11-003199TTS Lee County School Board vs. Patricia Slade
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, November 15, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: School Board established "just cause" for teacher termination where facts showed teacher slept during her pre-k students' naptime.





14Petitioner , )


17vs. ) Case No. 11 - 3199TTS




29Respondent . )



35Pursuant to not ice, a final hearing was held in this case

47on September 1, 2011, by video teleconference in Tallahassee and

57Fort Myers, Florida, before Thomas P. Crapps, a designated

66Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

74Hearings (DOAH).


77For Petitioner: Robert Dodig, Jr., Esq uire

84Lee County School Board

882855 Colonial Boulevard

91Fort Myers, Florida 33966

95For Respondent: Jeffrey Sirmons, Esq uire

101Johnson and Sirmons, LLP

105510 Vonderburg Dr ive , Suite 309

111Brandon, Florida 33511


118Whether Petitioner, Lee County School Board (School Board),

126has established "just cause" to terminate the Respondent,

134Patricia Slade (Ms. Slade), as a teacher.


143On May 13, 2011, Dr. Lawrence D. Tihen, s uperintendent of

154Lee County School District, filed a Petition for Termination

163against Ms. Slade. The Petition for Termination alleged that

172Ms. Slade, a teacher, had fa llen asleep in her classroom during

184the school day and that during the 2010 - 2011 school year,

196Ms. Slade had left her students unattended. The Petition for

206Termination charged Ms. Slade with Ð misconduct in office , Ñ

216pursuant to section 1012.33(1)(a), Flori da Statutes (2010), 1/ and

226Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B - 4.009(3) ; that her actions

236constituted "inefficiency, the repeated failure to perform

243duties prescribed by law , " violating

248section 1012.33(1)(a), and r ule 6B - 4.009(1)(a)(1). Finally,

257Ms. Slad e was charged with violating Lee County School Board

268Policies 5.02, Ethical Standards and 5.29, Complaints Relating

276to Employees.

278Ms. Slade requested an administrative hearing on the

286Petition for Termination of Employment.

291On June 21, 2011, the School Bo ard considered the Petition

302for Termination and suspended Ms. Slade without pay pending

311receipt of a Recommended Order in the administrative hearing.

320That same date, the School Board forwarded the Petition for

330Termination to DOAH. Administrative Law Judg e Thomas P. Crapps

340was assigned the case, and a final hearing was scheduled for

351September 1, 2011.

354At the September 1, 2011 , hearing, the School Board

363presented the testimony of five witnesses: Alex Dworzanski

371(Mr. Dworzanski), a ssistant p rincipal of L ehigh Acres Elementary

382School; Amelia Sanchez (Ms. Sanchez), a school volunteer;

390Bernadette Hicks (Ms. Hicks), a former teacher; Jessica Serrano

399(Ms. Serrano) and Donna Kinney (Ms. Kinney), two teacher aides.

409The School Board introduced into evidence E xhi bits 1 through 7,

421and 9 through 12.

425Ms. Slade presented the testimony of Ranice Monroe

433(Ms. Monroe), d irector of p rofessional s tandards and e quity for

446the Lee County School District, and herself. Ms. Slade

455introduced into evidence E xhibits 1, 5 , and 6.

464A T ranscript of the proceedings was filed with DOAH. The

475parties requested additional time to prepare recommended orders,

483which was granted. The parties filed their P roposed R ecommended

494O rders on October 17, 2011, which the undersigned considered in

505pre paring the Recommended Order.


5131. Ms. Slade is a teacher at Lehigh Acres Elementary

523School and has worked for the Lee County School District since

534August 19, 1997. As a teacher, Ms. Slade is an instructional

545employee and her employmen t is governed, in part, by the

556collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the

565Teachers Association of Lee County (TALC) .

5722. The School Board is charged with the operation of the

583free public education in Lee County, Florida, and has the

593a uthority to terminate or suspend instructional employees. See

602§ 1012.22(1)(f).

6043. The record shows by preponderance of the evidence that

614Ms. Slade has fallen asleep in her classroom during the school

625day on several instances and on one occasion left her classroom


6374. The record shows that for school year 2010 - 2011,

648Ms. Slade was a teacher for pre - kindergarten children , who are

660four - years - old. The School Board witnesses credibly testified

671that they had observed Ms. Slade asleep in the class room on

683different dates. Ms. Sanchez, a grandmother of one of the

693students in Ms. Slade's classroom and school volunteer, credibly

702testified that she had observed Ms. Slade asleep three or four

713times during the school year. In one instance, Ms. Sanchez

723o bserved Ms. Slade asleep during the children's naptime for a

734period of approximately 30 minutes.

7395. Ms. Sanchez's testimony was corroborated by the

747credible testimony of Ms. Hicks, a former teacher and two

757teacher aides, Ms. Serrano and Ms. Kinney. Ms. Hicks credibly

767testified that she observed Ms. Slade on three occasions.

776Ms. Hicks described one of the occasions when she walked into

787Ms. Slade's classroom during the afternoon and found her asleep

797on the floor . Similarly, Ms. Serrano credibly testifi ed that

808sometime in January 2011 , during the students' naptime,

816Ms. Kinney had come to her classroom and asked Ms. Serrano to

828watch Ms. Slade's class while Ms. Kinney left to use the

839restroom. Upon entering Ms. Slade's classroom, Ms. Serrano

847found Ms. Sl ade asleep on the floor. Ms. Serrano credibly

858testified that she woke Ms. Slade up , because Ms. Serrano had to

870go back to her own classroom. Finally, Ms. Kinney, who was

881Ms. Slade's teacher aide, credibly testified that Ms. Slade had

891fallen asleep once before the winter break and more frequently

901after the winter break. In a written statement provided by

911Ms. Kinney to the school, Ms. Kinney indicated by February 2011,

922Ms. Slade was falling asleep in the classroom "once a week to

934every other week." Duri ng one of Ms. Slade's midday naps after

946the winter break, Ms. Kinney took a picture with a cell phone of

959Ms. Slade sleeping on the floor. The photograph, which was

969admitted into evidence, clearly shows Ms. Slade asleep on the

979floor of the classroom with t he students asleep on their mats

991around her.

9936. The record also shows that on February 15, 2011,

1003Ms. Slade fell asleep in the classroom. Mr. Dworzanski,

1012a ssistant p rincipal for the school, credibly testified that he

1023went to Ms. Slade's classroom after being called by Ms. Kinney ,

1034because Ms. Slade was asleep. Mr. Dworzanski credibly testified

1043that he found Ms. Slade "sitting underneath where the smart

1053board was propped up against the wall and she was asleep."

1064Mr. Dworzanski further testified that Ms. Slade was difficult to

1074wake and that she was incoherent when she was finally a roused.

1086Based on her incoherence, Ms. Slad e was taken to the school

1098nurse and paramedics were called. After this February 15, 2011 ,

1108incident, Ms. Slade did not return to the c lass.

11187. Ms. Slade offered that she had "passed out" on the

1129February 15, 2011, incident as the result of acute bronchitis.

1139While Ms. Slade testified that she had acute bronchitis, her

1149testimony was not credible for showing that her diagnosis of

1159acute br onchitis was the cause for her being asleep or in an

1172unconscious state on February 15, 2011. Therefore, the

1180undersigned finds that there was no competent evidence to

1189explain why Ms. Slade slept during the school day.

11988. Mr. Dworzanski credibly explained that a teacher is not

1208permitted to sleep during the pre - kindergarten student's

1217naptime , because the teacher must monitor the students and keep

1227them safe. Apparently, not all four - year - old students sleep

1239during naptime and the teacher needs to keep an eye on the

1251students .

12539. Next, the record supports the finding that on one

1263instance Ms. Slade left her class unattended. Ms. Kinney

1272credibly testified that on one occasion Ms. Kinney went to the

1283cafeteria to retrieve the school lunches. Upon returning to th e

1294classroom, Ms. Kinney did not see Ms. Slade in the classroom.

1305Further, there was no adult supervision in the classroom when

1315Ms. Kinney entered the class with the lunches. When asked by

1326Ms. Kinney, the students informed her that Ms. Slade had gone to

1338th e bathroom. Ms. Slade returned "several minutes" after

1347Ms. Kinney had returned to the classroom.

135410. Ms. Slade does not have any prior disciplinary record

1364with the school, and was an effective teacher when she ha d been

1377observed teaching.


138311. DOAH has contractual jurisdiction over the parties to

1392and subject matter of the Petition to Terminate. §§ 120.65(7) ,

1402120.569, and 120.57, Fla . Stat . (2011).

141012. The School Board has the authority to terminate and/or

1420suspend instructional perso nnel without pay and benefits.

1428§§ 1012.22(1)(f) and 1012.40(2)(c). The School Board has the

1437burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence the

1447allegations underlying the proposed disciplinary action set

1454forth in the Petition for Termination. See McNeill v. Pinellas

1464Cnty . Sch . Bd . , 678 So. 2d 476 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996).

147813. Ms. Slade is an instructional employee of the School

1488District; thus , she is subject to the collective bargaining

1497agreement and section 1012.33. The standard for discipline of

1506in structional personnel is "just cause" pursuant to section

15156.024 of the TALC Collective Bargaining Agreement and section

15241012.33(1)(a). Although the collective bargaining agreement

1530does not define "just cause," the term is defined by section

15411012.33. Sect ion 1012.33 states that "just cause" "includes,

1550but is not limited to, the following instances, as defined by

1561rule of the State Board of Education: immorality, misconduct in

1571office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of

1578duty, or being con victed or found guilty of, or entering a plea

1591of guilty to, regardless of adjudication of guilt, any crime

1601involving moral turpitude."

160414. The Petition for Termination charges Ms. Slade with

1613Ð misconduct in office ,Ñ pursuant to section 1012.33(1)(a), as

1623defined by rule 6B - 4.009(3) ; inefficiency, the repeated failure

1633to perform duties prescribed by law pursuant to section

16421012.33(1)(a) , as defined by r ule 6B - 4.009(1)(a)(1) ; and

1652violating Lee County School Board Policies 5.02, requiring

1660employees to adhere to the highest ethical conduct, and 5.29,

1670requiring employees to exemplify conduct that is lawful and

1679professional and contributing to a positive learning environment

1687for students.

168915. Rule 6B - 4.009 sets out the criteria for suspension and

1701dismissal for school instructional personnel. Rule 6B - 4.009(3)

1710provides the definition for "misconduct in office" as follows:

1719(3) Misconduct in office is defined as a

1727violation of the Code of Ethics of the

1735Education Profession as adopted in r ule 6B -

17441.001, F.A.C., and the Principles of

1750Professional Conduct for the Education

1755Profession in Florida as adopted in r ule 6B -

17651.006, F.A.C., which is so serious as to

1773impair the individual's effectiveness in the

1779school system.

178116. Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B - 1.001(3) pro vides

1791that "[a]ware of the importance of maintaining the respect and

1801confidence of oneÓs colleagues, of students, of parents, and of

1811other members of the community, the educator strives to achieve

1821and sustain the highes t degree of ethical conduct." Simila rly,

1832r ule 6B - 1.006(3)(a) , entitled "Principles of Professional

1841Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida," requires a

1850teacher to "make reasonable effort to protect the student from

1860conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental

1869and/ or physical health and/or safety." In addition to proving

1879the rule violation, the School Board must demonstrate that the

1889Ð misconduct Ñ caused impairment of Ms. Slade's effectiveness in

1899the school system. See MacMillian v. Nassau Cnty . Sch. Bd ., 629

1912So. 2d 22 6, 229 - 230 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993)(holding that school

1925seeking to dismiss a teacher on the basis of Ð misconduct in

1937office Ñ must establish each and every element of the charge).

194817. "Misconduct in office" may be established, even in the

1958absence of "specific" or "independent" evidence of impairment,

1966where the conduct engaged in by the teacher is of such a nature

1979that it "speaks for itself" in terms of its seriousness and its

1991adverse impact on the teacher's effectiveness. In such cases,

2000proof that the teacher engaged in the conduct is also proof of

2012impaired effectiveness. See Purvis v. Marion Cnty . Sch . Bd . ,

2024766 So. 2d 492, 498 (Fla. 5th DCA 2000); Walker v. Highlands

2036Cnty . Sch . Bd . , 752 So. 2d 127, 128 - 29 (Fla. 2d DCA 2000);

2053Summers v. Sch . Bd . of Marion Cnty . , 666 So. 2d 175, 175 - 76

2070(Fla. 5th DCA 1995); Brevard County School Board v. Jones ,

2080Case No. 06 - 1033, 2006 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. 002.LEXIS 287 *17

2093(Fla. DOAH June 30, 2006)(Recommended Order)("[T]he need to

2102demonstrate 'impaired effectiveness' is not nece ssary in

2110instances where the misconduct by a teacher speaks for itself,

2120or it can be inferred from the conduct in question."); and

2132Miami - Dade County School Board v. Lefkowitz, Case No. 03 - 0186,

21452003 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 675 *23 - 24 (Fla. DOAH July 31,

21592003)(Recommended Order)("The School Board failed to prove by a

2169preponderance of the direct evidence that Mr. Lefkowitz's

2177actions were so serious that they impaired his effectiveness as

2187a teacher. Nonetheless, based on the findings of fact herein,

2197it may be inferred that Mr. Lefkowitz's conduct impaired his

2207effectiveness as a teacher in the Miami - Dade County public

2218school system.")(citation omitted).

222218. In addition to the "misconduct in office" charge, the

2232Petition for Termination charges Ms. Slade wi th "inefficiency,

2241the repeated failure to perform duties prescribed by law

2250pursuant to section 1012.33(1)(a), as defined by rule

22586B - 4.009(1)(a)(1), which constitutes Ò jus t causeÓ for her

2269termination." Rule 6B - 4.009(1)(a)(1) , defines incompetence as

2277the " inability or lack of fitness to discharge the required duty

2288as a result of inefficiency or incapacity. Since incompetency

2297is a relative term, an authoritative decision in an individual

2307case may be made on the basis of testimony by members of a panel

2321of ex pert witnesses appropriately appointed from the teaching

2330profession by the Commissioner of Education. Such judgment

2338shall be based on a preponderance of evidence showing the

2348existence of one (1) or more of the following: a) Inefficiency:

2359(1) repeated fai lure to perform duties prescribed by law

2369(Section 231.09, Florida Statutes); . . . " . 2/

237819. The School Board's Policies 5.02 , and 5.29 , provide s

2388that teachers are held to high ethical standards and are

2398expected to exemplify conduct that contributes to a p ositive

2408learning environment.

241020. Applying the facts to the law here, the undersigned

2420concludes that the School Board has shown by the preponderance

2430of the evidence Ð just cause Ñ to terminate Ms. Slade's


244221. As for the charge of "misconduct in the office , " the

2453record shows that on several different occasions Ms. Slade fell

2463asleep for extended periods of time during the school day when

2474she was in the classroom with pre - kindergarten students.

2484Further, the evidence established one incident when M s. Slade

2494left her classroom unattended while she went to the restroom.

2504Ms. Slade's conduct of sleeping during the children's naptime

2513and leaving the classroom unattended violated r ule 6B - 1.006(3) ,

2524by creating conditions harmful to the students' physical h ealth

2534and safety. Although these incidents occurred during the

2542student's naptime, Ms. Slade's midday siestas were not

2550permitted. As the record showed through Mr. Dworzanski's

2558testimony, during this time the teachers were expected to be

"2568monitoring the st udents, making sure the students are safe,

2578because not all the time do students always sleep during that

2589time." Although Mr. Dworzanski testified that "at times"

2597Ms. Slade "was very effective" when teaching, it is common sense

2608that a teacher cannot be ef fective when she is asleep in the

2621classroom or absences herself from the classroom without leaving

2630adult supervision. Therefore, the record supports the

2637conclusion that Ms. Slade was not effective as a teacher.

264722. Next, the record establishes that Ms. S lade violated

2657r ule 1.006(1)(a)(1) , by being incompetent based on the

"2666inability or lack of fitness to discharge the required duty as

2677a result of inefficiency or incapacity." Although the School

2686Board did not bring forward any expert witness showing how

2696M s. Slade's conduct violated the now repealed section 231.09,

2706the record did establish that Ms. Slade "failed to perform

2716duties prescribed by rule of the district school board" in that

2727she violated the School Board Policies 5.02 , and 5.29. School

2737Board Pol icies 5.02 , and 5.29 require teachers to exemplify

2747conduct that contributes to the learning environment. Sleeping

2755during work hours does not contribute to the learning

2764environment. Based on this repeated behavior, the undersigned

2772finds that the School Bo ard established that Ms. Slade was


278423. One area that concerned the undersigned was the

2793repeated theme gathered from the school personnel as to why they

2804did not report Ms. Slade's sleeping in the classroom earlier.

2814The testimony showed that p rior to the February 15, 2011 ,

2825incident Ms. Hicks, Ms. Serrano , and Ms. Kinney had all observed

2836Ms. Slade asleep in the classroom. Further, the testimony

2845showed that no one wanted to cause a disturbance or problem, yet

2857all recognized that Ms. Slade's beha vior endangered the

2866students. Under the Principles of Professional Conduct for

2874Educational Profession in Florida, these teaching professionals

2881had an affirmative duty to report Ms. Slade's sleeping in the

2892class to the school administrators.


2899Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2909Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Lee County School Board enter a

2921final order terminating the employment of Patricia Slade , as a


2932DONE AND ENT ERED this 1 5 th day of November , 2011 , in

2945Tall ahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2954Administrative Law Judge

2957Division of Administrative Hearings

2961The DeSoto Building

29641230 Apalachee Parkway

2967Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2972(850) 488 - 9675

2976Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2982www.doah.state .fl.us

2984Filed with the Clerk of the

2990Division of Administrative Hearings

2994this 1 5 th day of November , 2011 .


30041/ Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the

3012Florida Statutes are to the 2010 version.

30192/ Prior to the repeal of c hapter 231, Fl orida Statutes, by

3032section 1058, chapter 2002 - 387, Laws of Florida, s ection 231.09,

3044Florida Statutes (2001) , set forth the duties of instructional

3053personnel as follows:

3056(1) The primary duty of instructional

3062personnel is to work diligently and

3068faithfully to help students meet or exceed

3075annual learning goals, to meet state and

3082local achievement requirements, and to

3087master the skills required to graduate from

3094high school prepared for postsecondary

3099education and work. This duty applies to

3106instructional pers onnel whether they teach

3112or function in a support role.

3118(2) Members of the instructional staff of

3125the public schools shall perform duties

3131prescribed by rules of the district school

3138board. The rules shall include, but are not

3146limited to, rules relating to a teacher's

3153duty to help students master challenging

3159standards and meet all state and local

3166requirements for achievement; teaching

3170efficiently and faithfully, using prescribed

3175materials and methods, including technology -

3181based instruction; recordkeeping; and

3185fulfilling the terms of any contract, unless

3192released from the contract by the district

3199school board.


3204Robert Dodig, Jr., Esquire

3208School District of Lee County

32132855 Colonial Boulevard

3216Fort Myers, Florida 33966

3220Jeffrey Scott Sirm ons, Esquire

3225Johnson and Sirmons, LLP

3229510 Vonderburg Drive, Suite 309

3234Brandon, Florida 33511

3237Dr. Joseph Burke, Superintendent

3241Lee County School Board

32452855 Colonial Boulevard

3248Fort Myers, Florida 33966 - 1012

3254Lois Tepper, Interim General Counsel

3259Departmen t of Education

3263Turlington Building, Suite 1244

3267325 West Gaines Street

3271Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3276Gerard Robinson, Commission er of Education

3282Department of Education

3285Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3289325 West Gaines Street

3293Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0 400


3305All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

331515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3326to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3337will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/06/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/06/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 11/15/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/15/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 1, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/15/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/17/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/17/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/16/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/01/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 08/29/2011
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/26/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 07/14/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (of Jeffrey Sirmons) filed.
Date: 07/14/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Address and Firm Name filed.
Date: 06/28/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/28/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 1, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/27/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Petition for Termination of Employment filed.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Myers, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):