10-007449PL Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Real Estate vs. Alix Aldonis
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 2, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: DBPR didn't prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent altered sales contract, failed to place deposit in escrow, or failed to obtain verification of placement; offenses cannot be based on facts and charges not in the Administrative Complaint.






22) Case No. 10 - 7449PL

28Petitioner , )


31vs. )


34Alix Aldonis , )


38Respondent . )



44Administrative Law Judge, John D. C. Newton, II, of the

54Division of Administrative Hearings, heard this case, as

62noticed, on November 12 , 2010, by video teleconference at sites

72in Fort Lauderdale and Tallahassee, Florida.


80For Petitioner: Nicole McLaren, Senior Attorney

86Division of Real Estate

90Department of Business and

94Professional Regulation

9640 0 West Robinson Street, Suite N 801

104Orla ndo, Florida 32801

108For Respondent: Alix Aldonis , pro se

1141739 Northwest 80 th Avenue

119Margate, Florida 33063


126The issues in this case are:

1321. Did the Respondent, Alix Aldonis (Mr. Aldonis) , com mit

142fraud ; misrepresenta t ion ; concealment ; false promises ; false

150prete n se ; dishonest dealings by trick, scheme or devi c e,

162culpable negligence ; or breach of trust in a business

171transaction by: (a) misrepresenting the sales price of real

180estate in a sale an d purchase contract, (b) misrepresenting a

191commission amount in a sales and purchase contract, and (c)

201misrepresenting receipt by an escrow agent of a $5,000 deposit?

2122. Did Mr. Aldonis fail to obtain and retain written

222confirmation from the escrow agent of delivery of the Buyer's

232funds for purchase of the property?


240The Petitioner, Florida Department of Business and

247Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate (D epartment ),

256issued a two - count Administrative Complaint (Complaint) a gainst

266Mr. Aldonis on June 1, 2010. Mr. Aldo nis disputed the facts

278alleged in the Complaint and requested a formal hearing . The

289Department referred the case to the Division of Administrative

298Hearings (DOAH) on August 12, 2010. DOAH scheduled the

307request ed hearing for November 12, 2010. The undersigned

316conducted the hearing as scheduled.

321The parties waived opening statements. The Department

328presented the testimony of Lawrence Ligonde, Cheryl Phen, and

337Jennif er North. It offered Exhibits one through six .

347Mr. Aldonis did not object to the exhibits. All were receive d

359into evidence. Mr. A ldonis did not present evidence. The

369parties waived making closing arguments.

374At the hearing's conclusion, the Department moved to extend

383the time period during which p roposed recommended orders may be

394filed to thirty days after filing of the transcript.

403Mr. Aldonis agreed . The motion was granted .

412The court reporter filed the transc r i pt on December 6,

4242010 . The Department filed a Proposed Recommended O rder on

435December 27, 2010. Mr. Aldonis did not file a proposed

445recommended order.


4501. The Department is the state agency charged with the

460licensing and regulation of the real estate industry in the

470State of Florida, under the autho rity of s ection 20.165 , Florida

482Statutes (2010) , and c hapters 455 and 475, Florida Statutes

492(2010) .

4942. At all times material to this proceeding, the

503D epartment licensed Mr. Aldonis as a State of Florida real

514estate sales associate. He holds License Numbe r SL - 3117116,

525which is in effect until March 31, 2011.

5333. At all times material to this proceeding, Total Stop,

543Inc., d/b/a Total Stop R e al Estate (Total Stop Real Estate) ,

555contracted with Mr. Aldonis to affiliate with it as a sales

566associate . At all t imes material to this proceeding, Lawrence

577Ligonde , of Total Stop Real Estate , was the licensed real estate

588broker with whom Mr. Aldonis was affiliated . Mr. Ligonde did

599not employ Mr. Aldonis. Currently , Mr. Aldonis is affiliated

608with Tropical Springs Re alty, Inc.

6144 . The agreement between Mr. Aldonis and Total Stop Real

625Estate did not provide for Total Stop Real Estate or

635Mr. Ligonde 's receiving a percentage commission based on the

645price of sales that Mr. Aldonis made. Mr. Aldonis paid a flat

657fee of $ 495 to be affiliated with Mr. Ligonde .

6685 . In 2006, Joseph Phen and Cheryl Phen listed a home that

681they owned, located at 3500 S.W. Viceroy Street, Port St. Lucie,

692Florida, for sale. They listed the property for $330,000.

702Ms. Phen was a real estate sale s broker . She was the listing

716agent for the property .

7216 . Mr. Aldonis represented a buyer in the sale of the

733Viceroy Street property. The buyer, Manuela Celestin, signed a

742Residential Sale and Purchase Contract for the p roperty on

752August 2, 2006. Mr. a nd Ms. Phen signe d the contract on

765August 3, 2006 . They also initialed each page.

7747 . The contract set forth a purchase price of $272,000.

786The contract also indicate d that the b uyer was providing a

798$ 5,000 deposit. Mr. Aldonis sent Ms. Phen a copy of t he

812contract and a copy of a deposit check by facsimile

822transmission. The record does not reveal the sequence of

831contract signing , contract transmission, check transmission , the

838date of the check transmission , or whether the contract was

848transmitted more t han once to Ms. Phen .

8578 . Due to conversations with Ms. Augustine at Premier

867Choice Title & Escrow , the escrow agent identified in the

877contract, Ms. Phen grew concerned about whether the deposit had

887been placed in escrow. She spoke to Ms. Augustine about her

898concerns. Ms. Phen also told Mr. Aldonis she was concerned that

909the deposit check may not have been d eposited in an escrow


9229. After the conversation, Mr. Aldonis sent Ms. Phen a

932copy of a check payable to Total Stop Real Estate from

943Charassa rd & Associates, P.A., for $5,000. "Phen/Celestin" is

953written in the "Memo" section of the check. The check bears the

965date August 6, 2006. Persuasive evidence does not establish if

975this was a copy of a second check or another copy of the check

989Mr. Aldon is transmitted earlier.

99410 . Ms. Phen requested and received a copy of the

1005Residential Sale and Purchase contract from the t itle c ompany.

1016The first page of this copy listed the sale price as $330,000.

10291 1 . Although Ms. Phen testified about two HUD closing

1040statements, the Department did not offer a copy of a HUD closing

1052statement into evidence.

105512. The sale of the property occurred. The closing sale

1065price was $272,000.

10691 3 . The Department entered a second copy of the contract

1081signed by the Phens and Ms. C elestin into evidence . The first

1094page of the second contract reflected a sales price of $330,000.

1106The initials at the bottom of the first page are not the

1118initials of the Phens. The rest of the contract is identical to

1130the contract signed by the Phens o n August 3, 2006. Nothing in

1143either contract provides for a four percent commission to be

1153paid to any person or entity.

11591 4 . There is no persuasive evidence indicating who created

1170the second contract or how the title company obtained it.

11801 5 . Mr. Ligonde testified that the contract with the

1191higher purchase price "looks like" the one Mr. Aldonis provided

1201him. The contracts "look" the same. Only a very close

1211examination would identify the differences in the initials on

1220the first page. The difference in a mounts is more obvious , b ut

1233it still requires a reading of the contract , not just looking at

1245it , to note the different amount .

12521 6 . Mr. Ligonde did not testify that the second contract

1264entered into evidence came from his files . He also did not

1276provide a ny information about how files a r e maintained at his

1289business or who has ac c ess to them. He did not know when the

1304contrac t arrived at his office or how. In addition ,

1314Mr. Ligonde 's statement that a document "looks like" one

1324provided him by Mr. Aldonis doe s not equate to testimony that

1336the document is in fact the document Mr. Aldonis provided.

13461 7 . At some point in the transaction, the employees of

1358Mr. Ligonde's office, the employees of a title insurance

1367company, and the employees of a mortgage broker had possession

1377and control of the sales contract or a copy of it. The

1389Department did not present credible , persuasive evidence that

1397rule d out any of those individuals having creat ed the new page

1410one with the $330,000 sales price.


14201 8 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1429jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to thi s

1440action in accordance with s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1449Florida Statutes (2010) .

14531 9 . The Department seek s to take disciplinary action

1464against Mr. Aldoni s . It bears the burden of pro ving the

1477Complaint 's allegations by clear and convincing evidence . Dep't

1487of Banking & Fin . v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla.

15021996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

151220 . As stated by the Florida S upreme Court:

1522[ C ] lear and convincing evidence requires

1530that the evidence must be found to be

1538credible; the facts to which the witnesses

1545testify must be distinctly remembered; the

1551testimony must be precise and explicit and

1558the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

1565as to the facts in issue . The evidence must

1575be of such weight that it produces in the

1584mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

1594conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

1600truth of the allegations sought to be


1608In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) ( quoting Slomowitz

1621v. Walker , 429 So. 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983) ) .

16332 1 . Count I of the Complaint charges Mr. Aldonis with

1645violating section 475.25(1)(b), Florid a Statutes (2006) . That

1654section , among other things, makes fraud, mis representation ,

1662concealment , false promises, false pretenses, negligence , or

1669breach of trust in any business transaction a disciplinary

1678offense. The Department maintains that Mr. Aldonis committed

1686the offense by (1) misrepresenting the sales price of the

1696Viceroy Street house in the second sales and purchase contract,

1706(2) misrepresenting in the second contract that Mr. Ligonde

1715would receive a four percent commission based on a sales price

1726of $330,000 1 instead of a sales price of $272,000, and (3)

1740misreprese nting that the escrow agent had received the $5,000

1751d eposi t.

17542 2 . Clear and convincing evidence establishe d that someone

1765created a second first page for the contract showing a sales

1776price of $330,000. Clear and convincing evidence also

1785establishe d that so meone other than Mr. and Ms. Phen initialed

1797the new first page. But there was no clear and convincing

1808evidence that Mr. Aldonis was the person who created the page

1819with the $330,000 price or that he was the person who wrote the

1833Phens' initials on that pag e .

18402 3 . There is no direct evidence that Mr. Aldonis changed

1852the first page. The circumstantial evidence does not support a

1862finding that Mr. Aldonis made the change.

18692 4 . The evidence does not credibly establish where the

1880second contract that was rece ived into evidence came from or who

1892changed it . The facts show that individuals working for at

1903least three different businesses had the opportunit y to make the

1914change. The se facts do not support a conclusion that of all the

1927individuals with an opportunit y to change the contract,

1936Mr. Aldonis was the person who changed it.

19442 5 . N either version of the contract represents that an

1956employer of Mr. Aldonis or any other person or entity would

1967receive a four percent commission.

197226. There is no clear and convinci ng evidence that

1982Mr. Aldonis misrepresented placing the $5,000 deposit with an

1992escrow agent. The only evidence on this subject is Ms. Phen's

2003testimony about a conversation with a title company

2011representative and an e - mail from the representative. It is

2022h earsay that would not be admissible over objection in a civil

2034proceeding. The hearsay evidence is not sufficient to support a

2044finding of fact. Wark v. Home Shopping Club , 715 So. 2d 323,

2056324 (Fla. DCA 2d 1998) . In addition , the testimony and e - mail

2070by t hemselves are not clear and convincing evidence that

2080Mr. Aldonis did not submit the deposit.

20872 7 . Count II charges Mr. Aldonis with violating section

2098475.25(1)(e) , Florida Statutes (2006) by violating the 2006

2106version of Florida Administrative Code Rule 61J2 - 14.008. That

2116rule created definitions of "deposit," "trust account," "escrow

2124account," and "immediately." The definit i on of "trust" or

"2134escrow" account included the following provision.

2140When escrow funds are placed with a title

2148company or an attorne y, the licensee shall

2156indicate on the sales contract the name and

2164address of said entity. The licensee shall

2171obtain and retain written verification of

2177said deposit upon delivery of the funds to

2185the title company or attorney.

2190Fla. Admin. Code R. 61J2 - 14.0 08(2)(b).

21982 8 . Assuming, without deciding, that a rule definition

2208alone can create a disciplinary offense, Count II fails for

2218simple lack of proof. There is no clear and convincing evidence

2229that Mr. Aldonis did not obtain and retain written verification

2239o f depositing the $5,000 with a title company or attorney.

22512 9 . In its P roposed R ecommended O rder , the Department

2264argues for the first time that Mr. Aldonis committed a

2274disciplina ble offense by not including the address of the escrow

2285agent, Premier Title Company, in the contract. The Complaint

2294does not allege that Mr. Aldonis did not include the address of

2306the escrow agent in the contract. Count II does not assert

2317failure to include the address as a basis for discipline. Count

2328II assert s only failure to obtain and retain written

2338verification of depositing the $5,000 with a title company or

2349attorney as a basis for discipline .

235630 . An agency may not base disciplinary action against a

2367licensee on conduct never alleged in an administrative complaint

2376or simil ar pleading. Cottrill v. DepÓt of Ins. , 685 So. 2d

23881371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996) . Just as in Cottrill , the

2400Complaint here refers to the statute and rule relied upon. But,

2411just as in Cottrill , the Complaint does not allege the act or

2423omission the Depart ment now relies upon to support disciplinary


243431 . The evidence does not create a firm or unhesitating

2445conviction that Mr. Aldonis committed any of the offenses

2454charged .


2457Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of

2466law re ached, it is RECOMMENDED t hat the Florida Real Estate

2478Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative


2487DONE AND ENTER ED this 2nd day of February , 2011 , in

2498Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2503Joh n D. C. Newton, II

2509Administrative Law Judge

2512Division of Administrative Hearings

2516The DeSoto Building

25191230 Apalachee Parkway

2522Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2527(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2535Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2542Filed with the Cler k of the

2549Division of Administrative Hearings

2553this 2nd day of February , 2011 .


25611 Paragraph 26(b) of the Administrative Complaint refers to a

2571sales price of $337,000. This appears to be scriven e r's error.

2584The rest of the Administrative Complaint and the evidence

2593establish that the second con tract reflected a sales price of



2609Nicole McLaren, Senior Attorney

2613Division of Real Estate

2617Department of Business and

2621Professional Regulation

2623400 West Robinson Street

2627Hurston Buil ding - North Tower, Suite N801

2635Orlando, Florida 32801

2638Alix Aldonis

26401739 Northwest 80th Avenue

2644Margate, Florida 33063

2647Thomas W. O'Bryant, Jr., Director

2652Division of Real Estate

2656Department of Business and

2660Professional Regulation

2662400 West Robinson Street

2666H urston Building - North Tower, Suite N801

2674Orlando, Florida 32801

2677Reginald Dixon, Gen eral Co unsel

2683Department of Business and

2687Professional Regulation

2689Northwood Centre

26911940 North Monroe Street

2695Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792


2707All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

271715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2728to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2739will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/19/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/10/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/22/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/03/2011
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Petitioner's proposed exhibits to the agency.
Date: 02/02/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/02/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 12, 2010). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/02/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/27/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/06/2010
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/12/2010
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/01/2010
Proceedings: Index to Petitioner's Formal Hearing Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/28/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Petitioner's Exhibits .
Date: 10/28/2010
Proceedings: Index to Petitioner's Formal Hearing Exhibits (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 10/28/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 10/13/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance and Substitute of Counsel filed.
Date: 09/23/2010
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 09/21/2010
Proceedings: Motion to Continue and Re-Schedule Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 09/03/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/03/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 12, 2010; 1:00 p.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/19/2010
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 08/12/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):