11-005052PL Dr. Eric J. Smith, As Commissioner Of Education vs. Lucille Stuart Foster
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, November 30, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Despite efforts of School District to assist her. Respondent failed to perform her work duties and denied deficiencies in her performance.






19Petitioner , )


22vs. ) Case No. 11 - 5052PL




35Respondent . )



42Pursuant to notice , an evidentiary hearing was conducted in

51this case on May 16 through 17, 2012, in Naples, Florida, before

63J. D. Parrish, an Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

74Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


78For Pe titioner: Todd P. Resavage, Esquire

85A. Dean Johnson, Esquire

89Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett,

92Foster & Gwartney, P.A.

96909 East Park Avenue

100Tallahassee , Florida 32301

103For Respondent: Peter James Caldwell, Esquire

109Florida Education Association

112300 East Park Avenue

116Tallahassee, Florida 32301


123Whether Respondent, Lucille Stuart Foster (Respondent) ,

129violated provisions of Florida law governing teachers and , if

138so, what penalty should be imposed.


146On May 11, 2011, an Administrative Complaint was issued

155against Respondent that alleged violations o f

162s ections 1012.53(1), 1012.53(2), 1012.795(1)(c) and/or

1681012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2010). More specifically,

174Petitioner, Eric J. Smith, as Commissioner of Education

182(Petitioner), alleged that Respondent was incompetent to teach

190or to perform duti es as an employee of the public school system

203and/or had been guilty of personal conduct that seriously

212reduced her effectiveness as an employee of a district school

222board. Petitioner maintained that Respondent had failed to work

231diligently and faithfully to help students meet or exceed annual

241learning goals , and had failed to perform duties prescribed by

251the rules of the district school board. Respondent timely

260challenged the allegations of the complaint and sought a formal

270administrative hearing.

272The ca se was forwarded to DOAH for formal proceedings on

283September 29, 2011. Thereafter , the parties sought continuances

291of the hearing on several occasions before the hearing was

301finally conducted. At the hearing, the parties presented

309testimony from witness es , and documentary evidence was received

318as reflected in the T ranscript of the proceedings that was filed

330with DOAH on June 28, 2012.

336Thereafter the parties sought and were granted extensions

344of time within which to file their p roposed r ecommended o rder s.

358The parties timely filed such orders on October 3, 2012. The

369proposed orders have been fully considered in the preparation of

379this Recommended O rder.


3861. Petitioner, as the Commissioner of Education, is

394responsible to investigate and prosecute complaints against

401persons who hold a Florida Educational Certificate , and are

410alleged to have violated provisions of law related to the

420education profession in the State of Florida. See §§ 1012.79

430and 1012.795, Fla. Stat. (2010).

4352. Responde nt holds a teaching certificate in Florida,

444Certificate Number 383630, that covers the areas of reading,

453mathematics, and music. Respondent's certificate is valid

460through June 30, 2015.

4643. At all times material to the allegations of this case ,

475Respondent was employed by the Collier County School District

484(District) and worked as a music teacher at the elementary

494school level.

4964. Prior to the allegations encompassed within this case ,

505Respondent had not been disciplined by the District. Respondent

514was em ployed by the District from 1976 through the 2009 - 2010

527school year. With the exception of one year, Respondent's

536performance evaluations ha ve been acceptable until the

544allegations of this matter arose.

5495. Prior to the 2008 - 2009 school year, Respondent wa s

561assigned to one school on a full - time basis. Beginning in 2008 ,

574Respondent was assigned to be an "itinerant" teacher. As such ,

584Respondent was directed to teach at three different elementary

593schools and to move among the schools during the school week , as

605her schedule dictated.

6086. The three schools were Corkscrew Elementary, Golden

616Terrace Elementary, and Big Cypress Elementary. An

623administrator at each of the schools was assigned supervision

632and evaluation duties for Respondent's job performance.

6397. All of the administrators required that Respondent

647prepare and submit lesson plans for review. All of the

657administrators observed Respondent in the class setting. All of

666the administrators found deficiencies in Respondent's job


6748. At th e conclusion of the 2008 - 2009 school year , the

687District returned Respondent from her continuing contract status

695to an annual contract. More critical to this case, however, is

706the fact that the District put Respondent on a prescriptive plan

717for improvement so that she could address the deficiencies in

727her work performance. The District offered support services to

736encourage Respondent to make the improvements needed.

7439. Respondent did not acknowledge , and does not

751acknowledge, that her work performance dur ing the 2008 - 2009

762school year was unacceptable. Respondent maintained that one of

771the administrators harassed her and then wrongly sought to

780discipline her.

78210. When the 2009 - 2010 school year began , Respondent was

793directed to complete remediation so that the problem areas of

803her job performance could improve. Specifically, Respondent was

811to prepare and timely submit appropriate lesson plans. She was

821to follow the plans in the teaching of her students. She was to

834maintain classroom decorum so that stude nts would remain on task

845and not disrupt or interfere with the learning experience.

85411. In recognition of the difficulty of teaching at three

864different schools, Respondent was allowed to prepare one lesson

873plan that could be implemented at all three loc ations. It was

885expected that music students would prepare for and publicly

894perform at designated school functions. In the past , Respondent

903successfully led her students in many performances that

911demonstrated an appreciation for music and musical achievem ent.

92012. During the 2009 - 2010 school year, however,

929Respondent's ability to focus on the improvements sought by her

939administrators diminished. As her frustration level grew , her

947civility toward one of the administrators waned. Respondent was

956convinced that efforts to assist her were not genuine.

96513. Principal Lettiere, Respondent's supervisor at Big

972Cypress Elementary School, identified the following deficiencies

979in Respondent's job performance:

983A. Failure to have lesson plans;

989B. Failure to timel y submit adequate lesson


998C. Insufficient delivery of lesson plans to

1005the class;

1007D. Failure to tie the lesson plan to the

1016lesson taught;

1018E. Failure to timely report for work; and

1026F. Failure to provide an accommodation for

1033a student with disab ilities during the music


104214. Principal Lonneman, Respondent's supervisor at

1048Corkscrew Elementary School, identified the following

1054deficiencies in Respondent's job performance:

1059A. Failure to keep students engaged during

1066class time;

1068B. Failure t o include musical instruments

1075into the music curriculum;

1079C. Failure to timely prepare lesson plans;


1087D. Failure to incorporate the music

1093curriculum within lesson plans.

109715. Principal Glennon, Respondent's supervisor at Golden

1104Terrace Elementary Sc hool, observed Respondent multiple times

1112during the 2008 - 2009 school year. Principal Glennon documented

1122the following deficiencies in Respondent's job performance:

1129A. Failure to keep students on task;

1136B. Lack of classroom management skills;

1142C. Failur e to have a structured lesson; and

1151D. Failure to follow adequate lessons.

115716. Principal Glennon tried to meet with Respondent to go

1167over the deficiencies , but Respondent did not timely comply with

1177his requests for a conference. Instead, Respondent ha s

1186steadfastly and resolutely claimed her teaching skills to be

1195adequate , if not superior.

119917. In February 2009, Principal Glennon cited Respondent

1207for failure to report to work ; failure to provide a classroom

1218management plan , as he had requested ; and fail ure to redirect

1229students who engaged in off - task behaviors.

123718. In March 2009, Respondent was advised that she would

1247be returned to annual contract status at the end of the school

1259year. Respondent received a contract for the 2009 - 2010 school

1270year , but began the year with a plan for her improvement in the

1283classroom. Respondent was afforded 90 days within which to

1292improve her performance. Mr. Glennon hoped that by outlining

1301the areas that needed to be improved, Respondent would soldier

1311on and make the n ecessary corrections.

131819. When Respondent failed to address the concerns

1326outlined by her improvement plan, her school administrators,

1334with the consent and authorization of the District

1342superintendent, removed her from the schools. Respondent was

1350placed i n the status of "pool" teacher and completed the 2009 -

13632010 school year in that assignment with benefits and salary.

1373At the end of the year, Respondent's contract was not renewed.

138420. Respondent is a talented musician who played with a

1394local symphony fo r many years. Early in her career , Respondent

1405was effective as a music teacher. Respondent was praised by

1415former administrators who worked with her during those times.

1424None of the former administrators observed Respondent during the

1433periods of time crit ical to this case.

144121. It is unknown whether during those earlier years the

1451requirements regarding lesson plans, classroom management, and

1458curriculum were the same or similar to the requirements of the

14692008 - 2009 and 2009 - 2010 school years.


148122. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

1491subject matter of these proceedings. §§ 120.569, 120.57(1) and

15001012.795, Fla. Stat. (2010).

150423. Section 1012.795(1), Florida Statutes (2010), provides

1511in pertinent part:

1514(1) The Education Pr actices Commission may

1521suspend the educator certificate of any

1527person as defined in s. 1012.01 (2) or (3)

1536for up to 5 years, thereby denying that

1544person the right to teach or otherwise be

1552employed by a district school board or

1559public school in any capacity requiring

1565direct contact with students for that period

1572of time, after which the holder may return

1580to teaching as provided in subsection (4);

1587may revoke the educator certificate of any

1594person, thereby denying that person the

1600right to teach or otherwise be e mployed by a

1610district school board or public school in

1617any capacity requiring direct contact with

1623students for up to 10 years, with

1630reinstatement subject to the provisions of

1636subsection (4); may revoke permanently the

1642educator certificate of any person the reby

1649denying that person the right to teach or

1657otherwise be employed by a district school

1664board or public school in any capacity

1671requiring direct contact with students; may

1677suspend the educator certificate, upon an

1683order of the court or notice by the

1691Depar tment of Revenue relating to the

1698payment of child support; or may impose any

1706other penalty provided by law, if the


1714* * *

1717(c) Has proved to be incompetent to teach

1725or to perform duties as an employee of the

1734public school system or to tea ch in or to

1744operate a private school.

1748* * *

1751(g) Upon investigation, has been found

1757guilty of personal conduct that seriously

1763reduces that personÓs effectiveness as an

1769employee of the district school board.

177524. Section 1012.53, Florida Statutes (2010) , provides:

1782(1) The primary duty of instructional

1788personnel is to work diligently and

1794faithfully to help students meet or exceed

1801annual learning goals, to meet state and

1808local achievement requirements, and to

1813master the skills required to graduate f rom

1821high school prepared for postsecondary

1826education and work. This duty applies to

1833instructional personnel whether they teach

1838or function in a support role.

1844(2) Members of the instructional staff of

1851the public schools shall perform duties

1857prescribed by rules of the district school

1864board. The rules shall include, but are not

1872limited to, rules relating to a teacherÓs

1879duty to help students master challenging

1885standards and meet all state and local

1892requirements for achievement; teaching

1896efficiently and fait hfully, using prescribed

1902materials and methods, including technology -

1908based instruction; recordkeeping; and

1912fulfilling the terms of any contract, unless

1919released from the contract by the district

1926school board.

192825. Petitioner bears the burden of proof in t his cause.

1939Petitioner must establish by clear and convincing evidence that

1948Respondent committed the violations alleged in the

1955Administrative Complaint. See Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of

1965Sec. & Inv. Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla.

197919 96); and Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

199126. Clear and convincing evidence "requires more proof

1999than a 'preponderance of the evidence' but less than 'beyond and

2010to the exclusion of a reasonable doubt.'" In re Graziano , 696

2021So. 2d 744, 75 3 (Fla. 1997). Evidence that is credible, denoted

2033by precise facts and information that a witness distinctly

2042remembers, is sufficient to support the burden of clear and

2052convincing evidence. See In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398 (Fla.

20631994), and Slomowitz v. Wa lker , 429 So. 2d 797 (Fla. 4th DCA


207727. Count I of the Administrative Complaint alleged that

2086Respondent proved to be incompetent to teach or to perform

2096duties as an employee of the public school system or to teach in

2109or to operate a private school. With the exception of

2119Respondent's self - serving account of the incidents of the school

2130years in dispute, Respondent offered no credible explanation for

2139the deficiencies related by her former administrators. In

2147contrast, three credible school administrato rs detailed the

2155Respondent's inadequate performance : l ack of appropriate and

2164timely submitted lesson plans ; l ack of classroom management ; and

2174l ack of improvement after notice of the deficiencies. All of

2185these identified concerns contributed to disciplina ry action

2193against Respondent by the District. Simply stated , Respondent

2201failed to perform her duties as an employee of the District.

2212That failure led, ultimately, to the non - renewal of her contract

2224to teach.

222628. Count II of the Administrative Complaint alleged that

2235Respondent had been found guilty of personal conduct that

2244seriously reduces that personÓs effectiveness as an employee of

2253the district school board. In this case, Respondent's personal

2262conduct was her failure to address job deficiencies. As

2271previously stated, Respondent's conduct resulted in the

2278District's non - renewal of her contract. Had Respondent's

2287performance been effective during the 2008 - 2009 school year, she

2298would have remained on continuing contract. Because her

2306performance proved i neffective , Respondent was returned to

2314annual contract status. Had Respondent's performance been

2321corrected during the 2009 - 2010 school year, she could have

2332remained on annual contract. Instead, Respondent lost her

2340employment with the District. There is no evidence that

2349Respondent has been employed by any school district since the

23592009 - 2010 school year.

236429. Respondent's long teaching career was highlighted by

2372many successes. Respondent had the respect and appreciation of

2381former administrators , whose opi nion of her work during the

2391times they supervised her was encouraging. Nevertheless , as it

2400relates to the allegations of this case, Respondent's work must

2410be reviewed not by the standard of former successes but by the

2422reality of current performance. Peti tioner has established by

2431clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's work performance

2439during the 2008 - 2009 and 2009 - 2010 school years proved

2451ineffective , and that Respondent failed or otherwise refused to

2460make the corrections needed to improve her per formance.

246930. Should Respondent seek to teach in the public schools

2479of Florida, the current standards for lesson plans, classroom

2488management, and implementation of plans must be observed.

2496Teachers in Florida bear the responsibility of keeping current

2505w ith the educational standards related to their fields of

2515instruction. No teacher can rest on past success. The students

2525of 2012 are not the students of 1976. Just as technologies have

2537evolved, teachers must stay current with the requirements of

2546their pr ofession. Regrettably, Respondent failed to do so.

2555More regrettable was Respondent's failure to recognize the need

2564to make the corrections recommended by her District.


2573Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2583Law, it is r ecommended that Respondent's teaching certificate be

2593suspended for a period up to one year during which time

2604Respondent be required to successfully complete continuing

2611education courses to address Respondent's deficiencies in

2618classroom management, lesson p lans, and professionalism.

2625DONE AND ENT ERED this 30th day of November , 2012 , in

2636Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2644Administrative Law Judge

2647Division of Administrative Hearings

2651The DeSoto Building

26541230 Apalachee Parkway

2657Tallah assee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2663(850) 488 - 9675

2667Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2674Filed with the Clerk of the

2680Division of Administrative Hearings

2684this 30th day of November , 2012 .


2694Peter James Caldwell, Esquire

2698Florida Education A ssociation

2702213 South Adams Street

2706Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2709Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director

2714Education Practices Commission

2717Department of Education

2720Turlington Building, Suite 224

2724325 West Gaines Street

2728Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

2733Matthew K . Foster, Esquire

2738Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett,

2741Foster and Gwartney, P.A.

2745909 East Park Avenue

2749Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2752Lois Tepper, Interim General Counsel

2757Department of Education

2760Turlington Building, Suite 1244

2764325 West Gaines Street

2768Tallahassee, Flori da 32399 - 0400

2774Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief

2778Bureau of Professional Practices Services

2783Department of Education

2786Turlington Building, Suite 224 - E

2792325 West Gaines Street

2796Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


2807All parties hav e the right to submit written exceptions within

281815 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions

2829to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

2840will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Exception to Recommended Order with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 04/26/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 16-17, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/10/2012
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order (CD) filed.
Date: 10/03/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/03/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order with Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 09/18/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/17/2012
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Fifteen Day Extension to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 08/29/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 08/16/2012
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 07/26/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Matthew Foster) filed.
Date: 07/26/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Matthew Foster) filed.
Date: 07/02/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 07/02/2012
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 06/28/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Certification of Oath Taken (Bobby Jones) filed.
Date: 06/28/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I and II (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/24/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of: Certificate of Oath Taken.
Date: 05/16/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/16/2012
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 05/15/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Unopposed Motion to Offer Testimony Telephonically filed.
Date: 05/14/2012
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 05/14/2012
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Allow Witness to Appear Telephonically filed.
Date: 05/14/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Clerical Error filed.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for May 16 and 17, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Agency`s court reporter confirmation letter filed with the Judge.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Continue Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for April 5 and 6, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL; amended as to hearing room).
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 03/29/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Offer Testimony Telephonically filed.
Date: 03/27/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/22/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 03/13/2012
Proceedings: Non-Party Subpona Duces Tecum without Deposition with Option to Furnish by Mail filed.
Date: 03/13/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Objection of Non-Party Jennifer Kincaid to Non-party Subpoena filed.
Date: 03/07/2012
Proceedings: Order on Motion for Reconsideration.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Subpoena Non-party filed.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Motion for Reconsideration filed.
Date: 02/16/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 02/06/2012
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Strike Conclusions from Petitioner`s Allegations of Facts.
Date: 01/24/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for April 5 and 6, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 01/24/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Unopposed Motion to Continue Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 01/20/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Strike Conclusions from Petitioner's Allegations of Fact filed.
Date: 12/08/2011
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for February 15 and 16, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 12/07/2011
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 10/27/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of D. Glennon, A. Hamblett, A. Lettiere, T. Lonneman, and R. Murray) filed.
Date: 10/25/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatories and Request for Production filed.
Date: 10/06/2011
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/06/2011
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 20 and 21, 2011; 9:00 a.m.; Naples, FL).
Date: 10/05/2011
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Letter to K. Richards from Agency`s General Counsel requesting administrative hearing and notification of counsel of record.
Date: 09/29/2011
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Naples, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):