12-000909 East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc. vs. Public Service Commission
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, September 17, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Public utility may only charge rates approved by the PSC. Utility is therefore required to install irrigation meters at the approved tariff rate of $70, regardless of the cost of installation.




13INC., )


16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 12 - 0909




32Respondent. )



38Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was held in this case

49before W. David Watkins, Administrative Law Judge of the

58Division of Administrative Hearings, on June 12, 2012 , in Ocala,



70For Petitioner: No appearance

74For Res pondent: Martha F. Barrera, Esquire

81Lisa Bennett, Esquire

84Florida Public Service Commission

882540 Shumard Oak Blvd.

92Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399 - 0850

98For Intervenor : Millicent Mallon , pro se

1051075 Northeast 130th Terrace

109Silver Springs, Fl orida 34488

114For Intervenor : Terry Will , pro se

1211385 Northeast 130th Terrace

125Silver Springs, F l orida 34488


135Are Intervenors Mallon and Will each entitled to the

144installation of an irrigation meter with a Ðdedicated line

153configurationÑ a t the prior tariffed rate of $70.00 ?


164On August 19, 2008, East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc.

173(East Marion or Utility) filed an application with the Florida

183Public Service Commission ( Commission ) for approval to amend its

194tariff sheets . Among the changes requested was an increase in

205meter installation charges, and the imposition of a new tap - in

217fee. The application was processed and o n April 27, 2009, the

229Commission issued Order No. PSC - 09 - 0263 - TRF - WU (2009 Order)

244approving a new mete r installation fee of $195 and tap - in fees

258of $1,400, $1,800, and $2,600 for the short, long, and extra -

273long irrigation service line installation s , respectively.

280In the 2009 Order, the Commission ordered that any customer

290who requested an irrigation meter from the Utility prior to

300April 7, 2009, would only be charged the $70 rate in effect at

313the time of their request . On May 15 and 18, 2009, the Utility

327timely protested the portion of the CommissionÓs order requiring

336the Utility to install irrigation met ers at the prior tariff

347rate for customers requesting the meters prior to April 7, 2009.

358On September 15, 2010, the Commission granted Terry Will and

368Millicent MallonÓs motions to intervene wherein they alleged

376they were entitled to the installation of ir rigation meters at

387the $70 rate. Several other Utility customers who had requested

397meters also intervened in the action.

403On September 29, 2011, East Marion, a majority of the

413intervenors, and the Office of Public Counsel (on behalf of all

424ratepayers ) , fi led a joint motion for Commission approval of a

436s ettlement a greement wherein East Marion would install

445irrigation meters for the customers signing the agreement at the

455prior tariff rate of $70 using an agreed - upon meter

466configuration. Intervenors Will and Mallon did not sign the

475a greement. On December 12, 2011, the Commission entered an

485order (2011 Order) approving the settlement agreement only as to

495the customer s /intervenors who signed the a greement .

505On December 29, 2011, East Marion protested the

513Dece mber 12, 2011 , Order stating Will and Mallon were not

524entitled to a meter at the prior tariff rate. On January 11,

5362012, Will filed a protest of the 2011 Order. On March 14,

5482012, the Commission referred the matter to the Division of

558Administrative Heari ngs for the assignment of an administrative

567law judge to conduct a formal hearing.

574Pursuant to notice, the hearing was convened on June 12,

5842012, in Ocala, Florida. East Marion did not appear at the

595hearing and did not present any evidence. Mr. Mike Smal lridge

606appeared at the hearing and represent ed that the UtilityÓs

616owner, Herbert Hein, asked him to state that the Utility had now

628agreed to install irrigation meters for Will and Mallon.

637Mr. Smallridge stated, howeve r, that Mr. Hein did not indicate

648that he would install the meters at the $70 fee.

658Mr. Smallridge , who is not an attorney, also stated that he was

670not appearing on behalf of the Utility and was not an agent,

682employee or representative of East Marion.

688The Commission presented the testimony of Bart Fletcher and

697James McRoy , and introduced one exhibit into evidence.

705Intervenors Will and Mallon each testified on their own behalf.

715Mallon submitted five exhibits into evidence and the parties

724offer ed 9 joint exhibits , all of which were admitted . T he

737CommissionÓs motion to deem th e request for admissions

746propounded by the Commission on East Marion was granted.

755At the conclusion of the hearing the parties requested, and

765were granted, leave to submit their proposed recommended orders

77430 days after th e transcript was filed. The T ranscript was

786filed at the Division on June 19, 2012 , and on July 18, 2012,

799the Commission filed its P roposed Recommended O rder . On

810August 16, 2012, Petitioner filed a P roposed R ecommended O rder,

822which Respondent moved to str ike as untimely. On August 31,

8332012, the undersigned entered an order denying the motion to

843strike. However, the order also noted that the documents

852attached to PetitionerÓs P roposed Recommended O rder , which were

862not offered into evidence at the hearing and were not part of

874th e record in this case could not form the basis for any

887findings of fact. The P roposed Recommended O rders of both

898parties have been carefully considered in the preparation of

907this recommended order.

910All citations are to Florida Statu tes (201 2 ) unless

921otherwise indicated.


9261 . Petitioner, East Marion Sanitary Systems Inc. , is a

936Class C investor - owned utility providing water and wastewater

946service to approximately 96 customers in Marion County , Florida .

9562 . Respondent, P ublic Service Commission , is an arm of the

968legislative branch of the State of Florida responsible for

977regulating investor - owned water and/or wastewater utilities

985pursuant to c hapters 350 and 367, Florida Statutes .

9953 . Intervenors Terry Will and Millicent Mallon are two

1005water/wastewater customers of the Utility .

10114 . A utilityÓs rates and charges must be contained in a

1023tariff approved by the Commission. A utility may only charge

1033rates and charges that are approved by the Commission.

10425 . The purpose of an i rrigation meter is to avoid being

1055charged a sewage rate for any water used to water lawns.

1066Without a separate irrigation meter, a consumer is charged the

1076sewage rate based on the amount of potable water that the

1087consumer uses.

10896 . In East MarionÓs tariff , approved by the Commission in

11002002, the charge for installation o f a meter was $70. The

1112tariff contained no provision for tap - in fees.

11217 . On February 14, 2007, Ms. Mabelle Gregorio, a customer

1132of East Marion, filed a complaint with the Commission regar ding

1143the cost of an irrigation meter. East Marion charged, and

1153Ms. Gregorio paid, a total of $897 for the installation of the

1165irrigation meter.

11678 . On October 2, 2007, Angela and Dennis Fountain, also

1178customers of East Marion, filed a complaint with the Commission

1188regarding the $597 they were required to pay the Utility for the

1200installation of an irrigation meter.

12059 . In response to the complaints, Mr. Hein, the Utility

1216owner, stated in a letter to the Commission that there was no

1228way to install an irriga tion meter to the existing piping.

123910 . By Commission Order No. PSC - 08 - 0182 - PAA - WU, issued

1255March 25, 2008 , East Marion was required to refund the sum of

1267$824 to Ms. Gregorio, and the sum of $527, with interest, to the


128111 . In the March 25, 200 8 , Order, the Commission stated:

1293Ð[w]hile we agree that the actual cost of the meter installation

1304may have exceeded $70, the utility may only charge the fees

1315contained in its approved tariff.Ñ

132012 . East Marion did not request that the Commission

1330approve a change to its tariff charges for installation of

1340irrigation meters until August 2008. On August 19, 2008, East

1350Marion filed an application for Commission approval to amend its

1360tariff sheets to reflect, among other items, an increase in

1370meter installation charges, and the imposition of new tap - in


138213 . Prior to April 27, 2009, a notice was placed on the

1395locked bulletin board located at the UtilityÓs office stating

1404that no irrigation meters w ould be put in place until the

1416requested new rates went into e ffect.

142314 . On September 26, 2008, Mr. Herbert Hein, owner and

1434operator of East Marion, left a voicemail message to Commission

1444staff member , Shannon Hudson, regarding a customer of the

1453Utility and the installation of irrigation meters. In the

1462voicemail m essage, Mr. Hein stated that he was Ðin the middle of

1475asking for an irrigation meter tariff and until that is

1485approved , I am not installing irrigation meters.Ñ

14921 5 . In order to offer customers a separate irrigation

1503service, East Marion Ós application reque sted approval to

1512implement new tap - in fee s with charges depend ent upon whether

1525the tap - in required a Ð short , Ñ Ð long , Ñ or Ð extra - long Ñ

1543i nstallation. The short installation tap - in involve d installing

1554a dedicated service line 20 feet or less where the water main is

1567on the same side of the road as the meter. The long

1579installation tap - in involved installing a dedicated service line

158940 feet or less where the water main is on the opposite side of

1603the road. Finally, the extra - long installation tap - in involve d

1616in stalling the irrigation service line 40 feet or more on the

1628opposite side of the meter.

16331 6 . By Order No. PSC - 09 - 0263 - TRF - WU, issued April 27,

16512009, the Commission approved a new meter installation fee of

1661$195 and tap - in fees of $1,400, $1,800, and $2,600 for the

1677short, long, and extra - long irrigation service line

1686installation, respectively. In that same order, the Commission

1694directed that any customer who requested an irrigation meter

1703from East Marion prior to April 7, 2009, would only be charged

1715the $70 rate , which was in effect at the time o f the UtilityÓs


17301 7 . Intervenor Will requested the Utility to install an

1741irrigation meter by letter to the Utility dated March 16, 2008.

1752Will also verbally requested the installation of the irrigation

1761me ter.

176318 . Mallon requested East Marion to install an irrigation

1773meter at the $70 tariff rate in a lette r written by her late

1787husband dated January 11, 2008.

179219 . On May 18, 2009, the Utility protested the portion of

1804the CommissionÓs order addressing prev ious applications for

1812irrigation meters. Specifically, East Marion protested the

1819CommissionÓs requirement that the Utility install irrigation

1826meters at its prior tariff rate for some customers who requested

1837the meter s prior to April 7, 2009.

18452 0 . On Apri l 19, 2010, Terry Will and Millicent Mallon

1858filed testimony in Docket 080562 - WU , alleging they were entitled

1869to the installation of irrigation meters at the $70 rate.

1879Several other Utility customers who had requested meters also

1888intervened in the action.

18922 1 . On September 29, 2011, East Marion, a majority of the

1905intervenors, and FloridaÓs Office of Public Counsel, on behalf

1914of all ratepayers , entered into a s ettlement a greement , and

1925filed a j oint m otion with the Commission for approval of the

1938s ettlement .

19412 2 . The Commission approved the s ettlement a greement by

1953Commission Order No. PSC - 11 - 0566 - AS - WU, issued December 12,


19692 3 . At p aragraph 1 of the s ettlement a greement, East

1983Marion agreed to provide each settling Intervenor with an

1992irrigation meter, ins talled as prescribed by the June 16, 2010 ,

2003m emorandum titled Ð Settlement of Docket No. 080562 - WU

2014("grandfather installation") Ñ . The m emorandum , dated June 16,

20262010 , was attached as a ttachment "A" to the agreement and o rder.

20392 4 . The June 16, 2010 , Memoran dum stated that the meter

2052installation would use Ðthe less costly configuration which uses

2061the existing 1Ñ line that serves two houses, rather than the

2072more expensive dedicated line that goes directly to the main.Ñ

2082The configuration for the agreed - upon me ter installation,

2092pictured in a ttachment ÐA , Ñ did not include a separate dedicated

2104line leading from the UtilityÓs main li ne to the irrigation


21162 5 . Will and Mallon declined to enter into the s ettlement

2129a greement. The Commission o rder i ssued Decembe r 12, 2011,

2141expressly held that the s ettlement a greement was binding only as

2153to the customer/intervenors who signed t he a greement.

21622 6 . Will and Mallon did not agree that the installation of

2175an irrigation meter in the configuration agreed to by the

2185parties and intervenors, depicted in the June 16 , 2010,

2194m emorandum, was an appropriate installation. This is because a n

2205irrigation meter installation that serves two houses, without a

2214separate dedicated line, may impact one neighborÓs water

2222pressure if the other neighbor is running the irrigation system.


223527 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2243jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter of this

2252proceeding pursuant to s ecti ons 120.569, and 120.57(1), Florida


226328 . Petitio ner, East Marion, has the burden of proving, by

2275a preponderance of the evidence, that Mallon and Will were not

2286entitled to an irrigation meter installed at the prior tariff

2296rate of $70. In this case, East Marion failed to meet its

2308burden , as it did not ap pear at the final hearing and did not

2322present any evidence that Mallon and Will were not entitled to

2333irrigation meters installed at the prior tariff rate of $70.

2343Fla. Dep't of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co., Inc. 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla.

23561 st DCA 1981).

236029 . Section 367 .081(2)(a)1., Florida Statutes , provides

2368that the Commission shall, either upon request or upon its own

2379motion, fix rates for water and wastewater utilities which are

2389just, reasonable, compensatory, and not unfairly dis criminatory.

2397Section 367.081(1) prov ides that a utility may only charge rates

2408and charges that have been approved by the Commission.

24173 0 . In Aloha Utilities, Inc. v. Florida Public Service

2428Com mission , 281 So. 2d 357 (Fla. 1973), the Supreme Court found

2440that where a utility company's rate inc rease was not authorized

2451by the Commission, all rates and charges were to be refunded or

2463reduced to pre - rate hike status.

24703 1 . In 2007 and 2008, East Marion charged two customers

2482amounts in excess of the $70 fee for the installation of

2493irrigation meters. East Marion objected on the basis that the

2503installation of the irrigation meters had required the

2511installation of additional separate lines connected from the

2519main line to the meter. East Marion argued that the

2529installation of the additional lines would c ost more than the

2540existing $70 rate. The Commission, noting that the UtilityÓs

2549existing tariff only provided a $70 fee for meter insta llation,

2560ordered refunds of all amounts collected in excess of the $70

2571stating: Ð[w]hile we agree that the actual cost of the meter

2582installation may have exceeded $70, the utility may only charge

2592the fees contained in its approved tariff.Ñ

25993 2 . Section 367.111 requires each utility to provide

2609service to customers in its service territory within a

2618reasonable time. Pursuant t o Florida Administrative Code Rule

262725 - 30.520, East Marion could not refuse to provide service

2638within its certificated areas in accordance with the terms and

2648conditions on file with the Commission. The terms and

2657conditions on file with the Commission were those in East

2667MarionÓs tariff, which included the installation of a meter at

2677the rate of $70. It is clear from the evidence presented in

2689this case that Will and Mallon requested the irrigation meter

2699installation prior to the April 7, 2009 , date provided i n the

2711CommissionÓs 2009 Order. It is also clear that East Marion

2721improperly delayed providing the service to its customers when

2730it refused customersÓ requests to install meters until its

2739application to increase the UtilityÓs tariff was approved by the

2749Com mission.

27513 3 . Section 367.081(3), provides that in fixing rates for

2762a water/wastewater utility, the Commission may determine the

2770prudent cost of providing service during the period of time the

2781rates will be in effect following the entry of a final order

2793re lating to the rate request of the utility , and may use such

2806costs to determine the revenue requirements that will allow the

2816utility to earn a fair rate of return on its rate base.

28283 4 . In this case, the costs of providing the meters to

2841Will and Mallon will exceed the $70 tariff rate. In its

2852December 12, 2011 , Order, the Commission cautioned East Marion

2861that if it failed to prove that Mallon and Will did not request

2874a meter, Ðthe Utility will be required to connect the two

2885customers at the $70 fee and any additional costs it incurs will

2897likely not be considered a prudent expenditure.Ñ

29043 5 . East Marion has failed to prove, by a p reponderance of

2918the evidence, that Will and Ma ll on did not request the meter

2931installation prior to the April 7, 2009 , deadline established in

2941the CommissionÓs 2009 Order. Rather, the unrebutted evidence of

2950record established that Will and Mallon timely requested the

2959meter installation while the approved rate was $70 and that East

2970Marion refused to install the meters.

29763 6 . Moreov er, Will and Mallon are not bound by the

2989stipulated meter installation configuration set forth in the

2997s ettlement a greement approved by the Commission since they

3007refused to join in the agreement .

301437 . The unrebutted evidence also established that an

3023irrigat ion meter installation with a separate ded icated line is

3034a superior configuration. Indeed, this was the approach u sed by

3045the Utility to install the GregorioÓs and FountainÓs irrigation

3054meters , believing it could recoup the full cost of the

3064installation .

30663 8 . Section 367.091(1), (3), and (4), provide that each

3077utility's rates, charges, and customer service policies must be

3086contained in a tariff approved by and on file with the

3097Commission. Further, a utility may only impose and collect

3106those rates and charg es approved by the Commission for the

3117particular class of service involved. A change in a utilityÓs

3127rate schedule may not be made without Commission approval.

313639 . Since the Utility did not have an additional fee in

3148its approved tariff for the installatio n of an irrigation meter

3159with a dedicated line at the time Will and Mallon requested

3170installation, East Marion can only charge $70 for the

3179installation with the dedicated line.

31844 0 . As Will and Mallon requested the meter installation

3195prior to the April 7 , 2009 , deadline, they are entitled to the

3207installation of an irrigation meter with a separate dedicated

3216line at the prior tariff rate of $70.


3225Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3234of Law, it is hereby

3239RECOMMENDED that t he Public Service Commission enter a

3248Final Order dismissing PetitionerÓs protest and ordering the

3256Utility to install i rrigation meters with a d edicated line for

3268Intervenors Will and Mallon at the prior tariff rate of $70.

3279DONE AND ENTERED this 1 7 th day of September , 2012 , in

3291Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3299Administrative Law Judge

3302Division of Administrative Hearings

3306The DeSoto Building

33091230 Apalachee Parkway

3312Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3317(850) 488 - 9675

3321Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3328Filed with the Clerk of the

3334Division of Administrative Hearings

3338this 1 7 th day of September , 2012 .


3350Lisa C. Bennett, Esquire

3354Office of the General Counsel

33592540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3363Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850


3369Herbert Hein

3371East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc.

3376Suite 190

3378G - 4225 Miller Road

3383Flint, Michigan 48507

3386Millicent Mallon

33881075 Northeast 130th Terrace

3392Silver Springs, Florida 34488

3396Terry Will

33981385 N ortheast 130th Terrace

3403Silver Springs, Florida 34488

3407Mike Smallridge

340915827 Cedar Elm Terrace

3413Land O Lakes, Florida 34638

3418Martha F. Barrera, Esquire

3422Florida Public Service Commission

34262540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3430Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3433mbarrera@psc.st ate.fl.us

3435Ann Cole, Commission Clerk

3439Office of the Commission Clerk

3444Public Service Commission

34472540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3451Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850

3456S. Curtis Kiser, General Counsel

3461Office of the Commission Clerk

3466Public Service Commission

34692540 Shuma rd Oak Boulevard

3474Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850

3479Timothy J. Devlin, Executive Director

3484Office of the Commission Clerk

3489Public Service Commission

34922540 Shumard Oak Boulevard

3496Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0850


3507All par ties have the right to submit written exceptions within

351815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3529to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3540will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 10/02/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Charles Smith) filed.
Date: 09/17/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/17/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 12, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/17/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/31/2012
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Strike Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order.
Date: 08/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Strike Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/16/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/18/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/19/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/06/2012
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Hold Final Hearing Via Video Conferencing.
Date: 06/05/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to the Prehearing Order and List of Witnesses filed.
Date: 06/04/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Deem Admitted its Request for Admissions to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., and Motion to Compel Discovery Responses filed.
Date: 06/04/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Hold Final Hearing Via Video Conferencing filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 12, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Ocala, FL).
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Respondent's Second Set of Interrogatories to Terri Will (No. 7)) filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Respondent's Second Set of Interrogatories to Millicent Mallon (No. 7)) filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Respondent's First Request for Admissions to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., (Nos. 1-21)) filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Respondent's Second Set of Interrogatories to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., (Nos. 6-17)) filed.
Date: 04/09/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Respondent's Second Request for Production of Documents to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., (Nos. 2-3)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (on Staff's First Set of Interrogatories to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., (Nos. 1-5)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (of Staff's First Request for Production of Documents to East Marion Sanitary Systems, Inc., (No. 1)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (of Staff's First Set of Interrogatories to Terri Will (Nos. 1-6)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (of Staff's First Request for Production of Documents toTerri Will (Nos. 1-2)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (of Staff's First Request for Production of Documents to Millicent Mallon (Nos. 1-2)) filed.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Certificate of Service (of Staff's First Set of Interrogatories to Millicent Mallon (Nos. 1-6)) filed.
Date: 03/21/2012
Proceedings: Partial Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/16/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Martha Barrera) filed.
Date: 03/15/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/14/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 03/14/2012
Proceedings: Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Requiring Remaining Parties to File Acknowledgement filed.
Date: 03/14/2012
Proceedings: Protest of Order Dated 12/12/2011 filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Ocala, Florida
Public Service Commission


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):