12-001122RU Teamsters Local Union No. 2011 vs. Department Of Corrections
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, July 25, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Temporary directive requiring probation officers to request supervisor approval on case-by-case basis to incur travel expenses for certain field visits is not a rule; it is an internal management memorandum.





15Petitioner , )


18vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1122RU




31Respondent . )



37Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

48on June 6, 2012, in Tallahassee, Florida, before Administrative

57Law Judge Elizabeth W. McArthur of the Division of

66Administrative Hearings.


69For Petitioner: Holly E. Van Horsten, Esquire

76Philli ps, Richard and Rind, P.A.

82Suite 283

849360 Southwest 72nd Street

88Miami, Florida 33173

91For Respondent: Thomas Barnhart, Esquire

96Lynette Norr, Esquire

99Office of the Attorney General

104The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

109Talla hassee, Florida 32399


117The issue in this case is whether Respondent ' s temporary

128directive, which requires probation officers to request and

136obtain supervisor approval on a case - by - case basis before

148incurring travel expenses for cert ain field visits, meets the

158definition of a " rule " in section 120.52(16), Florida Statutes

167(2011), 1/ which should have been promulgated as such.


178On March 27, 2012, the Teamsters Local Union No. 2011

188(Petitioner) filed a Petition for R ule Challenge Pursuant to

198Section 120.56, Florida Statutes (Petition). Invoking section

205120.56(4), the Petition alleged that certain statements by the

214Department of Corrections (Respondent), communicated in a

221telephone conference call and then memorialize d in a memorandum

231and a letter dated March 2, 2012, meet the definition of a " rule "

244in section 120.52(16) and should have been promulgated pursuant

253to section 120.54. The statements at issue allegedly changed the

263process to be followed by probation office rs with regard to

274making certain field visits to monitor offenders under their


284A telephonic pre - hearing conference was conducted on

293April 2, 2012. Good cause was shown for scheduling the final

304hearing outside of the 30 - day window following as signment, and

316the hearing was set for May 14, 2012. On May 1, 2012, Respondent

329filed a motion for continuance, which was opposed by Petitioner.

339Respondent requested a short delay to accommodate a surgery and

349post - surgical recovery for its counsel of reco rd , who was

361representing Respondent in discovery and pre - hearing preparation

370and who would represent Respondent at the final hearing; although

380Respondent also had a co - counsel of record, co - counsel was out of

395state and would not return until May 16, 2012. A continuance was

407granted for good cause shown, and the final hearing was

417rescheduled for June 6, 2012.

422On May 25, 2012, Respondent filed a Motion for Summary Final

433Order, which was denied. On June 1, 2012, Respondent filed a

444Motion for Entry of Prote ctive Order with respect to a document

456expected to be an exhibit. After argument on the motion at the

468outset of the final hearing, the motion was granted , and a

479Protective Order was entered on June 6, 2012. 2/

488The parties offered Joint Exhibits 1 through 1 0, which were

499admitted in evidence subject to rulings on any post - hearing

510objections to specific deposition testimony or deposition

517exhibits in Joint Exhibits 5 through 9. 3/

525Petitioner presented the testimony of Kimberly Schultz, a

533probation officer speci alist; and Jeff Edmiston, administrative

541coordinator for Petitioner. Petitioner offered Exhibits 1

548through 5, which were admitted in evidence without objection.

557Respondent presented the testimony of Jenny Nimer, assistant

565secretary for Respondent ' s Office of Community Corrections

574(Community Corrections) . Respondent offered Exhibits 1

581through 3, which were admitted in evidence without objection.

590The one - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed on

602June 25, 2012. Both parties timely filed proposed f inal orders

613by the deadline of July 5, 2012, and both have been considered in

626the preparation of this Final Order.


6361. Respondent is the state agency with " supervisory and

645protective care, custody, and control of the inmates, buildings,

654g rounds, and property, and all other matters pertaining to

664[specified correctional facilities and programs] for the

671imprisonment, correction, and rehabilitation of adult

677offenders[.] " § 945.025(1), Fla. Stat. (setting forth

684Respondent ' s jurisdiction). By far, Respondent ' s resources,

694including personnel, are primarily devoted to Respondent ' s

703responsibilities over correctional facilities and programs.

709There are approximately 17,000 certified officers on the

718correctional institution side.

7212. Respondent als o is the state agency responsible for

731supervising offenders who are granted conditional release from

739incarceration or who are granted parole by the Parole Commission

749(ch apter 947 , Florida Statutes ), as well as the state agency

761responsible for supervising p robationers placed on probation (or

770in community control, known commonly as house arrest) by a court

781(ch apter 948 , Florida Statutes ). Collectively, persons who have

791been conditionally released, parolees, and probationers will be

799referred to as " offenders. " A relatively small percentage of

808Respondent ' s resources, including personnel, are devoted to the

818supervision of offenders. There are approximately 2,100

826certified parole and probation officers providing community


8343. Organizationally, Resp ondent ' s supervisory functions

842fall under the umbrella of Community Corrections. The

850supervision of offenders statewide is divided into a northern and

860southern region, each covering ten of the state ' s 20 judicial

872circuits. Each region is headed by a regi onal director, who

883oversees the supervision of offenders within the region ' s ten

894judicial circuits. Each of the 20 judicial circuits has a

904circuit administrator. Each circuit also used to have a deputy

914circuit administrator, but that position was elimina ted in 2009.

924Reporting to the circuit administrators are probation

931supervisors, who supervise and coordinate the activities of

939individual probation officers and probation officer specialists.

9464. Offenders are assigned to certified probation officers

954and probation officer specialists, who directly carry out the

963supervisory functions. See § 948.01(1)(a) , Fla. Stat . (an

972offender on probation or community control is to be supervised by

983an officer meeting the qualifications in section 943.13 , Fla.

992Stat. ). A probation officer specialist is a probation officer

1002with a certain level of experience to whom the offenders with the

1014most serious criminal records are assigned. Unless otherwise

1022specified, the term probation officer will be used , in the broad

1033sense, to i nclude both probation officers and the more

1043experienced probation officer specialists.

10475. In carrying out its community supervisory functions,

1055Respondent ' s goals are all of the following: to ensure

1066compliance with the conditions of supervision imposed by the

1075court or by the Parole Commission; to ensure public safety; to

1086foster rehabilitation of the offender; and to reduce or eliminate

1096future victimization.

10986. Probationers may be placed on probation , in lieu of

1108incarceration , or as part of a split sentenc e that includes

1119incarceration followed by probation. §§ 948.011 and 948.012.

1127The starting place for supervision of a probationer is the

1137court ' s order of supervision, which specifies the terms and

1148conditions of probation. Respondent is charged with prepa ring a

1158form order of supervision for the courts to use. § 948.01(1)(b).

1169The form order prepared by Respondent and used by the courts

1180reflects the standard conditions of probation which may be

1189imposed by the courts, enumerated in section 948.03. The form

1199order also provides options for the court to exercise its

1209authority and discretion to impose special terms and conditions.

1218See , e.g. , §§ 948.031 through 948.039.

12247. The standard conditions of probation that may be imposed

1234by a court in its order of sup ervision are broadly worded and

1247general in nature and include the following:

1254(a) Report to the probation and parole

1261supervisors as directed.

1264(b) Permit such supervisors to visit him in

1272his or her home or elsewhere.

1278(c) Work faithfully at suitable empl oyment

1285insofar as possible.

1288(d) Remain within a specified place.

1294(e) Live without violating the law.

13008. The statutes and standard terms of probation do not

1310dictate or specify how, precisely, Respondent is to carry out its

1321supervisory function in mo nitoring offenders to serve the goal of

1332ensuring compliance with these terms. The concept of

" 1340supervision " is not quantified, such as by specifying how often

1350an offender must report to his or her probation officer or

1361whether and how often probation office rs may or will visit an

1373offender in his or her home or elsewhere. A court ' s order of

1387supervision could theoretically provide a condition specifying

1394that a probationer must go to his or her probation officer ' s

1407office twice a month or five times a month. H owever, the one

1420sample order of supervision entered in evidence in this case did

1431not impose any such terms quantifying the number of office visits

1442or other visits that the unidentified probationer had to make

1452with his or her probation officer.

14589. With r espect to " supervision, " section 948.12 provides a

1468distinction for violent offenders who are on probation following

1477incarceration by providing that these offenders " shall be

1485provided intensive supervision by experienced probation

1491officers. " However, just as the statutes do not purport to

1501specify or quantify what is meant by " supervision, " there is no

1512statutory specification for what is meant by " intensive

1520supervision. "

152110. Respondent has had, apparently as far back as 2002,

1531internal procedures in place t o provide detailed processes for

1541probation officers to follow in carrying out their duty to

1551supervise offenders assigned to them. These procedures are

1559published in a 41 - page document called Procedure 302.303, which

1570Respondent considers a " restricted acces s " document for internal

1579use only.

158111. One subject addressed in Procedure 302.303 is an

1590offender classification system. The current classification

1596system was designed in - house and then validated by the Florida

1608State University School of Criminology. The system considers a

1617number of variables and is used by Respondent as a way to group

1630offenders in an effort to ensure that supervision is provided at

1641a level commensurate with the danger or risk the offender

1651represents to the community. This offender class ification

1659system, which is not promulgated as a rule, is not the subject of

1672Petitioner ' s challenge.

167612. Procedure 302.303 also addresses the subject of

1684contacts expected to be made by a probation officer with

1694individual offenders assigned to the officer. In general terms,

1703Procedure 302.303 specifies minimum contacts, by type and

1711frequency, that probation officers are expected to make , or try

1721to make , for each of their assigned offenders. The types of

1732contacts include office visits, meaning the offender c omes into

1742the probation officer ' s office for a meeting; other kinds of

1754visits, scheduled or unscheduled, when the probation officer

1762travels outside the office to visit or attempt to visit the

1773offender in his home, in his place of employment, or another

1784pla ce; and field visits with third parties, when the probation

1795officer travels outside the office to visit or attempt to visit

1806the offender ' s employer, treatment provider s , famil y , neighbors,

1817or other third persons who might have information about the

1827offende r.

182913. Different minimum contact requirements, by type and

1837frequency, are provided for each of the different offender risk

1847classification categories in Procedure 302.303. The minimum

1854contact standards are performance standards that apply to

1862probation off icers; without the minimum contact requirements,

1870some probation officers might do less than the minimum. These

1880minimum contact standards, which have not been promulgated as a

1890rule, are also not the subject of Petitioner ' s challenge.

190114. Instead, Peti tioner ' s challenge is directed to a recent

1913temporary directive by Respondent that suspended some aspects of

1922the (unpromulgated) minimum contact standards in Procedure

1929302.303. In lieu of these minimum contact standards,

1937Respondent ' s directive provides tha t probation officers need to

1948request and receive permission of their supervisors on a case - by -

1961case basis to incur travel expenses for certain field visits. As

1972a related part of the directive, supervisors are given discretion

1982to approve travel expenses for any field visit if there is reason

1994to believe there may be a violation of a condition of supervision

2006or if there is reason to believe that there is a threat to public


202115. The challenged directives were first communicated

2028verbally on February 29, 2012, in a telephone conference call

2038between Jenny Nimer, assistant secretary of Community

2045Corrections, and the Community Corrections regional directors,

2052and then reduced to writing in the following memorandum dated

2062March 2, 2012, on the subject of " Reduce d Travel " (Reduced Travel

2074Memo) from Assistant Secretary Nimer to Community Corrections

2082regional directors and circuit administrators:

2087On 2/29/12 directives were provided for

2093adjustments to be made on some non - critical

2102supervision activities. As these dir ectives

2108are temporary and related to " restricted "

2114policy areas they were given verbally;

2120existing written policy will not be changed.

2127Our goal is to reduce the travel budget by

2136focusing on mission critical activities

2141without compromising public safety. T ravel

2147related to core operational duties will

2153continue; however all travel will be

2159reviewed for efficiency.

2162NO adjustments have been made to travel that

2170involves investigation of known or suspected

2176violations, violation proceedings/subpoenas,

2179investigatio ns or instruction of offenders

2185in correctional facilities. Adjustments are

2190focused on reduction of department

2195established minimum contact standards and

2200administrative duties. There is an urgent

2206need to reduce travel costs for the

2213remainder of the fiscal year; however public

2220safety is the utmost priority and

2226supervisors maintain the discretion to

2231approve any travel that is needed to

2238accomplish officer safety and protection of

2244the community.

2246For the months that adjustments are in place

2254(March, April, May a nd June) officers will

2262annotate electronic field notes for

2267offenders requiring field contacts during

2272the month, as follows: CN - - " Contact

2280Standard s Adjusted " . Alternative methods to

2287verify (and re - verify) residence and

2294employment during this period, inclu ding

2300making telephone calls to the landlord and

2307employer or instructing the offender to

2313provide bills and paychecks to show proof of

2321residence and employment will be utilized.

2327Contact codes for purposes of electronic

2333case notes for residence and employmen t

2340verification will be HV, EN, or EV and text

2349should indicate the alternative method

2354utilized for verification. Planned

2358Compliance Initiatives will continue;

2362partnerships established with local law

2367enforcement remain essential to enhance

2372surveillance and contacts made in the

2378community. These contacts should always be

2384documented in case notes.

2388Circuit Administrators are directed to reach

2394out to judiciary, state attorney and law

2401enforcement to ensure that they are aware of

2409the limited scope of this reducti on and that

2418contacts required to ensure offender

2423supervision and/or threats to public safety

2429will not be compromised.

2433Thank you for your cooperation during this

2440difficult time.

244216. The Reduced Travel Memo was distributed to probation

2451officers as the mea ns by which Respondent communicated to its

2462probation officers that they would not be expected to comply with

2473all of the minimum contact requirements set forth in Procedure

2483302.303 between March 1, 2012, through the end of the fiscal

2494year, June 30, 2012. T he expectation was, at the time of the

2507challenged statement, that this cost - saving measure was temporary

2517and that the (unpromulgated) minimum contact requirements in

2525Procedure 302.303 would resume as of the new fiscal year

2535beginning July 1, 2012.

253917. As o f the final hearing on June 6, 2012, Respondent ' s

2553expectation was unchanged. The announced temporary replacement

2560of minimum contact requirements based on risk category with a

2570procedure for supervisor review and approval of field contacts

2579remained just tha t -- temporary -- and the expectation was that the

2592minimum contact standards set forth in Procedure 302.303 would

2601resume for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012. Petitioner

2611hinted at, but offered no evidence to prove the notion that

2622Respondent did not real ly intend to resume the minimum contact

2633standards in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012. 4/

264318. The Reduced Travel Memo and a March 2, 2012, letter

2654from Secretary Kenneth S. Tucker (Tucker Letter), represent the

2663challenged agency statements in that t hese two documents

2672memorialize the temporary directive. 5/ As explained in the Tucker


2683Due to a 79 million dollar deficit, the

2691Department has had to make temporary

2697modifications to field contact requirements

2702in order to reduce travel expenditures by

2709probation officers. . . .

2714Our probation officers will continue to make

2721field contacts with sex offenders and

2727community control offenders in order to

2733closely monitor sex offender conditions

2738and/or house arrest requirements. Probation

2743officers will contin ue to monitor other

2750supervised offenders ' compliance with

2755conditions of supervision and probation er s

2762will still be required to meet monthly with

2770their probation officer at the office. In

2777addition, probation officers will make field

2783contacts in the communi ty as necessary to

2791investigate non - compliance or possible

2797violations. Probation officers will also

2802continue to participate with law enforcement

2808in Planned Compliance I nitiative (PCI ' s) in

2817the community. Probation officers will use

2823this opportunity to spe nd more time with

2831offenders in the office or on the telephone,

2839assisting with job referrals or other

2845resources and services needed.

284919. Community Corrections undertook an analysis of its

2857budget in an effort to identify expenditures where cost savings

2867mig ht be realized to help reduce the budget deficit. The three

2879significant budget categories of expenditures were salaries,

2886leases, and expenses. There had been a hiring freeze in place

2897for some time already, and so an effort was made to not cut

2910personnel t o save salary costs. There also had been a concerted

2922effort to reduce lease costs by consolidating offices to

2931eliminate some leases. The viable short - term option to cut costs

2943for the remainder of the fiscal year was in the expense category,

2955which was pre dominately travel reimbursement. It was determined

2964that , over the year, Community Corrections was averaging between

2973$250,000 and $300,000 per month in travel reimbursement.

298320. Some travel reimbursement had already been reduced

2991before the temporary dire ctive challenged here. For example,

3000Community Corrections personnel, including probation officers,

3006might travel to participate in training programs. However,

3014training had already been greatly limited. Some travel

3022reimbursement could not be reduced, such as reimbursing probation

3031officers for necessary travel for court appearances. In these

3040instances, efforts were made to use state cars and to encourage

3051carpooling , if possible.

305421. Community Corrections assessed the number of field

3062contacts and attempt ed contacts that were being made by probation

3073officers to comply with Respondent ' s minimum contact standards

3083and the travel reimbursement associated with them (i.e., the

3092cont acts) . Respondent estimated that its temporary directive,

3101challenged here, would reduce travel costs by $150,000 per month

3112for each of the four months in which the directives would be in

3125place. In total, Respondent expected to save $600,000.

313422. Respondent ' s actual experience following issuance of

3143the Reduced Travel Memo and Tucker L etter shows that Respondent ' s

3156estimates were on target. In February 2012 -- the last month

3167before the temporary suspension of some of the minimum contact

3177standards -- travel reimbursement totaled $277,000. After

3185switching to a procedure of case - by - case proba tion officer

3198request and supervisor review to approve field visits , travel

3207reimbursement was down to $99,000 in March 2012, a savings of

3219$187,000 , compared to February. In April 2012, travel

3228reimbursement dropped to $80,000.

323323. The evidence established that the discretion afforded

3241probation supervisors in the Reduced Travel Memo is true

3250discretion vested in supervisors to review requests and act on a

3261case - by - case basis to approve field visits. That discretion has

3274been exercised on numerous occasions to authorize a field

3283contact. There was no evidence of any probation officer having

3293submitted a request to make a field visit to investigate a

3304possible violation of a probation condition or where there was a

3315public safety issue that was not approved by his o r her

3327supervisor. To the contrary, the evidence established that

3335requests are being made and leeway is being provided to probation

3346officers to travel , if they can articulate a reason for doing so.

3358However, for one or two probation officers who do not acc ept that

3371they must request approval and justify their travel expense on a

3382case - by - case basis and who simply ask for block reinstatement of

3396the minimum contact standards, without articulating any reason

3404why field visits are needed for particular offenders, those

3413requests have been denied.

341724. As the Reduced Travel Memo and Tucker Letter suggest,

3427there are other tools available to probation officers besides

3436incurring the expense of field visits, which are often equally

3446effective to accomplish the goal. For example, a field visit to

3457an offender ' s employer is certainly one way to verify employment

3469and to verify the offender ' s attendance, but telephone calls may

3481well suffice to obtain the same information at much lower cost s .

3494There are also other ways to attem pt to verify residence besides

3506a personal home visit. An offender can be required to present

3517documentation, such as a utility bill, rental agreement, or pay

3527stub showing the offender ' s address. An offender can be made to

3540come in for office visits more fr equently than once a month. A

3553probation officer can telephone the offender frequently, and the

3562voice mail message or background noise may give some reason to

3573believe there is a need for a field visit. A probation officer

3585can call family members and neigh bors to check on an offender and

3598to verify information. A probation officer can enlist the help

3608of a local law enforcement officer to check on an offender. In

3620short, for the period of Respondent ' s urgent need to reduce

3632costs, probation officers have been asked to work a little harder

3643and more creatively from their desks, while reserving travel

3652expenses for field visits to the cases where they have some

3663reason to think a field visit is needed.

367125. Petitioner presented the testimony of one probation

3679office r specialist, Kimberly Schultz. As a specialist, this

3688officer handles a case load disproportionately made up of sex

3698offender probationers (for whom the temporary directives did not

3707suspend minimum contact standards) and the next category down on

3717the risk scale -- maximum offenders.

372326. Officer Schultz testified that she believes that public

3732safety is best served by the old minimum contact standards in

3743(unpromulgated) Policy 302.303. Officer Schultz suggested, but

3750failed to prove, that public safety is co mpromised by the

3761temporary directive. Under the temporary directive, Officer

3768Schultz has only requested approval once from her supervisor to

3778make a field contact based on a suspicion she developed that the

3790offender may be in violation of his probation req uirements. That

3801single request was approved.

380527. Officer Schultz did not identify any instance in which

3815public safety was jeopardized because a field contact was not

3825allowed. Instead, Officer Schultz spoke to the increased

3833possibility that allowing more travel to make surprise visits to

3843offenders ' homes or places of employment would reveal suspicious

3853behavior or incorrect information. Certainly, Officer Schultz

3860has the experience to draw on to offer the view that , in a

3873general sense, increased field vis its would serve to increase the

3884possibility of discovering probation violations or other issues

3892with offenders. In an ideal situation with unlimited resources,

3901a probation officer following every move an offender makes could

3911well come to find that the off ender is not " liv[ing} without

3923violating the law, " as required in a standard probation

3932condition. However, such an ideal situation obviously does not

3941exist . I nstead, Respondent has taken action to manage its

3952limited resources. The evidence did not show that Respondent ' s

3963temporary directive has threatened public safety.

396928. Officer Schultz attempted to suggest that , in the

3978single instance when she requested a field contact, she would

3988have discovered sooner that the offender was not living where he

3999said he was , if she had made the minimum field contacts under

4011Procedure 302.303. Her testimony did not bear that out. Officer

4021Schultz testified that an offender assigned to her in March 2012 ,

4032came in for the required office visits in March and in April, and

4045he filled out the required monthly reports giving his address,

4055telephone number, and other contact information. When the

4063offender came in for his May office visit, the offender was

4074supposed to stay for a drug test, but he left. Officer Schultz

4086tried to c all the offender at the number he had provided to check

4100to see if he had misunderstood. That is when she learned that

4112the phone number the offender had given her " wasn ' t a good

4125number. " Officer Schultz requested and was given approval to

4134incur travel to investigate and learned , then , that the offender

4144was not living where he said he was.

415229. While Officer Schultz contends that , in the above

4161example, a field visit to verify the offender ' s address would

4173have identified the problem sooner, Officer Schultz admitted that

4182she had not previously tried to call the offender. Indeed, she

4193said that she never calls her offenders on their cell phones.

4204Thus, instead of incurring travel expense for a field visit,

4214Officer Schultz could have attempted to verify the of fender ' s

4226office report immediately in March through other ways, such as

4236calling the phone number provided and learning much sooner that

4246the offender had provided a phone number that was not good.

4257Officer Schultz might have checked for a home phone number

4267associated with the address the offender gave; she learned when

4277she went there that the offender ' s cousin lived there, and the

4290cousin volunteered that the offender did not live there. Officer

4300Schultz could have required this offender, and could require al l

4311of her offenders, to come into the office multiple times per

4322month. She could have required this offender to bring in a

4333utility bill for his residence, whether in his name or someone

4344else ' s name. Had Officer Schultz tried alternative verification

4354means , she may have been able to contact the cousin sooner.

436530. It was evident from Officer Schultz ' testimony that she

4376has become accustomed to operating under the guidance provided in

4386unpro mulgated Procedure 302.303 and d oes not like being asked

4397temporaril y to work harder and more creatively from her office to

4409find other ways to conduct surveillance and monitor offenders

4418that do not cost Respondent as much in travel expenses as her

4430travel in the field used to. It seemed that rather than trying

4442to replace t he field visit time with alternative investigation

4452techniques, Officer Schultz ha s done little to fill the gap with

4464constructive methods to monitor her offenders using alternative

4472means. Indeed, when Officer Schultz was asked how she was making

4483use of her new - found office time since she is spending less time

4497in the field, her first response was, " I ' m organizing my closed

4510files. "

451131. Officer Schultz expressed concern that a probation

4519officer could be subject to discipline if he or she were to not

4532follow the temporary directive. However, there was no evidence

4541that any probation officer ha d refused to request supervisor

4551review and approval for a field visit, much less that discipline

4562resulted. Officer Shultz did not represent that she had refused

4572to follo w the temporary directive or that she intended to in the

4585few weeks remaining in the fiscal year.

459232. Petitioner ' s representative testified that the

4600temporary directive harms its 2,100 certified probation officer

4609members, although the directive does not ap ply to the other

4620approximately 17,000 certified members who serve on the

4629correctional institution side of Respondent. Thus, the temporary

4637directive applies to only about 12 percent of Petitioner ' s

4648members. Nonetheless, Petitioner ' s representative asserte d that

4657its members are affected by the temporary directive because they

4667are all members of communities with a concern for public safety.


468133. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4688jurisdiction over the parties and the subject ma tter of this

4699proceeding. § 120.56(4), Fla. Stat.

470434. Petitioner initiated this action pursuant to section

4712120.56(4), which provides in pertinent part:

4718(a) Any person substantially affected by

4724an agency statement may seek an

4730administrative determinati on that the

4735statement violates s. 120.54(1)(a). The

4740petition shall include the text of the

4747statement or a description of the statement

4754and shall state with particularity facts

4760sufficient to show that the statement

4766constitutes a rule under s. 120.52 and th at

4775the agency has not adopted the statement by

4783the rulemaking procedure provided by

4788s. 120.54.

4790(b) The administrative law judge may

4796extend the hearing date beyond 30 days after

4804assignment of the case for good cause . . . .

4815If a hearing is held and the petitioner

4823proves the allegations of the petition, the

4830agency shall have the burden of proving that

4838rulemaking is not feasible or not practicable

4845under s. 120.54(1)(a).

4848(c) The administrative law judge may

4854determine whether all or part of a statement

4862v iolates s. 120.54(1)(a). The decision of

4869the administrative law judge shall constitute

4875a final order. The division shall transmit a

4883copy of the final order to the Department of

4892State and the committee. The Department of

4899State shall publish notice of the final order

4907in the first available issue of the Florida

4915Administrative Weekly.

4917(d) If an administrative law judge enters

4924a final order that all or part of an agency

4934statement violates s. 120.54(1)(a), the

4939agency must immediately discontinue all

4944relian ce upon the statement or any

4951substantially similar statement as a basis

4957for agency action.

4960* * *

4963(f) All proceedings to determine a

4969violation of s. 120.54(1)(a) shall be brought

4976pursuant to this subsection. A proceeding

4982pursuant to this subsectio n may be

4989consolidated with a proceeding under

4994subsection (3) or under any other section of

5002this chapter. This paragraph does not

5008prevent a party whose substantial interests

5014have been determined by an agency action from

5022bringing a proceeding pursuant to

5027s. 120.57(1)(e).

502935. Petitioner has the burden to prove its standing to

5039bring this challenge, as well as the burden to prove that the

5051challenged statement constitutes a rule, as defined in section

5060120.52(16), that was required to be promulgated in accordan ce

5070with section 120.54. § 120.56(4)(a) and (b). If Petitioner

5079satisfies these burdens, then the burden would shift to

5088Respondent to prove that rulemaking is not feasible or

5097practicable. § 120.56(4)(b). The standard of proof is by a

5107preponderance of the evidence. § 120.57(1)(k).

511336. As an organization seeking to represent the interests

5122of some of its members, Petitioner must prove that a substantial

5133number of its members, though not necessarily a majority, are

" 5143substantially affected by [the challenge d] agency statement[.] " 6/

5152§ 120.56(4)(a); see Fla. Home Builders Ass ' n v. Dep ' t of Labor &

5168Emp. Sec. , 412 So. 2d 351, 353 (Fla. 1982). The " substantially

5179affected " test in section 120.56 is a two - part test requiring

5191Petitioner to establish: (1) that the agency statement will

5200result in a real and immediate injury - in - fact to its members; and

5215(2) that the asserted interest is arguably within the " zone of

5226interest " intended to be protected or regulated by the statutory

5236scheme at issue. Jacoby v. Fla. Bd. of Med. , 917 So. 2d 358, 360

5250(Fla. 1st DCA 2005).

525437. Petitioner alleged that the temporary directive

5261substantially affects its members who are probation officers

5269because the temporary directive applies to those officers in the

5279performance of their job d uties, and they are subject to

5290discipline if they do not comply with the directive. Thus,

5300Petitioner argued for standing to represent the interests of

5309roughly 12 percent of its membership, to whom the temporary

5319directive applies. 7/ That small percentage arguably falls short

5328of a " substantial number of Petitioner ' s members " within the

5339meaning of Florida Home Builders .

534538. If the small percentage of Petitioner ' s membership were

5356deemed sufficient to meet the " substantial number " test, then

5365Petitioner has demonstrated a sufficient predicate for standing

5373in this one sense: by reason of the temporary directives,

5383probation officers are now required to submit a request (orally

5393or in writing) to their supervisors for approval on a case - by -

5407case basis to incur tr avel expenses for certain field visits,

5418based on a reason to believe there may be a violation of a

5431probation condition or some public safety issue. O ne could argue

5442that requiring state employees to submit requests for approval to

5452incur travel expenses, in advance, with justification for the

5461specific travel, is a marginal injury , if it can be called an

5473injury at all ; nonetheless , it is a real and immediate impact

5484that satisfies the first prong.

548939. Ward v. Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement

5499Tru st Fund , 651 So. 2d 1236, 1237 (Fla. 4th DCA 1995), supports

5512the conclusion that individual probation officers are

5519substantially affected by the temporary directives. In Ward , an

5528engineer was found to have standing to challenge proposed

5537amendments to rule s related to constructing docks in aquatic

5547preserves. The court agreed that Mr. Ward was substantially

5556affected by the proposed amendments because they regulated the

5565manner in which he had to perform his job designing docks.

5576Similarly, in this case, Peti tioner has established that the

5586challenged directives apply directly to probation officers and

5594impose a new request and approval process for probation officers

5604to follow.

560640. Assuming that Petitioner has sufficiently established

5613standing, the next burden on Petitioner is to establish that the

5624challenged directive meets the definition of a " rule " in section

5634120.52(16). Insofar as pertinent to this case, the statute


" 5644Rule " means each agency statement of

5650general applicability that implements,

5654inte rprets, or prescribes law or policy or

5662describes the procedure or practice

5667requirements of an agency and includes any

5674form which imposes any requirement or

5680solicits any information not specifically

5685required by statute or by an existing rule.

5693The term also includes the amendment or

5700repeal of a rule. The term does not


5709(a) Internal management memoranda which do

5715not affect either the private interests of

5722any person or any plan or procedure

5729important to the public and which have no

5737application outside the agency issuing the

5743memorandum .

574541. Petitioner contends that the Reduced Travel Memo is a

5755statement of general applicability in that it applies uniformly,

5764without exception or discretion in application. However,

5771Petitioner ' s argument ignores the fa ct that the Reduced Travel

5783Memo, while providing a general restriction on probation officers

5792incurring travel to make certain field contacts, expressly gives

5801each probation officer ' s supervisor the discretion to not adhere

5812to the travel restriction upon re quest for approval of a field


582542. In Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles v.

5835Schluter , 705 So. 2d 81, 82 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997), the First

5847District held that three policies challenged as unadopted rules

5856could not be considered statements of general applicability

5864because the evidence showed that they were only to apply under

" 5875certain circumstances. " The court found that those three

5883policies " should be considered effective merely as guidelines, in

5892that their application was subject to the discretion of the

5902employee ' s supervisor[,] " and , as such, could not be considered

5914to have the " direct and consistent effect of law. " Id ; see also

5926Ag. for Health Care Admin. v. Custom Mobility, Inc. , 995 So. 2d

5938984, 986 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008) (finding that a formula used to

5950calculate Medicaid overpayments was subject to discretionary

5957application because the agency could choose whether or not to use

5968the methodology). Most recently, these principles were applied

5976in Coventry First, LLC , v. State, Office of Insur ance Regulation ,

598738 So. 3d 200, 204 (Fla. 1st DCA 2010), to conclude that policies

6000and procedures of the Office of Insurance Regulation and an

6010examination manual provided to examiners, were not statements of

6019general applicability that had to be promulgated as rules. In

6029Coventry First , the challenged policies, procedures, and manual

6037addressed the process by which examiners conduct their

6045examinations of insurer books and records. As the court noted,

6055the record testimony established that the documents at iss ue were

6066applied on a case - by - case basis, and there was discretion to

6080deviate from the documents. Id. at 205. So too, in this case,

6092the evidence established that the challenged temporary directive,

6100which suspended travel for certain field contacts, was su bject to

6111the discretion of supervisors to apply or waive on a case - by - case

6126basis. Indeed, it could be said that Petitioner is actually

6136objecting to Respondent ' s retreat from statements of general

6146applicability (the minimum contact standards), which have b een

6155temporarily replaced by review and decision on a case - by - case

6168basis , t he antithesis of statements of general applicability.

617743. The temporary directive also does not meet the

6186definition of a " rule " because it is an " internal management

6196memorandum. " It is difficult to imagine a more compelling case

6206for application of the " internal management memorandum " exclusion

6214from the definition of a " rule " than this case where Respondent

6225was trying to manage its limited resources in the face of a large

6238budget def icit. Respondent ' s imposition of a process requiring

6249its probation officers to request approval from their supervisors

6258before incurring travel expenses for certain field visits and

6267requiring probation officers to justify those travel expenses in

6276advance, on a case - by - case basis, is a pure management function.

6290By its terms, the temporary directive only applies to probation

6300officers and their supervisors.

630444. Petitioner does not contend that the temporary

6312directive affects the private rights of any person. Instead,

6321Petitioner asserts that the temporary directive is not an

6330internal management memorandum " because minimum field contacts

6337are designed for the protection of the community. " Based solely

6347on that contention, Petitioner argues that the tempo rary

6356directive involves a " plan or procedure important to the public "

6366and that the challenged statements have application outside the

6375agency. Petitioner ' s argument does not square with appellate law

6386interpreting these two parts of the " internal management

6394memorandum " provision; Petitioner has not offered any discussion

6402or analysis of the case law suggesting otherwise.

641045. In Department of Revenue v. Novoa , 745 So. 2d 378, 381

6422(Fla. 1st DCA 1999), the court considered whether the Department

6432of Revenue ' s po licy restricting its employees from preparing tax

6444returns for private parties during their non - working hours was an

" 6456internal management memorandum. " In concluding that the policy

6464was an internal management memorandum, the court rejected the

6473contention th at the policy was a " plan or procedure important to

6485the public " and that the policy had application outside the

6495agency, holding instead as follows:

6500The Department ' s policy does not " affect

6508. . . a plan or procedure important to the

6518public. " Members of the general public have

6525no arguable interest in the restrictions an

6532administrative agency imposes on its own

6538employees. Likewise, the policy does not

6544apply " outside the agency. " Because the

6550policy applies only to employees of the

6557Department, no person or fi rm outside the

6565Department could possibly be affected by it.

6572Id. Similarly, in this case, as Petitioner acknowledges, the

6581challenged temporary directive only applies to Respondent ' s

6590probation officers and their supervisors. The directive

6597specifies a pr ocedure for probation officers to request and

6607obtain approval from their supervisors on a case - by - case basis

6620before incurring certain job - related travel expenses. Just as in

6631Novoa , members of the general public have no arguable interest in

6642Respondent ' s ma nagement of its employees. Additionally, even

6652more clearly than in Novoa , the temporary directive at issue here

6663has no application outside the agency, because it only applies to

6674Respondent ' s employees performing their public duties as agency


668546 . At most, Petitioner ' s argument is that , in a general

6698sense, the public at large would consider the supervision of

6708offenders in the community to be important. However, that does

6718not mean that the general public has an arguable interest in the

6730details of the means and methods by which Respondent manages its

6741resources to carry out its supervisory authority so as to make

6752such matters subject to public rulemaking.

675847. Petitioner points to a statute providing rulemaking

6766authority to Respondent that require s rules on various subjects,

6776including the following: " The functions and duties of employees

6785working in the area of community corrections and the operations

6795of probation field and administrative offices. " § 944.09(1)(r),

6803Fla. Stat. However, Respondent h as adopted rules on that

6813subject. In particular, Florida Administrative Code Rule

682033 - 302.1031(1) specifies , as follows , with respect to probation


6831[Correctional Probation Officers] are

6835appointed by the State of Florida under the

6843authority of the Department of Corrections

6849and are responsible for supervision and

6855control of offenders, including the

6860enforcement of conditions of supervision,

6865conducting investigations and initiating

6869arrest of offenders under their supervision

6875as appropriate with or with out warrant.

6882Officers will notify the sentencing or

6888releasing authority whenever the officer has

6894reasonable grounds to believe that a willful

6901violation of any condition of supervision

6907has occurred.

690948. Petitioner has not contended that the myriad of details

6919in Procedure 302.303 -- from recordkeeping procedures to be

6928followed by probation officers, to strategies for officers '

6937initial meetings with offenders and subsequent surveillance and

6945investigation techniques -- should be promulgated as rules with

6954p ublic input. Indeed, the Legislature has made a policy judgment

6965that these internal procedures should not be matters for public


697649. Section 119.071(2), Florida Statutes, provides certain

6983public records exemptions related to agency investiga tions.

6991Paragraph (c) of that subsection states that the following is

7001exempt from the public ' s statutory and constitutional right to

7012access public records: " Any information revealing surveillance

7019techniques or procedures or personnel[.] "

702450. Petitione r has acknowledged that at least portions of

7034Procedure 302.303 should be kept confidential and not disclosed

7043to the public under this provision. However, Petitioner asserts

7052that the details of the minimum contact requirements are not

7062confidential, because Procedure 302.303 contains a definition of

" 7070surveillance " for purposes of that document that excludes actual

7079face - to - face contacts with offenders. Petitioner overlooks the

7090fact that Procedure 302.303 expressly recognizes that minimum

7098contact standards ar e intended to include " gathering information

7107from surveillance and contacts with " family members, neighbors,

7115treatment providers, and others. Thus, " credit " is given towards

7124meeting the minimum contact standards for a variety of

7133surveillance and investiga tion techniques that do not involve

7142face - to - face contact with offenders, because valuable information

7153can be learned other ways. Indeed, since the minimum contact

7163standards are performance standards, even field visits in which a

7173probation officer attempts to contact the offender , but is

7182unsuccessful -- such as a surprise visit to the offender ' s home

7195when he or she is not there -- count towards the probation

7207officer ' s minimum contact requirements under Policy 302.303.

7216Accepting Petitioner ' s argument would mean carving up the minimum

7227contact standards so that parts are confidential surveillance and

7236other parts are not, depending on whether face - to - face contact

7249with the offender is achieved.

725451. Petitioner has not demonstrated, in any event, that

7263Respondent ' s d efinition of " surveillance " for purposes of

7273Procedure 302.303 is the meaning to be ascribed to the

7283Legislature ' s use of that term in section 119.071(2)(c).

7293Instead, the Legislature has shown , by its usage of the term

" 7304surveillance " in probation laws , that surveillance is considered

7312the equivalent of, or at least indivisible from, supervision of

7322offenders. The equivalence of " surveillance " and " supervision "

7329is reflected in the following discussion of drug offender

7338probation by the Florida Supreme Court in Lawson v. State ,

7348969 So. 2d 222, 230 (Fla. 2007):

7355Chapter 948, Florida Statutes (2005), offers

7361a detailed statutory approach to " Probation

7367and Community Control. " Within this

7372chapter, the Legislature created a specific

7378scheme to address defendants who are

" 7384chronic substance abusers, " by authorizing

7389trial courts to " stay and withhold the

7396imposition of sentence and place the

7402defendant on drug offender probation. "

7407§ 948.20, Fla. Stat. Indeed, in Jones v.

7415State , 813 So. 2d 22 (Fla. 2002), we

7423reiterated that " treatment and intensive

7428surveillance , rather than incarceration, is

7433available to defendants who qualify [for

7439drug offender probation] . . . .

7446As defined by statute, drug offender

7452probation is " a form of intensive

7458supervision which emphasizes treatment of

7463drug offenders in accordance with

7468individualized treatment plans. "

7471§ 948.001(4), Fla. Stat. (2005). This is

7478mirrored in section 948.20, which mandates

7484that the Department of Corrections

7489develop and administer a drug

7494offender probation program which

7498emp hasizes a combination of

7503treatment and intensive community

7507supervision approaches and which

7511includes provision of supervision of

7516offenders in accordance with a

7521specific treatment plan. The

7525program may include the use of

7531graduated sanctions consistent with

7535the conditions imposed by the court.

7541Drug offender probation status shall

7546include surveillance and random drug

7551testing , and may include those

7556measures normally associated with

7560community control, except that

7564specific treatment conditions and

7568other treatme nt approaches necessary

7573to monitor this population may be


7580(emphasis added).

758252. In the context presented, there is every reason to give

7593credence to the Florida Supreme Court ' s usage of the word

" 7605surveillance " as interchangeable with " supervisio n. " The

7612specific details of when and how a probation officer will be

7623monitoring his or her offenders should not be details for public

7634consumption, because if those details are public information,

7642they are known to the offenders. Informing offenders of th e

7653precise number of minimum contacts expected from their probation

7662officers arms the offenders with too much information.

767053. The public records exemption for surveillance

7677procedures and techniques reinforces the conclusion suggested by

7685Novoa , supra . The general public has no arguable interest in the

7697procedures adopted by Respondent that apply to its probation

7706officers and that detail how its probation officers carry out

7716their supervision of offenders.

772054. Petitioner failed to prove that the challenged agency

7729statement meets the definition of a rule in section 120.52(16).


7740Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7750Law, it is ORDERED that the Petition for Rule Challenge Pursuant

7761to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes, is dismissed.

7768D ONE AND ORDERED this 25th day of July , 2012 , in

7779Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7787Administrative Law Judge

7790Division of Administrative Hearings

7794The DeSoto Building

77971230 Apalachee Parkway

7800Tallahasse e, Florida 32399 - 3060

7806(850) 488 - 9675

7810Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7817Filed with the Clerk of the

7823Division of Administrative Hearings

7827this 25th day of July , 2012 .


78361/ Unless otherwise indicated, all references to the Florida

7845Sta tutes are to the 2011 codification.

78522/ The Protective Order provides that Joint Exhibit 1 is

7862confidential and subject to specified protection. Joint

7869Exhibit 1 was received in evidence under seal as a non - public

7882part of the record of this proceeding. In addition, it was

7893discovered after the hearing that Exhibit 1 to the Petition

7903(which had been missing from the filed Petition and which

7913Petitioner was allowed to supply post - hearing) actually is an

7924excerpt from Joint Exhibit 1. That excerpt, attached to

7933P etitioner ' s Notice of Filing dated June 12, 2012, also has been

7947placed in the sealed envelope containing Joint Exhibit 1.

79563/ Respondent filed an objection, within the time allowed, to a

79672006 report issued by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and

7978Gov ernment Accountability (OPPAGA report), which is Deposition

7986Exhibit 3 to the deposition of Jenny Nimer, Joint Exhibit 7.

7997Petitioner filed no response to the objection, although time was

8007allowed for responses. Respondent ' s relevancy objection to the

8017OPPAG A report is sustained and , therefore, Deposition Exhibit 3

8027to Joint Exhibit 7 has been removed from the record. It is noted

8040that Petitioner did not refer to the OPPAGA report in any

8051proposed findings of fact or conclusions of law in its proposed

8062final ord er.

80654/ Petitioner contends that Secretary Tucker ' s letter dated

8075March 2, 2012 (Joint Exhibit 10), is evidence that Respondent

8085intends to continue the temporary directives past the end of

8095June 2012. However, Petitioner ' s argument is based on the

8106inaccura te view that the letter ' s reference to resuming field

8118contacts " the next fiscal year " meant that field contacts would

8128resume in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013. Instead, the

8139more reasonable interpretation is that the reference to the " next

8149fiscal y ear " was to the fiscal year immediately following the

8160then - current fiscal year, which would be the fiscal year

8171beginning July 1, 2012. Petitioner ' s interpretation skips an

8181entire fiscal year.

81845/ Before the February 29, 2012, telephone conference, a doc ument

8195dated February 27, 2012, was provided to the conference

8204participants. The February 27 , 2012, document summarizes a

8212somewhat different temporary directive than the descriptions in

8220the two March 2, 2012 , documents (the Reduced Travel Memo and the

8232Tuck er letter). As indicated at the hearing, the February 27,

82432012, document is not considered part of the challenged agency

8253statement because it was not identified as such in the Petition.

8264In addition, the evidence established that the Reduced Travel

8273Memo w as the document provided to probation officers, not the

8284February 27, 2012 document, and it has been the Reduced Travel

8295Memo that has been implemented by circuit administrators and

8304probation supervisors who are reviewing requests for field visits

8313and approv ing them on a case - by - case basis.

83256/ To establish standing to represent its members under the

8335Florida Home Builders test, an organization such as Petitioner

8344must also demonstrate that the interests it seeks to protect are

8355germane to the organization ' s p urpose and that the type of relief

8369requested is appropriate for an organization to receive on behalf

8379of its members. Petitioner has demonstrated that it meets these

8389two criteria; Respondent does not contend otherwise.

83967/ Petitioner ' s representative testi fied at the final hearing

8407that its members are substantially affected (as a layperson would

8417understand that requirement) because they are members of

8425communities concerned with public safety , just as all members of

8435the public. That predicate for standing w as not alleged in the

8447Petition; if it had been properly alleged, it would be an

8458insufficient predicate for standing. Although , in a general

8466sense, the laws vesting Respondent with supervisory authority

8474over offenders are designed as police power laws to p rotect the

8486public safety, that does not mean that all members of the public

8498would have standing in proceedings regarding the means by which

8508Respondent manages its resources to carry out that supervisory

8517authority. Moreover, there was no evidence of a real and

8527immediate injury - in - fact to members of the public generally , as

8540opposed to speculation and conjecture .


8548Ken Tucker, Secretary

8551Department of Corrections

8554501 South Calhoun Street

8558Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2500

8563tucker.kenneth@mail.d c.state.fl.us

8565Dorothy Ridgway, Deputy General Counsel

8570Department of Corrections

8573Office of the General Counsel

8578501 South Calhoun Street

8582Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2500


8588Ken Plante, Coordinator

8591Joint Administrative Proce dures Committee

8596Room 680, Pepper Building

8600111 West Madison Street

8604Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1400


8610Liz Cloud, Program Administrator

8614Administrative Code

8616Department of State

8619R.A. Gray Building, Suite 101

8624Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9


8629Jennifer Parker, General Counsel

8633Department of Corrections

8636501 South Calhoun Street

8640Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2500

8645Holly E. Van Horsten, Esquire

8650Phillips, Richard and Rind, P.A.

8655Suite 283

86579360 Southwest 72nd Street

8661Miami, Flor ida 33173

8665Thomas Barnhart, Esquire

8668Lynette Norr, Esquire

8671Office of the Attorney General

8676The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

8681Tallahassee, Florida 32399


8690A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

8702to ju dicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

8712Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

8722Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing the original

8731notice of administrative appeal with the agency clerk of the

8741Di vision of Administrative Hearings within 30 days of rendition

8751of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the n otice,

8764accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk

8775of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where

8786the agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides or

8797as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/04/2013
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the one-volume Transcript, along with Joint Exhibits numbered 1-10, Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1-5, and Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1-3, to the agency.
Date: 07/25/2012
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 07/25/2012
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held June 6, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/05/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law filed.
Date: 07/05/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 06/25/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Legal Memorandum Supporting Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Exhibit 6 on the Basis of Relevancy filed.
Date: 06/12/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of Exhibit A to the Petition (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/06/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/06/2012
Proceedings: Protective Order.
Date: 06/05/2012
Proceedings: Respondent, Department of Corrections' Notice of Objection to Petitioner's Exhibit 6 filed.
Date: 06/05/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Supplement to Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/04/2012
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/01/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Entry of Protective Order filed.
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: Order (on Respondent's motion for summary final order and Petitioner's motion to extend time to file response).
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File a Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/31/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Response to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/30/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Extend Time to File Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/25/2012
Proceedings: Respondent, Department of Corrections' Motion For Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 05/23/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of Edmiston and K. Schultz) filed.
Date: 05/09/2012
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 6, 2012; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/09/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by May 10, 2012).
Date: 05/02/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Continue filed.
Date: 05/02/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 05/01/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 04/30/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/26/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/24/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/04/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance as Co-Counsel (Lynette Norr) filed.
Date: 04/04/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Lynette Norr) filed.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/02/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 14, 2012; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for April 2, 2012; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Thomas Barnhart) filed.
Date: 03/29/2012
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 03/28/2012
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Claudia Llado copying Ken Plante and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 03/27/2012
Proceedings: Petition for Rule Challenge Pursuant to Section 120.56, Florida Statutes filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Corrections


Related Florida Statute(s) (18):