance to the building, when an electrical

1026transformer e xploded overhead , making a loud noise. This

1035startling event unsettled M. L.

10407. Once inside, Jane Do e was taken back for treatment.

1051M. L. remained in the front reception area to wait for Jane Doe

1064to return . Cohen soon entered this front room as well, to wait

1077for the arrival of a crew from the electric company, which, he

1089had been told, was on its way to fix the problem wi th the

1103transformer. As they waited together , M. L. deduced that Cohen

1113was a doctor from the fact that others were addressing him by

1125that title.

11278. In time, Cohen took a seat next to M. L., and the two

1141struck up a conversation. M. L. 's primary languag e is Haitian

1153Creole , and she has a limited command of English. Cohen's

1163native tongue is Spanish, but he is fluent in English. The two

1175communicated in English.

11789. M. L. told Cohen that the explosion earlier had made

1189her nervous. She also mentioned to h im that she needed medicine

1201to control her blood p ressure, which she had forgotten to take

1213that morning. Cohen offered to take M. L.'s blood pressure, and

1224she agreed to let him do so. To accomplish this, Cohen led

1236M. L. out of the reception area and int o a hallway leading to

1250the examination rooms. While M. L. sat on a stool in the

1262hallway, Cohen took her blood pressure, which was elevated.

1271Cohen informed M. L. that her blood pressure was high.

128110. In the course of their conversation, M. L. made Cohen

1292aware that she would be off duty that afternoon. Cohen needed

1303to complete his rounds at the hospitals, but he, too, would be

1315free later in the day. Cohen invited M. L. to return to his

1328office, alone, at 4:00 p.m. so that he could recheck h er blood

1341press ure. 1 Cohen knew that no one else would be in the office at

1356that time. M. L. accepted the doctor's invitation.

136411. Cohen and M. L. then went their separate ways. Cohen

1375remained at the office for a while, until the electricity came

1386back on, after which he left to complete his rounds. M. L. took

1399Jane Doe home and finished her shift.

140612. The two met again that afternoon, as planned, at

1416Cohen's office around 4:00 p.m. Once inside the office, where

1426the two were alone, Cohen took M. L.'s blood pressure . This

1438time, the numbers were normal , and Cohen so informed M. L .

1450M. L. stood up to shake Cohen's hand, thank him , and say

1462goodbye . Suddenly, Cohen pulled M. L. into an embrace, which

1473she did not welcome. Cohen continued to force himself upon

1483M. L. , pinning her against the wall. He kissed her, sucked her

1495breasts, and exposed his penis, demanding that she "kiss" it.

1505All of this was against M. L.'s will. 2

151413. M. L. managed to break free, and she fled Cohen's

1525office. 3 Cohen chased after her. They g ot in their respective

1537cars and drove away, M. L. heading home, Cohen following her in

1549hot pursuit. 4 When she arrived at her house, Cohen pulled up

1561behind her. M. L. went inside, and Cohen left without further


1573Ultimate Factual Determinations

15761 4 . The evidence is insufficient to establish, clearly and

1587convincingly, that M. L. was either a "guardian" or

"1596representative" of Jane Doe as those terms are used in Secti on

1608456.063(1), Florida Statutes , which proscribes "[s]exual

1614misconduct in the prac tice of a health care profession." Even

1625if M. L. were in fact Jane Doe's proxy, however, the evidence is

1638insufficient to establish that Cohen had a professional

1646relationship with M. L. qua Jane Doe's proxy. To the contrary,

1657the evidence clearly and convi ncingly proves that the relevant

1667professional relationship was that which existed between Cohen

1675and M. L. in her own right; that is, in all of her relevant

1689dealings with Cohen, M. L. acted exclusively in her personal

1699capacity and on her own behalf, no one else's. Thus, Cohen is

1711not guilty of engaging in sexual misconduct with a patient's

1721guardian or representative.

172415. Cohen provided medical attention to M. L. on two

1734separate occasions while acting in his professional capacity as

1743a physician. On both oc casions, Cohen was in his office, a

1755place where his authority as a doctor is greatest. Moreover,

1765because Cohen was in his office, surrounded by the tools of his

1777trade, M. L. reasonably could have expec ted that the doctor

1788would do more than simply take her blood pressure if, in his

1800professional judgment based on her blood pressure or other

1809reasons, he determined that she needed additional treatment.

1817Such an expectation was especially justified in this instance

1826because Cohen knew that M. L. suffered from hy pertension when he

1838invited her to return to his office for the purpose of

1849recheck ing her blood pressur e, which was elevated that morning

1860because (as Cohen also knew) M. L. had forgotten to take her

1872medicine and had been startled by an explosion. In this

1882c ontext, M. L. was reasonably entitled to place her trust and

1894confidence in Cohen, and to rely upon his special expertise and

1905judgment as a physician in determining whether she was alright .

191616. As it happened, Cohen determined, after rechecking

1924M. L.'s blood pressure, that further medical intervention was

1933unnecessary. This was, in fact, a professional judgment upon

1942which M. L. reasonably could (and apparently did) rely . A

1953doctor's decision that all is well, even if based on little more

1965than a routine procedure such as a blood pressure test, is an

1977exercise of professional judgment, no less than if the doctor

1987concludes that something is amiss and orders additional tests or

1997treatment. It was this exercise of professional judgment that

2006distinguishe d Cohen 's taking of M. L.'s blood pressure from,

2017e.g. , M. L.'s performing a self - test at home or in a drugstore.

203117. The evidence establishes, clearly and convincingly,

2038that , a lthough the physician - patient relationship was casual or

2049informal in nature, M. L. w as nevertheless a patient of Cohen's

2061for purposes of the statutes which prohibit a doctor from

2071engaging in sexual activity with a patient. It is therefore

2081determined, as a matter of ultimate fact, that Cohen is guilty

2092of engaging in sexual misconduct with a patient, which is a

2103disciplinable offense pursuant to Sections 456.072(1)(v) and

2110458.331(1)(j), (nn), Florida Statutes.


211718 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has personal

2126and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding pu rsuan t to

2137Sections 120.569, and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2010) .

214519. The Department has brought three charges against

2153Cohen. All three are founded on the same conduct, namely

2163Cohen's sexually aggressive behavior vis - à - vis M. L. The

2175Department contend s, alternatively, that M. L. was either: (a)

2185a "guardian" or "representative" of Cohen's patient Jane Doe; or

2195(b) a patient of Cohen's in her own right. The undersigned

2206rejects theory (a) and accepts theory (b), for the reasons that


221820. A procee ding, such as this one, to suspend, revoke, or

2230impose other discipline upon a license is penal in nature.

2240State ex rel. Vining v. Florida Real Estate Commission , 281 So.

22512d 487, 491 (Fla. 1973). Accordingly, to impose discipline, the

2261Department must prov e the charges against Cohen by clear and

2272convincing evidence. Department of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec.

2282& Investor Protection v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932,

2294933 - 34 (Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292,

2306294 - 95 (Fla. 1987)); Nai r v. Department of Business &

2318Professional Regulation, Bd. of Medicine , 654 So. 2d 205, 207

2328(Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

233221 . Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

2342Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the court

2354developed a "workable definiti on of clear and convincing

2363evidence" and found that of necessity such a definition would

2373need to contain "both qualitative and quantitative standards."

2381The court held that:

2385clear and convincing evidence requires that

2391the evidence must be found to be credi ble;

2400the facts to which the witnesses testify

2407must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

2413must be precise and explicit and the

2420witnesses must be lacking confusion as to

2427the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

2436such weight that it produces in the mind of

2445the trier of fact a firm belief or

2453conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2459truth of the allegations sought to be


2467Id. The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowitz

2476court's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re

2486D avey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994). The First District

2498Court of Appeal also has followed the Slomowitz test, adding the

2509interpretive comment that "[a]lthough this standard of proof may

2518be met where the evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to

2532preclud e evidence that is ambiguous." Westinghouse Elec. Corp.

2541v. Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991),

2554rev . denied , 599 So. 2d 1279 (Fla. 1992)(citation omitted).

256422. In Count I of the Amended Administrative Complaint,

2573the Department ch arged Cohen under Section 456.072(1), Florida

2582Statutes, which provides in pertinent part as follows:

2590(1) The following acts shall constitute

2596grounds for which . . . disciplinary actions

2604. . . may be taken:

2610* * *

2613(v) Engaging or attempting to en gage in

2621sexual misconduct as defined and prohibited

2627in s. 456.063(1).

2630Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes, defines "sexual misconduct

2637in the practice of a health care profession" as meaning a

2648violation of the professional relationship

2653through which the h ealth care practitioner

2660uses such relationship to engage or attempt

2667to engage the patient or client, or an

2675immediate family member, guardian , or

2680representative of the patient or client in,

2687or to induce or attempt to induce such

2695person to engage in, verbal or physical

2702sexual activity outside the scope of the

2709professional practice of such health care

2715profession. Sexual misconduct in the

2720practice of a health care profession is


2728(Emphasis added.)

273023 . Being penal in nature, the foregoing statutes "must be

2741construed strictly, in favor of the one against whom the penalty

2752would be imposed." Munch v. Department of Professional

2760Regulation, Div. of Real Estate , 592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st

2772DCA 1992).

277424. The terms "guardian" and patient's "represen tative"

2782are not defined in Section 456.063(1), Florida Statutes . The

2792undersigned concludes, however, that thes e terms a re technical

2802in nature because they each have acquired a peculiar meaning in

2813the law. Moreover, the respective technical meanings of th ese

2823terms are appropriate to the statute in question. The law

2833requires, therefore, that these legal terms of art be given

2843their technical meanings, unless a contrary intention is plainly

2852shown , which is not the case here . See Ocasio v. Bureau of

2865Crimes C ompensation, Div. of Workers Compensation , 408 So. 2d

2875751, 752 - 53 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982) ; see also Tampa v. Thatcher Glass

2889Corp. , 445 So. 2d 578 , 579 n.2 (Fla. 1984)( " The presumption

2900favoring the 'popular signification' of technical terms applies

2908unless the pr ofession to which the technical term belongs is the

2920legal profession. Terms of special legal significance are

2928presumed to have been used by the legislature according to their

2939legal meanings." .

294225. The relevant technical meanings of the words in

2951question properly can be ascertained from other statutes, on the

2961principle that " when statutes employ exactly the same words or

2971phrases, the legislature is assumed to intend the same meaning."

2981Schorb v. Schorb , 547 So. 2d 985, 987 (Fla. 2d DCA 1989) ,

2993disapproved , Coleman v. Coleman , 629 So. 2d 103 , 105 (Fla.

30031993)(noting that the Schorb court's analysis would have been

3012correct had the statute at issue been ambiguous ). The term

"3023guardian " is defined in Section 744.102(9), Florida Statutes,

3031to mean "a person who ha s been appointed by the court to act on

3046behalf of a ward ' s person or property, or both." It is

3059concluded that this is what the legislature intended the term

"3069guardian" to mean in the context of Section 456.063(1), Florida

3079Statutes. As stated above, the D epartment failed to prove that

3090M. L. was, in fact, Jane Doe's guardian.

309826. The term "patient representative" is defined in

3106Section 408.051(2)(g), Florida Statutes, as follows:

"3112Patient representative" means a parent of a

3119minor patient, a court - appointed guardian

3126for the patient, a health care surrogate, or

3134a person holding a power of attorney or

3142notarized consent appropriately executed by

3147the patient granting permission to a health

3154care facility or health care provider to

3161disclose the patient ' s health ca re

3169information to that person. In the case of

3177a deceased patient, the term also means the

3185personal representative of the estate of the

3192deceased patient; the deceased patient ' s

3199surviving spouse, surviving parent, or

3204surviving adult child; the parent or

3210gua rdian of a surviving minor child of the

3219deceased patient; the attorney for the

3225patient ' s surviving spouse, parent, or adult

3233child; or the attorney for the parent or

3241guardian of a surviving minor child.

3247It is concluded that the foregoing definition illumin ates the

3257legislative intent with regard to the meaning of the term

"3267representative of the patient" as used in Section 456.063(1),

3276Florida Statutes. As stated above, the Department failed to

3285prove that M. L. was, in fact, a "representative of the patient"

3297referred to herein as Jane Doe.

330327. Further, it is clear from the plain language of

3313Section 456. 063 (1), Florida Statutes, that, to commit sexual

3323misconduct in violation of this section, the health care

3332professional must mis use "the professional relations hip" between

3341himself and the patient or the patient's proxy as a proxy . In

3354this case, however, the Department failed to prove the existence

3364of any relationship, professional or otherwise, between Cohen

3372and M. L. qua Jane Doe's proxy (assuming M. L. served Jane Doe

3385in a representative capacity). The only relevant "professional

3393relationship " here was that which existed between Cohen and

3402M. L. as M. L. Thus, even if M. L. were a "guardian" o r

"3417representative" of Jane Doe, the evidence yet would be

3426insuffic ient to establish that Cohen committed "sexual

3434misconduct in the practice of a health care profession" against

3444a patient's guardian or representative.

344928. In Counts II and II I of the Amended Administrative

3460Complaint, the Department charged Cohen , respect ively, under

3468Subsections (j) and (nn) of Section 458.331(1), Florida

3476Statutes, which provide as follows:

3481(1) The following acts constitute grounds

3487for . . . disciplinary action [ : ]

3496* * *

3499(j) Exercising influence within a patient -

3506physician relati onship for purposes of

3512engaging a patient in sexual activity. A

3519patient shall be presumed to be incapable of

3527giving free, full, and informed consent to

3534sexual activity with his or her physician.

3541* * *

3544(nn) Violating any provision of this

3550chapte r or chapter 456, or any rules adopted

3559pursuant thereto.

356129. The particular provision of C hapter 458 that the

3571Department accused Cohen of having violated (thereby allegedly

3579committing a disciplinable act pursuant to Section

3586458.331(1)(nn)) is Section 458 .329, Florida Statutes, which

3594provides as follows:

3597The physician - patient relationship is

3603founded on mutual trust. Sexual misconduct

3609in the practice of medicine means violation

3616of the physician - patient relationship

3622through which the physician uses said

3628r elationship to induce or attempt to induce

3636the patient to engage, or to engage or

3644attempt to engage the patient, in sexual

3651activity outside the scope of the practice

3658or the scope of generally accepted

3664examination or treatment of the patient.

3670Sexual miscon duct in the practice of

3677medicine is prohibited.

368030. Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 9.008 amplifies

3689the foregoing statutory provisions relating to sexual misconduct

3697in the practice of medicine. The Rule provides in relevant part

3708as follows:

3710(1) Sexual contact with a patient is

3717sexual misconduct and is a violation of

3724Sections 458.329 and 458.331(1)(j), F.S.

3729(2) For purposes of this rule, sexual

3736misconduct between a physician and a patient

3743includes, but it is not limited to:

3750(a) Sexual behavior o r involvement with a

3758patient including verbal or physical

3763behavior which

37651. May reasonably be interpreted as

3771romantic involvement with a patient

3776regardless of whether such involvement

3781occurs in the professional setting or

3787outside of it;

37902. May reasonably be interpreted as

3796intended for the sexual arousal or

3802gratification of the physician, the patient

3808or any third party; or

38133. May reasonably be interpreted by the

3820patient as being sexual.

3824(b) Sexual behavior or involvement with a

3831patient not actively recei ving treatment

3837from the physician, including verbal or

3843physical behavior or involvement which meets

3849any one or more of the criteria in paragraph

3858(2)(a) above and which

38621. Results from the use or exploitation

3869of trust, knowledge, influence or emotions

3875deri ved from the professional relationship;

38812. Misuses privileged information or

3886access to privileged information to meet the

3893physician ' s personal or sexual needs; or

39013. Is an abuse or reasonably appears to

3909be an abuse of authority or power.

3916* * *

3919( 4) The determination of when a person is

3928a patient for purposes of this rule is made

3937on a case by case basis with consideration

3945given to the nature, extent, and context of

3953the professional relationship between the

3958physician and the person. The fact that a

3966person is not actively receiving treatment

3972or professional services from a physician is

3979not determinative of this issue. A person is

3987presumed to remain a patient until the

3994patient physician - relationship is


4000* * *

4003(7) A patient ' s con sent to, initiation

4012of, or participation in sexual behavior or

4019involvement with a physician does not change

4026the nature of the conduct nor lift the

4034statutory prohibition.

4036* * *

4039(9) Upon a finding that a physician has

4047committed unprofessional condu ct by engaging

4053in sexual misconduct, the Board will impose

4060such discipline as the Board deems necessary

4067to protect the public. The sanctions

4073available to the Board are set forth in Rule

408264B8 - 8.001, F.A.C., and include restriction

4089or limitation of the phys ician ' s practice,

4098revocation or suspension of the physicianÓs


410531. To support a charge of sexual misconduct in the

4115practice of medicine, the physician - patient relationship may be

4125an informal one, as here. For example, i n Agency for Health

4137Care Administration v. Lortz , DOAH Case No. 96 - 0793, 1996 Fla.

4149Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 3252 (Aug. 13, 1996) , a young woman told a

4162doctor with whom s he was casually acquainted but had no prior

4174professional relationship that "if he would like to see her

4184naked , " he could perform a "physical examination" upon her,

4193which she needed "because she was moving to Australia ." Id. at

4205*4 . The doctor agreed to perform the "physical" at his home.

4217By so agreeing , it would later be determined, the doctor "formed

4228a physician/pat ient relationship with [the young woman] at that

4238time." Id . The couple eventually settled on a date , and in due

4251course the woman and her "little dog" arrived at the doctor's

4262doorstep; she "was carrying a beer, a bottle of wine, and a box

4275of chocolates." Id. at *5 - *6. Based on the ensuing events,

4287which ended badly after the woman bit the doctor's penis,

4297leading to an altercation, the doctor was found guilty of, among

4308other things, sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.

4317The finding that a "physic ian - patient relationship did exist" as

4329soon as the doctor agreed to "perform the physical examination

4339in his home" was subsequently upheld on appeal. See Lortz v.

4350Department of Health , 700 So. 2d 383, 384 n.7 (Fla. 1st DCA


436332. Consider the facts of this case as compared to those

4374of Lortz . Here, Cohen offered to check a hypertensive woman's

4385blood pressure in his office upon learning that she had

4395forgotten to take her medicine that morning and that she was

4406still nervous as a consequence of having b een nearby , a short

4418time earlier , when a n electrical transformer exploded. Because

4427the woman's blood pressure was elevated, Cohen invited her back

4437to his office later in the day for a follow - up test , for which

4452there was at least some medical indication . In Lortz , by

4463contrast, a doctor agreed to physically "examine" a "twent y - two

4475year old college student" 5 in his home, ostensibly so that she

4487could obtain a visa to move to Australia. The doctor's

4497agreement in Lortz to perform a "physical examination" on th e

4508young woman gave the arrangement a sufficient patina of medical

4518purpose to support the determination that the woman was a

"4528patient" of the doctor , even though the circumstances as a

4538whole suggested that their relationship was predominantly social

4546in natu re . The facts of the instant case , in sum, form a firmer

4561foundation for the determination that a physician - patient

4570relationship existed than those of Lortz because here there was

4580more than a veneer of medical purpose: M. L. actually suffered

4591from a disea se which Cohen offered to (and did) monitor, albeit

4603on an informal basis, in his office no less, not his home.

461533. It is concluded that the law supports the

4624determinations of ultimate fact set forth above, including the

4633finding that M. L. was Cohen's p atient, which establish Cohen's

4644guilt on the charge of sexual misconduct in the practice of

4655medicine .

465734. The Board of Medicine imposes penalties upon licensees

4666in accordance with the disciplinary guidelines prescribed in

4674Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B8 - 8.001. The range of

4684penalties for a first offense comprising a single violation of

4694the statutes prohibiting sexual misconduct in the practice of

4703medicine is set forth in Rule 64B8 - 8.001(2)(j) as follows:

4714From one (1) year suspension to be followed

4722b y a period of probation and a reprimand,

4731100 to 200 hours of community service, and

4739an administrative fine of $5,000.00 to

4746revocation or denial and an administrative

4752fine of $10,000.00.

475635. Aggravating and mitigating circumstances are set forth

4764in Rule 64B8 - 8.001(3). In addition, Rule 64B8 - 8.001(4)

4775prescribes aggravating circumstances that, if found to have been

4784present in connection with the commission of sexual misconduct

4793in the practice of medicine, authorize the Board of Medicine to

4804consider revocat ion as an appropriate penalty. Neither party

4813has urged that either a harsher or less stringent penalty should

4824be imposed based upon the application of any of the aggravating

4835and mitigating circumstances. The undersigned nevertheless has

4842considered all of these factors and concludes that none warrants

4852a deviation from the recommended penalties for a first offense

4862involving a single act of sexual misconduct.

486936. The Department, however, has proposed , without

4876explanation, a set of penalties that does not include a one - year

4889suspension and hence is more lenient than the minimum set forth

4900in Rule 64B8 - 8.001(2)(j). While the undersigned is reluctant to

4911recommend a more severe punishment than the prosecutor seeks, in

4921this case he is unable to identify circumst ances that justify a

4933downward departure from the minimum discipline set forth in the

4943penalty guidelines. Therefore, it is recommend ed that the Board

4953of Medicine impose penalties consistent with Rule 64B8 -



4964Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4974Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine enter a final

4986order finding Cohen guilty of committing a single act of sexual

4997misconduct with a patient, in violation of Section 458.329,

5006Florida Statutes. Because this is Cohen's first such offense,

5015it is further RECOMMENDED that the Board of Medicine: (a)

5025suspend Cohen's medical license for one year , to be followed by

5036both (i) a period of two years' probation , one condition of

5047which should be the completion of five hou rs of continuing

5058medical education in risk management, and (ii) a reprimand

5067against Cohen's license; (b) require that Cohen complete 100

5076hours of community service; and (c) impose an a dministrative

5086fine of $5,000.00.

5090DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of S eptember , 20 1 0, in

5103Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5113Administrative Law Judge

5116Division of Administrative Hearings

5120The DeSoto Building

51231230 Apalachee Parkway

5126Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5131(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5139Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5146Filed with the Clerk of the

5152Division of Administrative Hearings

5156this 14th day of September , 20 10 .


51651 / Cohen claims that he asked M. L. to return to his office, not

5180for another blood pressure test, but so that she could give him

5192her name and phone number, which information he, in turn, could

5203pass alo ng to patients of his who might be interested in

5215retaining M. L. as a private - duty nurse's assistant. At some

5227point Cohen did, in fact, suggest to M. L. that he could refer

5240business prospects to her, and M. L. did provide Cohen with her

5252name and phone num ber when the two met for the second time, on

5266Sunday afternoon. M. L. denies, however, that Cohen mentioned

5275to her in the morning that he could be a source of referrals,

5288but instead insists that he raised this possibility for the

5298first time in the afternoo n. This particular dispute is

5308ultimately immaterial because the undersigned rejects as

5315incredible Cohen's testimony that the only ostensible reason for

5324inviting M. L. to return to his office was to obtain readily

5336available information that he easily could have taken on the

5346spot ÏÏ or been provided later by telephone. M. L., in short, did

5359not need to see Cohen again to give him her name and number; she

5373did, however, need to come back to his office if he were going

5386to recheck her blood pressure. The undersig ned credits M. L.'s

5397testimony that Cohen invited her to return in the afternoon for

5408the purpose of rechecking her blood pressure, which he had just

5419found to be elevated.

54232 / The undersigned rejects as incredible Cohen's testimony that

5433he and M. L. engaged in consensual sexual activities. While the

5444undersigned accepts that Cohen possibly believed or hoped M. L.

5454would respond favorably to his forceful advances, M. L.'s

5463testimony that she was not a willing participant was clear and


54753 / The under signed rejects as incredible Cohen's testimony that

5486he called it quits when M. L. asked him for money to help pay

5500her bills.

55024 / The undersigned rejects as incredible Cohen's testimony that

5512M. L. flirted with him as they were driving. Likewise rejected

5523i s Cohen's testimony that he: (a) followed M. L. home to

5535instill in her the hope that he would call her later to arrange

5548a tryst at that location, having learned how to get there; and

5560(b) believed such hope of a future liaison would cause M. L. not

5573to be u pset with him for prematurely terminating their previous

5584sexual encounter, thereby lessening the possibility that M. L.

5593might falsely accuse him of having attempted to rape her.

56035 / Lortz , 700 So. 2d at 384.


5614Greg S. Marr, Esquire

5618Department of Health

56214052 Ba ld Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

5630Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

5635Rosemarie Antonacci, Esquire

5638Falk, Waas, Hernandez, Cortina,

5642Solomon & Bonner, P.A.

5646515 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1000

5653Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

5657Larry McPherson, Executive Director

5661Board of Medicine

5664Department of Health

56674052 Bald Cypress Way

5671Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

5676Dr. Ana M. Viamonte Ros, Secretary

5682Department of Health

56854052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

5691Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

5696Josefina M. Tamayo, General Coun sel

5702Department of Health

57054052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

5711Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

5716R. S. Power, Agency Clerk

5721Department of Health

57244052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

5730Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


5741All par ties have the right to submit written exceptions within

575215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5763to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5774will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/07/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 01/07/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Assess Costs in Accordance with Section 456.072(4) filed.
Date: 01/07/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/06/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/22/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel (filed by Robert Milne).
Date: 09/30/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/28/2010
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the Deposition of Liane Erickson, Petitioner's proposed Exhibit numbered 1, and Respondent's proposed exhibits and case law, to the agency.
Date: 09/14/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/14/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 7, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/14/2010
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/04/2010
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/03/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/03/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time for Filing Proposed Recommended Orders.
Date: 08/02/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/30/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/23/2010
Proceedings: Order Regarding Proposed Recommended Orders.
Date: 07/22/2010
Proceedings: Transcript (volume I-II) filed.
Date: 07/09/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1 (exhibits not availble for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/07/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (of Officer Daisy Addea) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (of Sgt. Robert Keating) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (of Detective Gene Sapino) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (to Detective Troy Bear) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (to Liane Erickson, AT&T Mobility, RC) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (to Joseph Bensmihen) filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Respondent, Carlos Cohen, M.D.'s Motion for Summary Final Order regarding Physician-Patient Relationship filed.
Date: 07/02/2010
Proceedings: Respondent, Carlos Cohen, M.D.'s Motion for Summary Final Order regarding M.L.'s Status as a Guardian and or Patient Representative filed.
Date: 07/01/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order Regarding M.L.'s Status as a Guardian and or Patient Representative filed.
Date: 07/01/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Deposition of M.L. filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order Regarding Physician-Patient Relationship filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Deposition Transcript of M.L filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Respondent, Carlos Cohen, M.D.'s Motion for Summary Final Order Regarding Physician-Patient Relationship filed.
Date: 06/30/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Method of Recording Testimony at Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: Deposition of Liane Erickson filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing AT&T Records Custodian Deposition Transcript filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: Respondent, Carlos Cohen, M.D.'s Motion for Summary Final Order regarding M.L.'s Status as a Guardian and or Patient Representative filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Motion to Take Official Recognition (Home Health Aide) filed.
Date: 06/29/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Take Official Recognition (Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide) filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness and Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Executed Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/28/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/24/2010
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 7, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/23/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/16/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Re-schedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 06/16/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/16/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 15, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/11/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 06/11/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Unavailability filed.
Date: 06/11/2010
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/07/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/04/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Re-open Case filed. (FORMERLY DOAH CASE NO. 09-6745PL)
Date: 06/04/2010
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 06/04/2010
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/04/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 12/15/2009
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 12/15/2009
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/15/2009
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):