11-003268PL Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Board Of Veterinary Medicine vs. Richard Langford, D.V.M.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, November 14, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Department did not prove that Respondent failed to include specified items in medical records.







22Petitioner, )


25vs. ) Case No. 11 - 3268PL




39Respondent. )



44On September 9, 2011 , a duly - noticed hearing was held in

56Tallahassee , Florida, before Lisa Shearer Nelson , an

63Administ rative Law Judge assigned by the Division of

72Administrative Hearings.


75For P etitioner: C. Erica White, Esquire

82Elizabeth Fletcher Henderson, Esquire

86Kathleen Brown - Blake, Esquire

91Department of Business and

95Pro fessional Regulation

981940 North Monroe Street

102T allahassee, Florida 323399

106For Respondent: Ann Bittinger, Esquire

111The Bittinger Law Firm

11513500 Sutton Place Drive South

120Suite 201

122Jacksonville, Florida 32224


129The issue to be determined is whether Respondent violated

138section 474.214(1)(ee) , Florida Statutes (2008), and if so, what

147penalty should be imposed?


153On September 24, 2011, Petitioner, Department of Business

161and Profes sional Regulation (Petitioner or the Department), filed

170an Amended Administrative Complaint charging Respondent, Richard

177Langford, D.V.M. (Respondent or Dr. Langford), with several

185record - keeping deficiencies with respect to his care and

195treatment of the d og, Awesomer, in violation of section

205474.214(1)(ee), Florida Statutes. Respondent disputed the facts

212alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint, and requested a

221hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The

229matter was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings

238for assignment of an administrative law judge.

245On July 14, 2011, a Notice of Hearing was issued scheduling

256the case to be heard September 9, 2011, and the case proceeded as

269scheduled. The discovery and motion practice leading up to the

279hearing was extensive . The docket of the Division provides the

290best recitation of the history of the litigation with respect to

301this matter, and need not be rep eated in this Recommended Order,

313with one exception. On August 19, 2011, th e Department filed a

325Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint, which was granted by

334Order dated September 1, 2011, and consistent with that Order the

345Second Amended Administrative Complaint was filed on September 8,


355At hearing, the Department prese nted the testimony of

364Richard Langford, D.V.M., and the testimony of Melanie Donofro,

373D.V.M., by deposition. Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 2 - 5, 7, 11

384and 13 were admitted into evidence. Respondent testified on his

394own behalf and presented the testimony of Dr. Sergio Vega, D.V.M.

405Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1 - 2, 5 - 6, 14 - 17, 19, and 37 were

421admitted. Prior to the hearing, the parties filed a Joint

431Prehearing Statement that included stipulated facts that, where

439relevant, have been included in the findi ngs of fact below.

450A two - volume transcript was filed with the Division on

461September 27, 2011. Both parties timely filed Proposed

469Recommended Orders that have been carefully considered in the

478preparation of this Recommended Order. Respondent also filed a

487Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Costs pursuant to section 57.105,

497Florida Statutes, to which Petitioner has filed a response. The

507motion will be addressed by separate Final Order .


5191. The Department is the state agency charged with the

529li censing and regulation of veterinarians in the State of

539Florida, pursuant to section 20.165 and chapters 455 and 474,

549Florida Statutes.

5512. At all times material to the allegations in the Second

562Amended Administrative Complaint, Respondent has been license d as

571a veterinarian, having been issued license number VM 5290.

5803. Respondent was the treating veterinarian for a dog named

590Awesomer, owned by Sheri Lawhun.

5954. On April 28, 2009, Ms. Lawhun brought Awesomer to

605Respondent for examination and treatment.

6105. Just prior to his provision of care for Awesomer,

620RespondentÓs office switched to a Ð paperless Ñ system, which

630involved switching to electronic medical records, bookkeeping,

637etc. Respondent testified that the medical record itself is

646stored on the comput er software and that there are a wide variety

659of Ð print screen Ñ options available. Respondent demonstrated the

669complicated nature of the software and the ability of the

679software to Ð hide Ñ different parts of the medical record from the

692print screen , as wel l as copy and paste entries to the Ð top Ñ of

708the medical record. The software does not allow Respondent to

718delete medical record entries, but does allow a user to hide them

730or make them unavailable to print .

7376. As a result, there are three different sets of medical

748records for Awesomer that were admitted into evidence in this

758proceeding. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 2 is the copy of

767medical records printed on May 16, 2009, at the request of the

779dog's owner, Ms. Lawhun. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 3 is the

789copy of the records printed on July 15, 2009, in response to a

802complaint filed with the Department. Petitioner's Exhibit

809numbered 4 is a copy of the medical records for Awesomer printed

821August 2, 2011, and provided to Respondent's counsel.

8297. While much of the documentation is the same, there are

840some differences. Respondent attributes these differences to

847entries that he ordered Ð declined Ñ or hidden, so that the client

860did not see them, or because information was on the Ð splash

872screen Ñ in the progr am, which does not print. He also explained

885that the information related to Awesomer's final visit on the

895evening of April 30, 2009, was moved to the top of the record on

909May 16, 2009, so that her owner could see what happened the day

922the dog died. He cl aimed that the entry was originally recorded

934soon after the dog's death, but it was moved when providing the

946records to Ms. Lawhun. Similarly, the date of death for Awesomer

957is recorded in Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 2 and 3 as May 1,

9692009, the first b usiness day after the dog's final after - hours

982visit. It is corrected to April 30, 2009, in the records

993identified as Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 4.

9998. The following findings of fact deal with the alleged

1009deficiencies in the Respondent's medical records for Awesomer, in

1018the order alleged in the Administrative Complaint.

10259 . Respondent did not record any recommendations for

1034diagnostic tests or follow - up examinations to determine the cause

1045of an elevated heart rate in Awesomer's medical records for

1055April 2 8, 2009 . He did not do so because in his professional

1069opinion, AwesomeÓs heart rate was not elevated and was within

1079normal limits.

108110 . Respondent did not record in AwesomerÓs medical records

1091for April 28, 2009, any examination of feces . He did not do so

1105because he did not perform any fecal tests .

111411 . Respondent's medical records for April 28, 2009,

1123included laboratory results with test results for serum

1131creatinine, serum albumin, serum sodium, and urine pH . He did

1142not find any of these test results to be elevated.

115212 . Respondent did not record in the April 28, 2009 ,

1163medical records any indication that Awesomer was drinking

1171excessively, beyond a tentative diagnosis of psychogenic

1178polydipsia . He did not do so because the history the owner gave

1191his offic e on April 28, 2009, did not mention that the dog was

1205drinking excessively .

12081 3 . Respondent's medical records for April 28, 2009 ,

1218indicated that he administered Phenylpropanolamine but did not

1226state the basis for doing so. Respondent testified that

1235Phenyl propanolamine has one use in veterinary medicine: to help

1245with urine retention in female dogs only, making further

1254explanation unnecessary. His testimony on this issue , which was

1263consistent with Dr. Vega's, is credited.

12691 4 . Ms. Lawhun brought Awesomer b ack to Respondent's office

1281on April 29, 2009, for Respondent to conduct a modified water

1292deprivation test. The medical records for Awesomer do not

1301include the dog's weight at the beginning or the end of the test.

1314However, Respondent testified that, for a modified water

1322deprivation test as opposed to a traditional water deprivation

1331test, the weight of the animal at the beginning and end are not

1344required, because the test simply measures the weight of the

1354urine over time. Although the medical records somet imes refer to

1365the test as a water deprivation test, in at least one entry in

1378both Petitioner's Exhibits 3 and 4, the test is referred to as a

1391modified water deprivation test. No persuasive evidence was

1399presented by the Department that contradicts Responde nt's

1407distinction between a traditional modified water deprivation test

1415and a modified water deprivation test.

14211 5 . The Second Amended Administrative Complaint alleges at

1431paragraphs 23 - 24 that Respondent's written response from July 7,

14422009, states that he provided Awesomer with some water at 2:30,

1453and that the April 29, 2009, medical records fail to reflect that

1465he received water during the water deprivation test. However,

1474the Department did not introduce Respondent's written response

1482dated July 7, 2009, i nto evidence.

14891 6 . There are also allegations in the Second Amended

1500Administrative Complaint that reference the July 7, 2009 ,

1508response regarding a visit to the clinic on April 29, 2009, in

1520the evening. Respondent's medical records for Awesomer have no

1529ent ries for the evening of April 29, 2009, but the Department

1541presented no evidence that such a visit occurred.

15491 7 . On April 30, 2009, Respondent recorded Awesomer's heart

1560rate as being 160. He did not record any recommendations for

1571diagnostic tests or fol low - up examinations to determine the cause

1583of the elevated heart rate in AwesomerÓs medical records for

1593April 30, 2009 , because in his professional opinion, AwesomerÓs

1602heart rate was within normal limits and was not tachycardic . The

1614Department presented n o evidence to support the premise that a

1625heart rate of 160 is abnormal and needs further study.

16351 8 . Respondent did not record the total amount of fluid

1647administered in AwesomerÓs me dical records on April 30, 2009, but

1658he did record the rates upon which t he computerized fluid

1669administration pump were set. Both of these rates were

1678documented in the medical record.

16831 9 . Respondent performed a complete blood count (CBC) and

1694general health profile with electrolytes on Awesomer on April 30,

17042009. The lab resu lts are included in the medical records, and

1716indicated that the white blood count was high. While the Second

1727Amended Administrative Complaint indicates that no explanation or

1735discussion of the lab results was included in the medical

1745records, there was no persuasive evidence that, as a record -

1756keeping matter as opposed to a standard of care issue (with which

1768Respondent was not charged), additional information was required.

17762 0 . Respondent discharged Awesomer on April 30, 2009.

1786However, he received an emerge ncy call that evening about the

1797dog, and returned to the clinic to see her. When Ms. Lawhun

1809arrived with Awesomer, the dog was already dead.

181721. Respondent did not fail to record an entry regarding

1827AwesomerÓs emergency evening examination in AwesomerÓs A pril 30,

18362009, medical records until May 16, 2009. Respondent entered the

1846original post on April 30, 2009. On May 15, 2009, AwesomerÓs

1857owner, Ms. Lawhun, requested to know what happened to Awesomer.

1867On May 16, 2009, the Respondent directed a receptionis t to print

1879AwesomerÓs medical records, excluding non - medical notes, for

1888Ms. LawhunÓs boyfriend. The notes from April 30, 2009, were

1898copied out of a post containing medical and non - medical notes to

1911the top of the record on May 16, 2009, in order to exclude the

1925non - medical notes. Given that the medical records record

1935Awesomer's death as occurring either April 30 or May 1,

1945Respondent's testimony is credited.

194922. The Board of Veterinary Medicine's rule regarding

1957recordkeeping requirements does not define Ð contemporaneous. Ñ

1965Moreover, Dr. Melanie Donofro, D.V.M., the Department's expert

1973and a former board member, could not identify a standard length

1984of time recognized in veterinary practice in which medical

1993records could be considered contemporaneous.

199823. The Second Amended Administrative Complaint refers to a

2007response dated March 16, 2011, prepared by Respondent to present

2017to the probable cause panel of the Board of Veter inary Medicine,

2029and several e nt r i es in the response that are labeled as

2043Ð clarificatio ns Ñ but that are different from the entries in the

2056medical records for Awesomer. However, this March 16, 2011

2065response was not submitted into evidence by the Department.

207424. Dr. Sergio Vega, former board member and expert witness

2084for Respondent, testifie d that t he purpose for accurate medical

2095records is to allow other treating veterinarians or anyone else

2105reading the records to be able to understand what a veterinarian

2116did or did not do. Whether the appropriate treatment was given

2127is not a medical record s issue, but a standard of care issue.

2140His testimony is credited.


214725 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2155jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

2165action in accordance with s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1), F lorida


217726 . This disciplinary action by Petitioner is a penal

2187proceeding in which Petitioner seeks to suspend or revoke

2196Respondent's license as a veterinarian . Petitioner bears the

2205burden of proof to demonstrate the allegations in the Second

2215Amended Administrative Complaint by clear and convincing

2222evidence. Dep't of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670

2234So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

2246(Fla. 1987).

224827 . As stated by the Florida Supreme Court:

2257Clear and convincing evidence requires that

2263the evidence must be found to be credible;

2271the facts to which the witnesses testify must

2279be distinctly remembered; the testimony must

2285be precise and lacking in confusion as to the

2294facts in issue. The evidence must be of such

2303a weight that it produces in the mind of the

2313trier of fact a firm belief or conviction,

2321without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2329allegations sought to be established.

2334In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) ( quoting Slomowitz

2347v. Walker , 429 So . 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983) ) .

236128 . The Second Amended Administrative Complaint in this

2370case charges Respondent with violating section 474.214(1)(ee),

2377Florida Statutes (2008 - 2009), which provides in pertinent part:

2387474.214 Disciplinary proceedings. - -

2392(1) The following acts shall constitute

2398grounds for which the disciplinary actions in

2405subsection (2) may be taken:

2410* * *

2413(ee) Failing to keep contemporaneously

2418written medical records as required by rule

2425of the board.

242829. Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G18 - 18.002 provides

2437in pertinent part:

244061G18 - 18.002 Maintenance of Medical Records.

2447(1) There must be an individual medical

2454record maintained on every patient examined

2460or administered to by the veterinarian,

2466except as pr ovided in (2) below, for a period

2476of not less than three years after date of

2485last entry. The medical record shall contain

2492all clinical information pertaining to the

2498patient with sufficient information to

2503justify the diagnosis or determination of

2509health st atus and warrant any treatment

2516recommended or administered.

2519* * *

2522(3) Medical records shall be

2527contemporaneously written and include the

2532date of each service performed. They shall

2539contain the following information:

2543Name of owner or agent

2548Patient identification

2550Record of any vaccinations administered

2555Complaint or reason for provision of



2563Physical examination

2565Any present illness or injury noted

2571Provisional diagnosis or health status


2577(4) In addit ion, medical records shall

2584contain the following information if these

2590services are provided or occur during the

2597examination or treatment of an animal or


2605Clinical laboratory reports

2608Radiographs and their interpretation


2613Treatment Î medical, surgical


2618Drugs prescribed, administered, or


2623Tissue examination report

2626Necropsy findings

2628(6) A veterinarian shall, upon a written

2635request, furnish, in a timely manner without

2642delays for legal reviews, a true and corre ct

2651copy of all of the patient records to the

2660client, or to anyone designated by the

2667client. Such records release shall not be

2674conditioned upon payment of a fee for

2681services rendered, except for the reasonable

2687cost of duplication.

2690* * *

2693(8) It is understood that there may be

2701several files in different locations.

2706Sufficient cross indexes are to be maintained

2713for prompt retrieval when required.

2718(9) Medical records may be maintained in an

2726easily retrievable electronic data format;

2731how ever, the licensee shall be responsible

2738for providing an adequate backup system to

2745assure data is not lost due to system


275430. After careful review of the three sets of medical

2764records in this case, the Department did not establish by clear

2775and c onvincing evidence that Dr. Langford's medical records for

2785Awesomer did not include the specific items listed in the Second

2796Amended Administrative Complaint.

279931. Much of the confusion surrounding these records stems

2808from the fact that there were diffe rent printed versions that

2819varied, depending on the print commands involved. While

2827Dr. Langford contends that the actual medical record is in his

2838computer, his view is rejected. Rule 61G18 - 18.002(5) and (6)

2849specifically requires that a complete copy of a ll patient records

2860should be available, upon request by a client or upon subpoena.

2871The documents retrieved should be the same, regardless of when

2881printed, and, consistent with rule 61G18 - 18.002(1), should

2890include Ð all clinical information pertaining to th e patient with

2901sufficient information to justify the diagnosis or determination

2909of health status and warrant any treatment recommended or

2918administered. Ñ

292032. The three printed versions, standing individually, did

2928not necessarily meet this standard. How ever, in terms of the

2939specific deficiencies alleged, Dr. Langford's medical records

2946contained the specific items required by rule. He can only be

2957disciplined for deficiencies specifically alleged in the Second

2965Amended Administrative Complaint. Trevisani v. Dep't of Health ,

2973908 So. 2d 1108 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005); Ghani v. Dep't of Health ,

2986714 So. 2d 1113 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998); and Willner v. Dep't of

2999Prof. Reg. , 563 So. 2d 805 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990).

300933. Petitioner asserts that the intent of chapter 474 is

3019Ð to r equire Florida licensed veterinarians to keep records that

3030are accurate, clear and made near the time of the treat ment of

3043the animal in question. Ñ The undersigned agrees. However, the

3053actual statutory language used requires a veterinarian to Ð keep

3063contem poraneously written medical records as required by rule of

3073the board. Ñ § 474.214(1)(ee).

3078W hen the language of the statute is clear and

3088unambiguous and conveys a clear and definite

3095meaning . . . the statute must be given its

3105plain and obvious meaning. Fu rther, we are

3113without power to construe an unambiguous

3119statute in a way which would extend, modify,

3127or limit, its express terms or its reasonable

3135and obvious implications. To do so would be

3143an abrogation of legislative power.

3148Mendenhall v. State , 48 So. 3d 740 , 748 (Fla. 2010) ( quoting

3160Velez v. Miami - Dade Cnty. Police Dep't , 934 S o. 2d 1162, 1164 - 65

3176(Fla. 2006) (quotation marks and citations omitted) ). Under the

3186plain language of section 474.214(1)(ee), the type of medical

3195records necessary need to be defined by Board rule. The Board

3206rule here does not define Ð contemporaneous Ñ a nd the Department's

3218expert could not identify an industry standard for the term as

3229applied to medical records.

323334. In Breesmen v. Department of Professional Regulation ,

3241567 So. 2d 469 , 471 - 472 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990), a physician was

3255disciplined for failin g to record a patient's refusal of

3265treatment in her medical records. In reversing the Board's

3274order, the First District stated:

3279There was no showing on this record that

3287Dr. Breesmen did not record all medical

3294treatment administered to his patient, or

3300that the entries he made were false or

3308inaccurate. The entire case against hi m

3315rests on failing to note why h e did not

3325follow other courses of treatment. Thus, it

3332cannot be said that Dr. Breesmen violated the

3340statutory standard established by the

3345language se t forth in section 458.331(1)(m).

3352. . .

3355We also note that at no time during these

3364proceedings has the Board made reference to

3371any statute or rule that fixes the standard

3379of conduct to be followed by a physician

3387whose patient refuses treatment and reques ts

3394that his or her refusal not be documented in

3403the hospital records. Nor has the Board set

3411forth any statute or rule that requires a

3419physician to document in the patient's

3425medical chart the physician's reason for not

3432performing particular tests or proced ures.

3438Basic due process requires that a

3444professional or business license not be

3450suspended or revoked without adequate notice

3456to the licensee of the standard of conduct to

3465which he or she must adhere. The opinions of

3474the expert witnesses offered by the pa rties

3482cannot make certain, after the fact, those

3489standards of conduct that are not clearly set

3497forth in the statute or rule.

350335. With respect to this case, rule 61G18 - 18.002 provides a

3515laundry list of those items that must be included in an animal's

3527med ical records, and those items that must be included if the

3539services are provided. Those items identified in the Second

3548Amended Administrative Complaint are found in Respondent's

3555medical records for Awesomer. The closer question is whether, if

3565the entries for treatment given April 30, 2009, were actually

3575posted May 16, 2009, they could be considered contemporaneous.

3584While the time period involved would stretch the envelope, there

3594is no evidence of an accepted standard by which to measure the

3606time period a nd the rule does not provide a standard. Under

3618these circumstances, it cannot be concluded that Respondent has

3627violated section 474.214(1)(ee) by failing to record medical

3635records contemporaneously.


3638Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law

3648reached, it is

3651RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered dismissing the

3660Second Amended Administrative Complaint.

3664DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of November , 20 11 , in

3675Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3683Administrative Law Judge

3686Division of Administrative Hearings

3690The DeSoto Building

36931230 Apalachee Parkway

3696Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3701(850) 488 - 9675

3705Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3712Filed with the Clerk of the

3718Division of Administrative Hearings

3722this 14th day of November , 20 11 .


3732Ann M. Bittinger, Esquire

3736The Bittinger Law Firm

374013500 Sutton Park Drive South, Suite 201

3747Jacksonville, Florida 32224

3750C. Erica White, Esquire

3754R. Kathleen Brown - Blake, Esquire

3760Department of Business

3763and Professional Regulation

37661940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

3772Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3775Juanita Chastain, Executive Director

3779Board of Veterinary Medicine

3783Department of Business

3786and Professional Re gulation

37901940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

3796Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3799Layne Smith, G e neral Counsel

3805Department of Business

3808and Professional Regulation

38111940 North Monroe Street, Suite 42

3817Tallahassee, Florida 32399


3827All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

383715 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions to

3849this recommended order should be filed with the agency that will

3860issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 06/25/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/25/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/01/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition of Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time in Which to File Exceptions filed.
Date: 11/14/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/14/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 9, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/14/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/07/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Response to Respondent's Section 57.105 Motion for Failure to Present Facts to Establish a Claim filed.
Date: 10/07/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Corrected Proposed Recommended Order filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 11-5760F ESTABLISHED)
Date: 10/07/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2011
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/27/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Ms. Llado from Ann Bittinger regarding confirmation that documentation was sent previously to opposing counsel filed.
Date: 09/27/2011
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I-II (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/21/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/14/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 09/09/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/08/2011
Proceedings: Second Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 09/08/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List and Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 09/02/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's (Proposed) Exhibit List and Exhibits (not available for viewing).
Date: 09/02/2011
Proceedings: Letter to C. Llado from C. White regarding transmittal of Petitioner's proposed hearing exhibits filed.
Date: 09/02/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Section 57.105 Motion for Failure to Present Facts to Establish a Claim filed.
Date: 09/01/2011
Proceedings: Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 08/31/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing (Subpoena ad Testificandum fro Dr. Richard Langford) filed.
Date: 08/31/2011
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/30/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibit List and Exhibits (exhibits not attached) filed.
Date: 08/30/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 08/30/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion to Deem Medical Records as Authentic filed.
Date: 08/29/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Section 57.105 Motion for Failure to Present Facts to Establish a Claim filed.
Date: 08/26/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Motion for Sanctions for Failure to Produce Discovery filed.
Date: 08/25/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Request for the Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/24/2011
Proceedings: Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 08/19/2011
Proceedings: Corrected Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Brief in Response to Motions to Quash Subpoena and to Exclude Documents filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Deem Medical Records as Authentic filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion For Sanctions for Failure to Produce Discovery filed.
Date: 08/17/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Brief in Response to Motion to Quash Subpoena and to Exclude Documents and Motion to Remove Confidential Information from Division Court File and Website filed.
Date: 08/12/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Hearing on Motion to Remove Confidential Information from Division Court File and Website filed.
Date: 08/11/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Rescheduled Telephonic Deposition (of S. Vega and M. Donofro) filed.
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Remove Confidential Information from Division Court File and Website filed.
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Objection to Respondent's Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Response to Petitioner's Request for Production of Documents filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Respondent's Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Quash Subpoena and to Exclude Documents filed.
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Rescheduling of Depositions filed.
Date: 08/08/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Cancellation of Depositions filed.
Date: 08/04/2011
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Compel Answers and Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/03/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum (of M. Hackemann) filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum (of A. Loew) filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum (of I. Smith) filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Compel Anwers and Production of Documents, with Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 08/02/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Compel Responses to Discovery filed.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing (copies of subpoenas) filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Exclude Testimony filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Additional Counsel (C. White and R. Brown-Blake) filed.
Date: 07/26/2011
Proceedings: First Request to Produce to Petitioner filed.
Date: 07/26/2011
Proceedings: Brief on Veterinary Medical Records Law filed.
Date: 07/25/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Answer to Petitioner's Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/25/2011
Proceedings: Response to First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/25/2011
Proceedings: Response to First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/14/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/14/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 9, 2011; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/05/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/30/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Jerry Greene, Ms, DVM and Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/28/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories, Request for Admissions and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/27/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 06/24/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):