10-010591 Emerald Coast Utilities Authority vs. Michael J. Edler
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, March 21, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: The evidence showed a violation of policy for use of derogatory term "boy" in a short verbal altercation. Insubordination was not shown because Respondent is partially hearing impaired and did not hear supervisor's instructions.






15Petitioner , )


18vs. ) Case No. 10 - 10591




30Respondent . )



36Pursuan t to notice, a formal he aring was conducted in this

48matter before Diane Cleavinger, Administrative Law Judge with

56the Division of Administrative Hearings, on February 14, 2011,

65in Pensacola, Florida.


69For Petitioner: John E. Griffin, Esquire

75Carson & Adkins

782930 Wellington Circle, North

82Suite 201

84Tallahassee, Florida 32309

87For Respondent: Ryan Barnett, Esquire

92Whibbs & Stone

95801 Romana Street , Unit C

100Pensacola , Florida 3250 2


108The is sue in this case is whether Respondent has violated

119the pers onnel policy established by Emerald Coast Utilities

128Authority .


132By letter dated October 19, 2010, Resp ondent, Michael

141Edler, was advised that his supervisor recommended termination

149of his employment with Petitioner , Emerald Coast Utilities

157Authority (ECUA or Petitioner ), for alleged violations of the

167ECUA personnel policy. Specifically, the letter alleged that

175Respondent violated ECUA policy Section F - 4(4), Conduct

184Unbecoming an Employee , and Section F - 4(28) , Threatening and/ or

195Abusive Language, when he allegedly engaged in a verbal

204altercation with a coworker in the sanitation d epartment's

213cafeteria. The letter also advised Respondent of his right to a

224predetermination/liberty interest hearing.

227On November 3, 2010, a predetermination/ liberty interest

235hearing was held in ECUAÓs Board Room. Respondent participated

244in the hearing.

247By certified letter da ted December 3, 20 10 , Respondent was

258notified that his employment with Petitioner was terminate d .

268The letter stated that ECUAÓs action was based on ECUA Human

279R elations Policy Manual, Section F - 4( 4 ) C onduct U nbecoming an

294E mployee , Section F - 4( 16) Insubord ination, and Section F - 4(28)

308Threatening and/ or Abusive Language . The letter further advised

318Respondent of his right to appeal PetitionerÓs employment action

327and request a formal hearing before an Administrative Law Judge

337with the Division of Administrati ve Hearings (DOAH).

345By letter dated December 5 , 20 10 , Respondent timely filed a

356request for heari ng. The case was forwarded to the Division of

368Administrative Hearings .

371At the hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of five

380witnesses and offered ei ght e xhibits into evidence. Respondent

390testified o n his own behalf and offered one e xhibit into

402evidence .


4071. ECUA w as created in 1981 pursuant to c hapter 81 - 376,

421Laws of Florida. By law, it provides utility services

430throughout Escambia County, Florida.

4342. Approximately 20 years ago , Respondent was hired by

443Petitioner as a sanitation equipment operator . At some point in

454time , Respondent was given a copy of the employee handbook .

4653. The handbook is a summary of PetitionerÓs hum an

475resource policies. Specific human resource policies are

482contained in PetitionerÓs Human Resource s Poli cy Manual . The

493manual is available to all employees . Both documents provide

503for the discipline of employees. T he Human Resource s P olicy

515Manual, sta te s as follows:

521Section F - 4 Disciplinary Offenses

527* * *

530( 4 ) Conduct Unbecoming an ECUA Employee

538Any act or activity on the job or

546connected with the job which involves moral

553turpitude, or any conduct, whether on or off

561the job, that adversely affect s the

568employee's effectiveness as an ECUA

573employee, or that adversely affects the

579employee's ability to continue to perform

585their job, or which adversely affects the

592ECUA's ability to carry out its assigned

599mission. Conduct unbecoming an ECUA

604employee inc ludes any conduct which

610adversely affects the morale or efficiency

616of the ECUA, or any conduct which has a

625tendency to destroy public respect or

631confidence in the ECUA, in its employees, or

639in the provision of ECUA services.

645The seriousness of the condu ct which

652constitutes a "conduct unbecoming an ECUA

658employee" offense determines the appropriate

663penalty. Further, the repetition of the

669same or similar conduct may lead to

676progressive discipline. If an employee

681repeatedly engages in conduct unbecoming,

686b ut the acts or conduct which are unbecoming

695are dissimilar to each other, cumulative

701discipline may be imposed.

705* * *

708(16 ) Insubordination

711An employee's unwillingness or deliberate

716refusal to comply with a direct order,

723directive, or instruction of th e immediate

730or higher - level supervisor whether in

737writing or orally communicated.

741Insubordination also includes an expressed

746refusal to obey a proper order, as well as,

755willful or direct failure to do an assigned

763job or follow orders. Gross insubordinati on

770or willful neglect of duties is defined as a

779constant or continuing intentional refusal

784to obey a direct order, reasonable in

791nature, and given by and with proper

798authority. Insubordination is a serious


804(28) Threatening and/ or Abusive Languag e

811The use of language which is threatening or

819abusive, whether directed toward a

824supervisor, other employees, or the public.

830Includes offensive language, whether or not

836directed toward anyone in particular and

842regardless of intent.

8454 . On November 19, 2010, Respondent arrived at work around

8565:00 a.m. He entered the sanitati on departmentÓs cafeteria.

865T he department's time clock is located in the cafeteria . At the

878time, the c afeteria was noisy with a number of employees in the


8925. Another depart ment co - worker who knew Respondent ,

902Ronnie Prim, was clocking in at the time clock. Both Mr. Prim

914and Respondent are black.

9186. Respondent said hello to his supervisor and got in line

929to clock in behind Mr. Prim . The supervisor's desk was located

941about 10 to 15 feet away from the area of the time clock.

954Notably, because of the noise and the fact that other empl oyees

966were involved in other things, there were no independent

975witnesses to the entire interaction between Mr. Prim and

984Respondent. Likewi se, there were no independent witnesses to

993the entire conversation between the two men. The entire

1002incident lasted about 5 minutes.

10077 . After clocking in, Mr. Prim turned and saw Respondent

1018and said good morning. Respondent did not respond to Mr. Pr imÓs


10318 . Mr. Prim responded with words like ÐWhat? You are not

1043going to talk to me?Ñ Respondent denies becoming angry.

1053However, all of the independent witnesses to the incident and

1063the better evidence demonstrate d that Respondent became ang ry

1073and indicated to Mr. Prim that he shoul d not talk to him . He

1088called Mr. Prim "boy." O ther witness testimony differed on the

1099number of times that Respondent called Mr. Prim "boy. " However,

1109the better evidence was that t he reference was made at least t wo

1123to three times by Respondent .

11299. Respondent testified that he did not intend the word

1139ÐboyÑ to be offensive. However, use of the term "boy" towards a

1151black man is generally considered offensive. In fact, Mr. Prim

1161was insulted at being called " boy" and became angry at the

1172reference and Respondent's attitude. Given these facts ,

1179Respondent is guilty of using offensive language towards a co -

1190worker in violation of Section F - 4(4), Conduct Unbecoming an

1201Employee and Section F - 4(28), Threatening and/ o r Abusive

1212Language .

121410 . Thereafter, Respondent indicated to Mr. Prim that

"1223they could settle this in the street" or "we can handle

1234(settle) this after work." Shortly afterwards, Respondent left

1242the cafeteria. However, t he evidence was not clear whe ther

1253Respondent was escalating the argument or was trying to calm the

1264situation down by his statement . Respondent's testimony was

1273that he was trying to calm the situation down and walk away.

1285Independent witnesses disagree d on what was said and the meanin g

1297of the statement. Given the conflict and the short duration of

1308the incident, the evidence did not demonstrate that Respondent

1317escalated the incident with Mr. Prim before he left the

1327cafeteria . Moreover, t he overall seriousness of the incident

1337was moder ately low given the short duration of the incident and

1349the fact that only a few derogatory words were involved .

136011 . Respondent's supervisor overheard the term 'boy' and

1369saw that the "conversation was not good." From about 10 to 15

1381feet away, h e in structed Respondent to "go on to work." During

1394the incident, the supervisor instructed Respondent to "go to

1403work" about 3 times. Respondent gave no indication that he

1413heard his supervisor's instruction s . Indeed, the better

1422evidence was that Respondent d id not hear his supervisor's

1432instruction s since Respondent has significantly impaired hearing

1440and poor word recognition in his right ear. Additionally,

1449another co worker, wh o was at a table approximately five feet

1461away , could only hear pieces of the conver sation between

1471Respondent and Mr. Prim. Given that Respondent did not hear his

1482supervisor's instruction a nd was therefore unaware of that

1491instruction , he did not fail or refuse to follow a direct order

1503of his supervisor and is not guilty of insubordinatio n

151312 . As an employee, Respondent received a written

1522reprimand on April 22, 2010. The reprimand was for his use of

1534profanity and refusal to follow a direct order of his supervisor

1545in violation of Section s F - 4(4), (7) and (16) of the ECUA Human

1560Resour ce Policy Manual. The only similarity between the April

1570offense and the present offense was the use of different

1580derogatory terms.


158513 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1593jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the partie s to this

1605proceeding. See Administrative Law Judge Services Contract

1612effective March 3, 2006 ; § 120.65(7), Fla. Stat. (20 1 0) .

162414 . As set forth above, ECUA relied on Section F - 4(4),

1637C onduct U nbecoming an E mployee, Section F - 4(16 ),

1649I nsubordination, and Section F - 4 (28), Threatening and/or Abusive

1660Language contained in the ECUA Human Resource Policy Manual .

167015 . Additionally, Chapter F of the ECUA Human Resource

1680Policy Manual provides for progressive and cumulative

1687discipline, and reads in pertinent par t:

1694Section F - 1 Progressive and Cumulative


1702In determining the severity of the

1708discipline to be applied, the supervisor

1714should take into account the following


1721(a) The seriousness of the offense.

1727(b) The circumstances surrounding t he


1734(c) The effect of the employee's actions on

1742the ECUA's operations and ability to carry

1749out its responsibilities, and on other


1756(d) The overall work record of the


1764(e) If the offense is not a first offense

1773for the employ ee, the length of time since

1782earlier disciplinary actions, the similarity

1787or dissimilarity of offenses, and the

1793severity of earlier offenses shall be


1800(f) Other factors may be considered as


1808Progressive discipline is based on the idea

1815that once employees have been informed of

1822the performance and behavior e x pected of

1830them, discipline will generally be

1835administer e d progressively from minor to

1842major penalties. However, the seriousness

1847of the offense or the cumulative nature of

1855the of fense in light of the employee's

1863disciplinary history may warrant more severe

1869discipline eliminating progressive

1872discipline as an option.

1876For example, major disciplinary infractions,

1881because of their serious nature, may warrant

1888suspension or dismissal on the first

1894occurrence even though the employee has no

1901prior record for discipline. . . .

190816 . ECUA has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the

1921evidence. See p aragraph 7(j), contract between ECUA and DOAH.

193117 . In this case, the evidence did not d emonstrate that

1943Respondent violated Section F - 4 (16) (insubordination).

1951Respondent was hearing impaired and did not hear his

1960supervisor's instructions. He , therefore , was unaware of any

1968direct instructions given by his supervisor to him .

197718. However, the evidence did demonstrate that Respondent

1985violated Section F - 4(4) (conduct unbecoming an ECUA employee)

1995and Section F - 4(28) (threatening or abusive language) when he

2006engaged in a verbal argument with Mr. Prim and derogatorily

2016referred to him as "boy" se veral times during that argument.

202719 . Finally, Respondent did not demonstrate that

2035Respondent escalated or threatened Mr. Prim when he suggested

2044that the matter could be settled elsewhere. There was conflict

2054in the evidence about what was said and it is debatable whether

2066the statement made by Respondent was a threat or an

2076escalation/de - escalation of the argument. In fact, the argument

2086was of short duration. Thus, Respondent should be found guilty

2096of two violations of the ECUA Human Resources Policy Man ual

2107arising out of one incident and discipline should be imposed

2117according to ECUA policies .


2123Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

2132of Law, it is

2136Recommended that the Executive Direc tor of the Emerald

2145Coast Utili ties Authority find that Respondent violated its

2154H uman Resource P olicies F - 4 (4) and (28), and impose such

2168discipline on Respondent as determined appropriate under the

2176provisions of the Human Resource Policy Manual .

2184DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of Ma rch , 20 1 1 , in

2197Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2204Administrative Law Judge

2207Division of Administrative Hearings

2211The DeSoto Building

22141230 Apalachee Parkway

2217Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2222(850) 488 - 9675

2226Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2232www.doah .state.fl.us

2234Filed with the Clerk of the

2240Division of Administrative Hearings

2244this 21st day of March , 201 1 .


2255John E. Griffin, Esquire

2259Carson & Adkins

22622930 Wellington Circle, North, Suite 201

2268Tallahassee, Florida 32309

2271Michael J. Edler

2274801 West Baars Street

2278Pensacola, Florida 32501

2281Ryan Barnett, Esquire

2284Whibbs & Stone

2287801 Romana Street, Unit C

2292Pensacola, Florida 32502

2295Richard C. Anderson , Director

2299Human Resources and

2302Administrative Services

2304Emerald Coast Utilities Authority

23089255 S turdevant Street

2312Pensacola, Florida 32514

2315Steve Sorrell, Executive Director

2319Emerald Coast Utilities Authority

23239255 Sturdevant Street

2326Pensacola, Florida 32514


2336Pursuant to Paragraph 7(m) of the contract betwee n ECUA and

2347DOAH, a ll parties have the right to submit written argument

2358within 10 days of the issuance of this Recommended Order with

2369the Executive Director of the ECUA as to any appropriate penalty

2380to be imposed. The Executive Director will then determine the

2390appropriate level of discipline to be imposed upon the


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Date: 04/20/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/21/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/21/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/21/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 14, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/14/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/07/2011
Proceedings: Order (granting Petitioner's request to take official notice of chapter 91-36, Laws of Florida).
Date: 02/04/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request that Administrative Law Judge Take Official Notice of Chapter 81-376, Laws of Florida filed.
Date: 01/11/2011
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 14, 2011; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL; amended as to location).
Date: 01/10/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 14, 2011; 10:00 a.m., Central Time; Pensacola, FL).
Date: 12/13/2010
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 12/13/2010
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 12/13/2010
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Pensacola, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):