10-010476PL Department Of Health, Board Of Denistry vs. Francisco Fonte, D.D.S.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, May 23, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent found not guilty of having failed to keep adequate dental records; committed fraud, deceit, or misconduct; and caused a dental office to be operated in such a manner as to result in substandard dental treatment.






17Petitioner, )

19) Case No. 10 - 1047 6 PL

27vs. )




36Respondent. )



41Administrative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham conducted

49the final hearing in this case, which began on February 28,

602011, and ended on March 3, 2011. The hearing, which was

71webcast over the Internet using streaming media technology, took

80pla ce at sites in Tallahassee and Miami, Florida .


91For Petitioner: Jeff G. Peters , Esquire

97Department of Health

1004052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

108Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

113For Respondent: Orland o Rodriguez - Rams, Esquire

121Lorenzo & Rodriguez - Rams

1269192 Coral Way, Suite 201

131Miami, Florida 33165


139The issue s in this case are whether Respondent , a dentist

150who owns a multidentist practice, (a) failed to keep dental

160reco rds and medical history records justifying the course of a

171patient's treatment; (b) billed a patient for dental services

180that were not actually rendered, thereby committing fraud,

188deceit, or misconduct; or (c) caused a dental office to be

199operated in such a manner as to result in substandard dental

210treatment. If Respondent committed any of these offenses, it

219will be necessary to determine an appropriate penalty.


229On May 25, 2010, Petitioner Department of Health issued a

239three - count Administrative Complaint against Respondent

246Francisco Fonte, D.D.S. Dr. Fonte timely requested a formal

255hearing, and on December 2, 2010, the Department referred the

265matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings. The

273undersigned scheduled a multiday hearing to begin on

281February 28, 2011.

284B oth parties were represented by counsel at the hearing,

294which went forward as planned. The Department 's witnesses were

304Robert Seimitz, Maria Cardoso, Margarita Subirats, Lisa Ortega,

312A.H., O.R., D.S., J.S., Dr. Hal Haering, and Dr. Fonte.

322Dr. Fonte called Dr. Idalmis Ramos - Abelenda as a witness.

333Received in evidence were Joint Exhibits 1, 19, 22, 32, and 3 6;

346and Petitioner's Exhibits 2, 4, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30.

358The final hearing transcript, co mprising eight volumes, was

367filed on March 29 , 201 1 . T he Department's motion requesting

379that the deadline for filing proposed recommended orders be

388enlarged to April 21, 2011 , was granted. Each party timely

398filed a Proposed Recommended Order , and these h ave been

408considered . Dr. Fonte's motion to strike the appendix attached

418to the Department's Proposed Recommended Order is denied.

426Unless otherwise indicated, citations to the Florida

433Statutes refer to the 20 1 0 Florida Statutes. 1


4461 . At all times relevant to this case, Respondent

456Francisco Fonte, D.D.S . , was licensed to practice dentistry in

466the state of Florida.

4702 . Petitioner Department of Health (the "Department") has

480regulatory jurisdiction over licensed dentists such as

487Dr. Fonte . In particular, the Department is authorized to file

498and prosecute an administrative complaint against a dentist , as

507it has done in this instance, when a panel of the Board of

520Dentistry has found that probable cause exists to suspect that

530th e dentist has committed a disciplinable offense.

5383. Here , the Department alleges that Dr. Fonte committed

547three such offenses . In Count I of the Administrative

557Complaint, the Department charged Dr. Fonte with the offense

566defined in section 466.028(1)(m) , alleging that he failed to

575keep written dental records justifying the course of treatment

584of a patient named J.S. In Count II, Dr. Fonte was charged with

597committing fraud, deceit, or misconduct in the practice of

606dentistry, an offense under section 466. 028(1)(t). In support

615of this charge, the Department alleged that, as part of a

626systematic scheme to defraud patients, Dr. Fonte had sought

635payment from J.S. for services not actually rendered, and had

645done the same to "Patients P.W., J.M., E.T., A.C., A. H., F.C.,

657M.S., D.L. and/or as many as 500 additional patients . . . ."

670In Count III, the Department charged Dr. Fonte with having

680caused a dental office to be operated in such a manner as to

693result in dental treatment that is below minimum acceptable

702sta ndards of performance for the community, which is an offense

713defined in section 466.028(1)(ff).

7174 . The events giving rise to this case began in the summer

730of 200 8 , when a young adult named J.S. went to the offices of

744Advanced Dental Innovations, P.A. ("AD I") for treatment of a

756painful tooth. ADI, which was owned by Dr. Fonte, operated a

767dental clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida . Several dentists

777practiced in ADI's premises ÏÏ but not Dr. Fonte himself. He was

789employed by the Florida Department of Correct ions as a Senior

800Dentist and worked at the Everglades Correctional Institution in

809Miami, where he treated the inmates.

8155. Dr. Fonte was not actively involved in the daily

825business or professional operations of ADI. To manage the

834clinic, ADI hired Marth a Somohano, who held a Florida dental

845radiographer license and was purportedly experienced in running

853dental offices. Dr. Fonte trusted Ms. Somohano to manage the

863business competently and protect his investment in ADI.

8716. One of the dentists who saw pati ents for ADI was Dr.

884Idalmis Ramos - Abelenda. She worked in ADI's offices one day per

896week from around April 2008 to April 2009. 2 Although J.S. was

908seen by at least one other dentist at ADI's clinic, Dr. Ramos -

921Abelenda became his treating dentist of recor d . Dr. Fonte never

933saw or treated J.S.

9377. During a five - month period, from July through November

9482008, Dr. Ramos - Abelenda performed extensive dental work on

958J.S., which is documented in handwritten progress notes that ADI

968maintained in its records . Base d on the opinion of the

980Department's expert witness, which was not disputed, the

988undersigned finds that the dental work which J.S. received met

998or exceeded the applicable minimum standards of performance.

10068. The bills for this dental work eventually total ed

1016around $ 26,000 . There is no evidence that this amount exceeded

1029the fair market value of the services rendered . 3 Initially, J.S.

1041paid for his treatment using a regular credit card, rapidly

1051incurring a debt of $4,685. Then , J.S. established a credit

1062ca rd account with CareCredit®, a credit service of GE Money Bank

1074which provides f inancing for health related costs . Through

1084CareCredit®, ADI was paid $21,429 for dental services rendered

1094to J.S . 4

10989. A separate CareCredit® account was opened in the name

1108of J.S.'s mother, D.S. The evidence fails to establish clearly

1118the extent to which ADI submitted J.S.'s charges to D.S.'s

1128CareCredit® account for payment , although there is evidence

1136suggesting that this happened. More important, however, are t he

1146Department ' s alleg ation s that D.S. never applied for a

1158CareCredit® credit card , and that someone at ADI forged her

1168signature on the application.

117210. Th e accusation that Dr. Fonte or his agent stole

1183D.S.'s identity and fraudulently established a line of credit in

1193h er name is a very serious one , to be sure, but the undersigned

1207is far from convinced o f its veracity. The proof consists

1218largely , if not exclusively , o f D.S.'s testimony ÏÏ an awfully

1229thin evidential ground for this sort of wrongdoing , which should

1239have lef t an incriminating paper trail . Further, t he Department

1251did not call a forensic document examiner to testify, for

1261example, that a questioned document examination had establish ed

1270that the signature on the CareCredit® application is not D.S.'s ,

1280or to give a n opinion that the application can be traced to

1293another known source, e.g. , Ms. Somohano . Thus, even if the

1304undersigned were able to find based on clear and convincing

1314evidence that D.S.'s signature had been forged on a credit

1324application (which he is not ), there is insufficient evidence to

1335determine who was responsible for the purported fraud, and no

1345basis for finding that Dr. Fonte was involved in ÏÏ or even awar e

1359of ÏÏ the alleged misdeed.

136411. Much of the Department's case against Dr. Fonte rests

1374on a "Sin gle Patient Ledger" (the "Ledger") that ADI maintained

1386in the ordinary course of business , which showed the debits and

1397credits entered upon J.S.'s account. Recorded on the Ledger are

1407the dates on which dental services were rendered to J.S., a

1418brief descri ption of each service, the charge for each service,

1429payments received, and J.S.'s current balance. The Ledger is

1438clearly not a dental record or medical history record; it is,

1449rather, a business record ÏÏ and most likely was prepared

1459primarily for internal p urposes, as part of ADI's book of


147112. The Department alleges that the Ledger lists services

1480that were not rendered to J.S. Plainly, the services shown on

1491the Ledger are more extensive than those described in the

1501handwritten progress notes, whi ch are the dental records made by

1512J.S.'s treating dentists. Based on t he opinion of the

1522Department's expert witness, which was credible in this regard,

1531the undersigned finds that the Ledger identifies services that

1540could not reasonably have b een performed in J.S.'s mouth. The

1551undersigned further finds, based primarily on the testimony of

1560Dr. Ramos - Abelenda, that where the progress notes and the Ledger

1572are in conflict, the progress notes are the accurate record of

1583the dental services rendered to J.S.

158913. That the Ledger lists services not actually rendered to

1599J.S. does not necessarily mean, however, that a fraud was

1609committed, as the Department alleges. For one thing, t he

1619evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish that someone

1628knowingly falsifi ed the Leger with intent to deceive. The

1638Ledger's inaccuracies , for instance, might have been the result

1647of incompetence instead of malice .

165314. There is, moreover, insufficient evidence to identify

1661clearly the person or persons who prepared the Ledge r. The

1672signs point to Ms. Somohano, who reportedly exercised tight

1681control over the accounting systems at ADI. Th e evidence fails ,

1692however, to convince the undersigned that she was the only

1702person who might have accessed the Ledger. More imp ortant,

1712ther e is no persuasive ( much less clear and convincing ) evidence

1725that Dr. Fonte had anything to do with the Ledger. Even

1736assuming that Ms. Somohano or some other employee of ADI

1746knowingly falsified the Ledger, there is not a sufficient

1755evidential basis for fi nding that Dr. Fonte authorized,

1764ratified, acquiesced to, or even knew about such wrongdoing ,

1773which affected only a single patient . 5

178115. Although the Department alleged that Dr. Fonte had

"1790engaged in an organized scheme to systematically bill for

1799dental s ervices that were never rendered," there is no

1809persuasive evidence that J.S. or any other patients were

"1818defrauded." Besides J.S., only two patients ÏÏ A.H. and O.R. ÏÏ

1829gave testimony at the final hearing. There are no allegations

1839of material fact in the Adm inistrative Complaint which, if

1849proved, would establish that Dr. Fonte defrauded either A. H. or

1860O.R., the latter of whom wa s not even identified in the

1872complaint. 6

187416. Pleading deficiencies aside , neither A.H. nor O.R.

1882gave testimony that clearly and c o nvincingly proved fraud, much

1893less a fraudulent scheme similar to the one alleged (but not

1904proved) to have been perpetrated against J.S. Each of them, it

1915can fairly be said, is a disgruntled former patient of ADI.

1926Broadly speaking, one or the other, or both, claim to have been

1938overcharged for services rendered, provided unwanted services,

1945given shoddy treatment, and administered controlled substances

1952by someone other than a dentist. None of this was alleged in

1964the Administrative Complaint. No dental or billing records

1972concerning either of these patients were offered as evidence.

1981No expert testimony was given concerning the treatment these

1990patients received.

199217. Indeed, the only expert testimony offered at the final

2002hearing concerning standards of p erformance came from the

2011Department's expert, who testified that the treatment J.S. had

2020received was "fine," and that he had no opinion regarding the

2031care of any patient other than J.S. Thus, the evidence fails to

2043establish that the operation of ADI resul ted in dental treatment

2054that fell below the minimum acceptable standards of performance

2063for the community.

2066Ultimate Facts

206818 . The evidence is insufficient to prove that Dr. Fonte,

2079as the owner of ADI, failed to maintain either the original or a

2092duplicat e of J.S.'s dental records ; to the contrary, ADI

2102maintained these records . It is a close question , however,

2112whether the dental records made by J.S.'s dentist of record,

2122Dr. Ramos - Abelenda, fully satisfied the minimum content

2131requirements prescribed in Fl orida Administrative Code Rule

213964B5 - 17.002(1). Th is question need not be decided, however,

2150because (a) the owner dentist of a multidentist practice is not

2161responsible for the content of dental records made by a dentist

2172of record, and Dr. Fonte was not the dentist of record for J.S.;

2185and, alternatively, (b) if an owner dentist is responsible for

2195the content of other dentists' records, his responsibility in

2204this regard extends only to "employee, associate or visiting

2213dentists" ÏÏ and the evidence fails to prov e clearly and

2224convincingly that Dr. Ramos - Abelenda was any of these.

2234Consequently, Dr. Fonte is not guilty of committing an offense

2244punishable under section 466.028(1)(m) , Florida Statutes. 7

22511 9. The evidence fails to establish clearly and

2260convincingly th at anyone , much less Dr. Fonte, committed fraud,

2270deceit, or misconduct in the practice of dentistry. Assuming

2279such wrongdoing did occur in connection with the treatment and

2289billing of J.S., however, it was clearly not done by Dr. Fonte

2301himself, and there was no allegation, nor any persuasive

2310evidence , that Dr. Fonte directed, approved, or should have

2319known about an agent's misconduct . Accordingly, Dr. Fonte is

2329not guilty of committing an offense punishable under section

2338466.028(1)(t) .

234020. Finally, beca use there is no evidence that any patient

2351of ADI received substandard dental treatment, Dr. Fonte is not

2361guilty of causing a dental office to be operated in such a

2373manner as to result in dental treatment that is below minimum

2384acceptable standards of perfor mance, which is a disciplinable

2393offense under section 466.028(1)(ff).


240021 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has personal

2409and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceeding pursuan t to

2419s ections 120.569, and 120.57(1), Florida Statu tes.

242722 . A proceeding, such as this one, to suspend, revoke, or

2439impose other discipline upon a license is penal in nature.

2449State ex rel. Vining v. Fla . Real Estate Comm ' n , 281 So. 2d 487,

2465491 (Fla. 1973). Accordingly, to impose discipline, the

2473Departme nt must prove the charges against Dr. Fonte by clear and

2485convincing evidence. Dep' t of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. &

2497Investor Prot . v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 933 - 34

2512(Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95

2524(Fla. 1987) ); Nair v. Dep ' t of Bus . & Pro f ' l Reg . , Bd. of

2544Medicine , 654 So. 2d 205, 207 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

25542 3 . Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

2565Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the court

2577developed a "workable definition of clear and convincing

2585evidence" and found that of necessity such a definition would

2595need to contain "both qualitative and quantitative standards."

2603The court held that:

2607clear and convincing evidence requires that

2613the evidence must be found to be credible;

2621the facts to which the witnesses testify

2628must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

2634must be precise and explicit and the

2641witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

2649the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

2658such weight that it produces in the mind of

2667the trier of fact a firm belief or

2675conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2681truth of the allegations sought to be


2689Id. The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowitz

2698court's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re

2708Davey , 645 So . 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994). The First District

2720Court of Appeal also has followed the Slomowitz test, adding the

2731interpretive comment that "[a]lthough this standard of proof may

2740be met where the evidence is in conflict, . . . it seems to

2754preclude evidence t hat is ambiguous." Westinghouse Elec. Corp.

2763v. Shuler Bros., Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 988 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991),

2776rev . denied , 599 So. 2d 1279 (Fla. 1992)(citation omitted).

278624. Disciplinary statutes and rules "must be construed

2794strictly, in favor of the one a gainst whom the penalty would be

2807imposed." Munch v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg., Div. of Real Estate ,

2818592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992); see Camejo v. Dep't

2831of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 812 So. 2d 583, 583 - 84 (Fla. 3d DCA

28462002); McClung v. Crim. Just. Stds. & Training Comm'n , 458 So.

28572d 887, 888 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984)("[W]here a statute provides for

2869r evocation of a license the grounds must be strictly construed

2880because the statute is penal in nature. No conduct is to be

2892regarded as included within a penal statute that is not

2902reasonably proscribed by it; if there are any ambiguities

2911included, they must be construed in favor of the licensee.");

2922see also, e.g. , Griffis v. Fish & Wildlife Conserv. Comm'n , 57

2933So. 3d 929 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011)(statues imposing a penalty mu st

2945never be extended by construction).

295025. Due process prohibits an agency from taking

2958disciplinary action against a licensee based on matters not

2967specifically alleged in the charging instrument. See §

2975120.60(5), Fla. Stat. ( " No revocation, suspension, annulment, or

2984withdrawal of any license is lawful unless, prior to the entry

2995of a final order, the agency has served, by personal service or

3007certified mail, an administrative complaint which affords

3014reasonable notice to the licensee of facts or conduct whi ch

3025warrant the intended action . . . ."); see also Trevisani v.

3038Dep't of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005)("A

3051physician may not be disciplined for an offense not charged in

3062the complaint."); Marcelin v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 753

3074So. 2d 745, 746 - 747 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000); Delk v. Dep't of Prof'l

3089Reg. , 595 So. 2d 966, 967 (Fla. 5th DCA 1992)("[T]he conduct

3101proved must legally fall within the statute or rule claimed [in

3112the administrative complaint] to have been violated.").

312026 . In Count I of the Administrative Complaint, the

3130Department charged Dr. Fonte u nder s ection 4 6 6.0 28 (1)(m) , which

3144provides in pertinent part as follows :

3151(1) The following acts constitute grounds

3157for denial of a license or discip linary

3165act ion . . . :

3171* * *

3174( m ) Failing to keep written dental records

3183and medical history records justifying the

3189course of treatment of the patient

3195including, but not limited to, patient

3201histories, examination results, test

3205results, and X rays, if taken.

321127. In connection with t his charge, the Department alleged

3221further that Dr. Fonte had not complied with rule 64B5 - 17.002,

3233which provides, in the parts quoted in the Administrative

3242Complaint, as follows:

324564B5 - 17.002 Written Dental Records; Minimum

3252Content; Retention.

3254(1) For the purpose of implementing the

3261provisions of subsection 466.028(1)(m),

3265F.S., a dentist shall maintain written

3271records on each patient which written

3277records shall contain, at a minimum, the

3284following information about the patient:

3289(a) Appropriate medical hist ory;

3294(b) Results of clinical examination and

3300tests conducted, including the

3304identification, or lack thereof, of any oral

3311pathology or diseases;

3314(c) Any radiographs used for the diagnosis

3321or treatment of the patient;

3326(d) Treatment plan proposed by the de ntist;


3335(e) Treatment rendered to the patient.

334128. At hearing, when it became clear that Dr. Fonte had

3352neither seen nor treated J.S., the Department invoked subsection

3361(5) of rule 64B5 - 17.002, which provides as follows:

3371All dental records required b y this rule and

3380any additional records maintained in the

3386course of practicing dentistry shall be the

3393property of the owner dentist of the dental

3401practice in which the dental patient is seen

3409or treated and the owner dentist shall be

3417ultimately responsible f or all record

3423keeping requirements set forth by statute or


3431(a) The owner dentist is responsible for

3438the records of patients seen or treated by

3446any employee, associate or visiting

3451dentists .

3453(b) Multiple owners will be held equally

3460responsible for t he records of patients seen

3468or treated within the dental practice of

3475that dental group.

3478(c) An owner dentist is not responsible for

3486the records of an independent dentist who is

3494merely leasing or renting space or services

3501for the operation of a separate de ntal


3510(Emphasis added.) The Department contends that, as the owner

3519dentist, Dr. Fonte is responsible for any deficiencies in the

3529content of the dental records and medical history records made

3539during the course of J.S.'s treatment at ADI.

354729. A s mentioned above, disciplinary statutes and rules

3556must be strictly construed against the enforcing authority,

3564which among other things means that

3570without a clear, unambiguous provision in

3576the statute indicating legislative intent to

3582hold the licensee res ponsible for the

3589negligent or wrongful acts committed by

3595another, the administrative agency is not

3601authorized to extend the effect of the


3609McDonald v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg. , Bd. of Pilot Comm'rs , 582 So.

36212d 660, 669 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991) (Zehmer, J., specially

3631concurring). Nothing in section 466.028(1)(m) evinces a

3638legislative intent to penalize one dentist for the failure of

3648another to keep dental records and medical history records

3657justifying the course of treatment of a patient whom the first

3668dent ist never saw.

367230. In contrast, s ection 466.018(4) ÏÏ which the Department

3682has not charged Dr. Fonte with violating ÏÏ imposes on owner

3693dentists a record - keeping requirement. This statute provides in

3703relevant part as follows:

3707In a multidentist practice of a ny nature,

3715the owner dentist shall maintain either the

3722original or a duplicate of all patient

3729records, including dental charts, patient

3734histories, examination and test results,

3739study models, and X rays, of any patient

3747treated by a dentist at the owner dent ist ' s

3758practice facility. The purpose of this

3764requirement is to impose a duty upon the

3772owner of a multidentist practice to maintain

3779patient records for all patients treated at

3786the owner ' s practice facility whether or not

3795the owner was involved in the patie nt ' s

3805treatment. This subsection does not relieve

3811the dentist of record in a multidentist

3818practice of the responsibility to maintain

3824patient records.

3826§ 466.018(4), Fla. Stat.

383031. Strictly construing rule 64B5 - 17.002 (5) in favor of

3841the licensee, and being mindful that discipline should not be

3851imposed on a licensee for the acts of another absent a clear

3863statutory warrant, the undersigned concludes that Dr. Fonte's

3871responsibility for the records of patients treated by other

3880dentists at ADI is limited to keep ing the records in accordance

3892with the rule and section 466.018(4) ÏÏ that is, preserving and

3903maintaining the original or a duplicate of such records. In

3913sum, Dr. Fonte's duty as an owner dentist involves records

3923retention ; he is not obligated , as an owner, to create (or

3934ensure the creation of) dental records which justify the

3943treatment of other dentists' patients or otherwise meet minimum

3952content requirements.

395432. Alternatively, if rule 64B5 - 17.002(5) could be

3963construed to obligate an owner dentist to mak e certain that all

3975dental records concerning patients seen in his multidentist

3983practice meet minimum content requirements, such responsibility

3990extends only to "the records of patients seen or treated by any

4002employee, associate or visiting dentists." Fla. Admin. Code R.

401164B5 - 17.002(5)(a).

401433. The rule does not define the terms "employee",

"4023associate" or "visiting . " As these terms are commonly used and

4034understood, however, none accurately describes Dr. Ramos -

4042Abelenda, w ho was J.S.'s treating dentist ÏÏ esp ecially when

4053interpreted strictly in favor of the licensee. To begin, Dr.

4063Ramos - Abelenda was not an "employee" of ADI because ADI

4074exercised little or no supervision or control over the details

4084of her work, paid her a commission (as opposed to a salary or

4097wage), charged her for laboratory expenses, and expected her to

4107see patients only one day per week. For similar reasons,

4117Dr. Ramos - Abelenda was not an "associate" of Dr. Fonte. That

4129term suggests a close collegial relationship, albeit one in

4138which th e associate occupies a subordinate position vis - à - vis

4151the principal or partner. Dr. Ramos - Abelenda did not have such

4163a relationship with Dr. Fonte or ADI. Finally, the term

"4173visiting" indicates that the relationship is intended to last

4182for a limited time only. There is no evidence proving that Dr.

4194Ramos - Abelenda was visiting at ADI for a specified period.

420534. Dr. Ramos - Abelenda described herself as an independent

4215contractor of ADI , and that is the status which the evidence

4226most clearly supports. See D ep't of Health v. Webb , Case No.

423897 - 1405, 1997 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 5538, *10 ( Fla. DOAH

4252Oct. 31, 1997) (dentist who , in exchange for a percentage of fees

4264received, performed procedures on respondent's patients without

4271being under respondent's directi on or supervision , was an

4280independent contractor) . Under rule 64B5 - 17.002(5)(c), an owner

4290dentist is not responsible for the records of an "independent

4300dentist." The term "independent dentist" is not clearly

4308defined. Because Dr. Ramos - Abelenda does not unambiguously come

4318within any other category o f dentist mentioned in the rule; and

4330because ambiguities in the rule must be construed in Dr. Fonte's

4341favor; and because Dr. Ramos - Abelenda was an independent

4351contractor for ADI, the undersigned concludes that Dr. Ramos -

4361Abelenda was an "independent dentist" whose records were among

4370those for which Dr. Fonte is not legally responsible.

437935. Consequently, Dr. Fonte is not subject to discipline

4388under section 466.028(1)(m) based on the alleged deficiencies in

4397the d ental record s and medical history records relating to

4408J.S.'s treatment at ADI.

44123 6 . In Count II of the Administrative Complaint, the

4423Department charged Dr. Fonte under section 466.028 (1) (t), which

4433provide s in relevant part as follows:

4440(1) The following ac ts constitute grounds

4447for denial of a license or discip linary

4455act ion . . . :

4461* * *

4464( t ) Fraud, deceit, or misconduct in the

4473practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.

44793 7 . This disciplinary statute does not unambiguously

4488subject a licensee to puni shment for the acts of another person.

4500Indeed, to subject a licensee to discipline based solely on

4510another's misconduct, a statute would need to be exceptionally

4519clear with regard to the legislative intent; merely authorizing

4528the imposition of penalties f or an agent's violation of law is

4540insufficient ÏÏ and section 466.028 (1) (t) does not do even that .

4553By way of contrast, consider section 56 1 .29(1)(a), which

4563explicitly provides authority to discipline a liquor licensee

4571upon a finding of a "[v]iolation by the licensee or his or her

4584or its agents, officers, servants, or employees . . . of any of

4597the laws . . . in regard to . . . alcoholic beverages . . . ."

4614(Emphasis added.) Although a "literal reading of [ the statute ]

4625would indicate that a liquor licensee is under the onus of

4636suspension or revocation of his license for any violation of law

4647committed by his employees on his premises, irrespective of his

4657own personal fault in connection therewith," Pic N' Save Central

4667Fla., Inc. v. De p' t of Bus . Reg . , 601 So. 2 d 245, 25 1 (Fla. 1st

4687DCA 1992) , the courts consistently have declined to read s ection

4698561.29(1)(a) as a warrant for imposing discipline under the

4707respondeat superior doctrine. See, e.g. , id. at 249 - 56; Brother

4718J. Inc. v. Dep't of Bus. and Prof. Reg . , 962 So. 2d 1037 (Fla.

47331st DCA 2007) .

47373 8 . U nder s ection 56 1 .29(1)(a) as judicially construed,

4750the prosecuting agency must clearly and convincingly prove

4758misconduct personal to the licensee to suspend or revoke his

4768beverage license. Pic N' Save , 601 So. 2d a t 249 - 56. This

4782means that a liquor licensee cannot be punished unless it is

4793shown that he personally committed, or is personally culpable

4802for, a disciplinable offense. Personal culpability attaches,

4809for example, when a licensee knows, or should know, abo ut the

4821misconduct of his employees; negligently fails to train or

4830supervise employees; negligently overlooks, condones, or fosters

4837the wrongdoing of employees; or fails to exercise due diligence

4847in preventing misconduct. Id. at 250. 8

485439. Thus, even if section 466.028(1)(t) were construed in

4863favor of the Department (contrary to the applicable principle of

4873interpretation), it is inconceivable that discipline could be

4881imposed upon Dr. Fonte in the absence of clear and convincing

4892proof of fault on his part. In this case, the evidence fails to

4905establish clearly and convincingly that anyone committed fraud,

4913deceit, or misconduct in the practice of dentistry ; at most it

4924provides a basis for strongly suspecting that an employee of ADI

4935was up to no good . Altern atively, even if the evidence were

4948sufficient to prove such wrongdoing by an employee or agent of

4959ADI, there is no persuasive, much less clear and convincing,

4969evidence that Dr. Fonte authorized, ratified, or knew about the

4979misconduct. (Even if there were evidence of wrongdoing on

4988Dr. Fonte 's part, e.g., negligent supervision, which would

4997suffice to make him vicariously liable for punitive disciplinary

5006action, the Department did not allege wrongdoing of that nature

5016in the Administrative Complaint, a plea ding deficiency which

5025would preclude the imposition of sanctions, see, e.g. , §

5034120.60(5), Fla. Stat.; and, in any event, section 466.028(1)(t)

5043does not clearly and unambiguously authorize the imposition of

5052punishment for fraud, deceit, or misconduct carrie d out by a

5063licensee's agent.)

506540. Because the allegations were not proved, Dr. Fonte is

5075not subject to discipline under section 466.028(1)(t).

50824 1 . In Count III of the Administrative Complaint, the

5093Department charged Dr. Fonte under section 466.028 (1) ( ff ) , which

5105provide s in relevant part as follows:

5112(1) The following acts constitute grounds

5118for denial of a license or discip linary

5126act ion . . . :

5132* * *

5135( ff ) Operating or causing to be operated a

5145dental office in such a manner as to result

5154in denta l treatment that is below minimum

5162acceptable standards of performance for the

5168community . This includes, but is not

5175limited to, the use of substandard materials

5182or equipment, the imposition of time

5188limitations within which dental procedures

5193are to be perfo rmed, or the failure to

5202maintain patient records as required by this


5210(Emphasis added.)

521242. The Department offered no persuasive evidence (and no

5221expert testimony) showing that any patient received dental

5229treatment at ADI that was below minimum a cceptable standards of

5240performance for the community. The only expert testimony

5248concerning the applicable standards of performance was that of

5257the Department's expert, who testified that the dental treatment

5266which J.S. received at ADI was "fine" ÏÏ that is, it met or

5279exceeded the relevant standards.

528343. The Department thus failed to prove an essential

5292factual element of the offense defined in section

5300466.028 (1) (ff), namely, that the operation of a dental office

5311resulted in substandard dental treatment. B ecause this charge

5320against Dr. Fonte fails as a matter of fact, no further legal

5332analysis is necessary.


5336Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5346Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Dentistry enter a final

5358order finding Dr. Fonte not guilty of the charges set forth in

5370the Administrative Complaint.

5373DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of May , 20 1 1 , in

5385Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




5395Administrative Law Judge

5398Division of Administrative Hearings

5402The DeSoto Building

54051230 Apalachee Parkway

5408Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5413(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

5421Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5428Filed with the Clerk of the

5434Division of Administrative Hearings

5438this 23 rd day of May , 20 1 1 .


54491 / The applicable sections of the Florida Statutes have remained

5460the same at all times relevant to this case.

54692 / The p recise nature of the relationship between ADI and Dr.

5482Ramos - Abelenda is not entirely clear. Plainly, however, she was

5493not a salaried employee. Rather, ADI paid Dr. Ramos - Abelenda a

5505commission of 35 percent of the amounts collected from dental

5515work she pe rformed for ADI's patients. Moreover, ADI exercised

5525little or no control over the manner in which she practiced, and

5537Dr. Ramos - Abelenda used some of her own materials and supplies

5549to treat ADI's patients. ADI even charged Dr. Ramos - Abelenda

5560and other den tists working in its offices 50 percent of their

5572respective patients' laboratory bills for dental restorations

5579such as crowns and bridges. She considered herself to be an

5590independent contractor and practiced in other dental offices

5598besides ADI's under sim ilar arrangements.

56043 / The Department's expert witness expressly declined to give an

5615opinion regarding the reasonable value of the care and treatment

5625that J.S. received at ADI.

56304 / J.S. or his mother later disputed some of these credit card

5643charges, and Ï Ï according to J.S.'s mother, whose testimony in

5654this respect is accepted as true ÏÏ CareCredit® eventually

5663refunded $7,766.

56665 / Not only was it not proved that Dr. Fonte, as a principal,

5680had authorized or ratified the wrongful acts of an agent, but

5691also the Department had not even allege d such facts.

57016 / The Department merely alleged that A.H. and six other

5712patients (identified by their initials) had given sworn

5720testimony to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office about

"5729allegations of fraud" similar to thos e the Department has made

5740with reference to J.S., and that the sheriff had provided the

5751Department copies of the patients' statements. The problem with

5760such allegations is that the fact (if established as alleged)

5770that someone gave a sworn statement accus ing another of fraud

5781does not prove that fraud was committed; it merely proves that

5792someone gave a sworn statement accusing another of fraud. To

5802allege fraud effectively, the alleged wrongdoer's deeds must be

5811pleaded. Then, if such conduct were proved, i t could be

5822determined that fraud was committed.

58277 / Most of the allegations in the Administrative Complaint

5837concerning Dr. Fonte's alleged failure to keep dental records

5846justifying the course of J.S.'s treatment focused on the Ledger,

5856which was neither a dental record nor a medical history record,

5867but was instead a business record of ADI whose purposes clearly

5878did not include justifying the course of the patient's

5887treatment. The Ledger is thus outside the reach of section

5897466.028(1)(m), which is plainly n ot designed to subject a

5907dentist's general business, financial, or accounting records to


59168 / In this respect, the law governing administrative discipline

5926conforms to the common law principles governing civil liability.

5935In Florida, "[b] efore an employer may be held vicariously liable

5946for punitive damages under the doctrine of respondeat superior,

5955there must be some fault on his part ." E.g. , Mercury Motors

5967Express v. Smith , 393 So. 2d 545, 549 (Fla. 1981) (The " plaintiff

5979[must] allege and prove so me fault on the part of the employer

5992which foreseeably contributed to the plaintiff's injury to make

6001him vicariously liable for punitive damages. " ).


6011Jeff G. Peters , Esquire

6015Department of Health

60184052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 65

6026Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

6031Orlando Rodriguez - Rams, Esquire

6036Lorenzo & Rodriguez - Rams

60419192 Coral Way, Suite 201

6046Miami, Florida 33165

6049Sue Foster , Executive Director

6053Board of Dentistry

6056Department of Health

60594052 Bald Cypress Way , Bin C - 08

6067Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3258

6072E. Renee Alsobrook, Acting General Counsel

6078Department of Health

60814052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6087T allahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


6099All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

610915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6120to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agen cy that

6132will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/18/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 09/08/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Rebuttal to Petitioner's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/22/2011
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/08/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Opposition to Petitioner's Motion to Extend Time to File Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/24/2011
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Respondent's proposed exhibits, to the agency.
Date: 05/23/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/23/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 28-March 3, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/23/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/28/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Strike Appendix filed.
Date: 04/28/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Stike Appendix A Facts Stipulated in Joint Stipulation Submitted with Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order on April 21, 2011 filed.
Date: 04/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order (signed) filed.
Date: 04/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order (unsigned) filed.
Date: 04/19/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Enlargement of Time and Denying Motion to Exceed Page Limit.
Date: 04/18/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Allow the Proposed Recommended Order to Exceed the Allowed Forty (40) Pages filed.
Date: 04/18/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/07/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Compliance with Filing of Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Final Order to the Honorable Administrative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham on or before April 18, 2011 filed.
Date: 03/29/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 03/29/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (Volume 1-8) (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/24/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Fingings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Final Order to the Honorable Administrative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham filed.
Date: 02/28/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Non-Party, Idalmis Ramos-Ablenda M.D.'s Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Production of Documents to be Presented as Evidence at Final Hearing filed.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Production of Documents to be Presented as Evidence at Final Hearing to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Court Reporter filed.
Date: 02/25/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Take Official Recognition filed.
Date: 02/23/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 02/22/2011
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/22/2011
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 28 through March 4, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL; amended as to Webcast).
Date: 02/21/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Acceptance of Webcast Option filed.
Date: 02/18/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/17/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/31/2011
Proceedings: Fling Forensic Laboratory Report Results dated January 23, 2011 filed.
Date: 01/21/2011
Proceedings: Respondents Production of Documents to be Presented as Evidence at Final Hearing on February 28, 2011 (Medical Records, not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/15/2010
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/15/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Final Hearing with Webcast Option (hearing set for February 28 through March 4, 2011; 9:00 a.m.).
Date: 12/15/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Co-counsel Appearance (of W. Mitchell) filed.
Date: 12/08/2010
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/06/2010
Proceedings: Respondents Reply to Initial Order dated December 3, 2010 filed.
Date: 12/03/2010
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/02/2010
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (filed by J. Peters).
Date: 12/02/2010
Proceedings: Respondent's Answer to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/02/2010
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 12/02/2010
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/02/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):