11-003817 Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Electrical Contractors Licensing Board vs. Bobby Serota, D/B/A Academy Electric Inc.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, December 12, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent acted in the name not on his license. Petitioner did not prove Respondent abandoned an electrical restoration project.








23Petitioner, )

25) Case No. 11 - 3817

31vs. )





43Respondent. )



48Pursuant to notice, a hearing was conducted in this case on

59October 27, 2011, at video teleconferencing sites in West Palm

69Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before Administrativ e Law Judge

78June C. McKinney of the Division of Administrative Hearings, in

88accordance with the authority set forth in sections 120.569 and

98120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2011). 1


104For Petitioner: C. Erica White, Esquire

110Department of Busin ess and

115Professional Regulation

1171940 North Monroe Street

121Tallahassee, Florida 32399

124For Respondent: Bobby Serota, pro se

1309438 Peabody Court

133Boca Raton, Florida 33496


141In this discipl inary proceeding, the issues are:

149(1) Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the

158Amended Administrative Complaint issued by Petitioner; and

165(2) Whether disciplinary penalties should be imposed on

173Respondent if Petitioner proves one or more of the violations

183charged in its Amended Administrative Complaint.


191On March 25, 2011, the Department of Business and

200Professional Regulation, Electrical Contractors Licensing Board

206("Petitioner" or "Department"), issued a two - count A mended

218Administrative C omplaint against Bobby Serota, d/b/a Academy

226Electric Inc., wherein it was alleged that Respondent had

235violated various provisions of chapter 489, Florida Statutes.

243Respondent timely requested a formal hearing to contest these

252alleg ations, and the matter was referred to the Division of

263Administrative Hearings on July 29, 2011.

269The presiding administrative law judge set the final

277hearing for October 6, 2011. Pursuant to an order, the case was

289continued and re - scheduled. The case the n proceeded as re -

302scheduled on October 27, 2011. Both parties appeared at the

312appointed place and time.

316At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of two

324witnesses: Valeda Jennings, Investigation Specialist II; and

331Thomas Moreland Sheats, the Complai nant in this matter.

340Petitioner Exhibits 1 through 3, 5 through 7, 9 through 11, and

35213, 14, and 1A were offered and received into evidence.

362Respondent testified on his own behalf. Respondent Exhibits 1

371through 10 were offered and received into evidence .

380At the request of the Petitioner, official recognition was

389taken of the applicable statutory provisions.

395The proceeding was recorded and transcribed. The

402Transcript of the record was filed on November 10, 2011, with

413the Division of Administrative Hearin gs. The parties filed

422timely Proposed Recommended Orders, which have been considered

430in the preparation of the Recommended Order.


4401. Respondent, Bobby Serota ("Serota" or "Respondent"),

449was issued license number EC 1485 by Petitioner. H e has been an

462electrician for over 60 years.

4672. Serota was first licensed in Florida on April 16, 1994.

478Serota's license expires on August 31, 2012.

4853. Approximately 10 years ago Serota opened a company,

494Academy Electric Inc. The company provides elect rical types of

504installation work for commercial, industrial, and residential


5124. Serota is the qualifier for Academy Electric. Inc. and

522the company is named on Respondent's electrical contractors'


5315. In January 2007, Serota answered an a dvertisement 2 in

542the Sun Sentinel for an "Exp Master 5 - 10 yrs $30hr startꚺᾊ

555sharing" by submitting his resume. Rescue Me Electrician, LLC

564("Rescue Me") hired Serota as a project manager employee.

5756. Rescue Me is not licensed to perform electrical

584co ntracting in the State of Florida.

5917. Serota accepted the job with Rescue Me knowing the

601company was not licensed to practice electrical contracting in

610the State of Florida. Serota accepted the position and informed

620the owners that he would help them est ablish their business in


6338. Thomas Sheats ("Sheats") is the homeowner of a

644residence at 14501 Old Sheridan Street ("residence"). Sheats

654contacted Rescue Me for a price quote to perform electrical work

665to fix his residence which was damaged by Hu rricane Wilma.

6769. In March 2007, Renaldo Morales ("Morales"), the owner

687of Rescue Me, sent Serota to Sheats' residence to evaluate the

698cost, time and materials required to complete the job.

70710. Sheats provided Serota a rough sketch of the work.

717Serota in formed Sheats a better set of plans was needed to fully

730evaluate the job because the rough sketch was incomplete , but he

741would provide a price based on what he thought the work involved

753for the residence restoration.

75711. On or about March 13, 2007, Sheats entered a Home

768Improvement Contract with Rescue Me for residential restoration

"776as per the updated 'rough' draft." 3

78312. The contract listed the parties as "Rescue Me

792Electrical, LLC 'DBA' Academy Electric ('Contractor') and

799Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sheat[s] ('Ow ner')." 4

80713. Serota witnessed and initialed the changes in the

816contract that Sheats made to the terms in the payment schedule

827and down payment sections. The total contract price was


83814. Serota's license number EC 1485 and Rescue Me

847Electric ian, LLC appeared at the top of the contract.

85715. Morales signed the final contract with Sheats.

86516. On or about March 14, 2007, Sheats paid Rescue Me a

877deposit of $7 , 500.00, 50 percent of the restoration project

887costs. Sheats gave the check to Serota.

89417. Sheats obtained and paid for all the building permits

904for the residential restoration.

90818. After the contract was signed, Serota made several

917trips back and forth to Sheats ' residence attempting to get a

929complete set of plans and to check on the pro gress in order to

943determine when the electrical work could beg i n. Once the roof

955was closed in, Sheats allowed Serota to go in and start doing

967rough electrical installation.

97019. I n August 2007 , Rescue Me began the electrical work at

982the Sheats residence e arlier than Sheats wanted by installing

992the receptacle boxes and wiring between them.

99920. Rescue Me completed approximately 25 to 35 percent of

1009the work. However, the parties came to a standstill at some

1020point and could not agree on how to move forward o n the

1033electrical job.

103521. On or about September 7, 2007, Rescue Me could not

1046proceed without changes and Serota sent proposed changes by fax

1056to Sheats , including costs and what was involved to complete the

1067work. The fax heading included Resc ue Me named a s the company

1080and Sero ta's license number EC 1485 . 5

108922. Sheats disagreed with the proposed changes. On or

1098about September 25, 2007, Sheats faxed Morales the following

1107instructions: "No changes are authorized from original permit

1115drawing and your bid. P lease complete specified work in its

1126entirety within the next 2 weeks." 6

113323. Morales and Sheats faxed back and forth regarding

1142their differences. Serota tried to explain the different plan

1151but Sheats refused to change very far from the original plans.

116224 . Rescue Me stopped the work at the Sheats residence

1173when it terminated Serota and paid him his last check for the

1185week of September 13, 2007, through September 19, 2007.

119425. In October, the Rescue Me and Sheats tried to resolve

1205their differences. On Oc tober 3, 2007, Sheats met with Rescue

1216Me to discuss the contents of the September 7, 2007 , fax.

1227Sheats informed Rescue Me that he did not want any changes made

1239because of the pricing and Rescue Me was to do the rough

1251electrical as specified in the origina l bid.

125926. On or about October 13, 2007, Sheats sent a fax to

1271Morales w hich stated :

1276I am not paying a restart fee of any kind.

1286I never asked you prior to our meeting on

129510/3/07 to start this job. I went out of my

1305way to accommodate you getting a "head

1312s tart" in August. When you were insistent

1320on it.

1322I have delayed progress on the job from

1330October 8 until October 15 to accommodate

1337you doing another job before you started on


1346If your crew is not on the jobsite Monday

135510/15/07, I shall conclude you have

1361abandoned the job. Subsequently, I shall

1367hire a replacement contractor and then

1373pursue legal remedy against you for recovery

1380of costs including the $ 7500 I paid you in

1390March and attorneys fees.

1394Tom Sheats[ 7 ]

139827. Rescue Me did not do any further wor k on the Sheats'


141228. On October 18, 2007, Sheats paid a deposit of

1422$5 , 500.00 and hired Carefree Constuction to complete the

1431electrical work Rescue Me did not complete. Carefree

1439Construction cashed the check on October 24, 2007. Sheats paid

1449a second installment in the amount of $5,200.00 by check dated

1461November 2, 2007, and the final amount of $1 , 000.00 on

1472February 28, 2008, for a total of $11,700.00. 8

148229. Sheats filed a complaint with Petitioner regarding

1490Rescue Me not completing the job.


150030. T he Division of Administrative Hearings has

1508jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

1518parties thereto pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1),

1526Florida Statutes (2011).

152931. Section 489.533 (1)(l), under which R espondent has been

1539charged in Count I, sets forth the acts for which the Petitioner

1551may impose discipline. This statute provides, in pertinent


1560(1) The following acts shall constitute

1566grounds for disciplinary actions as provided

1572in subsection:

1574* * *

1577(l) Acting in the capacity of a contractor

1585under any certificate or registration issued

1591hereunder except in the name of the

1598certificateholder or registrant as set forth

1604on the issued certificate or registration or

1611in accordance with the personnel o f the

1619certificateholder or registrant as set forth

1625in the application for the certificate or

1632registration or as later changed as provided

1639in this part.

164232. Section 489.533(1)(p), under which Respondent has been

1650charged in Count II, sets forth the acts fo r which the

1662Petitioner may impose discipline. This statute provides, in

1670pertinent part:

1672(p) Abandoning a project which the

1678contractor is engaged in or is under

1685contractual obligation to perform. A

1690project is to be considered abandoned after

169790 days if t he contractor terminates the

1705project without just cause or without proper

1712notification to the prospective owner,

1717including the reason for termination, or

1723fails to perform work without just cause for

173190 consecutive days.

173433. A proceeding, such as this one , to suspend, revoke, or

1745impose other discipline upon a professional license is penal in

1755nature. State ex rel. Vining v. Fla. Real Estate Comm'n , 281

1766So. 2d 487, 491 (Fla. 1973). Being penal in nature, section

1777489.533 "must be construed strictly, in favo r of the one against

1789whom the penalty would be imposed." Munch v. Dep't of Prof'l

1800Reg., Div. of Real Estate , 592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DCA


181434. Here, Petitioner seeks to discipline Respondent's

1821license and/or to impose an administrative fine. Accordingly,

1829Petitioner has the burden of proving the allegations charged in

1839the Administrative Complaint against the Respondent by clear and

1848convincing evidence. Dep't of Banking and Fin. Div. of Sec. and

1859Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern and Co., 670 So . 2d 932, 9 33 - 34

1875(Fla. 1996) (citing Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 - 95

1888(Fla. 1987)); Nair v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 654 So. 2d

1901205, 207 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

190735. Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

1916Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the Court of

1929Appeal, Fourth District, canvassed the cases to develop a

"1938workable definition of clear and convincing evidence" and found

1947that of necessity such a definition would need to contain "both

1958qualitative and quantitative standa rds." The court held that:

1967clear and convincing evidence requires that

1973the evidence must be found to be credible;

1981the facts to which the witnesses testify

1988must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

1994must be precise and explicit and the

2001witnesses must be lacking confusion as to

2008the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

2017such weight that it produces in the mind of

2026the trier of fact a firm belief or

2034conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2040truth of the allegations sought to be

2047established. Id.

204936. A lic ensee is charged with knowing the practice act

2060that governs his/her license. Wallen v. Fla. Dep't of Prof'l

2070Reg., Div. of Real Estate, 568 So. 2d 975 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990).

208337. In this case, Petitioner met its burden of

2092establishing that Respondent contract ed in a name other than his

2103licensed name, Academy Electric. Even though Serota was an

2112employee of Rescue Me, he allowed Rescue Me to use his license

2124number on several business documents during transactions with

2132Sheats. Further, Serota's company Academy Electric was

2139specifically listed as a party to the contract signed on or

2150about March 13, 2007, to which Serota witnessed and initialed

2160the changes. Therefore, Respondent acted in the capacity of a

2170contractor in a name other than as licensed by contracting under

2181the auspices of Rescue Me Electrician, LLC. in violation of

2191section 489.533(1)(l).

219338. As to Count II, Petitioner failed to present

2202sufficient credible evidence to demonstrate Respondent abandoned

2209the Sheats electrical job in v iolation of section 4 89.533(1)(p ).

2221The record demonstrates that Sheats and Rescue Me met on

2231October 3, 2007, to discuss how the job was to proceed and the

2244parties disagreement was still ongoing as late as October 13,

22542007, when Sheats sent another fax to Rescue Me. It was o nly

2267five days later on October 18, 2007, that Sheats contracted with

2278the new contractor to complete the electrical job.

2286Consequently, the record is void of evidence to show Rescue Me

2297was absent from the job for the minimum 90 - day period of no work

2312require d under the statute since Serota last worked on the

2323residence in September 2007 . Therefore, Petitioner failed to

2332meet its burden and show Respondent in viol ation of section of

2344489.533(1)(p ).

2346Disciplinary Guidelines

234839. Pursuant to Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G6 -

235710.002 , Petitioner established disciplinary guidelines with a

2364range of penalties that will be imposed on licensees guilty of

2375violating chapter 489.

237840 . The record is void of any previous discipline against

2389Respondent. Rule 61G6 - 10.002(3)(l ) sets the range of punishment

2400for the first offense of a violation of section 489. 533 (1)(l) .

2413It mandates punishment "[f]rom noncompliance up to a citation."

2422Hence, based on Serota's 17 - year clean licensure record, the

2433undersigned recommends the minimum p enalty of a notice of

2443noncompliance for Responden t's violation of section

2450489.533 (1)(l).

245241. Petitioner failed to present any evidence that

2460Respondent should pay either restitution or costs for the

2469investigation or prosecution. Consequently, since there is no

2477proof of the aforementioned, no determination of restitution,

2485investigation or prosecution costs may be made or awarded.


2495Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2505Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner enter a fina l order

2517that: (a) finds Respondent guilty as charged in Count I of the

2529Amended Administrative Complaint, imposing a notice of

2536noncompliance and (b) finds Respondent not guilty as charged in

2546Count II of the amended Administrative Complaint.

2553DONE AND ENTERE D this 12 th day of December , 20 11 , in

2566Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2572Administrative Law Judge

2575Division of Administrative Hearings

2579The DeSoto Building

25821230 Apalachee Parkway

2585Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2590(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2598Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2605Filed with the Clerk of the

2611Division of Administrative Hearings

2615this 12 th day of December , 20 11 .


26251 / Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to the 2007

2636Florida Statutes and 2007 Florida Administrative Code.

26432 / Respondent's Exhibit 7.

26483 / Petitioner's Exhibit 5.

26534 / Respondent denied any knowledge of his license number or

2664Academy E lectric being used by Rescue Me. Such testimony is

2675rejected as not being credible.

26805 / Petitioner's Exhibit 3.

26856 / Respondent's Exhibit 3.

26907 / Respondent's Exhibit 1.

26958 / Petitioner's Exhibit 14.


2702Juanita Chastain, Executive Direc tor

2707Department of Business and

2711Professional Regulation

2713Northwood Centre

27151940 North Monroe Street

2719Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792

2724Layne Smith, General Counsel

2728Department of Business and

2732Professional Regulation

2734Northwood Centre

27361940 North Monroe Street

2740Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792

2745Bobby Serota

2747Academy Electric

27499438 Peabody Court

2752Boca Raton, Florida 33496

2756C. Erica White , Esquire

2760Department of Business and

2764Professional Regulation

2766Northwood Centre

27681940 North Monroe Street

2772Tallahassee, Florida 323 99 - 0792


2784All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

279415 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2805to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2816will issue the Fi nal Order in this case.

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Date: 04/25/2012
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Seroto regarding appealing filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 04/04/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/12/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/12/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 27, 2011). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/12/2011
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/10/2011
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/02/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding results filed.
Date: 10/27/2011
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/27/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Mckinney from B. Serota regarding the attached emails filed.
Date: 10/26/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended (Proposed) Exhibit List (proposed exhibits not filed) filed.
Date: 10/25/2011
Proceedings: Order Accepting Qualified Representative.
Date: 10/21/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Accept Qualified Representative filed.
Date: 10/21/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 10/21/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding witness filed.
Date: 10/21/2011
Proceedings: Letter to C. Llado from B. Serota regarding response to Order of Pre-hearing instructions filed.
Date: 10/20/2011
Proceedings: Affidavit of Peter James Matthews III filed.
Date: 10/17/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 10/17/2011
Proceedings: Transmittal Letter to C. Llado regarding Exhibit List filed.
Date: 10/05/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding several various documents and request for a court ruling filed.
Date: 10/03/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding correspondence filed.
Date: 10/03/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding some consideration to prevent another delay filed.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding to object to DBPR motion to delay hearing filed.
Date: 09/28/2011
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner`s Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 09/28/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 27, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/28/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding deposition (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/27/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding a letter from DBPR filed.
Date: 09/27/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding missing documents filed.
Date: 09/27/2011
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from B. Serota regarding to object the DBPR creating another delay filed.
Date: 09/26/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 09/26/2011
Proceedings: Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 09/08/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/06/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/06/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of T. Sheats, R. Morales, Sr., R. Morales, Jr., B. Serota, A. Ewald, and J. Ewald) filed.
Date: 09/02/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/10/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Additional Counsel (Cristin White) filed.
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/09/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 6, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/05/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/01/2011
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 07/29/2011
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):