12-000535 Megan Hotchkiss vs. Department Of Management Services, Division Of State Group Insurance
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 23, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner is entitled to payment for the second side of a bilateral procedure, but otherwise failed to prove that payment for services was not consistent with the terms of the State Employees' PPO Plan.





12Petitioner, )


15vs. ) Case No. 12 - 053 5






37Respondent. )



42Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

53on April 9, 2012, by video teleconference at sites in

63Tallahassee, Florida and Jacksonville, Florida, before E. Gary

71Early, a designated Administrative Law Judge of the Di vision of

82Administrative Hearings.


85For Petitioner: Brian J. Lee, Esquire

91644 Cesery Boulevard, Suite 250

96Jacksonville , F lorida 32211

100For Respondent: Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire

106Department of Management Services

1104050 Esplanade Way, Suite 160

115Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


124The issue is whether Respondent properly denied payment of

133certain charges related to out - of - network surgical procedures

144pursuant to the State Employees Ó PPO Group Health Insurance

154Plan .


158By letter dated June 16, 2010, Respondent , Department of

167Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance

174(Respondent or DSGI ) , notified Pet itioner , Meghan Hotchkiss

183(Petitioner) , that it intended to deny her Level II Appeal, by

194which Petitioner challenged the decision of Blue Cross & Blue

204Shield of Florida ( BCBSF ) , to pay $1,526. 5 7 of a total of

220$29,976.00 in surgery - related charges from Dr. Mark Piper, a

232non - network provider. Petitioner received the notice on July 2,


244On July 23, 2010 , Petitioner filed a Petition to Request a

255Hearing ( Formal Hearing ) . Petitioner alleged that ÐBCBSF

265inappropriately classified the surgery that I underw ent, in

274violation of its plan documents, as some other kind of procedure

285than the one I had, which had a much lower allowance.Ñ

296On February 9, 2012 , Respondent referred the P etition to

306the Division of Administrative Hearings. The record is silent

315as to the reason for the passage of more than 1 1/2 years from

329the date of filing of the Petition to the date of transmittal,

341but there has been no objection by Petitioner.

349The final hearing was scheduled for April 9 , 2012 , and was

360held as scheduled. At the final hearing, Petitioner testified

369on h er own behalf. PetitionerÓs Exhibits 1(a) - (c) and 4 - 6 were

384received into evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of

392Kathy Flippo, a registered nurse and RespondentÓs Legal Nurse

401Specialist; Kevin Tincher, BCB SF Ós Senior Manager of Coding and

412Professional Payment; Colleen McArdle, BCBSF Ós Manager of Pre -

422service Medical Review; and Jessica Bonin, BCBSF Ós Critical

431Inquiry Analyst. RespondentÓs Exhibits 2, 6, and 7 were

440received into evidence.

443By agreement of th e parties, the record was held open to

455allow for the filing of deposition testimony to be considered in

466lieu of live testimony. On August 7, 2012, prior to the closing

478of the record, t he parties each filed the deposition transcript

489of Dr. Scott Imray, a c onsulting expert witness retained by

500Respondent . Since both parties filed the deposition transcript

509prior to the closing of the record , indicating their mutual --

520though independently expressed -- desire to have it be

529considered by the undersigned, the de position transcript and its

539exhibits are accepted and admitted in evidence as Joint

548Exhibit 1.

550Dr. Imray was proffered by Respondent as an expert in the

561area of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Counsel for Petitioner

570had no questions regarding Dr. Imra yÓs qualifications, and no

580objection to the proffer has been made. Based on Dr. ImrayÓs

591qualifications as set forth in his curriculum vitae and his

601testimony, he is accepted as proffered. The deposition

609transcript will be considered as though the witness testified in


620The final hearing was not transcribed. The date for filing

630post - hearing submittals was set for August 17, 2012. Respondent

641timely filed its Proposed Recommended Order , which ha s been

651considered in the preparation of this Re commended Order. In its

662Proposed Recommended Order, Respondent included three

668appendices . Appendix A consisted of a document that w as not

680entered in evidence at the final hearing or by agreement of the

692parties prior to the closing of the record. Appendi ces B and C

705consist of duplicates of documents introduced as parts of

714PetitionerÓs Exhibits 1(a) and 1(c) , respectively. Those

721documents are not admitted as evidence, and are not part of the

733evidentiary record of this proceeding. Petitioner filed her

741Pro posed Recommended Order on August 21, 2012. Although filed

751late, the undersigned finds no prejudice would result from

760consideration of PetitionerÓs Proposed Recommen ded Order, and it

769has therefore been considered in the preparation of this

778Recommended Ord er.


7841. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Petitioner ,

793who is now 29 years old , was an employee of the University of

806West Florida, and was enrolled as a member of the State

817Employees PPO Plan (Plan) . S he started employment with t he

829University on December 1, 2007 , and became enrolled in the Plan .

841Respondent was provided with the State EmployeesÓ PPO Plan Group

851Health Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefits Document, e ffective

860January 1, 2007 (Plan Booklet) .

8662. The Department of Ma nagement Services is responsible

875for all aspects of the purchase of health care for state

886employees , including those services provided under the Plan .

895Respondent is responsible for the administration of the state

904group insurance program.

9073 . As authori zed by law, Respondent has contracted with

918Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Florida (now known as Florida Blue)

930as its third - party medical claim administrator of employee

940health insurance benefits.

9434 . The Plan Booklet contains the terms and conditions of

954the state group insurance program applicable to this proceeding.

963The booklet provides, as part of its Summary of Benefits, that:

974When you go to non - network providers, this

983Plan pays benefits based on the non - network

992allowance. If your provider charges more

998than the non - network allowance, you are

1006responsible for any amounts above the non -

1014network allowance. In addition, because the

1020Plan pays a lower benefit level for non -

1029network care, you pay more out - of - pocket for

1040non - network care.

1044In selecting BCBSF as the Medical Claim

1051Administrator for the state EmployeesÓ PPO

1057Plan, DSGI agreed to accept the non - network

1066allowance schedule used by BCBSF to make

1073payment for specific healthcare services

1078submitted by non - network providers.

1084Keep in mind that you will receive benefits

1092at the non - network level whenever you use

1101non - network providers, even if a network

1109provider is unavailable . (Emphasis added ) .

11175 . The booklet provides, in s ection 6, entitled About the

1129Provider Network, that:

1132In an effort to contain healthcare c osts and

1141keep premiums down, BCBSF has negotiated

1147with PPC SM network healthcare providers to

1154provide services to health Plan participants

1160at reduced amounts. PPC SM network providers

1167have agreed to accept as payment a set

1175amount for covered services . . . .

1183Non - network providers will bill you their

1191regular charges. You will be responsible

1197for a larger coinsurance and/or copayment,

1203and you will be responsible for paying the

1211difference between the providerÓs charges

1216and the amount established as the non -

1224net work allowance for the service. The non -

1233network allowance may be considerably less

1239than the amount the non - network provider


1248* * *

1251An Important Note About Using Non - Network


1260To make sure you receive the highest level

1268of benefits from t he Plan, itÓs important to

1277understand when non - network benefits are

1284paid. When you use non - network providers,

1292you receive non - network benefits. Here are

1300some examples.

13021. In some situations, your network

1308provider may use, or recommend that you

1315receive care from, a non - network provider.

1323For example, your network family doctor says

1330you need to see another doctor and

1337recommends a non - network doctor. It is your

1346choice; you decide whether to go to the

1354recommended non - network doctor or to ask

1362your doctor fo r another recommendation to a

1370network doctor. In this example, even

1376though your family doctor is a network

1383doctor, you will receive non - network

1390benefits if you go to the recommended non -

1399network doctor .

14022. Sometimes the health care professional

1408you need to see is not in the network. You

1418receive non - network benefits when you use

1426non - network providers, even if no network

1434provider is available .

14386 . From an early age, Petitioner was plagued with symptoms

1449of t emporomandibular j oint (TMJ) disorder. When sh e was seven

1461or eight years old, Petitioner began to experience clicking in

1471her jaw, and her jaw would occasionally lock. The symptoms soon


14837 . Whil e she was in six th grade, Petitioner was fitted for

1497orthodontic braces. The braces were removed wh en she was 12 or

150913 years old .

15138 . When Petitioner was in he r early teens, the clicking in

1526her jaw reappeared. The clicking was now accompanied by pain in

1537her jaw muscles , which was likened to that experienced from a

1548migraine headache.

15509 . Petitioner w as referred to an oral surgeon regarding

1561her jaw symptoms. The surgeon recommended a course of physical

1571therapy for her jaw, and placed her on a diet that eliminated

1583foods that were Ðchewy.Ñ Despite those measures, PetitionerÓs

1591jaw began to periodically lock open.

159710 . At the age of 16, Petitioner had her wisdom teeth

1609removed. While that procedure resulted in a cessation of the

1619locking, Petitioner could only open her mouth about one - quarter

1630of the way. She was also prescribed Tylenol #3, which containe d

1642codeine, for pain.

164511 . At the age of 16 or 17, Petitioner was given splints

1658to keep her jaw in alignment. Petitioner was clenching her

1668teeth so hard in response to the pain, that she broke several

1680splints during the first year that she had them.

168912 . By the time she was 19 years old , PetitionerÓs

1700headaches were Ðout of control.Ñ She was referred to the facial

1711pain center at the University of Florida, where she was fitted

1722with custom - made splints. She was provided with a course of

1734physical therapy, and was pr e scribed muscle relaxers. When she

1745returned home from college for the summer, she did the

1755recommended physical therapy, which was effective in re lieving

1764her symptoms for a few months.

177013 . Petitioner was subsequently referred to Dr. Widmer, a

1780p hysician at the University of Florida. Dr. Widmer performed an

1791arthrocentesis, by which a steroid solution was injected into

1800PetitionerÓs temporomandibular joint s . The procedure was


180914 . By 2006, when Petitioner was 23 years old , the openin g

1822of her mouth began to be accompanied by a ÐsquishingÑ noise.

1833Dr. Widmer referred Petitioner to Dr. Margaret Dennis.

184115 . Dr. Dennis ordered an MRI of PetitionerÓs jaw to

1852determine if there was any bone damage. The MRI revealed that

1863the bones of the te mporomandibular joint were degrade d , and that

1875the disk material was calcified. Dr. Dennis increased the

1884dosage of PetitionerÓs pain medications to handle the pai n

1894associated with her condition .

189916 . After a period of time, and with Petitioner having

1910lit tle relief from her symptoms, Dr. Dennis referred her to

1921Dr. Mark Piper , a physician who is board - certified in o ral and

1935m axillo - facial s urgery . Dr. Piper maintains his office in

1948Tampa, Florida.

195017 . Petitioner had her first appointment with Dr. Piper i n

1962August 2009.

196418 . Dr. Piper ordered a level 3 MRI, which produced a

1976clearer picture than her earlier MRI , as well as a CAT scan. He

1989took imprints of P etitionerÓs teeth, and performed a physical

1999examination of the bones of PetitionerÓs jaw. The results of

2009the imaging and the physical exam showed severe and active

2019degeneration of PetitionerÓs temporomandibular joints ,

2024especially the right joint .

202919 . To remedy PetitionerÓs physical condition, Dr. Piper

2038recommended a bilateral arthroplast y of PetitionerÓ s jaw,

2047consisting of a fat graft to the right temporomandibular joint,

2057and a procedure involving the disk tissue to the left

2067temporomandibular joint. Given the exhaustion of more

2074conservative forms of treatment, arthroplasty was, by this

2082point, appropriat e and medically necessary for the resolution of

2092PetitionerÓs condition.

209420 . On August 25, 2009, Dr. Piper provided Petitioner with

2105a statement summarizing his diagnosis, and providing an

2113explanation of his recommended course of action.

212021 . Petition er provided Dr. PiperÓs statement to BCBSF to

2131explain the necessity for her proposed out - of - network treatment.

2143T he evidence suggests that Petitioner provided the CPT codes for

2154the recommended procedures at issue .

216022 . CPT codes are a system by which med ical services are

2173assigned numbers to describe those services, and are used by

2183insurers to establish a uniform schedule of reimbursement. On a

2193case - by - case basis, the numbers are provided by medical service

2206providers to describe the services they have ren dered.

221523 . Respondent maintains a business record of all

2224communications between it and its cu stomers . On August 27,

22352009, those records reflect that a telephonic request for

2244information was received either from or regarding Petitioner.

2252The notation r egarding the request for information stated, in

2262pertinent part:



227962468....ALLOWANCES ARE 1168.09 AND 252.53

228424 . Petitioner acknowledged that she received the

2292information regarding the rate s , but understood th e rates to be

2304estimated amount s , and not official because the person with whom

2315she spoke could not give final figure s over the tele phone.

232725 . Later on August 27, 2009 , RespondentÓs records reflect

2337that a second telep honic request for information was received

2347either from or regarding Petitioner. The notation regarding the

2356request for information stated, in pertinent part:


2373[Voluntary Pre - coverage Review] AREA AS SHE




2404SUBMIT THE LMN [Letter of Medical Necessity]







246026 . RespondentÓs records reflect no further telephonic

2468inquiries regarding Petitioner until October 19, 2009.

247527 . Petitioner scheduled her surgery with Dr. Piper for

2485September 16, 2009.

248828 . Petitioner testified that approximately one week prior

2497to the scheduled surgery, BCBSF sent an e - mail to Peti ti oner

2511providing her with the name of a network provider in

2521Jackso nville who could perform the surgery necessary to resolve

2531her TMJ issues. She further testified that she contacted the

2541network provider Ós office, and was advised by a Dr. Milton that

2553the medical group could not perform the surgery . Petitioner

2563testified t hat she advised BCBSF of that information, and

2573advised BCBSF that there was no one in - network that could

2585perform the surgery. A copy of the e - mail was not provided, nor

2599was there evidence to otherwise corroborate the described

2607events. Therefore, no findi ng can be made as to that alleged

2619series of communications.

262229 . Respondent maintains a list of network health care

2632providers by specialty type and location . The list is available

2643on - line. The list include s a number of oral and maxillofacial

2656surgeons lo cated in the Jacksonville area. However, one cannot

2666determine from the list whether a provider is capable of

2676performing a particular procedure under the specialty.

268330 . The evidence demonstrates that Dr. Piper is an

2693accomplished oral and maxillofacial su rgeon , with particular

2701expertise in disc removal and fat graft placement surgery for

2711the temporomandibular joint. However, even if Dr. Piper is the

2721surgeon most qualified to perform the procedure , that does not

2731mean he is the surgeon singularly qualified to perform the

2741procedure .

274331 . Dr. Imray testified that he has referred patients for

2754bilateral arthroplastic procedures on many occasions. His

2761referrals were generally to oral and maxillofacial surgeons

2769practicing at teaching centers in Jacksonville and Gainesville.

2777Although he could not testify whether such surgeons were in the

2788State EmployeesÓ PPO network without consulting his PPO

2796reference book, he could recall no instance of having had to

2807refer a patient to an out - of - network provider, Ðbecause most of

2821the teaching centers take most of the plans.Ñ

282932 . The evidence in this case failed to demonstrate that

2840there were no network providers capable of performing the

2849procedures medically necessary for the resolution of

2856PetitionerÓs TMJ issues.

285933 . Having concluded that Dr. Piper afforded her with the

2870greatest likelihood for a successful outcome, Petitioner

2877proceeded with the surgery as scheduled . After a recovery

2887period of two years, which included braces to adjust her teeth

2898to fit her repaired and aligned temporomandibular joints, the

2907surgery has proven to be a complete success. Petitioner

2916testified convincingly that the surgery was a life - changing

2926event .

292834 . The total cost to Petitioner for the surgical and

2939immediate post - operative procedur es was $30,005.00.

294835 . In November, 2009, Petitioner began the process of

2958filing her claim with BCBSF . After some difficulties, the

2968submission of the claim was completed in January, 2010. The

2978amount billed to BCBSF was $29,976.00. The bulk of the charge,

2990in the amount of $24,650.00, was for the procedure identified by

3002Dr. Piper as CPT Code 21240. The documentation submitted

3011clearly indicated -- both by the description of the CPT Code

302221240 procedure as ÐBilateral TMJ ArthroplastyÑ and by the

3031list ing of the modifier code Ð50Ñ, which was the code assigned

3043for procedures that were bilateral -- that the arthroplasty

3052procedure was bilateral.

305536 . On March 11, 2010, BCBSF notified Petitioner that it

3066would reimburse her medical expenses related to the s urgery in

3077the amount of $1,5 26.57 . That amount included $1,168.09 for the

3091arthroplasty (CPT Code 21240), and $358.48 for the surgical

3100splint (CPT Code 21085). BCBSF indicated that it would not pay

3111the $1,650.00 charge for the operating microscope (CPT Co de

312269990) on the basis that the charge was incidental to the

3133primary arthroplasty procedure, and therefore included in the

3141$1,168.09 allowance for that procedure. BCBS F also denied

3151payment for a ZZ Ther abite (CPT Code 99070).

316037 . The reimbursement amou nt was calculated by applying

3170the CPT Code s provided by Dr. Piper to the BCBSF fee schedule.

3183The amount was then further adjusted by the non - network payment

3195allowance to reach the final reimbursable amount. The process

3204is mechanical, and involves no exer cise of discretion. In that

3215regard, the reimbursement for the arthroplasty was identical to

3224the estimate provided to Petitioner on August 27, 2009.

323338 . The evidence demonstrates that the amount s paid to

3244Petitioner for CPT Code 21240 procedures and the CPT Code 21085

3255surgical splint were accurately derived through application of

3263the BCBS F fee schedule allowance to the procedure codes provided

3274by Dr. Piper . However, as to the arthroplasty procedure, the

3285evidence further demonstrates that the amount paid was based on

3295a single procedure.

329839 . T he arthroplasty performed by Dr. Piper was a

3309bilateral procedure, which was clearly disclosed on the claim

3318form. According to Kevin Tincher, BCBSFÓs senior manager of

3327coding and professional payment, Petitioner is entitled to

3335reimbursement for both procedures, with the reason given for not

3345paying for both being Dr. PiperÓs failure to bill each part of

3357the bilateral procedure on separate lines of the claim form.

3367Given the lack of any instruction requiring that the t wo sides

3379of a single bilateral procedure be billed on separate lines,

3389especially given the application of the modifier code Ð50Ñ to

3399indicate a bilateral procedure, the information provided on the

3408claim form was neither deficient nor in error.

341640 . When tw o procedures of the same type are performed on

3429the same day, the BCBSF fee schedule calls for reimbursement for

3440the s econd procedure at a rate of 50 percent of the allowance

3453for the first procedure. Under that schedule, Petitioner should

3462have been reimbur sed an additional $58 4 .05 , i.e., 50 percent of

3475the $1,168.09 allowance for the first CPT Code 21240 procedure .

348741. The evidence demonstrates that the Therab ite device

3496(CPT Code 99070) was Ðappropriate and acceptableÑ in

3504Petit ionerÓs case. Thus, the devi ce was medically necessary

3514under the circumstances. Petitioner should have been

3521reimbursed, at the non - network rate, for that device.

353142 . During the hearing, Jessica Bonin, BCBSFÓs Critical

3540Inquiry Analyst, admitted that the post - operative CT scan -- CPT

3552Code 70486 -- in the amount of $301.93, should have been paid,

3564but that the claim had not been reprocessed by BCBSF.

3574Respondent further admitted in its Proposed Recommended Order

3582that payment in the amount of $ 301.93 should be made for the

3595post - operative CT scan. It is so found.

360443 . Petitioner initiated a Level I appeal with BCBS F . She

3617provided BCBSF with as much of her medical history as she could

3629locate, a list of medications, and all of the records,

3639photographs, and X - rays that she could access. S he also

3651provided a letter from Dr. Piper, dated March 18, 2010, in which

3663he detailed the services provided to Petitioner. Dr. PiperÓs

3672description suggests that the services provided to Petitioner

3680were extensive, but did not suggest that the procedure itse lf

3691varied from the procedure described in CPT Code 21240 . However,

3702Dr. Piper did reaffirm that the surgery was a bilateral

3712procedure involving both of Petitioner Ó s temporomandibular


372144 . BCBSF did not change its decision as a result of the

3734Leve l I Appeal .

373945 . On May 14, 2010, Petitioner filed a Level II Appeal

3751with Respondent. On June 16, 2010, the Level II Appeal was



376646 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3774jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this

3784proceeding pursuant to s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

3793Statutes (2011) .

379647 . Respondent is the agency charged by the legislature

3806with the duty to oversee the administration of the State Group

3817Insurance Program, including the group disability insurance


382548 . Petitioner , as the party asserting the right to

3835payment of medical expenses under the State EmployeesÓ PPO Plan,

3845has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence

3856that her medical expenses qualified for cover age under the

3866program. If she is able to do so, the burden shifts to

3878Respondent to prove that the expenses were not covered due to

3889the application of a policy exclusion. Herrera v. C.A. Seguros

3899Catatumbo , 844 So. 26 664, 668 (Fla. 3d DCA 2003); State

3910Com prehensive Health Ass Ón v. Carmichael , 706 So. 2d 319, 320

3922(Fla. 4th DCA 1997).

392649 . Insurance contracts are to be construed in accordance

3936with the plain language of the p olicy , with any ambiguity

3947construed against the i n surer, and in favor of coverage. U.S.

3959Fire Ins. Co. v. J.S.U.B., Inc. , 979 So. 2d 871, 877 (Fla.

39712007) ; Kohl v. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Fla., Inc. , 988 So.2d

3984654, 658 (Fla. 4 th DCA 2008) . However, provisions of a contract

3997of insurance that are clear and unambiguous, including those

4006that constitute exclusions from coverage, should be enforced

4014a ccording to its terms. Bonich v. State Farm Mutual Automobile

4025Insurance Company , 996 So. 2d 942, 943 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008).

403650 . Section 110.123 , entitled State Group Insurance Plan,

4045describes t he powers and duties conferred on Respondent, in

4055pertinent part, as follows:


4066department is responsible for the

4071administration of the state group insurance

4077program. The department shall initiate and

4083supervise the program as established by this

4090section and shall adopt such rules as are

4098necessary to perform its responsibilities.

4103To implement this program, the department

4109shall, with prior approval by the


4116(a) Determine the benefits to be provided

4123and the contributions to be required for the

4131state group insurance program . Such

4137deter minations, whether for a contracted

4143plan or a self - insurance plan pursuant to

4152paragraph (c), do not constitute rules

4158within the meaning of s. 120.52 or final

4166orders within the meaning of s. 120.52. Any

4174physicianÓs fee schedule used in the health

4181and accid ent plan shall not be available for

4190inspection or copying by medical providers

4196or other persons not involved in the

4203administration of the program. . . .

4210* * *

4213Final decisions concerning . . . covered

4220benefits under the state group insurance

4226program sha ll not be delegated or deemed to

4235have been delegated by the department.

424151 . The evidence demonstrates that Petitioner Ós medical

4250expenses qualified for coverage under the Plan. Thus,

4258Petitioner met her initial burden of proof.

426552. Petitioner failed t o prove the essential allegation of

4275her Petition, i.e., that ÐBCBSF inappropriately classified the

4283surgery that I underwent, in violation of its plan documents, as

4294some other kind of procedure than the one I had, which had a

4307much lower allowance.Ñ Rather, the evidenc e clearly

4315demonstrates that Dr. Piper performed services consistent with

4323th ose described in CPT Code 21240 and CPT Code 21085 and that

4336Respondent reimbursed Petitioner consisten t with the fee

4344schedule for those procedure code s .

435153 . Though not technically in the nature of an exclusion

4362from coverage, the burden of proving that the reimbursement paid

4372to Petitioner for her qualified medical expenses was the correct

4382amount under the terms of the Plan lies with Respondent.

439254 . Respondent has pro ven, by a preponderance of the

4403evidence, that the decision by BCBSF, as RespondentÓs contacted

4412third - party administrator , to reimburse Petitioner for CPT Code

442221240 services by a non - network provider in the amount of

4434$1,168.09 , to reimburse Petitioner for CPT Code 21085 services

4444by a non - network provider in the amount of $358.48 , and to deny

4458reimbursement of CPT Code 69990 services on the basis that the

4469charge was incidental to the primary procedure , w as a correct

4480application of the benefits and fee schedul e under the Plan .

449255 . The evidence supports a conclusion that BCBSF failed

4502to properly reimburse Petitioner for the full bilateral

4510procedure , and for the post - operative CT sca n in the amount of

4524$584.05 and $301.93 , respectively .

452956 . The evidence also supports a conclusion that BCBSF

4539failed to properly reimburse Petitioner for the ZZ Thera bite,

4549which was a medically appropriate and necessary device. Payment

4558for that devic e should be at the non - network rate.


4571Based on the foregoing Find ings of Fact and Conclusions of

4582Law, it is


4586That the Department of Management Services enter a final

4595order finding that Petitioner is ent itled to additional

4604reimbursement for her medical expenses as set forth herein . 1/

4615DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of August , 2012 , in

4625Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4633Administrative Law Judge

4636Division of Administrative Hearings

4640The DeSoto Building

46431230 Apalachee Parkway

4646Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4651(850) 488 - 9675

4655Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4662Filed with the Clerk of the

4668Division of Administrative Hearings

4672this 23rd day of August , 2012 .


46801/ In her Proposed Recomme nded Order, Petitioner suggests that

4690the undersigned should award attorneyÓ s fees under section

4699120.595. No motion for fees has been filed as required for such

4711a determination pursuant to section 120.595(2). Thus, no ruling

4720as to the basis for such an award is made herein.


4734Brian J. Lee, Esquire

4738644 Cesery Boulevard, Suite 250

4743Jacksonville, Florida 32211

4746Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire

4750Department of Management Services

4754Office of the General Counsel

47594050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260

4764Tallahassee, Florida 32399

4767Jason Dimitris, General Counsel

4771Department of Management Services

47754050 Esplanade Way, Suite 160

4780Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


4791All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

480115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4812to t his Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4824will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 08/23/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/23/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 9, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/23/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/21/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/17/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/09/2012
Proceedings: Order on Motion to Strike.
Date: 08/07/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Strike and Notice of Filing Deposition filed.
Date: 08/07/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 07/30/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Taking Deposition (of S. Imray) filed.
Date: 07/17/2012
Proceedings: Order Establishing Date for Closure of Record.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: (Proposed) Exhibit and Witness List filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Amended (Proposed) Exhibit and Witness List filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Brian Lee) filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Allow Witness to Appear by Telephone filed.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/23/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 9, 2012; 9:30 a.m.; Jacksonville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/16/2012
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 02/09/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/09/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 02/09/2012
Proceedings: Petition to Request a Hearing (Formal Hearing) filed.
Date: 02/09/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Jacksonville, Florida
Department of Management Services


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):