11-001088 Department Of Financial Services, Division Of Insurance Agents And Agency Services vs. Weston Professional Title Group, Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 8, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Tile agency was guilty of failing to disburse funds pursuant to HUD-1 settlement statement and failing to maintain surety. Allegations of fraud and incompetence were not proven.







23Petitioner , )

25) Case No. 11 - 1088

31vs. )



38GROUP, INC. , )


42Respondent . )



48Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was

56conducted on August 25 , 2011, by video teleconference between

65sites in Tallahassee and Miami , Florida, and on October 27 - 28,

772011 in Miami, Florida, before Administrative Law Judge

85Claude B. Arrington of the Division of Administrative Hearings



96For Petitioners: Melin da Butler , Esquire

102Department of Financial Services

106200 East Gaines Street

110Tallahassee, Florida 32399

113For Respondent: Victor K. Rones , Esquire

119Law Office of Victor K. Rones, P.A.

12616105 Northeast 18th Avenue

130North Miami Beach , Florida 33 162


140Whether Weston Professional Title Group, Inc. (Respondent)

147committed the violations alleged in Counts I, II, III, V, VI,

158and VII of the Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, the

169penalties that should be imposed.


176On November 10, 2010, Petitioner filed a n Administrative

185Complaint against Respondent that contained allegations

191pertaining to two real estate cl osings by Respondent and, based

202on those allegations, alleged certain violations of applicable

210law in four separate counts . Respondent timely denied the

220allegations of the Administrative Complaint, the matter was

228referred to DOAH, and assigned to ALJ Errol H. Powell. On

239May 10, 2011, Petitioner moved to amend the Administrative

248Complaint (motion to amend) and attached an Amended

256Administrative Complaint (Amended AC) to its motion. The

264Amended AC contained factual allegations as to the two real

274estate closing referenced in the initial Administrative

281Complaint, and, based on those allegations, alleged certain

289violations of applicable law in seven sequentially - numbered

298counts, which will be discussed below. On May 16, 2011,

308Respondent fi led its response to the motion to amend . On

320June 2, 2011, ALJ Powell granted the motion to amend and

331accepted the Amended AC . Thereafter, the matter was transferred

341to the undersigned for all further proceedings.

348Respondent, as the title and settlement a gent, closed on

358the sale of a residence located on Collonade Drive, Wellington,

368Florida, on November 14, 2006 (Collonade closing). Respondent,

376as the title and settlement agent, closed on the sale of a

388residence located on Vignon Place , Wellington, Florid a, on

397December 15 , 2006 ( Vignon closing).

403Counts I, V, and VI of the Amended AC contained alleged

414violations of applicable law pertaining to the Collonade

422closing. Count IV of the Amended AC was voluntarily dismissed

432by Petitioner and will not be discusse d further. Counts II and

444VII contained alleged violations of applicable law pertaining to

453the Vignon closing. Count III contained alleged violations

461regarding Respondent's surety bond.

465Counts I, V, and VI will be discussed together in the

476Findings of Fac t under the heading "Collonade Drive Closing."

486Counts II and VII will be discussed together under the heading

"497Vignon Place Closing." Count III will be discussed separately

506under the heading "Surety Bond ." 1 /

514All statutory referenc es are to Florida Statutes (2011 ).

524The cited provisions have not changed since 2006, when the

534closings occurred.

536References will be made to the federal Real Estate

545Settlement Procedures Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.

555(RESPA). The federal Department of Housing and Urb an

564Development (HUD) has developed a form that is required to be

575used in the settlement of the type real estate transactions at

586issue in this proceeding. The form is referred to a s a HUD - 1

601Settlement Statement (HUD - 1) .


616Count I alleged that Respondent disbursed $361,000 in

625contradiction to the HUD - 1 to entities other than the seller ,

637thereby violating the following provisions of law:

644(a) Section 626.8473(2), Florida Statutes,

649which provides that all funds received by a

657title insurance agent as described in

663subsection 626.8473(1) shall be trust funds

669received in a fiduciary capacity by the title

677insurance agent and shall be the property of

685the person or persons entitled thereto.

691(b) Section 626.8473(4) , which provide s that

698funds required to be maintained in escrow

705trust accounts pursuant to this section shall

712not be subject to any debts of the title

721insurance agent and shall be used only in

729accordance with the terms of the individual

736escrow, settlement, or closing ins tructions

742under which the funds were accepted.

748(c) Section 626.8437(4), which provides that

754it is a violation for a licensee to have

763demonstrated a lack of fitness or

769trustworthiness to represent a title insurer

775in the issuance of its commitments, binder s,

783policies of title insurance, or guarantees of


791(d) Section 626.8437(5), which provides

796that it is a violation to demonstrate lack

804of reasonably adequate knowledge and

809technical competence to engage in the

815transactions authorized by a license or


822(e) Section 626.8437(6) , which provides

827that it is a violation to exhibit fraudulent

835or dishonest practices in the conduct of

842business under a license or appointment.

848(f) Section 626.8437(9) , which provides

853that a willful failure to comply with, or

861willful violation of, any proper order or

868rule of the department or willful violation

875of any provision of this act is, in itself,

884a violation of law. 2 /


892Count V alleged that Respondent prep ared two HUD - 1 s in

905conjunction with the Collonade closing that contained different

913monetary figures for specified items. Petitioner charged

920Respondent with providing a false and inaccurate HUD - 1 in

931violation of sub sections 626.8437(4), (5), and (6).


941Count VI alleged that Respondent's records fail to support

950the existence of a $195,000.00 dep osit that was reflected on the

963HUD - 1 s prepared by Respondent as to the Collonade closing in

976violation of sub sections 626.8437(4), (5), and (6).


991Count II alleged that Respondent prepared a HUD - 1 that

1002m isrepresented a payment to Gaspare Valentino in connection with

1012the Vignon Court closing in violation of the same provisions of

1023law set forth in Count I.


1031Count VII alleged that Respondent prepared a HUD - 1 in

1042connection with the Vignon Court closing that contained false

1051and inaccurate information as to a deposit or earnest money in

1062violation of subsections 626.8437(4), (5), and (6).


1074Count III alleged t hat Respondent operated from on or about

1085August 30, 2010 until November 18, 2010, without a required

1095surety bond, thereby providing grounds for the revocation or

1104suspension of its license pursuant to section 626.8437(1) and in

1114violation of sections 626.841 8(2) and 626.8437(9). Section

1122626.8437(1) requires a title insurance agency to have at all

1132times a surety bond of not less than $35,000.00 value. Section

1144626.8437(9) provides that a willful failure to comply with, or

1154willful violation of any proper order or rule of the department

1165or willful violation of any provision of the act is, in itself,

1177a violation of law.

1181On August 18, 2011, the parties filed a Joint Pre - Trial

1193Stipulation that contained certain stipulated facts and agreed

1201issues of law. Those stipulations have been incorporated into

1210this Recommended Order to the extent deemed appropriate.

1218On August 18, 2011, Petitioner filed a motion to take

1228official record of a final order entered by Petitioner in

1238another proceeding. That motion was granted d uring the course

1248of the formal hearing.

1252At the formal hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony

1260of Ray Wenger (a financial administrator employed by Petitioner)

1269and offered 33 sequentially - numbered exhibits, each of which was

1280admitted into evidence. Res pondent presented the testimony of

1289Alan Shuminer (a practicing real estate attorney), Mr. Wenger,

1298Keila Marrero (a n employee of Respondent) and Jose Marrero (a

1309practicing attorney , who is the president of Respondent ) .

1319( Ms. Marrero and Mr. Marrero are sibl ings ) . Respondent offered

133280 sequentially - numbered exhibits each of which was admitted

1342into evidence except for Respondent's E xhibit 14.

1350The Transcript of the proceedings conducted on August 25,

13592011, consisting of two volume s , was filed on September 22 ,

13702011 . The Transcript of the proceedings conducted on October 27

1381and 28, consisting of three volumes, was filed on November 21,


1393The parties timely filed their respective Proposed

1400Recommended Orders , which have been duly considered by the

1409undersigned in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


14201. At all times, Petitioner has been the entity of the

1431State of Florida charged with the responsibility to regulate

1440title insurance agencies.

14432. At all times relevant to this proceeding Respondent was

1453licensed by Petitioner as a title insurance agent in the State

1464of Florida. As of the formal hearing, Respondent had ceased its

1475operations due to the lack of business.

14823. Petitioner's investigation of Respondent was initiated

1489by a complaint from a man named Robert Anderson. Mr. Anderson

1500represented to Petitioner that he discovered that his name and

1510address had been used as the buyer of the two residences

1521discussed above.

15234. Respondent was the title and settlement agent for both

1533transaction s. The Collonade Drive transaction settled on

1541November 14, 2006 , with disbursement of the funds on

1550November 16, 2006. The Vignon Place transaction settled and the

1560funds were disbursed on December 15, 2006 .

15685. Mr. Anderson reported to Petitioner his belief that his

1578identity had been stolen by a person named Pamela Higgins.

1588Mr. Anderson reported to Petitioner that he had not participated

1598in either transaction , and asserted that he did not sign any of

1610the documents that purport to contain his signature as the


16216. Respondent was required to comply with the provisions

1630of RESPA in completing the HUD - 1 for the Collonade Drive closing

1643and the Vignon Place closing. RESPA required that disbursements

1652at closing be consistent with the HUD - 1 as approved b y the

1666parties to the transaction and by the lender.


16777. On September 15, 2006, Robert Anderson (or someone

1686impersonating Mr. Anderson) signed a "Contract for Sale and

1695Purchase" (Collonade contract), agreeing to buy the Collonade

1703Dri ve property from Mark Mariani and Kathy Mariani, for the

1714purchase price of $1,375,000.00.

17208. The Collonade contract reflected that a deposit had

1729been made to "FLORIDA TITLE & ESC." in the amount of $5,000 with

1743an additional deposit of $5,000 to be made wi thin ten days.

17569. Two loans with separate mortgages constituted the

1764financing for the purchase of the Collonade Drive property. The

1774first mortgage was $962,500.00. The second mortgage, as

1783reflected on the HUD - 1 Settlement Statement with the

1793disbursement date of November 14, 2006, was $263,430.08. 3 / First

1805Magnus Financial Corporation, an Arizona corporation, was the

1813lender for both loans.

181710. Agents of America Mortgage Corp. served as the

1826mortgage broker for the transaction.

183111. Juan Carlos Rodriguez, an employee of Agents of

1840America Mortgages, signed Mr. Anderson's loan application as the


185012. The following was a special clause of the Collonade





189813. Petitioner established that Robert Anderson was not a

1907licensed Florida real estate agent.

191214. The Collonade contrac t represented that there were no

1922real estate brokers representing either party .

192915. On or about November 1 , 2006, Respondent received a

"1939Request for Title Commitment" from Claudit Casanova, a mortgage

1948broker with Agents of America Mortgage Corp. , for the Collonade

1958Drive transaction. This was a revised request. The first

1967request had been sent to Respondent on or about October 3, 2006.

1979A copy of the Collonade contract had been forwarded to

1989Respondent with the first request.

199416. In connection with the Col lonade Drive transaction,

2003Respondent prepared two HUD - 1 s , 4 / each of which w as approved by

2019the parties and the lender. 5 / The first HUD - 1 had an anticipated

2034closing date of November 14, 2006. That HUD - 1 was revised in

2047response to the lender ' s instruction to move the disbursement

2058date from November 14, 2006, to November 16, 2006. The revision

2069of the HUD - 1 slightly reduced the amount of cash the buyer

2082needed to close as a result of interest beginning to run on the

2095loans as of November 16 inste ad of November 14.

210517. This was a mail - away closing, in that a packet of the

2119documents the buyer was to sign was sent to someone named Laurie

2131Martin at a title agency in Glendale, Arizona. Ms. Marrero

2141testified she mailed the packet pursuant to instructions without

2150specifying who gave her those instructions. The packet of

2159documents was returned to Respondent, with signatures purporting

2167to be Mr. Anderson's. Laurie Martin appears to have served as

2178the notary public when the documents were signed .

218718. The transaction closed pursuant to the revised HUD - 1

2198with the disbursement date of November 16, 2006 , which, as

2208approved by the parties and the lender, reflected that the

2218sellers were to receive $477,884.93 upon closing.

222619. Upon closing, Responden t drafted a check in the amount

2237of $477,884.93 made payable to the sellers . The sellers voided

2249the check and based on instructions from the sellers ,

2258Ms. Marrero redistribute d the sellers' proceeds by wire transfer

2268as follows: $116,112.85 to sellers; $170,250.00 to Pamela

2278Higgins; and $191,508 .08 to Unlimited Advertising USA. Fourteen

2288dollars w ere spent on wire transfer charges.

229620. The actual disbursement of the seller's proceeds was

2305inconsistent with the HUD - 1 and unknown to the buyer and the

2318lender . Respondent violated the provisions of RESPA by

2327disbursing the proceeds of the sale in a manner that was

2338inconsistent with the HUD - 1.

2344$195,000 DEPOSIT

234721. The Collonade contract reflected that a $5,000 deposit

2357had been made to "Fla. Title & Esc." required for the buyer to

2370pay a n additional deposit of $5,000 within ten days. There was

2383no evidence establishing any relationship between Respondent and

"2391Fla. Title & Esc." Both HUD - 1s for the Collonade Drive

2403transaction reflected that the buyer had provided to the sellers

2413a deposit in the amount of $195,000.

242122. These HUD - 1s, reflecting that the sellers were holding

2432a deposit in the amount of $195,000, were approved by the

2444parties and the lender.

244823. Ms. Marrero testified that she was instructed to

2457include the $195,000 deposit on the HUD - 1s without specifying

2469who gave her those instructions.

247424. Ms. Marrero did not attempt to verify that the

2484$195,000 deposit was actually being held b y the sellers.


249625. Petitioner a lleged that the Collonade Drive

2504transaction was fraudulent. Mr. Wenger's testimony, based in

2512part on reports of mortgage fraud prepared by the Federal Bureau

2523of Investigation, supported that allegation. Other evidenc e

2531supporting that allegation included the following fact s

2539A. T he first mortgage quickly went into

2547foreclosure ;

2548B. A mailing address given for Robert

2555Anderson did not (as of April 19, 2011)


2564C. The a ddress of Unlimited Advertising USA

2572was also th e address of Claudia Rodriguez, a

2581former Florida title agent whose license had

2588been suspended by Petitioner for failing to

2595disburse in accordance with HUD statements

2601and disbursing on uncollected funds;

2606D. The address of Unlimited Advertising USA

2613was also the address of Juan Carlos

2620Rodriguez (the person who supposedly took

2626the credit application from Robert

2631Anderson) ;

2632E. The address of Unlimited Advertising USA

2639was also the address of Agents of America

2647Mortgage Corporation (the mortgage broker

2652f or the Collonade closing.

2657F . Juan Carlos Rodriguez supposedly

2663notarized the document authorizing

2667disbursement of part of the sellers'

2673proceeds to Pamela Higgins.

2677G . Mr. Anderson's purported signatures on

2684different documents are inconsistent.

268826. The address for Mr. Anderson as it appears on the HUD -

27011 Settlement Statements is 14233 W. Jenan Drive, Surprise,


271127. Prior to the closing Ms. Marrero sent by Federal

2721Express a copy of the unexecuted closing documents to "Pam

2731Higgins c/o Robert S. And erson" 12211 N. 85th Street,

2741Scottsdale, Arizona.

274328. Following the closing, Ms. Marrero sent a copy of the

2754closing documents by Federal Express to Robert S. Anderson, at

2764the address 12211 N. 85th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona.

277229. Ms. Marrero testified that she acted on instructions

2781in sending the two packages, without identifying who gave her

2791those instructions.

279330. There was no evidence that anyone employed by

2802Respondent knew anyone connected to this transaction prior to

2811being asked to provide a title commitment. There was

2820insufficient evidence to establish that Respondent had anything

2828to do with the buy - sell agreement between the buyer and the

2841sellers or the efforts by Mr. Anderson (or the person or persons

2853impersonating Mr. Anderson) to obtain finan cing for the


286331. While there was significant evidence that the

2871Colonnade Closing was a fraudulent transaction, there was

2879insufficient evidence to establish that Respondent was complicit

2887in that fraud.


289332. On a date p rior to November 6, 2006 , Maribel and

2905Timothy Graves signed a "Contract for Sale and Purchase"

2914offering to sell their Vignon Court residence to Robert Anderson

2924for the purchase price of $1,975,000.00. Mr. and Mrs. Graves

2936were represented by counsel during this transaction. T he copy

2946of the contract admitted into evidence had not been signed by

2957Mr. Anderson and did not bear a legible date . The contract

2969provided an acceptance date of November 6, 2006. The fully

2979executed contract was not admitted into evidence.

298633. On October 4, 2006, Claudit Casanova of Agents of

2996America Mortgage requested Respondent to provide a title

3004commitment for t he Vignon Court transaction. In that request,

3014the sales price was stated as being $1,975,000; the loan amount

3027was $1,481,250 an d the mortgagee was American Brokers Conduit.

303934. Preferred Properties, Int., Inc. , was listed as being

3048the real estate broker for the transaction.

305535. Respondent prepared a HUD - 1 for the Vignon Court

3066transaction that reflected a closing and disbursement date of

3075December 15, 2006.


307936. The unexecuted (by the buyer) and undated copy

3088Purchase Agreement required a deposit of $100,000 at the time of

3100acceptance with an additional $50,000 being due within ten days

3111thereafter. There was no evidence as to the terms of the

3122completely executed Purchase Agreement.

312637. Line 201 of the HUD - 1 reflected a deposit of $250,000

3140paid on behalf of the buyer. Respondent did not verify that

3151deposit had been made. The HUD - 1 specified that the deposit was

3164being held by the sellers.

316938. The buyer, sellers, and lender approved the HUD - 1 ,

3180which reflect ed the existence of a deposit of $250,000 , prior to



319639. On December 6, 2006, Mr. and Mrs. Graves entered into

3207a "Joint Venture and Property Res ale Agreement" (Resale

3216Agreement) pertaining to the sale of the Vignon Court residence

3226with Gaspare Valentino . On February 5, 2002, Gaspare Rino

3236Valentino was issued a license by the Department of Business and

3247Professional Regulation of the type "Real Est ate Broker or

3257Sales" and of the rank "Sales Associate." That license was

3267valid at the times relevant to this proceeding.

327540. Paragraph 2 of the Resale Agreement provid es as

3285follows :


3295Valentino agrees to use reasonable efforts to

3302obtain a third party purchaser (a

"3308Purchaser") for the Property. Valentino is

3315not required to advertise the Property or

3322list the Property for sale, but shall have

3330such right to do so. Valentino does not

3338guaranty [sic] the procurement of a

3344Purchaser. The parties agree that the

3350intention is for Valentino to secure a

3357Purchaser who will pay a purchase price

3364sufficient in order to (i) satisfy the

3371existing debt upon the Property, (ii) pay

3378ordinary and reasonable closing cos ts of the

3386transaction, (iii) generate a net proceeds

3392[illegible] to Owner not less than ONE


3404($100,000); and (iv) generate such further

3411sums beyond the foregoing in order to pay

3419Valentino a fee for services rendered as s et

3428forth in this Agreement. In accordance with

3435such understanding, Owner agrees t o enter

3442into and fully execute a Contract for

3449Purchase and Sale with a Purchaser procured

3456by Valentino which is consistent with the

3463terms set forth in this Agreement, includi ng

3471without limitation, a designated sales price

3477which enables Owner to receive at closing a

3485net proceeds sum equal to ONE HUNDERED

3492THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100,000) (the

"3499Owner's Sale Proceeds") after payment of the

3507Property Sale Expenses, hereinafter defined

3512as set forth in Paragraph 3. Owner agrees

3520that any net sales proceeds in excess of the

3529Owner's Sale Proceeds shall be payable to

3536Valentino (the "Excess Proceeds Fee), as

3542Valentino's fee for the efforts of Valentino

3549as set forth herein.

355341. Para graph 3 (i) of the Resale Agreement reiterates

3563that after the payment of the "Property Sale Expenses" as


3574(i) Owner shall receive the Owner Sale

3581Proceeds consisting of exactly ONE HUNDERED

3587THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($100,000) from

3594the net sales proceeds . . .

360142. Paragraph 3 (ii) of the Resale Agreement reiterates

3610that after the payment of the "Property Sale Expenses" and the

"3621Owner Sale Proceeds":

3625(ii) Valentino shall rec eive the Excess

3632Proceeds Fees, constituting all remaining net

3638sales proceeds in excess of the Owner Sale

3646Proceeds, as a fee for services rendered by

3654Valentino pursuant to this Agreement.

365943. Paragraph 7 of the Resale Agreement is as follows:

36697. Licensed Agent : Valentino represents and

3676discloses that Valentino is a licensed real

3683estate agent in the State of Florida.

3690Notwithstanding such, Valentino is

3694individually entering into this Agreement

3699using his own resources to assist Owner in

3707the improvement and sale of the Property, and

3715as such is a principal in this transaction

3723earning the Excess Proceeds Fee . The parties

3731acknowledge that Valentino is an investor in

3738this transaction and as such at closing is

3746entitled to and shall receive the Excess

3753Proceeds Fe e as set forth in Section

3761[Paragraph] 3(ii) of this Agreement.

376644. Under RESPA, Section 700 of a HUD - 1 is appropriately

3778used for reporting the payments for commissions to real estate

3788salesmen and/or brokers as part of the "Settlement Charges."

379745. Such payments can also be reported under Section 1300

3807("Additional Settlement Charges"), if the payments are

3816appropriately labeled.

381846. Respondent reflected the payment of $527,656.92 as

"3827Payoff" to Gaspare Valentino at line 1307 of Section 1300 . "

383847. Pr ior to closing the buyer, sellers, and lender had

3849approved the HUD - 1 for the Vignon Court transaction. The lender

3861was aware of the Resale Agreement.

386748. Mr. Marrero is an attorney licensed to practice law in

3878Florida. Mr. Marrero construed the payments t o Mr. Valentino to

3889be other than a real estate commission. Although it is clear

3900that Petitioner considers that payment to Mr. Valentino to be a

3911real estate commission, the terms of the Resale Agreement

3920entitled Mr. Marrero to treat that payment as being t o an

3932investor. Petitioner failed to establish that Respondent

3939erroneously stated the payment to Mr. Valentino on the HUD - 1.


395349. As a condition of licensure, a title agency is

3963required to provide to Petitioner a $35,000 security deposit or

3974a $ 35,000 surety bond. In connection with its application for

3986licensure on August 29, 2002, Respondent filed the required

3995surety bond with Petitioner. The bond was issued by Fidelity

4005and Deposit Company of Maryland with bond number 133046577.

401450. On July 1 4, 2004, Petitioner received from Respondent

4024a surety bond issued by Western Surety Company in the amount of

4036$35,000, effective as of August 29, 2004 . The bond number was


405051. On May 28, 2010, Petitioner received a letter from his

4061surety dated M ay 24, 2010, which advised that bond number

407269728435 would be voided or cancelled as of August 29, 2010.

408352. That letter of cancellation showed a copy being

4092furnished to Respondent at the address "1 8 20 N orth . Corporate

4105Lakes B oulevard , S ui te 105, Weston, Fl orida 33326."

411653. On June 11, 2010, Petitioner advised Respondent by

4125letter sent to "18 20 North Corporate Lakes Boulevard , S uite.

4136105, Weston, Florida 33326" that it had received the

4145cancellation letter. The letter stated, in part, as follows:

4154If we do not receive a replacement bond

4162within 30 days of the dated letter, we will

4171forward your file to the appropriate

4177division for disciplinary action. If you do

4184not plan to continue transacting business

4190and wish to terminate your license, you must

4198submit a re quest to us immediately.

420554. Prior to May 24, 2010, Respondent moved its offices

4215from 1802 North Corporate Lakes Boulevard, Suite 105, Weston,

4224Florida , to Suite 304 of the same building. Mr. Marrero

4234testified that he had no recollection of receiving the letters

4244cancelling the surety bond or the letter from Petitioner dated

4254June 11, 2010.

425755. Respondent was without a surety bond between August

426629, 2010, and November 18, 2010. Petitioner did not establish

4276that Respondent's failure to maintain it surety b ond during that

4287period was willful within the meaning of section 626.8437(9).

429656. No prior disciplinary action has been brought against



430957 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter of and

4320the parties to this proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569 and


433158 . This proceeding seeks to impose discipline against

4340Respondents and is, consequently, penal in nature. State ex

4349rel. Vining v. Fla. Real Estate Comm'n , 281 So. 2d 487, 491

4361(Fla. 1973). Accordingly, to impose discipline, the Department

4369must prove the charges against Respondents by clear and

4378convincing evidence. Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. &

4389Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 93 2, 933 - 34

4404(Fla. 1996)(citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95

4416(Fla. 1987)); Nair v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg., Bd. of Med. ,

4429654 So. 2d 205, 207 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

443859 . Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

4448Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the court

4460developed a "workable definition of clear and convincing

4468evidence" and found that of necessity such a definition would

4478need to contain "both qualitative and quantitative standards."

4486The court held that:

4490clear and convinc ing evidence requires that

4497the evidence must be found to be credible;

4505the facts to which the witnesses testify

4512must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

4518must be precise and explicit and the

4525witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

4533the facts in issue . The evidence must be of

4543such weight that it produces in the mind of

4552the trier of fact a firm belief or

4560conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

4566truth of the allegations sought to be


4574Id . The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowit z

4585court's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re

4595Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994).

460360 . The provisions of the Insurance Code cited in this

4614Recommended Order have not changed at any time relevant to this


462661 . Petitioner p roved by clear and convincing evidence

4636that Respondent distributed portions of the sellers' proceeds to

4645entities other than the sellers in contradiction of the HUD - 1

4657for the Collonade closing and contrary to the instructions given

4667to it by the lender . Tha t distribution constituted a violation

4679of sub section s 626.8473(2) and ( 4 ) as alleged in Count I of the

4695AC. Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing evidence

4705that by making the distribution Respondent violated the

4713provisions of section 626.8437(4) (lack of fitness), section

4721626.8437(5) (lack of knowledge), section 626.8437(6) (fraud or

4729dishonesty), or section 626.8437(9) (willful failure to comply

4737with a provision of the act ) .

474562. Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing

4754evidence that Respondent provided a false and/or inaccurate HUD -

47641 in connection with the Collonade closing as alleged in Count V

4776of the Amended AC. Consequently, Respondent is not guilty of

4786the violations a lleged in Count V of the Amended AC.

479763. Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence

4805that Respondent did not independently verify the existence of a

4815$195,000 deposit supposedly held by the sellers as part of the

4827Collonade closing. However, Petitio ner did not prove by clear

4837and convincing evidence that Respondent had a duty to make such

4848an independent verification of the deposit. Consequently, it is

4857concluded that Petitioner failed to prove that Respondent

4865committed the violations alleged in Count VI of the Amended AC.

487664. Petitioner failed to prove by clear and convincing

4885evidence that Respondent committed the violations alleged in

4893Count II of the Amended AC relating to the Vignon closing by

4905misrepresenting the payment made to Gaspare Valentino.

4912Mr. Valentino's entitlement to the portion he received was a

4922result of the Resale Agreement he executed with the sellers.

4932Respondent was not required to represent the distribution to

4941Mr. Valentino as a real estate commission.

494865. Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing

4957evidence that the HUD - 1 prepared for the Vignon closing

4968contained false and inaccurate information as to the $250,000

4978deposit. There was no evidence that the deposit did not exist

4989or that the amount was inaccurate. P etitioner failed to prove

5000that Respondent had a duty to verify the existence of or the

5012amount of the deposit since Respondent was not holding the

5022deposit in escrow. Consequently, Respondent is not guilty of

5031the violations alleged n Count VII of the Amende d AC.

504266. Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence

5050that Respondent did not have a surety bond between August 30 and

5062November 18, 2010, as required by section 626.8 4 18(2) and in

5074violation of section 626.8 437(1), as alleged in Count III of the

5086Ame nded AC. Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing

5097evidence that Respondent's failure to maintain its surety bond

5106was willful. Consequently, Petitioner failed to prove that the

5115failure to maintain the surety bond violated section

5123626.8437(9). In reaching this conclusion, the undersigned has

5131considered Mr. Marrero's testimony that Respondent's offices

5138relocated and that he could not recall receiving notice of

5148cancellation from the surety or the warning letter from


515867. In recommending t he penalties to be imposed, the

5168undersigned has considered the disciplinary guidelines found at

5176Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.120. There are no

5186mitigating or aggravating factors to be considered pursuant to

5195Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B - 231.160.


5203Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5213Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services

5223enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating the

5233provisions of subsections 626.8473(2) and (4) as alleged in

5242Count I of the Amended AC; and guilty of failing to maintain a

5255surety bond as required by section 626.8418(2) in violation of

5265section 626.8437(1), as all eged in Count III of the Amended AC.

5277It is further recommended that the final order find Respondent

5287not guilty of all other violations alleged in the Amended AC.

5298For the violations found as to Count I, it is recommended that

5310Respondent's licensure be sus pended for a period of six months.

5321For the violations found in Count III, it is recommended that

5332Respondent's licensure be suspended for a period of three

5341months. It is further recommended that the periods of

5350suspension run concurrently.

5353DONE AND ENTER ED this 8th day of February, 2012 , in

5364Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5372Administrative Law Judge

5375Division of Administrative Hearings

5379The DeSoto Building

53821230 Apalachee Parkway

5385Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5390(850) 488 - 9675

5394Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5401Filed with the Clerk of the

5407Division of Administrative Hearings

5411this 8th day of February, 2012


54181 / The following is intended to be a summary of Petitioner's

5430pleadings only.

54322 / The reference to the "act" is to the Florida Insurance Code

5445as defined by section 624.01.

54503 / As will be discussed below, Respondent prepared two HUD - 1

5463Settlement Statements. The first reflected that the settlement

5471and disbursement w ould both be on November 14, 2006. The second

5483reflected a settlement date on November 14, 2006, and a

5493disbursement date of November 16, 2006.

54994 / Petitioner's contention that there were four separate HUD - 1s

5511prepared by Respondent is not supported by the evidence.

55205 / In its PRO, Petitioner proposes findings of fact that are

5532consistent with a finding that Mr. Anderson did not sign the

5543HUD - 1 with the disbursement date of November 14, nor did he sign

5557the HUD - 1 with the disbursement date of November 16. Tho se

5570proposed facts are rejected as being contrary to the allegations

5580of the Amended AC and to the stipulated facts set forth in the

5593Joint Pre - Hearing Stipulation.


5600Julie Jones, CP,FRP, Agency Clerk

5606Department of Financial Services

5610Divisio n of Legal Services

5615200 East Gaines Street

5619Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0390

5624Melinda Hilton Butler, Esquire

5628Department of Financial Services

5632Division of Legal Services

5636612 Larson Building

5639200 East Gaines Street

5643Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0333

5648Victor K. Rones, Esquire

5652Margulies and Rones, P.A.

565616105 Northeast 18th Avenue

5660North Miami Beach, Florida 33162


5671All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

568115 days from the date of this Recommende d Order. Any exceptions

5693to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5704will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/03/2012
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2012
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Response to Respondent's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2012
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/20/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/17/2012
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 18 and October 27, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/10/2012
Proceedings: Errata Sheet (for proceeding held on October 27-28, 2011) filed.
Date: 01/10/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/10/2012
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/19/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit 77 (exhibit not available for viewing)
Date: 12/02/2011
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Involuntary Dismissal.
Date: 12/02/2011
Proceedings: Order Establishing Deadline.
Date: 12/02/2011
Proceedings: Order Admitting Petitioner`s Exhibit Four.
Date: 11/21/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes one through three (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/08/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Involuntary Dismissal filed November 4, 2011 filed.
Date: 11/08/2011
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Schedule Proposed Recommended Orders Due Date filed.
Date: 11/04/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Involuntary Dismissal filed.
Date: 10/27/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/22/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I-2 (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/01/2011
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 27 and 28, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits List Description (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Take Official Recognition of a Department of Financial Services Final Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Trial Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibits List filed.
Date: 06/17/2011
Proceedings: Weston Professional Title Group Inc.s' Response to Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/10/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 25, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/07/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Trial and Pre-Trial Conferences/Deadlines filed.
Date: 06/06/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Continuance of Trial and Pre-trial Conference/Deadlines filed.
Date: 06/02/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint.
Date: 05/16/2011
Proceedings: Response to Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/10/2011
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 04/12/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/12/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 16, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/07/2011
Proceedings: Compliance with Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/07/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/01/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/01/2011
Proceedings: Election of Proceeding filed.
Date: 03/01/2011
Proceedings: Weston Professional Title Group Inc.'s Response to Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 03/01/2011
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 03/01/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida

Related Florida Statute(s) (11):

Related Florida Rule(s) (2):