12-000760TTS Monroe County School Board vs. Thomas Amador
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, February 6, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: Recommend dismissal of administrative complaint against educational support employee where school board failed to introduce competent evidence regarding the terms of the collective bargaining agreement.





14Petitioner, )


17vs. ) Case No. 12 - 0760 TTS




30Respondent. )



35Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was

43conducted by video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee and

52Key West , Florida, on May 15, 2012 , before Administrati ve Law

63Judge Edward T. Bauer of the Division o f Administrative

73Hearings .


76For Petitio ner: Theron C. Simmons , Esquire

83Vernis & Bowling of the

88Florida Keys, P.A.

9181990 Overseas Highway, Third Floor

96Islamorada , Florida 33036

99For Respondent: Mark S. Herdman, Esquire

105Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

109296 05 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110

117Clearwater, Florida 33761


124Whether there is just cause to terminate Respondent' s

133employment with the Monroe County School Board.


142By correspondence dated January 1 9, 2012, the Monroe County

152School Board ("Petitioner") notified Respondent that it intended

162to terminate his employment as an air - conditioning mechanic. On

173t he same date, Petitioner filed an Administrative Complaint

182against Respondent , wherein it alleged that Respondent was

190subject to discipline because he : used institutional privileges

199for personal gain or advantage, contrary to school board policy

2094210(I); failed to maintain honesty in all dealings, in

218violation of school board policy 4210(L); and submi tted

227fraudulent information on employment documents, as prohibited b y

236school board policy 4210(Q).

240Respondent timely requested a formal administrative hearing

247to contest Peti t ioner's action. On February 24, 2012 , the

258matter was referred to the Division o f Administrative Hearings

268("DOAH") for further proceed ings.

275As noted above, the final heari ng was held on May 15, 2012 ,

288during which Petitioner introduced 18 exhibits, numbered 1 - 18,

298and presented the testimony of Cheryl Allen and Jeff Barrow .

309Responden t testified on his own behalf and introduced 15

319exhibits, numbered 1 - 15.

324The final hearing T r anscript was filed on June 1, 2012 . On

338June 11, 2012, the parties requested, and the undersigned

347subsequently ordered , an extension of the proposed recommended

355order deadline to June 13, 2012. B oth parties thereafter

365submitted proposed recommended orders, which have been

372considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.

380Unless otherwise noted, citations to the Fl orida Statutes

389refer to the 2011 version .


3981. Petitioner is the entity charged with the

406responsibility to operate, control, and supervi se the public

415schools within Monroe County, Florida.

4202. At all tim es material to this proceeding, Petitioner

430employed Respondent as a non - p robationary air - conditioning

441mechanic in the Upper Keys.

4463. As noted previously, Petitioner initiated the instant

454cause against Respondent on January 19, 2012. In a letter

464signed by the superintendent of schools on that date, Petitioner

474advised Responden t that it intended to terminate his employment:

484[F]o r willful violation of school board

491policy, 4210(I), (L) and (Q), by theft of

499time, inappropriate use of a District owned

506vehicle, and by making fraudulent statements

512in required District paperwork, all of which

519are grounds for discipline up to and

526including termination.

528* * *

531This action is being taken in accordance

538with School Board Policies . . . and the

547Collective Bargaining A greement .

552(emphasis added).

5544. The above - quoted language notwithstandin g , Petitioner's

563Administrative Co mplaint ("Complaint") , filed contemporaneously

571with the superintendent's letter , does not purport t o discip line

582Respondent in accordance the c ollective bargaining agreement, 1 /

592the terms of which are neither referen ced in th e Complaint nor

605included in the instant re cord ÏÏ a fatal error, as explained

617later. Instead, Petitioner seeks in its Complaint to terminate

626Respondent's employment based s olely upon alleged violations of

635School Board Policy 4210 (specifically, subsections I, L, and

644Q) , which provides , in relevant part:

6504210 Î Standard for Ethical Conduct

656An effective educational program requires

661the services of men and women of integrity,

669high ideals, and human understanding. The

675School Board expects all support staff

681memb ers to maintain and promote these

688essentials. Furthermore, the School Board

693hereby establishes the following as the

699standards of ethical conduct for all support

706staff members in the District who have

713direct access to students : A support staff

721member with direct access to students shall:

728* * *

731I. not use institutional privileges for

737personal gain or advantage.

741* * *

744L. maintain honesty in all dealings.

750* * *

753Q. not submit fraudulent information on any

760document in connection with employment.

765(emphasis added).

7675. Significant ly, the record is devoid of evid ence that

778Respondent has direct access to students, and the n ature o f

790Respondent's position (an air - conditioning mechanic) does not

799permit the undersigned to infer as much ; therefore, Petiti oner

809has failed to demonstrate that Respondent is subject to the

819proscript ions of School Board Policy 4210 .

8276. In light of these unique circumstances ÏÏ i.e.,

836Petitioner has not proceed ed against Respondent under the terms

846of the collective bargaining agr eement (as it should have), but

857rather, under a school board policy that applies only to

867employees that have direct access to students ÏÏ it is unneces sary

879to reach the merits of the underlying allegations of misconduct.


8927 . The Divisi on of Administrative Hearings has

901jurisdiction over the subject matter and pa rties to this case

912pursuant to s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

9218. Petitioner bears the burden of proof in this

930proceeding. Cisneros v. Sch. B d . of Miami - Dade C nty . , 990 So.

9462d 1179, 1183 (Fla. 3d DCA 2008)("As the ALJ properly found, the

959School Board had the burden of proving th e allegations . . . by

973a preponderance of the evidence"); McNeil l v. Pinellas Cnty.

984Sch. B d . , 678 So. 2d 476, 477 (Fla. 2d DCA 1996)("Th e School

1000Board bears the burden of proving, by a preponderance of the

1011evidence, each element of the charged offe nse which may warrant


10249 . As an air - conditioning mechanic , Re spondent is an

1036educational support employee as defined by section

10431012 .40(1)(a), Florida Statutes. See Lee Cnty. Sch. Bd. v.

1053Rasmussen , Case No. 08 - 6220 , 200 9 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 912

1067(Fla. DOAH June 22 , 2009) (finding that a maintenance worker is

1078an educational support employee pursuant to section 1012.40).

108610 . Secti on 1012.40(2)(b), Florida Statutes, provides that

1095non - probationary support employees such as Respondent are

1104entitled to maintain their employment from year to year unless :

1115[T] he district school superintendent

1120terminates the employee for the reasons

1126stated in the collective bargaining

1131agreement, or in district school board rule

1138in cases where a collective bargaining

1144agreement does not exist , or reduces the

1151number of employees on a districtwide basis

1158for financial reasons.

1161(emphasis added).

116311 . Pu rsuant t o section 1012.40(2)(b) , Petitioner was

1173obligated, once it determined to pursue the termination of

1182Respondent's employment, to proceed forward under the terms of

1191the collective bargaining agreement. However, Petitioner did

1198not do so ÏÏ and, as a natural con sequence, has not made the

1212bargaining agreement part of the record ÏÏ which makes it

1222impossible to ascertain whether Respondent's alleged misconduct

1229prov ides a basis for discipline . This alone requires the

1240Complaint 's dismissal , as illustrated by Mi ami - Dade School Board

1252v. Alvin , Case No. 03 - 3515, 2004 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 1693

1266(Fla. DOAH Mar. 19, 2004) , adopted in toto June 17, 2004. In

1278Alvin , the school district sought to terminate the employment of

1288a school security monitor based upon, among other things, the

1298employee's pleas of no contest to several criminal drug charges.

1308Id. Although the terms of the employment were governed by a

1319collective bargaining agreement, the school board failed to make

1328the contract part of the e videntiary record ÏÏ a defic iency that

1341necessitated the dismissal of the administrative complaint:

1348In this case, because a collective

1354bargaining agreement does exist, Alvin can

1360be terminated only for reasons stated

1366therein. Such "reasons" are matters of fact

1373that the Board must prov e as part of its

1383case - in - chief. Usually this is done by

1393moving the collective bargaining agreement

1398into evidence. Here, however, the Board

1404failed at hearing to introduce the

1410collective bargaining agreement or offer any

1416other competent evidence of its ter ms.

1423* * *

1426By statute, the UTD Contract, as the

1433applicable collective bargaining agreement,

1437prescribes the standards against which the

1443undersigned fact - finder must evaluate

1449Alvin's conduct, to determine whether he

1455should be fired. Thus, whether Alvin

1461vio lated the applicable contractual

1466standard(s) is a question of ultimate fact

1473to be decided in the context of each alleged

1482reason for terminating his employment.

1487* * *

1490Without knowing the "reasons stated in the

1497collective bargaining agreement" as

1501potenti al grounds for termination, the

1507undersigned obviously cannot determine, as a

1513matter of ultimate fact, whether Alvin

1519should be terminated. To learn what those

1526reasons are, the undersigned is required to

1533rely " exclusively on the evidence of record

1540and on ma tters officially recognized." See

1547§ 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat. (emphasis added).

1553Consequently . . . the Board's failure to

1561introduce the UTD Contract (or some

1567competent evidence of its terms) is fatal to

1575the Board's case.

1578Id. at *6 - 8 (emphasis in original ). 2 / Persuaded by Alvin's

1592reasoning, it is concluded that Petitioner's failure to

1600introduce competent evidence of the terms of the collective

1609bargaining agreement is fatal to its case.

161612 . Assuming arguendo that no bargaining agreement exists ,

1625Peti tion er's case nevertheless fails , as the rule under which

1636Petitioner seeks to discipline Respondent ( school board p olicy

16464210 ) applies, by its express terms, only to support employees

1657who have direct contact with s tudents. A s found above,

1668Petitioner a dduced n o evidence that Respondent has such contact.


1680Based on the foregoing findings of fac t and conclusions of

1691Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Monroe County School Board enter

1702a final order : d ismissing the Admin istrative Complaint; and

1713immediately reinstating Respondent's employment.

1717DONE AND ENTE RED this 21st day of June , 2012 , in

1728Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1736Administrative Law Judge

1739Division of Administrative He arings

1744The DeSoto Building

17471230 Apalachee Parkway

1750Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1755(850) 488 - 9675

1759Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1766Filed with the Clerk of the

1772Division of Administrative Hearings

1776this 21st day of June , 2012 .


17851 / The existence of a collective bargaining agreement is

1795confirmed by several brief references to the document (by

1804Petitioner's counsel and a witness) during the final hearing.

1813See Final Hearing Transcript, p. 23; 34; 45 - 46.

18232 / The administrative law judge in Alvin declined, properly, to

1834re - open the record (which would have provided the school board

1846an opportunity introduce the bargaining agreement) or take

1854official recognition of the agreement's terms. As the judge i n

1865Alvin explained:

1867First, . . . receiving additional evidence

1874(or officially recognizing facts) after the

1880record has been closed is disfavored and

1887should be avoided.

1890* * *

1893Second, as the Florida Supreme Court has

1900explained, "courts should exercise great

1905caution when using judicial notice. As has

1912been held in this state and elsewhere,

1919judicial notice is not intended to fill the

1927vacuum created by the failure of a party to

1936prove an essential fact."

1940* * *

1943Third, the Board will not be authorized to

"1951reopen the record, receive additional

1956evidence and make additional findings" when

1962this case is again before the agency for the

1971purposes of entering the final order. Nor

1978will the Board be allowed to official l y

1987recognize the UTD Contract, because

"1992[o]fficial reco gnition is not a device for

2000agencies to circumvent the hearing officer's

2006findings of fact by building a new record on

2015which to make findings." Given these

2021circumstances, the undersigned is reluctant

2026to take a discretionary action on his own

2034motion that wo uld look to any objective

2042observer like bending - over - backwards to

2050rescue the Board from its failure to

2057introduce sufficient evidence at hearing.

2062Finally, it is concluded that giving the

2069Board a mulligan here would require the

2076undersigned improperly to ass ume a patently

2083adversarial posture vis - à - vis Alvin.

2091Alvin , 2004 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 1693 at *9 - 11 (internal

2104citations omitted)(emphasis in original).


2111Theron C. Simmons, Esquire

2115Vernis & Bowling of the

2120Florida Keys, P.A.

212381990 Overseas Highway, Third Floor

2128Islamorada, Florida 33036

2131Mark S. Herdman, Esquire

2135Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A.

213929605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110

2146Clearwater, Florida 33761

2149Dr. Jesus F. Jara, Superintendent

2154Monroe County School Board

2158u mbo Road

2161Key West, Florida 33040

2165Charles M. Deal, General Counsel

2170Department of Education

2173Turlington Building, Suite 1244

2177325 West Gaines Street

2181Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

2186Gerard Robinson, Commissioner

2189Department of Education

2192Turlington Building, Suite 1514

2196325 West Gaines Street

2200Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


2211All parties have the right to submit written exceptions

2220within 15 days from the date of this recommended order. Any

2231exceptions to this recommended order must be filed with the

2241agency that will issue the final order in this case.

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Date: 12/20/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/20/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner Monroe County School Board's Exceptions to Recommended Order and Recommended Order on Remand filed.
Date: 12/20/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/05/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Agency Hearing filed.
Date: 09/24/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Strike September 20, 2013 Letter to School Board Members and September 24, 2013 Final Order filed.
Date: 09/11/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Supplemental Recommended Order Addressing Recommended Disposition filed.
Date: 09/11/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Agency Hearing filed.
Date: 09/06/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Agency Hearing filed.
Date: 02/27/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Exceptions filed.
Date: 02/06/2013
Proceedings: Remanded from the Agency
Date: 02/06/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/06/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order on Remand. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/18/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Bauer from T. Simmons regarding order directing petitioner to transmit record (transcripts and exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/21/2012
Proceedings: Order Directing Petitioner to Transmit Record.
Date: 12/03/2012
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Bauer from S. Black regarding a copy of the order issued by the School Board of Monroe County filed.
Date: 11/30/2012
Proceedings: Order Remanding to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 07/06/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner Monroe County School Board's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/21/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/21/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/21/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 15, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/13/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/13/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 06/11/2012
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Bauer from T. Simmons confirming all Parties' agreement to an extension of time to file proposed recommended orders filed.
Date: 06/01/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 05/15/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/11/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 05/11/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 05/09/2012
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/04/2012
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/26/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of T. Amador) filed.
Date: 04/05/2012
Proceedings: Petitioners Response to Respondents First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/04/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 03/14/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/14/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 15, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Key West and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/06/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Serving First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/27/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/24/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Key West, Florida
DOAH Order Rejected


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):