10-006483 Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares And Mobile Homes vs. Carillon Condominium, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, August 1, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to use its best efforts to obtain and maintain adequate insurance protection. Recommend rescinding Notice to Show Cause.









28Petitioner, )


31vs. ) Case No. 10 - 6483




44Respondent. )

46_______________________________ )


50Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

61on October 15 , 2010, by video teleconference with connecting

70sites in Miami and Tallahassee , Florida, before Errol H. Powell,

80an Administra tive Law Judge of the Division of Administrative



92For Petitioner: William R. Wohlsifer , Esquire 1

99Department of Business and

103Professional Regulation

105Northwood Centre

1071940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

113Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

118For Respondent: Jill Anne Hillman, Esquire

1244640 Lankershim Boulevard, Suite 600

129North Hollywood, California 91602 - 1818


140The issue for determination is whether Respondent used its

149best efforts to obtain and maintain adequate property insurance

158and whether adequate property insura nce includes windstorm

166coverage .


170The Department of Business and Professional Regulation,

177Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes ,

185hereinafter Department, is sued a Notice to Show Cause to

195Carillon Condominiums, Inc., hereinafter Carillon Association ,

201on June 25, 2010 . The Notice to Show Cause all eged, among other

215things, that Carillon Association failed to use its best efforts

225to obtain or maintain adequate hazard insurance to protect the

235Carillon Association , the Carillon Association 's property, the

243common elements, and the Carillon C ondominium 's property that is

254required to be insured, specifically, failing to maintain

262windstorm insurance, in violation of section 718.111(11)(d),

269Florida Statu tes. Furthermore, the Notice to Show Cause

278directed the Carillon Association to show cause why the

287Depart ment should not enter a cease and desist order, impose

298civil penalties, and take such other affirmative action as

307deemed necessary by the Department to carry out the purposes of

318chapter 718, Florida Statutes. The Carillon Association filed a

327petition for an administrative hearing, disputing the material

335allegations of fact and re questing a hearing. On July 28 , 2010 ,

347this matter was referred to the Division of Administrative


357Prior to hearing, the parties filed a Joint Pre - Hearing

368Stipulation and memorandum of law on their respective positions .

378At hearing, the Department presente d the testimony of three

388witness es and entered 27 exhibits ( Petitioner' s Exhibits

398numbered 1 through 27 ) into evidence. The Carillon Association

408presented no witnesses t o testify and entered 40 exhibit s

419(Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 through 40 ) into evidence.

428A transcript of the hearing was not ordered. At the

438request of the parties, the time for filing post - hearing

449submissions was set for more than ten days follow ing the

460conclusion of the final hearing . The parties timely filed their

471post - hearing submission s, which have been considered in the

482preparation of this Recommended Order. 2

488After the filing of post - hearing submissions, Carillon

497Association filed Exceptions to the Department's post - hearing

506submission. In response, the Department filed a Motion to

515Strike the Exceptions and requested attorney's fees. The

523Carillon Association immediately filed a Motion to Withdraw the

532Exceptions. The Motion to Withdraw Exceptio ns is granted; the

542Motion to Strike Exceptions is denied as moot ; and the reques t

554for attorney's fees is denied .


5631. The Carillon Association is a Florida not - for - profit

575corporation organized in 1966.

5792 . Carillon Condominium consists of e ight units . The

590units are owned by seven unit owners and controlled by the

601Carillon Association. 3

6043. Carillon Condominium is located i n Miami Beach,

613Flo rida. During its existence of more than 40 years , Carillon

624Condominium has survived Florida's tropica l storms, depressions,

632hurricanes , and other forms of wind and rain.

6404 . At the time of the hearing, the Carillon Association

651wa s governed by a three - member board, consisti ng of a president,

665secretary, ( who is also the legal counsel ) , and treasurer.

6765 . Se ction XXVI of the Carillon Condominium's Declaration

686of Restrictions, Reservations, Covenants, Conditions and

692Easements (Declaration), titled "Casualty Insurance," provides

698in pertinent part:

701(1) Purchase of Insurance : The association

708shall obtain fire an d extended coverage

715insurance and vandalism and malicious

720mischief insurance insuring all of the

726insurable improvements within the

730condominium, together with such other

735insurance as the association deems necessary

741in and for the interest of the association ,

749all unit owners, and their mortgagees, as

756their interests may appear, in a company,

763Triple A - best rating or better, in an

772amount which shall be equal to the maximum

780insurable replacement value as determined

785annually; and the premiums for such coverage

792and other expenses in connection with said

799insurance shall be assessed against the unit

806owners as part of the common expenses.

813* * *

816(4) Loss Less than "Very Substantial" :

823Where a loss or damage occurs to more than

832one unit, or to the common element s, or to

842any unit or units, and the common elements,

850but said loss is less than "very

857substantial" (as hereinafter defined), it

862shall be obligatory upon the association and

869the unit owners to repair, restore and

876rebuild the damage caused by said loss.

883Whe re such loss or damage is less than "very


895* * *

898(f) In the event the insurance proceeds are

906sufficient to pay for the cost of

913restoration and repair, or in the event the

921insurance proceeds are insufficient but

926additional funds are rais ed by special

933assessment within forty - five days after the

941casualty, so that sufficient funds are on

948hand to fully pay for such restoration and

956repair, then no mortgagee shall have the

963right to require the application of

969insurance proceeds to the payment of its

976loan; provided, however, that this provision

982may be waived by the Board of Directors in

991favor of any institutional first mortgages

997upon request thereof at any time. To the

1005extent that any insurance proceeds are

1011required to be paid over to such mortga gee,

1020the unit owner shall be obliged to replenish

1028the funds so paid over, and said unit owner

1037and his unit shall be subject to special

1045assessment for such sum.

1049(g) Notwithstanding the foregoing

1053provision, any institutional mortgagee shall

1058have the right to require payment to it, and

1067apply against the mortgage, any insurance

1073funds to the extent of its interest therein.

10816 . The Carillon Condominium's By - Laws provides in

1091pertinent part:

1093Article II


1096* * *

1099Section 5. Powers : The property an d

1107business of the corporation shall be managed

1114by the Board of Directors, which may

1121exercise all corporate powers not

1126specifically prohibited by statute, the

1131Certificate of Incorporation, or the

1136Declaration to which these By - Laws are

1144attached. The powers of the Board of

1151Directors shall specifically include, but

1156not be limited to, the following:

1162A. To make and collect assessments and

1169establish the time within which payment of

1176same are due;

1179B. To use and expend the assessments

1186collected to maintain, care for and preserve

1193the units and condominium property, except

1199those portions thereof which are required to

1206be maintained, cared for and preserved by

1213the unit owners;

1216* * *

1219E. To insure and keep insured said

1226condominium property in the manner set fort h

1234in the Declaration, against loss from fire

1241and/or other casualty, and the unit owners

1248against public liability, and to purchase

1254such other insurance as the Board of

1261Directors may deem advisable . . . .

1269* * *

1272Section 7. Meetings :

1276* * *

1279B. Sp ecial meetings shall be held whenever

1287called by the direction of the President or

1295a majority of the Board. The Secretary

1302shall give notice of each special meeting

1309either personally, by mail or telegram, at

1316least three (3) days before the date of such

1325meet ing, but the directors may waive notice

1333of the calling of the meeting;

1339C. A majority of the Board shall be

1347necessary and sufficient at all meetings to

1354constitute a quorum for the transaction of

1361business, and the act of the majority

1368present at any meeting at which there is a

1377quorum shall be the act of the Board. . . .

1388* * *

1391Article VII


1394* * *

1397Section 3. Determination of Assessments

1402A. The Board of Directors of the

1409corporation shall fix and determine from

1415time to time the sum or sums necessary and

1424adequate for the common expense of the

1431condominium property. Common expenses shall

1436include expenses for the operation,

1441maintenance, repair or replacement of the

1447common elements . . . all insurance premiums

1455and expenses relating thereto, inc luding

1461fire insurance, and any other expenses

1467designated as common expense from time to

1474time by the Board of Directors of the

1482corporation. . . Funds for payment of common

1490expenses shall be assessed against the unit

1497owners in the proportions or percentages of

1504sharing common expenses provided in the

1510Declaration . . . Special assessments,

1516should such be required by the Board of

1524Directors, shall be levied and paid in the

1532same manner as heretofore provided for

1538regular assessments. . . .

15437. At all times materia l hereto, John Hillman was

1553president of the Carillon Association. He has served as

1562president for the past ten years. Additionally, he owns two

1572units and has owned one of his two units for approximately 20


15858. At all times material hereto, Lily Car ico was treasurer

1596of the Carillon Association.

16009. At all times material hereto, except from March 2010

1610forward, Peter Neofotistos was vice president of the Carillon

1619Association. In March 2010, he resigned as vice president.

162810 . At the end of each year f or the p ast 20 years, the

1644treasurer prepared a financial statement , i.e., an Annual

1652Report, setting forth the annual budget based upon credits and

1662de bits , which was provided to each unit owner . The next year's

1675budget was determined based upon the previous year ' s , resulting

1686in essentially last year's budget becoming the next year's

1695budget, and wa s financed by each of the owner's respective

1706quarterly maintenance payments.

170911 . For the past ten years, n o annual budget meetings were

1722noticed and held.

172512 . Any extraordinary expenses for the past 20 years

1735resulted in a special assessment to each unit owner, based upon

1746each unit owner's ownership interest in the Carillon

1754Condomini um .

175713. For the past 20 years, t he Carillon Association never

1768charged or collected r eserves for re pair or replacement of

1779items. Furthermore, for that same period of time, n one of the

1791unit owners requested a meeting to establish a reserve account.

1801No evidence was presented as to whether , during the 20 - year

1813period or prior thereto, a majo rity of the unit owners voted to

1826have no reserves .

183014 . At all times material hereto, the Carillon Association

1840purchased and maintained general prem ises liability coverage and

1849all - risk coverage, including, but not limited to, fire, theft

1860vandalism, vehicle , collapse, lightning, terrorism, and

1866equipment breakdown coverage on the Carillon Condominium.

187315 . The insurance premium for the all - risk policy in 2009

1886was $2,390.00 and in 2010 was $2,331.37.

189516. Sometime in 2006, Mr. Neofotistos suggested to

1903Mr. Hill man the obtaining of insurance, covering wind and flood

1914damage, by the Carillon Association in light of the recent

1924hurricane activity. Mr. Hillman agreed in principle and that

1933such insurance coverage might be something to explore.

194117 . In 2006, unit owner Peter Neofotistos elected to use

1952his one unit as collateral to secure a bank loan. He advised

1964Mr. Hillman that his lender required a wind and flood insurance

1975policy for the Carill on Condominium and that he

1984(Mr. Neofotistos) acquired a master wind and flo od insurance

1994policy covering the Carillon Condominium at a cost of $3,740.00.

2005Subsequently, Mr. Neofotistos made a demand for reimbursement of

2014the $3,740.00. Mr. Hillman refused to reimburse Mr. Neofotistos

2024mainly because the directors of the Carillon As sociation had not

2035authorized and approved for Mr. Neofotistos to obtain the

2044coverage for the Carillon Association.

204918 . In 2009, unit owner Mario Sesma elected to use his one

2062unit as collateral to secure a bank loan. The Carillon

2072Association agrees that M r. Sesma advised Mr. Hillman (a) that

2083h is lender was requiring a windstorm insurance policy for the

2094loan; (b) that he (Mr. Sesma) was unable to pay for the

2106windstorm insurance coverage ; and (c) that the coverage would be

2116considerably less if the Carillon A ssociation had a master

2126windstorm policy . Mr. Sesma advised Mr. Hillman further that

2136t he lender obtained a lender - placed flood insurance policy at a

2149cost of $3,090.00 to Mr. Sesma.

215619 . In April 2009, the roof at the Carillon Condominium

2167required replacin g due to leaks and age (ten years old). The

2179unit owners were given notice of a special assessment in the

2190amount of $15,285.70 for replacement of the roof.

219920 . In 2009, Ms. Carico contacted the Carillon

2208Association's long - t ime and current insurance agent for a quote

2220on windstorm and hail insurance for the Carillon Association.

2229She contacted the insurance agent upon learning of Mr. Sesma's

2239request for the Carillon Associati on to obtain windstorm


224921 . In September 2009, t he insurance agent advis ed

2260Carillon Association t hat one of the eligibility requirements

2269for the insurance was an appraisal of the Carillon Condominium .

2280Mr. Hillman requested the unit owners, who had forced - coverage

2291by the lending institutions, to provide a copy of their

2301apprais al in an effort to save money on the appraisal. The unit

2314owners did not respond to his request.

232122 . Additionally, in September 2009, the insurance agent

2330provided a quote for the insurance coverage -- the total estimated

2341cost of the insurance was $4, 012.00. However, he advised the

2352Carillon Association that the estimate would fluctuate up or

2361down depending upon the appraisal.

236623 . The Carillon Association did not obtain an appraisal

2376on the Carillon Condominium's common property.

238224 . The Carillon Association 's legal counsel, Jill

2391Hillman, who was the daughter of Mr. Hillman and also a unit

2403owner, advised the Carillon Association that windstorm insurance

2411was not mandated by law.

241625 . Ms. Carico conducted an informal poll of unit owners

2427as to whether they wishe d the Carillon Association to purchase

2438windstorm insurance for the Carillon Condominium. She did not

2447want to purchase the insurance and was aware that Mr. Hillman

2458and Ms. Hillman did not . Also, Ms. Carico asked two other unit

2471owners, who indicated that t hey , too, did not want to purchase

2483the insurance . As a res ult, five of the seven unit owners (also

2497equating to six of the eight units) , a majority, did not want to

2510purchase windstorm insurance for the Carillon Condominium.

251726 . After consultation with Ms. Hillman, acting as the

2527Carillon Association's legal counsel , and the insurance agent,

2535Mr. Hillman and Ms. Carico decided not to purchase the windstorm

2546insurance quoted by the insurance agent.

255227 . At all times material hereto , the Carillon Association

2562did not have sufficient funds to purchase windstorm insurance.

2571Moreover, the majority of the unit owners were unwilling to pay

2582an assessment to purchase the windstorm insurance.

258928 . The issue as to whether to purchase the windstorm

2600policy quoted by the insu rance agent or a windstorm policy from

2612any other source was never brought to a formal board meeting as

2624an agenda item at a duly called board of directors meeting or to

2637a unit owner meeting.

264129 . In or around June 2010, the water heater at C arillon

2654Condomin ium required replacing on an emergency basis. The

2663replacement cost was $5,200.00, which was funded with a special

2674assessment upon all of the unit owners. Due to the immediacy of

2686the situation, no board meeting and no unit owner's meeting was

2697held; the re placement decision was made by the Carillon

2707Association's president and treasurer.

271130 . On or about July 29, 2010, Mr. Hillman sent a notice

2724and the 2009 Annual Report to unit owners. The notice

2734indicated, among other things, that three unit owners were i n

2745arrears, with two of the unit owners being Messrs. Neofotistos

2755and Sesma. Mr. Neofotistos' arrearage was in the amount of

2765$3,219.74, and Mr. Sesma's arrearage was in the amount of


277831 . Three board members of the Carillon Association own ,

2788cumu latively , four of the eight units. Only their units are

2799free and clear of any mortgage.


280832 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2816jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and t he

2827parties thereto pursuant to s ection s 120.569 and 1 20.57(1),

2838Florida Statutes (2011 ).

284233. Section 718.111, Florida Statutes (2010), provides in

2850pertinent part:

2852(11) Insurance. -- In order to protect the

2860safety, health, and welfare of the people of

2868the State of Florida and to ensure

2875consisten cy in the provision of insurance

2882coverage to condominiums and their unit

2888owners, this subsection applies to every

2894residential condominium in the state,

2899regardless of the date of its declaration of

2907condominium. It is the intent of the

2914Legislature to encour age lower or stable

2921insurance premiums for associations

2925de scribed in this subsection.

2930(a) Adequate property insurance, regardless

2935of any requirement in the declaration of

2942condominium for coverage by the association

2948for full insurable value, replacement c ost,

2955or similar coverage, must be based on the

2963replacement cost of the property to be

2970insured as determined by an independent

2976insurance appraisal or update of a prior

2983appraisal. The replacement cost must be

2989determined at lea st once every 36 months.

29971. A n association or group of associations

3005may provide adequate property insurance

3010through a self - insurance fund that complies

3018with the requirements of ss. 624.460 -


30262. The association may also provide

3032adequate property insurance coverage for a

3038group of at least three communities created

3045and operating under this chapter, chapter

3051719, chapter 720, or chapter 721 by

3058obtaining and maintaining for such

3063communities insurance coverage sufficient to

3068cover an amount equal to the probable

3075maximum loss for the c ommunities for a 250 -

3085year windstorm event. Such probable maximum

3091loss must be determined through the use of a

3100competent model that has been accepted by

3107the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss

3113Projection Methodology. A policy or program

3119providing such co verage may not be issued or

3128renewed after July 1, 2008, unless it has

3136been reviewed and approved by the Office of

3144Insurance Regulation. The review and

3149approval must include approval of the policy

3156and related forms pursuant to ss. 627.410

3163and 627.411 , appr oval of the rates pursuant

3171to s. 627.062 , a determination that the loss

3179model approved by the commission was

3185accurately and appropriately applied to the

3191insured structures to determine the 250 - year

3199probable maximum loss, and a determination

3205that complete a nd accurate disclosure of all

3213material provisions is provided to

3218condominium unit owners before execution of

3224the agreement by a condominium association.

32303. When determining the adequate amount of

3237property insurance coverage, the association

3242may consider deductibles as determined by

3248this subsection.

3250* * *

3253(d) An association controlled by unit

3259owners operating as a residential

3264condominium shall use its best efforts to

3271obtain and maintain adequate property

3276insurance to protect the association, the

3282ass ociation property, the common elements,

3288and the condominium property that must be

3295insured by the association pursuant to this


3303The 2010 version took effect on July 1, 2010. As a result, the

33162010 version is not applicable to the instant case.

33253 4 . Section 718.111, Florida Statutes (2009), 4 provides in

3336pertinent part:

3338(11) Insurance. -- In order to protect the

3346safety, health, and welfare of the people of

3354the State of Florida and to ensure

3361consistency in the provision of insurance

3367coverage to condo miniums and their unit

3374owners, this subsection applies to every

3380residential condominium in the state,

3385regardless of the date of its declaration of

3393condominium. It is the intent of the

3400Legislature to encourage lower or stable

3406insurance premiums for assoc iations

3411de scribed in this subsection.

3416(a) Adequate hazard insurance, regardless

3421of any requirement in the declaration of

3428condominium for coverage by the association

3434for full insurable value, replacement cost,

3440or similar cov erage, shall be based up on the

3450replacement cost of the property to be

3457insured as determined by an independent

3463insurance appraisal or update of a prior

3470appraisal. The full insurable value shall

3476be determined at least once every 36 months.

34841. An association or group of associatio ns

3492may provide adequate hazard insurance

3497through a self - insurance fund that complies

3505with the requirements of ss. 624.460 -


35132. The association ma y also provide

3520adequate hazard insurance coverage for a

3526group of no fewer than three communities

3533created and operating under this chapter,

3539chapter 719, chapter 720, or chapter 721 by

3547obtaining and maintaining for such

3552communities insurance coverage sufficient to

3557cover an amount equal to the probable

3564maximum loss for the communities for a 250 -

3573year windstorm event . Such probable maximum

3580loss must be determined through the use of a

3589competent model that has been accepted by

3596the Florida Commission on Hurricane Loss

3602Projection Methodology. No policy or

3607program providing such coverage shall be

3613issued or renewed after July 1, 2008, unless

3621it has been reviewed and approved by the

3629Office of Insurance Regulation. The review

3635and approval shall include approval of the

3642policy and related forms pursuant to ss.

3649627.410 and 627.411 , approval of the rates

3656pursuant to s. 627.062 , a determination that

3663the loss model approved by the commission

3670was accurately and appropriately applied to

3676the insured structures to determine the 250 -

3684year probable maximum loss, and a

3690determination that complete and accurate

3695disclosure of all material pr ovisions is

3702provided t o condominium unit owners prior to

3710execution of the agreement by a condominium


37183. When determining the adequate amount of

3725hazard insurance coverage, the association

3730may consider deductibles as determined by

3736this subsect ion.

3739* * *

3742(d) An association controlled by unit

3748owners operating as a residential

3753condominium shall use its best efforts to

3760obtai n and maintain adequate insurance to

3767protect the association, the association

3772property, the common elements, and th e

3779co ndominium property that is required to be

3787insured by the association pursuant to this


3795* * *

3798(f) Every hazard insurance policy issued .

3805. . on or after January 1, 2009, for the

3815purpose of protecting the condominium shall

3821provide primary c overage for:

38261. All portions of the condominium property

3833. . .

38362. All alterations or additions made to the

3844condominium property or association property

3849. . . .

3853* * *

3856(g) Every hazard insurance policy issued .

3863. . on or after January 1, 2009, to an

3873individual unit owner must contain a

3879provision stating that the coverage afforded

3885by such policy is excess coverage over the

3893amount recoverable under any other policy

3899covering the same property. . . .

390635. In the instant case, the Department seeks, among other

3916things, to impose a civil fine against the Carillon Association

3926in the amount of $5,000.00. See § 718.501(d)6. Such a fine is

3939penal in nature. Consequently, in order to prevail in the

3949instant case, the Department must prove the allegation in the

3959Notice to Show Cause by clear and convincing evidence. Dep't of

3970Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. & Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern &

3983Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So.

39952d 292 (Fla. 1987).

399936. Regarding hazard insurance, secti on 718.111 contains

4007no definition for hazard insurance. Further, section 718.111

4015does not specifically address windstorm insurance. But , section

4023718.111(11)(a)2 . provides , among other things, that an

4031association "may" provide "adequate hazard insurance c overage"

4039for a group of no fewer than three communities to cover a

4051probable maximum loss for the communities for a 250 - year

"4062windstorm" event.

406437. The undersigned is persuaded that hazard insurance

4072includes windstorm insurance under section 718.111(11)(a) 2.

4079However, the undersigned is also persuaded that the obtaining of

4089windstorm ins urance coverage is not mandated, but is an option

4100for associations.

410238 . Additionally , noteworthy to the instant case is

4111chapter 719, Florida Statutes (2009) , which concerns

"4118Cooperatives . " The Department also has authority over

4126Cooperatives. Section 719.103(3)(a), concerning insurance

4131coverage for C oo peratives, specifically addresses windstorm

4139insurance coverage, but not hazard insurance coverage, for

4147C ooperatives. The und ersigned is persuaded also that the

4157Florida Legislature would have specifically addressed windstorm

4164insurance in section 718.111, as in section 719.103(3)(a), had

4173the Legislature wanted to.

417739 . Consequently, adequate hazard insurance may include

4185windstorm coverage at the option of the Carillon Association.

419440 . The Carillon Association is required to use its "best

4205efforts" to obtain and maintain "adequate insur ance." Chapter

4214718 provides no definition for "best efforts." The parties

4223agree that no establi shed definition for "best efforts" is found

4234in cour t decisions. However, the case of Faith v. Faith , 709

4246So. 2d 600 (Fla. 3rd DCA 1998) , provides some guidance. Faith

4257involved a property settlement agreement wherein it was clear

4266that the former husband w as to use his "best efforts" in closing

4279a real property deal. The court determined that the former

4289husband had used his best efforts to close the real property

4300deal where the course of action , remaining to him, was not

4311economically viable and was through no fault of his own .

432241 . Applying the principle in Faith , "best efforts" takes

4332into consideration the economic viability of undertaking a

4340course of action and the actor's fault in the course of action.

4352In the instant case, "best efforts" does not require that the

4363Carillon Association purchase an insurance policy at any cost.

4372The evidence demonstrates that the Carillon Association did not

4381have sufficient financial resources to purc hase the casualty

4390insurance and windstorm coverage. However, the Departmen t

4398contends that the Carillon Association's failure to have

4406sufficient financial resources was its own fault.

441342 . Regarding the Carillon Association's financial

4420resources, the Department argues that the lack of financial

4429resources was the fault of the dire ctors of the Carillon

4440Association. The Carillon Condominium's By - Laws permit the

4449directors to purchase insurance, in addition to casualty

4457insurance, that the directors deem advisable. Further, t he

4466Carillon Condominium's Declaration requires that casualty

4472insurance, as well as other insurance that the Carillon

4481Association deems necessary , to be assessed against the unit

4490owners as part of the common expenses. Therefore, a s a common

4502expense, the need for a special assessment is nonexistent.

451143. The Departm ent argues that the Carillon Association

4520failed to have a reserve account. Section 718.112 requires the

4530by - laws of an association to contain certain provisions , and, if

4542the by - laws fail to contain the required provisions, the by - laws

4556are deemed to include the required provisions. An association's

4565annual budget is required to include, among other things,

4574reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred

4581maintenance, which includes roof replacement. § 718.112(2)(f)2.

4588However, an adopted budget is not required to include reserve

4598accounts when the members of an association determine, by a

4608majority vote at a duly called meeting of the association, not

4619to provide reserves. Id. The evidence in the instant case

4629demonstrates that the Carillon Association d id not have a

4639reserve account in any annual budget f or the past 20 years, but

4652fails to demonstrate that a majority of the unit owners of the

4664Carillon Association decided at a duly called meeting to not

4674have a reserve account.

467844. Further, the Department a rgues that the Carillon

4687Association failed to make the decision not to purchase

4696windstorm insurance at a duly noticed meeting before the unit

4706owners. The evidence demonstrates that the decision (a) was

4715made after the treasurer, Ms. Carico, had conducted a n informal

4726poll in which a majority of the unit owners indicated that they

4738did not want to purchase the windstorm coverage; (b) was made by

4750the president, Mr. Hillman, and treasurer of the Carillon

4759Association after consultation with the secretary and lega l

4768counsel, Ms. Hillman, and the insurance agent; and (c) was made

4779by the directors outsi de of a duly noticed meeting.

4789Additionally , the evidence demonstrates that, f or a meeting to

4799have taken place regarding the purchase of the windstorm

4808coverage, the mee ting would have been a special meeting, not an

4820annual meeting. The decision and voting should have taken place

4830formally, not informally, at a duly noticed meeting. The

4839Carillon Condominium's By - Laws provided for the directors to

4849waive notice of the calli ng of such a meeting ; but , the evidence

4862fails to demonstrate that a majority of the directors made such

4873a decision .

487645. The evidence is clear and convincing that the Carillon

4886Association failed to comply with the statutory provisions and

4895its own By - Laws a s set forth above. However, the evidence is

4909n ot clear and convincing that such failures by the Carillon

4920Associa tion caused the financial situation of the Carillon

4929Association , preventing it from having sufficient funds to

4937purchase windstorm insurance.

494046. To prevail, the Department must show by clear and

4950convincing evidence that the Carillon Association failed "to use

4959its best efforts" to obtain and maintain adequate hazard

4968insurance, specifically windstorm insurance, to protect the

4975Carillon Association, the Carillon Association's property, the

4982common elements, and the Carillon Condominium's property that is

4991required to be insured by the Carillon Association.

499947 . Hence, the Department failed to meet its burden of

5010proof as the evidence did not clearly an d convincingly establish

5021the allegation in the Notice to Show Cause.


5030Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5040Law, it is

5043RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and

5050Professional Regulation, Division of Florida Condomini ums,

5057Timeshares and Mobile Homes enter a final order:

50651. Finding that Carillon Condominiums, Inc. , did not

5073violate section 718.111(11)(d), Florida Statutes (2009); and

50802. Rescinding the Notice to Show Cause.

5087DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of August , 2011 , in

5097Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5106Administrative Law Judge

5109Division of Administrative Hearings

5113The DeSoto Building

51161230 Apalachee Parkway

5119Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5124(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5132Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5139Filed with the Clerk of the

5145Division of Administrative Hearings

5149this 1st day of August , 2011 .


51571/ Subsequent to the final hearing, Walt Lierweiler, Esquire,

5166was substituted as counsel f or William R. Wohlsifer, Esquire.

51762 / Both parties include d in their post - hearing submissions

5188matters that were not presented at hearing, or of which official

5199recognition was not requested to be taken such as deposition

5209testimony, the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc., and the

5219Insurance Information Institute. No consideration was given to

5227those matters.

52293 / Admitted Fact number 1 of the Joint Pre - Hearing Stipulation

5242was that the eight units were owned by five unit owners.

5253However, the evidence at he aring demonstrates that the eight

5263units were owned by seve n unit owners , with one unit owner owning

5276two units.

52784/ All future references to chapter 718 will be for 2009.


5291Michael Cochran, Director

5294Division of Florida Condominiums,

5298Ti meshares and Mobile Homes

5303Department of Business and

5307Professional Regulation

5309Northwood Centre

53111940 North Monroe Street

5315Tallahassee, Florida 32399

5318Layne Smith, General Counsel

5322Department of Business and

5326Professional Regulation

5328Northwood Centre

53301940 No rth Monroe Street

5335Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792

5340Walt Lierweiler , Esquire

5343Department of Business and

5347Professional Regulation

5349Northwood Centre

53511940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

5357Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

5362Jill Anne Hillman, Esquire

53664640 Lank ershim Boulevard, Suite 600

5372North Hollywood, California 91602 - 1818


5384All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

539415 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

5405to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5416will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/26/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 08/25/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 15, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/02/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (filed by W. Trierweiler) filed.
Date: 12/17/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Withdraw Carillon Condominium Inc.'s Exceptions to Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order; and Opposition to Petitioner's Request for Attorney Fees Associated with Petitioner's Motion to Strike, Et Al. filed.
Date: 12/16/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Strike Respondent's, Carillon Condominium, Inc., Exceptions to Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/13/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to Petitioner's Propsed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed (Recommended) Order filed.
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/15/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/14/2010
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion in Limine.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Second Amendment to Respondent's Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/12/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 10/11/2010
Proceedings: Amendment to Respondent's Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/08/2010
Proceedings: Motion in Limine to Rule on Respondent's Anticipated Attorney-Client Privilege Objection filed.
Date: 10/08/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/08/2010
Proceedings: Case Law and Statutory Authority Notebook filed.
Date: 10/08/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/07/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Respondent Carillon Condominium, Inc.'s Responses to Petitioner's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Date: 10/04/2010
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/04/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 10/04/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 08/26/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 08/26/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/26/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/24/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum (of L. Carico) filed.
Date: 08/24/2010
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum (to J. Hillman) filed.
Date: 08/17/2010
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 15, 2010; 1:00 p.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Time).
Date: 08/10/2010
Proceedings: Order Directing Filing of Exhibits
Date: 08/10/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/10/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 15, 2010; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/03/2010
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/28/2010
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 07/28/2010
Proceedings: Notice to Show Cause filed.
Date: 07/28/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):