10-010089TTS Manatee County School Board vs. Joyce Taylor
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, February 25, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner established just cause to terminate Petitioner's employmnet based on her failure to report suspected child abuse and her disclosure to suspected abuser of the identity of the person who did report it.





14Petitioner , )


17vs. ) Case No. 10 - 10089




29Respondent . )



35Pursuant to notice , a final hearing was held in this case

46on January 25, 2011, in Bradenton, Florida, before

54Administrative Law Judge Elizabeth W. McArthur of the Division

63of Administrative Hearings.


67For Petitioner: Scott A. Martin, Esquire

73Manatee Coun ty School Board

78Post Office Box 9069

82Bradenton, Florida 34206

85For Respondent: Peter J. Lombardo, Esquire

91Law Office of Peter Lombardo

961101 Sixth Avenue West, Suite 204

102Bradenton, Florida 34205


110The issue in this case is whether Petitioner has just cause

121to terminate Respondent's employment.


127By letter dated October 4, 2010, the s uperintendent of

137Schools for Manatee County, Tim McGonegal (Superintendent),

144notified Joyce Taylor (Ms. Taylor or Respondent) that he

153intended to recommend her termination from employment as a

162cafeteria manager for the reasons set forth in an Administrative

172Complaint served with the letter. The Administrative Complaint,

180issued by the Manatee Cou nty School Board (School Board or

191Petitioner), alleged that Respondent failed to immediately

198report suspected abuse of a student; Respondent violated the

207confidentiality of a person working under Respondent's

214supervision who did report the suspected abuse of the student;

224and Respondent failed to fully cooperate with the investigation

233of these matters in violation of several cited statutes and

243rules. The Administrative Complaint asserted that these alleged

251violations provided just cause to terminate Respond ent's


260Respondent timely requested an administrative hearing to

267contest the allegations in the Administrative Complaint. The

275case was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings

284for assignment of an Administrative Law Judge to conduct the

294hearing requested by Respondent.

298At a School Board meeting at which Respondent appeared, the

308School Board determined that Respondent would be suspended

316without pay pending the outcome of the administrative hearing.

325Respondent's suspension without pay began on October 26, 2010.

334Prior to the final hearing, the parties entered into a

344Joint Prehearing Stipulation in which they stipulated to several

353facts and legal conclusions. The parties' stipulations have

361been incorporated into this Recommended O rder to the extent


372At the final hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

381Beth Haisley, Monique Rhodes, Debra Horne, Tim McGonegal, Rusty

390Moore, and Respondent. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 and 2 were

399received into evidence. Respondent testifi ed on her own behalf

409and also presented the testimony of Betty Farlow - Greene, Scott

420Taylor, and Mary Jane Cardarelle - Hermans. Respondent's

428Exhibits 1 through 13 were received into evidence.

436The final hearing was recorded, but neither party arranged

445for a court reporter or transcript of the final hearing.

455Petitioner timely filed its Proposed Recommended Order, and

463Respondent timely filed a Proposed Order and Argument. These

472post - hearing submissions have been considered in the preparation

482of this Recommen ded Order.


4901. Respondent has been employed by the School Board as a

501cafeteria manager at Lee Middle School. She was hired on

511August 17, 2009, at the beginning of the school year. In just

523over one year of employment, Respondent has no disciplinary

532history and has one adequate performance evaluation.

5392. In her managerial position, Respondent supervises

546several other employees who work in the cafeteria, including

555Beth Haisley (Ms. Haisley) and Monique Rhodes (Ms. Rhodes).

564Ms. Taylor's immediate supervisor is Ryan Beaman (Mr. Beaman),

573and Mr. Beaman's supervisor is food service specialist , Rusty

582Moore (Mr. Moore). Mr. Moore reports to Sandy Ford, who is the

594director of the food services department.

6003. Near the end of the 2009 - 2010 sc hool year, Ms. Rhodes

614was having some troubles with her foster daughter, who is known

625as "T." T., a 14 - year - old student at Lincoln Middle School, was

640apparently caught having sex with an 18 - year - old man.

652Ms. Rhodes kept T. out of school for several days and brought T.

665to work with her at the Lee Middle School cafeteria, where T.

677was permitted by Ms. Taylor to do some work as a volunteer.

6894. Because of the troubles Ms. Rhodes was having with T.,

700Ms. Taylor offered to keep T. at her home over the Memorial Day

713weekend, and Ms. Rhodes agreed.

7185. While Ms. Taylor was helping T. put on a pair of

730earrings, she noticed a scar on T.'s neck. Ms. Taylor asked T.

742what had happened, and T. responded that her mother beat her.

7536. Ms. Taylor said that T. told her that T. had spoken to

766her counselor about it and that the counselor had taken care of

778it. Ms. Taylor did not know whether T. was referring to a

790school counselor or some other kind of counselor; Ms. Taylor did

801not ask T. anything more about it.

8087. On th e Monday after the Memorial Day weekend

818Ms. Taylor sought out Ms. Haisley the first thing that morning

829to tell Ms. Haisley about T.'s scar and about Ms. Taylor's

840conversation with T. about how it happened. Ms. Taylor also

850told Ms. Haisley that at the end of the weekend, T. got upset

863and was crying when it was time to leave to go back home to

877Ms. Rhodes.

8798. Ms. Haisley asked Ms. Taylor if she was going to call

891the Child Protective Services (CPS) hotline to report the

900matter. Ms. Taylor responded that she was not sure that she

911wanted to call, because she was afraid of Ms. Rhodes.

9219. Ms. Haisley followed up a few days later, calling

931Ms. Taylor and asking her again about calling the CPS hotline to

943report what she had observed and what T. had said. Ms. Taylor

955said she still had not decided whether she would call and that

967she would discuss it with her husband. Ms. Haisley expressed

977her concern to Ms. Taylor and told her that if Ms. Taylor did

990not make the call, she (Ms. Haisley) might have to.

100010. Ms. Taylor never did place a call to the CPS hotline

1012to report the suspected abuse of T.

101911. In none of the con v er s ations between Ms. Haisley and

1033Ms. Taylor did Ms. Taylor ever say that she did not have a

1046reasonable suspicion that T. may have been abused b y Ms. Rhodes.

1058Ms. Taylor never told Ms. Haisley that it was unnecessary or

1069inappropriate to call the CPS hotline because the circumstances

1078did not warrant a call.

108312. The greater weight of the credible evidence is that

1093Ms. Taylor had a reasonable suspi cion that T. may have been

1105abused by Ms. Rhodes, but did not call the CPS hotline for the

1118sole reason that she was afraid to accuse Ms. Rhodes.

112813. In approximately the second week of June, after

1137Ms. Haisley tried twice but could not get Ms. Taylor to say she

1150was going to call the CPS hotline, Ms. Haisley called the CPS

1162hotline herself. Like Ms. Taylor, Ms. Haisley was concerned

1171about making the call and sought immediate assurance from the

1181hotline counselor that Ms. Haisley's identity would be kept

1190confid ential. Ms. Haisley told no one about the call, not even

1202her husband.

120414. Ms. Haisley did not call the CPS hotline sooner

1214because she thought that it was Ms. Taylor's obligation to call ,

1225and Ms. Haisley hoped that Ms. Taylor would follow through.

123515. Bo th Ms. Haisley and Ms. Taylor were made aware of the

1248obligation to report suspected child abuse, as this obligation

1257ha d been a priority and point of emphasis by the School Board.

1270The obligation is codified in a School Board rule in the Policy

1282and Procedur e Manual applicable to School Board personnel. In

1292addition, the subject is emphasized in employee training

1300sessions, seminars, and meetings. For example, Ms. Haisley

1308described a meeting in October 2009 attended by both Ms. Haisley

1319and Ms. Taylor, at whic h the Lee Middle School principal, Scot

1331Boice, spoke of the CPS hotline and the obligation to call and

1343report suspected child abuse of any student. Flyers were handed

1353out at this meeting to repeat the message, providing the hotline

1364number , and emphasizing that calls were confidential.

1371Ms. Taylor confirmed that she was at this meeting and received a

1383flyer. Although Ms. Taylor first stated that there was no

1393discussion about the obligation to report suspected abuse to the

1403CPS hotline, she later admitted tha t the subject was


141416. After Ms. Haisley called the CPS hotline to report the

1425suspected abuse of T., as it had been described to her by

1437Respondent, CPS conducted an investigation of Ms. Rhodes and T.

1447They examined the mark on T.'s neck, and bo th T. and Ms. Rhodes

1461claimed to not know how it got there. Ms. Rhodes guessed that

1473T. may have gotten the mark when T. had the sexual encounter

1485with the 18 - year - old in the spring of 2010, suggesting that the

1500mark appeared to be recent.

150517. Ms. Rhodes was incensed by the investigation and

1514immediately jumped to the conclusion that Ms. Taylor must have

1524called the CPS hotline, because T. had just spent the weekend

1535with Ms. Taylor. Ms. Rhodes called Ms. Taylor, and in a

1546profanity - laced tirade, accused Ms. Tayl or of calling CPS.

1557Ms. Rhodes wanted to know how Ms. Taylor could do that when they

1570were friends. Respondent denied having made the call to the CPS

1581hotline, but Ms. Rhodes did not believe her.

158918. Ms. Taylor testified that she felt threatened by

1598Ms. Rhod es' call. At the final hearing, Ms. Taylor testified

1609that Ms. Rhodes said she would "kick her ass"; during the School

1621Board's investigation, Ms. Taylor only said that Ms. Rhodes

1630threatened to get back at Ms. Taylor for having called the CPS

1642hotline. At t he final hearing, Ms. Rhodes acknowledged that she

1653was angry and hurt and that she thoroughly "cussed out"

1663Ms. Taylor, but Ms. Rhodes adamantly denied having made any

1673threats to Ms. Taylor, physical or otherwise.

168019. Ms. Taylor admitted that after the phon e call, she

1691embarked on a campaign to find out who had placed the call to

1704the CPS hotline and that she was determined to figure out who

1716had made the call.

172020. The first call Ms. Taylor made was to Ms. Haisley, who

1732had told Ms. Taylor that she might have to call the hotline if

1745Ms. Taylor would not make the call. Ms. Taylor asked

1755Ms. Haisley if she called the CPS hotline, and Ms. Haisley at

1767first asked, "What if I did?" Ms. Taylor then told Ms. Haisley

1779about Ms. Rhodes' profanity - laden accusations to Ms. Taylor.

1789Ultimately, Ms. Haisley admitted that she had called the CPS

1799hotline to report what Ms. Taylor had told her about T.

1810Ms. Haisley credibly testified that she disclosed this

1818information to Ms. Taylor at least, in part, because Ms. Taylor

1829was her su pervisor, and Ms. Haisley felt obliged to answer her

1841supervisor's questions truthfully. Although Ms. Haisley did not

1849expressly demand that Ms. Taylor keep this information

1857confidential, Ms. Haisley believed that Ms. Taylor would not

1866disclose the informati on to others, least of all to the

1877suspected abuser.

187921. Shortly thereafter, Respondent called Ms. Haisley

1886again. This time, Respondent told Ms. Haisley that she needed

1896to call Mr. Moore to tell him that Ms. Haisley, not Ms. Taylor,

1909had called the CPS hotl ine to report suspected abuse by

1920Ms. Rhodes. Ms. Haisley attempted to comply with what her

1930supervisor asked. Ms. Haisley spoke to Mr. Moore on the phone

1941and started to tell him what Ms. Taylor wanted her to tell him,

1954but Mr. Moore cut off Ms. Haisley whe n she mentioned the CPS

1967hotline and said he did not want to hear about it, because it

1980was confidential.

198222. The evidence was unclear regarding what prompted

1990Ms. Taylor to try to get Ms. Haisley to disclose this

2001information to Mr. Moore . According to Ms. T aylor, she knew

2013that Ms. Rhodes had a meeting scheduled with Mr. Moore, and

2024Ms. Taylor assumed that the meeting was about the CPS hotline

2035call. Ms. Taylor was mistaken. The meeting was to address

2045problems with Ms. Rhodes' job performance. Mr. Moore admo nished

2055Ms. Rhodes to be a better worker for Ms. Taylor, and he told

2068Ms. Rhodes to talk to Ms. Taylor over the summer to apologize

2080and clear the air. Mr. Moore and Ms. Rhodes testified

2090consistently that the subject of the CPS hotline call and

2100investigation did not come up at this meeting.

210823. Over the summer, Ms. Rhodes tried to call Ms. Taylor,

2119as suggested by Mr. Moore. When Ms. Rhodes could not reach

2130Ms. Taylor on the phone, she had her cousin , Betty , contact

2141Ms. Taylor to coordinate a meeting at a Taco Bell. At the Taco

2154Bell meeting, Ms. Taylor, who by then had succeeded in her

2165campaign to find out who had called the CPS hotline, brought up

2177the subject and disclosed to Ms. Rhodes that Ms. Haisley was the

2189one who called the CPS hotline.

219524. At the final hearing, Ms. Taylor testified that it was

2206Ms. Rhodes, not Ms. Taylor, who named Ms. Haisley as the one who

2219called the CPS hotline and that Ms. Taylor only said in response

2231that she would not deny that it was Ms. Haisley who called the

2244CPS hotline. Ms. Ta ylor's testimony that she was not the one

2256who first identified Ms. Haisley was not credible. Ms. Rhodes

2266credibly testified that Ms. Taylor was the one to name

2276Ms. Haisley as the hotline caller. Ms. Rhodes' cousin, Betty,

2286who was there at the beginning of the meeting, confirmed that

2297Ms. Taylor was the one who first named Ms. Haisley. The greater

2309weight of the credible evidence establishes that Ms. Taylor

2318purposely disclosed Ms. Haisley's identity as the CPS hotline

2327caller to Ms. Rhodes.

233125. Ms. Taylor tes tified that at the Taco Bell meeting,

2342after Ms. Rhodes came to understand that it was Ms. Haisley who

2354had called the CPS hotline, Ms. Rhodes began threatening

2363Ms. Haisley, saying she was "gunning for" Ms. Haisley. In other

2374words, according to Ms. Taylor, Ms. Rhodes redirected to

2383Ms. Haisley the sort of threatening remarks she had made to

2394Ms. Taylor in the profanity - laced phone call earlier in the

2406summer. Yet, Ms. Taylor did not say that Ms. Rhodes had been

2418threatening her at the Taco Bell meeting before M s. Taylor

2429disclosed that Ms. Haisley was the real CPS caller. Instead,

2439Ms. Taylor described the meeting, before she named Ms. Haisley,

2449as calm and relaxed, with Ms. Taylor and Ms. Rhodes engaging in

2461chit - chat. Perhaps because Ms. Rhodes was ultimately cl eared of

2473any wrongdoing in the CPS investigation, she had calmed down

2483about it. According to Ms. Rhodes, the only thing she told

2494Ms. Taylor in reaction to learning it was Ms. Haisley who had

2506made the call to CPS was that Ms. Rhodes would have "zero

2518tolera nce" for Ms. Haisley - Î that Ms. Rhodes was "done with her."

253226. Ms. Taylor claims to have been "shocked" and

"2541dumbfounded" by the threats Ms. Rhodes allegedly directed to

2550Ms. Haisley. As a result, in August, shortly before school

2560started, Ms. Taylor called Ms. Haisley to let her know that

2571Ms. Taylor had disclosed her identity as the CPS hotline caller

2582to Ms. Rhodes and to warn her that Ms. Rhodes said she was

"2595gunning for" for Ms. Haisley. Ms. Haisley felt "thrown under

2605the bus" by her supervisor and was v ery fearful because of the

2618threats described by Ms. Taylor.

262327. After school started in August 2010, work relations in

2633the cafeteria were very strained. Ms. Rhodes would not talk to

2644Ms. Haisley in keeping with her "zero tolerance" approach.

2653Things were a lso very tense between Ms. Haisley and her

2664supervisor. Respondent repeatedly criticized Ms. Haisley for

2671having called the CPS hotline, saying both Respondent and

2680Ms. Haisley would be fired because of it.

268828. Ms. Haisley called Mr. Moore to request a meeti ng to

2700discuss the situation because of the emotional pressure placed

2709on her. A meeting was held between Ms. Haisley, Mr. Moore, and

2721food services director , Sandy Ford. Ms. Haisley described the

2730circumstances that led to her calling the CPS hotline; the

2740p ressure from Ms. Taylor to tell her that Ms. Haisley had called

2753the hotline; Ms. Taylor's disclosure to Ms. Rhodes that

2762Ms. Haisley called the hotline; and Ms. Rhodes' threats, as

2772described by Ms. Taylor. Mr. Moore told Ms. Haisley that by

2783admitting that she had called CPS, that information was no

2793longer confidential. Ms. Haisley responded that she had nothing

2802to lose, because Ms. Rhodes already knew that Ms. Haisley

2812called CPS.

281429. Immediately after this meeting, Mr. Moore contacted

2822the School Board's Of fice of Professional Standards (OPS) to

2832investigate the alleged threats made by Ms. Rhodes 1 / and to

2844investigate Ms. Taylor's failure to call the CPS hotline and

2854disclosure to the suspected abuser of the identity of the person

2865who had called the CPS hotline .

287230. Respondent was placed on paid administrative leave

2880pending the School Board's investigation into this matter. As a

2890result of the investigation, the action on the investigation by

2900a panel of persons in Respondent's chain of command and the

2911concurrenc e of the s uperintendent with the chain - of - command

2924panel's recommendation, the Administrative Complaint was

2930prepared. Following service of the Administrative Complaint on

2938Respondent and her election to contest the allegations in an

2948administrative hearing, the School Board voted to suspend

2956Respondent without pay as of October 26, 2010, pending the

2966outcome of the administrative hearing.

297131. The charges in the Administrative Complaint are

2979primarily based on Ms. Taylor's failure to call the CPS hotline

2990to repor t her reasonable suspicion of child abuse and also on

3002Ms. Taylor's disclosure of Ms. Haisley's identity as the hotline

3012caller to the suspected abuser.

301732. Ms. Taylor offered an assortment of explanations for

3026not calling the CPS hotline. The explanations a re somewhat

3036inconsistent with each other and some of the explanations were

3046not provided by Ms. Taylor during the investigation. Ms. Taylor

3056claimed that the scar she observed did not give rise to a

3068reasonable suspicion of child abuse; or that she had in th e past

3081reported more severe signs of child abuse to CPS, which did not

3093pursue an investigation (suggesting that she should be excused

3102from reporting anything but very severe signs of child abuse

3112because she could assume CPS would do nothing again); or that

3123because T. said that she told a counselor all about it and the

3136counselor had taken care of it, whatever child abuse may have

3147occurred had been handled by someone else; or that because T.

3158said that her mom beat her, and Ms. Taylor knew that T. did not

3172refe r to her foster mother as "mom," T. must have meant her

3185biological mother and must have been referring to a long - past


319833. Ms. Taylor's explanations are not credible. The scar

3207that Ms. Taylor observed on T.'s neck was at least significant

3218enough to cause Ms. Taylor to ask T. how she got the scar. When

3232T. responded that it was from where her mother beating her, it

3244defies credibility that Ms. Taylor would have simply accepted

3253that statement and assumed, without asking, that T. was talking

3263about a long - past incident involving her biological mother.

3273T.'s response, standing alone, is a clear indication of abuse,

3283leaving only the questions of when and by which "mother" -- years

3295ago by the biological mother or within the past few years by the

3308foster mot her? These questions were neither asked nor answered.

3318T.'s statement, standing alone, created at least a reasonable

3327suspicion of child abuse by the foster mother with whom T. had

3339been living for the past several years.

334634. Ms. Taylor's alternative expla nation that she did not

3356think she needed to call the CPS hotline because T. stated that

3368she had told a counselor and the counselor took care of it , is

3381an inadequate rationale for not calling the CPS hotline. First,

3391there was insufficient information to pr ovide the reassurance

3400that Ms. Taylor claimed to have drawn from T.'s statements.

3410What kind of counselor did T. talk to, when did this occur, and

3423what was the resolution? But more importantly, this explanation

3432appears to acknowledge that there was a repo rtable incident. As

3443such, the fact that someone else may have also reported it or

3455may have done something to "take care of it," does not excuse

3467Ms. Taylor from reporting what she observed and what she was

3478told by T. to the CPS hotline.

34853 5 . Ms. Taylor's e xplanations do not square with

3496Ms. Haisley's testimony regarding Ms. Taylor's actions in the

3505days and weeks following Ms. Taylor's Memorial Day weekend

3514with T. Ms. Haisley credibly testified that first thing on

3524Monday morning, Ms. Taylor brought up the in cident, telling

3534Ms. Haisley about T.'s scar and T.'s statement that her mother

3545beat her, and also, about T. getting upset at the end of the

3558weekend when it was time to go home to Ms. Rhodes. Ms. Haisley

3571was left with the impression that Ms. Taylor was con cerned

3582about T. and suspected child abuse by her foster mother, an

3593impression that was reasonable under the circumstances.

36003 6 . Ms. Taylor attempted to refute Ms. Haisley's testimony

3611about the Monday morning conversation. Ms. Taylor testified

3619that she did not bring up the incident, but rather Ms. Haisley

3631was asking her questions, and she answered the questions by

3641mentioning the scar and T.'s statement that her mother beat her.

3652Ms. Taylor testified that the conversation was just a casual,

3662every - day convers ation, but she could not remember what

3673questions were asked that would have caused her to casually

3683refer to a scar and to T.'s explanation for the scar that her

3696mother beat her. But a scar caused by being beaten by one's

3708mother is not the stuff of casual, every - day conversations; it

3720is difficult to imagine a casual, every - day conversation in

3731which a question would elicit such a response.

37393 7 . When Ms. Taylor was investigated by the School Board,

3751she described the Monday morning conversation with Ms. Haisle y


3762After Memorial Day Weekend, Beth [Haisley]

3768asked me a direct question. . . Beth asked,

"3777Do you know anything about Monique, her

3784children, or abuse?" Beth also said that

3791she heard 'stuff' in the cafeteria worker's

3798lounge during lunchtime. Beth told me the

3805conversations disturbed her and that the

3811conversations were in regard to Monique. . .

3819I told Beth that I saw a mark on [T's] neck.

3830. . . I told Beth that I asked the child

3841what happened. The child told me her mom

3849beat her. The child sai d that she had told

3859her counselor this and the counselor took

3866care of it.

3869This version, given by Ms. Taylor at an interview on August 25,

38812010, refutes the notion that Ms. Taylor did not associate the

3892scar or T.'s statement that her mom beat her , with T.' s foster

3905mother, Monique Rhodes.

39083 8 . Ms. Taylor attempted to excuse her disclosure of

3919Ms. Haisley's identity to the suspected abuser by asserting that

3929Ms. Haisley volunteered her identity to Ms. Taylor as the

3939hotline caller and never told Ms. Taylor to ke ep that

3950information confidential. Ms. Haisley's ultimate admission to

3957her supervisor, who pressed her for the information, was not

3967truly voluntary. Even though Ms. Haisley did not express to

3977Ms. Taylor that the disclosure was for Ms. Taylor only and

3988shou ld be kept confidential, that condition should have gone

3998without saying under the circumstances. Ms. Haisley certainly

4006never gave Ms. Taylor permission to disclose her identity as the

4017CPS caller to anyone else, least of all to the suspected abuser.

402939 . Ms. Taylor also seems to argue that her disclosure to

4041Ms. Rhodes was justified because of Ms. Rhodes' threats to

4051Ms. Taylor. While Ms. Taylor may have subjectively felt

4060threatened by Ms. Rhodes, any fears she may have felt do not

4072excuse her actions in em barking on a campaign to redirect the

4084threats from herself to Ms. Haisley. Ms. Taylor knowingly and

4094intentionally threw her subordinate under the proverbial bus:

4102she admittedly made it her business to figure out who called the

4114CPS hotline; she wrangled th e information out of her

4124subordinate; and then she proceeded to turn that information

4133over to the person she thought would do harm as a result. And

4146yet, she inexplicably claimed to be "shocked" and "dumbfounded"

4155when Ms. Rhodes allegedly threatened Ms. Ha isley after

4164Ms. Taylor revealed who had made the call.

41724 0 . Inconsistencies, such as this, cast doubt on whether

4183there really were fear and threats, but regardless, even if

4193Ms. Taylor was legitimately concerned about threatening

4200behavior, that would be e ven more reason to take seriously the

4212reasonable suspicions with regard to T., a young girl under the

4223care of the supposedly threatening subject. Furthermore, fear

4231of threatening behavior should have caused a supervisor to

4240protect her subordinate, rather than take actions to redirect

4249whatever threats actually existed to the subordinate and away

4258from the supervisor. If Ms. Taylor's fears were genuine, the

4268only appropriate action would have been to bring the matter to

4279the attention of any and all supervisor y personnel in the school

4291system, and, if deemed necessary, law enforcement personnel.

42994 1 . Ms. Taylor claimed that she reported Ms. Rhodes'

4310threats to Mr. Moore, although she was confused about when that

4321was. The Administrative Complaint charges Ms. Tay lor with

4330providing misleading statements in the investigation on this

4338subject, but the evidence was inconclusive in this regard.

43474 2 . Ms. Taylor seems to argue that she only acted to

4360discover and disclose Ms. Haisley's identity as the CPS hotline

4370caller af ter Ms. Haisley reported the threats to Mr. Moore and

4382nothing was done. That argument is rejected as inconsistent

4391with the facts and insufficient to justify Ms. Taylor's actions.

4401Ms. Rhodes' profanity - laced call to Ms. Taylor occurred after

4412school was ou t for the summer. Ms. Taylor immediately embarked

4423on her campaign to identify the hotline caller and wrangled the

4434information out of Ms. Haisley. Ms. Taylor met with Ms. Rhodes

4445at Taco Bell and disclosed Ms. Haisley's identity as the hotline

4456caller, whil e school was still out for the summer. Ms. Taylor

4468obviously was not waiting around to see if anything would be

4479done through school channels about Ms. Rhodes.

44864 3 . Moreover, Mr. Moore was not Ms. Taylor's immediate

4497supervisor. No explanation was provided regarding why

4504Ms. Taylor did not report her claimed fears about Ms. Rhodes'

4515threatening behavior to her supervisor, Mr. Beaman, or to the

4525food services director, Sandy Ford, or to the school principal,

4535Scot Boice. 2 / Any and all of these actions would have been

4548proper responses to alleged threats; throwing one's subordinate

4556under the bus was not a proper or justifiable response.

45664 4 . The superintendent described the policy objectives at

4576issue in this case. He explained that the School Board takes

4587very seri ously its role, standing in loco parentis, to protect

4598and ensure the safety of Manatee County students. These policy

4608objectives are so strongly implicated when it comes to suspected

4618child abuse that the School Board adopted its own rule to

4629emphasize to it s employees that they are required to immediately

4640call the CPS hotline to report suspected child abuse, even

4650though Florida statutory law already imposes a similar


46594 5 . The superintendent was emphatic about the critical

4669importance of the School Board insisting that its employees

4678follow through on their obligation to report reasonable

4686suspicions of child abuse. He was equally emphatic about the

4696serious nat ure of Respondent's actions in not immediately

4705reporting suspected child abuse and then dis closing the identity

4715of her subordinate to the suspected abuser as the one who made

4727the call Respondent should have made.

47334 6 . Based on the extremely serious nature of these two

4745charged violations, the s uperintendent did not hesitate to

4754recommend the termi nation of Respondent's employment as the

4763appropriate disciplinary response. The absence of other

4770disciplinary problems during Ms. Taylor's brief tenure with the

4779School Board and her single adequate performance evaluation,

4787were not sufficiently weighty fac tors in her favor to overcome

4798the seriousness of the violations. The superintendent credibly

4806described how Ms. Taylor had done permanent harm to her ability

4817to effectively manage within the school system, by throwing a

4827subordinate under the bus and breach ing the confidentiality of a

4838CPS hotline call. If Ms. Taylor's actions were excused or

4848subject to a lesser penalty, there would be a chilling effect on

4860other employees following through on their obligation to report

4869suspected abuse, because employees woul d have no assurance that

4879their confidentiality would be honored and protected.


48894 7 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4898jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

4908proceeding. §§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat . (2010). 3/

49184 8 . In this proceeding, Petitioner seeks to terminate

4928Respondent's employment. Petitioner bears the burden of proof,

4936and the standard of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence.

4948McNeill v. Pinellas Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 678 So. 2d 476, 477 (Fl a. 2d

4962DCA 1996); Dileo v. Sch. Bd. of Dade Cnty. , 569 So. 2d 883 (Fla.

49763d DCA 1990).

497949 . The School Board has the authority to "operate,

4989control, and supervise all free public schools in their

4998respective districts and may exercise any power except as

5007expr essly prohibited by the State Constitution or general law."

5017§ 1001.32(2), Fla. Stat., implementing Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla.


50285 0 . Pursuant to section 1012.27(5), Florida Statutes, the

5038superintendent is authorized to recommend to the School Board

5047that a n employee of the School Board should be suspended or

5059dismissed from employment. The School Board, in turn, has the

5069authority to suspend or terminate School Board employees

5077pursuant to section 1012.22(1)(f).

50815 1 . Pursuant to School Board Policy 6.11, "ju st cause" is

5094the standard for disciplinary action against School Board

5102employees, including Respondent.

51055 2 . The School Board has discretion in setting standards

5116for what constitutes "just cause" for taking disciplinary action

5125against employees, includin g suspension or termination. See

5133Dietz v. Lee Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 647 So. 2d 217, 218 (Fla. 2d DCA

5147(1994) (Blue, J. concurring); see also § 1012.23(1) (authorizing

5156district school boards to adopt rules governing personnel

5164matters, except as otherwise provided by law or the State


51755 3 . Pursuant to School Board Polic y 6.11(1) and

51866.11(12)(c), just cause for termination from employment

5193includes, among other things, "misconduct in office, . . .

5203violation of the Policies and Procedures Manual of the S chool

5214District of Manatee County, violation of any applicable Florida

5223statute, [or] violation of the Code of Ethics and the Principles

5234of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida."

52435 4 . The Administrative Complaint charges Respondent wit h

5253violating sections 39.201 and 39.202, Florida Statutes, and

5261School Board Policy 5.2, relating to the obligations to report

5271suspected child abuse and to maintain confidentiality of the


52815 5 . Section 39.201 provides that any person who has

"5292reasona ble cause" to suspect child abuse is required to report

5303that suspicion to the central abuse hotline, by calling the

5313single statewide toll - free number that exists to field such

5324calls. Section 39.202 requires that the name of the person

5334making the call to t he hotline be kept confidential.

53445 6 . To underscore the importance of this statutory

5354obligation in the school setting, the School Board has adopted

5364its own rule emphasizing these obligations to its employees.

5373School Board Policy 5.2 provides in pertinent p art:

5382All school employees have a serious

5388affirmative duty to report suspected child


5395* * *

5398(1) Mandatory Duty to Report Suspected

5404Child Abuse

5406All employees or agents of the district

5413school board who have reasonable cause to

5420suspect abuse have an affirmative duty to

5427report it. . .

5431(2) Complaints of Child Abuse Reported to

5438an Employee

5440An employee receiving a complaint or report

5447of child abuse shall inquire of the

5454reporting party as to the details of his/her

5462concern but shall not investigate further.

5468If the employee has reasonable cause to

5475suspect that child abuse has occurred based

5482upon the description by the reporting party,

5489the employee must report.

5493* * *

5496(4) Employee Responsible for Reporting

5501It is the responsibility of the first

5508employee who has "reasonable cause" to

5514suspect abuse to report it to the hotline

5522and to do so immediately. It is

5529unacceptable and violation of the law to

5536simply report suspicions to any other

5542individual (including law enforcement or

5547your supervisor) and a sk or expect them to

5556make the report to the hotline. After

5563making a report, the school board employee

5570must inform the principal, supervisor, or

5576other building administrator. If the

5581suspected abuser is a district employee, the

5588supervisor of the reporter w ill notify

5595his/her director who will notify the Office

5602of Professional Standards.

5605* * *

5608(6) Penalties for Failure to Report

5614Any employee who is required to report and

5622fails to do so may be found guilty of a

5632misdemeanor . . . Failure to report chil d

5641abuse as required will also subject the

5648employee to disciplinary action.

5652(7) Duty to Cooperate with Investigations

5658Employees have a duty to cooperate with

5665investigations. . . Names of persons

5671reporting to the hotline will not be

5678disclosed without the ir permission.

56835 7 . Petitioner met its burden of proving, by a

5694preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent violated sections

570239.201 and 39.202 and School Board Policy 5.2, by not

5712immediately reporting suspected child abuse to the CPS hotline,

5721despite r easonable cause for doing so and by breaching the

5732confidentiality of Ms. Haisley and disclosing her identity to

5741the suspected abuser without Ms. Haisley's permission. Indeed,

5749under the School Board's Policy 5.2(4), Ms. Taylor's obligation,

5758upon learning t hat Ms. Haisley had called the hotline, was to

5770report the call to the food services director so that an OPS

5782investigation could be initiated. This is a limited reporting

5791obligation within defined reporting channels, and it plainly

5799does not negate the conf identiality that otherwise must be

5809honored and protected absent clear permission by the hotline


58195 8 . These violations of pertinent statutes and of a key

5831policy in the School Board's Policies and Procedure Manual are

5841sufficient in and of themselves to constitute "just cause" as

5851defined in School Board Policy 6.11.

58575 9 . The Administrative Complaint charges that these same

5867two violations also constituted misconduct in office. School

5875Board Policy 6.11 uses, but does not define "misconduct in

5885office." That phrase is defined for similar purposes in Florida

5895Administrative Code Rule 6B - 4.009(3), and that rule definition

5905is instructive. "Misconduct in office" is defined as a

5914violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession or

5925the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education

5933Profession in Florida, which is so serious as to impair the

5944individual's effectiveness in the school system.

595060 . The referenced Code of Ethics is codified in Florida

5961Administrative Code Rule 6B - 1.001. The Princip les of

5971Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida is

5980codified in Rule 6B - 1.006. Although these rules, by their

5991terms, apply to instructional personnel, the School Board's

5999Policy 6.11 extends the scope of these rules to apply to all

6011person nel, including non - instructional personnel such as


602161 . Petitioner has met its burden of proving that the

6032violations found above are also violations of Rule 6B - 1.001(2)

6043of the Code of Ethics. This rule requires that the employee's

6054primary prof essional concern will always be for the student and

6065that the employee must exercise the best professional judgment

6074and integrity. In this case, Respondent was shown to have acted

6085with primary concern for her own well - being, not for the

6097student. Moreover, her professional judgment suffered for the

6105same reason when she breached the confidentiality of her


61156 2 . Petitioner has also met its burden of proving that the

6128violations found above are also violations of Rule

61366B - 1.006(3)(a) of the Principle s of Professional Conduct, which

6147requires that the employee make reasonable effort to protect

6156students from conditions harmful to the student's mental or

6165physical health or safety. Respondent did not make reasonable

6174effort s to protect T.

61796 3 . Petitioner m et its burden of proving that the

6191foregoing violations of the Code of Ethics and Principles of

6201Professional Conduct were so serious as to impair Respondent's

6210effectiveness in the school system, for the reasons explained by

6220the superintendent, as found abov e. Thus, Petitioner met its

6230burden of proving that Respondent engaged in "misconduct in

6239office" within the meaning of School Board Policy 6.11.

62486 4 . The Administrative Complaint also charged Respondent

6257with violating several provisions of the Code of Ethi cs and

6268Principles of Professional Conduct by giving misleading

6275statements during the investigation with regard to whether and

6284when she reported Ms. Rhodes' alleged threats to Mr. Moore. The

6295evidence was inconclusive on this point and insufficient to

6304prove the charge by a preponderance of the evidence.

63136 5 . As explained by the superintendent, Respondent's

6322violations in failing to report suspected child abuse and in

6332disclosing Ms. Haisley's identity as the hotline reporter to

6341Ms. Rhodes, the suspected abuser , were so serious that the

6351appropriate disciplinary measure is termination of Respondent's

6358employment. For the reasons found above, Petitioner has met its

6368burden of proving the reasonableness of the proposed

6376disciplinary action under the circumstances.

63816 6 . Petitioner has established by a preponderance of the

6392competent, substantial, and more credible evidence that there is

6401just cause for Respondent's termination.


6407Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

6416of Law, it is her eby:

6422RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Manatee County School Board,

6429enter a final order terminating the employment of Respondent,

6438Joyce Taylor.

6440DONE AND ENT ERED this 25th day of February , 2011 , in

6451Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6459Administrative Law Judge

6462Division of Administrative Hearings

6466The DeSoto Building

64691230 Apalachee Parkway

6472Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6477(850) 488 - 9675

6481Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6488Filed with the Clerk of the

6494Division of Administrative Hearings

6498this 25th day of February , 2011 .


65061/ Debra Horne, a specialist with the OPS who conducted the

6517investigation of Ms. Taylor, testified that she followed up on

6527the allegations of threats by Ms. Rhodes in her questioning of

6538Ms. Rhodes and others. Ms. Horne noted the conflicting

6547statements given by Ms. Taylor, who was the only one asserting

6558that there were threats, and by Ms. Rhodes, who denied making

6569any threats. Ms. Horne did not pursue the matter in a form al

6582investigation. That judgment is beyond the scope of this

6591proceeding, but tends to be supported by the limited information

6601in this record.

66042/ Ms. Taylor made a report, in writing, to Mr. Boice in

6616August 2010, to complain that others had told her th at

6627Ms. Rhodes was inappropriately talking to custodial staff about

"6636the situation between [Ms. Rhodes] and Beth Haisley."

6644Mr. Boice followed up by calling Ms. Rhodes in for a meeting, at

6657which he admonished her not to engage in such discussions, and

6668she a ssured him she had not done so. Presumably, had Ms. Taylor

6681similarly reported more serious concerns about Ms. Rhodes, such

6690as the alleged physical threats to which Ms. Taylor testified,

6700there would have been at least the same kind of swift follow - up

6714as oc curred in the wake of Ms. Taylor's complaint about

6725inappropriate discussions.

67273/ All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2010),

6736unless otherwise noted. It is noted that the events giving rise

6747to this disciplinary action occurred at least, in part, when the

67582009 statutes were still in effect, but there were no changes in

67702010 to any of the statutory provisions relied on in the charges

6782against Respondent.


6787Dr. Eric J. Smith

6791Commissioner of Education

6794Department of Education

6797T urlington Building, Suite 1514

6802325 West Gaines Street

6806Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

6811Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel

6816Department of Education

6819Turlington Building, Suite 1244

6823325 West Gaines Street

6827Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

6832Tim McGonegal, Supe rintendent

6836Manatee County Schools

6839215 Manatee Avenue, West

6843Bradenton, Florida 34205 - 9069

6848Scott A. Martin, Esquire

6852Manatee County School Board

6856Post Office Box 9069

6860Bradenton, Florida 3420 6

6864Peter Lombardo, Esquire

6867Law Office of Peter Lombardo

68721101 Sixth Avenue West, Suite 204

6878Bradenton, Florida 34205


6887All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

689715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6908to this Recommended Order should be fi led with the agency that

6920will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/15/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/15/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order Approving Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 25, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/04/2011
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order filed.
Date: 02/04/2011
Proceedings: Argument filed.
Date: 02/04/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/25/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/13/2011
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/05/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of J. Taylor and S. Taylor) filed.
Date: 11/22/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/22/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 25 and 26, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Date: 11/15/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Order on Suspension without Pay and Granting Hearing filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Recommendation for Termination filed.
Date: 11/08/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bradenton, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):