10-009570CB In Re: Senate Bill 18 (Daniel And Amara Estrada) vs. *
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, February 1, 2011.

View Dockets  




1040 2 Senate Office Building

15Mailing Address

17404 South Monroe Street

21Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1100

26(850) 487 - 5237


332/1/11 SM Unfavorable

36February 1, 2011

39The Honorable Mike Haridopolos

43President, The Florida Senate

47Suite 409, The Capitol

51Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1100

56Re : SB 18 (2011) Î Senator Dennis L. Jones

66Relief of Daniel and Amara Estrada









127FINDINGS OF FACT: On June 28, 2002, Amara Estrada gave birth to a son, whom

142she and her husband Daniel named Aiden. Aiden was the

152couple's first child.

155Aiden was delivered at Tampa General Hospital. He had a

165number of patent physical abnormalities. Consequently, a

172referral was made for Aiden to be seen by Dr. Boris

183Kousseff, who was, at the time, a professor of medicine at

194the University of South Florida (USF) College of Medicine

203and the Director of the Division of Medical Genetics in USF's

214Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Kousseff first examined Aiden

222on July 1, 2002. He saw the infant for a second time about

235two months later, on August 29, 2002. Arrangements were

244made for Dr. Kousseff to see Aiden again after 12 months.

255Dr. Kousseff did not, during either of the visits in 2002,

266diagnose Aiden as having any particular genetic disease or


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288syndrome. In fact, however, Aiden was suffering from a

297condition known as Smith - Lemli - Opitz Syndrome (S LO), a

309genetic disorder that produces a constellation of physical

317and cognitive impairments, many of which Aiden had been

326born with. Dr. Kousseff's failure to diagnose SLO in Aiden

336was a breach of the accepted standard of care for


347Not long after Aiden's birth, the Estradas moved from Tampa

357to Orlando. In Tampa, Aiden had been receiving early

366intervention services from the state. To continue receiving

374these services in Orlando, Aiden needed to be examined by

384the local provider; as a result, he was seen by Dr. Lynda

396Pollack on November 7, 2002. Dr. Pollack is a pediatrician.

406She happens also to be a geneticist.

413Dr. Pollack performed a pediatric evaluation of Aiden. In her

423chart, however, she noted that blood for a cholesterol t est

434should be obtained. The purpose for conducting a

442cholesterol test would have been to diagnose SLO, which

451Dr. Pollack suspected Aiden might have. Dr. Pollack did not

461herself order the test, however, nor did she recommend to

471the Estradas or any of Aide n's medical providers that the test

483be administered. It is reasonably likely that if Dr. Pollack had

494followed through to ensure that the cholesterol test was

503performed, Aiden's true condition, which remained

509undiagnosed, would have been discovered before Amara

516Estrada became pregnant again. Dr. Pollack's failure to act

525on her own suggestion to recommend a cholesterol test was

535a breach of the accepted standard of care for physicians.

545Months passed, and the severity of Aiden's multiple

553impairments became i ncreasingly manifest. He had

560profound developmental delays. Further, being unable to

567eat or drink by mouth, Aiden was forced to depend on a

579gastronomy tube (G - tube), which had been surgically placed

589through the wall of his stomach, for nutrition and hydr ation.

600The Estradas remained unaware that Aiden had a discrete

609genetic disorder; they were, however, understandably

615worried that their next child, were they to have one, would

626have the same birth defects as Aiden. They decided that

636unless they could be a ssured that the risk of recurrence

647were negligible, they would adopt rather than take a chance

657on having another special needs child.


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676The question that was foremost in the Estradas' minds when

686they brought Aiden to see Dr. Kousseff on September 15,

6962003, was whether they could have another child without the

706recurrence of Aiden's birth defects. Dr. Kousseff told the

715couple that, because Aiden's condition did not fit a particular

725syndrome, they could expect to have normal children going

734forward. He advised them that Amara should, if pregnant,

743have fetal sonograms taken at 16 and 23 weeks into the

754pregnancy, to rule out the presence of birth defects. Dr.

764Kousseff put his mistaken judgment regarding the chance of

773recurrence in a letter to the Estradas, which was dated

783September 15, 2003. Dr. Kousseff's faulty risk assessment

791fell below the standard of care for geneticists faced with this

802situation, which calls for the doctor to advise parents whose

812first child has birth defects of unknown etiology that there is

823at least a 25 percent chance of those defects recurring in

834their next child.

837Having received the "green light" from Dr. Kousseff, Daniel

846and Amara elected to have another child. Amara became

855pregnant in early 2004. Her pregnancy progressed normally.

863The ultrasound scans that Dr. Kousseff had recommended

871were conducted and gave no cause for concern. SLO is not

882detectable through sonography. It can be diagnosed by an

891amniotic fluid test, but, because Aiden had not been

900diagnosed with SLO, amniocente sis was not indicated for

909Amara, who Ï in light of Dr. Kousseff's report Ï was not

921believed to be at risk of carrying a child having hereditary


933On November 18, 2004, Amara gave birth to Caleb Estrada,

943who was delivered at Shands Teaching Hosp ital in

952Gainesville. Caleb, unfortunately, had the same birth

959defects as his brother Aiden. In short order, the doctors at

970Shands determined that Caleb's congenital anomalies were

977the result of SLO. Having correctly diagnosed Caleb, the

986doctors next exa mined Aiden and concluded that he, too,

996had SLO.

998Caleb Estrada has serious deformities and impairments. It is

1007unlikely that he will ever walk normally, although he might

1017someday be able to "functionally ambulate." He will not be

1027able to talk or effectiv ely communicate due to cognitive

1037deficits. He cannot currently eat or drink and must be fed

1048through a G - tube, a situation that is likely permanent, though


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1073not necessarily so. In short, while some improvement in his

1083situation is possible, Caleb will never be able to care for

1094himself; rather, he will need continual care around the clock,

1104seven days per week, for the rest of his life.

1114The Estradas have health insurance that has paid, and

1123continues to pay, many of Caleb's medical expenses. Their

1132insurer, Bl ue Cross/Blue Shield, has asserted a lien of

1142approximately $25,500, which would be paid from the

1151proceeds of the claim bill.

1156Caleb is currently receiving special education services in the

1165public schools of Alachua County. He is not presently

1174eligible for public assistance, such as Medicaid, because his

1183parents' income is too high to qualify. (Amara, a veterinary

1193cardiologist, is an assistant professor of veterinary medicine

1201at the University of Florida. Daniel works as an administrator

1211in UF's Departmen t of Pediatrics; as of the final hearing,

1222however, Daniel had been notified that he would be laid off

1233at the end of the year.)

1239The parties sharply dispute the present value of the cost of

1250Caleb's future extraordinary care. The Claimants' experts

1257offered a detailed "continuum of care" plan, the present

1266value of which, according to their economist, is about $25

1276million. In contrast, USF's experts placed the present value

1285of Caleb's life care expenses at between, roughly, $2.5

1294million and $3.8 million. USF 's proposed lifetime care plan

1304affords fewer services than the Claimants' plan and assumes

1313that Caleb will not live past the age of 40, whereas the

1325Claimants assume that Caleb will have a normal lifespan.

1334USF also has argued, in this proceeding, that Cale b's future

1345financial needs can be adequately covered by purchasing an

1354annuity, which, USF asserts, could be obtained for $1 million

1364to $3 million from a reputable insurance company.

1372At the conclusion of the trial in the civil action that the

1384Estradas br ought against USF, which will be discussed

1393below, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the Estradas,

1404awarding them $18.5 million as the present value of the cost

1415of providing Caleb's future extraordinary care. Having

1422considered the evidence and argumen ts presented at the

1431trial and in this proceeding, the undersigned finds no basis

1441for disturbing the jury's assessment of this item of damages.

1451The sum of $18.5 million is a reasonably accurate


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1473determination of the present value of the future economic

1482expe nses associated with the lifetime of extraordinary care

1491Caleb will need.

1494In addition to the award for future medical expenses, the jury

1505found that Caleb's parents had incurred $53,000 in past

1515extraordinary expenses in caring for him. USF has not

1524challeng ed this item of damages. It is determined that the

1535sum of $53,000 is, as the jury found, a reasonably accurate

1547assessment of the Estradas' past economic losses.

1554Finally, the jury found that Daniel and Amara Estrada had

1564endured "pain and suffering" for wh ich each should be

1574awarded $2.5 million. There is no formula, no scientific or

1584mathematic method, for determining the appropriate amount

1591of an award for pain and suffering. While the undersigned

1601does not believe that the jury's determination in this rega rd

1612was unreasonable under the circumstances, he nevertheless

1619finds, for reasons that will be discussed below, that

1628noneconomic damages should be limited to $500,000 per


1638The jury in the civil trial was asked to compare the

1649negligence of Dr. Kousseff to that of Dr. Pollack and

1659apportion the fault between them by percentages. The jury

1668determined that Dr. Kousseff's negligence comprised 90

1675percent of the cause of Caleb's "wrongful birth," while finding

1685Dr. Pollack 10 percent at fault.

1691While th e undersigned might have placed less blame on Dr.

1702Pollack, whose negligence did not change the status quo (in

1712which Amara had no intention of becoming pregnant) and

1721thus would not, without Dr. Kousseff's subsequent, faulty

1729assessment of the risk of recurre nce, have proximately led to

1740Caleb's birth, he nonetheless considers the jury's

1747apportionment of the fault to be consistent with the evidence

1757and will defer to the jury's collective wisdom in the matter. It

1769is found, therefore, that Dr. Kousseff was 90 pe rcent

1779responsible for the birth, Dr. Pollack 10 percent.

1787LEGAL PROCEEDINGS: In January 2006, the Estradas individually, and as the

1798parents and guardians of Caleb, brought a "wrongful birth"

1807action against USF based on the negligence of Dr. Kousseff.

1817The action was filed in the circuit court in Hillsborough



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1841The case was tried before a jury in July 2007. The court

1853directed a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs with regard to

1864USF's liability, finding that Dr. Kousseff had been negligent

1873as a matter of law, and that his negligence was a legal cause

1886of Caleb's birth. The jury returned a verdict awarding the

1896Estradas, as Caleb's guardians, a total of $18,553,000 in

1907damages, broken down as follows: (a) $53,000 for

1916economic losses; and (b) $18.5 million for future economic

1925expenses. The jury further awarded Daniel and Amara

1933Estrada, as individuals, $1.5 million each for past mental

1942anguish resulting from Caleb's birth, and an additional $1

1951million each for future mental anguish, for a total of $2.5

1962mill ion in pain and suffering damages per parent.

1971The jury apportioned the fault for Caleb's birth as follows:

1981Dr. Kousseff, 90 percent; Dr. Pollack, 10 percent.

1989On August 17, 2007, in accordance with the jury's

1998apportionment of fault, the trial court enter ed a judgment

2008against USF and in favor of: (a) Daniel and Amara Estrada,

2019as guardians, in the amount of $16,697,700; (b) Daniel

2030Estrada, individually, in the amount of $2.25 million; and (c)

2040Amara Estrada, individually, in the amount of $2.25 million.

2049A cost judgment also was entered, awarding the Estradas


2060USF appealed the judgment. On March 2, 2009, the Second

2070District Court of Appeal affirmed, per curiam.

2077USF paid the Estradas $200,000 under the sovereign

2086immunity cap.

2088CLAIMANTS' ARGUMENTS: USF is vicariously liable for the negligence of its employee,

2100Dr. Kousseff, whose negligent advice regarding the risk of

2109Aiden's birth defects recurring in a second child deprived the

2119Estradas of the opportunity to avoid conception or terminate

2128a pregnancy. As a consequence of Dr. Kousseff's

2136negligence, the Estradas have incurred, and will continue to

2145incur, extraordinary expenses in caring for Caleb, whose

2153significant impairments render him permanently incapable of

2160caring for himself. The Clai mants urge that a claim bill be

2172enacted awarding them the entire excess judgment of

2180$20,997,700, together with $26,994.87 in costs, and

2190approximately $3.8 million in interest. (The claim for interest


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2212is based on an argument concerning the availability o f

2222insurance coverage, which will be discussed below.)

2229RESPONDENT'S ARGUMENTS: USF does not dispute that Dr. Kousseff was negligent in

2241failing to diagnose Aiden with SLO and advising the

2250Estradas that Aiden's birth defects did not signify an

2259increased ri sk that a second child would be similarly

2269impaired. Instead, USF makes a number of arguments, the

2278goal of which is to urge defeat of the bill primarily on policy

2291grounds. These arguments include:

2295(a) "Wrongful birth" is a rare and controversial cause of

2305action. Dr. Kousseff's negligence did not cause Caleb's birth

2314defects. Caleb's life is not "wrongful" and, though caring for

2324him poses challenges, his parents love him and are enriched

2334by his existence. Sovereign immunity should not be waived

2343to prov ide compensation in a situation where, as here, a

2354human being would not be in existence but for the

2364negligence of the public employee.

2369(b) The verdict was excessive. The pain and suffering

2378damages awarded to the parents individually far exceeded a

2387ratio nal assessment of their suffering. Moreover, the

2395continuum of care plan for Caleb that the Claimants offered

2405at trial was full of services that either Caleb does not need or

2418will be paid for by insurance or through governmental

2427programs such as the educat ional services available in the

2437public schools. Not only that, the Claimants' continuum of

2446care plan was based on a normal life expectancy, when a

2457lifespan of 20 or 30 years is more likely. The damages

2468should not have exceeded $3 million.

2474(c) Dr. Polla ck's negligence was a supervening cause of the

"2485wrongful birth." The jury should have found her 100 percent

2495liable Ï or at least much more at fault than 10 percent.

2507Ultimately, it is USF's position that there is no compelling

2517reason to enact the instant cl aim bill, which should be

2528rejected in its entirety.

2532CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: As provided in s. 768.28, F lorida Statutes (2010), sovereign

2545immunity shields USF against tort liability in excess of

2554$200,000 per occurrence. See Eldred v. North Broward

2563Hospital District , 498 So. 2d 911, 914 (Fla. 1986); Paushter

2573v. South Broward


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2589Hospital District , 664 So. 2d 1032, 1033 (Fla. 4th DCA


2600Under the doctrine of respondeat superior, USF is

2608vicariously liable for the negligent acts of its agents and

2618employees, when such acts are within the course and scope

2628of the agency or employment. See Roessler v. Novak , 858

2638So. 2d 1158, 1161 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003). Dr. Kousseff was an

2650employee of USF and was acting in the course and scope of

2662his employment when treating Aiden Estrada. Accordingly,

2669Dr. Kousseff's negligence in connection with his care of

2678Aiden, including the bad advice given to the Estradas

2687regarding the risk of recurrence, is attributable to USF.

2696The Florida Supreme Court, in Kush v. Lloyd , 616 So. 2d

2707415 (F la. 1992), recognized the existence of a cause of

2718action for "wrongful birth," explaining that the claim is "a

2728species of medical malpractice" arising from the birth of "an

2738impaired or deformed child," where the parents allege that

"2747negligent treatment or advice deprived them of the

2755opportunity or knowledge to avoid conception or to terminate

2764the pregnancy." Id. at 417 n.2. The purpose of such an

2775action is to "recover damages for the extraordinary expense

2784of caring for the impaired or deformed child, over and above

2795routine rearing expenses." Id. Such damages, being for the

2804benefit of the child, should be placed in trust. Id. at 424. In

2817addition to economic damages, the parents in a "wrongful

2826birth" action are entitled to recover individually for "menta l

2836anguish caused by the birth of a deformed child." Id. at 422 -


2850The facts of this case are similar to those of Kush , where, as

2863here, the doctor advised parents that their son's birth defects

2873were an accident of nature and that they could have another

2884child without incident. Id. at 417. The parents in Kush , as

2895the Estradas did in this case, subsequently had another

2904child, who had the same birth defects as their first child. Id.

2916It is concluded based on Kush that Dr. Kousseff's negligence

2926proximately caused the "wrongful birth" of Caleb Estrada, for

2935which USF is liable.

2939Generally speaking, each joint tortfeasor whose negligence

2946was a proximate cause of the plaintiff's injury is liable for his


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2971or her share of the damages, under comparative fault

2980princ iples. In this case, the jury apportioned the fault

2990between Dr. Kousseff, whose employer the Estradas had

2998sued, and Dr. Pollack, whom the defendant had named as a

3009joint tortfeasor pursuant to a Fabre defense. See Fabre v.

3019Marin , 623 So. 2d 1182 (Fla. 199 3). USF, recall, was found

3031by the jury to have been 90 percent at fault, due to the

3044actions of Dr. Kousseff, and Dr. Pollack 10 percent at fault.

3055A negligent party is not liable for someone else's injury,

3065however, if a separate force or action was "the active and

3076efficient intervening cause, the sole proximate cause or an

3085independent cause." Department of Transp. v. Anglin , 502

3093So. 2d 896, 898 (Fla. 1987). Such a superve ning act of

3105negligence so completely disrupts the chain of events set in

3115train by the original tortfeasor's conduct that any negligence

3124which occurred before the supervening act is considered too

3133remote to be the proximate cause of any injury resulting fro m

3145the supervening act. On the other hand, if the intervening

3155cause were foreseeable, which is a question of fact for the

3166trier to decide, then the original negligent party may be held

3177liable. Id. In circumstances involving a foreseeable

3184intervening caus e, the original tortfeasor sometimes is said

3193to have "set in motion" the "chain of events" that resulted in

3205the plaintiff's injury. See Gibson v. Avis Rent - a - Car System,

3218Inc. , 386 So. 2d 520, 522 (Fla. 1980).

3226The undersigned rejects USF's argument that D r. Pollack's

3235negligence constituted a supervening act that relieved USF

3243of liability for Dr. Kousseff's negligence. Although Dr.

3251Pollack's negligence occurred after Dr. Kousseff's initial

3258failure to diagnose Aiden with SLO, it took place before Dr.

3269Kousse ff gave the Estradas the green light to have another

3280child. Had Dr. Kousseff not given the Estradas the bad

3290advice regarding the risk of recurrence, Dr. Pollack's

3298negligence would have caused no harm, for the Estradas

3307were not going to have another child absent assurance that

3317they could do so without incident. At most, Dr. Pollack's

3327negligence combined with that of Dr. Kousseff to cause a

3337single injury, namely the "wrongful birth" of Caleb. This is

3347how the case was presented Ï correctly, in the undersigned 's

3358view Ï to the jury, whose apportionment of the fault was

3369reasonable and has been accepted herein as a finding of



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3393The Estradas offered sufficient evidence to prove the

3401elements of damages available under Kush , both economic

3409and noneconomic. The tr ial court, in entering the final

3419judgment, appropriately reduced the damages by 10

3426percent, according to comparative fault principles, to relieve

3434USF of any liability for Dr. Pollack's negligence. The

3443undersigned concludes that the damages awarded in the

3451final judgment are supported both by the evidence presented

3460and the governing law.

3464LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: This is the second year that this claim has been presented to

3478the Florida Legislature.

3481ATTORNEY ' S FEES: Section 768.28(8), Florida Statutes, provides that "[n] o

3493attorney may charge, demand, receive, or collect, for

3501services rendered, fees in excess of 25 percent of any

3511judgment or settlement." The Claimants' law firm, Searcy

3519Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, P.A., has agreed to limit

3529its fees to 25 percent of the recovery.

3537The Claimants' attorneys represent that they have incurred

3545approximately $2 15 ,000 in litigation costs. They state that

3555the net proceeds to be distributed to the Estradas "will be

3566reduced by " these costs. As written, how ever, the claim bil l

3578would not permit this because it provides that the "total

3588amount paid for attorney's fees, lobbying fees, costs, and

3597other similar expenses relating to the adoption of this act

3607may not exceed 25 percent of the total amount awarded

3617unde r this act ." The attorney's fees alone (at 25 percent of

3630the recovery) would reach the cap.

3636Unless amended, therefore, the bill would not allow the

3645Claimants' attorneys to charge a fee of 25 percent of the

3656gross recovery and, in addition to that, be reimbursed for

3666costs out of the bill's proceeds . The undersigned does not

3677recommend that the bill be amended.

3683SPECIAL ISSUES: Noneconomic Damages

3687With regard to the noneconomic damages awarded to the

3696Estradas individually for mental anguish, section 766.118(2),

3703Florida Statutes, should be considered. This statute places

3711a limit of $500,000 per claimant on the noneconomic

3721damages recoverable in a medical malpractice case.

3728Section 766.118(7), however, provides that this cap is not


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3750applicable to action s governed by sovereign immunity law.

3759Presumably the rationale for excluding actions governed by

3767section 768.28, Florida Statutes, from the limitation on

3775noneconomic damages imposed under section 766.118 is

3782that the sovereign immunity cap of $100,000 per person is

3793lower than the $500,000 cap prescribed in section 766.118.

3803In enacting a claim bill, the legislature, of course, can reduce

3814an excess judgment in any way it sees fit. Because it would

3826seemingly be anomalous for a claimant to be allowed to

3836recov er more in noneconomic damages from a

3844governmental entity, via a claim bill, than otherwise would be

3854allowable in a suit against a private defendant, the

3863undersigned recommends that, if this claim bill is approved,

3872the Estradas' respective individual recov eries be reduced,

3880from $2.25 million apiece, to $500,000 per person. This

3890would reduce the excess judgment amount by $3.5 million.


3900USF has a self - insurance program that might p rovide

3911coverage for this loss. The underlying coverage of up to $3

3922m illion per incident was provided by University of South

3932Florida Health Scie nces Center Insurance Company

3939(HSCIC ) pursuant to a policy that was not provided to the

3951Senate Special Master. In addition to the HSCIC policy,

3960there are two stand - alone excess poli ces, which are

3971reinsured through Lloyd's, providing additional layers of

3978coverage above $3 million, with limits of $5 million and $10

3989million, respectively. The excess policies, which were

3996admitted into evidence in this proceeding, are "follow form"

4005polici es, meaning that their terms and conditions mirror

4014t hose of the underlying policy. Thus, although USF did not

4025produce a copy of the primary policy, it is possible to

4036deduce, from the excess policies, the outlines of the

4045underlying coverage, if not all the details thereof.

4053The HSCIC coverage is limited to $200,000 per incident

4063when sovere ign immunity applies, as here. If a claim bill

4074were enacted and signed by the governor, however, then the

4084$3 mil lion limit would be activated. (The Claimants' attorneys

4094arg ue that this insurance also would cover prejudgment

4103interest, which is why they urge that nearly $4 million in

4114interest be add ed to the amount of the claim. Given that

4126section 768.28 (5) e xcludes punitive damages and

4134prejudgment interest from the liability that can attach to the


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4157state and its agencies for tort claims, an award for

4167prejudgment interest is probably inappropriate, if not

4174prohibited.) In theory, then, there is potentially available $18

4183million in liability insurance for this loss, excluding

4191pre judgment interest, as suming a claim bill is passed. The

4202Claimants' attorneys argue, moreover, that the entire

4209judgment ultimately would be covered because the insurers

4217acted in bad faith.

4221As filed, Senate Bill 18 provides as follows:

4229The sum of $24,823,212.92 shall be paid by

4239the University of South Florida, provided the

4246claim is paid exclusively, or at least to the

4255maximum extent possible, out of insurance

4261proceeds, including any bad faith claim that

4268may exist against Lloyds of London under state


4277The Senate Special Master was not provided sufficient

4285information to make detailed findings or conclusions

4292regarding insurance coverage, and in any event such

4300determinations are beyond the scope of the Master's

4308delegated authority. On its face, moreover , although the

4316claim bill appears to minimize the possibility that public funds

4326would be used to pay the $25 million obligation it creates,

4337the bill does not preclude such from happening, and indeed

4347would require that the entire claim be paid out of publi c funds

4360if no insurance recovery ever materialized .

4367Consequently , the undersigned must recommend against

4373the enactment of this bill, not because the claim lacks merit,

4384but because if t his bill were to pass, a huge sum of public

4398money would be placed at risk, at a time when the state is

4411facing a multi - billion dollar budget shortfall.

4419RECOMMENDATIONS: For the reasons set forth above, I recommend that Senate

4430Bill 18 (2011) be reported UNFAVORABLY.


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4449Respectfully submitted,

4451John G. Van Laningham

4455Senate Special Master

4458cc: Senator Dennis L. Jones

4463R. Philip Twogood , Secretary of the Senate

4470Counsel of Record

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Date: 05/20/2011
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 05/09/2011
Proceedings: End of 2011 Regular Session. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/01/2011
Proceedings: Other
Date: 02/01/2011
Proceedings: Special Master's Final Report released (transmitted to Senate President [February 18, 2011])
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Affidavit of John A. Shipley (with cost print out and proof of publication) filed.
Date: 11/24/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Special Master John Van Laningham and Tom Thomas from John Shipley regarding updated information filed.
Date: 11/17/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Mr. T Thomas and Special Master Van Laningham from R. Pitcher regarding an extension filed.
Date: 11/05/2010
Proceedings: Letter to Counsel from T. Thomas requesting updated information.
Date: 10/22/2010
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Judge Vanlaningham.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: One-Volume Document Book filed in 09-4170CB (document book not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: (University of South Florida's) Two-Volume Notice of Filing Document Book in DOAH 09-4170CB (document book not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Two-Volume Supplemental Document Book filed in 09-4170CB (document books not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: DOAH Case File 09-4170CB (available for viewing under 09-4170CB) filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Senate Bill 18 filed.
Date: 10/05/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Contract Hearings


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):