11-004166RX Helen Peek vs. Florida Parole Commission
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, September 7, 2011.

View Dockets  
Summary: Challenge of existing rule dismissed where allegations contained in Petition and Amended Petition failed to establish Petitioner's standing to initiate proceeding.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 11 - 4166RX




28Respondent. )



35This matter came befor e the undersigned on Petitioner's

" 44A mended Petition Requesting Rulemaking Challenge of Ru le 23 -

5521.0155 Fla. Admin. Code," filed September 1, 2011. For the

65reasons detailed below, the Amended Petition must be dismissed,

74as it contains insufficient factual alle gations to establish

83Petitioner' s standing to bring the instant challenge.

91I. Background

93Petitioner initiated this proceeding on August 16, 2011,

101with the filing of her "Petition Requesting Rule Challenge of

111Rule 23 - 21.0 1 55 Fla. Admin. Code." The gravam en of the Petition

126is that Flo rida Administrative Code Rule 23 - 21.0155 ÏÏ which

138provides that if the Parole Commission declines to authorize the

148e ffective parole release date of an inmate referred for

158extraordinary review, the Commission must suspend the

165established presumptive parole re lease date until the inmate is

175found to be a good candidate for parole r elease ÏÏ constitutes an

188invalid exercise of de legated legislative authority.

195In an apparent effort to establish standing to bring this

205chal lenge, Petitioner merely asserted in her ori ginal Petition

215that the rule is causing "a class of inmates to be illegally

227detained in the Florida Department of Corrections

234indefinitely . . . at great expense to [her ] as a tax paying

248resident in the State of Florida." Significa ntly, Petitioner

257did n ot contend that she has ever been an inmate in the Florida

271D epartment Corrections, nor did she allege any other facts that

282would tend to show that she possesses standing to initiate this


294On August 23, 2011, the undersigned entered an Order to

304Show Cause, 1 which obser ved, quoting the First District' s opinion

316in Abbott Laboratories v. Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. , 15 So. 3d

326642, 651 n.2 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009), that " standing in the

337administrative context is a matter of subject matter

345jurisdiction and cannot be conferred by consent of the part ies. "

356The undersigned further noted, again citing Abbott , that where a

366petitioner lacks standing to initiate a rule challenge, an order

376on the merits by an Administrative Law Judge would constitute a

387nullity. The Order to Show cause concluded by providing:

396Petitioner' s bare allegation that the

402challenged rule ÏÏ which deals with the Parole

410Commission's handling of inmates referred

415for parole release ÏÏ generally impacts her as

423a taxpaying Florida resident appears

428insufficient to satisfy the "substantially

433affected" standard. Accordingly, it is

438ORDERED that Petitioner shall show cause no

445later than September 1, 2011, why her

452Petition should not be dismissed for failure

459to allege facts sufficient to establish her

466standing as a person "substantially

471affected" by Rule 23 - 21.0155. In the

479alternative, Petitioner shall file an

484amended petition by the same date that

491includes sufficient factual allegations of


497Subsequently, on Septemb er 1, 2011, Petitioner responded to

506the Order of Show Cause by filing an " Amended Petition

516Requesting Rulemaking Challenge of Ru le 23 - 21.0155 Fla. Admin.

527Code." With respect to the issue of standing, the Amended

537Petition alleges, in relevant part:

542Petitioner avers here in the a ffirmative,

549that Rule 23 - 21.0155 has, and continues to

558annually cause an ongoing prima facie direct

565injury in fact to Petitioner as a Florida

573taxpayer, and to all taxpaying Floridians


5801. The rule illegally gives the Commission

587the undelegated le gislative authority to

593suspend parole eligible inmates [sic] parole

599dates indefinitely, contrary to the

604provisions of s. 947.18, F.S., the law


6122. The rule factually costs the Petitioner

619as a taxpayer, and all Floridian taxpayers

626collectively , a basic annual cost to the

633Corrections budget at approximately

637$20,000.00 annually per inmate per year,

644multiplied by approximately 500 similarly

649situated parole eligible inmates, whose

654parole dates are presently suspended, which

660amounts to approximately $10,000,000.00

666dollars a year. This conservative number in

673annual costs to Petitioner as a taxpayer of

681the Corrections budget, does not include the

688cost of medical expenses that are associated

695with the aging segment of parole eligible

702inmates with suspen ded parole dates . . . .

712* * *

7153. Petitioner contends . . . that the

723substantial affect [sic] of this segment of

730parole eligible inmates . . . whose parole

738status . . . has been illegally suspended

746indefinitely pursuant to Rule 23 - 21.0155

753(which the Pe titioner duly challenges here

760as invalid, pursuant to the provisions of s.

768120.52(8) F.S., where it was not amended in

7762006 pursuant to the provisions of s.

783120.536(1) and 120.54(3)(a)1. F.S.), clearly

788demo nstrates with record evidence, " a direct

795injury in fact," of sufficient reality to

802the Petitioner as a taxpayer, which is not

810based on speculation or conjecture, and

816which clearly satisfys [sic] and meets the

823substantially affected test for PetitionerÓs

828standing to challenge rule 23 - 21.0155 as

836unauthorize d and as an invalid exercise of

844delegated legislative authority.

847* * *

850Petitioner further avers in the affirmative,

856that she is cle arly affected by the

864Commission' s 2006 amendment of Rule 23 -

87221.0155, and Petitioner' s specific (interest

878injured) by the C ommission' s invalid rule

886challenged h erein, is therefore within the

" 893zo ne of interest to be protected," where

901the rule improperly cites s. 947.18 F.S. as

909the law implemen ted, encroaches upon

915Petitioner' s zone of interest, where the

922commission failed to com ply with the

929essential requirements of the non -

935discretional rulemaking procedures . . . .

942(Pet. Amended Petition, pp. 3 - 5).

949II. Analysis

951Standing to challenge proposed or existing administrative

958rules is governed by section 120.56(1)(a), Florida Stat utes ,

967which provides that "any person substantially affected by a rule

977or a proposed rule may seek an administrative determination of

987the invalidity of the rule on the ground that the rule is an

1000invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority." In ord er

1009to meet the substantially affected test, a petitioner must

1018establish: (1) a real and sufficiently immediate injury in fact;

1028and (2) that the alleged interest is arguably within the zone of

1040interest to be protected or regulated. Lanoue v. Fla. Dep't of

1051Law Enf. , 751 So. 2d 94, 96 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999). To satisfy the

1065real and immed iate injury in fact element, " the injury must not

1077be based on pure speculation or conjecture." Ward v. Bd. of

1088Trs. of the Int. Impust Fund , 651 So. 2d 1236, 1237 (Fla.

11004th DCA 1995). As to the second prong of the standing test,

" 1112the general rule regarding the zone of interest element of the

1123substantially affected test is that such element is met where a

1134party asserts that a statute, or a rule implementing such

1144statute, encr oaches upon an interest protected by a statute or

1155in the constitution." Id. at 1238.

1161In light of Petitioner' s atte mpt to ut ilize her status as a

"1175Florida t axpayer" to establish standing, a useful application

1184of the substantially affected sta ndard is provided by Hilliard

1194v. Department of Transportation , Case No. 97 - 971 RP, 1998 Fla.

1206Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 5448 (Fla. DOAH Apr. 3, 1998), aff 'd , 728

1219So. 2d 209 (Fla. 1st DCA Dec. 22, 1998)(table decision) . In

1231Hilliard , several p etitione rs, based up on their status as

"1242Florida taxpayers," attempted to challen ge proposed rules

1250relating to nonconforming outdoor advertising signs. The

1257Administrative Law Judge dism issed the rule challenge,

1265concluding that neither p etitioner had demonstrate d a real and

1276su fficiently immediate injury in fact or that their alleged

1286interests were arguably within the zone of interest to be

1296regulated :

1298Both Petitioners asserted standing based on

1304each being a Florida taxpayer . . . .

1313Neither Petitioner owns an y outdoor

1319advertising signs. Nor do they own any land

1327upon which such signs are located . . .

1336Petitioners like all motorist s in Florida,

1343simply drive down roads on which these signs

1351may be located. Neither Petitioner is

1357significantly impacted by these proposed

1362rules or impac ted differently than the

1369general population . . . .

1375* * *

1378The record in this case demonstrates that

1385neither Petitioner's interest in outdoor

1390advertising signs is significantly different

1395from the interests of the general

1401population . Similarly, neither P etitioner

1407demonstrates any sufficiently immediate

1411impact on them different from the general

1418population . . . . Therefore the Petitions

1426. . . should be dismissed.

1432Id. at *7 - 10 (emphasis added); see also Fla. Soc'y of

1444Ophthalmology v. State Bd. of Optometry , 532 So. 2d 1279, 1284

1455(Fla. 1st DCA 1988)("We initially observe that not everyone

1465having an interest in the outcome of a particular dispute . . .

1478is entitled to participate as a party in an administrative

1488proceeding to resolve that dispute. We re that not so, each

1499interested citizen could, merely by expressing an interest,

1507participate in the agency's efforts to govern, a result t hat

1518would unquestionably impede the ability of the agency to

1527function efficiently and inevitably cause an increase in the

1536number of litigated disputes . . . . ").

1545Although the undersigned has been unable to locate any

1554Florida appellate decision s addressing a taxpayer' s standing to

1564challenge a proposed or existing rule (where the taxpayer is no

1575differently affected than a member of the general population),

1584it is well - settled in ot her jurisdictions that " a petitioner

1596making a general attack on . . . administrative action or

1607inaction must demonstrate special damages distinct from that

1615s uffered by the public at large." Matte r of Abrams v. New York

1629City Transit Auth . , 368 N.Y.S.2d 165, 166 (N.Y. App. Div. 1975 );

1642Lesczynski v. Bloomberg , 2005 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 3532 , *5 - 6 (N.Y.

1654Gen. Term 2005) (granting m otion to dismiss where taxpayer' s

1665allegations failed to establish an injury i n fact or that the

1677injury fell within the zone of interests protecte d; " [A]ny tax

1688consequences from the act is an injury suffer ed by all

1699taxpayers, not just by Lesczynski. A private citizen who does

1709not show any special rights or interests in the matter i n

1721controversy, other than those common to all taxpayers and

1730citizens , has no standing to sue" )(internal quotation and

1739citation omitted); Allan v. Univ. of Wash. , 959 P.2d 1184, 1186 -

175187 (Wash. Ct. App. 1998)(holding petitioner , the wife of a

1761University of W ashington professor, lacked standing to cha llenge

1771amendments to university' s administrative rules, where

1778petitioner could not demonstrate the injury in fact or zone of

1789interest prongs o f the adversely affected test; " We agree with

1800the University that in pa ssing the APA, the Legislature did not

1812confer standing on simply anyone who is dissatisfied with the

1822outcome of the rule - maki ng process . . . . [Petitioner' s]

1836claimed i njury stems from the University' s failure to comply

1847with the APA rule - making procedures. Failure to comply with the

1859procedural requirements, however, is not a sufficient injury to

1868confer standing . . . . [Petitioner's] relationships with

1877others, who may or may not have standing, do not confer standing

1889upon her . . . . Rather [petitioner's] i nterest is merely one

1902that she holds in common with all other citizens" )(internal

1912citations omitted); see also Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife , 504

1922U.S. 555, 560, 573 - 74 (1992)(holding plaintiffs failed to

1932demonstrate injury in fact necessary for st anding; " We have

1942consistently held that a plaintiff raising only a generally

1951available grievance about government ÏÏ claiming only harm to his

1961and every citizen ' s interest in the application of the

1972Constitution and laws, and seeking relief that no more directly

1982and tangibly benefits him than it does the public at large ÏÏ does

1995not state an A rticle III case or controversy." ) .

2006Applying the foregoing authority to the instant case, the

2015allegations contained in the Amended Petition, taken as true,

2024are insufficient to satisfy either prong of the "substantially

2033affected" test. Simply pu t, Petitioner fails to allege how the

2044financial effects of the challenged rule impact her differently

2053than any other Florida taxpayer, nor does she explain how h er

2065interest in addressing the rule's p rocedural infirmities ÏÏ as

2075described in the Amended Petition ÏÏ is any different than the

2086interest she holds in common with all other citizens. See

2096Hilliard , 1998 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 5448 at *10; Alla n ,

2108959 P.2d at 1186 - 87; Lesczynski , 20 05 N.Y. Misc. LEXIS 3532 at

2122*5 - 6; Abrams , 368 N.Y.S.2d at 166 . Accordingly, Petitioner

2133lacks standing to challenge Florida Administrative Code Rule 23 -

214321.0155, and the instant proceeding must be dismissed. See

2152Burns v. Dep't of Corr. , Case No. 97 - 4538RP, 1997 Fla. Div. Adm.

2166Hear. LEXIS 5705 (Fla. DOAH Dec. 8, 1997)(final order of

2176dismissal issued where allegations contained in the original

2184petition and amended petition failed to establish petitioner's

2192standing to challenge existing rule and proposed amend ment to

2202rule). 2

2204III. Conclusion

2206For the reasons detailed above, it is ORDERED:

22141. The "Petition Requesting Rule Challenge of Rule 23 -

222421.0155 Fla. Admin . Code" and the "Amended Petition Requesting

2234Rulemaking Challenge of R ule 23 - 21.0155 Fla. Admin. Cod e" are


22482. The final hearing scheduled for September 9, 2011, is


2259DONE AND ORDERED this 7th day of September , 20 11 , in

2270Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.


2275___________________ ________________

2277Edward T. Bauer

2280Administrative Law Judge

2283Division of Administrative Hearings

2287The DeSoto Building

22901230 Apalachee Parkway

2293Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2298(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

2306Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2313Filed with the Clerk of the

2319Division of Administrative Hearings

2323this 7th day of September , 20 1 1 .


23341 On the same date, Respondent file d a Motion to Dismiss on the

2348grounds that Petitioner's status as a taxpayer "does not give

2358her standing to challenge a rule applicable only to parole -

2369eligible inmates." (Resp. Mot. to Dismiss at 1).

23772 Immediately prior to the issuance of this Final Or der of

2389Dismissal, the parties filed a Pre - Hearing Joint Stipulation,

2399the contents of which establish that Petitioner is the wife of a

2411parole eligible inmate. However, as this fact was not alleged

2421in either of the petitions, it will not be considered by th e

2434undersigned. See § 120.56(1)(b), Fla. Stat. (2010)(requiring

2441petitioner to state "with particularity" facts sufficient to

2449demonstrate standing). In any event, Petitioner's status as the

2458spouse of a parole eligible inmate does not provide her with

2469stand ing. See Allan , 959 P.2d at 1187 ("[Petitioner's]

2479relationships with others, who may or may not have standing, do

2490not confer standing upon her . "). Further, to permit Petitioner

2501to litigate the validity of the challenged rule in her husband's

2512stead would undermine section 120.81(3), Florida Statutes, which

2520prohibits inmates from initiating rule challenges. See Burns v.

2529Dep't of Corr. , Case No. 97 - 4538RP, 1997 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear.

2542LEXIS 5705 (Fla. DOAH Dec. 8, 1997)(issuing final order of

2552dismissal where p etitioner, the spouse of an inmate, lacked

2562standing to challenge an existing rule governing prison

2570visitation; concluding that to allow petitioner to challenge the

2579rule in the place of her husband would circumvent section

2589120.81(3)); see also Tungate v. Fl orida Dep't of Corr. , 742 So.

26012d 803, 803 - 04 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998)(holding that pursuant to

2613section 120.82(3), inmate lacked standing to challenge the

2621adoption of Florida Administrative Code Rule 33 - 3.0055); Green

2631v. Dep't of Corr. , Case No. 02 - 4723RP, 2003 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear.

2645LEXIS 1064 (Fla. DOAH May 23, 2003)(noting that "prisoners do

2655not have a right to file a rule challenge pursuant to section



2672Helen Peek

26741808 Southwest 67th Terrace

2678Gainesville, Florida 32607

2681Sarah J . Rumph, Esquire

2686Florida Parole Commission

26894070 Esplanade Way

2692Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2695Jesslyn Krouskroup, Esquire

2698Acting Coordinator

2700Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

2704Room 680, Pepper Building

2708111 West Madison Street

2712Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 1400


2724A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

2735entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida

2744Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

2753of Appellate Procedure. S uch proceedings are commenced by

2762filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the

2773Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by

2782filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of

2792Appeal, First District, or with the Distric t Court of Appeal in

2804the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of

2814appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to

2827be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/07/2011
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 09/07/2011
Proceedings: Final Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/07/2011
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Joint Stipulation filed.
Date: 09/01/2011
Proceedings: Amended Petition Requesting Rulemaking Challenge of Rule 23-21.0155, Fla. Admin. Code filed.
Date: 08/23/2011
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 08/23/2011
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 9, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 08/18/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 08/17/2011
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 08/17/2011
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Claudia Llado copying Jesslyn Krouskroup and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 08/16/2011
Proceedings: Petition requesting Rule Challenge of Rule 23-21.0155 Fla. Admin. Code filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Florida Parole Commission


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):