11-003548 Fmg Enterprises, Inc. vs. Department Of Revenue
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, October 24, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Taxpayer was required to post security as a condition of its sales and use tax certificate of registration.





13Petitioner , )


16vs. ) Case No. 11 - 3548




29Respondent . )



35This case was heard on September 26, 2011, by video

45teleconference at sites in Tallahassee, Florida and

52Jacksonville, Florida, before E. Gary Early, an Administrative

60Law Judge assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings.


70For Petitioner: Michael R. Yokan, Esquire

76Post Office Box 40755

80Jacksonville, Florida 32203

83For Respondent: Carrol Y. Cherry, Esquire

89Assistant Attorney General

92Office of the Attorney General

97Revenue Litigation Bureau

100The Capitol, PL - 01

105Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


114W hether FMG Enterprises, Inc. must obtain and post security

124in the amount of $21,250 as a condition of retaining its sales

137and use tax dealerÓs certificate of registration as alleged in

147the DepartmentÓs July 14, 2011 Notice of Intent to Revoke



160On May 18, 2011, the Department executed a Notice of Intent

171to Revoke Registration which required Petitioner to provide

179security in the amount of $60,000 as a condition of maintaining

191its sales and use tax dealerÓs registration certificate. The

200Notice of Intent was based on PetitionerÓs failure to remit

210sales tax collecte d by Petitioner in connection with the

220operation of its business in March, 20 11. The $60,000 figure

232was calculated by multiplying the DepartmentÓs estimated

239collections of $5,000 per month times twelve months.

248On June 13, 2011, Petitioner filed a Request for Formal

258Administrative Hearing to contest the amount of the security

267requ ested. An informal conference was held on June 21, 2011, at

279which time the Department was advised that the actual opening

289day of the PetitionerÓs business was April 7, 2011. As a result

301of the information received by the Department at the time of the

313inf ormal conference, it was determined that estimated tax

322liability, based on returns for April and May, 2011, was in the

334range of $1,500 to $1,800 per month. Based on the new

347information, the Department issued an amended Notice of Intent

356to Revoke Registrat ion in which the Department modified the

366amount of the security to be provided to $21,250. The amended

378Notice of Intent was issued on July 14, 2011.

387On July 21, 2011, the Department transmitted PetitionerÓs

395Request for Formal Administrative Hearing to the Division of

404Administrative Hearings. Although Petitioner did not file an

412amended petition, the Request for Formal Administrative Hearing

420is deemed to relate to the DepartmentÓs July 14, 2011 amended

431Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration.

437Although this case is styled as FMG Enterprises, Inc. v.

447Department of Revenue , as a case in which the Department is

458seeking sanctions against FMG Enterprises, Inc.Ós sales and use

467tax dealerÓs registration certificate, the burden of proof is on

477the Department - de spite its designation as the Respondent - to

489prove the facts necessary to support the relief sought. See

499Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 106.2015.

506The final hearing was scheduled for September 26, 2011 by

516video hearing in Tallahassee, Florida and Jacksonville, Florida.

524The hearing was held as scheduled. At the commencement of the

535hearing, the Department moved to have two sets of requests for

546admissions, served on August 18, 2011, deemed admitted due to

556PetitionerÓs failure to timely answer. There having been no

565objections to the admissions, and the time for filing responses

575having passed, the RespondentÓs First Requests for Admission,

583Nos. 1 - 13 and RespondentÓs Second Requests for Admission,

593Nos. 1 - 2 were accepted as having been admitted.

603Petitioner presente d no witnesses or exhibits in its case

613in chief. Respondent presented the testimony of Alan Encinosa,

622a Revenue Specialist in the DepartmentÓs Jacksonville service

630center, and Blake Hartland, the Service Center Manager in the

640DepartmentÓs Jacksonville ser vice center. Respondent offered

647RespondentÓs Exhibits 1 - 9, which were admitted into evidence

657without objection.

659The parties were granted ten days within which to file

669proposed recommended orders. The Department timely filed a

677Proposed Recommended Order, which has been duly considered by

686the undersigned in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


6981. Respondent is the agency of the state of Florida

708charged with the duty to enforce the collection of taxes imposed

719pursuant to chapter 2 12, Florida Statutes, to issue warrants for

730the collection of taxes, interest, and penalties and, where

739necessary, to require a cash deposit, bond, or other security,

749as a condition to a person obtaining or retaining a dealerÓs

760cer tificate of registration under c hapter 212.

7682. Petitioner is a Florida corporation with its principal

777and mailing address at 9726 Touchton Road, Suite 301,

786Jacksonville, Florida 32246. At all times material to this

795case, Petitioner operated a restaurant and club known as Mojito s

806Bar and Grill at its principal address. Petitioner is a

816ÐdealerÑ as defined in section 212.06(2), Florida Statutes.

8243. Chapter 212 requires specified persons conducting

831business within the state to register with the Department and to

842obtain a certifica te of registration for purposes of tax


8534. Petitioner made application for and received a dealerÓs

862certificate of registration, No. 26 - 8015498892 - 8, for the

873operation of Mojitos Bar and Grill. The application indicated

882that the business was t o open in March 2011.

8925. Mojitos Bar and Grill did not open for business until

903April 7, 2011.

9066. As a dealer, the Petitioner was required to collect

916sales and use taxes from patrons and customers of Mojitos Bar

927and Grill, and to submit monthly tax returns and collected taxes

938to the Department. Sales and use taxes for any given month are

950due on the first day of the succeeding month, and must be paid to

964the Department on or before the 20th day of that succeeding


9767. Petitioner did not fil e a Sales and Use Tax Return for

989March 2011. Based on the March 2011 opening date referenced in

1000the application, the Department issued its May 18, 2011 Notice

1010of Intent to Revoke Registration and a Warrant demanding payment

1020in the amount of $ 5,046.85, whi ch represented the estimated tax

1033liability for March 2011, in the amount of $5,000.00, plus

1044interest and fees.

10478. The $5,000.00 monthly tax liability estimate was

1056calculated using an algorithm developed by SAP, a German

1065software com pany. The algorithm p roduced the estimate based on

1076the location and type of the business and surrounding

1085businesses. Based on that figure, the Department determined

1093that it was necessary to require Petitioner to post security in

1104the amount of $60,000.00, which represented the projected

1113monthly tax estimate for one year.

11199. An informal hearing was held on June 21, 2011. The

1130Department was provided with information that the business was

1139not open in March 2011. As a result, the Department filed a

1151satisfaction of the warrant a nd release of lien in the official

1163records of Duval County. The Department was also presented with

1173records of tax collections for April and May of 2011.

118310. Petitioner filed its Sales and Use Tax Return for

1193April 2011, listing taxes collected for that m onth in the amount

1205of $2,107.57. The check for the April 2011 taxes was returned

1217for insufficient funds. The April 2011 tax liability has since

1227been paid.

122911. Petitioner filed Sa les and Use Tax Returns for

1239May 2011, and paid said tax in the amount of $ 1,437.91. The

1253check was dated June 20, 2011, but the return was filed late.

1265Petitioner was assessed a late penalty of $125.38, although the

1275record contains no evidence that Petitioner had notice of the

1285late penalty before August 15, 2011. Petitioner has not paid

1295the late penalty assessed against it for the May, 2011 taxes.

130612. Based on the April and May, 2011 sales and use tax

1318collections, the Department amended the amount of security being

1327required as a condition of Petitioner maintaining its sales and

1337use tax dealerÓs registration certificate from $60,000.00 to

1346$21,250.00. The amended Notice of Intent was issued on July 14,


135913. Pursuant to notice provided in the amended Notice of

1369Intent, an informal conference was convened on August 15, 2 011.

1380No representative of Petitioner appeared at the informal


138914. Although the Petitioner did not enter into a

1398compliance agreement with the Department as a result of the

1408August 15, 2011 informal conference, all ta xes due and owing for

1420the A pril 2011 and May 2011 collection periods have been paid .

1433Thus, Petitioner has materially resolved its tax liability for

1442those months, with the exception of non - payment of the

1453relatively small late penalty of $125.38 . Standing alone, the

1463facts of those t wo monthly payments are not sufficient grounds

1474to support a revocation of PetitionerÓs sales and use tax

1484dealerÓs registration certificate.

148715 . The Department has required security in the amount of

1498$21,250.00. That equates to a monthly estimated sales tax

1508collection of approximately $1,770.00. The sales tax

1516collections in April 2011 and May 2011 were for $2,107.57 and

15281,437.90, respectively. Therefore, the figure calculated by the

1537Department is reasonable.

154016 . The Department generally requires tha t, when security

1550is determined to be necessary, one year of estimated tax

1560collections be posted. That length of time can be shorter based

1571on the circumstances. Given that the first two months of

1581PetitionerÓs operation as a dealer resulted in returned and late

1591payments, and since the May 2011 late penalty remains in

1601arrears, the DepartmentÓs decision to require one year of

1610estimated collections as security is reasonable.

161617. The Department raised issues relating to allegations

1624of late or returned payme nts for taxes collected in June, July,

1636and August, 2011. However, since those issues do not form the

1647basis for the July 14, 2011, amended Notice of Intent to Revoke

1659Registration, and have not otherwise been pled, the undersigned

1668has not made any findings, or formulated any conclusions

1677regarding those issues.

168018 . An informal drive - by inspection of Mojitos Bar and

1692Grill conducted on September 19, 2011 by Mr. Hartland indicated

1702that it was no longer open for business. That status was

1713confirmed by counsel fo r Petitioner.


1722A. Jurisdiction .

172519 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1733jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and of

1743the parties thereto pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1752Florida Statutes.

1754B. Stand ards

175720 . At all times material to this case, Petitioner was a

"1769dealer" as defined at subsection 212.06(2)(a) who was required

1778to register with the Department, to collect sales and use taxes

1789on behalf of the state, and to remit them to the Department on a

1803monthly basis.

180521 . This matter involves two separate issues. The first

1815issue is whether the Department may require Petitioner to post

1825security in the amount of $21,250 as a condition of its sales

1838and use tax dealerÓs registration certificate. The s econd issue

1848is whether, if Petitioner fails to post such security, its

1858certificate may be revoked in this proceeding.

186522 . Section 212.14 provides in pertinent part that:

1874212.14 Departmental powers; hearings;

1878distress warrants; bonds; subpoenas and

1883sub poenas duces tecum. Ï

1888* * *

1891(4) In all cases where it is necessary to

1900ensure compliance with the provisions of

1906this chapter, the department shall require a

1913cash deposit, bond, or other security as a

1921condition to a person obtaining or retaining

1928a dealerÓs certificate of registration under

1934this chapter. Such bond shall be in the

1942form and such amount as the department deems

1950appropriate under the particular

1954circumstances. Every person failing to

1959produce such cash deposit, bond or other

1966security as provided for herein shall not be

1974entitled to obtain or retain a dealerÓs

1981certificate of registration under this

1986chapter, and the Department of Legal Affairs

1993is hereby authorized to proceed by

1999injunction, when so requested by the

2005Department of Revenue, to prevent su ch

2012person from doing business subject to the

2019provisions of this chapter until such cash

2026deposit, bond or other security is posted

2033with the department, and any temporary

2039injunction for this purpose may be granted

2046by any judge or chancellor authorized by law

2054to grant injunctions. . . .

206023 . Section 212.18 provides in pertinent part that:

2069212.18 Administration of law; registration

2074of dealers; rules. Ï

2078* * *

2081(2) The department shall administer and

2087enforce the assessment and collection of the

2094taxes, intere st, and penalties imposed by

2101this chapter. . . .

2106* * *

2109(3)(d) The department may revoke any

2115dealer's certificate of registration when

2120the dealer fails to comply with this

2127chapter. Prior to revocation of a dealer's

2134certificate of registration, the depart ment

2140must schedule an informal conference at

2146which the dealer may present evidence

2152regarding the department's intended

2156revocation or enter into a compliance

2162agreement with the department. The

2167department must notify the dealer of its

2174intended action and th e time, place, and

2182date of the scheduled informal conference by

2189written notification sent by United States

2195mail to the dealer's last known address of

2203record furnished by the dealer on a form

2211prescribed by the department. The dealer is

2218required to attend t he informal conference

2225and present evidence refuting the

2230department's intended revocation or enter

2235into a compliance agreement with the

2241department which resolves the dealer's

2246failure to comply with this chapter. The

2253department shall issue an administrativ e

2259complaint under s. 120.60 if the dealer

2266fails to attend the department's informal

2272conference, fails to enter into a compliance

2279agreement with the department resolving the

2285dealer's noncompliance with this chapter, or

2291fails to comply with the executed comp liance


230024 . The Department complied with the notice requirements

2309related to the informal confer ence for the April 2011 and

2320May 2011 tax payments through its July 14, 2011 Notice of Intent

2332to Revoke Registration.

2335C. The Burden and Standard of Proof .

23432 5 . The Department bears the burden of proving the

2354specific allegations of fact that support the relief sought in

2364the Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration by clear and

2374convincing evidence. § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.; Latham v. Fla.

2383CommÓn on Et hics , 694 So. 2d 83, 87 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997); see

2397also DepÓt of Banking & Fin., Div. of Securities and Investor

2408Protection v. Osborne Stern and Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996);

2420Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987); and Pou v.

2432DepÓt of Ins. and T reasurer , 707 So. 2d 941 (Fla. 3d DCA 1998).

244626 . Clear and convincing evidence Ðrequires more proof

2455than a Òpreponderance of the evidenceÓ but less than Òbeyond and

2466to the exclusion of a reasonable doubt.ÓÑ In re Graziano ,

2476696 So. 2d 744, 753 (Fla. 1997) . For proof to be considered

2489clear and convincingÑ . . . the evidence

2497must be found to be credible; the facts to

2506which the witnesses testify must be

2512distinctly remembered; the testimony must be

2518precise and explicit and the witnesses must

2525be lacking in co nfusion as to the facts in

2535issue. The evidence must be of such weight

2543that it produces in the mind of the trier of

2553fact a firm belief or conviction, without

2560hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2567allegations sought to be established.

2572In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994) quoting, with

2584approval, from Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla.

25954th DCA 1983)); see also In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla.

26092005). "Although this standard of proof may be met where the

2620evidence is in conflict, it seem s to preclude evidence that is

2632ambiguous." Westinghouse Electric Corp., Inc. v. Shuler Bros.,

2640Inc. , 590 So. 2d 986, 989 (Fla. 1st DCA 1991).

265027 . The allegations of fact set forth in the charging

2661document are the facts upon which the revocation proceedin g is

2672predicated. Trevisani v. DepÓt of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109

2683(Fla. 1st DCA 2005). See also Cottrill v. DepÓt of Ins. ,

2694685 So. 2d 1371, 1372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1996). In this case, the

2707Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration was predicated on the

2717alle gation that Petitioner was Ðd elinquent in filing [its]

2727April 2011 Sales and Use tax return and paid it with a worthless

2740check,Ñ and was Ðdelinquent in filing [its] May 2011 Sales and

2752Use tax return.Ñ

275528 . PetitionerÓs late or deficient sales tax collecti ons

2765for June 2011; July 2011; and August 2011 were not pled in the

2778July 14, 2011 Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration as grounds

2789for either the requirement that Petitioner post security as a

2799condition of its certificate, or for revocation of PetitionerÓ s

2809certificate. Therefore, facts related to those months cannot

2817form the basis for the relief sought by the Department in this


283029 . Petitioner failed to timely remit tax receipts for

2840April and May, 2011. The tax liability was ultimately paid,

2850althou gh Petitioner remains in arrears for the la te penalty

2861assessed for the May 2011 payment. Based on those facts, the

2872Department has demonstrated that a cash deposit, bond, or other

2882security is necessary as a condition of Petitioner retaining its

2892sales and u se tax dealerÓs certificate of registration, and to

2903ensure PetitionerÓs compliance with chapter 212.

290930 . The amount of the security being requested was based

2920on reasonable assumptions, and is an appropriate amount to

2929ensure PetitionerÓs compliance with chapter 212.

293531 . The remedy of requiring that security be posted as a

2947condition of PetitionerÓs certificate of registration having

2954been proven, the more difficult question is whether revocation

2963of the certificate of registration is available to the

2972Dep artment in this proceeding if Petitioner does not post the

2983security ordered. The Department has argued that if Petitioner

2992does not post the security, the final order should provide that

3003its certificate of registration be revoked.

300932 . Section 212.14(4) provides that dealers who fail to

3019provide security ordered by the Department Ðshall not be

3028entitled to obtain or retain a dealerÓs certificate of

3037registration.Ñ In that event, the Department of Legal Affairs

3046is legislatively authorized to seek injunctive relief to prevent

3055the dealer from doing business until the security is posted.

306533 . Section 212.18(3)(d) provides the procedure for

3073revocation of a dealer's certificate of registration when the

3082dealer has failed to comply with chapter 212. Prior to

3092rev ocation, the Department is required to schedule an informal

3102conference to allow the dealer to refute the facts on which the

3114revocation is based, or to enter into a compliance agreement

3124with the Department. The Department properly provided notice of

3133an inf ormal conference as part of its July 14, 2011 Notice of

3146Intent to Revoke Registration, but no representative of the

3155Petitioner appeared. Section 212.18(3)(d) then provides that:

3162The department shall issue an administrative

3168complaint under s. 120.60 if th e dealer

3176fails to attend the department's informal

3182conference, fails to enter into a compliance

3189agreement with the department resolving the

3195dealer's noncompliance with this chapter, or

3201fails to comply with the executed compliance


3209The Department has not filed an administrative complaint seeking

3218revocation of PetitionerÓs certificate of registration.

322434 . Section 212.18(3)(d) clearly requires a two - stage

3234process leading to revocation of a dealerÓs certificate of

3243registration. The first stage i s the notice to the dealer of an

3256informal conference. That notice was provided in the form of

3266the Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration. Only after the

3276informal conference has been held is the Department authorized

3285to issue an administrative complaint. Therefore, the notice of

3294its informal conferences Î - in this case in the form of the

3307Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration - - and the

3317administrative complaint are sequential, and cannot be construed

3325to be the same document. See , e.g. , DepÓt of Rev. v. Linda

3337Arnette, d/b/a GiffÓs Sub Shop , Case No. 07 - 4051 (Fla. DOAH Mar.

335014, 2008; Final Order not available).

335635 . The legislative requirement that a section 120.60

3365administrative complaint be issued prior to revocation cannot be

3374disregarded. Therefore, the undersigned can recommend in this

3382proceeding that security be posted pursuant to section 212.14,

3391but that recommendation cannot include revocation as a remedy

3400for non - compliance until an administrative complaint is issued

3410by the Department.


3415Upon consideration of the findings of fact and conclusions

3424of law set forth herein, it is

3431RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final

3440order requiring Petitioner to post security in the amount of

3450$21,250.00 within 30 days of the entry of t he final order.

3463DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of October, 2011, in

3473Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3481Administrative Law Judge

3484Division of Administrative Hearings

3488The DeSoto Building

34911230 Apalachee Park way

3495Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3500(850) 488 - 9675

3504Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3511Filed with the Clerk of the

3517Division of Administrative Hearings

3521this 24th day of October , 2011 .


3531Michael R. Yokan, Esquire

3535Post Office Bo x 40755

3540Jacksonville, Florida 32203 - 0755

3545Timothy E. Dennis, Esquire

3549Office of the Attorney General

3554The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

3559400 South Monroe Street

3563Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

3568Marshall Stranburg, General Counsel

3572Department of Revenue

3575The Carlton Building, Room 204

3580501 South Calhoun Street

3584Tallahassee, Florida 32314 - 6668

3589Lisa Vickers, Executive Director

3593The Carlton Building, Room 1 04

3599501 South Calhoun Street

3603Tallahassee, Florida 32314 - 6668


3614All parties hav e the right to submit written exceptions within

362515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3636to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3647will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/27/2011
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/27/2011
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order filed.
Date: 10/24/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/24/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/24/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 26, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/11/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Respondent`s Emergency Motion to Late File Its Proposed Recommended Order.
Date: 10/11/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/11/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Emergency Motion to Late File its Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/11/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Timothy Dennis) filed.
Date: 09/26/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/21/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 09/16/2011
Proceedings: Transmittal Letter (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Requests for Admission filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Admission filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent's First Set of Written Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 26, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (C. Cherry) filed.
Date: 07/22/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/21/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 07/21/2011
Proceedings: Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 07/21/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):